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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<phschafft> mau.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57585] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 98166ebe04ef - network: Do not apply ethernet headers for loopback devices.
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<coolcoder613_32> Hi cracken
<cracken> Hi!
<cracken> First time using haiku rn
<cracken> Figured I would give it a go on an old hp I had lying around
<coolcoder613_32> I remember my first time using Haiku... I wanted to be quadruple booting..
<coolcoder613_32> Also on an old HP laptop
<cracken> Oh lol
<coolcoder613_32> So.. now i have 3 computers that mainly run Haiku
<phschafft> coolcoder613_32++
<coolcoder613_32> That HP laptop
<cracken> Im thinking of booting this with icaros/aros also to have fun with that, if you're familiar
* coolcoder613_32 is not
<coolcoder613_32> An old 32-bit desktop (What i am using now)
<phschafft> aros is the one of kitty?
<coolcoder613_32> and a thinkpad
<cracken> Yeah its the one with the cat mascot
* phschafft nods.
<cracken> I was wondering why apps kept jumping behind vision but I realized I turned on auto raise by accident lol
<cracken> Was about to ask how to change that
<cracken> Has anyone here used emacs on haiku?
<cracken> If I imported my config from linux would everything work like I expect?
<coolcoder613_32> try it
<cracken> That I will
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<cracken> Huh, weird. Emacs just crashes after loading. But weirdly if I copy my init.el into the emacs folder it'll launch and execute everything until after my calls to different repos it seems, then it crashes. Replacing my config with a blank init.el just crashes at start, same as if I had no init.el in the first place. I'll have to look into this a bit more later
<cracken> Maybe because I'm on a 32 bit system
<cracken> Dont know if that effects some packages here
<coolcoder613_32> why 32-bit?
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<cracken> The computer I'm using has an athlon in it
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<cracken> Hi guys! I've been messing around with haiku for a bit now and I've been experiencing a major issue, that being I can't boot in without using VESA. I'm using a hp compaq 5750 which has an amd xpress 1150 graphics card, both I've read should be officially supported in the 64 stable release though correct me if that's wrong. I considered making a bug report but I want to know if theres anything I can do before I do that.
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<augiedoggie> can't boot? it hangs or it gives you a kernel panic?
<cracken> I just get a blank screen after the haiku screen when loading
<augiedoggie> sounds similar to some bugs in trac
<cracken> Ah I guess only the 1100 is supported then? Was looking at this to see if mine was supported
<augiedoggie> i see a closed ticket from a long time ago saying the 1150 works
<augiedoggie> also, how long did you wait at the black screen? when my radeon did work with haiku i would get an absurdly long black screen at startup
<cracken> I waited like a minute at most
<augiedoggie> yeah, i think it was only ~10-12 seconds for me
<augiedoggie> you can fill out another ticket with the relevant info and the devs will close it if it's a duplicate
<cracken> Aye, thank you
<augiedoggie> better to have dupes than not reported at all
<cracken> True
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hello
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> is the mailing list properly?
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> my mailing list isn't working properly
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> now it's
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<Begasus> hi PriyanshuGupta[m], glad is working for you
<Begasus> is/it's*
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b6b36b5 - caffe, remove reference to python2.7 (#10114)
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<phschafft> good morning.
<Kokito> Good evening phschafft
<phschafft> all good?
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<Kokito> All good here. You?
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<phschafft> similar here. :)
<Kokito> Good! ;)
<phschafft> I just found to super similar functions, now wondering what that is about, maybe I can kill one of them.
<phschafft> and the answer is... no. ;)
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<phschafft> hey, that saved 294 bytes, while I just wanted to fix a bug, this is a very welcome change.
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<Begasus> Hi
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<BrunoSpr> Hello Begasus, did you port Handbrake 1.5? If so, is the new Version 1.7 not working yet?
<Begasus> don't think so BrunoSpr, but maybe could look into the newer version
<Begasus> got a recipe for 1.7.3, must be a reason I din't push it yet :)
<BrunoSpr> Begasus, yes that would be fine
<Begasus> ah! ../libhb/encsvtav1.c:16:10: fatal error: svt-av1/EbSvtAv1ErrorCodes.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> knew there was an error I couldn't fix yet :)
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<BrunoSpr> Ah, anyway nice to have the 1.5.1 Version for now, thank you...
<Begasus> that was from 3dEyes :)
<BrunoSpr> ah, ok thanks @3dEyes
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<BrunoSpr> The website for Handbrake will not open in Web+, but in Falcon. Maybe better to use the Github account for reference there?
<BrunoSpr> brb
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<waddlesplash> any other HaikuPorts people experienced this? Begasus?
<waddlesplash> (and any chance it happens with any smaller package?)
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<andreaa72> about bepascal : i am crazy ... i am pascal xD
<Begasus> happens quite frequent yes waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> more recently?
<waddlesplash> any "smaller" ports it happens with?
<Begasus> think a few days back I had it again, package size doesn't really matter
<waddlesplash> I mean smaller than the ones 3deyes listed
<waddlesplash> ok, well if you find a package it happens with that isn't quite so large, let me know
<waddlesplash> would make testing much easier
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<Begasus> happened at least with smaller ones then mentioned
<Begasus> it's hard to track, sometimes there isn't an issue, and after a second build or so it just pops up
<Begasus> I know OscarL also experienced it
<Begasus> I run "hp -F" mostly to get over it
<Begasus> will keep an eye on it and also try to see if in syslog something pops up
<waddlesplash> thnx
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* nephele looks at own nick nephe low endian
<dovsienko> hello
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: thank you for making the changes, do I need to do anything special to get onto hrev57585?
<dovsienko> if it only takes to wait 24 hours and to run "pkgman update", that's perfectly acceptable, I have another bug to fix meanwile
<waddlesplash> that version is probably already built
<waddlesplash> just "pkgman full-sync" to get it, I think
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0a26f34 - caffe, remove python2 leftover (#10115)
<dovsienko> it probably didn't make it into the nightly build window: suggests installing hrev57581-1
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL
<OscarL> Hola Begasus :-)
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<Begasus> k, let's see if we can get swift-lang bumped to python3.10
<OscarL> good luck with that! :-D
<OscarL> "Fetching package for haiku >= r1~beta4_hrev57578-1" <<< LOL Wut?!?!
<nephele> OscarL?
<Begasus> something messed up versioning?
<OscarL> I'm running beta4... no idea why it wants me to download a nightly ?
<Begasus> jikes!
<Begasus> that's plain wrong ...
<Begasus> OscarL, is that with updating the systtem or something pulling it in?
<Begasus> maybe a package build on nightly*
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<Oscar-L> Oops! Power went down :-D
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<OscarL> a storm is comming this way, it seems.
<Begasus> stay safe!
<OscarL> Begasus: was trying to run a build for uncrustify 0.78.1
<Begasus> so some dependency pulled it in?
<OscarL> Will have to double check... once the VM decides to start :-/
<Begasus> "boot" it :)
* OscarL kicks the thing with both legs at the same time. Did not ended well for him.
* OscarL runs his "system_installed_packages_built_by_me()" bash function.
<Begasus> :D
<Begasus> which: no ninja in (.:/boot/home/config/non-packaged/bin:/boot/home/config/bin:/boot/system/non-packaged/bin:/bin:/boot/system/apps:/boot/system/preferences)
<Begasus> who wrote that recipe?
<jmairboeck> missing BUILD_PREREQUIRES cmd:ninja?
<Begasus> yeah, but still no go (seems it's using "cmake --build")
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<jmairboeck> then you'll need to unset cmake because of haikuporter's alias
<jmairboeck> or switch to invoking ninja directly
<Begasus> did you have a look there? ;) no wonder it's not enabled :D
<Begasus> k, manual calling build-script in the directory seems to launch it
<jmairboeck> what are you trying to build? (missed that I think)
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<Begasus> swift_lang 4*
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<louis77> perhaps naïve question, in which C++ standard is Haiku written in?
<nosycat> Dunno, but that's a legit question. Considering the project's age, the oldest parts could still be C++98.
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<Begasus> currently on gcc13, not sure if gcc2 is still used in building 32bit
<jmairboeck> everything that is written with gcc2 as target is using only C++98 because gcc 2 doesn't understand anything newer
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<nosycat> gcc 2.x is still preinstalled in 32-bit beta 4
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<jmairboeck> and C89, which is probably even "less convenient" (no declarations in the middle of blocks, no line comments)
<nephele> louis77: depends. We use gcc2 for some system components that need ABI compat with BeOS
<jmairboeck> the weird thing is, it does support these in C++ mode, but not for C
<nephele> for everything else it's pretty modern compiler toolchains
<nephele> 64bit is compiled with the normal toolchain only for example
<nosycat> But there's no explicit requirement on the C++ standard to use?
<jmairboeck> I think the new netservices use newer C++ features as well
<nephele> for the parts that don't need BeOS compat, no.
<nephele> If the ABI can be kept compatible with a newer toolchain then it would also not matter for that part
<nephele> it's just currently only gcc2 that can. But there were some ideas to for example add support in llvm to support the ABI
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<nosycat> That would be an interesting development.
<nephele> some patterns like exceptions are not used at all, even if the toolchain supports them
<nephele> the new libnetservices is kind of a testbed for supporting some newer features
<nephele> figure out what works for us and doesn't :)
<nosycat> But that's more of a tacit convention?
<nephele> hmm. Well, new code in the kits follows the style that was there before. And there exist no exceptions in the api because they werent around then
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<nosycat> Makes sense!
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<nephele> that could change if the experiemtns in new netservices are positive anyhow ;)
<nephele> mostly stuff that would be changed after R1 though, probably
<nephele> first getting a solid release out, then change everything xD
<nosycat> Agreed. There's a similar situation with the FLTK library.
<nosycat> It was first released literally in the same year as the '98 standard.
<nosycat> That means pre-standard C++. No STL, no nothing.
<nephele> haiku uses the c++ standard lib only sparingly. We have equivalent things for many things
<louis77> I'm sorry I think I got cut off from IRC without noticing... so which was it? :)
<nosycat> And there's always the question of what new language features to adopt without changing too much.
<nephele> hi louis77, you can check the log. There is a link in the room topic
<nephele> not sure how much you missed
<louis77> oh thx I'll check it
<nephele> nosycat: indeed! some stuff maybe just doesn't work for us
<OscarL> no idea why I'm still getting that "haiku >= r1~beta4_hrev57578". /me runs a pkgman full-sync, and cries seeing noto_*_cjk in that list.
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<nosycat> louis77, short version: some system components stick to C++98 or even older on 32-bit editions, otherwise there's no hard rule.
<nephele> OscarL: that "crying" should soon be less
* OscarL crosses fingers :-)
<nephele> if i understand correctly that patch on gerrit will load variants from otf files too
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<nephele> i looked at the freetype api and it exposes them quite wierd... but the TL;DR is that for us as an api consumer we can just pretend it's a normal "old" non-variant font
<OscarL> can't we "pin" some packages :-D (thinking I should create fake noto_*_cjk packages, so Haiku doesn't tryies to unninstall itself completely, just because I want that package gone :-P)
<nephele> I don't understand why you would want it gone
<nosycat> There are quite a few nice-to-have features one could wish were in pkgman.
<OscarL> I have no need for those.
<nephele> proper font coverage is definetely one thing the OS should ensure, they don't take that much space, and i have no idea how the app_server would behave if you delete this hardcoded font from the drive
<Begasus> OscarL, I guess those using noto-cjk have no need for the regular noto package also :)
<nephele> haikus font selection really is quite narrow, but very good coverage
<nephele> Begasus: thats definetely wrong
<Begasus> no idea nephele :) just a though
<nephele> unless they don't use arabic numbers, and don't ever see english text
<Begasus> afk for a bit
<OscarL> nephele: I'm not advocating for their removal from Haiku... just from MY system.
<nephele> OscarL: ¯\_(ツ)_/
<nephele> ^ Noto CJK character used
<nephele> I understand. But my question is "why"? The power of defaults is strong, and especially in Haiku i'm trying to rather upstream any behaviour changes so i don't have to redo everything all the time ;)
<nephele> But i don't understand why you want that package gone so badly. If it's the case of "full-sync" that won't work. Because it will delete your fake package every time since it is unobtainable
<OscarL> if the package wasn't so DAMN big, my network so slow...
<OscarL> OR if I had a local "update proxy" so keeping many Haiku installs properly updated wasn't such a PITA, I wouldn't mind so much.
<OscarL> regarding the removal of fake packages... thus my question about pinning packages.
<nephele> don't use full-sync
<nephele> easy
<nephele> full-sync is ment to synchronize your package state with the server, even by deleting packages
<nephele> so if that isn't what you want use pkgman update, and potentially only with the packages you want to update as arguments
<nephele> pkgman full-sync is, in debian equivalent to a "apt-get dist-upgrade"
<OscarL> whatever... I'm just trying to solve this weird "letme install a random nigthly over you beta4" that haikuporter is pulling on me.
<nephele> you have some package that wasn't build on beta4
<OscarL> no shit.
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<OscarL> ran `package list -i $f | grep "requires: haiku"` for every single package I have installed... not a single match for "hrev57578"
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<nephele> well, yes. if you had any installed you could not run beta4?
<OscarL> same by searching for that on "haikuports/repository".
<OscarL> will nuke that repository, and let haikuporter run dependencies again. Sigh :-(
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<Begasus> clang: error: unable to execute command: Executable "ld.lld" doesn't exist!
<Begasus> what am I missing here?
<Begasus> this works from Terminal but not with haikuporter ...
<augiedoggie> do you have the llvm16_lld package in the requirements?
<Begasus> nvm, found it :)
<Begasus> right missing that augiedoggie
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<nephele> Begasus: ld.lld is the linker from llvm
<nephele> oh, already solved. nvm then
<nephele> :)
<Begasus> k, build launched :)
<OscarL> too bad ActivityMonitor doesn't has graphs for I/O activity. Would be fun to document my HDD's pain while doing `haikuporter --repository-update` :-P
<OscarL> "real 7m15,246s", welp... not THAT bad.
<Begasus> the lld packages don't conflict with eachother, packaging error?
<jmairboeck> don't they all provide commands with the same name?
<Begasus> same binaries
<OscarL> Still getting that "Fetching package for haiku >= r1~beta4_hrev57578-1"... build finished OK. No idea what's going on.
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<Begasus> used the one from LLVM17 that's installed just now, so that's ok, but still
<OscarL> "chroot has these package" only lists "haiku-r1~beta4_hrev56578_95-1", as expected, lol.
<Begasus> ah, seen that passing by once or twice too OscarL
<Begasus> maybe switched between them at one point?
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<OscarL> Not that I recall. I even have a nightly on bare metal on this same machine. use the same haikuports tree from both, but even after nuking "haikuports/repository" and "haikuports/packages", that should cause no issues, AFAIK.
<Begasus> OscarL, any idea on this? ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'AttributeNodes'
<OscarL> noup. for what package?
<Begasus> used in the swift_lang build
<OscarL> Fedora seems to have some patches mentioning that module:
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<Begasus> looks like python2 thing?
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<OscarL> yup. Seems that Fedora had at some point a patch for that, but even that got removed (from seeing the link above).
<OscarL> maybe it was needed for older versions?
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<Begasus> could be, also keep in mind this is still the 4* version, upstream is already at 5.9.2
<OscarL> only mention of "hrev57578" I can find... in a comment on the python3.10 recipe. And now, after doing a clean build of uncrustify... no more "Fetching" of that haiku version.
<OscarL> wonder if I need an exorcist for this install ;-)
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> "Running the tests is as simple as: > ctest" <<< LIAR!! >>> "No test configuration file found!" is what that gives :-P
<nephele> > wonder if I need an exorcist for this install ;-)
<nephele> If you'd like, you can give me ssh access. I will make that problem appear tame by comparison
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<nephele> ;)
<OscarL> I'm behind 7 proxies, thou! :-P
* phschafft waves to nephele.
<nephele> hi phschafft
<phschafft> all good (all of you)?
<nephele> I am fine
<nephele> playtesting a game with someone
<nephele> (and soon package it for haiku)
<phschafft> :)
<nosycat> I'm good. Been learning Vala.
<Begasus> now we need a vala IDE? :P
<nosycat> Nah.
<OscarL> Mmm, will need to add more RAM to this VM to run uncrustify tests :-D
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<OscarL> "Out of memory" at last for one of the tests... after 572 seconds of floating around 2040 MB out of 2048 total.
<OscarL> This is actually holding up way better than I expected, given that memory usage.
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<BiPolar> Damn! peaked at 6200 MiB, and one of the test still died with OOM. I'm *not* enabling swap for you uncrustify!
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* nephele laughs in 32GB physical memory
<BiPolar> Oh yeah? /me does a sum() of ALL his DIMMs.... eh... can't even complete 24 GB :-D
<nephele> well, i have a good justification
<nephele> this machine is supposed to compile haikuwebkit
<nephele> does a clean build in 48minutes weeee
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<nephele> my main computer i use haiku on has like 4gb and an i3
<BiPolar> I'm happy when a Python build takes me less than 30 minutes :-D
* phschafft goes back to his 2kB.
<BiPolar> damn, now even git is laughing at my slow PC: "It took 23,70 seconds to enumerate untracked files / See 'git help status' for information on how to improve this."
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<Begasus> k, let's save this small patch before I forget :)
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<nephele> I get that often too
<nephele> it's related to how fast git can access files on disk iirc
<nephele> for big repos i just turn this off entirely
<BiPolar> I have "commit.status=false" and usually use status with -uno, but yeah.. slow HDD+big repo... first gits ops are ALL slow here :-D
<nephele> sadly it's slow even with M.2 SSD :(
<nephele> kind of hoping waddlesplash has some time to improve that one of these days, maybe :D
<nephele> #makegitfast
<nephele> it's like one of the major pains of developing on haiku that git is so slow
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<BiPolar> not only git, but deleting a "work" dir can take A LOT of time when the file count is, say > 10k
<nephele> i think it's mostly a problem with many small files
<BiPolar> and sometimes it freezes, you can't open other apps, or even close them, until something "unfreezes" :-D
<nephele> (though, on the other hand that this isn't a single api call for the FS where it deletes the folder and cleans it up in it's own time is beyond me)
<nephele> maybe you need a tree based fs for that
* BiPolar remember using deltree on DOS :-(
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<bitigchi[m]> What kind of CPU load bar widget Slayer uses?
<bitigchi[m]> I don’t understand anything at all from the source code
<waddlesplash> nephele: git isn't too bad for me... faster than on Windows I think
<nephele> waddlesplash: really? Well I've never used it on windows but it's waaaaay slower than on Linux, FreeBSD, Macos for me :(
<nephele> running git status in the webkit checkout takes 90 seconds or more for untracked changes alone
<BiPolar> bitigchi[m]: /boot/system/develop/headers/private/interface/ColumnTypes.h:class GraphColumn ?
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<BiPolar> as in... BColumnListView with GraphColumns in it.
<bitigchi[m]> BiPolar: Looks to be it. Thank you!
<BiPolar> np!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL d224508 - uncrustify: update to version 0.78.1 (#10121)
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<AlienSoldier> nephele native game?
<nephele> Somewhat. It uses irrlichtMT, and thus sdl2
<AlienSoldier> Got rayman Origin today, quite late to the party, very good platformer.
<AlienSoldier> nephele seem a nice engine, give at least dreamcast level 3d engine.
<nephele> well, it's a 2d game :)
<AlienSoldier> at one point 3d game almost become playable, i surely should be able to lay playstation 1 3d only qiht my cpu.
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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: I did a few greps in Haiku repository to get the hang of interface flags, and it seems IFF_RUNNING isn't used, but IFF_UP is
<dovsienko> also there is IFF_LINK, which ifconfig prints as "link" and which directly corresponds to Ethernet link status on my virtual Intel 1000 in the VM
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<dovsienko> so I thought this could be mapped into libpcap to replace the current "Connection status unknown" with the link status where applicable
<dovsienko> however, tap interface has the same IFT_ value and it seems to have IFF_LINK nailed up. is there a better way to tell a tap interface from an Ethernet interface in the POSIX space?
<dovsienko> or at least in the Haiku C space
<dovsienko> that is, better that comparing the first two characters of the interface name with "tap"
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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: I tried adding some code to manage IFF_PROMISC on the network interface. one thing that does not make sense is that SIOCGIFFLAGS works on both AF_INET and AF_LINK, but SIOCSIFFLAGS works only on AF_INET (no problem, I use both)
<dovsienko> another thing is that after closing the socket the interface still retains IFF_PROMISC (I gather that's what allows ifconfig to manage interface flags and then to exit without restoring the old values)
<dovsienko> so I tried a call to clear IFF_PROMISC in pcap_cleanup_haiku(), and it works, but it seems it would not work well when the user has run "ifconfig xxx promisc" beforehand and wanted it to stay this way, but now tcpdump would unset IFF_PROMISC on exit
<dovsienko> also multiple tcpdump/Wireshark copies would fight to set/unset the flags and cause unwanted effects to each other
<dovsienko> do you think it would be better not to manage IFF_PROMISC from libpcap at all, or to accept the potetial disadvantages of multiple processes trying to manage the same flag?
<dovsienko> it would not be difficult to remember what IFF_PROMISC was at the activation time and to restore it during cleanup, if it helps
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