ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
TMM has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
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<phschafft> nephele is now gone. :(
<erysdren> looks like the matrix bridge died
<phschafft> yes, but he died before. ;)
<phschafft> just finished a little example for him with my new shell.
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<coolcoder613> phschafft: Your new shell?
<phschafft> for my research micro-os or whatever you want to call it I replaced the old shell with a new one.
<coolcoder613> The one for microcontrollers?
<phschafft> yes.
<coolcoder613> Can you give me an overview of what your OS is like?
<phschafft> I can try.
<phschafft> keep in mind the size of the target: 2kB RAM, 1kB EEPROM, 32kB Flash (read only while running).
<phschafft> the core is a database. it holds all your stuff including the system components.
<phschafft> this includes a number of programs that you can run as you like. the shell is one of those programs and auto-started for new sessions.
<phschafft> the database is stored both on the Flash (read only part) and the filesystem that is on the 1kB EEPROM.
<erysdren> so what is this little device anyway
<erysdren> i forgot
<phschafft> hm?
<coolcoder613> So the database is like the ROM with the OS, and the filesystem is for user data
<phschafft> no, the database uses both the read only storage and the filesystem.
<phschafft> the filesystem is basically just a support layer for the database.
<phschafft> (to partion the linear address space of the EEPROM into variable sized chunks)
<coolcoder613> So there are readonly and readwrite parts of the database?
<phschafft> yes and no.
<phschafft> the user doesn't know about that.
<phschafft> you can write to whatever you want and the database logic will do the rest for you.
<coolcoder613> If you write to an entry, it is moved to EEPROM?
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<phschafft> so for example if you want to add an alias for a program you can just add another name to that program.
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<phschafft> then everything about the program is still in the flash, only the additional name is in the EEPROM.
<coolcoder613> What if you change something?
<phschafft> the idea is that you have revsions, so if you want to remove an information you need to have a new revsion, which then can be stored as a delta in the EEPROM.
<phschafft> sitenote: the datastructure is the standard datastructure we use at work, so all this is not specific to this platform.
<coolcoder613> What else does it provide, besides data storage?
<phschafft> basic hardware drivers.
<phschafft> so for example support for the serial port I'm using to connect to the system.
<phschafft> but as this is all abstracted, that doesn't need to be a serial port.
<phschafft> for example I can also redirect a file into a program.
* coolcoder613 wonders if a BASIC interpreter could be implemented/ported for this OS
<phschafft> if you like, sure.
<phschafft> hm.
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<phschafft> massive files.
<phschafft> don't want to say no, but seems to be some work to port that.
<phschafft> I'm also not too sure about the space.
<coolcoder613> Or a compiled BASIC?
<erysdren> well, that defeats the point of BASIC doesn't it?
<erysdren> a little bit, at least
<coolcoder613> The original Dartmouth BASIC was compiled
<coolcoder613> interactive, but compiled
<erysdren> oh huh
<phschafft> coolcoder613: I mean I have erysdren's VM already.
<phschafft> (and I hope to add a few more features to it at some point)
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<coolcoder613> If it could run IBM ROM BASIC or GW-BASIC...
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<phschafft> you have 1kB of RAM to the guest.
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<scanty> hello all
<phschafft> mau scanty.
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<OscarL> Mmm, I wonder if compiles against xlibe :-D
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<OscarL> alternatively... how hard it would be to have a Haiku/BeAPI version instead.
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<OscarL> maybe erysdren could answer those :-P
<OscarL> with some side-dishes of scanty... helping with BDirectWindow code :-D
<scanty> brb
<scanty> back.
<scanty> OscarL: I finally fixed the bug I had with BWindowScreen. Pretendo now has Full Screen support!
<OscarL> WOOOHOOO! way to go scanty! :-D
<OscarL> Awesomo! Congratz, man!
<scanty> I'm overjoyed.
<scanty> I'm over the moon, I'm so happy
<scanty> took at least 2 or 3 days
<OscarL> Fantastic. Happy here too. Both for you, and for us, Haiku users :-D
<OscarL> Will be nice to see it hit the Depot when ready!
<scanty> yeah.... i have to polish some code, get rid of some debug code, then I think i'm going to put a beta into the Depot
<scanty> and I found a bug in BDirectWindow, so I'm going to sign up for trac and report it.
<scanty> i think the problem is that we don't have a hardware cursor yet.
<OscarL> I think we had HW cursor at some point, but that got disabled LOOOONG ago. I might not be recalling things right, thou.
<scanty> yeah
<OscarL> scanty: is the bug the fact that the cursor gets overriten?
<scanty> as you can see in the picture, the cursor leaves trails when you move it over the window
<scanty> i dont' really know what causes the bug, but a hardware cursor is all i have to go on.
<OscarL> lol, yeah... can see that. far mor annoying than the pointer getting overriten, as seen in Chart :-D
<waddlesplash> scanty: this is expected behavior
<waddlesplash> when there's no hardware cursor
<waddlesplash> you should probably just disable the cursor in your direct views
<waddlesplash> or, really, for 2D console emulators, not use BDirectWindow at all.
* OscarL prefers to suffer some cursor-desintegration in Chart with BDirectWindow, than high CPU usage of DrawBitmap
<scanty> i worked too hard on BDirectWindow to not use it.
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<scanty> all drawing is now mmx accelerated
<OscarL> scanty: maybe take a look at what Chart does? With Animation set to Off, and Display set to DirectWindow... moving the cursor doesn't seems to "overwrite" the (static) background.
<scanty> sound as well.
<scanty> is there source code to Chart?
<scanty> but yeah, i see what you're talking about
<scanty> no trails in chart
<scanty> thanks, i'll take a look
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<scanty> i probably smoked a million cigarettes working on this bug.
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<scanty> wow, this code is from 1998
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<OscarL> I think you just misspelt "yesterday", sir.
<scanty> me?
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* OscarL likes to pretend it is still 1998
<phschafft> OscarL++
<scanty> hehe
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* phschafft looks up from his 1973 OS/8 manual.
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<scanty> waddlesplash: so this is a bug i don't need to report, correct?
<waddlesplash> nah
<scanty> k
<OscarL> phschafft: /me got a "D.O.S. Advanced Operator" "title" in 1991 :-/
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<scanty> can't find anything about a cursor yet...
<scanty> lots of code here
<erysdren> OscarL: tbh i haven't used the Be/Haiku API very much, but i'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to write a version for doomgeneric
<phschafft> OscarL: the strange thing is that I'm not that old.
<OscarL> erysdren: understood :-). Just landed on doomgeneric, after reading about your quakegeneric, and as you're our resident "old-game-porter"... :-D
<phschafft> I just think I have a computer knowledge that spans a bigger timespan than that of most.
<erysdren> i'm happy to take that title :D
<phschafft> for most people it seems that 90% of their computer knowledge is about the first ten years they worked with computers.
<phschafft> they are not intrested in what was before, and after they figured out how to do what they want they don't care about new stuff.
<erysdren> unfortunately that's most people's attitude to anything
<OscarL> phschafft: sounds about right, from what I see.
<OscarL> (and do :-P)
<phschafft> erysdren: yes.
<phschafft> I think this has also an emotional context. like stuff from the past is 'bad' and current stuff is 'the evil!'.
<OscarL> k, managed to make `cat /dev/power/acpi_ac` and `cat /dev/power/acpi_lid` to NOT use 100% CPU time, and actually end.
<scanty> is there a way to show the date in Deskbar clock?
<scanty> i see the calendar pops up when you click on it....
<OscarL> scanty, either toolip, or you can make it show the day of the week. Not sure about actual full date.
<scanty> ah, tooltip is fine.
<scanty> thanks :^)
<OscarL> np!
<scanty> mmm hundreds of channels, and nothing on TV.
* coolcoder613 wants to be the old-game-porter
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<coolcoder613> Hey, I have an idea...
<OscarL> acpi_thermal outputs human readable text when you `cat` it. Wonder if acpi_ac/acpi_lid should do the same (instead of returing 0x01 or 0x00).
<coolcoder613> A portathon, like a hackathon
<OscarL> one can could always use ioctl if a programs wants the data in a machine readable struct, right?
* OscarL thinks he will apply the old trick: submit to Gerrit a known sub-par solution, and trigger reviewers into suggesting better approaches :-D
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<scanty> OscarL: are you working on a driver?
<OscarL> only doing testing and minor janitorial work on what Haiku already has.
<scanty> ah
<OscarL> I have written a couple of simple drivers, thou I'm almost never really certain about what I'm doing :-D
<scanty> i wrote a simple parallel port driver back in the BeOS days
<OscarL> got two added to Haiku, one even ships on regular images! :-D
<scanty> so i could use my NES ROM dumper and dev kit
<scanty> cool!
<OscarL> scanty: re parallel port: nice! do you still have that somewhere?
<scanty> unfortunately not, but i could probably remember enough to allow for simple I/O
<OscarL> I'm not sure about the state of our parallel port driver... certainly not included on the regular images.
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<scanty> i used ioctl() to change the current port and read/write to do IO
<OscarL> I have a parallel port on this PC (after finally finding a proper header to connect to the motherboard :-D)
<scanty> it was simple, but worked for my needs
<OscarL> would be nice to make use of it from Haiku, even to light some leds!
<OscarL> cheap Blinkenlights!
<scanty> indeed
<OscarL> also... to have a Parallel-Joystick? (if I only still had my Atari 2600 clone ones :-D)
<OscarL> heck... I still have a few Arcade buttons and sticks (the ones with simple microswitches).
<HaikuUser> hi all! can i view my browsing history with terminal? i browsed videos with qmplay2 , but it crashed and links are lost. cani find it somehow? thx
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<OscarL> scanty: Would be nice to hook up those, and use it for MAME (and Pretendo!) on Haiku :-D
<OscarL> Hello HaikuUser! First off... wellcome!
<scanty> yeah, i'll have to check my backups, i might have the code somewhere, but either way, it wouldn't be too hard to duplicate.
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<OscarL> HaikuUser: tried googling if QMPlay2 keeps logs somewhere? /me does a search now. Got curious.
<OscarL> I'm not finding anything useful, HaikuUser, sorry. If QMPlay2 didn't kept a playlist or logs somewhere, I think you're out of luck :-(
<scanty> nothing interesting in Chart.
<OscarL> bummer :-/
<scanty> eh, no big deal, i'm just happy i got full screen working
<scanty> we'll get a hard cursor eventually
<HaikuUser> ok, thx:((((
<OscarL> scanty: one can hope... but also... lots of us live with either VESA (BIOS) or framebuffer (EFI) driver.
<scanty> yeah
<OscarL> plenty fast for most things, but... has its limitations.
<scanty> yeah, i'm actually surprised how fast the vesa driver actually is.
<OscarL> I was expecting Chart to either do some trick with "re-drawing the area under the cursor", or some clever trick with clipping regions, or something like that.
<scanty> yeah, i didn't really understand most of the code
<scanty> i think it uses a directwindow in conjunction with a bview
<OscarL> it *is* doing something :-D
<Al2O3> scanty sorry been off line for a while, hope all is well :)
<OscarL> great... now power_daemon's "_power_daemon_even_loop_" thread is eating 100% of my CPU :-(
<scanty> Al2O3: all is good. i squashed a monster bug a few hours ago, and i'm super happy
<Al2O3> sweet
<Al2O3> splat is a good sound
<scanty> hehe
<Al2O3> sometimes 10 years of time can make for a better productive time with code.
<scanty> i'm going to try and finish the 6502 stuff this week. i'm sorry but i got sidetracked with my NES emulator
<Al2O3> no worries
<Al2O3> glad to keep on the sidelines and cheer you on.
<scanty> cool, i know you've been very patient with me about it, and i appreciate that
<Al2O3> look forward to whatever you have.
<Al2O3> :)
<scanty> :^)\
<scanty> :^)
<scanty> glad to be able to listen to FLACs, too
<scanty> with no CPU apparent CPU usage
<scanty> no apparent CPU usage*
<Al2O3> that is nice
<OscarL> which CPU? (flac ain't THAT hard to decode, IIRC)
<scanty> quad core xeon @ 3.2GHz
<OscarL> speaking of low CPU usage while playing mp3s... SoundPlay was certainly doing some magic back then...
<scanty> i miss soundplay
<OscarL> too bad I sucked at reverse-engineering, and that its code was pretty obfuscated to avoid the likes of me :-D
<scanty> i think it used some undocumented apis or something strange like that, so it couldn't be ported, but don't quote me on that
<scanty> it probablly works on haiku 32-bit, since it's beos binary compatible
<scanty> but don't quote me on that either ^_^
<OscarL> I remember running it with some profiler that did nice CPU usage graphics back then... it almost looked like SoundPlay was either doing magic, or cheating :-D
<scanty> yeah, it could even play mp3s backwards
<scanty> which is kind of interesting
<OscarL> SoundPlay... "the WinZip of BeOS" (as in... most had it installed at some point, but mostly only the shareware version :-D)
<OscarL> What I still "mourn" is the lack of CL-Amp sources :-(
<scanty> i bought soundplay for beos back in the day
<scanty> it was only $12
<scanty> figured it was a good investmnet
<scanty> investment*
<scanty> i liked CL-Amp too.
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* OscarL is poor AF, and only bouth software (extremely cheap games on Steam) first time in 2023 :-(
<scanty> i was working at that time
<scanty> before i got ill
<OscarL> only on 2023 I got a valid form of international payment :-D (just Argentine-things... oh well).
<scanty> ah
<scanty> do you get it monthly?
<OscarL> I mean... my debit card was only good for local market, till just last year.
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<scanty> i see.... i get paid monthly as i am unable to work right now, so i am on disability, and the goverment here pays me every month
<OscarL> and doing "international banking things" was (and is) outside of my budget.
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<OscarL> scanty: I got dignosed some 25+ years ago. Was lucky enough to have a "good run" working for EPSON Argentina for a few years...
<scanty> luckily i had worked a lot before i got ill so i get a decent sized check every month
<scanty> ah i see
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<scanty> so how old are you now, if you don't mind my asking?
<OscarL> then we all got laid of... but between the severance, and my CRAZY savings (I'm CHEAP)... managed to get me a cheap house, and a slightly less cheap house that I rent (that's my only income)
<OscarL> scanty: about to turn out 47 in a couple days :-D
<scanty> ah, okay. i'm 41
<OscarL> get off my lawn! :-P
<scanty> hehe
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<scanty> alll right, bed time for me
<scanty> nice chatting, OscarL
<OscarL> sleep well scanty!
<scanty> good night :-)
<OscarL> same!
<OscarL> mmm, now acpi_lid always returns 0x01, LOL.
<OscarL> returns 0x00 after a reboot. Go figure.
<OscarL> closed the lid, called `hexdump /dev/power/acpi_lid/0`... still got a 0x00. Opened the lid... now `hexdump /dev/power/acpi_lid/0` returns 0x01.
<OscarL> hard to figure out what's what :-D (at least reads now return immediatily instead going on "forever" and pegging the CPU).
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<OscarL> Aha! Closed the lid again, read returned 0x00, and after opening .. read 0x01!
<OscarL> So... seems it is the first "read" the one that's faulty... the 0x00 when the lid is open, until you close it at least once.
<OscarL> guess an app making use of acpi_lid should only care for changes in state then?
<OscarL> (to trigger things like "sleep mode", or whatever)
<phschafft> erysdren: ...and... a null device is now also implemented. :)
<OscarL> Good enough for me. Will send small patch to Gerrit, and call it a day :-D
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<OscarL> git operations on an Atom CPU... spinning HDD, Haiku repo... teaches you a thing or two about being patient.
<OscarL> "real 3m40s" for `git st -uno` :-/
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<zdykstra> Oof.
<erysdren> whats up
<zdykstra> OscarL's patience quotient
<erysdren> oh yes
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57571] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3e8df064cd64 - usb_rndis: fix minor copy/paste and typo errors.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<erysdren> how's FOSDEM?
<Begasus> Hi erysdren, only was there on Saturday, but it was nice! :)
<Begasus> Didn't make me feel like I was an old guy there :d
<erysdren> nice :D
<erysdren> wish i could've been there, but flying internationally is way too expensive for me currently
<Begasus> I can imaging, don't see myself heading over anywhere that distance only for a meeting ;)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 78676f7 - filezilla: update to 3.66.4 (#10039)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] PocketNerdIO 615543a - mame: Update to 0.262 (#10043)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] LordOfDragons eac83c6 - dragengine release 1.21 (#10046)
<Begasus> k, that's that, time to checkup on some of the open PR's now :)
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<Begasus> this nexcloud client seems to be working fine :) have it installed on both laptops and synced :D
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<Begasus> so far for build once run everywhere :P java.lang.LinkageError: Unknown platform: Haiku
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] LordOfDragons c3dd538 - added perl as build cmd requisite (#10047)
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<trungnt2910[m]> When's the nightly getting out?
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<Al2O3> scanty as I recall, there is soundplay at the heart of what is or was TuneTracker
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<Al2O3> Dane (not sure he's still involved) may have had the player rewritten.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] hfsfox e72bf7e - libqt6pas: add recipe (#10028)
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<Anarchos> hello
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<zard> o/
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<nephele> Good day
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL :)
<nosycat> Hello!
<nosycat> What's new?
<Begasus> Hi nosycat
<Begasus> On my side :)
<Begasus> How is it there?
<nosycat> Been writing more code. Updating old apps.
<nosycat> Came up with an idea.
<nosycat> You know how Tkinter is currently broken on Haiku for lack of a "proper" libtk?
<Begasus> there should be an issue about it at haikuports
<nosycat> I think there is. There might be a kind of stopgap solution.
<nosycat> Right, that!
<Begasus> as mentioned there, my skills are not up to the job to fix that :)
<nosycat> It might take a while anyway, sounds tricky. But!
<Begasus> would be nice if you could at least find where it fails :)
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<nosycat> Sorry, kind of over my head. :/
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<nosycat> But! In the mean time we've got FLTK running very well. And check this out: there's a python-fltk binding.
<nosycat> It would let some apps be ported with relative ease.
<Begasus> ah, maybe that can bypass tkinter?
<Begasus> fltk is pretty fine so far yes
<nosycat> It's a whole other library, so yeah. :)
<Begasus> cool ... me feels a challenge :D
<nosycat> Normally I'd just try to built python-fltk from source and report back.
* phschafft waves to nephele.
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<nephele> Hello phschafft
<Begasus> that's how I start also nosycat, first build checks in Terminal
<nosycat> Well, it's kind of inconvenient for me right now.
<nosycat> Sorry for being an idea guy.
<nephele> "nep
<nephele> nephele-gh
<nephele> authored and
<nephele> committed
<nephele> "nep authored and nephele-gh committed" Wow, great moves github xD
<Begasus> np, quite a lot of things start out that way nosycat ;)
<nephele> Ugh, sorry. didn't know this input line somehow extended higher... not used to this client (xchat)
<Begasus> heading to the dark side nephele :P
<nephele> Begasus, the dark side?
<Begasus> github*
<nephele> I have an account because of gerrit originally, now also haikuwebkit and maybe webkit
<phschafft> nephele: if you have a few minutes...
<nephele> phschafft, sure
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<Begasus> with nextcloud up and running it's easy to sync some small packages between the laptops :D
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* nephele sometimes uses ssh to update haiku machines from other haiku machines over the network, and wishes this would be possible in a user friendly way
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<nephele> oh no, not Guest1721!
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus bad7413 - utfcpp, new dependency for taglib2.0 (#10024)
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<OscarL> Dang! Vision's acting funny on my slow netbook (stopped receaving new messages, and it let me reply back, but messages do no appear on server, it seems :-D)
<OscarL> In any case... Hi Begasus! (seems to be working this time :-D)
<zard> Indeed it is :)
<zard> Is that the netbook thats on usb tethering?
<OscarL> zard: went back to good old ethernet for now, on this old thing :-D
<OscarL> need to test further on the "new" one (the one lacking an ethernet port :-D)
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<Begasus> k, icon added, dbus-launch solved, Deskbar entry ... good on my side :)
<Begasus> wb OscarL :)
<OscarL> :-)
<nephele> I've published the haikuwebkit 1.9.11 release. Would be nice if someone can merge the haikuports PR
<OscarL> mmm, another case of a user forgetting to install the commit-msg hook, and then "spamming" gerrit when trying to update their changes :-/ç
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] nephele-gh f32ccdf - HaikuWebKit 1.9.11 (#10048)
<Begasus> standing in line at the buildmasters nephele, should launch on 32bit in a sec, 64bit still at it on mame
<Begasus> nosycat, first quick check ... /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lfltk_gl: No such file or directory
<Begasus> that one is disabled iirc
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<nephele> I think I am getting better at those "announcement" posts xD
<nosycat> Oh, okay. Thanks!
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<nosycat> I'll refocus on C++ then, that already works.
* OscarL notices that still shows 1.9.3 as "latest" release :-P
<nephele> I have no idea why OscarL
<nephele> if you want to enlighten me, I've made a release thing in github, and not a tag...
<nephele> (also a tag, but a release too)
<OscarL> nephele: problably you just forgot (or missed) some checkbox while doing the release.
<OscarL> I think I've only made two "releases" on GH, ever, so... hardly an expert here :-D
<nephele> ugh damn. That checkbox *was* checked though
<nephele> whatever, not like i care what github thinks
<nephele> fixed now
<OscarL> coolio!
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<Begasus> k, way past my skills for this, maybe something for OscarL :)
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<Begasus> pyFltk ... :)
<OscarL> mmm, not planning on touching that... unless we need it for some very cool apps :-P
<Begasus> it might pave the way for those :P
<OscarL> (I should better try to fix Python building on nightlies, before we get closer to beta5 :-D)
<Begasus> right! :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: what I mean is... I (personally) do not know of any interesing project using pyFLTK... if anyone shows me something that picks my interest... I *might* take a look...
<OscarL> (but /me just really wishes we had a workint tkinter instead :-D)
<Begasus> nosycat had an interest maybe :)
<nephele> Begasus, where can i see the build server log for haikuwebkit?
<OscarL> nephele: entry point:
<Begasus> jikes, failed on 32bit nephele
<OscarL> "
<OscarL> waiting for available builders" on the 64 bits... busy with mame still :-/
<Begasus> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
<Begasus> mame should take some time, it's a monster to build
<OscarL> indeed :-D
<nephele> what why
<nephele> i downloaded the archive already to compute the checksum
<Begasus> can't find the archive
<nosycat> OscarL, it was just a half-baked idea on my part. You're probably right.
<Begasus> first one works
<nephele> i don't understand why this now doesn't work, i did not change the line
<OscarL> nosycat: hey! just because I'm not thrilled to work on it... doesn't mean others might feel differently! :-D
<Begasus> I changed it localy to the one you just provided :)
<Begasus> nephele, missing refs/tags
<nephele> Begasus, yes i know. but i did not change that line in the recipe
<nephele> is that just github beeing stupid? anyway I will make another Pr to fix that, unless you want to quickly do that ;)
<Begasus> you're on a roll now ;)
<Begasus> how large is this thing?
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<Begasus> still grabbing the source here :P
<nephele> 3,95GB
<nosycat> My thought was, I have this little tool: -- if I wanted to make a FLTK port so it can have a decent UI on Haiku, it would be easier to start from the old Python edition than rewrite it all in C++. But it's a long shot.
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<Begasus> jikes!
* Begasus kills hp ...
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<nephele> there Begasus
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<Begasus> nephele, not sure if it's a burden, but revbump isn't needed in this case :)
<Begasus_32> bugger ... Error: *** Failed to find a match for "devel:libkf5notifyconfig": Name not found
<nephele> I assume you had to do this so the builder would retry
<nephele> i can remove it if you want
<Begasus> only for completed builds, when a recipe isn't build it will pick it up on a change pushed to haikuports
<OscarL> nosycat: you could try to use the Haiku-PyAPI-bindings (name rolls off the tongue! :-P) perhaps? :-D
<nephele> okay, feel free to squash and merge then
<OscarL> nosycat: that's it... if you don't mind the end product only running on Haiku :-D
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] nephele-gh 0eb6376 - Update haikuwebkit-1.9.11.recipe (#10049)
<Begasus> merged, crossing fingers, hope it's done by the morning :P
<nosycat> OscarL, that would be the obvious solution, but right now I don't spent enough time at a Haiku desktop. Besides, I like portability.
<nosycat> spend*
<nephele> Begasus: let's see how many bug reports i will get tommorow :g
<Begasus> relaunched on 32bit buildmaster :)
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> nosycat: undertandable. thus /me wishing we kew why Tk inter deadlocks :-(
<OscarL> s/kew/knew/
<Begasus> undertandable?
<nosycat> Yeah, me too. Meanwhile Tcl/Tk apps work fine, just trapped in a box and looking foreign.
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<OscarL> Begasus: "understandable?" Darn English.
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> know the feeling, had to turn on spelling check on Tokodon earlier because of misspelled "feild vs field" :D
<OscarL> nosycat: IIRC... still some bug somewhere on xlibe that prevents us for having a "native" tcl/tk version.
<Begasus> sonnet is working fine there :D
<nosycat> That's how I remember it, yeah. Oh well.
<Begasus> jikes ... again nephele :/
<nephele> ? :g
<nephele> the .tar.gz moved to the middle of the link .-.
<nephele> How
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<nephele> no wait this is a webpositive bug or? a redirect? huh??
<nephele> Begasus: I am confused :(
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ff320fb - haikuwebkit, fix SOURCE_URI (#10050)
<Begasus> HaikuWebkit vs HaikuWebKit
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<nephele> Yeah, saw that now too .-.
<OscarL> I'm tempted to say... "let the GH release marinate a bit" (if the archive is THAT big... maybe it need more time to "settle things down"?)
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> older URLs for previous releases seem to work without the "ref/tags/" portion of the URL.
<Begasus> nah, hoping it will be done by tomorrow :P
<nephele> okay begasus, fixed the tag
<nephele> should work if you just revert the "fix" command for haikuports
<Begasus> already pushed nephele :)
<Begasus> or ...
<Begasus> lol
<nephele> oof.
<Begasus> k, need to go out for some food, if it fails again let me know :)
<nephele> well, it will
<nephele> i deleted the wrong tag, and now you edited to be the wrong one, ouch
<Begasus> I'll let you fix it now :)
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<nephele> OscarL: how do you propose a revert as a PR? :D
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<Begasus> git checkout master ... git pull ...
<Begasus> delete branch, recreate branch, make changes, push ... :)
<Begasus> haven't done much on reverting branch, could check
<Begasus> but I'll hold of for a bit ... hunting for food, afk for a bit
<nephele> okay. made a pr to fix it back. Have a good hunt ;)
* Oscar-L is experiencing some network issues (and missing some messages, apparently).
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<nephele> Just need to do more haikuwebkit releases, I will learn from my mistakes eventually ;)
<Begasus> nephele, sure about leaving out "refs/tag"?
<Oscar-L> nephele: just in case (besides what Begasus already said): there's a "revert" button on each PR page.
<nephele> yes, that wasn't the original issue
<Begasus> that's the link on the release page
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<nephele> I mean, if you think that is safer you can do it too. I am not a haikuports guy
<nephele> just passing by to get haikuwebkit released
<Begasus> works +1
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] nephele-gh 8aa6a65 - HaikuWebkit: fix source URI back (#10051)
<Oscar-L> Begasus: the weird thing is no other previous haikuwebkit .recipe seemed to need that "refs/tags/" before (I've checked .recipes back to 1.9.3)
<Begasus> could be Oscar-L, never really check those as I mostly just copy the link presented, another thing learned :)
<nephele> Oscar-L: yes, the issue was that i mispelled WebKit as Webkit (lower case k) in the tags in haikuwebkit
<Oscar-L> 1.9.4 to 1.9.10 didn't had "releases", but 1.9.3 did, so... even stranger it has issues with 1.9.11
<nephele> the recipe sais WebKit, but my tag said Webkit
<Oscar-L> darn tyops!
<nephele> refs/tags is a difference to what it presents as a link but it works without it too
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<Begasus> darn, fast connection there :P
<nephele> Well, as long as it downloads :3
<nephele> afterwards we can see if the build runs xD
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<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> small nitpick on a future update, SOURCE_FILENAME should come after CHECKSUM_SHA256 :)
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<nephele> i didn't write that recipe, i think haikuports guys should review their stuff better before merging /s
<nephele> If we want to enforce such things it should probably be added as a linting step in haikuporter?
<Begasus> probably yes, but it's one of those things that's not always needed, so hard to error on it I guess
<nephele> Can add a --strict option or something, to decide if it should warn or error
<nephele> for example also for .service files (from systemd) if it should warn or error
<Begasus> sometimes you also have SOURCE_DIR in between those 2
<nephele> or even do this step in the first place (maybe just a script that does find in the dir to check for it)
<Begasus> it's not "required", just looks better as a downloaded archive :)
<Oscar-L> haikuporter already has a "--strict-policy" flag.
<Begasus> ow whoot, I see it also uses SOURCE_DIR :P
<Begasus> well, no big deal for now
<nephele> "Lieber Besucher, Das ging uns leider zu schnell. Um fortzufahren und alle Angebote von Mediamarkt zu sehen, vervollständigen Sie bitte nachfolgendes Captcha. " "This check is taking longer than expected. Check your Internet connection and refresh the page if the issue persists."
<nephele> How can I be too fast and too slow
<nephele> damn you metro
<Begasus> heh
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<nephele> ever since the GDPR interacting with websites has been strange... prett much "We respect your privacy" and me going "no you don't"
<nephele> not like companies weren't assholes about privacy before, but now they gotta tell you
<nephele> somehow now the EU gets blamed for making the web experience "worse"... funky
<zard> Hmm, how about companies say "We do not care about your privacy. Please let us use cookies" :D
<nephele> that please would be disingenuis :)
<nephele> "Let us use cookies or we will disable random unrelated functionality as punishment"
<erysdren> the web is useless
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<nephele> Begasus: wrong checksum .-. but the previous one had this checksum, redownloading on my laptop to check again, ugh
<nephele> oh. damn
<nephele> MacOS automatically extracts gzip archives
<nephele> so checksummed the wrong file :)
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<nephele> Begasus: send another PR
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<Begasus> nephele, while you are at it, could you move SOURCE_DIR after CHECKSUM_SHA256 (before SOURCE_FILENAME)
<Begasus> rrr ... no, after SOURCE_FILENAME ...
<nephele> .-.
<Begasus> had to check now :)
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<nephele> please squash it then when merging
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<Begasus> I'm using web merging, so squashin and merging should take care of that?
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<nephele> Dunno. probably
<nephele> :D
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<Begasus> ps nephele, there is "git commit --amend" :P
<nephele> not if you use the insane github web interface
<nephele> and i'm not figuring out how to push it where it needs to go today
<Begasus> tss .. Terminal! :D (me ducks)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] nephele-gh 2a1e90e - FIx haikuwebkit Checksum (#10052)
<nephele> i'm already plotting with phschafft on how to remove the Terminal completely ;)
<erysdren> Begasus: terminal is fine, great even, but git is a completely opaque beast and its help text doesnt make any sense
<erysdren> i always have to google what commands i need to type to do what
<erysdren> in fact, git is the only program i use from the terminal that i need to constantly google
<Habbie> people tell me 'jj' is a nice interface to it
<Habbie> i also know people who like 'tig'
<Habbie> (they are very different things but they both work with git)
<Habbie> and then there is 'got'
<Begasus> took me some time to get use too also erysdren, but I'm pretty good with the basics :)
<Begasus> Hi there Habbie :)
<Habbie> hi!
<erysdren> every time i use git commands, i inevitably mess up my whole repo and have to do a hard reset
<erysdren> last time i did it with haikuports and just decided to delete it and pull it down from github again :P
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f64481c - nextcloud_client, fix variable $commandBinDir (#10053)
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<nephele> don't talk bad about the git user interface
<Begasus> been there erysdren, hence I use 2 different checkouts, haikuports and my clone
<nephele> they will restore the old ones D:
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<Begasus> collected there through the time, maybe something usefull there :)
<erysdren> thank you Begasus
<Begasus> np
<phschafft> ;)
<Begasus> got this in my "profile" file also: alias gmp="git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git push origin master"
<Begasus> handy :P
<Habbie> suggestion: git pull --ff-only upstream master
<Begasus> tend to forget swithing to master sometimes before this
<Begasus> what's the difference Habbie?
<Begasus> ff=fast forward I gather
<Habbie> -if- you ever accidentally commit to master locally
<Habbie> pull might try to merge your changes after the pull
<Habbie> and you never want that
* nephele uses rebase only for pulling
<Begasus> has happened, but I still push to origin (my fork) so not directly to haikuports
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<Begasus> my clone (working dir) grabs http, so no ssh there (can't accidently push something there) :)
<Begasus> but changed :)
<Habbie> smart, defense in depth :D
<Habbie> another tip: having your current git branch in your prompt really helps
<Begasus> how would I do that?
* Begasus ... old man still learning
<Habbie> i use liquidprompt, but there are many tools out there
<Habbie> some of those tools can also update your terminal title instead (but i don't know if that works in haiku terminal)
<Begasus> bet humdinger would know :)
<Oscar-L> Begasus: <<< that's what I have in my profile/bashrc
<Habbie> right, you can also build your own with little effort
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<Oscar-L> gives me a nice "[/current/path (current branch, if any)]" newline, then "> " and does the standard Haiku trick of using green/red colors depedning on last return code.
<Begasus> don't have profile/bashrc :)
<Oscar-L> mine is already > 11 KB :-/
<Oscar-L> FWIW, that prompt I use, works fast enough even on my lowly Atom N450 netbook (other ones I've tried were too slow for me)
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<Oscar-L> (just in case... I meant "profile" and/or "bashrc"... I just have ~/config/settings/profile be a symlink to ~/config/settings/bashrc, and that's also a symlink to a bashrc file on a git repo :-P)
<Begasus> 0_°
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<Anarchos> how can i speed this qemu, which is very slow to render through RemoteDesktop : qemu -hda ubuntuimage -cdrom ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso -m 2048 -boot d -vga std
<Oscar-L> Begasus: then I have an bashrc alias to open/edit said file... all pretty easy and not convoluted at all :-P
<Begasus> lost you already Oscar-L :P
<Oscar-L> think I lost myself long ago as well, so... no worries :-P
Oscar-L is now known as OscarL
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<OscarL> Anarchos: is that ubuntu running GNOME as DE? doesn't GNOME requires 3D accel nowadays?
<Anarchos> no idea, but the RemoteDesktop layer makes the whole thing unusable
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<OscarL> I'd say try using XFCE, or see what ArchWiki says about it.. someting about using SPICE and QXL.
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<Anarchos> OscarL i tried ubuntu cause it's the only linux distrib i know \o/
<OscarL> Anarchos: you can try xubuntu or ubuntu MATE as lighter weight alternatives to the default one.
<OscarL> I'd prolly use Void Linux on a VM, but that's besides the point :-D
<Anarchos> OscarL by the way qemu struggles a lot when displaying grub menu, so i think it doesn't come from ubuntu
<Anarchos> OscarL waddlesplash already pointed me that qemu and remotedesktop rendering do'nt play well together
<Begasus> k, closing time here (already past my usual time) :)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<OscarL> are you running on a CPU with proper virtualization instruction support? using KVM on Linux? (not sure what QEMU can use on Win)
<OscarL> later Begasus!
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<nephele> my next inovation:
<nephele> ~: rg "(red.*green.*blue|red.*blue.*green|blue.*green.*red|blue.*red.*green|green.*blue.*red|green.*red.*blue)"
<nephele> Most convoluted grep commandline i've yet written xD
<Anarchos> OscarL it is a core i3 @ 3.6GHz
<Anarchos> OscarL kvm on linux ? i run qemu on Haiku bare metal so i don't understand the link with kvm and linux
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<OscarL> Hah... welp... you're bound to have a slow experience then.
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<OscarL> I wouldn't try running anything other that REALLY lightweight OSes on Haiku's QEMU.
<OscarL> not unless it gets the same level of virtualization accel it has when running on Linux.
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<Anarchos> OscarL the physical machine is a CPU #4: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4160 CPU @ 3.60GHz"
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<OscarL> Has "Intel VT-x" at least.
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<OscarL> but yeah... QEMU without hardware assisted virtualization, will be SLOW. Adding remote desktop on top... doesn't sounds like fun :-(
<Habbie> but can you do anything with VT-x in haiku?
<Anarchos> OscarL i only have Haiku installed on physical machines. I wanted to play with ubuntu trhough qemu, accessing it on this server through remotedesktop....
<Anarchos> Habbie i don't know what VT-x is. Is it like a VT100 terminal ?
<Habbie> no, it's what kvm on linux uses to be fast
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<Anarchos> Habbie but should i activated with an option on my qemu command ?
<Habbie> Anarchos, i don't know! my question was whether that can even be done on Haiku
<OscarL> AFAIK... QEMU on Haiku has NO support for HW-assisted acceleration.
<Habbie> ack
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<OscarL> but I bet David Karoly, or x512[m] know better.
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<OscarL> good evening, coolcoder613_32!
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