ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 2e485c7 - keycloak_discourse_import: Weed out around 8k likely junk users
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<phschafft> at least gcc permits the use of offsetof() in enumerator values.
<phschafft> this is fun.
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<scanty> well, I finally found my bug.
<scanty> and possibly a bug in BWindowScreen
<scanty> where can i find the HaikuBook
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<bjorkint0sh> scanty, via google?
<scanty> thanks, i'm lazy :-)
<bjorkint0sh> lazy, i'm bjorkint0sh. nice to meet you.
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<scanty> not much in the way of GameKit.
<scanty> does anyone have the original BeBook?
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<bjorkint0sh> really scanty?
<bjorkint0sh> google finger broken again?
<scanty> the one from Access sucks.
<bjorkint0sh> annas-archive is your friend.
<scanty> hmm, it's actually not that bad
<OscarL> there's also the "annotated BeBook" from the old days... if only I could remember the URL on :-D
* OscarL logs off to keep eating and drinking. Later folks!
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<scanty> thanks guys
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<scanty> looks like BWindowScreen::ScreenConnected is not being called.
<scanty> i wonder if it's a bug, or a VM thing, both, or neither
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<scanty> need someone familiar with GameKit...
<scanty> probably hard to find someone.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> bbl
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57566] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6ce1856158d2 - Update translations from Pootle
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<nephele> I'm at fodder
<nephele> Fosdem
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<coolcoder613> Hello!
<Kokito> Hello!
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<phschafft> mau :)
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<win8linux[m]> Trying to reinstall Haiku nightly on a laptop, however the Haiku bootloader keeps claiming that the BFS volume on the flash drive (HaikuLive) isn't valid.
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<win8linux[m]> Installed Haiku onto a flash drive from a VM, made an ESP partition on the flash drive, then copied the files from the ISO's ESP partition to the flash drive ESP.
<win8linux[m]> Imaging the ISO directly into a flash drive doesn't work, either.
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<Habbie> hello from FOSDEM!
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<nephele> Habbie, Hello from fosdem :)
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<Begasus> 'lo peeps :)
<ilzu[m]> 'lo Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi ilzu[m]
<Begasus> ilzu[m], check new PR at 32bit also?
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<ilzu[m]> I tested it on 32bit before creating the pull request
<ilzu[m]> and it works
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<Begasus> nice, thanks!
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] ilzu 59cbef5 - ssh_askpass updated to v0.2 (#10041)
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<Anarchos> hello
<erysdren> hello Anarchos
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57567] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a1bc100a78c7 - listusb: fix MaxPacketSize, display length
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57568] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 34d116cc341f - usb_audio: Fix -Wmisleading-indentation.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7f07b9f63dd0 - usb_audio: Disable for 2.0 devices.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb a7cc1ec - artpaint: update to v2.7.1
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<erysdren> howdy Begasus, you on?
<bjork1intosh> Begasus is eating peeps I bet.
<bjork1intosh> cinnamon flavored.
<Begasus> am now erysdren
<Begasus> love those bjork1intosh :)
<erysdren> have you seen my recipe PR on haikuports?
<erysdren> just wondering if it needs anything :d
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<Begasus> seen the mail, haven't yet looked at it
<Begasus> was at FOSSDEM earlier :)
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<erysdren> no problem, it's probably my simplest recipe yet
<erysdren> i did the port booted into Haiku on bare metal x86_64, so hopefully it works for everyone else :P
<erysdren> not in QEMU this time
<shaka444[m]> Morning all.. I'm playing around with a little coding in Haiku and I'm wondering how to pass an entry_ref to a system() command
<augiedoggie> you'd have to convert to a regular string path
<augiedoggie> something like BPath, and then call .Path() on it
<augiedoggie> to get the string
<Begasus> ilzu[m], working fine :)
<shaka444[m]> ok thanks
<ilzu[m]> @begasus, good to hear :)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] erysdren 039e83a - Add QBE Compiler Backend port (#10038)
<erysdren> ah, all good then Begasus?
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<Begasus> not sure how to operate it, but build and looks OK in Terminal erysdren :)
<Begasus> thanks!
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<erysdren> Begasus: can operate it from the "get started" section on the website:
<erysdren> i already tested it myself
<erysdren> the Haiku version of the GNU linker gives a warning about QBE's output (but not an error) that i don't get on Linux
<erysdren> i'll try to track down the QBE people to figure out why that's happening
<erysdren> the resulting executable does work, however
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<erysdren> i went on their IRC channel and asked, but it seems to be totally inactive.
<Begasus> afk for a bit
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<OscarL> o/ Begasus :-)
<nosycat> He's AFK. Hi there.
<erysdren> howdy OscarL
<OscarL> ah, missed that while skimming over the logs. Thanks nosycat.
<OscarL> 'lo there erysdren!
<OscarL> Salutations, from the land of 42+ ℃ (/me is melting right now)
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<nosycat> Whoa.
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<phschafft> hm.
<Begasus> Hola OscarL nosycat phschafft augiedoggie :)
<Begasus> et all :)
<nosycat> Welcome back!
* phschafft waves.
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<OscarL> On my region, every summer goes around 40. but this year, it was pretty cooler, so this "surprice 40+" in February, hits doubly hard :-D
<Begasus> stupid dependency ... Qt5X11Extras :/
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<Begasus> Hi there again nephele :)
<nosycat> o/
<Begasus> was nice meeting you IRL
<nephele> Hi, connection is a bit shoddy if I keep suspending my laptop :)
<Begasus> seems we missed mmu_man
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<OscarL> win8linux[m]: on my "new" netbook... same pendrive books OK from left USB port, refuses to find BSD partition when connected to the right-side USB port :-/
<OscarL> (AFAIK, darn thing only has XHCI, so no idea why the difference)
<OscarL> s/BSD/BFS/
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<nephele> Begasus, didn't know he was there
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<Begasus> bugger ... tl
<Begasus> OK, nephele, if you catch up on the logs, tip from Carl worked :)
<Begasus> only the text in the effects menu doesn't show up correctly :)
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<Anarchos> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
<Anarchos> hello nosycat
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus i added some line to my merge request description for betex :)
<Anarchos> but not finished yet
<Begasus> nice Anarchos +1
<Anarchos> Begasus now i try to install ubuntu on a qemu image
<Anarchos> but accessing to qemu on my server through RemoteDesktop is such a pain
<Anarchos> i must plug a screen to the server to see if the slowness comes from remotedesktop connection, or if my server with qemu is really so slow (which i doubt)
<Begasus> hope you get it right Anarchos, meanwhile got that dark scheme working with KDE apps here :)
<Anarchos> Begasus what should i get right ?
<Begasus> your connection to the server (and speed) Anarchos :)
<Begasus> k, hunting for food now, cu later
<Anarchos> Begasus it is a core i3 quad core
<Anarchos> 3.6GHz
<Anarchos> but qemu through remotedesktop takes ages to display
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<scanty> welll, im on beta4 on bare metal
<scanty> it's quite a bit faster than virtualbox :^)
<nosycat> Tell me about it. Still can't believe how fast Haiku boots on an EeePC 701.
<scanty> download updates now
<scanty> i'm hoping my gamekit bug was VM relataed, so we'll see
<scanty> related*
<scanty> reboot brb
<Anarchos> scanty i am on bare metal for haiku
<nosycat> In fact I'm pretty sure it got faster a few updates ago.
<scanty> man, if there was only a mail client that did gmail, i could use this daily.
<scanty> oops, have to get my ssh_config, brb
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<scanty> okay, that was easy enough
<scanty> ls
<scanty> oops
<scanty> i see networking is qute a bit slower on b4
<Anarchos> scanty there has been some work recently on network code
<OscarL> beta4 doesn't haves latest TCP related fixes.
<scanty> yeah, i noticed that
<Ellenor> gronk
<OscarL> scanty: if you don't mind text-only emails (I certainly prefer it)... the following works for some Haiku users: allows you to use
<scanty> i can't i get too much HTML mails.
<erysdren> i prefer text-only emails certainly
<erysdren> how did HTML get mixed up with email anyway
<erysdren> i never thought about it
<scanty> i prefer text-only as well, but what can i do? my hands are tied.
<scanty> all important e-mails i receive have HTML in them
<OscarL> scanty, maybe try with Claws?
<scanty> claws doesn't do OAUTH2
<Ellenor> are they decodable without HTML? I receive many HTML emails but they are dual, except from one sender
<scanty> i'm waiting on Kontact.
<scanty> hopefully Begasus and 3dEyes(i think) can port it soon
<Ellenor> KMail from KDE, you mean?
<OscarL> scanty: perhaps combine the above "app-specific passworwd" thing + claws?
<scanty> yeah, it's Kontact now
<Ellenor> my understanding was that Kontact was the umbrella name, like LibreOffice over Libreoffice Writer
<OscarL> (to side-step the oauth issue, I mean)
<Ellenor> I use that, on UNIX. It's not worth the hassle of porting to Haiku
<Ellenor> it's constant hassle on Unix. pick a better email client
<scanty> no other clients do OAUTH2
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<scanty> kontact looks pretty nice on the screenshots.
<scanty> too bad MailAndNews is broken.
<scanty> wow haikudepot is way faster than on virtualbox
<scanty> MailNews, rather, sorry
<OscarL> `pkgman` for the win! :-P
<scanty> hrm, otter is way faster than webpositive
<scanty> ok. just recompiled my emulator. it was much easier to do on b4, than the nightlies.
<Anarchos> who uses RemoteDesktop
<scanty> man, linking wth -lto takes *forever*
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<scanty> and BWindowScreen is not crashing!
<scanty> it's putting out garbage, but i can probably fix that
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<scanty> how do i fix this: make: Warning: File 'haiku/' has modification time 12267 s in the future
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<scanty> ah, just had to resave the files
<scanty> nice, the screen in clearing!
<scanty> now to forward port an x86 blitter to x64, and pray :-)
<OscarL> scanty: I tried, *once*, to enable -lto for our Python packages. Slow AF, for sure! :-D
<scanty> yeah, it sloooow
<Anarchos> scanty what is -lto ?
<OscarL> link time optimizations
<Anarchos> scanty 'touch file'
<scanty> thanks Anarchos
<Anarchos> OscarL what are the differences with -O3 ?
<OscarL> Anarchos: this will do a better job at explaining things than my poor English (or programming knowdledge :-D):
<scanty> ok, framebuffer is not NULL.
<scanty> progress :-)
<scanty> ok, time for assembly land.
<Begasus> Hi there Vidrep_64!
<Vidrep_64> Hey Begasus
<Vidrep_64> Getting ready to call it a day? ;)
<scanty> hmmm.
<Begasus> almost Vidrep_64 :)
<Begasus> got my target for today :D
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<Begasus> k, closing down, cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> test
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<scanty> damn, i can't get this blitter working.
<nephele> was nice to meet people at Fosdem (also begasus)
<nephele> Sadly didn't meet any other haiku peeps there
<nephele> erysdren, html email is email because you can send whatever MIME body type you want in an email. Html lends itself well to content that needs to be somewhat structured but doesn't care that much about fonts/colors
<nephele> for example for a table, adding bold headers etc.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] lonemadmax pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57569] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1ad4f095e933 - FileTypes ApplicationTypesWindow: fix UI updates
<erysdren> nephele: true, but i'm extremely frustrated with emails that try to be webpages
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<nephele> what do you mean by that? many html emails I get add "too much" stuff in it, but mostly that is just marketing garbage (and that is garbage in whatever format you receive it). for normal html emails I get it is perfectly fine to have it for some stuff
<nephele> it would be good if we add for example netsurf of webkit to e-mail soonish
<nephele> to render (local only) email content
<nephele> and allow sending html in the sense of simple Stylededit-style formating
<erysdren> some of the email newsletters that i am subscribed to (intentionally) will sometimes struggle to load or display weirdly because of Thunderbird
<erysdren> which annoys me
<erysdren> most of them use MailChimp iirc
<nephele> I asked thunderbird ppl today what the dependencies of it were for a port and their answer was "well if frefox runs"
<erysdren> ahh
<nephele> before they suggested flatpack, apparmor and other stuff :)
<erysdren> ough lol
<erysdren> yeah no thanks
<erysdren> i want to port TrenchBroom, but its build process requires vcpkg and i don't want to bring that crap to haiku
<nephele> well, i answered that we aren't linux and don't support linux namespaces
<erysdren> i haven't yet patched TrenchBroom's build process to use something else
<erysdren> i believe all of TrenchBroom's dependencies exist on Haiku, i just need to reconfigure their cmake scripts
<nephele> Ideally we could invest some effort to polish our native email app to support the stuff we need instead of splitting effort into porting countless other mail apps :/
<erysdren> and CMake scripts are crap
<nephele> granted this needs webkit2 and that is still a big stepping stone but still
<nephele> yeah cmake can be annoying
<erysdren> i'm pretty much obligated to use them for any project i'd actually like someone to use
<erysdren> if it's just "whatever" code i'll use gnu make
<nephele> Jam :D
<QuARC[m]> hey uh, I was here about my thinkpad x230's wifi a while ago; I now have a centrino ultimate-n 6300 in it, but it only works when booting from bios and not when booting from uefi
<nephele> Hi QuARC[m], sounds like it would be worth a ticket :)
<nephele> Could be that depending on how the system boots it initialzes more (or less) hardware, there is a very old ticket about this for some components
<QuARC[m]> (same issue of something like "unable to load firmware" in the syslog)
<QuARC[m]> yeah... are similar issues known (where something works on bios boot and not uefi, and vice versa)
<nephele> Somebody complained about something like that on the forum, but i don't think anybody properly reported a bug
<nephele> if it's pci, this could be related
<QuARC[m]> I'll open a ticket later I suppose
<nephele> Would be nice to report a bug and include: syslog from bios boot; syslog from efi boot; listdev .-v from bios boot; listdev -v from efi boot
<QuARC[m]> yeah it's pci, I'll put the stock card in (centrino advanced-n something) to see if it also worked under bios (since I somehow never tested it)
<QuARC[m]> "#3 - in-progress bug; Opened 19 years ago; Last modified 11 days ago" ah, that's how you know it's a good bug
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<nephele> huh, how does that modification date appear? the last activity was a comment from pulkomandy half a year ago
<nephele> maybe the votes or so...
<erysdren> nephele: honestly never used Jam
<nephele> but yes, this is an older bug (or missing implementation). Some stuff is just open longer in haiku, but we usually get to it eventually :)
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<waddlesplash> QuARC[m]: nephele: this is probably not the problem, if it was there would be a much clearer error message usually
<waddlesplash> I don't know what causes this problem on EFI unfortunately. all my machines the wifi works on efi
<nephele> waddlesplash, unable to load firmware could be just a messages that is after a preceeding different erro
<nephele> that's why i asked for both syslogs so we can compare :)
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<nephele> and the listdev to see if anything changes of what the OS sees
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* Anarchos just found old code to make netboot working on x86_64
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly f999555 - qemu: update to 8.1.4 (#10044)
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<erysdren> im sure yall saw the new Action Retro video on Haiku, but its cool :D
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<zard> Let's see if I can get that 32 bit hpkg of Haiku-PyAPI built
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello zard
_Dario_ has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32 :)