ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
* zard reverts practically all changes and recompiles to see if things used to work
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<zard> Ok, so that works. The search continues... tomorrow
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<OscarL> CalistoMathias: any luck multibooting?
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<coolcoder613_32> OscarL: I use turbo on 32-bit Haiku, I ported turbo on 32-bit
<OscarL> did you had to patch the scintilla included in turbo?
<coolcoder613_32> My original patched source came from 32-bit
<OscarL> I should have (somewhere) the big zip you shared with me back then...
<OscarL> will have to take a look at it again then.
<coolcoder613_32> I did patch scintilla apparently
<OscarL> indeed, and those RunStyles are the one giving me problems :-D
<OscarL> Will try end my current crazy attepmpt at backporting some scintilla 5.3.4 into turbo's 4.4.3... and then try your, much simpler solution :-D
coolcoder613_32 is now known as coolporter613
<coolporter613> ;)
<OscarL> lol :-D
<OscarL> nice one :-)
<OscarL> noice!
<OscarL> ah... uses Qt. Had hopes it used OpenGL directly, or something like that :-)
<coolporter613> The key was to use qmlterminalwidget that mmu_man ported
<OscarL> wherever you look at... you bump into mmu_man's work it seem :-P
<OscarL> (generic "you", hope I made some sense)
<OscarL> alright... let's try coolporter613's way (trying to update RunStyles.{h,cxx} needs too many changes in other files too).
<OscarL> First try, with 0 patches...
* OscarL pushes the Turbo button.
<OscarL> First error... "invalid conversion from const Sci::Position* [...]". Alright, still need to apply JackBurton's fix there.
<coolporter613> -fpermissive?
<coolporter613> It's what is used
<OscarL> Will link to his patch, give me a sec.
<coolporter613> s/is/i
<OscarL> now with your .diff for RunStyles.cxx
* OscarL crosses fingers!
<OscarL> WEEEEE!
<OscarL> Alright! we have a working turbo .hpkg for 32 bits :-) Thanks a bunch coolporter613! :-D
* OscarL thinks Terminal still has some edge-cases in color rendering.
<OscarL> there's some border around windows that it is missing, either by a missing char, or using the wrong color.
<OscarL> Will file a bug for that (and the vertical gap thing too).
<OscarL> now I need a .recipe lexer for turbo :-)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 12f69c1 - sphinx: fix logo_url variable in the Haiku theme (#10147)
<OscarL> Tried to see why Terminal fails to "hyperlink" paths with escaped chars... found Ingo's code, and got abolutely lost :-D
<OscarL> man forgot to document functions intentions for lesser mortals.
<OscarL> I assume a "de-escaping" is missing, or the FindWord call with fPathComponentCharClasifier is rejecting paths such as "/Foo-\[bar\]/baz" or "/foo~bar/baz"...
<OscarL> but that's to much for this brain to figure out :-D
<OscarL> I shall admit defeat, and file a ticket.
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<Calisto> @OscarL it worked
<Calisto> With the grub entry thing
<Calisto> But the only issue I seem to be having
<OscarL> Awesomo!
<Calisto> Is that I was trying to install paladin from the HaikuDepot and it crashed for some reason
<Calisto> And now both HaikuDepot and Paladin don't seem to boot
<Calisto> Im pretty sure it was some connection error :(
<Calisto> But atleast the dual boot works 🙂🙂
<OscarL> progress.
<Calisto> Yup
<Calisto> I did pretty much a similar thing with the grub entry
<Calisto> Except that I changed the required sections with my HDD partitions UUID
<Calisto> Seemed to get everything to work :)
<OscarL> in any case, try with "pkgman update" when you can. You might be missing some update that could be preventing some apps from working correctly.
<OscarL> if problems persist, ask again here for a bit of guidance on how to proceed.
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<OscarL> depending on timezones... someone will try to help :-)
<OscarL> k. I'm out for today. Later folks!, and happy Haikuing Calisto! :-)
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<HaikuUser> @OscarL do you know how to fix this HaikuDepot Crashing issue
<HaikuUser> Its Calisto but from vision right now
<HaikuUser> i have to still set it up
<HaikuUser> but haikudepot is crashing every single time I load it up
<HaikuUser> is there any other way to install and uninstall packages
<HaikuUser> maybe directly through the terminal?
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<Calisto> Okay I'm running pkgman update for now
<Calisto> Let's see 🥲🥲
<Calisto> I did try reinstalling the OS to make sure it wasnt an installation issue either
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there PriyanshuGupta[m]
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> it's getting quite confusing in the filesystem
<Begasus> it is?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> yes
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> the functioning of read support is quite challenging to understand
<Begasus> should be fine once you understand what is read-only and writable I guess
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> yes
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> that's why I'm spending quite a lot of time understanding it
<Begasus> +1
<jmairboeck> Good morning Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi there jmairboeck, up early today? :)
<jmairboeck> yep
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> once i get the full flow of the process then it's easy to add write functionality to it
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> Begasus: i want to apply for GSOC 2024 with this project
<Begasus> seen something passing by before PriyanshuGupta[m], wishing luck there
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> do i have to do any sort of mail?
<jmairboeck_haiku> I ran the opencascade testsuite now. The results: Total cases: 151 BAD, 1094 FAILED, 1 IMPROVEMENT, 4675 OK, 15086 SKIPPED Elapsed time: 8 Hours 15 Minutes 27.437192 Seconds
<Begasus> others have done an introduction through the devel mailing list
<jmairboeck> not that bad I suppose :)
<Begasus> jmairboeck, compared with previous version? ;)
<jmairboeck> I don't have the results any more
<jmairboeck> Most of the tests are skipped because of the missing test data
<Begasus> Maybe it's a good idea to mention them in future merges for PR's, at least for some of those larger projects
<jmairboeck> ok, I'll add a comment
<Begasus> +1 makes it easier to compare for the next time
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<jmairboeck_haiku> The full zipped-up test results have 175 MiB, that's a bit too big to attach, I guess :)
<Begasus> I would say so yes, but you could add them to the recipe and leave disabled, with a note it's only viable for testing
<jmairboeck> I will wait and see if they release the test dataset also for the patch releases (7.8.1 etc.) in the future (I doubt it), but if they do, I'll add it to the recipe as a disabled SOURCES_2. Otherwise I'd have to do some $portVersion transformation on it similar to libVersionCompat.
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<Begasus> fine by me jmairboeck
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<Begasus> lol, almost gave me a fright :D /Opslag/haikuports_games> git branch -D jasper master opencascade
<nephele> ?
<Begasus> notice "master" in there ;)
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<jmairboeck> If you don't have any additional local commits there, you could just pull it again from github
<jmairboeck> which on master you hopefully don't have :)
<Begasus> I try to avoid that jmairboeck ;)
<Begasus> but has happened when trying to be quick :/
<Begasus> luckaly I switch to master branch before cleaning others
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<Begasus> weird, seems on 32bit the LIBRARY_PATH fix isn't needed for jasper
<Begasus> still getting a bit confused by all the changes now :/
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<nephele> I'm trying to deliberately use more drill down menus
<nephele> basically never use it, but for most of my usecases (just select a file to open) it should be perfectly good
<Begasus> I do that for some files I look into also nephele, handy :)
<nephele> realized that with the discussion about tree view stuff in the forums
<nephele> it's quite handy, i should use it more
<Begasus> easier then opening a Tracker window and hunting down the path
<nephele> begasus: do you remember if NetPositive had uhm section arrows?
<nephele> like, up down controls to jump down to the next/previous section in a website
<Begasus> Too long ago nephele sorry (old brain here too remember) :)
<nephele> Worth a short anyway :)
<nephele> here a quite old faq hints to it:
<Begasus> I was already lost with Anarchos yesterday (and that was only 4 months ago) :P
<Begasus> sure
<nephele> the functionality seems really usefull but i don't see it in much webrowsers
<nephele> so, why not implement it in webpositive. it's our browser we can be excentric you know :D
<Begasus> yeah! something that stands out :D
<Begasus> heh "The presentation of the LINK elements hasn't changed since Version 0.9.5 nicht verändert:" ;)
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<Begasus> k, latest jasper PR brakes the build for opencv3 (granted old and close to being removed), but still would like to have that fixed first :)
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<Begasus> hm disabling the tests doesn't disable the python error on 32bit
<Begasus> will be for later
<Begasus> off to dogschool, cu later peeps :)
<nephele> I didn't know you are a dog :o
<nephele> Have fun
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 747fe26 - Telegram: bump version
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<nephele> hi
<BrunoSpr> Anyone specialized with UEFI knows where I am wrong with this setup:
<BrunoSpr> reboot
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<puck_> BrunoSpr: should be fine? make sure your UEFI is actually set to boot from that path, rather than a different one
<nephele> BrunoSpr: I presume your bootx64.efi *isn't* refind?
<nephele> if so you want to rename the refind.efi file to it
<nephele> or set up a boot variable so it boots from it like puck_ mentioned, but you need to do this on linux or in your firmware if it allows it. not possible atm in haiku
<BrunoSpr> nephele, no the bootx64.efi is the refind one
<BrunoSpr> puck_ how to choose it? If I choose it in Uefi settings on boot it will always run windows 10, safeboot off
<BrunoSpr> nephele, ah yes I cannot set up a boot variable in lmy firmware it seems
<BrunoSpr> does the refind.config not work?
<BrunoSpr> Never mind...
<BrunoSpr> Do I need for every repository on git a different ssh-key?
<nephele> refind config does not matter if refind does not boot
<nephele> no
<BrunoSpr> nephele, ah ok thats why then!
<BrunoSpr> Because one repository is working just fine the others not accesible
<BrunoSpr> And is this one: A first-party GitHub OAuth application (Git Credential Manager) with gist, repo, and workflow scopes was recently authorized to access your account. caused by Genio?
<puck_> BrunoSpr: you can set this; an easy way might be to move the microsoft bootmgrx64.efi and see if it falls back; but your UEFI miiight have an option to add an arbitrary path
<puck_> otherwise you have to boot into a linux boot iso and use efibootmgr
<puck_> basically, your UEFI has a boot entry for specifically \efi\microsoft\bootmgrx64.efi
<puck_> (unless it's one of the very early ones that hardcoded this path)
<x512[m]> puck_: GUI utility for editing UEFI boot menu:
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<dovsienko> after a few attempts I managed to get my SSH key to work in Haiku: /boot/home/config/settings/ssh/authorized_keys works, other locations I tried before don't work
<BrunoSpr> dovsienko, I do not have a authorized_keys folder there.
<dovsienko> BrunoSpr: mkdir -p /boot/home/config/settings/ssh; vim /boot/home/config/settings/ssh/authorized_keys
<BrunoSpr> dovsienko, ok thank you I will try this way
<mmu_man> hmm, ok so this machine didn't freeze, just the USB stopped working. Good I still have the PS/2 KVM hooked up too
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<BrunoSpr> dovsienko, it seems it is another problem: git push started -------------------------------- Schwerwiegend: could not read Username for '': Operation not allowed -------------------------------- git push ended ----------------------------------
<BrunoSpr> dovsienko, Schwerwiegend = Error!
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<cocobean> Begasus: jasper - look good now?
<cocobean> Begasus: Hi
<cocobean> Works fine on x86.
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<cocobean> Built less on x86 as well..... no ikssues.
<dovsienko> then the "config" file can go next to "authorized_keys" for people like me, who already know that always requires a fixed username and I do not need to type it manually every time
<dovsienko> BrunoSpr: this is what is look like:
<dovsienko> Host
<dovsienko> User git
<dovsienko> finally, the git remote URL has to be like this:
<cocobean> Haiku R1B4 (hrev57592-1)
<dovsienko> (assuming you want to push using SSH, not HTTPS, otherwise the above error is not related to the problem, as far as I see it)
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<Begasus> cocobean, if you are reading this, I'm not alone at haikuports, you can ask others too
<Begasus> ps, back
<Begasus> waddlesplash, had it again (not being to unmount) when building/testing PR for less, test started this morning with no progress, so I nuked it with Ctrl-C and then it happened again (both arch's), had to manualy unmount /dev and /boot/system in the work directory to clean the build
<waddlesplash> does it replicate?
<Begasus> let me run it again to be sure
<Begasus> doesn't take too long to build
<Begasus> same thing on the new run, just launched "hp less_x86 --test" on 32bit to be sure
<Begasus> Because screenies are nice(?) :)
<waddlesplash> Begasus: not the same problem as the ticket, there's still a process running clearly
<waddlesplash> that's the issue there
<Begasus> now it tells me it can't unmount (device... busy)
<Begasus> yeah
<Begasus> same on 32bit
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<Begasus> test cases are still running in the background it seems
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<Begasus> previous version didn't include tests it seems
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<mmu_man> hmm, on the AthlonXP USB stopped working after some hours… on this box it just doesn't, I have xhci errors
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<cocobean> BTW, jasper 2.0.16 - failed test #3 on GCC2.
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<Begasus> cocobean, looking into something else atm, for me the test run fine (all 4) on both arch's
<Begasus> OscarL, if you read this: runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /sources/tvision-be6e64f85355c6c96b7c09174986fafb6a411c6a/build/test/tvision-test): No such file or directory
<Begasus> with tests enabled for tvision
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<Begasus> requires devel:libgtest also for that (weird it runs the testcase in BUILD though) :)
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<Begasus> turbo looking good :)
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL-x64
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<OscarL-x64> hey Begasus. Doing some checks on tvision, on a different install this time...
<Begasus> ok, fwiw, this is still all on R1B4
<OscarL-x64> because your comment of "LIBRARY_PATH="%A:LIBRARY_PATH" made me go... "hmmm?"
<OscarL-x64> turns out... it doesn't works ONLY if you enable tests, tss!
<OscarL-x64> which I had decided against including (or even trying) for the time being :-P
<Begasus> no biggies :)
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<OscarL-x64> but... let me see if I can make it work for both. I would like to use that "%A" more often (easier for me to understand).
<OscarL-x64> btw... what that "+" does, in the "LIBRARY_PATH=" variation you suggested?
<Begasus> it's a common one, my "guess" :) is that it included the local one AND the system one
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<Begasus> Our youngest :)
<mmu_man> hmm I get "certificate expired" from various repos with git… probably need a full-sync
<mmu_man> ohhh yeah so many things to change
<Begasus> guess it's been a while mmu_man :P
<dovsienko> mmu_man: is your host clock correct?
<Begasus> was an update on the certicicate package some time ago too (maybe related?)
<mmu_man> yes but I have a lot of packages not being updated probably because of manual installs, so I guess the cURL certs are part of them
<mmu_man> haven't touched this install in at least a year
<Begasus> :)
<mmu_man> at least pkgman didn't care :D
<Begasus> ps, you can do a test run on turbo too OscarL-x64
<Begasus> hence I only do a "pkgman update" on this one
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<mmu_man> ah yes and many packages need to be replaced by the _x86 2nd arch one
<OscarL-x64> Begasus: "LD_PRELOAD=$sourceDir/build/" also worked, and kinda think it is the "easiest to read" solution. :-D
<Begasus> k, that should fix the 32bit build for opencv3
<Begasus> good enough for me OscarL-x64 (if it works)
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<Begasus_32> runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /sources/tvision-be6e64f85355c6c96b7c09174986fafb6a411c6a/build/test/tvision-test): No such file or directory
<Begasus> :P
<OscarL-x64> 32 bits?
<OscarL-x64> all test passed here :-/
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> same on 64bit with: LD_PRELOAD=$sourceDir/build/
<OscarL-x64> welp, that's weird.
<Begasus> beta vs nightly?
<Begasus> my bad I think :)
<Begasus> passing it to "cmake -Cbuild ..." works
<Begasus> "LD_PRELOAD=$sourceDir/build/ cmake --build ./build $jobArgs" *
<OscarL-x64> echo "$FOO/build${BAR:+:$BAR}" seems to be equal to: echo "$FOO/build:$BAR"
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<OscarL-x64> those variable expansions on the first make me trip way too often (thus why I look for simpler, to me, solution)
<Begasus> LIBRARY_PATH=/sources/tvision-be6e64f85355c6c96b7c09174986fafb6a411c6a/build:%A/lib:/boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib:/boot/home/config/lib:/boot/system/non-packaged/lib:/boot/system/lib
<Begasus> try with "echo $BAR"
<Begasus> in this case BAR is no system path
<nephele> > LD_PRELOAD=$sourceDir/build/ cmake
<nephele> this loads the library into cmakes image
<nephele> which seems kind of pointless? :)
<nephele> %A is the location of the ELF file you are trying to execute, LIBRARY_PATH is the directories it will search for dependant libs
<Begasus_32> /sources/tvision-be6e64f85355c6c96b7c09174986fafb6a411c6a/build:%A/lib:/boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib:/boot/home/config/lib:/boot/system/non-packaged/lib:/boot/system/lib
<OscarL-x64> that, I understood (thus why I used it first)
<OscarL-x64> export LIBRARY_PATH="$sourceDir/build:$LIBRARY_PATH" <<< this one works well enough here (with tests also enabled)
<OscarL-x64> nephele: problem is it only worked with tests disabled, and thus why Begasus suggested something it worked for him.
<Begasus> probably good enough OscarL-x64, the system paths are probably wrong for secondaryArchSuffix too?
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<Begasus> hmm does it need it too without the tests?
<OscarL-x64> yes... because of genparts and genphone binaries that are run as part of the build when EXAMPLEs are built.
<Begasus> ah jikes
<OscarL-x64> I kinda left a comment about that on the .recipe, ya know? :-P
<Begasus> yeah, kinda though it was needed for the tests ;)
<OscarL-x64> Will rewrite that comment, now that I need to mention TESTS too :-P
<Begasus> sorry :P
<OscarL-x64> all good, master Begasus!
<Begasus> export LIBRARY_PATH="$sourceDir/build:$LIBRARY_PATH" worked fine here OscarL-x64, will check on 32bit but should be fine
<OscarL-x64> thanks for checking. only problem I had with your suggestion.. I didn't really understood at first glance what was going on :-D
<Begasus> fine on 32bit too
<OscarL-x64> wee! :-D
<Begasus> np OscarL-x64, I'm not familiar with LD_PRELOAD for that matter :)
<mmu_man> ca_root_certificates… yeah that might help :)
<nephele> help whom?
<nephele> mail_daemon is happy if your cert isn't self signed
<nephele> ... that seemed to be the only requirement
<mmu_man> nephele: git not complaining about certs being expired
<mmu_man> arf
<mmu_man> KDL in bfs_write :(
<mmu_man> I'll check that later
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<OscarL-x64> Begasus: changes pushed. Let me know if I may be of further service.
<Begasus> Ponpokodiff is happy OscarL-x64 :)
<Begasus> build happy too, thanks!
* OscarL-x64 smacks humdinger for not adding a "file are equal" sign on PonpokoDiff's UI while he was at it :-P
<OscarL-x64> Begasus: happy to help where I can :-). As always, thanks for your mentoring :-)
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<Begasus> np, sorry for the nitpicking
<Begasus> doing a last test build on 32bit, should be good to merge then
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<Begasus> OscarL-x64, once OK could you squash your commits?
<OscarL-x64> testing...
<Begasus> green light here :)
<OscarL-x64> weird... I can see your reply on the logs, but not on Vision, LOL.
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<Begasus> lol, didn't see your comment about humdinger there :D
<OscarL-x64> welp... *that* was weird.. got a buch of updates out of order. Restarting Vision.
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<OscarL-x64> Begasus: can squash, yes. didn't so at first in case I needed to revert to the first one I got working :-P
<Begasus> np, had to do that for the libpcre2 one, is nice if you can tackle that yourself :P
<OscarL-x64> now... where I put my "do the squash for me" alias/function... :-D
<Begasus> squash_last_n_commits
<OscarL-x64> ah.. it is on the beta4 install :-D
<OscarL-x64> oh... very handy :-D
<Begasus> haven't used it yet though :P
<Begasus> let's see if current opencv can be build with new jasper
<Begasus> Error: problem 1: package ffmpeg5_devel-5.1.4-2 conflicts with ffmpeg_devel provided by ffmpeg_devel-4.2.9-3
<Begasus> tss ... maybe we should get those inline at one point :P
<Begasus> I always get a scare when the laptop goes silent when building :P
<OscarL-x64> squashing done.
<Begasus> Thanks!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 492a62c - tvision: new recipe. (#10135)
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<Begasus> for the testrun on turbo, you would need libgtest and libmagic, but at runtime also libmagic (not seeing any difference with that enabled), so maybe not worth nitpicking about? ;)
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<OscarL-x64> (sorry, still reading logs :-D) haven't really looked much into turbo's tests. Maybe something for the next .recipe update? :-D
<OscarL-x64> turbo/tvision is one of those "we don't need tagged releases" kind of projects...
<Begasus> testrun was fine, so don't worry there for the time being
<OscarL-x64> so I expect to update it as soon as I find some interesting commits :-D
<Begasus> could you squash there too OscarL-x64?
<Begasus> +1
<OscarL-x64> sure, give me a sec!
<Begasus> tvision finished on buildmasters :)
<OscarL-x64> phew! :-D
<Begasus> opencv-4.8.0 is OK with newer jasper :)
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<OscarL-x64> Begasus: squashing done. Sorry for the delay. I almost squash from an older state/worktree. Good thing I double checked first .-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ea6e582 - turbo: new recipe. (#10136)
<Begasus> merged +1
* OscarL-x64 F5 the buildmaster's page :-P
<OscarL-x64> PSA: DO NOT BUY Kingston DT100 DataTraveller 32 GB pendrives. (have two... both REALLY slow on every machine/OS I try, both only ever slightly used).
<OscarL-x64> slow as in... < 2 MiB/s READ speed.
<Begasus> k, branches on par again ...
<Begasus> all good OscarL-x64 :) now make an announcement at the forum :°
<Begasus> it's busy at the KDE newsfeeds :)
<Begasus> no KF6 tags yet :P
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<Begasus> biab
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<nephele> How can i list listening ports on haiku?
<phschafft> netstat?
<phschafft> just guessing here.
<nephele> thanks
<nephele> finally build the next iteration of my network thingy. switched my game server and client over... getting to the init stage
<phschafft> something like -l, maybe -n, maybe -p.
<nephele> server gets the message, responds. but the response is not received :(
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nephele> Yes! managed to connect to the server! :D
<nephele> now it crashes as soon as i do anything else, but progress :)
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<BrunoSpr> hi all, strange thing, all my replicants are gone... somewhere, is this happen to you too?
<BrunoSpr> haiku 64bit nightly new hrev
<BrunoSpr> Where is the replicants settings file?
<augiedoggie> ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf
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<phschafft> nephele: did netstat work?
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<nephele> Yes
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> thank you.
<nephele> for?
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<phschafft> feedback, so I don't suggest wrong things in the future.
<nephele> Selbstverständlich
<phschafft> :)
* phschafft is doing a little bit of last shell related work before dinner. ;)
<nephele> yeah well i spend an entire day rewriting the network layer of my game to be better
<nephele> now it feels much slower
<phschafft> hm, :(
<phschafft> I'm sorry to hear that.
<nephele> ... had a similar issue before, the issue then was that it only handled one udp packet per frame
<nephele> probably a silly mistake somewhere
<nephele> but got to delete lots of now uneccesary boilerplat :D
<nephele> hmm, maybe the issue is that the server is too slow in relaying packets this time
<phschafft> hm.
<nephele> eh. no idea. Not sure how to debug this
<nephele> I do hope that the revelation isn't that my encoding/decoding code is just too slow. it's "only" supposed to turn lua objects into a nice representation for the wire
<nephele> .. but if it was too slow the UI would lag. so that probably isn't it :g
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<phschafft> strace it!
<phschafft> time for dinner. see you later!
<nephele> :)
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<cocobean> Oscar: SanDisk 32GB Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive - 130MB/s - SDCZ48-032G-AW46
<cocobean> Some legacy hardware is not so "hot-pluggable" so properly unmount USB drives before disconnect or you might get a random KDL.
<cocobean> (or disconnect of anything USB-related)
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<cocobean> SanDisk Extreme Pro is using for build drive.
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<Anarchos> hello
<nephele> 17 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)
<nephele> yes, remove stuff :D
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m] hello
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<BrunoSpr> Cannot start Clipdinger... any idea?
<BrunoSpr> All the other replicants I got
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<AugustRadjoe[m]> hi folks, any idea who is the potential mentor for implementing ipv6 autoocnfigs for Haiku's GSOC24 program?
<AugustRadjoe[m]> cheers
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