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<slendi> Hello
<slendi> I tried to switch up caps lock and escape and I can definetly see how changing the keymap is inconistant, in the terminal it works just fine but in nvim-qt, it's kind-of a weird hybrid of the default layout and mine with the keys switched around
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<Calisto> Heyy... So I got a reply back from my GSoC mentee request... And the mentor for the issue gave me a few starter issues to work on... Including one for the codycam application and it's LayoutAPI issue... I was looking through the source code on GitHub and wasn't able to exactly find it... If anyone knows the exact location of the source code.... Could they help me out... Also the darkwyrm docs don't really have much on the LayoutAPI so apart from the Haiku
<Calisto> Book are there any other resources on the topic?
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<humdinger> Calisto: codycam is under src/apps/
<Calisto> Yup the main code for the layout is in which file mainly?
<Calisto> I was checking the main CPP file
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<humdinger> try grepping for "Layout"
<humdinger> seems to be in CodyCam.cpp
<humdinger> not many docs on layout management.
<humdinger> See HaikuBook at
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<humdinger> I think there never was a part 2 to that...
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<Calisto> Okay
<Calisto> Ill try to figure it out then by reading that link and trying something out
<humdinger> yeah, trial&error is the way... :)
<Calisto> xD
<humdinger> and looking for similar layouts in other apps and check their source.
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<Calisto> I g that's the fun of it... i just am worried that I won't be able to complete it
<Calisto> Are there any major apps
<Calisto> That use the layout API
<humdinger> pretty much all that are under srcs/apps and preferences
<humdinger> plus many native apps at HaikuArchives
<Calisto> Okay cool I'll try going through a few and grepping like u said
<humdinger> and outside it
<humdinger> most layouting is done in files named SomethingWindow.cpp and SomethingView.cpp etc
<Calisto> Btw its my first time ever like going through open source and such a large codebase... So I may have doubts about compilation and everything... Is it okay if I ask them here if I'm really not getting it?
<Calisto> Oh okay
<Calisto> Makes sense in darkwyrms docs also... It was like there was seperation of GUI and core functionality
<Calisto> I guess most of my thing would be the GUI side of it only right?
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<humdinger> I don't know the ticket on codycam...
<Calisto> One sec
<Calisto> Ill just send it here
<Calisto> I got it from the email
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<Calisto> Also one more thing... Since I'll be developing using primarily an Ubuntu Setup
<Calisto> Like I'm a bit confused about how I'm supposed to compile and check my changes regularly
<Calisto> I have a haiku dual boot
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<humdinger> Haven't compiled from linux in ages... I'd say work in Haiku. you can build an app and test it too
<Calisto> Okay then
<Calisto> I've installed paladin and genio
<humdinger> like "jam -qj8 CodyCam"
<Calisto> Ill work off of Haiku only then
<Calisto> Oh and it automatically changes the version that's installed as well.
<Calisto> ?
<humdinger> and then execute the binary somewhere undere "generated"
<Calisto> Oh okay cool
<Calisto> That's so much better
<humdinger> I say
<Calisto> And I'd have to do the same thing for getting the source code like regular cloning and everything?
<Calisto> Or is it slightly different
<Calisto> It's using Gerrit as far as it was written on the website
<Calisto> I'm yet to read that doc
<Calisto> Will probably do that before I get into trying to fix the issue
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<humdinger> yep. (I think) you need the code in Haiku.
<Calisto> Okayyy so will all of this be there in the darkwyrm docs on source code
<Calisto> I just finished the sections pertaining to UI and everything
<humdinger> doubt it. that thing is over a decade old...
<Calisto> Sorry for the questions (probably basic ik xD) but im really new to this OS
<Calisto> Ohhh okay
<Calisto> I guess I'll just ask it here then :)
<humdinger> keep asking. I'll be afk though soon. groceries...
<Calisto> Same i have classes xD
<Calisto> But hopefully I can get started on this by tomorrow
* humdinger nods
<Calisto> Just have to figure out this Layout API and compilation thing and wrap my head around it :(
<Calisto> Thanks so much humdinger
<humdinger> np
<Calisto> Ill probably end up being active on this chat If that's not an issue? Especially while fixing the first issue so that I can get a hang of it?
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<humdinger> sure. check back the logs if someone answered while you wre offline
<Calisto> Basically for GSoC i want to work on the tracker UI mockups that were given through the associated tickets but for now to get a hang of what to do... I asked for easier things to do
<Calisto> Apart from darkwyrm docs theres no other place to learn the UI parts of it?
<Calisto> And the API docs?
<humdinger> Pretty much only the HaikuBook, the old BeBook and the code
<Calisto> Yup... The only issue is that my college internet doesn't allow external IRC connections as a whole :sob
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<Calisto> So I don't k what to do in that case
<Calisto> Cuz sometimes I might end up asking something but my device would never received back the reply cuz of the firewall 🥲
<humdinger> some web/irc site maybe?
<Calisto> Yup
<Calisto> Or I'll try and keep my laptop running
<Calisto> Woah
<Calisto> This stores everything?
<humdinger> yes
<Calisto> Well that just fixed the issue xD
<Calisto> Thanks so much
<humdinger> easy :)
<Calisto> I'm sorry btw if the questions rn are really really lame xD
<humdinger> nah, baby steps...
<Calisto> Yup i g so :)
<humdinger> alright. see you later, gotta run...
<Calisto> Yup same
<Calisto> Thanks so much
* humdinger waves
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a1ae4fe - opencv3, disable test (for buildmasters), disable python (breaks build on 32bit) (#10148)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Calisto> Good morning :)
<Calisto> Btw what time zone are u in Begasus?
<PulkoMandy> Hello :)
<Begasus> Hi there Calisto PulkoMandy :)
<Begasus> Calisto, Belgium
<Begasus> GMT+1?
<Begasus> never keep track there :)
<Calisto> Ohhh okay
<Calisto> Will keep that in mind xD
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<Begasus> Then you can go to sleep and come back when it's quiter? ;)
<Calisto> No xD
<Calisto> Like I'm in GMT +5:30
<Calisto> So it helps to keep in mind that the chat will be active during like different times
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<Calisto> And me (being the noob that I am xD) need help :death_emoji
<PulkoMandy> There are people from all around the world here: europe, usa, south america, new zealand, ... So I think there's always someone awake
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> Calisto, I'm a noob at many places too ;)
<Calisto> Yup
<Calisto> That's nice to hear PulkoMandy
<Calisto> I mean I'm awake till pretty late most of the time so I don't think it will be a problem
* coolcoder613 is in AU
<Begasus> Calisto, what's your timezone?
<Begasus> err nvm :)
<Begasus> more noise during EU timezone (daytime), maybe more practical chat in other time :)
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<Calisto> Mine is GMT +5:30
<Begasus> Haiku x64 build still on par :)
<Begasus> Halamix2, still no luck on hedgewars here, even tried with QtCreator :/
<Begasus> too bad it doesn't contain a lazarus project script, as my setup for lazarus is fine here
<Calisto> Btw in the LayoutAPI what exactly does the weight mean?
<Calisto> While adding an item to a BLayout?
<Calisto> Was reading the docs and couldn't understand what exactly it did
<Calisto> Tho will just build a quick app
<Calisto> To try it out
<Calisto> Also all apps are now using the LayoutAPI rather than obviously positioning everything manually right?
<Begasus> See, that's where I'm useless ;)
<Calisto> :sob
<Calisto> Issok hopefully someone who has worked on the layout thing could help
<Calisto> Like the last change to codycam is listed as 3 years ago
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<PulkoMandy> Calisto: Yes, all apps were converted to use layouts, since it makes it a lot easier to adjust automatically to different font size setting
<Calisto> Oh okay that's great then... Is there any like app that has a relatively easy to read source code out of everything for seeing how the Layout renders and everything... I think I'm getting the basics of it from the documentation itself... But to see a real app would be easier I think?
<Calisto> Like any recommendations?
<PulkoMandy> The weight defines how the lines or columns are spread if there are no other constraints, for example if you have a view with weight 2 and another with weight one they will use 2/3 and 1/3 of the available space
<PulkoMandy> However, usually there will be other constraints, for example a string view does not want to be too small and not be able to show the complete string, so the layout system also takes each view minimum, maximum and preferred size into account
<Begasus> jikes ... opencv again ...
<Calisto> Oh right right that makes sense
<Calisto> Also in the photo uploaded on the ticket
<PulkoMandy> have you read the "laying it all out" article linked earlier? It studies in details the layout of the midi player app which is a quite simple one
<Calisto> Is there a reason the fields are going out of the render space or is it cause it's not resizing automatically or something?
<Calisto> Yup I was reading that rn
<PulkoMandy> You can compare that with the full sourcecode of the app
<Calisto> The intro to LayoutAPI thing
<Calisto> And i had grepped the layout part of CodyCam
<Calisto> Cool
<PulkoMandy> One thing I sometimes do is change the background color of various views (using SetViewColor or SetLowColor) to see where each view really is
<PulkoMandy> It helps better understanding how the layout is built and what's happening
<Calisto> Right
<Calisto> I mean I'm from a web exp before this so that makes sense
<Calisto> Ill try to make a proper app with the LayoutAPI first
<Calisto> And move into the issue after a few days hopefully once I get the hang of it
<Calisto> How long do u think it would take in general to get the entire hang of it
<Calisto> And start making contributions?
<Calisto> For now I left the darkwyrm docs that are in the advanced section but will probably read a few including the source code one for contributions
<Calisto> Are the remaining ones important for contributing to UI of apps?
<PulkoMandy> I don't think anyone knows everything about all of Haiku. Just learn what you need to fix one bug (or even better understand the bug), and start from there
<Calisto> Yup that was the approach I was also trying to take
<PulkoMandy> And then you can do more and more complex tasks and find more subtle and complicated bugs :)
<Calisto> Reading it all at once was starting to get overwhelming
<Calisto> Ive been following that closely and compiled a few apps where I positioned everything absolutely but then when you sent me the ticket I got to k about the LayoutAPI so probably will learn that and apply it as soon as possible
<PulkoMandy> Yes, you just need to find your way around in the source (know that apps are in src/apps, that all the layout and views stuff is in src/kits/interface for example), where to find documentation (when it exists), and how to quickly make changes and test them
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5c205cd - opencv3, remove not build (anymore) python library directory in INSTALL (#10152)
<Calisto> Cool I'll keep that in mind as I go ahead
<Calisto> For now I'll finish with reading up on the laying it all out with the midi pkayerb
<Calisto> Ok imma be AFK for a while :(
<Calisto> Gtg for uni xD
<Begasus> enjoy ;)
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<Begasus> cool, riscv image builds again :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there. :)
<Begasus> Arr andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus!
<andreasdr[m]> How is it going?
<andreasdr[m]> Need to reboot my Haiku. One min.
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<coolcoder613> My Haiku partition is showing up as "Not formatted (Be File System)" what should I do? How can I rescue it?
<Begasus> nice, opencv3 out of the way :P
<Begasus> coolcoder613, where is that?
<coolcoder613> DriveSetup on Haiku USB
<Begasus> weird, everything is on the Disk?/can you mount it?/tried running checkfs on it? ... ;)
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<Begasus> no expert here you know :)
<coolcoder613> Cant mount it
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<Begasus> codeberg gives an RSS feed too it seems :)
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<Begasus> coolcoder613, you are sure you formatted it with BFS?
<coolcoder613> I did, I was think I messed it up in Linux
<coolcoder613> It is my main Haiku install, so I want it back!
<Begasus> jikes, only got -40GiB free space here :P
<Begasus> there are tools to check the ID(?) for a partition and to change those, can't remember the name though
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<coolcoder613> It's got the right ID
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<Begasus> reboot, biab
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<phschafft> coolcoder613: what OS are you on right now?
<coolcoder613> On my Haiku live USB
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<coolcoder613> I have as Linux USB as well
<phschafft> I was wondering if you could check that the super block is there.
<coolcoder613> probably not, how?
<Begasus> nice +56GiB free now :)
<coolcoder613> (I mean is probably isn't there)
<phschafft> generally I would start with something like: file -s /path/to/volume
<coolcoder613> s/mean is/mean it is
<phschafft> not sure if file knows abiut BFS. but it might be a start.
<phschafft> if that doesn't help I, personally, would have a look with xxd and look up the magic for the superblock.
<coolcoder613> DOS/MBR boot sector
<phschafft> I'm not talking about any boot block, but the superblock of the filesystem.
<coolcoder613> That was the superblock
<coolcoder613> it was /dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/0
<phschafft> are you sure that is the correct volume, not the disk?
<coolcoder613> yes
<phschafft> I mean if that is really the case no wonder it can't get it mounted.
<phschafft> but before doing anything that does writes to that volume best would be to check with some of our fine experts in here.
<coolcoder613> What do you think I'm doing?
<phschafft> I just want to make clear that I'm not an expert with Haiku. And don't want to make matters worse.
<phschafft> and recovery is really a topic where things can go real bad real fast.
* coolcoder613 knows all about it that, I had to reinstall Linux on the same machine
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<coolcoder613> All because I wanted to make the linux partition bigger
<coolcoder613> It spiralled downwards from there
<coolcoder613> ->Convert extended to primary->testdisk->fdisk->...
<coolcoder613> I think testdisk is the culprit here
<phschafft> did you move any of the partitions?
<coolcoder613> Not the Haiku partition
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<Begasus> Better :D
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* coolcoder613 *loves* freeing up space, so much fun
* coolcoder613 once freed up 70GB in one day, his personal record
<phschafft> it's always fun when you see rm take time to remove a single file.
<phschafft> just because it needs to free the blocks.
<phschafft> and while all that got much faster (both hardware and more optimised fs operations), disks also became larger, so I would say it still happens to me at a more or less constant rate for the last 25 years or so.
<Begasus> +30GiB now :) not bad
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<coolcoder613> gtg, g'night
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<Begasus> cu coolcoder613
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<Begasus> K, CudaText 1.209.05 up and running (build with Lazarus/FPC) :)
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<Begasus> typo in the year here?
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there. Did somebody noted some more crashes than before. Tried a last nightly a hour ago and I had 2 kernel crashes :(
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<muhamed_emad[m]> I recently tried to build Haiku and got this error... (full message at <>)
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<Begasus> andreasdr[m], still on R1B4 here
<andreasdr[m]> Ah very good.
<Begasus> muhamed_emad[m], just did a build earlier, worked fine
<andreasdr[m]> Does this has some negative impacts on Haiku usage / work?
<Begasus> not for me andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Good to know.
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you.
<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: hmm okay, do you what can be the reason?
<muhamed_emad[m]> also what system are you using?
<muhamed_emad[m]> * do you know what can
<Begasus> " ../src/add-ons/media/plugins/ffmpeg/AVCodecDecoder.h:21:18: fatal error: avcodec.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> missing ffmpeg?
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<Begasus> muhamed_emad[m], running Haiku R1B4 here
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<Begasus> 64bit*
<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: no I have ffmpeg and ffmeg-devel
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<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: I am building on master. is it fine?
<Begasus> muhamed_emad[m], no expert here, but I also use branch master for checking
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<Begasus> tried deleting "objects" directory and start over?
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<muhamed_emad[m]> okay I will try again
<Begasus> I *think* Haiku downloads ffmpeg4 still
<Begasus> yep, in *download* there should be ffmpeg4
<Begasus> haiku/generated.x86_64/download*
<Begasus> did you run configure on the buildtools?
<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: sorry I didn't get you. I uses ffmpeg-4.4.4_6
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<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: do you mean installing jam??... (full message at <>)
<andreasdr[m]> Begasus ( Where would I place a man file into ~/config/non-packaged?
<andreasdr[m]> Just working on our MinitScript.
<slendi> Does invalidate_loop task on the kernel team also sometimes randomly make the CPU go brr for you guys as well? Or has that been fixed on nightly
<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: yes I have that
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<Begasus> muhamed_emad[m], my build script:
<Begasus> not saying it's good, but it works for me ;)
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<Begasus> cd /Opslag/Haiku/buildtools (change that to your path for the buildtools if you would try it out)
<Begasus> andreasdr[m]: ~/config/non-packaged/man/ ? ;)
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<Begasus> depending on man/man1 ...
<muhamed_emad[m]> Begasus: I checked it. I do the same steps.
<Begasus> ok, should be fine then? :/
<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/lazarus/bin/lazarus" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus> bugger ... :P
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<Begasus> bbl
<andreasdr[m]> Begasus: Will try ~/config/non-packaged/man
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<andreasdr[m]> Does not work to open the man file afterwards with "man 7 minitscript"
<andreasdr[m]> cp ./resources/minitscript/man/minitscript.7 /boot/home/config/non-packaged/man/man7/
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57593] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b8caef69155f - Change `AT_FDCWD` from -1 to -100.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57594] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 01dc1ea4cfb7 - libbsd: add strtonum(), nitems(), timespec operation functions from FreeBSD
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3bf4cdb73bb1 - network/ping: update to freebsd-current
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<muhamed_emad[m]> <muhamed_emad[m]> "I checked it. I do the same..." <- lol it worked now just deleted the previous build. Thanks for help
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<Begasus> k, that didn't work :)
<_Dario_> that new editor "Turbo" that appeared on HaikuDepot is great.
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<nephele> how can i disable the 32bit bios bootloader in the build again?
<nephele> it's failing to build somehow and i don't care to investigate that. I'm not using it
* phschafft waves to nephele.
<nephele> hi phschafft
<phschafft> all good?
<nephele> yes
<phschafft> was thinking about you a little earlier. having a question.
<nephele> sure
* phschafft jumps into the query. ;)
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<nephele> x512[m]: did you make any progress for ELF section for haiku suplementary data?
<x512[m]> I have functional implementation with Mold linker.
<nephele> Do you have a review ready, or something I can look at for the format?
<nephele> I want to start playing around with this to make an ABI for the shell stuff, so you can write down for an application what interface it supports (and what data it can receive)
<waddlesplash> nephele: I don't see how this is useful for a shell. You will be tied to one machine and won't be able to use the shell over a network in that case
<waddlesplash> the only way is to negotiate features at runtime over the protocol
<x512[m]> I can upload definitions for new ELF program header and patches for resource reading, but it will be hard to be practically useful until GNU LD (current default system linker) support will be added.
<nephele> waddlesplash: do you expect the interpreter to run on a different machine than the actual programms.? that seems a bit wierd
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<x512[m]> nephele: What tasks are you trying to achieve with ELF data embedding?
<x512[m]> For short-term solution, it is possible to use objcopy to convert binary file to *.o file for linking.
<waddlesplash> nephele: I expect the Terminal to run on a different machine than the programs, if running over SSH
<nephele> create a stable interface from which the interpreter can discover what ports/arguments a programm supports for bulk data processing/"scripting"
<nephele> waddlesplash: I'm not going to use Terminal
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<nephele> no tty emulation or anything like that
<waddlesplash> I said *a* Terminal
<waddlesplash> maybe some other sort of application besides a TTY, but still, a Terminal
* phschafft reads along.
<nephele> Your complaint makes no sense to me. If you wish to start a process on this machine and send the data over the network you would then need to employ a network enabled way to discover the capabilities
<nephele> for a local machine where data processors would use for example BMessages to communicate it makes no sense to need to use a negotiation alghorythm when the supported data can be known beforehand
<nephele> for example a mkdir equivalent would accept "file directives" as input, you could discover this beforehand and send the data in the proper format
<x512[m]> Isn't it already supported in Linux during command auto-completion?
<nephele> i don't think "running over ssh" makes much sense apart from the plain "you can put udp/tcp packets in ssh"
<x512[m]> Can't that auto-completion format be reused?
<nephele> No. Command auto completion only tries to parse a grammar, it does not know what the entires "mean"
<x512[m]> Re-annotating all command line utilities including ported ones looks like difficult task.
<waddlesplash> I don't know if it really makes sense to define formats in this way.
<phschafft> plus, as someone who wrote autocompletion scripts in the past: burn it down! don't try to reuse it!
<phschafft> ;)
<nephele> and this textual grammar per-programm format makes it very difficult up to impossible to write different gui programms for the same task of setting up a bulk-processing chain VS a plain "just this command"
<nephele> this should be two types of client programms "Interpreters" as such using the same underlying mechanisms
<x512[m]> nephele: What is a problem with using existing Haiku resources?
<nephele> x512[m]: yes. I will not do this, there is no direct compatibility with posix-like "argv" interface for commands
<nephele> x512[m]: nothing
<phschafft> plus, with a logic of knowing the ports for a function one can just call it via some RPC protocol.
<nephele> But phschafft wants to implement something similar, compatible to this, for Not Haiku. and an ELF section would be a portable way to do this that does not conflict with our way
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<nephele> waddlesplash: there are many problems that can be fixed by employing a structured way for programms that do this kind of bulk processing "scripting" to interact with each other, compared to the "it's just text and pass these options"
<x512[m]> For me problem with Haiku resources is that it are not mapped to memory and it is currently difficult/slow to discover offset to beginning of resource data. It complicates using resources for kernel code.
<nephele> for example the current launch_roster interface improvement kallisti5 wants to do where the arguments are "oh but you need to check for an interactive terminal and add these specific options to turn off/on colors"
<x512[m]> nephele: I think that you need to implement proof-of-concept first instead of attempting sending some patches right now.
<x512[m]> Haiku resources or objcopy should do the job.
<nephele> x512[m]: Yes, i was wondering if your work was available to build ontop of
<phschafft> x512[m]: but that exactly solved by using a section. I mean with a section you can just tell it to load.
<phschafft> load === map in this case.
<kallisti5[m]> 🍿
<nephele> but if it is not ready i will use haiku ressources
<nephele> kallisti5[m]: I'm very happy for Noto Emoji by default on Haiku
<nephele> monochrome emojis are great
<kallisti5[m]> lol
<nephele> (I'm not even joking about that, i really like them)
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<x512[m]> Example applications that use PT_HAIKU_RESOURCES if someone want to test or inspect.
<phschafft> U creat
<phschafft> hu?
<x512[m]> phschafft: ?
<phschafft> I'm just wondering why that is used by any software in 2024 ;)
<CalistoMathias> heyy... so just had a small question... as part of using layoutAPI in creating Haiku Apps
<CalistoMathias> do we need to use the BGroupLayoutBuilder
<CalistoMathias> or is it just an easier way to build the layout?
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<waddlesplash> BGRoupLayoutBuilder is deprecated
<waddlesplash> use BLayoutBuilder::Group<>
<CalistoMathias> oh okay
<CalistoMathias> cool ill read up on that then
<CalistoMathias> i was actually following the MIDI player example that was given on the website
<CalistoMathias> is there any place where we can see which are the deprecated things and everything?
<CalistoMathias> they both work on the same kind of operations though right?
<nephele> ?
<CalistoMathias> I'm referring mostly to that only.. but i'm not sure whether it lists the classes which are deprecated
<CalistoMathias> there's no mention of it on the BGroupLayoutBuilder page at all :sob
<nephele> "Deprecated helper class that helps building a BGroupLayout. More... " ?
<CalistoMathias> oh my god rip :sob my reading ability :Sob
<CalistoMathias> nevermind im sorry :sob
<CalistoMathias> i was reading the rest of the page before that struck me :sob
<CalistoMathias> but I guess its fine xD
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<CalistoMathias> is there any like example sort of page (like "Laying it all out") for the newer classes?
<phschafft> It happens.
<CalistoMathias> yah :( I have been trying to wrap my head around this LayoutAPI thing since morning :sob so I guess its taking its toll right now xD
<CalistoMathias> but in general... why were the builders used instead of the direct layout classes? any particular reason? (even though they are deprecated right now)
<nephele> Hmm, dunno about example blogs :(
<nephele> i can link you to the commit i converted stylededit to layouts if that helps
<CalistoMathias> yupppp
<CalistoMathias> that would help a lottt
<CalistoMathias> :D
<CalistoMathias> I'm trying to basically learn the LayoutAPI and fix the codyCam ticket
<CalistoMathias> thanks so much :D
<nephele> most of that commit is using the menu builder
<nephele> which uh, has even less documentation :(
<CalistoMathias> oh okay a
<CalistoMathias> :sob
<CalistoMathias> is it similar to the group one?
<nephele> the important part of the layout is on the bottom
<nephele> yeah
<CalistoMathias> cool
<CalistoMathias> i guess ill have to try and give the API docs a re-read for the newer layout builders i g
<CalistoMathias> ill just try and finish off reading the "Laying it all out" page first and then give the API docs along with your code a read-through
<CalistoMathias> hopefully that should be enough to allow me to start the CodyCam fix :sob
<nephele> you can ask here
<nephele> if you have any difficulties :)
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<CalistoMathias> yup definitely will :)
<CalistoMathias> I'm pretty sure if I hadn't joined this IRC, I would have been done for xD
<CalistoMathias> thanksss so much :D
<CalistoMathias> im probably going to pin these and just keep these for reference
<CalistoMathias> also btw sorry for asking the same question again but like it wasn't answered that time... but is it like its compulsory to use the builder classes? or is it just to make things easier?
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<waddlesplash> they should be used unless there's some good reason not to
<CalistoMathias> oh okay
<CalistoMathias> cool
<CalistoMathias> okay then ill be AFK for a while
<CalistoMathias> gotta read that page by the end of this hour xD
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<mbrumbelow> kallisti5: I am able to login to Gerrit... thanks for your help! I will close the ticket.
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<CalistoMathias> Btw @nephele, by even less documentation, did you mean that it isn't there on the haiku API docs?
<CalistoMathias> like I can't seem to find it through the search bar or anything :-(
<CalistoMathias> wait nvm
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57595] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1af693a23c54 - ffmpeg: Increase accuracy of frame count computation.
<CalistoMathias> ugh sorry sorry
<CalistoMathias> got it after searching for the Header file
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<nephele> CalistoMathias: yes, i don't think the menu one is documented at all
<CalistoMathias> rip
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<CalistoMathias> wait so then @nephele how exactly did you get to know how to use it and everything?
<CalistoMathias> i know that might be a very stupid question :sob
<nephele> uhh, good question
<nephele> i don't quite recall how i discovered that for the stylededit one. I think I just read the headers for the menu layout builder to see what was available
<nephele> and followed similar existing code
<CalistoMathias> woah
<CalistoMathias> for a beginner like me is that doable? like directly reading the header file itself?
<CalistoMathias> like for the CodyCam thing tho i think its the Group<> one
<waddlesplash> it's just code, isn't it
<waddlesplash> ?
<nephele> yes, you can read the header
<CalistoMathias> oh okay cool then ill just try and read the header if it comes down to it
<nephele> but you should start with finding code that does what you want already
<nephele> and then read the header to see what more it can do
<CalistoMathias> also I had one really stupid question but like it wasn't there in the darkwyrm docs
<CalistoMathias> like there is this data type called off_t
<nephele> but normally we should just have documentation, sometimes it
<nephele> 's sparse though
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<nephele> also because we'd rather check in good docs rather than poor ones
<CalistoMathias> makes sense
<nephele> personally i want way more code examples in the development docss
<nephele> not sure if other devs share that sentiment, but i can learn much easier with examples
<CalistoMathias> yahh i was reading the deprecated one (not knowing about the deprecation) and the code examples were helpign out
<nephele> (since it puts stuff into context)
<CalistoMathias> until I got to know that its deprecated from here xD
<CalistoMathias> i mean for the fix that I need to make into the CodyCam issue its pretty much only the BLayoutBuilder::Group<> that I need to learn and re-implement
<CalistoMathias> so for now i guess it should be fine
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<CalistoMathias> btw just had a small question... is it like a bad thing to like change the layout of a BBox directly
<PulkoMandy> there is a known problem with BBox, ideally it should be possible to use .AddBox("box title") in the layout to insert a BBox in the proper place (and then insert another view or layout under it)
<PulkoMandy> no one wrote code for that, and so currently it "breaks" the use of layout builder. You have to create one layout builder for what's inside the box, and another for what's outside
<PulkoMandy> and, yes, unfortunately the documentation is not always complete and also there are bugs. So I often end up looking at the header files to see what's available, and at the implementation if I think it's not working as it should
<PulkoMandy> for me that works well to discover more and more parts of the OS (and more bugs...) depending on what I work on
<CalistoMathias> oh i see
<CalistoMathias> so that's what causing the bug in the ticket that you had sent over mail?
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<CalistoMathias> like the layout had been directly changed
<PulkoMandy> I don't remember what I wrote there, but I think it was something like this: The BBox class uses its own layout which handles just two children view: the box "title" and the box contents
<CalistoMathias> right...
<PulkoMandy> I think in CodyCam someone used SetLayout to change that to some other layout and insert more views inside the box
<CalistoMathias> so i guess one of the ways to fix this would be add a seperate view inside the box child?
<PulkoMandy> yes
<CalistoMathias> and then like assign that its own layoutBuilder
<CalistoMathias> cool
<CalistoMathias> ill try and do that
<CalistoMathias> till then ill try and figure out this Gerrit thing
<CalistoMathias> i have to still set it up properly... like I was using GitHub before this so will probably read the page on setting up Gerrit and try and fix it tom
<CalistoMathias> thanks so much @PulkoMandy
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<CalistoMathias> oh wait one last thing... even the title of the BBox is managed by its layout?
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<CalistoMathias> ill have a look at the docs of BBox also once i guess then before getting on it
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<PulkoMandy> there are multiple ways to use a BBox, in one case you can put another BView as the title (for example: a BPopUpMenu that allows to select one of several "pages" for the box contents; or a BCheckbox that enables/disables the whole content of the box). In that case, the special BoxLayout is used. If its just a string, I think no layout is needed for that, but maybe the layout is still used to add the need
<PulkoMandy> ed space for the box border (so that the child view is always inside the border of the box)
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
<nosycat> From what little I've seen, GUI layout in Haiku is more freeform than with Gtk or Qt.
<nosycat> And human interface guidelines more flexible.
<nephele> more flexible?
<kallisti5[m]> <mbrumbelow> "kallisti5: I am able to login to..." <- Awesome!
<nosycat> nephele, I could be wrong
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<nosycat> But if Yoshi is representative, then it seems that way.
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<nephele> Haiku apps seem way more "in line "than linux apps to me
<nephele> linux apps seem to be an incoherent mess of different toolkits and guidelines
<nosycat> Arguably, but some of those can be rigid.
<nosycat> wxWidgets for example has a very firm notion of how a main application window is laid out.
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<CalistoMathias> oh okay @PulkoMandy that sounds pretty cool
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<CalistoMathias> btw just had a really simple question... but in the orientation if we specify it as B_HORIZONTAL, it stacks the Layout items below each other right?
<nephele> i think that is vertical
<nephele> but you can try it out, you will see if that is wrong
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<CalistoMathias> cool
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<CalistoMathias> ill brb gotta boot into Haiku to set up the Gerrit thing :D
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<PulkoMandy> yes, vertical is below each other and horizontal is left to right
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57596] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d24476aaf035 - device_manager: PCI_display is used for virtio gpu
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> PulkoMandy: as the write support is little too large as a whole so should i submit my patch as fragments
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<CalistoMathias> @PulkoMandy btw is the issue with CodyCam already fixed?
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<CalistoMathias> I just booted into Haiku and ran the CodyCam application
<CalistoMathias> but everything already seems to be okay with its UI
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<PulkoMandy> PriyanshuGupta[m]: Yes, of course, we want to work one small change at a time
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<PulkoMandy> CalistoMathias: I think you have to set a large font size in appearance preferences and restart the app and see what happens then
<PulkoMandy> as said in the ticket comments: "it uses a hard coded top offset that hides this bug in the 'normal' font size case."
<BrunoSpr> hello all
<PulkoMandy> so the bug is only visible with larger text sizes
<nosycat> Hi!
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> I'm going through the read support and get a little basic idea of how actually data is in the disc now I'm actually trying to figure out how all the things should be managed for write support
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> while reading the docs i got to the free space management topic where i came to know how xfs manage the free space, is this a good way to start the write support .any suggestions?
<PulkoMandy> there are various operations that are grouped together as "write support": creating a file, deleting a file, creating a directory, copying a file, ...
<PulkoMandy> maybe you can start by looking into what steps each of these would need, and see if one is easier than the others
<CalistoMathias> Oh okay @PulkoMandy that makes sense i guess, but at what minimum font-size does it start having issues?
<PulkoMandy> you will indeed probably need some way to allocate space to the new data, so, keep track of which parts of the disk are free and available to store new things
<PulkoMandy> CalistoMathias: I don't know, according to the ticket comments there may be problems with a 24px font size?
<CalistoMathias> yah
<CalistoMathias> but I just tried 24px
<CalistoMathias> and everything seemed to be okay
<CalistoMathias> ill try with an even larger size i guess
<CalistoMathias> its taking quite a long while to clone the repo for some reason :sob
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> PulkoMandy: any reference if u have for this
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<PulkoMandy> CalistoMathias: maybe it has been fixed then. Did you check the commit log for codycam to see if maybe someone already fixed the problem without noticing the ticket?
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<OscarL> CalistoMathias: the CodyCam ticket original reporter mentions he only sees the problem on real hardware, with HiDPI display.
<CalistoMathias> i was checking the github repo and there were no changes for quite a while... maybe it has been fixed already as I just tried with font of 35px as well
<CalistoMathias> where can I check the commit log of this? to see whether it has been fixed
<CalistoMathias> If it already has been fixed then maybe I will try and fix the other ticket that you had assigned to me
<CalistoMathias> that one still has the issue of the checkboxes being misaligned
<PulkoMandy> I see I introduced a change with directly setting a layout to a BBox here:
<PulkoMandy> some other issues were fixed in the next commit: but I think not that one
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<CalistoMathias> yah i was going through it but I can't find the exact commit
<CalistoMathias> but at the same time, I'm unable to reproduce the issue on mine anymore
<CalistoMathias> changed the font size to beyond 40px
<CalistoMathias> but its still rendering fine
<PulkoMandy> in particular look at how it replaced fCaptureSetupBox->SetLayout with adding a child view instead
<PulkoMandy> and same for fFtpSetupBox
<CalistoMathias> yah ill try and read through the changes once to see how things were done
<PulkoMandy> so that would fix the problems listed in the ticket I think
<CalistoMathias> so is this issue closed now?
<CalistoMathias> oh ok
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<CalistoMathias> ill try and read through the code then and understand as much as I can
<PulkoMandy> but the top box that says "you need a webcam to use codycam" may still have problems
<CalistoMathias> oh okay
<PulkoMandy> unless that was also fixed by this or some later changes
<CalistoMathias> yah
<CalistoMathias> in any case the other ticket that you assigned to me through mail still has the issue so maybe I can try and fix the misalignment there
<bitigchi[m]> Mmm the sweet feeling of using Haiku on bare metal again
<bitigchi[m]> And not spending a night on a VM compiling build tools
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<muhamed_emad[m]> muhamed_emad[m]: in this line I casted pointers to uint64 to make addition possible however I don't think it will work for 32 bit systems but I am not quite sure
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<muhamed_emad[m]> anyone know if it's okay or not, and if not is there a better way?
<muhamed_emad[m]> I found a way by including stdint.h by using "uintptr_t" but I think it is included in the project by another name however I don't know what it is
<muhamed_emad[m]> * anyone know if it's okay or not, and if not is there a better way?
<muhamed_emad[m]> I found a way by using "uintptr\_t" but I think it is included in the project by another name however I don't know what it is
<muhamed_emad[m]> similar to what uint32_t is called uint32 . I tried uintptr but didn't work.
<muhamed_emad[m]> * anyone know if it's okay or not, and if not is there a better way?
<muhamed_emad[m]> I found a way by using "uintptr\_t" but I think it is included in the project by another name however I don't know what it is
<muhamed_emad[m]> similar to uint32\_t called uint32 . I tried uintptr but didn't work.
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<OscarL> those message edits on Matrix look like spam here on IRC :-/
<muhamed_emad[m]> <OscarL> "those message edits on Matrix..." <- my bad, I just thought my message wasn't clear enough.
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<OscarL> no biggie, muhamed_emad[m], just a heads up about how those look "from this side" (see:
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<PulkoMandy> it's hard to say if the change is correct with just one line of code. Can you share a link to the complete code you are working with?
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<CalistoMathias> Btw what exactly does the BSpaceLayoutItem do?
<CalistoMathias> like in the ticket for the media player settings misalignment issue ... its being caused (i think) because of the way the code is written using a grid and an element which extends to maximum width
<PulkoMandy> I don't remember, does it just add some empty space?
<CalistoMathias> i was thinking maybe I could replace that element with something empty while setting a maximum size to it ... would this be a good approach @PulkoMandy?
<CalistoMathias> yah even I was thinking that it just adds some empty space
<CalistoMathias> and the BSpaceLayoutItem has a maxSize setting as well :D
<PulkoMandy> I don't know, I would experiment with the code and try various options until I find something that works well
<CalistoMathias> yahhh
<CalistoMathias> im just waiting for the source code to get cloned
<CalistoMathias> I don't know why its taking so long :sob
<CalistoMathias> Btw @PulkoMandy, in order to eventually start working on the Query Tracker Window, what all would I need to specifically learn
<CalistoMathias> or get good at to be able to meaningfully contribute into that?
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<PulkoMandy> I think it's mostly layout of the window, but you probably want to play a bit with the existing query system to understand what it can do
<PulkoMandy> I think this is documented in the user guide
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* nephele bangs vision for loosing connection and pretending to still send messages
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<OscarL> nephele: experienced that recently. Then got a bunch of previous messages comming in at once. :-/
<OscarL> nephele: I was reading the logs, not sure if you found out already. Just in case: "build/jam/packages/Haiku" <<< comment out "bootTarget" lines there to avoid needing buildtools for "jam haiku.hpkg"
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<nephele> OscarL: thanks, waddlesplash told me. I have a sticky on my desktop now XD
<OscarL> :-) I should probably also add it to my "how the hell I do X.txt"
<Calisto> So PulkoMandy it will be mostly the same LayoutAPI and a bit more stuff?
* OscarL discovers that B_OPTION+Up/Down arrows keys is already used by something that "steals" those from Terminal :-(
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<nephele> sorry for closing the ticket you were working on /me hides
<PulkoMandy> Calisto: setting up the window to look like in the mockups will be mostly that, then I think the idea is that there are various buttons that generate or store various kind of filesystem queries
<PulkoMandy> so a bit of file read/write to save settings, and then probably the most interesting part will be code to generate and execute the filesystem queries. But let's go one step at a time and let you figure out the user interface parts first
<Calisto> Yah :sob
<Calisto> Ill try playing around with that spaceItem
<Calisto> My network is pretty slow right now so it cancelled the clone of the main repo
<Calisto> So I'll probably run the clone again
<Calisto> When I have a stable internet connection
<nephele> why do you keep writing :sob? i'm somehow interpreting this as sadness but the internet sais it means son of a <> which i don't think you mean? :)
<Calisto> No no xD I meant the crying emoji.. i think the app I'm using on my phone converts it to :sob
<Calisto> I should stop with that emoji but I definitely didn't mean the latter
<nephele> why? irc supports utf-8
<Calisto> I have no idea... Maybe it's some app issue
<Calisto> Lemme try reloading it
<Calisto> It's an IRC app on my android phone so idk how well it works
<Calisto> Just gimme a min
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<Calisto> Yah so i was typing this 😭
<Calisto> Wait now it sends it 😅 what even
<nephele> oh i deleted noto emoji from unpackaged.
<nephele> Google doesn't let me download it
<nephele> because my browser is unsupported
<Calisto> Ohhh okay
<Calisto> I think I'm going to go doze off in a while... LayoutAPI has messed with my mind enough for today xD
<nephele> wait i packaged it, i can just install it
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<Calisto> I need to somehow find a fix for that issue tomorrow but am still kind of clueless how to fix it but oh well.... Atleast I can read the code now 😅 and understand what it's doing
<Calisto> Baby steps i guess xD
<Calisto> It's 2 AM here so anyways imma head out now... Ill be back online tomorrow most likely ... Thanks for all the help today you guys 🙂
<nephele> Have a good one
<Calisto> You too :)
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<OscarL> now... how difficult can it be make SHIFT+home/end do text selection on Terminal?
* OscarL tries to find out.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57597] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9931e8eeeebf - rgb_color: Add new APIs: Contrast(), IsLight(), IsDark()
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<OscarL> so nice when you actually understand compiler's error messages! /me doesn't get that feeling too often :-P
<OscarL> yessss! working SHIFT+Home/End text selection. NOICE!
<OscarL> I assume nano requires some keybinding changes for that to work how *I* expect it, thou.
<nephele> nano, but ee exists, the easy editor :D
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<nephele> (though probably not ported to haiku)
<nephele> good night :)
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<OscarL> I'll probably switch to turbo instead of keep fighting nano's keybindings :-D
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57598] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 144f17d9e1db - network/traceroute: Update to freebsd-current.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<Atomozero> Do any of you use Mastodon? Can you check if you see images correctly with Falkon?
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<OscarL> morning coolcoder613_32 :-) (finally got turbo on the repos, thanks for your help!)
<coolcoder613_32> Now, I have to get turbo preinstalled in Haiku ;)
<coolcoder613_32> If nano is...
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<OscarL> coolcoder613_32: I've just sent an updated patch to Gerrit, so Shift+Arrow keys (and also Shift+Home/End) text selection work as expected.
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<OscarL> in case you want to try it:
<coolcoder613_32> Did you see my recovery problem from yesterday?
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<OscarL> read something about you borking your install while trying to resize partitions.
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<OscarL> those things *never* happened to me, no no, no sir! :-P
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<coolcoder613_32> I borked Haiku while resizing linux partitions
<OscarL> did you managed to solve it? or had to reinstall?
<coolcoder613_32> How can i restore the superblock?
<coolcoder613_32> because all the stuff is still there
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<OscarL> no idea, sorry. I had a very, very hard time once, due to windows deciding: "can't be anything important on these non-windows partitions".
<OscarL> I kinda knew where in the disk my Haiku install was (containing most of my old code)... so I just dd that thing to a file on a different disk.
<augiedoggie> iirc, there is a recover tool in the repo that isn't included which can repair superblocks
<OscarL> Over the years, tried many, many times to mount that into Haiku (using different offsets, etc)... until it worked.
<augiedoggie> looks like the -s option will repair superblocks
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<OscarL> "for experts only, don't use this if you don't know what you're doing"... or desperate enough? :-D
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<OscarL> mmm, why can't I just `jam bfs_tools` ? whats the proper target name?
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<augiedoggie> it's already built on mine just not installed
<augiedoggie> you can probably just use `jam recover`
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57599] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8d35d9578827 - MultiAudioNode: Actually take input_channel_count into account.
<waddlesplash> that ^ fixes audio input on USB headsets :D
<OscarL> augiedoggie: thanks :-)
<OscarL> coolcoder613_32: do you want a "recovery" binary to try your luck? (64 bits only, but perhaps you can use it from a pendrive at least?)
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<OscarL> "Turbo button, on steroids", ROTFL!
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<coolcoder613_32> OscarL: recover is already on my USB drive, it seems to be preinstalled on HGiku
<OscarL> coolcoder613_32: indeed, there it is under /bin/.
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<OscarL> part of the default image since 2018-03-10 8-|
<augiedoggie> heh, i didn't even bother to check
<augiedoggie> i assumed :P
<OscarL> I remember having to build it myself for Haiku (or install it from bebits even earlier :-P). Time flies, I guess :-D
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<OscarL> mmm, some SOURCE_URIs changing SHA256. Always a boost of confidence.
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<OscarL> nice. run checkfs on it?
<OscarL> what does that partition looks like in DriveSetup? (particualarly, FileSystem and PartitionType colums)
* OscarL finds DriveSetup default column order pretty weird.
* OscarL should probably learn to code, and propose more fixes, instead of just complaining.
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<coolcoder613_rescue_usb> FileSystem and PartitionType are "Not formatted (Be File System)"
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<OscarL> both? weird.
<OscarL> if you had a dd backup of that partition, I would feel less worried about you actually trying that "recover -s" switch :-/
<augiedoggie> 6 exabytes? nice :P
<coolcoder613_rescue_usb> recover -s says the superblock is fine
<coolcoder613_rescue_usb> i'm trying recover -i and it seems to be finding the files
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<OscarL> "The disk's superblock is corrupt (or it's not a BFS device)!" <<< emphasis on the "OR" then...
<OscarL> maybe, just MAYBE the partition type is wrong on the MBR, and you can change it with something like Ranish Parition Manager?
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<augiedoggie> did you reboot after running the tools?
<OscarL> (I guess more modern tools exists, but... I'm old :-P)
<augiedoggie> DriveSetup can change partition types
<OscarL> only on primary partitions, or so it seem here.
<augiedoggie> it offers me the option on my gpt drive, i didn't actually test it because i don't feel like fixing it
<OscarL> yup, it is not enabling that "Change parameters.." menu item for any of my logical parts :-/.
<coolcoder613_rescue_usb> brb, rebooting
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<mmu_man> Old activation state backed up in ""
<mmu_man> hmm
<mmu_man> seems update actually fails on this box
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<mmu_man> even corrupted the BFS
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<mmu_man> I'll have to try and manually move the packages
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<OscarL> lol, recipe expecting /bin/python. My crappy fix: "mkdir -p ~/config/non-packaged/bin && ln -s -T /bin/python3 ~/config/non-packaged/bin/python"
<OscarL> korli would probably will have a stroke when he sees it :-D
<OscarL> man, seems *I* had a stroke while writting that last comment.
<OscarL> xash3d-0.20~git (same old $srcGitRev) can be build with Python 3.10 with just that hack. One less thing needing Py2 for building.
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