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zard has joined #haiku
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<coolcoder613> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> Have you ever heard of blinkenshell?
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<zard> no
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* zard looks it up
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<zard> Interesting... did you manage to get an account?
* coolcoder613 is waiting for vouches
<zard> Hehe. Best of luck :)
<coolcoder613> <coolcoder613> I'm still good at porting C things
<coolcoder613> A conversation from yesterday:
<coolcoder613> -*- coolcoder613 doesn't use C, he writes Python and Rust (still learning Rust)
<coolcoder613> <Nistur> am I allowed to ban people on principle?
<zard> lol
<zard> Another service that offers ssh accounts:
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<coolcoder613> From
<coolcoder613> I recommend vim for editing files. It's got a learning curve like a brick wall, but you'll never find a more powerful editor.
<zard> Yeah, I like vim :)
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> personally I never had hat brick wall effect.
<zard> Haven't used it for a while though, so it must not be that good ;)
<zard> Agreed, no brick wall for me either. Maybe tutorials and all got better?
<phschafft> to me it was like you need to learn like 10 commands and then you can do anything. from that point it is just a straight line going up.
<phschafft> what I like about vim is that in all the years that 'curve' never flattened for me.
<phschafft> so I can keep learning and improving.
<phschafft> it's also whatever my problem is, vim has a solution for it. :)
* augiedoggie disagrees with the "never find a more powerful" part
<coolcoder613> The sum of my vim command knowledge is :w :q /search_term
<zard> These days, I don't have much time to use vim it seems. And the other editors are sufficiently powerful to replace it atm
<zard> But that may all change when I start coding full-time
<coolcoder613> I know how to exit, save, and search, and i never use it unless i have to
<phschafft> for me it was a matter of vim being available on every system. so not understanding it would have been a problem.
<phschafft> so better make friends than war. and what I found is that vim is a good friend to me.
<scanty> boo vim. yay emacs
<zard> save, exit search... now you just need to know navigation (h,j,k,l), how to enter edit mode (e) and how to exit edit mode (ESC) :^)
<coolcoder613> No, thats i not e
<zard> ...right...
<coolcoder613> and its called insert mode
<zard> ...yeah... I knew that...
<zard> You must know more vim than me :^D
<phschafft> haha.
<zard> scanty: No worries, I like spacemacs
<zard> (as long as it uses vim keybindings, that is)
<scanty> hooray
<scanty> actually, i quite like Pe.
* coolcoder613 likes Zed for GUI, and turbo for terminal
<coolcoder613> On Haiku, Genio
<coolcoder613> and turbo
<phschafft> when I got got use intellJ for the first time I found that they have a vim input plugin.
<phschafft> and unlike all those 'vi modes' this one is _very_ complete.
<zard> Oh, that certainly nice
<coolcoder613> Before I discovered turbo, what do you think I used?
<zard> nano?
<coolcoder613> obvs
<phschafft> you can even use all the stuff in things like the inputs in the config dialog.
<coolcoder613> and FreeDOS EDIT
<phschafft> like just run a regex in a config dialog... that is fun.
<scanty> going to eat, bbl
<zard> sounds like intellJ might be worth the money
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<phschafft> for what it is and what it is meant to be it is the best tool out there in my opinion.
<phschafft> so as long as you need to do what it is meant to be used for I would even call ist relativly cheap. also given the freedom the licensing gives you.
<zard> Alas, I don't code enough to justify any such investment. Maybe some day when I get a job...
<zard> Hurray! Compiled and tested the hpkg of Haiku-PyAPI on 32 bit
<zard> Now, I just need to incorporate the changes back to 64 bit and make sure that still works
<phschafft> (for example your license is not bound to a single install. so you can run it on as many machines as you like in parallel. the private license allows commerical use. ... the license just feels 'fair')
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<zard> I've used IntelliJ for a bit of coding. Never got to any difficult problem where it beats all of the other editors so far
<zard> One thing that's not so nice about vim and emacs is all of the configuring necessary to get a nice experience
<zard> Even preconfigured ones, like spacevim or spacemacs, need a good bit of configuring
<phschafft> zard: if you use it as a nice editor then you surely don't need it. it's fun when you use stuff like the inspector.
* zard starts building hpkg of Haiku-PyAPI on 64 bit
<zard> One thing I never figured out. Does IntelliJ automatically wrap commit messages with newlines?
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<zard> gtg. Bye everyone!
<coolcoder613> Bye
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<OscarL> nice, got some files on a FAT32 partition (from Haiku)... files are dated: 1896-02-04 :-D
<erysdren> heh, yeah
<erysdren> that seems to happen to everybody
<erysdren> also happens to me with NTFS
<erysdren> i wonder what causes it ?
<OscarL> I guess some mismatch between, say... time_t and something that expects "seconds from X baseline" ?
<OscarL> I copied 4 files, two have dates 3 days before what I wrote above. Those were compiled a few days earlier than the 2 "newer" ones, so it is not totally "random" dates.
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<OscarL> Pluing an USB mouse after using and unpluging a USB pendrive... had to reboot by holding down CTRL+ALT+DEL :-(
<erysdren> oof
<OscarL> And... idualwifi7260 driver still refuses to connect to anything... after WORKING once a few days ago :-(
<OscarL> have to overlapping replicants on desktop... can't remove any of them as the "replicant handle" ain't visible on either one :-D
<OscarL> removing settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf, and killin Tracker did the trick :-)
<erysdren> ouch lol
<erysdren> should probably put a button somewhere to clear all replicants huh
<OscarL> could be useful :-D (at least a bash function :-D)
<OscarL> k. usb_rndis driver "reloaded"... let's see how long it takes me to KDL on this machine! :-D
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<OscarL> not a good start... lots of "KERN: usb error xhci 0: TRB 0xb065200 was not found in the endpoint!"
<scanty> bleh :(
<scanty> drivers are not fun
<OscarL> and "KERN: usb xhci 0: cancel queued transfer (0) for pipe 0xfffffffwhatevar!"
<OscarL> bah... it doesn't even shows on Network preferences :-(
<scanty> :(
<OscarL> how can I KDL if it doesn't let me use it! :-P
<erysdren> damn
<scanty> i have a usb to serial inteface board here, and i have no idea how to use it.
<scanty> i don't know anything about usb
<OscarL> mm, I think I missed a couple of steps... will try again after blacklisting system/wide usb_rndis, and remember to ONLY install the driver AFTER connecting the phone :-D
<scanty> good luck!
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<OscarL> thanks. here we go...
* scanty *crosses fingers*
<OscarL> crap. same xhci errors as before.
<scanty> grrr!
<OscarL> BUT...
<OscarL> TADA... can `ping`
<OscarL> time=356.969ms :-D
<scanty> wow that's a long time.
<scanty> should be around 100msec
<OscarL> now remember to disable the usd_rndis interface BEFORE unpluging the device (otherwise... KDL)
<OscarL> and unpluging succesfull! (which mean I get to keep this syslog session at least :-D)
<scanty> well, that's good
<scanty> maybe some devs can figure it out.
<augiedoggie> i get bad latency to, much better to something like
<OscarL> scanty: that's my hope. and considering that doing these tests is the best I can do...
<OscarL> augiedoggie: will try again after I make sure I have these logs safe :-D
<scanty> save them to another disk, or a usb stick, etc
<OscarL> (also... I want to see if I get the same KDL at unplug time when usb_rndis is still in use)
<OscarL> scanty: I don't dare to plug another USB device just yet. Saving to a couple of different partitions for now.
<scanty> ah, good idea
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<OscarL> erysdren: wrote log to a FAT32 partition on the internal SSD... date is correct :-/
<OscarL> ja! WAS correct... after remounting it... now is dated: 1896-02-05 :-D
<scanty> wow, you have the oldest file ever~
<OscarL> welp... other files on that partition are dated: 1883-10-30, so... :-D
<scanty> nice
<OscarL> reminds me of when I worked in software QA... hard to keep focused on ONE bug in particular when you find them aplenty :-D
<OscarL> alright, take two.
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<OscarL> can't ping :-/
<OscarL> or now.
<augiedoggie> i get ~40ms to the local google server and ~165ms to
<erysdren> actually, reminds me of when i had a scanned photo from the US Civil War that i downloaded from the internet (this was in 2011) and the last modified date had been manually modified to reflect the date the photo was taken
<erysdren> so Windows dutily displayed the date as sometime in the 1860s
<OscarL> from the desktop: ~25 ms to google).... ~240 ms to
<erysdren> dutifully*
<OscarL> erysdren: nice touch :-D
<scanty> haha
<OscarL> Good news seems to be: No KDL while unpluging the phone, but can't get it to work again either after the first try.
<scanty> OscarL, i might have an extra USB->wifi adapter, it's yours if i can find it
<OscarL> scanty: thanks for the offer, my friend! But I'll have to decline... our "customs" are known to keep for themselves most of the electronics that enter the country (specially those mailed to remotes locations like mine).
<scanty> oh no
<scanty> that's terrible!
<OscarL> A few years a go, I've lost a gifted raspberry pi (from a good fellow in the UK), to those darn thiefs :-/
<scanty> lots of corruption, i see.
<OscarL> yeah :-(
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<HaikuUser> LOL I'm a "binky" now! :-D
HaikuUser is now known as BiPolar
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<BiPolar> after a reboot, and the usual hoops... usb_rndis seems to be working enough for Vision.
<BiPolar> let's try updating the system
<scanty> cool
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<OscarL> k... speed is varying wildly, but... beats no updates :-D
<OscarL> I like the "Type: LiON" but also "Technology: non-rechargeable" I'm getting in PowerStatus' Extended batery info window :-D
<OscarL> mmm I'm getting hrev57564 (from 4 days ago)... guess the buildmaster got stuck again?
<OscarL> sems so. according to concourse. Wonder if the concourse upgrade by kallisti5 was less than fully succesful :-D
<scanty> i'm on r1b4
<OscarL> alright! update complete, carelessly unpluged the phone, no KDL.
<scanty> cool!
<OscarL> scanty: I'm usually on beta4 too (specially when I do anything haikuports related)... but... needed to test some bleeding edge stuff on this machine.
<OscarL> and I did bled, alright! :-D
<scanty> yeah, i know what you mean
<scanty> there have been a lot of changes since.
<scanty> i was told that since i'm developing things i should stick to r1b4 and not the nightlies.
<OscarL> Also... Python has issues building on nightlies... I need to figure that out before beta5 :-D
<scanty> there's still some blockers for beta5
<scanty> from what i have read/been told
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<OscarL> scanty: sticking to beta4, makes sense (at least if you plan to release via HaikuPorts)... because the buildmasters for those packages are running a slightly outdated beta4.
<scanty> ah
<scanty> interesting.
<OscarL> so things that "work ok on nightlies", might not even compile on the buildmasters.
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<OscarL> ok, enough of this laptop. No brigthness control is making me blind :-P
<scanty> laptops are a pain.
<erysdren> true. i gave my normal desktop to my partner so she could play modern / intensive AAA games and i'm using my old 2017 laptop plugged into the same kb/monitor setup
<erysdren> since i had a linux install i just popped out my SSD and put it in the laptop, no issues
<OscarL> lol, crashed Vision by trying to /quit :-D
<scanty> nice
<OscarL> *now* I dare to plug that usb pendrive to copy the logs. Again, on FAT32... Tracker shows correct dates. Mmm.
<OscarL> (even after restarting Tracker)
<scanty> well, that's good
<OscarL> after re-mount it gets all screwed :-D
<OscarL> so... the fat driver is storing the wrong data on disk, but has it OK on cache, or something like that? (guess it could be *reading it wrong*)
<scanty> okay, bed time for me. talk to you tomorrow. good luck!
<OscarL> grub boot loader looks hideous on this machine... I'll miss Haiku's lovely Bootman (MBR only). Guess at some point I should try rEFInd.
<OscarL> later scanty! sleep well!
<scanty> thanks :-)
* OscarL thinks he will end up using QEMU+KVM to run Haiku on the new netbook. Can't be worse than running it VirtualBox on an Athlon II x2 :-D
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<OscarL> LOL. Remember those files from 1896? Win10 reports their dates as: 2023-02-14.
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<erysdren> lol
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<OscarL> at least we know it is *both* writting and reading the data wrongly :-D
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<OscarL> openbsd uses unix2dostime() on setattr(), and dos2unixtime() on getdattr(), while Haiku seems to be just using plain time_t.
<erysdren> hm.
<erysdren> that probably explains it
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<OscarL> too bad that's as far as my "l33t skillz" go :-D
<OscarL> anyways... enough fighting computers for one day.
<OscarL> See you around erysdren! Be well!
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
* coolcoder613 waves
<erysdren> hi
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613 erysdren :)
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<nephele> Habbie, indeed there is no kvm equivalent. But there were plans to port NVMM from NetBSD which is equivalent, i don't think anyone did it yet though
<nephele> hello Begasus
<nephele> i see the build completed
<Begasus> yeah, finishing up on 64bit also nephele :)
<nephele> the webkit build creates a ton of headers to have less compile time
<Begasus> libqt6pas should take a bit of time, the others in the waiting line should be pretty fast to build, so have to wait a bit for 64bit to be available
<nephele> would be funky if it supported c++ modules, would be much faster :3
<Begasus> looking into breaking up vlc to provide a devel package, that way we could use libvlc also for other applications
<nephele> for what?
<Begasus> and need to fix the breeze package ...
<nephele> I mean, if we need media stuff the media kit is probably the way to go
<nephele> or do you have existing applications to port?
<Begasus> for instance elisa now uses qt5multimedia for playback, it could use libvlc for that
<Begasus> and seen other projects checking for libvlc in the past, could be worth a try to check it out :)
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<nephele> I suppose libvlc could be a lighter dependency than qt5multimedia
<nephele> though, if an app already uses qt it may not matter too much :)
<Begasus> probably not, but gives me something to check ;)
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<Begasus> -- Checking for module 'libvlc'
<Begasus> -- Found libvlc, version 3.0.20
<Begasus> that works :)
<Begasus> * LIBVLC, libvlc allows to play music in Elisa (otherwise it will use QtMultimedia), <>
<Begasus> needed? no :)
<Begasus> but volume slider works now in Elisa :P
<nephele> nice
<Begasus> and found some way to add more color schemes for the KDE apps :D
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<HaikuUser> Hallo
<phschafft> Guten Morgen.
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<nephele> Begasus: Installing libreoffice needs *three* boost versions :(
<nephele> (on beta4)
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<Begasus> 3?
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<Begasus> k, at least 6 libraries require 1.69, one 1.70 and one I need to check ...
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3370f71 - libepubgen, bump revision for boost version (#10054)
<Begasus> why are we still stuck on icu66 ... :/
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 88a9d15 - libmspub, revbump for boost version (#10055)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d815496 - librevenge, revbump for boost version (#10056)
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<phschafft> whenever I look at that list of error codes we defined so many years ago I need to smile about some of them.
<phschafft> most of them are mirroring POSIX errno values. but there are also some fun ones. like this one:
<phschafft> @C USER 90 Error in front of screen
<phschafft> there are however some that are normal in the domain they are used, but are often understood as jokes by outsiders, such as:
<phschafft> @C CAUSALITY 51 Causality error
<zard> Where is that file?
<phschafft> hm?
<zard> The file where the errors are defined. Can't seem to find it
<phschafft> oh, that is from our company's list. (actually the list was compiled before the company was formalised)
<phschafft> there are coplies on the net, let me try to find one.
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<zard> Ah, ok, I thought it had something to do with Haiku. Interesting list :)
<zard> @C CENSORED 108 Access denied because of censorship
<phschafft> not directly, however indirectly via my chat with nephele
<zard> No surprise. I joined at the wrong time :^). I like off-topic too :).
<phschafft> I was showing him some of our concepts that got into that shell I wrote the other day. he was interested as he wants to create a better shell for Haiku
<phschafft> so naturally he was interested to hear about my 'story'.
<phschafft> and I'm interested in that it ends up compatible with our company's patterns, so we can have more interoperability.
<phschafft> one of the things we talked about were status/exit codes.
<zard> btw, there is a #haiku-offtopic channel. Nobody ever uses it, it seems. Not even me.
<phschafft> how they are on POSIX and what the problems with that is. the OS I wrote that shell for just uses said list at it's core.
<zard> currently only 5 people in #haiku-offtopic
<phschafft> six.
<phschafft> ;)
<zard> :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1085657 - libmwaw, revbump for boost version (#10057)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6e908af - libvisio, revbump for boost version (#10058)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5d66aa5 - libpagemaker, revbump for boost version (#10059)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b745b94 - libqxp, revbump for boost version (#10060)
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<dualdigr> will someone port qustodio to haiku
<Habbie> you?
<Habbie> hmm, that does not look open source
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<nephele> zard, yes, as offtopic is mostly allowed here there aren't that many people there. I used to be there but i am not that often anymore xD
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] nielx 2c06604 - Coding Guidelines: C-style casts
<zard> I set up my IRC client a while ago to auto-join it, so I'm usually on there if I'm on here
<zard> But, since offtopic is allowed here, there isn't much use for it
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<Nephele> phschafft, Haiku has negative error codes. I may keep those as they are too. It's quite nice if you want to return a value that errors are negative as they can be passed in the same value as you could pass e.g some length of data copied
<phschafft> ... which is not a problem with ports as you can clearly mark stuff as what it is.
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<phschafft> keep in mind that this is not about syscalls directly, so some of the optimisations are just not relevant. also keeping in mind that those optimisations are often far from a clean design/logic, they are just more pratical for the CPU.
<phschafft> plus, if your error codes are all < -1 it is compatible with the spec ;)
<Nephele> Well, B_ERROR is -1, and B_NO_ERROR is 0 ;)
<phschafft> what is the meaning of B_ERROR?
<Nephele> some error occured, i think the same as in your spec
<phschafft> it is. :)
<phschafft> and also 0 for no error is the same. :)
<Nephele> just that the case of "it could also not be an error" isn't intended ;)
<phschafft> this part is more so the spec is open for the case it could not be decided if there was an error.
<phschafft> which you could consider an error on it's own if you like.
<phschafft> so generally applications should consider -1 a error condition, but one with no additional information available.
<Nephele> I don't suppose you have a high level design document for the shell, for the parts you'd like to be compatible? :P
<phschafft> I have the datamodel that is modeled in itself. ;)
<Nephele> Pretty bad as far as errors go, unless you are calling a function that can only fail in one way
<Nephele> Huh, no responses to the haikuwebkit release, considering the responses the last time I expected more xD
<phschafft> for example:
<phschafft> Nephele: I think we agree that a more specific error should always be preferred and -1 is just a last resort anyway.
<Nephele> Definetely. Unless you write sh code in which case all errors are equally useless ;)
<phschafft> this is why 0 is no error. so you can just use the classic if (error) {...} logic as working in most languages ;)
* zard starts discovering it is hard to work with variable frame-rate video
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<Nephele> zard, variable frame rate heh. I want variable viewport video!
<Nephele> Why is it that somebody uploads a compilation video, includes video made in another format, and now because of this if i watch it in "normal" mode on a phone it is tiny in the middle!
<erysdren> because most people who use a phone a lot have just gotten used to the annoyance of squinting at the small screen
<erysdren> otherwise i don't know
<Nephele> I assume that nobody did it yet
<Nephele> guess similar with video with alpha :)
<Nephele> (though i think video with alpha does exist technically)
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<AlienSoldier> Mame build is still 64 bit only
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<AlienSoldier> weird, restarted Vision because the icon was not showing in tracker, first time an app (or tracker) do that to me
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<scanty> hi guys
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<erysdren> hi scanty
<scanty> what's new?
<scanty> mmm copying from usb is sloooow
<scanty> or to usb
<scanty> i forgot what i did, haha
<scanty> either way, it's slow ;-)
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<dualdigr> someone needs to make a qustodio client for haiku
<dualdigr> because we need parental controls in haiku
<dualdigr> for a web filter in webpositive
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* phschafft feels a headache nearing by those words.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57572] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fce034d2ce0e - notification_server: Use automatic percent formatting
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57573] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fed199a7be40 - Terminal: use multiplication sign instead of x
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<scantysnax> just testing the web interface...
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<phschafft> nephele: if you have some time tomorrow I could invite you to a meeting with one of my coworkers.
<phschafft> which touches the subjects. it's only going to be a short status meeting.
<phschafft> if you're intrested, tell me what time would work for you.
<phschafft> that said, I'm offline for a few hours, taking care of real life.
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HaikuUser is now known as OscarL-x64
<OscarL-x64> Wee! got a Web+ crash... "Exception (Invalid opcode exceptio)" (apparently, on
* Nephele ducks
<OscarL-x64> saved a .report file, just in case.
<Nephele> OscarL-x64: All i can say on webkit crashes is
<OscarL-x64> this CPU is a "plain x86_64".. no SSE4 or anything fancier introduced in "x86_64_v2", that lots of projects seems to want to use as baseline for x64 :-(
<Nephele> Well, file a bug. If webkit is generating SSE4 if you don't have any that's definetely a bug
* OscarL-x64 clicks on nephele link, opening in Wep+... let's see how it goes :-D
<Nephele> Haiku applications, generally, enable sse4 features (or other vector extensions)... at runtime, by detecting the cpu supports it
<Nephele> It won't work. Media playback is disabled, but you can use qmmplay2 ;)
<OscarL-x64> yeah, I was just trying to "pull your leg" (if I'm using that idiom correctly) :.-D
<jmairboeck> OscarL-x64: I have a python packaging question: recently I noticed in the new Debian 12 that pip doesn't install packages globally by default because the python installation is "externally managed". Should we maybe enable this for Haiku's python packages too? See
<Nephele> yeah, yeah. I'll get to writing proper support eventually
<Nephele> who knows, i may have some time coming up with my employment ending in a month :P
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<OscarL-x64> this particular Haiku install,,, is a no qt/gtk one. Only made it to try to fix builds of Python on nightlies :-D
<Nephele> You may watcht he humorous "It's all obi-wan's fault!" video at a later date if you wish (or maybe not at all if you already know the reference ;)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 7962b34 - icu: fix infinite loop in icu74 initialization.
<OscarL-x64> jmairboeck: hi there! Will take a look. Separating "system needed python" vs "user python" (at least packaging-wise) always sounds like the better option in the end...
<jmairboeck> but maybe it isn't needed in Haiku because pip can only install stuff to non-packaged anyway and not accidentally destroy system packages because packagefs is read-only.
<OscarL-x64> jmairboeck: but... I'm far from a Python packaging expert... (or expert on anything, really :-D), so you might want to address that up to the "higher ones" over HaikuPorts and/or Haiku proper.
<jmairboeck> in Debian, pip install now requires `--break-system-packages` to install python packages globally and recommends using virtual envs or debian packages instead.
<Nephele> jmairboeck, it cannot on linux either unless you run this with elevated priviliges
<jmairboeck> nephele: that was what I was using (in this case for Trac plugins we use our trac instance in our company)
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<jmairboeck> so something like sudo pip install --break-system-packages svn+ for most of them
* OscarL-x64 liked Python A LOT better when he simply used it with the "batteries included".
<jmairboeck> because there are quite a few which only gained support for trac 1.6/python 3 very recently ...
<OscarL-x64> anything Python-packaging is a PITA :-D
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* OscarL-x64 remembers managing a Trac install at his older job... running it on Win was "fun".
<jmairboeck> we run it on Debian using Apache and mod_wsgi, and we currently in the process of upgrading it from Debian 9 and Trac 1.2 to Debian 12 and Trac 1.6
<jmairboeck> for debian 12 there is a package again in bookworm-backports, after they removed it in Debian 11 because there was no stable python 3 based version for so long.
<OscarL-x64> heh
<OscarL-x64> even Debian beat us to the big Python 2.x purge :-D
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<jmairboeck> they finally made it with Trac 1.6 which was released only in November 2023 IIRC
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<OscarL-x64> ok. at least the Web+ crash seems 100% reproducible. Make me feel better about opening a ticket :-D
<OscarL-x64> good thing that now Web+ seems to draw checkboxes on pages!
<Nephele> Open a ticket or face my wrath
<OscarL-x64> nephele: already on Trac's /newticket page, yeez! :-D I'm SLOW, man!
<OscarL-x64> :-P
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<Nephele> You can thank pulkomandy for the checkboxes i think
<PulkoMandy> But you can thank nephele for the release :)
<OscarL-x64> Ok, folks... a round of BIG THANYOUs to everyone involved! :-D
<OscarL-x64> damn typos :-(
<Nephele> > You will need to enable two-factor authentication on your account before March 22, 2024, or be restricted from account actions.
<Nephele> What the fuck? what are account actions?
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<OscarL-x64> darn, got another crash while writting the ticket (and trying to open Gerrit on a new tab :-(
<Nephele> Well, i did provide instructions to downgrade, clearly anticipating this predicament ;)
<OscarL-x64> :-P
<OscarL-x64> Mmm, this one is an "Exception (Segment violation)", on BWindow::Shortcut::~Shortcut() ? ("url autocomplete" seemed to hang before the crash)
<OscarL-x64> nephele: previously, I was about to comment that Haiku's Gerrit web page looks a bit "funny", with all those "icons" being replaced by text ("arrow_drop_down", "chevron_right", etc).
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<Nephele> You don't need to open a ticket about that, that is known
<Nephele> in the meantime safari also had the same issue
<OscarL-x64> okey dokey.
<Nephele> basically they use the font litiigures support
<Nephele> and then ship fonts that have those phrases as litigures
<Nephele> so technically the icons arent replaced by text, but the text is failing to be replaced by icons
<Anarchos> nephele ligatures :)
<Nephele> Anarchos, :D
<OscarL-x64> gotta love "I'm so smart" code paths :-( What's wrong with a simple .svg icon :-D)
<Nephele> Anarchos, in the future "git commit --amend --reset-author" is your friend ;)
<Nephele> OscarL-x64, :(
<Anarchos> nephele why ?
<Nephele> Anarchos, the commit you made for the radeon_hd brightness thingy recently, to fix something, was credited to me and waddlesplash only read the git author and wrote that i made it in the activity report
<PulkoMandy> I think it's not even "recently". It was merged recently but it was a bit older
<Nephele> OscarL-x64, doesn't even have to be .svg, could be a font just fine. maybe use unicode private use area if you can't be bothered to find matching unicode code points even .g
<Anarchos> nephele that's fine, i just helped finish it
<Nephele> the first one yes, but the second commit was all yours :)
<Nephele> this is the one i am talking about:
<Anarchos> nephele i am not enough selfish to reclaim such a little fix
<Nephele> it's not about selfishness. I did not write that one, the issue is a bit if someone later sees that line and has questions about it they might ask me, but i might have no clue since i did not write it
<Nephele> if you want to show that you worked together on a commit (like in the first one) there is also a flag for git to tell it that it was co authored you can use
<Anarchos> nephele ok
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> nephele i am a bit confused cause it made my radeon_hd brightness works for a year. I am pretty sure it was merged before ?
<OscarL-x64> nephele: <<< LOL, sorry for the "WebPositove" typo :-D
<Nephele> it was the second commit for telling the atombios that we handle the brightness keys on our own
<Nephele> OscarL-x64, component is kits / web kit
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<OscarL-x64> feel free to adjust it while fixing the summary? TIA!
<Nephele> also maybe include the information about what your cpu type is if you suspect this is related
<OscarL-x64> "AMD Phenom II X4 " already present on the .report.
<OscarL-x64> do you think I should add "sysinfo"?
<Nephele> Ah, you are correct. probably fine
<Nephele> I do wonder if the debug report does not store the opcode that triggered this somewhere? atleast i do not see it
<Nephele> i remember there beeing a similar bug in the past that PulkoMandy fixed iirc. Too bad i don't remember what the fix was :g
<OscarL-x64> I can reproduce it 100%, so if there's a way to get that from Debugger, or something... I'll just need instructions on how to get that :-D
<PulkoMandy> nephele: It would show the opcode if there was one
<PulkoMandy> "address not contained in any valid range" means it jumped into memory that does not exist
<PulkoMandy> Usually my way to fix javascriptcore bugs is: merge more commits from webkit until it somehow disappears
<Nephele> I suppose that I could try. I'm not actually sure how our javascriptcore port looks, if this is something that could be caused by us
<OscarL-x64> This other Web+ crash... I can't seem to reproduce... sharing it anyway:
<Nephele> on the bugtracker please ;)
<OscarL-x64> just seeing if there was enough interest in it :-P
<Nephele> if it crashes certainly. If it can't be fixed and can't be reproduced i will eventually brgrudginly close the ticket
<Anarchos> OscarL-x64 how did you get this nice bug report ?
<OscarL-x64> Anarchos: simply choose the "save report" option on the crash dialog.
<Anarchos> OscarL-x64 oh nice
<Anarchos> OscarL-x64 i always forget to look that one
<Nephele> you can also open Debugger, attach to a running team and then use save report from the menu
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<OscarL-x64> file gets saved to Desktop (I would rather like to be stored on $HOME/Crash-Reports/ or similar, but... oh well)
<Nephele> then configure debug_server to do so
<OscarL-x64> PulkoMandy: BTW, saw your replies on the usb_rndis ticket. Thanks for the guidance and patience! :-D
<PulkoMandy> Thanks for your help testing and debugging the driver :)
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<OscarL-x64> nephele: mmm. I think I have some debug_server config somewhere on my one of my 7+ haiku installs :-/
<Nephele> I only know that one line that is in the haikuwebkit readme :P
* Anarchos doesn't use very much his optiplex server. Can it be to some use to haiku ?
<OscarL-x64> but I think I only use it to auto-kill python when runnint its test suite :-D
<Nephele> was this written with AI?
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<Nephele> > Streamlined Downgrading: If you encounter any hiccups after updating, you can effortlessly revert to HaikuWebkit 1.9.10 using the provided command in the Terminal.
<Nephele> And then doesn't provide the command
<Nephele> That's... uhh
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* coolcoder613_32 thinks most of the articles on DOF sound like they are AI-written
<OscarL-x64> heh, the "Marketese" is a bit too strong on that one :-/
<coolcoder613_32> But written by an AI that knows what it is writing about
<Nephele> not really
<Nephele> most of that content is wrong
<Nephele> for example i wrote : "If you encounter new issues (or have some fixed with this release) feel free to create a ticket or update one on"
<Nephele> And the article sais: "Community Engagement: The Haiku community thrives on collaboration. If you discover new issues or have fixes to share, head over to to create or update tickets, ensuring that HaikuWebkit continues to evolve for the better."
<Nephele> I never said to post fixes on the bugtracker
<coolcoder613_32> I mean it sounds like the AI has been given the relevant blog/forum posts
<Nephele> seeing as it follows the structure of my announcement most meticilously probably
<Nephele> it sounds more like someone trying to beat the word count on an aassay, copying someones work, and not quite knowing what they are talking about
<OscarL-x64> nephele: done: Have fun!
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 ab2c87f - icu: refix infinite loop in icu74 initialization.
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<OscarL-x64> hola nhtello :-D
<nhtello> Hi to all!
<nhtello> Hola oscar
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<nhtello> i hve getting an error when i try tu push my changes to the repo
<nhtello> ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master (no new changes) error: failed to push some refs to ''
<nhtello> i dont know wht im doing wrong...
<Nephele> nhtello, it means whatever you are trying to push already exists in that version
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<Nephele> have you installed the git commit hook now?
<nhtello> yep, it was installed the first time too... this time, i create the comit with the last line wit the ID as you suggest...
<nhtello> but, im getting this error
<nhtello> so... i will check again
<Nephele> are you trying to push the same commit? did you use git commit --amend after staging new content?
<nhtello> i use guitar for the commit... and then when i try to push use the console...
<nhtello> maybe is that the error... use Guitar
<Nephele> OscarL-x64, please only specify platform field if you think it is related to that architecture
<OscarL-x64> nephele: understood, sorry.
<Nephele> No need to apologize
<Nephele> nhtello, I don't know what guitar is :g
* OscarL-x64 might be secretly part Canadian :-P
<nhtello> is a tool... to manage git in a gui
<Nephele> OscarL-x64, no need to apologize for beeing canadian /s
<Nephele> nhtello, I figured. But i don't know what it does. If you use gerrit you will have to do the equivalent of git commit --amend
<Nephele> So that the commit you push, with the correct id, is amended with the new contents of your changeset
<OscarL-x64> if ".git/hooks/commit-msg" already existed before on the haiku clone... seems really weird neither of the commits got the "Change-Id", no? "Guitar" might be out-of-tune! /me ducks
<erysdren> does Haiku have a dummy -ldl?
<Nephele> > Historically, functions in libdl provided for dynamic linking support. This functionality now resides in libc(3LIB).
<Nephele> what is that needed for?
<erysdren> just asking if i need to make an exception in my makefile
<erysdren> Linux has it as a separate library to be linked while i guess Haiku doesnt
<Nephele> I don't know. i only remember vaguely something about libm having that same problem
<Nephele> but i think there now is an empty libm for haiku?
<Nephele> I guess easiest would be to check
<erysdren> yeah last time i checked Haiku has a dummy -lm
<erysdren> but i don't remember if it has -ldl. i'm assumg not
<OscarL-x64> nhtello: what *I* would do, if everything else fails... is... make sure you're clone is up-to-date (and you're on origin/master), edit the commit message on "+/7378" to include the Change-Id", then "cherry-pick" that commit as per the instructions on, and try to apply your other changes on top of that commit.
<Nephele> every commit on gerrit has a change id, even if they don't show it :/
<OscarL-x64> nhtello: surely there are simpler ways of doing it, but as I've said... no expert here, and hard for me to help without seeing the state of your clone.
<OscarL-x64> nephele: right, but if your LOCAL commit doesn't have it, your new commits generate new ones.
<nhtello> im trying now with the documented method in the web... without guitar
<Nephele> yes
<nhtello> git commit -a
<nhtello> .git/hooks/commit-msg: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' .git/hooks/commit-msg: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
<nhtello> return that error
<nhtello> something wrong with hooks tool appears....
<OscarL-x64> that's certainly a problem :-D
<nhtello> maybe is better to star from 0... jajja
<nhtello> i will clone the repo again, install the hook etc, copy my changes, and ty the commit again whit the id
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<Nephele> your commit hook is a html document
<OscarL-x64> I've tried `curl -Lo "~/commit-msg"`, and indeed it downloads an html :-(
<Nephele> just delete it and redownload based on the instructions
<nhtello> ooooo!!! ok
<OscarL-x64> are instructions on, out of date?
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<Nephele> uhh, that's wrong definetely
<Nephele> kallisti5: help? :o
<OscarL-x64> might even need to hit him with an [m]... here: Paging Dr. kallisti5[m] !!! :-P
<OscarL-x64> using `curl -Lo "~/commit-msg"` seems to download the proper file.
<nhtello> the documentation is the problem... appears that in place of the script is an html with "No repositories found"
<nhtello> an auto page... i think
<nhtello> <OscarL-x64>¨ok i will ry with taht
<OscarL-x64> nhtello: make sure to use the proper output path (I've just sent it to $HOME/commit-msg as a quick test)
<Nephele> okay, documentation fix ready:
<OscarL-x64> as in that "commit-msg" needs to end up in your haiku's clone's "haiku/.git/hooks" dir (sorry if this is already understood).
<OscarL-x64> Uh,,, new "commit-msg" reads "From Gerrit Code Review 3.7.3", mine is 3.4.5, time to update it? :-D
<Nephele> dunno
<Nephele> nhtello, good catch though, my commit message was also an html file xD
<nhtello> YESSS!! now when i commit i got: 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
<nhtello> now im goint to try push..
<OscarL-x64> welp... even if my old hook still seemed to work... the diff with the newer one is substancial (not going to read all that bash thou :-P). So I think I'll update mines, just in case :-D
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 8e53681 - harfbuzz: Bump to ICU 74
<erysdren> i'm about to boot into haiku and see if this builds, but before i do, is "pkg-config gl --libs" valid in Haiku?
<erysdren> its valid in Linux to get the appropriate libraries to link against OpenGL
<Nephele> if you have pkg-config installed you can use it. i don't know about it's syntax
<nhtello> I get a succes in the push... THANKS guys... i hope this time guerrit catch my push fine.
<OscarL-x64> nhtello: I see a "patchset 2" on, so seems like an improvement already!
<OscarL-x64> nhtello: Also... always nice to see another Argentino using Haiku :-D Thanks for your efforts! (I can't comment much on them for lack of skills on my part, thou! :-D)
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<nhtello> yep!!! appers that work! thanks Oscar! are you from arg too? bsas?
<OscarL-x64> nhtello: born in Mar del Plata... living in Catamarca since... 2006 :-D
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<_-Caleb-_> hi all
<OscarL-x64> hola _-Caleb-_
<_-Caleb-_> Hola OscarL-x64! :-)
<_-Caleb-_> como estas? :-)
<OscarL-x64> meh... peor es nada :-P
<nhtello> ok! im going to mardel soon.. hahha! thantks and i hope see you soon!!
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 845f6b9 - libxml2: Bump revision for newer ICU 74
<OscarL-x64> good luck nhtello!
<OscarL-x64> enjoy La Felíz for me :-D
<_-Caleb-_> haha im trying some things atm OscarL-x64maybe i need your help :-(
<_-Caleb-_> to update some haikuports recipes without explosions or burn nothing :-D
<OscarL-x64> If I can... I'll be glad!
<OscarL-x64> where's the fun if nothing smokes at least a little? :-P
<_-Caleb-_> that's it :-D
<Nephele> i dunno. next time i want to release without 5 ammendment commits
<_-Caleb-_> i probe some programs (compilation and tests) and works fine, now need update things :-D
<_-Caleb-_> i will write u a private message in the forum
<_-Caleb-_> i have some kind of social meeting xD
<_-Caleb-_> bye!!!
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<OscarL-x64> damn, didn't get to say bye! :-(
<OscarL-x64> also... not sure if nephele's talking to himself, or...? :-P
<Nephele> OscarL-x64, pfft.
<Nephele> that was in reference to burning down haikuports
<OscarL-x64> I see. Told you I'm slow :-D
<Nephele> though if i keep updating haikuwebkit the only thing that's burning is the buildmaster
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<Nephele> you can say bye to me though, have a good night ;)
<OscarL-x64> bye nephele! Sleep well! :-D
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Anarchos has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 88fc0f6 - haikuwebkit: Bump to ICU 74
<OscarL-x64> welp, machine looks properly setup now... I'll leave trying to fix Python's build on nightlies for tomorrow, or later in the week. Enough "Vision" for one day :-D
<OscarL-x64> nice chatting with you all, and sorry for being so chatty :-(
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<kallisti5[m]> ok! once we get ICU bumped to 74, there's only a few other things left blocking R1/beta5
<kallisti5[m]> thanks to pulkomandy for figuring out that recursion bug and mapping it out
<AlienSoldier> one thing i would like fixed soon (because it make the OS look unfinished) is the flickering of some app from a workspace into another workspace.
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<kallisti5[m]> AlienSoldier: wait.. what apps do that? Never heard of that one before
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