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<scanty> hm, quiet night.
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<Al2O3> folks awaiting the new moon?
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie f8e6adc - sphinx: move snowballstemmer to the REQUIRES section (#10141)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> augiedoggie, thanks on the snowballsteamer requirement, has been bugging me for some time :)
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<Begasus> guess we should do the same for doxygen/dot ...
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<Begasus> Halamix2, fix for fpc didn't solve the build for hedgewars :/
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<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb 8c882d0 - Updated GSoC 2024 flyers
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57592] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 46bc2b668686 - Update translations from Pootle
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<Begasus> finaly! grabbing opencv3-3.4.3-14-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/opencv3-3.4.3-14-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> bugger has been pestering me for a while :P
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<Begasus> Halamix2, at least CudaText got some fixes for Haiku/pascal:
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<Begasus> cocobean, to fix the tests for jasper you "need" at least one more cmd, and fix the tests not finding the library * (I do read the logs) :)
<Begasus> biab
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8c73a48 - opencv3, revbump, fixes build (#10142)
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<trungnt2910[m]> Why are there two 2024s?
<Begasus> Someone forgot to rename one of them? ;)
<Begasus> lol ... done an oscarl :P
<trungnt2910[m]> More like... someone accidentally renamed them twice.
<Begasus> or that
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<nephele> maybe we just have more people for 2024 that want to be mentored
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<Begasus> checking build jmairboeck :)
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<Begasus> err ... why did buildmaster use ffmpeg5 instead of ffmpeg4 for opencv3? :/
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 086a631 - opencv3, fix reference for ffmpeg4 (#10143)
<Begasus> crossing fingers (hope it kickstarts the 32bit buildmaster too)
<jmairboeck> thanks Begasus! Keep in mind that opencascade is quite big, and the testsuite took more than a day the last time I tried it :)
<Begasus> thanks for pointing that out jmairboeck , not going to run the tests then :D
<jmairboeck> my build is currently at 69%
<Begasus> done: grabbing opencascade-7.8.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/opencascade-7.8.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> :)
<jmairboeck> you have a faster machine than my VM :)
<Begasus> -40min
<Begasus> I know I hard a hard time building that monsters some years ago :)
<jmairboeck> it is good that gitweb creates stable snapshot archives :)
<jmairboeck> which is what I'm using here
<Begasus> avcodec:                   YES (ver 58.54.100)
<Begasus> better
<Begasus> yeah some weird SOURCE_URI :D
<Begasus> great, no ffmpeg5 mentioned for opencv3
<Begasus> still nogo on 32bit :/
<jmairboeck> regarding opencascade again: this time the test data set would be available as a download without login, as they are using GitHub now, but I think I better still leave it out because I'm not sure whether they will release it for later patch updates (they didn't in the past)
<jmairboeck> without it, most of the tests are skipped because of missing test data
<Begasus> you did the hard work here, I'll take your word for it :)
<jmairboeck> also, TEST_SOURCES doesn't exist in haikuporter and downloading a big archive just for the tests wouldn't be so good I think
<Begasus> right, should only involve the porter to test those
<Begasus> sometimes I even disable the test before pushing, speeds up the build time also (and it doesn't really have any use on the buildmaster)
<Begasus> nor the created packages
<jmairboeck> the tar.xz version has 92.6 MiB:
<Begasus> hmm, why not use that one?
<Begasus> compared with created packages? ;)
<jmairboeck> this one still points to the original tag without the latest fixes
<jmairboeck> they didn't update the tag on their github mirror
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<Begasus> ah :)
<jmairboeck> oh, they did update it now ... but not originally
<jmairboeck> so we could use Github too now for the sources
<jmairboeck> but in the past, they didn't provide all the releases there, so I think I'll stick with their own repository
<Begasus> yeah, np, if need be it can be changed
<Begasus> no hurry now, build looks ok, I'll wait for opencv3 to finish on buildmaster before merging
<jmairboeck> okay :)
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<Begasus> Could not find a configuration file for package "ECM" that is compatible with requested version "6.0.0".
<Begasus> tss ...
<Begasus> they still haven't released KF6 yet :)
<Begasus> set(KF_MIN_VERSION "6.0.0") (still at tagged 5.249 atm)
<Begasus> 5.249.0*
<Begasus> time for grandchildren, bbl
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<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb 12f4118 - GSoC: Fixed copy&paste failure
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<jmairboeck> I just noticed that my "menu font" was still "Noto Sans Display". Why wasn't this updated automatically? The other fonts were.
<jmairboeck> I don't remember having set the menu font myself before (but maybe I forgot it)
<nephele> the default was updated, not the setting itself
<jmairboeck> ok, no problem, I now reset it back to defaults, now it is "Noto Sans"
<nephele> Yeah :)
<dovsienko> does anybody know if WebPositive is supposed to display fixed-width content using a fixed-width font?
<nephele> err. what do you mean by fixed width content?
<dovsienko> oh wait, that was actually NetSurf
<nephele> (I only know off like, the css directive to specify a font fallback list, but that isn't foolproof)
<nephele> looks like a fixed width font i think?
<dovsienko> inline text on gray background is supposed to be fixed-width, and in other browers it is
<dovsienko> if you look at "pcap_if_list_t", it should be easy to see
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<dovsienko> I suppose for NetSurf that's expected
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<nephele> probably not. In any case you can ask me about webpositive stuff
<nephele> haven't really touched netsurf's port to haiku
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<cocobean> Begasus: Hello.... jasper - fixed.
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<cocobean> Begasus: less - fixed for x86. Can still use less-581 for GCC2.
<zeldakatze[m]> the qrencode_kdl package does not have any content is that supposed to be like that?
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 5572da1 - opencascade: update to version 7.8.0 (#9924)
<Begasus> re
<jmairboeck> thanks Begasus
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<jmairboeck> let's see how it goes on the builders
<Begasus> np jmairboeck
<Begasus> cocobean, will do a testrun on jasper, but I think it's still missing something to pass the tests
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Begasus> I stand corrected :) test run OK
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb 53e092e - GSoC: Another typo fix
<Begasus> oscarL still asleep? ;)
<bjorkintosh> Begasus, offer peeps.
<bjorkintosh> it might just work.
<Begasus> all out bjorkintosh ;)
<bjorkintosh> no more peeps? damn!
<Begasus> saved a few for closing down though
<Begasus> maybe got a congac bottle around that's about 40 years old?
<cocobean> all good.... 40 year cognac sounds good... fireplace moment....
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<Begasus> cocobean, checked jasper on 32bit? not sure "cmd:imginfo" will work there as that isn't available normaly on secondary arch
<Begasus> it also shouldn't point to "interrnal" cmd, in TEST() it's easy to point to the working directory to find the library
<cocobean> Not tested on it on 32-bit..but should work......oh? iI didn;t have any issue on 64-bit.
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<Begasus> that's right, the tools are included on 64bit
<Begasus> bjorkintosh, he's around :D
<Begasus> having tokodon up and running seems to be a good thing, quite some boosts on the Haiku/GSoC :)
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<cocobean> jasper: fixed
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<cocobean> less: fixed
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<Begasus> only fixed when checked on 32bit cocobean, also, you still have cmd:awk in "BUILD_PREREQUIRES"
<cocobean> :D
<cocobean> fixed
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<nosycat> Hello!
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<OscarL> Hallo Mr. Begasus. How I may be of service today?
<Begasus> Wanted to ask how tvision is going along Mr OscarL :P
<OscarL> *"may I be" probably would have sounded better.
<Begasus> didn't even caught my eye :)
<Begasus> fighting with fpc atm :/
<OscarL> re: tvision... Planning to fininish it up after I eat these damn yummy home-made pizzas.
<Begasus> with peeps?
<Begasus> cocobean, do you have the "newer" jasper package installed?
<OscarL> Woke up early (considering I went 56 hs awake before :-/), but we had a power outage, and decided to spend some time in the kitchen for a change :-)
<nosycat> Yum!
<OscarL> re: fpc, saw Halamix2 also having some fun with hardcoded "/boot/beos" paths :-D
<OscarL> \o nosycat!
<Begasus> yeah, patched that this morning to check, no changes
<Begasus> funny thing is that in Terminal I can compile a simple pascal file
<Begasus> biab ... dogs
<OscarL> I kinda expect Haiku's runtime_loader to account for such hard-coded paths (at least for /bin/sh).
<Begasus> Fetching package for cmd:imginfo ... thought so ...
<cocobean> imginfo_x86 or imginfo (GCC2)
<cocobean> don;t have it installed
<cocobean> (jasper)
<cocobean> Hmm... no tools on x86
<cocobean> but should pull GCC2
<Begasus> that's not the idea, you'r bootstrapping(?) then
<cocobean> I know
<Begasus> there is an easier fix that should go into TEST()
<OscarL> Ran a lil "benchmark" earlier: building "turbo" on both Ubuntu 20.04 and on Haiku. Took 28s on Linux, 62s on Haiku :-/
<OscarL> also... /me slaps git in the head, for not honouring "--depth=1" when cloning sub-modules.
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<OscarL> Begasus, just in case: `pkgman search cmd:imginfo_x86` finds nothing.
<nephele> OscarL: just run it twice on linux, no biggie
<nephele> > also... /me slaps git in the head, for not honouring "--depth=1" when cloning sub-modules.
<nephele> of course it doesn't, it only applies to clone?
<OscarL> nephele: will remember that double make trick next time :-D
<OscarL> nephele: I mean while doing this: `git clone --depth=1 --recursive <repo_url>`
<nephele> aren't submodules always shallow?
<OscarL> not unless you set "submodoule.<name>.shallow true"
<OscarL> for my git clone case.. appareently you need to use "--shallow_submodules" on that cmdline.
<nephele> well, you can always use repo
<nephele> afterwards you will be thankfull to only have to deal with git ^_^
<OscarL> I can always bitch about git awesome UI instead :-P
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<nephele> what about openbsd's tool?
<OscarL> mmm, Tool... /me books an Opiate and Undertow re-listening for tonight.
<Begasus> OscarL, there shouldn't be a _x86 for that binary
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<OscarL> Begasus: just letting you know, because of your comment on Jasper's PR, and I'm on 32 bits right now.
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<Begasus> yeah, wrong wording there :)
<cocobean> GCC@
<cocobean> GCC2
<Begasus> rebuilding fpc ...
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<Begasus> Hi Vidrep_64!
<Vidrep_64> Hey there Begasus!
<OscarL> LOL @: "No mention of openbsd on the internet is complete without a long thread about source control migration."
<Begasus> long time no see again, you're early today :)
<cocobean> hello Vidrep_64
<Vidrep_64> Hi cocobean
<Vidrep_64> I'm just catching up on some podcasts that I missed last week
<Begasus> good ones I suppose :)
<Vidrep_64> The weather turned a little shitty today, so a good day for staying home
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<Begasus> How's hw testing Vidrep_64, on par?
<Vidrep_64> Hardware is all working for the most part, with one exception
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<Begasus> that's good :D here also one not working, but still can use the laptops screen :)
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<Vidrep_64> I really haven't done much hardware testing lately.
<Begasus> if things just work the better :)
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<Begasus> Error: problem 1: package ffmpeg6_devel-6.1.1-2 conflicts with ffmpeg_devel provided by ffmpeg_devel-4.2.9-3
<Begasus> bugger, been switching those 2 for a few days now
<Begasus> ps, thanks on that OscarL :)
<jacereda> Hi. I'm porting Tracy to Haiku at . Tracy is a very cool profiler, I think it would be worth integrating it at the OS level, any interest in that?
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<nephele> jacereda: what do you mean by OS level integration? do you need more support from the userland/kernel for your profiling needs?
<Begasus> no expert on the subject (or any for that matterr) but looks like a cool thing :)
<jacereda> I mean it would be good to profile kernel and libraries
<jacereda> as opposed to just packaging it
<Begasus> looks kinda like Cutter/Iaito?
<jacereda> is there some place I can paste a screenshot?
<nephele> jacereda: what would you do instead of packaging it?
<jacereda> adding probes at appropriate places in the kernel and libraries
<nephele> You probably know best if you need any new/different api to profile libs or the kernel. Is something missing you need? (is this just stuff in posix?)
<jacereda> Nothing is needed, just saying that it would be really cool to have insights into where is the kernel/libraries spending the time
<OscarL> jacereda: for pasting screenies: or
<nephele> I suppose so. In that case you can package it i think?
<OscarL> ( seems to have most of my country blocked/banned, at least when attempting to use it via UploadIt :-D)
<nephele> > ReferenceError: Can't find variable: SharedArrayBuffer
<nephele> hmm
<jacereda> I can try to package it, yes, but I think this belongs in the base system. Once you start using it you simply wonder how you lived without it until now, I've been using it for realtime graphics for a couple of years and it's simply awesome.
<jacereda> and I was quite surprised at how responsive it is on Haiku given there's no hardware acceleration for GL
<nephele> base system like the iso for the betas? or in the sourcetee?
<jacereda> in the sourcetree
<jacereda> you just need to integrate the client part
<jacereda> the profiler itself (the GUI) would be a package
<nephele> I don't think that makes sense, all our applications we have are native software
<nephele> nothing using imgui or anything
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<jacereda> imgui is for the GUI, the client part is just pure sampling and sending udp packets
<cocobean> Begasus: try it with the update
<cocobean> Otherwise I'll remove it altogether.
<cocobean> I can review later if imginfo_x86 will work for it.
<nephele> Is that a protocol specific to tracy?
<jacereda> yes
<nephele> in that case you would have a bit of a wierd situation of having some points to measure but no native client
* Anarchos wish that qemu could run more fast on haiku
<jacereda> So, the current situation (no decent profiler) is better than having a client in ImGui?
<nephele> Anarchos: there was an idea for a NVMM port from netbsd/dragonflybsd
<Anarchos> nephele nvmm ?
<waddlesplash> jacereda: we have a native profiler, it could use work but it does exist
<jacereda> in any case, nothing is preventing anyone from tapping into the tracy protocol and implementing a native UI (it's a ton of work, but...)
<nephele> waddlesplash: where is that?
<waddlesplash> "profile"
<nephele> jacereda: for a local profiler for Haiku UDP seems kind of wierd
<jacereda> would need to review the code, maybe there's a shm option for local
<scanty> i'm having some trouble with BRects, anyone around that can help me for a minute or two?
<nephele> that depends on your issue
<jacereda> gotta go
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<scanty> i'm getting different values between doing a r.right - r.left, and r.IntegerWidth()
<scanty> notably -42, and 35
<scanty> i would think that these values should match, no?
<nephele> depends, is it rotated?
<nephele> also .right and .left are floats
<scanty> what do you mean by rotated?
<scanty> yes, i iknow about the floats
<nephele> Well, there are transformations in the api. I'm not sure if that then refers to the local coordinate space or the rotated one
<nephele> it is documented that it should be the same though, basically
<nephele> "Returns The width of the rectangle rounded using ceil(right - left). "
<scanty> so the two values should match....
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hii
<nosycat> o/
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> when will PulkoMandy be here?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> anyone have any idea
<nephele> Depends on wether PulkoMandy has any ambition to work on haiku today ;)
<scanty> any ideas?
<nephele> scanty: trying to find the implementation to check
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> one quick question?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> if i again build haiku
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> does the new image replace the older one?
<nephele> inline int32 BRect::IntegerWidth() const { return (int32)ceil(right - left); }
<nephele> Well. that's the implementation scanty. It should match?
<Begasus> k, food :)
<scanty> i have one BRect, r, which I am using along with SetTo()
<scanty> so r keeps changing, per control
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> can anyone answer me ?
<nephele> PriyanshuGupta[m]: what do you mean by image?
<nephele> what target are you building?
<nephele> if you are building for example the anyboot iso, and that is your target then the next build will replace the iso with the updated version
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> i have again compiled my haiku repo on my linux
<scanty> oh, it actually the height that's broken
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> nephele: okay
<scanty> - r.bottom reports 42, and r.IntegerHeight() returns 35, which is the correct number
<scanty> -42 rather
<scanty> sorry
<nephele> scanty: I can't find SetTo in Rect.h
<nephele> only Set
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> I'm currently running haiku in vm should i again go with disk partition or is it gonna work fine?
<nephele> I really can't answer that without more info what you are trying to acomplish PriyanshuGupta[m]
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> wait let me try
<scanty> sorry, using Set
<scanty> not SetTo
<scanty> my mistake
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> nephele: I will try if i have any questions I will come back later
<augiedoggie_> usually you do the subtraction the other way, bottom - top
<nephele> inline void BRect::Set(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { this->left = left; this->top = top; this->right = right; this->bottom = bottom; }
<nephele> also seems fairly innocent
<nephele> maybe you are passing some variables wrongly to Set?
<nephele> or got some vars confused
<nephele> do you have a test programm to share?
<nephele> though i don't see anything wrong with the kit implementation as such
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<scanty> i'm doing bottom - top, and right - left
<scanty> IntegerHeight() and IntegerWidth() return proper values
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m] hello
<augiedoggie_> can you PrintToStream() and dump the values
<augiedoggie_> ?
<scanty> sure
<scanty> hold on
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<scanty> where is a good place to paste code>?
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<OscarL> scanty: also...
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<cocobean> Begasus: removed it for now... fix on new iteration as we move tools to x86.
<Anarchos> hello Begasus
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<nephele> that seems quite complex, makes me wonder why you are not using a layout :)
<scanty> layouts? where can i read about layouts
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<nephele> scanty: compare r.IntegerHeight() to fUseButton->Bounds()->IntegerHeight()?
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<nephele> scanty: this is an example with the layoutbuilder where I converted StyledEdit to layouts:
<Begasus> cocobean, tools are already provided for gcc2
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
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* OscarL also neeads to learn some of that BLayout magic, coz this thing looks nasty in not 10pt fonts :=)
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<cocobean> Yes.. but did the testsuite work with cmd:imginfo
<cocobean> (GCC2)
<Begasus> not in 32bit atm, will be for tomorrow (when I get around to it)
<Anarchos> Begasus did you try tiddlywiki ?
<Begasus> but even then not needed
<Begasus> long time ago Anarchos
<cocobean> ok.. i removed it
<scanty> still the same
<scanty> i'll look into layouts i guess
<scanty> i mean, the code works, it just doesn't make sense
<Anarchos> Is there a shortcut for the double square button on right of top window bar ?
<Begasus> new I had a screenshot somewhere :)
<Anarchos> Begasus yes :)
<Begasus> no idea anymore, I know I had to search the web for some information back then
<Begasus> almost 4 month ago :D
<OscarL> Begasus: fixed tvision recipe, tested on 32/64 bits. Thank you, and thanks augiedoggie_ :-)
<Begasus> thanks OscarL, if augiedoggie_ doesn't beat me to it I'll run test tomorrow :)
<Begasus> side tracked now :P
<OscarL> np.
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<scanty> going to try to move this code to a layout manager
* scanty backs up current code :^)
<nephele> back it up, or put it in version control ;)
<OscarL> I head good things about SourceSafe.
* OscarL hides.
<nephele> OscarL: that app looks quite layoutkit portable
<nephele> though we don't have an "easy" BBox constructor iirc
<scanty> i have a git on google code but i forgot how to use it.
<nephele> you don't need any on a remote server
<nephele> you can just use "git init" in the repo, add the stuff and commit it. then you have a local repo
<nephele> if you then do changes you can do stuff like git diff to see the previous version and such
<scanty> ah, i'll have to read about that too, then
<nephele> it's very nice if you want to see previous versions and compare :)
<OscarL> nephele: only limitation I can see in making Hardmony work properly... my brain. :-D
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<Begasus> done for today :)
<OscarL> Lazy boy!
<OscarL> :-P
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<Begasus> lazy? :P
<OscarL> PR when then? :-P
<Begasus> nah, don't have the correct build process, this seems to use DBus, don't think you would love that :P
<OscarL> what's not to love about dbus making shutdown slower? :-D
<Begasus> I can live with those 2 seconds :D
<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<OscarL> be well Begasus!
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<nephele> dbus makes my shutdown slower
<nephele> the worst offense!
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<x512[m]> +1 for dbus daemon making system shutdown slower.
<x512[m]> I wonder why I need it to be installed at all.
<augiedoggie_> i removed it and all of my stuff still works :P
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<x512[m]> It is also suspicious that dbus daemon is actually functional.
<OscarL> As I can't find why/where this code fails (templates makes my head spin)... I'll just YOLO it by "#if 0"ing this constexpr...
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<nephele> x512[m]: It is used sometimes by qt... i think to talk to each other or send messages for desktop notifs
<nephele> atleast that is what it is used for on linux
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<x512[m]> It seems some important files are missing for dbus daemon.
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<nephele> maybe. dunno. personally I think this should only be an api stub if anything
<Anarchos> nephele ports should be used for that, no ?
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<cocobean> updating x86 system for test builds... hrev57329->hrev57589 (not hrev57592 yet)
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<CalistoMathias> Does anyone have any particular resources on how I can dual boot Haiku and Ubuntu
<CalistoMathias> ?
<CalistoMathias> I had Haiku installed seperately on a full HDD but I'm going to try and fix issues in the UI for which I would prefer using my development environment that I have set up in my ubuntu setup
<CalistoMathias> I tried finding detailed instructions on the website but there is nothing much written apart from the fact that I have to use rEFInd
<CalistoMathias> so if anyone has already done this ... it would be great if I could get some help about tha t
<B2IA> (AGMS) You using a Mac? Well, UEFI or Classic BIOS or Mac, you start with Linux install, leave space for Haiku partitions, then install Haiku.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Then try to get the boot system to see Haiku. Could be a GRUB boot menu line.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Or a UEFI boot file put on the special UEFI partition.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Not sure how ReFind works. Maybe there are clues online if you search for ReFind Haiku boot.
<CalistoMathias> okay
<CalistoMathias> currently im on an Asus ROG Strix
<CalistoMathias> i installed ubuntu on an external HDD
<CalistoMathias> with partitions
<OscarL> (btw rEFInd use is not mandatory at all)
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<CalistoMathias> oh okay
<CalistoMathias> even i was thinking that I could try and achieve the same thing with grub instead
<CalistoMathias> since i just have to get it to recognise the EFI file
<B2IA> (AGMS) Probably a UEFI boot then. There's a web page on the Haiku site for how to set up UEFI boot.
<CalistoMathias> yup
<CalistoMathias> so basically after doing that installation
<CalistoMathias> i just have to make a grub entry
<CalistoMathias> to the efi file?
<CalistoMathias> i'm pretty new to making grub edits (basically never have made one) but ill try and look up the process of doing that
<CalistoMathias> hopefully it should work
<B2IA> (AGMS) If UEFI works, it should show up in the BIOS boot menu.
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<OscarL> I have a netbook that EFI boots (using ugly grub... for now).
<B2IA> (AGMS) I actually have a second hard drive with MBR partitioning (rather than GPT) so I can use classic BIOS boot, with the Haiku bootmanager.
<OscarL> I had to manually add haiku's entry to the grub config (bear in mind that this is my first time dealing with UEFI :-D)
<B2IA> (AGMS) Worst situation - boot with a USB stick and pick the hard drive version of Haiku.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Though if UEFI boot works, shouldn't
<B2IA> (AGMS) Though if UEFI boot works, shouldn't GRUB automatially detect Haiku and add a menu item for it?
<OscarL> it didn't for me, could be due weird-and-old distro that came preloaded on this thing.
<OscarL> *could be due to the [...]
<OscarL> guess os-prober was too old, or something :-)
<CalistoMathias> @OscarL when you manually added Haiku's entry into Grub, do you mean the EFI file?
<CalistoMathias> that you had to copy while performing the installation according to the steps?
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: let me see if I can find that file...
<CalistoMathias> yah please do let me know
<OscarL> be patient, rebooting that netbook into "Huayra Linux" :-D
<CalistoMathias> thank you :D
<CalistoMathias> yah yah no problem take your time
<CalistoMathias> sorry if that seemed a bit rushed :sob
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<OscarL> not at all! just a warning due to my being as slow as my hardware :-D
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<OscarL> ok, still have the commands on bash history there, at least.
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<B2IA> (AGMS) By the way, I updated the os-probe to detect Haiku, but it's only used for classic BIOS, not UEFI boot.
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<CalistoMathias> ohhh i see
<CalistoMathias> I think mine has a UEFI installation though :(
<OscarL> AGMS: goes to show how much I know about grub+uefi :-D
<CalistoMathias> Do you think I should maybe try installing it the regular way as per the website... and then look up something to manually add an EFI file to a grub option?
<B2IA> (AGMS) At least you have it working, I just use MBR disk formatting to avoid the problem :-)
<CalistoMathias> ohh :sob
<B2IA> (AGMS) Yes, CalistoMathias, that's a good strategy. Like I said, you can still boot into it using a USB stick.
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: Will link to my "grub.cfg" (both current and original). Warning... very ugly... just search for "Haiku" :-D
<OscarL> CalistoMathias:
<CalistoMathias> as in live boot? off of a usb @B2IA
<B2IA> (AGMS) (hitting the space bar while booting from usb lets you choose which Haiku to boot from)
<CalistoMathias> oh okay ill give that a try ... i think I have a spare USB Lying around here somewhere :sob
<OscarL> mmm not sure I got both files in there :-/
<CalistoMathias> for now ill try and just install off Haiku on the remaining partition spaces as well
<CalistoMathias> and then ill go through OscarL's files and see if I can pull something off
<CalistoMathias> Hopefully it works :sob
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: <<< those lines... I probably don't need a buch of that...
<OscarL> I just copied/modified the Windows entry, till it worked the first time.
<CalistoMathias> ohhhh
<CalistoMathias> so if I copy this thing and edit in the file path... i hope it works :sob
<OscarL> wait... seems I ran "sudo grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg"... that means I must have added that Haiku entry on some other place first.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Yeah, this is one of those pound your head against the brick wall (trying all sorts of things), until you break through.
<CalistoMathias> xD
<CalistoMathias> its okay tho thanks for all the help... im pretty sure this file is going to come handy
<CalistoMathias> i think ill get to installing the OS files first on the hard drive partitions
<CalistoMathias> and then ill try a few things
<CalistoMathias> hopefully i find a way to get it working :(
<CalistoMathias> ill also try B2IA's way of the usb thing
<CalistoMathias> but ill have to find a spare USB in my hostel room xD
<OscarL> ah, found it! I addd a "40_custom" file under "/etc/grub.d/", then ran that grub-mkconfig... the update-grub.
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: <<< much better :-D
<CalistoMathias> okayyyy so this file is so much shorter xD
<OscarL> that's the "/etc/grub.d/40_custom" file. Importan bit is: "chainloader /EFI/Haiku/bootx64.efi" :-D
<CalistoMathias> yup
<CalistoMathias> thats the EFI file which will be in the FAT32 partition right?
<OscarL> yes, the one you need to copy manually from your Haiku install.
<CalistoMathias> cool
<OscarL> (or from a Haiku anyboot .iso)
<CalistoMathias> would i also need to edit the set root = '' line?
<CalistoMathias> to the right partition or something?
<OscarL> adjust "set root=hd"...
<CalistoMathias> to that partition
<CalistoMathias> the remaining options can remain the same?
<OscarL> :D I was about to mention that. this machine, only one disk.
<CalistoMathias> yup
<CalistoMathias> in mine currently since its an external HDD there are i think 5
<CalistoMathias> and now its going to be 7 :sob after installing haiku :(
<CalistoMathias> didn't want to mess around with the partitions on my laptop's internal ssd just yet because of college requirements and such short durations
<CalistoMathias> so am experimenting with my external HDD insteada
<CalistoMathias> becuase that doesn't contain any importnat things
<OscarL> guess you would also want to change that "--class window" to something else :-D
<B2IA> (AGMS) ChainLoad the .EFI file? Didn't realise you could do that!
<CalistoMathias> yah exactly ... I was just about to change that
<CalistoMathias> like what should I change it to tho?
<OscarL> (kinda heretic having Haiku with a windows logo :-D)
<CalistoMathias> becasue I don't have a dual boot of windows or something on this honestly.... like currently its just ubuntu installed and nothing else
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: I have no idea.. and that's why I left it there.
<CalistoMathias> oh okay
<CalistoMathias> i guess ill just leave it in there too.. if it works it works xD
<OscarL> I plan to wipe this hdd and start fresh in the not so distant future... so... it remains for now.
<OscarL> will probably use rEFInd then :-D
<CalistoMathias> oh okay I see
<CalistoMathias> well installing this is going to be exciting to say the least :D
<CalistoMathias> hoepfully i don't mess up my HDD xD
<B2IA> (AGMS) Best of luck CalistoMathias, meanwhile I should get back to learning how to compile code for a 1984 model NABU computer.
<gordonjcp> B2IA: what's it based on?
<CalistoMathias> woah
<CalistoMathias> thats something unheard of for me :death
<CalistoMathias> ill let you know whether I was able to do the dual boot xD @B2IA
<B2IA> (AGMS) Z80 CPU, 64K RAM, TMS9918a video and a 6 megabits/second cable modem (in the days of 1200 baud modems).
<gordonjcp> oh nice
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<gordonjcp> sounds very MSX-y
<gordonjcp> I have (somewhere) a Memotech MTX500 which is again a similar lineup
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<gordonjcp> that should be easy to cross-compile for, if it's just a Z80
<B2IA> (AGMS) Could have been something, but was marked as a games system (MSX standard came a few months after, largely compatible), rather than a high speed network device (would have been great simply as a BBS with a thousand times faster downloads).
<B2IA> (AGMS) Yes, there's also CP/M for it.
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: just in case... "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" is the correct syntax (copied the wrong one ealier)
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: making a backup of your original config... also adviced :-D
<B2IA> (AGMS) Anyway, someone started selling old NABU systems from a cache of a few thousand and retro gamers got interested, and rediscovered the server side archives.
<gordonjcp> I liked CP/M
<B2IA> (AGMS) There
<gordonjcp> I have about 40kg of scrap PCBs at work with a mix of Z80, 6809, and 68000 CPUs on
<gordonjcp> I should do something with that
<B2IA> (AGMS) There's also a MAME emulator, which is what I'm using.
<gordonjcp> actually I think they're 6309, which is even better - faster, more registers
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<OscarL> damn... turbo is using a very old version of scintilla. Works ok on 64 bits, but won't link on 32 bits.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie b45974d - scons: remove extra vendor-packages directory (#10146)
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<zard> Hmm... "'BWindow' referenced unknown base type 'BLooper'", but that should be defined already...
<zard> That error exists even when undoing all of my changes to Window.cpp? Now, that I didn't expect