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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613 Kokito :)
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<Nephele> Good day
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<erysdren> oops i messed up my haiku install
<erysdren> ended up installing a package while Software Updater was working, now i can't use it
HaikuUser is now known as po||ux2
<Nephele> erysdren: how did you break it?
<erysdren> well, Software Updater can't finish now
<erysdren> i gotta boot back into Haiku to check what the error was
<erysdren> but basically i changed the package state while it was working on updating other packages, and it got confused
<Nephele> Then quit it, and them remove /system/packages/administrative/transaction-*
<erysdren> ah
<Nephele> afterwards update again
<Nephele> normally this shouldn't happen though
<po||ux2> Just wanted to say hi! Tried to install Haiku yesterday and succeeded in the end! \o/
<phschafft> :))
<po||ux2> But have to use the "fail-save graphics driver":
<po||ux2> the "regular" driver results in a gray screen right after the boot splash (instead of the blue desktop).
<erysdren> what's your gpu?
<po||ux2> "Radeon HD 6290" is what the devices app calls it.
<po||ux2> "device/id 0x9807"
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<OscarL> po||ux2: AMD C-50 (or C-60, or even C-70) notebook?
<OscarL> po||ux2: have you tried manually selecting the correct screen resolution from the bootloader? (not sure if it will help, but... worth a try :-D)
<po||ux2> OscarL: nope, Fujitsu Futro Mini-PC (have to double check its exact model)
<po||ux2> OscarL: ah, good idea, will try selecting the correct resolution next time I boot it.
<OscarL> in any case (if you haven't done so already), you can make Haiku always use the fail-safe driver in at least two ways...
<po||ux2> thanks, I did this already :-)
<OscarL> one, blacklisting the `radeon_hd` driver that is giving you problems...
<OscarL> the other, via the "kernel" settings file.
<po||ux2> I did the latter (enable "fail-save graphics" in the kernel settings file).
<OscarL> alright then :-)
<OscarL> as we don't have hardwared accelerated graphics... if the fail-safe driver (either VESA or Framebuffer)... lets you select the resolution you want...
<OscarL> there's isn't much more that you'll be missing.
<po||ux2> Hehe, good to know ;-)
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<Begasus> bbl
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<Nephele> po||ux2: what version did you install?
<Nephele> it would be nice to report a bug in any case, a gray screen should not happen (it should instead use VESA automatically if that doesn't work)
<Nephele> If you ran beta4 try booting (not installing) a nightly, if that works nothing more to be done (the next beta will include the fix). If it gives you the same symptom feel free to report a bug report
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<po||ux2> nephele: will file a bug later
<po||ux2> nephele: right now running a nightly, hrev57578
<OscarL> Seems that Radeon HD 6290 was used on the C-60 APU, and also on the AMD G-T40N embedded APU. (both better than my Atom N450 at least :-D)
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<OscarL-x64> my beard grew 2mm while I waited for `hp -c python3.10` to complete :-/
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<OscarL-x64> Weird... "Get info" for a folder under /var/shared_memory (RAMFS) shows "Size: 0 bytes for 11,463 files"
<OscarL-x64> Shows correct size for individual files, but always 0 for dirs. Wonder if that's a bug, or a limitation of RAMFS.
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> I'm curious did u all use gdb for the environment tool or something else?
<OscarL-x64> Not sure what you mean by "environment tool", PriyanshuGupta[m].
<OscarL-x64> if you mean for debugging... there's the "Debugger" app you can use in Haiku.
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> it's like how do u check whether your code is working properly or not,like for web apps we use browsers to see the output
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<OscarL-x64> I mostly rely to "printf debugging" (good enough for my simple needs). Last debugger I really used was the one on Delphi 2 :(looong ago -D)
<OscarL-x64> PriyanshuGupta[m]: see for info on the "Debugger" app.
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> okay
<OscarL-x64> notice the reference manual link at the end (it's a PDF file)
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<Begasus> re
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<Anarchos> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
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<Anarchos> git pull on the haiku repo prevents the Web+ to launch : hard disk priority inversion ?
<nosycat> No idea, sorry.
<Nephele> it's not a priority inversion, that was a specific bug of a scheduler ;)
<Nephele> but yes, git is pegging the disk in your case
<Anarchos> nephele a specific bug ? I remind a time where intensive git usage didn't prevent web+ to launch quick. Now 25s ...
<Nephele> there is a bug about git opened, yes. But dunno on the top of my head what the number is
<Anarchos> nephele oh nice
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<jmairboeck> Begasus: does it make sense to rebuild texlive_core with ICU 74 now? (the 2024 version will be released in March probably)
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<Begasus[m]> Don't think so jmairboeck , if you're up to it best focus on preparing for the new release and let the current one be for now
<Begasus> biab
<jmairboeck> I thought so too, so I'll keep it for now, using ICU 70
<Anarchos> jmairboeck for one month i think we can wait :)
<Anarchos> Is there a reason why there is no 'Kernel kit' section in the Haiku Bool ?
<nielx[m]> Has not been written yet
<Anarchos> nielx[m] ok.
<Anarchos> nielx[m] maybe i will begin , just to learn more deeply into the kernel :)
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<nielx[m]> Contributions welcome :-)
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<nielx[m]> Note that the primary 'kernel kit' is the POSIX API in libroot. The other functions in headers/os/kernel are BeOS/Haiku-specific interfaces.
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<Begasus> re
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<Anarchos> re Begasus
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
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<Begasus> Kasts 24.01.95 up and running fine again :)
<Anarchos> Begasus what is Kasts ?
<Begasus> KDE Podcast player Anarchos
<Anarchos> ok
<nosycat> Oh, nice!
<Begasus> thanks :)
<Begasus> time to close down, has been a long day, cu peeps!
<nosycat> Night!
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<scanty> damn, Begasus always leaves before i can catch him
<bjorkintosh> you have to offer peeps, scanty.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to noto [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli d265ac9 - noto: add recipe for version 24.2.1
<scanty> what is ICU?
<jmairboeck> scanty: a unicode support library
<scanty> ah okay... big update on that one.
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<scanty> wow i never realised how handy a BMessage can be
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<AlienSoldier> only thing i wish they would be like michael phipps wanted them, passed by pointers to increase speed.
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<selfish> Hello
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<selfish> Is there any way to build Haiku's "host tools" with debugging symbols enabled? I've tgried setting DEBUG to 1 from my UserBuildConfig on both "HAIKU_TOP src bin" and the object file directly, but it doesn't seem to do much for the host tools :(
<selfish> I'm trying to figure out why xres won't work on OpenBSD when executed from jam
<Anarchos> AlienSoldier aren't they often passed by pointer ?
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