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zard has joined #haiku
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32
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<coolcoder613> Hi zard
* zard starts building the .hpkg for 32 bit (already tested 64 bit .hpkg)
<zard> o/
<coolcoder613> Check this out:
<OscarL> muahahaha! it's alive! can connect (kinda slowly) via usb_rndis with this old phone!
<OscarL> need to install the usb_rndis driver AFTER pluging in the phone and enabling USB tethering (otherwise, it won't work)
<zard> \o/
<zard> Hmm... skipping haiku_pyapi-0.2-git, as it is broken on the target architecture.
<zard> Maybe because the arch is x86_gcc2?
<coolcoder613> Yes, try haiku_pyapi_x86
<OscarL> you need x86 for 32 bits.
<OscarL> no gcc2 compiled extensions for python anymore :-D
* coolcoder613 has a port that will build without _x86
<zard> Oh, so that's what that strange code I deleted was referencing :P
* zard will have to take a look later, because he has to go
<coolcoder613> Bye
<zard> Bye all!
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<Al2O3> coolcoder613_32 so you are doing things in 32 bit, instead of 64?
<Al2O3> 'downsizing' :)
<coolcoder613> ?
<zonk> for those interested, my SSL errors were resolved by installing openjdk-17 instead, but there was some other weird behavior in the application with that. I'll probably need to talk to the app developer for that one.
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<OscarL> Oh boy... the fun never ends! Hadn't had so many KDL since writting my own drivers :-D
<andreasdr[m]> OscarL: Hi there
<andreasdr[m]> What kind of driver are you developing?
<OscarL> hello andreasdr[m]!
<OscarL> Just testing some changes to usb_rnis driver (with guidance from PulkoMandy and korli), to see if I can make it work with my old phone :-D
<OscarL> went from absolutely non-functional, to... hey... can actually connect to the internet with the thing!.... don't look it wrong thou, because KDL :-D
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<OscarL> fun stuff! :-D
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<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: my own drivers (the ones I was referring as giving me KDLs in the past), mostly just temperature/voltaje sensors...
<andreasdr[m]> Nice. For which technique?
<OscarL> (and my old and non-working (on Haiku) serial_mouse driver.)
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: amd_temp, and ITE's IT87xx chip.
<andreasdr[m]> Super coooooool!
<OscarL> simple stuff, but already pushes my boundaries :-D
<OscarL> hoping to learn a bit more in the process, and do a bit more complex stuff in the future (one can wish).
<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<andreasdr[m]> Damn. Cant like your GitHub Profile :) Would leave a follow.
<andreasdr[m]> It sais "its private"
<OscarL> zonk: not sure we have many/enough "java people" over HaikuPorts, so... do not hesitate to open tickets / suggest corrections if you can do so!
<zonk> yeah I am interested in making a port for this program but I need to get it working first :)
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: I'm not much of a social type of guy (despite being unable to shut up in here :-P)
<andreasdr[m]> Ok. Sir :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> I even cant looks at your driver :(((
<OscarL> really? /me checks in incognito...
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<OscarL> mmm, I can see and just fine even in private mode, andreasdr[m] :-/
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. True that. Late night here.
<OscarL> zonk: beware... can be addictive :-D
<andreasdr[m]> OscarL: Nice!!!
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: hey! you already starred one of my repos :-P (the "poke" one :-D)
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. True that.
<andreasdr[m]> STARRRRRRR!
<OscarL> if not my first, surely my second star, hehe, thanks for support! :-D
<coolcoder613> there a a BeBox NetBSD port?
<coolcoder613> Why would somone want to run NetBSD on a BeBox?
<coolcoder613> *someone
<OscarL> wasn't NetBSD motto "it runs on everything" or something like that? :-D
<OscarL> <coolcoder613> Why would somone want to run NetBSD on a BeBox? <<< asks the guy running RustPython on BeOS :-D
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<coolcoder613> But the BeBox already *has* BeOS
<coolcoder613> The *whole point* of the BeBox is BeOS
<OscarL> macs already have whatever they came with... didn't stopped people porting their OSes to it.
<OscarL> well... doubt it was Be Inc engineers doing the NetBSD port, right? :-D
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<coolcoder613> Yes, but who buys a BeBox to run NetBSD?
<Al2O3> who buys a PPC Mac 8600 or such to run Yellowdog?
<OscarL> more like... I already have this thing, why not see if it runs X, no?
<Al2O3> some folks do.
* coolcoder613 knows somone who bought a powerbook to run MorphOS
<andreasdr[m]> OscarL: Hot stuff your repo.
* OscarL blushes :-D
<OscarL> you're too kind!
<andreasdr[m]> I think there is a NetBSD port for the BeBox
<OscarL> for those still running Windows, I *do* recommend checking out, thou! (plan is to port it to Haiku... there was a port, but closed source).
<coolcoder613> What can I use to resize the windows partition on my BeOS laptop with 64MB of RAM?
<zonk> my toaster runs netbsd
<OscarL> coolcoder613: HirenCD or similar "live" Windows on a pendrive... or... let me search the name of a partition tool I used last time...
<OscarL> coolcoder613: PartitionWizard by "MiniTool"
<OscarL> coolcoder613: I use the trial version 10 of that on my old (but "updated") HirenCD 15.2 (for dealing with other people's PCs)
<OscarL> zonk: a toaster running netbsd sounds about right :-D
<OscarL> coolcoder613: now that I remember... GParted from any recent Linux live cd/pendrive should also work.
<OscarL> "recent" as in... at least from the last 12/15 years?
* OscarL notices the "64 MB of RAM"... booting HirenCD in WinXP mode, and using one of the included utils MIGHT work.
<OscarL> might be simpler to just remove the HDD, and resize it on another computer.
<scanty> geez, i've been coding for hours.
<scanty> spent the day in mmx land
<scanty> found two bugs in GameKit, and one in Tracker, too.
* OscarL tosses some water on scanty before the fire spreads.
<scanty> hehe.
<scanty> got BDirectWindow working :-)
<OscarL> woohooo!
<scanty> bug in BWindowScreen, unfortunately, so no fullscreen video yet.
<scanty> segfault.
<OscarL> part of the fun of coding in/for Haiku... little distance between app-fixer, and eventual OS-fixer :-D
<scanty> i guess.... i have no idea how to fix the bug.
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<OscarL> *yet
<OscarL> :-D
<scanty> hehe, i wish i could fix it.
<scanty> all i have to go on is this:
<scanty> Pretendo: ../haiku-git/src/system/libroot/posix/malloc_hoard2/superblock.h:272:int BPrivate::superblock::isValid(): _numBlocks > 0
<scanty> Pretendo: ../haiku-git/src/system/libroot/posix/malloc_hoard2/superblock.h:272:int BPrivate::superblock::isValid(): _numBlocks > 0
<scanty> Kill Thread
<OscarL> Surely one of our usual suspects will eventually be able to point you in the right direction!
<scanty> i hope so. i'm going to register for trac and create proper bug reports.
<OscarL> considering it is on the allocator... I'd say.... waddlesplash or x512[m] might be the ones to ask in here.
<scanty> good news is that both audio and video are mmx optimised :-)
<OscarL> way too go scanty!
<scanty> thanks :-) it only took all day.
<waddlesplash> scanty: that assert happens with leaks/double-frees
<waddlesplash> try using the debug/guarded heap, may help catch the problem.
<x512[m]> BPrivate::superblock::isValid(): _numBlocks > 0 is heap corruption.
<OscarL> scanty: told you! :-D
<scanty> hehe
<OscarL> thanks waddlesplash and x512[m]!
<x512[m]> waddlesplash: No, leaks do not cause such error.
<x512[m]> Double free can.
<scanty> so it's likely a double free?
<scanty> it happens when i construct the BWindowScreen
<scanty> and sometimes it doesn't happen
<scanty> but most of the time it does.
<x512[m]> It can be double free, call free() on wrong pointer, damaging heap metainformation by writing at wrong address etc..
<scanty> hmmm
<scanty> code worked fine in BeOS.
<scanty> that doesn't mean much though, i guess
<x512[m]> Using debug may help to catch problem.
<scanty> how do i do that?
<scanty> (sorry, n00b)
<scanty> _kern_debugger:
<scanty> 0x000001f154d84090: 48c7c0e9000000 mov $0xe9, %rax
<scanty> 0x000001f154d84097: 0f05 syscall
<scanty> 0x000001f154d84099: c3 ret
<scanty> happens on the syscall
<x512[m]> No, it can't happen on syscall. _kern_debugger is just a syscall to invoke debugger/show chash dialig.
<scanty> ah
<scanty> it's a little tedious to debug because when i come out of full screen, the resolution is 640x480
<scanty> bookmarked those links
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<scanty> thanks :^)
<scanty> hopefully i can find the bug.
<OscarL> best of luck scanty! And with that... /me signs off. Be well folks, and thanks for all your mighty Haiku-related work! Much appreciated!
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<scanty> going to take a break from coding for today... too much
<scanty> hmmm webpositive is actually not too bad, if slow
<zdykstra> it struggles with "big" sites, but for the "small web" it's fantastic
<scanty> i suppose it would be quite a bit faster if we had accelerated video...
<erysdren> yeah true
<erysdren> if i could watch video smoothly on haiku i'd probably daily drive it then
<erysdren> doesnt have to be on youtube, just from the disk would be nice
<Al2O3> agreed
<scanty> i just need pandora
<Al2O3> :)
<Al2O3> yah, I have pandora on the cli, for free, no ads, and love it.
<Al2O3> not on haiku though.
<scanty> pianobar?
<Al2O3> yep
<Al2O3> linux machine, have for years.
<scanty> i use pithos
<scanty> on linux
<Al2O3> I do as well, either one.
<Al2O3> actually now using pithos more.
<scanty> pthos is awesome
<Al2O3> yes it is.
<Al2O3> it would very very very cool to have pithos running on haiku solid.
<Al2O3> would keep programmers focused :)
<erysdren> what is pithos?
<scanty> yeah
<Al2O3> a front end to pianobar/pandora
<scanty> erysdren, it's a pandora client written in python
<Al2O3> its free, no ads, its like a 'nice thank you' to old users.
<scanty> yeah, it's great
<Al2O3> at least that is how I see it.
<erysdren> oh cool
<Al2O3> never heard an advertisement in it for what, a decade?
<Al2O3> or longer.
<erysdren> i curate my own listening too much to use something like that, but it sounds nice :D
<scanty> i have to use a dated version though, as i can't login with the newest one
<Al2O3> right
<Al2O3> me too
<Al2O3> erysdren, oh you can do channels, but I get you pick and choose.
<Al2O3> I do not, and their algos are fine with me.
<Al2O3> I mean anything Ted Nugent is fine with me.
<Al2O3> :)
<erysdren> i have a huge collection of CDs now, and so many legally acquired FLACs
<Al2O3> congrats.
<scanty> i have lots of records
<Al2O3> In the past I've had over 10000 LPs, ripped most.
<scanty> ripped them all digitally
<scanty> to flac
<erysdren> awesome
<Al2O3> long long time ago, lots of work.
<Al2O3> hand encoded most of the data.
<erysdren> i have a nice stash of records (Wall of Voodoo, Men at Work, They Might Be Giants) but i can't spin them anymore
<Al2O3> and split most of them by hand.
<erysdren> i had to sell my turntable
<Al2O3> sorry to hear that.
<erysdren> meh, i prefer CDs and tapes anyway just for the form factor
<Al2O3> I bought 3 digital enabled (encoders) turntables about 10-11 years ago, and did a 2 year project each morning, 3 albums, evening hand split and encoding.
<Al2O3> I don't, my shit is hifi bra
<Al2O3> :)
<erysdren> cassette tapes feel soooooooo good in the hand
<Al2O3> so does my dick, but you don't see me talking about it :)
<erysdren> so true
<scanty> if you're into EDM, check out my soundcloud:
<Al2O3> but 8track, cassette, and lps, and cd all have value, just mostly to the monopolies that are record company and format changes.
<Al2O3> snax
<Al2O3> pax
<Al2O3> and trax
<erysdren> yeah true. i used to buy those new boutique records from my favorite modern artists, but they became too expensive to be worth it
<Al2O3> didnt' know you were into production.
<erysdren> by "boutique" i mean that they have extremely limited runs and are (supposed to be) really high quality pressings
<scanty> yes, production and DJing
<Al2O3> coolio
<Al2O3> and code monkey too :)
<Al2O3> you are dynamic
<scanty> hehe yeah
<Al2O3> well, listening to your stuff now.
<Al2O3> TY
<scanty> cool, enjoy
<scanty> the tracks aren't mastered.
<Al2O3> In the early 90s when I was in the coding monkey markets, some folks I know that were deep dive folks as well would do raves in SF.
<Al2O3> I would go occasionally.
<Al2O3> it was the 'beginning' and a bit over the top for my style.
<Al2O3> but appreciated it.
<scanty> i've been to most of the good clubs here in NYC
<Al2O3> this is kinda what I saw a lot.
<Al2O3> mostly 91, 92 and some of 93.
<Al2O3> I gave up on it as most were doing MDMA and I was more into code work not release.
<scanty> ah
<scanty> i was only 9 in 91
<Al2O3> good thing you were not doing raves at 9
<Al2O3> :)
<scanty> haha yeah
<Al2O3> nice trance you do, not so much dance, right?
<scanty> my genre?
<Al2O3> yah.
<scanty> progressive house
<Al2O3> but I'm listening, and its kinda dance.
<Al2O3> yah, that is it.
<Al2O3> soft progressive house
<Al2O3> I can groove this
<scanty> cool
<Al2O3> nice work
<scanty> thanks, appreciate it :-)
<Al2O3> not mastered, so this is direct without remix?
<Al2O3> like one take?
<scanty> mixed on the turntables in one shot
<Al2O3> wow.
<Al2O3> super super nice
<scanty> TY :-)
<Al2O3> DJs are special people.
<Al2O3> actually, good DJs are special folks.
<Al2O3> :)
<scanty> i need a new pair of headphones :T
<Al2O3> lol
<Al2O3> we all do
<Al2O3> i need a new head
<scanty> the ones i have now are only 5 years old, and fell apart.
<scanty> and they weren't cheap either
<Al2O3> 300-400?
<scanty> 250
<Al2O3> too bad that kind of quality cost doesn't associated with quality lasting.
<scanty> yeah
<scanty> i'm looking at a pair of sennheisers for $300
<scanty> seem to have gotten good reviews from what i have read
<Al2O3> I did headsets in the 70s, and enjoyed them, but man I have done open air terrestial 2 channel for the past 40+ years.
<scanty> cool
<Al2O3> my favorite video of a DJ doing headsets and the work, is NYC (I think) with Beasties
<Al2O3> let me find it.
<Al2O3> amazing.
<scanty> beastie boys are awesome
<Al2O3> one of the best ever.
<Al2O3> homage to Rush
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<Al2O3> and entire stage was shaking.
<Al2O3> either prerecorded fully, or his weights were digging new grooves.
<scanty> hehe... shaking+turntables=bad
<Al2O3> yah, so you have to question
<Al2O3> however, still exciting, and how three Brookie jews swing this shit.
<scanty> hehe yep
<scanty> one of them died a few years ago from salivary cancer... can't remember which one it was
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<scanty> OK, bedtime for me.
<scanty> seeya tomorrow
<scanty> have a pleasant night
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> good morning everyone
<Al2O3> good day
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] mbrumbelow e6179da - paladin; bump revision (#9978)
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* coolcoder613 installed NetBSD, messed up BeOS
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<HaikuUser> I know this is possibly a very stupid question... but what exactly does it mean to InsetBy ? I get the point that we have to consider the width and heights of the scroll bars and everything but what exactly does the BRect::InsetBy function do?
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> ilzu[m], your little app works :)
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<HaikuUser> also what is the difference between Bounds() and Frame()?
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<nephele> HaikuUser, Inset insets it, that is it adds a bit of spacing and begins drawing a bit further to the right/down, based on your inset
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<PulkoMandy> It subtracts a value from all of left, right, top and bottom of the rectangle. Useful to add a bit of padding
<HaikuUser2> Ha!
<HaikuUser2> Haiku on my desktop machine again.
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> morning
<PulkoMandy> Bounds() is the coordinates of something in its own coordinate space (so left/top will always be 0,0), and Frame is the coordinate in the parent space (so left/top will be where a view is located insioe its parent view for example)
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<HaikuUser> the thing is i was trying to make the project that wsa there in darkwyrms docs
<HaikuUser> and was doing the thing where we make the lsit view
<HaikuUser> its not rendering the listView properly tho
<HaikuUser> I basically did for the bottom coordinate as
<HaikuUser> r=Bounds();
<HaikuUser> r-=reset->Frame().top-10.0-B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT;
<HaikuUser> but like its puttnig way too much gap between the reset button component and the list view
<HaikuUser> and im not being able to figure out what is going wrong :(
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<nephele> Why are you manually working with B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT?
<nephele> Unless your user uses the default font size this will be wrong
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<HaikuUser> no no i was just following along with the docs on the development site
<HaikuUser> there the program was given like this
<HaikuUser> and i was trying to undersatnd
<HaikuUser> what it was doing
<HaikuUser> the ones by darkwyrm
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<nephele> Ah okay. Well normally you'd nowadays make a layout. Not sure how the darwrym code looks
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Cool. Seeing Haiku first time with 4k
<Begasus> 4k?
<andreasdr[m]> My usb sound device does not work.
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. 3840 * 2160
<andreasdr[m]> Screen resolution.
<Begasus> ilzu[m], could you let the cursor grab the typing field with the app, now I have to click in that field to fill in the password
<Begasus> oh wow!
<andreasdr[m]> Nheko does crash. Now using neochat.
<andreasdr[m]> Works.
<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<coolcoder613> Hi andreasdr[m]
<Begasus> both work fine here andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Damn.
<andreasdr[m]> I am on the newest nightly. Maybe its that.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi coolcoder613
<Begasus> could be, still R1B4 here
<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<Begasus> newest KDE things though :P
<andreasdr[m]> Cool. I heard BETA5 is around somewhen in future.
<Begasus> RC2 for the frameworks has been released 2 days ago
<andreasdr[m]> KDE? I meant Haiku. :)
<andreasdr[m]> How to activate dark mode again on Haiku?
<Begasus[m]> Sending from NeoChat ;)
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<HaikuUser2> asdf
<coolcoder613> asdf?
<HaikuUser2> mhm
<andreasdr[m]> .ASDF!!!
<Begasus> ?
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<LinuxUser> @Begasus hi!
<weda[m]> @Begasus thanks for checking the recipe. I saw the Lint failure in the morning, will fix that when iam at home again. I used the owncloud recipe as base for this one. :)
<LinuxUser> hello everyone
<coolcoder613> Hi LinuxUser
<Begasus> hi LinuxUser! long time no see
<LinuxUser> oh yes
<Begasus> np weda[m], quite some changes already (and haven't checked 32bit yet) :)
<LinuxUser> no long time online because school, history, no free time etc
<Begasus> weda[m], first draft so far here:
<ilzu[m]> Begasus great to hear it works for you. That is fixed among few other things on upcoming 0.2 release which will be out in few days
<Begasus> ilzu[m] nice!
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<LinuxUser> cu
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<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
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<Begasus> better :)
<Begasus> weda[m], second draft (altered the rdef file to get the information needed from the recipe)
<Begasus> did you check if the documentation can be build?
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<Begasus> weda[m], with documentation :)
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<Begasus> afk for a bit
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<Begasus> k, seems to be running fine weda[m] :)
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<weda[m]> @Begasus Thank you, i've learned a lot from this! I try to adapt this to an other recipe i prepared (but didnt finished it, yet)
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<Begasus> weda[m], they released a new version 3 days ago :)
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<weda[m]> It feels like the whole world just got to fast for me…
<Begasus> heh, know the feeling (been there) :)
<Begasus> but you could just fix the current recipe and then we can merge this version
<Begasus> (still need to check 32bit though)
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<Begasus> grabbing nextcloud_client-3.11.1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/nextcloud_client-3.11.1-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> :)
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<shaka444[m]> So if there's an issue with Paladin do I submit a bug report or notify on the github page?
<Begasus> upstream github page yes shaka444[m]
<shaka444[m]> k
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<trungnt2910[m]> <waddlesplash> "trungnt2910, you around?" <- Somehow only until today do I get a ping.
<trungnt2910[m]> Is it about the enum naming issue?
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<weda[m]> Iam currently still working, but when iam done, I fix the recipe ;)
<Begasus> no hurry weda[m] :)
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<Begasus> me hates this ... not being able to testdrive ruqola :P
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<bjorkintosh> Begasus, do you ever eat peeps?
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<Begasus> nexcloud client running on 32bit also :)
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<zard> Yesterday, I got a .hpkg of Haiku-PyAPI to run on 64 bit
<zard> Soon, I'll need to get a .hpkg working for 32 bit
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<Begasus> nice zard, just should if you need some help :)
<zard> Thanks :)
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<waddlesplash> trungnt2910[m]: no, it was about userlandfs. i had to disable your patch to use the file cache on fuse because it broke basically all FSes, the last read returned an error every time
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<trungnt2910[m]> That's strange...
<trungnt2910[m]> If it actually broke "all" FSes, then FUSE-base FSes should also break, shouldn't they?
<trungnt2910[m]> Why did vmhgfs read operations work when I tested the patches then?
<trungnt2910[m]> waddlesplash: Or do you mean things like `cat /path/to/some/valid/file` returning non-zero?
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<waddlesplash> trungnt2910[m]: yes, cat reads the whole file, but then the last read() returns EINVAL (iirc)
<waddlesplash> I didn't manage to debug why, it looked like a file cache read was returning that. but file cache reads past the end of files should just return 0 and no data
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<trungnt2910[m]> <waddlesplash> "trungnt2910: no, it was about..." <- Since you're here... do you still have any objections against the current #7377?
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<waddlesplash> maybe BLayoutSpacing would be better
<waddlesplash> otherwise looks ok
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<erysdren> anyone know what differences there are between the Haiku amd64 ABI and something like AMD64-SYSV?
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<x512[m]> erysdren: The same ABI except common Haiku-specific things like no PIE?
<erysdren> ah
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<cocobean> AMD64-SYSV is where the API/ABI is compatible across many UNIX-like/POSIX-compatible systems
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57565] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 084e24d0bf38 - docs/develop: minor improvements in the fs section
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<scanty> hello all.
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hii
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<scanty> i get to chase a bug now. <sarcasm>hooray</sarcasm>
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<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> sometimes it's fun. sometimes.
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<phschafft> scanty: want to have a bit of my design stuff for now? ;)
<scanty> this bug is not fun.
<scanty> phschafft: what do you mean?
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<phschafft> as in I have good work one can use to procastinate. ;)
<erysdren> does haiku have its own version of popen()? can't remember right now
<scanty> ah
<scanty> my hands are tied right now with this bug.
<phschafft> erysdren: will you be around this fine evening?
<erysdren> well, its only 2pm right now, so i'll probably be awake for another 8-10 hours
<erysdren> so yes
<erysdren> i think i might boot into haiku for a laugh and port the QBE compiler backend, and maybe the cproc compiler as well
<erysdren> i don't think it'll be too hard... though i don't know for sure if QBE outputs a binary that Haiku can run
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* phschafft nods.
<erysdren> i need to check
<erysdren> by default it compiles amd64-sysv ELF binaries
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<erysdren> there's a few other config targets, but all 64-bit only
<erysdren> targets: amd64_sysv (default), amd64_apple, arm64, arm64_apple, rv64
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<erysdren> anyway, gonna reboot
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<Anarchos> why is qemu through remotedesktop so slow ?
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<erysdren> any example of a haikuports recipe that only allows 64-bit architechtures?
<erysdren> the QBE compiler backend supports AMD64, ARM64, and RV64 but no 32-bit equivalents
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<Anarchos> erysdren just put "x86_64 !x32 " in the architecure ?
<augiedoggie> "all !x86_gcc2"
<erysdren> but it also doesn't support non-gcc2 x86
<augiedoggie> that's fine, if the recipe isn't set up for secondary arch it won't be built
<erysdren> kk
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<scanty> hmm..... front buffer row bytes is 6720.
<scanty> that's.... way too high.
<scanty> that explains why memset is crashing.
<scanty> it seems like a buffer overrun
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<OscarL> Annnd... now the idualfifi7260 driver refuses to join any networks :-(
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<OscarL> Keeps saying: "Failed to join network. (Incorrect password?)", and syslog only shows "iwm: SCAN -> AUTH", "iwm: AUTH -> ASSOC", and "iwm: ASSOC -> INIT"
<OscarL> tried warm-boot, cold-boot, booting from grub, booting only from Hauku's EFI loader... no luck :-/
<OscarL> Back to testing the usb_rndis driver, I guess :-D
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<OscarL> can't even "reboot" from KDL :-D "PANIC: common_sznooze_etc(): called with interrupts disabled, timeout 50000".
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<phschafft> hm, now he is gone.
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