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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
* coolcoder613 thinks /me uses /me too much
<Begasus> :)
* coolcoder613 sometimes thinks with /me commands
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<OscarL> Hey there Begasus!
<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<Begasus> got issues with tvision?
<OscarL> trying to solve a few problems with the .cmake file. "/include" and stuff like that :-/
<Begasus> seemed prety straightforward :)
<Begasus> yeah hardcoded path
<Begasus> maybe you could do some sed magic in the recipe?
<Begasus> or just nuke it (doesn't need the static library nor headers to run) :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: trying the "sed" route rn.
<Begasus> +1
<OscarL> getting the damn tvision examples required me to patch some CMakeLists.txt ... to add a darn LD_PRELOAD :-S
<Begasus> how do you check those examples? just open them with tvedit?
<Begasus> fs*cking colors though :P
<OscarL> Begasus: not including my latest (small fixups), but.. works enough to try the examples:
<Begasus> didn't even know it was in the repo :D
<Begasus> biab, dogs :)
<OscarL> you can just do `LD_PRELOAD=./ palette`, for example, from inside the build dir.
<OscarL> there are a bunch of small examples, only the "3" binaries are actually included in "tvision_tools"
<OscarL> (the only ones that they include in their "cmake install" step)
<Begasus> yeah, those I could see
<OscarL> too me way too long to understand what the problem was with tvforms...
<OscarL> the thing is... two small binaries need to be compliled AND run to generate data for tvforms to use.
<OscarL> and those generators, were failing to find from the build dir :-(
<augiedoggie> seems like you should be able to adjust LIBRARY_PATH to fix that
<augiedoggie> some other recipes do that, lua maybe?
<augiedoggie> no, something else
<OscarL> first project I'm touching that uses cmake, so... I'm pretty much just smashing things around till something works :-D
<augiedoggie> llvm and ruby adjust that path to run tests
<OscarL> I appreciate any and all pointers, thanks augiedoggie :-)
<OscarL> just now I'm remembering that "%A" in lib path I wondered about regarding Python (a few days ago)
<Begasus> export LIBRARY_PATH="$sourceDir/build/${LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LIBRARY_PATH}"
<Begasus> should do it I guess :)
<Begasus> biab
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<OscarL> export LIBRARY_PATH="%A:$LIBRARY_PATH" ? (will try with that and others, but after I get some sleep :-D)
<OscarL> while we're here... augiedoggie, how hard do you think it would be to add .hpkg support to Beezer?
<augiedoggie> Teknomancer already added basic support, it's just disabled because it isn't 100% complete
<OscarL> I see, thanks. Will have to try a local build then :-)
<coolcoder613> Just use a static library, and forget about the .so!
<OscarL> no.
<OscarL> :-P
<OscarL> I'm "this" close.
<OscarL> just need to massage a bit more this darn .cmake file.
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<OscarL> whee! Got a package for: "turbo-2023.10.03~git-1-x86_64.hpkg"
<OscarL> and... it works! noice!. (welp.. has some small glitches, same as mc, but... not MY fault :-D)
<coolcoder613> some small glitches?
<OscarL> box drawing chars get too spaced out vertically.
<OscarL> less notable with some fonts...
<OscarL> but with the defaults, it is but ugly :-P
<coolcoder613> That is just the font
<OscarL> if that was the case, I would see the same on Linux, and I don't.
<coolcoder613> With the same font?
<OscarL> of course.
<coolcoder613> Try in Konsole on Haiku for comparison
<OscarL> what would be the point of saying it is not the font, if I'm using diffent ones to compare?
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<OscarL> Mmm. Konsole has WAY too many depencenies. Not going to install all that just for a quick test.
<OscarL> coolcoder613_32: so, you see the same in Terminal. My point being... it is not the font, but Terminal's font rendering.
<OscarL> similar to, that was closed, but shows similar "vertical gaps".
<Begasus> re
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus!
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<Begasus> k, demos seem to be working OscarL :)
<OscarL> \o\ /o/
<OscarL> started a new clean build of tvision, using export LIBRARY_PATH="%A:$LIBRARY_PATH", let's see how it goes :-D
<Begasus> err ... why do you need that?
<Begasus> it's only good to test them :)
<OscarL> re read the logs?
<OscarL> :-D
<OscarL> build fails without it.
<Begasus> it doesn't here?
<OscarL> with my recipe/patch, or yours?
<Begasus> with the library installed there isn't a need for the export
<Begasus> yours (seems I didn't have that at all in my setup)
<OscarL> not sure we are speaking about the same thing.
<Begasus> git checkout --track oscarl/tvision
<OscarL> the build fails without me using either LD_PRELOAD, or... LIBRARY_PATH, that finished just yet.
<Begasus> tvision-2024.02.04~git.recipe
<OscarL> using LIBRARY_PATH as you and augiedoggie suggested, now I can drop that part of the patchset.
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<Begasus> jikes :P
<Begasus> seeing the build error now too
<OscarL> told you it took me a while to figure out.... and with be being slow...
<OscarL> and not having experience with cmake, certainly didn't helped me :-D
<Begasus> well, it's not a cmake error rather a build error on their side imho
<OscarL> k, built went fine, let's test installs, demos, and build of turbo again.
<Begasus> or the examples are not meant to be included in the build process :)
<OscarL> Begasus: yup, but at first I interpreted as a "failure to link" and not a runtime problem :facepalm:
<OscarL> so spent time trying to understand where the heck the problem was... looking at the wrong side :-(
<OscarL> hoping at least to learn something (and remember it!) for the next time :-D
<OscarL> tvedit opens faster than nano, or so it seem :-P
<Begasus> OscarL, with -DTV_BUILD_AVSCOLOR=YES it looks a bit better :)
<OscarL> AviSynth reminded me too much of late 1990's Windows to give it much thought :-P
<Begasus> it hurts my eyes without :P
<OscarL> will add it it, and just blame you for it if it breaks something :-D
<OscarL> s/it it/it in/
<Begasus> always test! :P (just a sugestion)
<OscarL> NOW that the build is working... much easier to test...
<OscarL> :-P
<Begasus> was looking with -L to see if there was a way to point to the library when building the examples
<Begasus> PS, you could just disable the tests also :P
<OscarL> and then coolcoder613_32 will kill me for not including tvedit.
<Begasus> that's default (eg not in the examples)?
<OscarL> but I'm NOT doing a static build, ya hear?!?! :-P
<OscarL> Begasus: it is one of the "examples" that gets installed by the cmake install target.
<Begasus> ah no :)
<OscarL> it *is* useful, as a basic text editor.
<OscarL> also included, the "tvhc" tool, to be able to create "help files" for apps using tvision.
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<OscarL> only "tvdemo" is kinda pointles... if you know tvision already.
<Begasus> yeah, those are default with the install
<OscarL> we can remove it on a future revisio,
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<OscarL> but also... they are only in tvision_tools.... and the whole package is < 78 kb :-D
<OscarL> err... 93 (was looking at _devel :-P)
<Begasus> that's for _tools
<Begasus> the library is about 351 here
<OscarL> want me to add debugInfo now? :-)
<Begasus> you can even execute some commands in the DOS shell :)
<Begasus> did you check if there is any? :)
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<OscarL> I'm trying to finish the commit message, but...
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<BrunoSpr> hello all,
<BrunoSpr> I just got my Display Port Cable, but it seems it does not work with Haiku!?
<Begasus> Hi BrunoSpr
<BrunoSpr> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> can't get external monitor running on Haiku either BrunoSpr (HDMI)
<BrunoSpr> With HDMI I have no problems on my PC
<BrunoSpr> external monitor works for my intel atom laptop with vga
<BrunoSpr> but no HDMI
<Begasus> same on the laptop here, no VGA connection on this
<BrunoSpr> I thought the Display Port Cable is open standard?
<Begasus> no idea
<BrunoSpr> Me eighter
<BrunoSpr> Will post in the forum later, after looking for some info first
<OscarL> I still have tvedit without enabling that TV_BUILD_AVSCOLOR, not really seeing any difference against your screenshot :-/
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<OscarL> Begasus: you sure you were not just comparing `tvedit` (no file) with `tvedit somefile.txt` ?
<Begasus> right OscarL, no changes, just forget I mentioned it ;)
<Begasus> just used the menu to open a file
<OscarL> np, just making sure.
<Begasus> tried with -DTV_REDUCE_APP_SIZE=ON ... also no changes
<andreasdr[m]> Someone ported PaleMoon?
<andreasdr[m]> Who was it? Where can I try it? :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> Hi OscarL
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: Hello!
<OscarL> re PaleMoon... Again doing breakfast with stong beer? :-P
<OscarL> *strong
<OscarL> excuse my manners... With Rum, yarrr! :-P
<Begasus> coffee! :P
<OscarL> killjoy.
<Begasus> iirc someone was/is looking into that andreasdr[m], not sure what the progress is atm
<andreasdr[m]> OscarL: Haha. :DDD. Drinking rum in the morning does not make you an alcoholic, but a pirate!!!
<Halamix2_> Trying to buld new packlage, I get `Warning: Port package-1.0.2 is unsupported on this architecture.`. Is `ARCHITECTURES="x86_64"` incorrect?
<Begasus> building for 64bit Halamix2_?
<Halamix2_> yes
<Begasus> on 64bit? ;)
<Halamix2_> I cannot boot x86 yet :P
<Begasus> just to be sure :)
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: I'll drink to that! Salut!
<Halamix2_> Yeah, 64 on 64
<Begasus> should be good yes
<Halamix2_> Then why warning
<Begasus> did you build other packages already with haikuporter?
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<Halamix2_> I did build nodejs
<Begasus> how is the recipe called?
* OscarL rechecks that TV_BUILD_AVSCOLOR flag, needs "avisynth/avisynth.h"... Mmm, someone is also puting rum in their coffee, me thinks.
<Begasus> no change with that OscarL :P
<Begasus> tsss ...
<Begasus> oh I had it still in ...
<Halamix2_> Begasus: I'm basically trying to check how hard it would be to port hedgewars-1.0.2, so it's not yet on repo
<Begasus> did you run a check build in Terminal Halamix2_?
<Halamix2_> ? You mean did I try to run `hp hedgewars-1.0.2`?
<Halamix2_> Or a manual build?
<Begasus> no, just unpack the source and ... that yes :)
<Begasus> k, no change still in colors OscarL
<Halamix2_> Ah, not yet to be honest
<Begasus> I always do a manual check before I start on a recipe :)
<Begasus> but that's just me
<Begasus> ah, Halamix2_, hence you asked about ghc earlier :)
<Halamix2_> Yeah, but I figured out it's not necessary if I dont build the server
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<Begasus> long time since I looked at it
<Begasus> Halamix2_, if things are OK in the recipe you don't need to provide the version for haikuporter, just "hp hedgewars" should be enough
<Halamix2_> Ah, there we go: `hegdewars not found in repository`. My recipe path is haikuports/games-strategy/hedgewars/hedgewars-1.0.2.recipe
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<BrunoSpr> Sometimes it is nasty if all Desktop/Workspaceses get changed by accident, so better to have "actual workspace" by default:
<BrunoSpr> might be a small change for someone with knowledge
<OscarL> Can't see your image. Gives an error here, BrunoSpr.
<Begasus> Halamix2_, checked PROVIDES?
<Begasus> "/Opslag/wip/hedgewars-src-1.0.2/build/hedgewars/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeFiles/testpascalcompiler.dir/DependInfo.cmake" is newer than depender .... really? :P
<Begasus> from Gentoo ... ( >=dev-lang/fpc-2.4 )
<Begasus> looks like we need to bump our fpc version ;)
<Begasus> err ... no, we got 3.2.2
<Halamix2_> Begasus: ah, I forgot about that; but still it cannot find hedgewars
<Halamix2_> Abotu that compilation error: I see there are #ifdefs for _BEOS with paths to `/boot/beos`,which breaks compliation :P
<Begasus> Halamix2_, can you paste at , if want you could sent it to me in a PM
<BrunoSpr> OscarL, I just saved it with Wonderbrush, so I have to export it!
<Halamix2_> Begasus: Sure, here's my current recipe:
<BrunoSpr> Why can't Web+ open the e-mail files? Could be very handy...
<Begasus> ~> hp hedgewars
<Begasus> Checking if any dependency-infos need to be updated ...
<Begasus> updating dependency infos of hedgewars-1.0.2
<Begasus> seems to work here Halamix2_?
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: so... you want "Screen" to use "Current Workspace" as the default option. I think the idea is that most users would use the same resolution for all workspaces, and thus, it is the default.
<Begasus> "hedgewars-1.0.2.recipe"
<OscarL> for those of us with "special needs"... we can find the option, without making regular users' lifes more complicated :-D
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<OscarL> but that's just *my* point of view, of course. Guess you could open a Trac ticket about it, to see what the developers think.
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<Halamix2_> Begasus: I've already had that file under /boot/home/haikuports/games-strategy/hedgewars/hedgewars-1.0.2.recipe, but for some reason it still can't find it
<Begasus> Halamix2_, make a small change, maybe haikuporter just need a refreshing :)
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<Begasus> Halamix2_, also please use tabs instead of spaces for indents(?)
<Begasus> I never know how to write that :D
<Halamix2_> Ah, I've copied the recipe from wiki, that also may be an issue :P
<Begasus> looks like it :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57590] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6a13b1d8e05a - AboutSystem: add donation link
<BrunoSpr> OscarL, sometimes DosBox and other old games change the resolution by them and then all workspaces get affected.
<Halamix2_> My system i haunted, I've even removed /boot/home/haikuports/repository and still nothing
<BrunoSpr> OscarL, yes I am not sure about it, better to discuss this matter first...
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: but that's a separate problem, not related to the setting on the Screen preflet.
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<BrunoSpr> OscarL, ah ok I see, so it might be a DosBox or porting apps problem then!
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<OscarL> BrunoSpr: in case of apps messing up your graphics... I *think* it shouldn't happen, so I even if its due to third/ported apps, I would probably file a ticket on Haiku's Trac.
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<OscarL> some apps/libraries have known problems (SDL2 + OpenGL, for example)... but the system shouldn't end up screwed just by an app crashing :-D
<Halamix2_> Begasus: facepalm on my end: I had to start a new terminal and now it works
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> still at the fpc error in the build process
<Begasus> quite some changes needed in the recipe :) (missing BUILD_PREREQUIRES for instance)
* OscarL will update turbo, open a PR, and call it a day and a half.
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<Begasus> OscarL, did you check tvision on 32bit?
<OscarL> someone doesn't reads my PR text :-P
<OscarL> no, Begasus, not yet :-)
<OscarL> Mmm, turbo works, but "Open Recent" menu item doesn't.
<OscarL> oh well... not patching that today.
<Halamix2_> Begasus: thanks for your help, I knwo the recipe is missing a lot of things, but at least now I can go further, I already have cmake errors! :P I'll probably have to stop for today, but now I'm in familiar territory of fixing bugs
<Begasus> good Halamix2_, keep us informed :)
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<OscarL> rebooting.
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<OscarL> common, haikuporter! do what I mean, not what I command you to do!
<OscarL> (I keep forgetting to add _x86 to package names when trying to build them :-P)
<OscarL> AHRHHG. my sed failed right at the end of the build :-D
<OscarL> "lib/cmake" vs "lib/x86/cmake" issue :-)
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<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> so, no $libDir but... /me looks at Begasus for help (it is getting late here... sun alrady high)
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<Begasus> OscarL, don't have 32bit booted (yet), just push the changes you got so far and I'll have a look at it later :)
<OscarL> just plain $prefix/lib, no?
<Begasus> or jmairboeck :)
<Begasus> no, not for /system/lib/x86
<OscarL> at least, that's where the .cmake files ended up under "packaging"
<Begasus> that would be $libDir
<OscarL> this is only for the .cmake files, not for the .so
<Begasus> should also be $libDir
<Begasus> let me boot it up :)
<OscarL> what I mean is... the cmake installer is not placing them there, so... that's why my sed fails.
<Begasus> you see in other packages too using "$libDir/cmake" in the devel package
<Begasus> ah, use ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ?
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<Begasus> you did that one for include dir
<OscarL> half-way there, then :-P
<jmairboeck> OscarL: can you patch the install path to use ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake? probably it is using a hardcoded "lib/cmake" or something
<OscarL> I should be able to manage, thanks jmairboeck and Begasus. Not today, thou :-)
<Begasus> hardcoded "lib" in there yes jmairboeck
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<OscarL> Gotta love those "these are the manually specified CMAKE_* vars that this project doesn't gives a damn about" warning from CMake
<Begasus> not all use gnuinstalldirs :)
<Begasus> the "not used by the project" messages should have given an indication :D
<Begasus> Fatal: Can't find unit system used by testPascalCompiler
<OscarL> for people familiar with what the heck they mean? sure! /me... all greek :-D
<Begasus> that should be fixed ....
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> they came from $cmakeDirArgs :)
<Begasus> sorry ;) took me a while to figure out too :)
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<OscarL> I do what I can, even added a small PR so fixCMake doesn't chokes asking for cmd:find... but no way in hell I'm learning all of this :-P
* OscarL wants to get back to his silly drivers.
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<OscarL> Tried patching that "lib/cmake/[...]" to "$CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR/cmake/[...]", sed still chokes :-/
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<OscarL> ah... I see the error.
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<OscarL> if I get close to the monitor... need to use {}, not () :-P
<Begasus> ;)
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<BrunoSpr> Anyone same problem with some webpages showing only half of a picture:
<OscarL> alright! packages built. let's test them.
<BrunoSpr> It is with Web+ only
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<OscarL> Ouch, need to fix a 64 vs 32 bits issue in "turbo" :-(
<Begasus> OscarL, no -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ?
<Begasus> oh, lazy :P
<OscarL> you keep speaking greek, my man! :)
<Begasus> mkdir $binDir ... cp to $commandBinDir?
<OscarL> gotta leave things for future PRs... how would I ever get close to your numbers, then? :-P
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<Begasus> whoops ... this cmake file for tvision needs patching :)
<Begasus> someone told me how to also :)
<Begasus_32> error: invalid conversion from 'const Sci::Position*' {aka 'const long int*'} to 'const int*' [-fpermissive]
<Begasus> error on 32bit (turbo)
* OscarL notices a fair amount of fixups commits from the folks with merge powers. :cough: :cough:
<Begasus> hmm ... maybe need to update your PR for tvision local first
<OscarL> that's why I have it disabled turbo for x86, old man... keep up!
<OscarL> trying to test latest changes again on 64 bits (worked for me on 32 bits).
<Begasus> ok, new changes for tvision fixed that
<Begasus> tss ... already had the one where it wasn't marked broken for 32bit :P
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<OscarL> alright, tvision still fine on 64 bits, after latest 32-bits related changes, Begasus.
<Begasus> on 32bit that seems fine too OscarL
<OscarL> Leaving it as ready for review... will close the VM... but guess I'll keep pestering you here for a bit longer.
<OscarL> (till I get slippy again :-P)
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<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> could be closed I think. we don't include the mksh-incompatible scripts since a couple of git versions.
<OscarL> a new one can be opened, for properly adding git completions in a way compatible with all shells (and reference 9741 as related discussion)
<OscarL> I won't be adding the python bindings on subversion... because on 32 bits, SVN is build with gcc2. That's fine for existing perl (and modules/extensions), but won't fly for Python 3.x
<OscarL> (I'm not even gonna try :-P)
<OscarL> Good thing the amount of users of SVN, on Haiku, needing Python bindings... *should* be zero.
<Begasus> back ...
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<Begasus> weird it detects tvision with that sed in the cmake file OscarL
<OscarL> try building without that line to see CMake fail fast.
<OscarL> due to "non-existing directory"
<Begasus> could be, but path is still wrong
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<OscarL> not sure what it expected to do with it, but... I just hammer things down till more or less work, then comes the polishing :-P
<Begasus> try hunting down for targetarchitecture ;)
<Begasus> at least a few have simular sed magic for both arch's
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<OscarL> thanks for the tips, and review.
<Begasus> gtkspell3-3.0.10.recipe
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<OscarL> yup, something like that, just in case, should be enough.
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<Begasus> I'm guessing that even with scintilla being fixed it would run into an error not finding the tvision headers
<Begasus_32> INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/develop/headers/x86"
<Begasus> looks better :)
<OscarL> too bad the rest of computer I can put together for 32 bits... are ALL slower than my Atom N450 (should try booting 32 bits there, in any case).
<OscarL> switching between archs is not much fun with this slow VMs either :-D
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<OscarL> Will test them anyway eventually, because some of them have ITE IT8705 chips in them, so at least I can test my it87 driver on more than one PC :-D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> my 32bit one is slow on metal too :/
<OscarL> kallisti5: I know I'm not being exactly partial, but I do like your last screenshot :-) (
<OscarL> *exactly impartial (can't think, nor type)
<OscarL> in less than a week, found IN my house: 2 scorpions, 1 centipede, 2 geckos, a bunch of fat crikets... :-/
<Begasus> jikes!
<OscarL> spiders. not counting those buggers anymore.
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<OscarL> centipedes were actually 2, but one was ~7cm long, so basically doesn't count. The other one... made me wish I had a shotgun :-P
<Begasus> not going to pay you visit any time soon :P
<zard> Think of it like... going to the museum :P
<OscarL> Begasus: what? You'll miss the fat-cricket snacks!
<Begasus> thanks, think I'll pass :P
<OscarL> zard: or Australia-lite :-D
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<Begasus> should add that "fix" to my wiki too OscarL :)
<Begasus> seems to work fine: INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/develop/headers"
<OscarL> yeah... keep training our CrapGPT overlord with all your data! nom nom!
<OscarL> seriously... always good to write down those things. And good that you're doing it for us :-D
<Begasus> added
<OscarL> +1
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<Begasus> thanks for that! mostly forget about those, beats hunting them down :)
<OscarL> nah...
<OscarL> tried it, did nothing in this case.
<Begasus> ah,k
<Begasus> out for a while, bbl
<OscarL> Begasus: also, it is fixCMake (notice the uppper case M)
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<OscarL> Welp, I'm talking about hp's fixCMake ShellScriplet... I haven't used a sed line like in your link.
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> still no luck on hedgewars/fpc (can compile a simple script in fp though) :)
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I just saw a security update for python-pycryptodome on my openSUSE system. Should that be updated?
<Begasus> now to your comment jmairboeck ;)
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<jmairboeck> Begasus: in the yaz PR? I was just talking about that comment there
<Begasus> done :)
<OscarL> jmairboeck: can't hurt havint it update! Not sure how much users it has (haven't heard again from the user that originally requested it)
<OscarL> sorry for the typos :-D
<OscarL> IIRC, it should now be easily installable via pip (it didn't originally, and thus why we added it first).
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ba7552d - yaz, new recipe (#10133)
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<OscarL> Begasus: re fixCMake: +1. Pe's recipe syntax coloring also wrongly has it as "fixCmake" :-D
<Begasus> OscarL, I hardly use it in a recipe
<Begasus> think I only tried it once or twice
<OscarL> yeah, only two actual usages rest... commented out :-D
<Begasus> as a placeholder it's OK, to do what it should do ... not at the moment
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<OscarL> not sure it is just lacking a bit more "cooking time" (ala fixPkgconfig), or .cmake files are not that consistent/regular for that function to become handy.
<OscarL> in any case, we shouldn't be having to add cmd:find as requiement to use it :-)
<jmairboeck> I think it is the latter, with CMake you can do nearly arbitrary things in these scripts. pkg-config is more declarative.
<OscarL> (and that was my cue to do another of my famous one-line-PR :-)
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<OscarL> gave me that impression, yeah, but... as I don't really have any expericence with either. I'll just follow your leads, big guys!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-2/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 9130150 - libpcre2: bump version (#10118)
<Begasus> oh whoot, left yaz enabled for gcc2 :P
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 860fe7b - yaz, disable gcc2 build (#10137)
<Begasus> see, I do still make stupid mistakes ;)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] lonemadmax pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57591] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 118eb8098509 - app_server: update Symbols2 font name
<Begasus> that almost gave me a scare :)
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<Begasus> is "less" used by the Haiku build?
<jmairboeck> Is there a bootstrap package in haikuports.cross?
<jmairboeck> I would use that as a guideline
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<Begasus> can't follow everything jmairboeck :)
<Begasus> seems that one hasn't been updated in 4 years
<Begasus> so does that mean it doesn't follow haikuports?
<jmairboeck> I think haikuports.cross isn't updated very often in general :)
<Begasus> I'm not part/familiar there, so I'm not touching that :)
* Begasus pokes kallisti5
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<Begasus> atleast our current recipes in the repo are newer then that one
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<Anarchos> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
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<Begasus> Hi there too :)
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<nosycat> Update: I completed my Vala side project. Verdict: it's not worth the trouble. C++ is better.
<nosycat> Less verbose, and generates faster code.
<nosycat> Less fussy, too.
<Begasus> too much less not solved :P
* nosycat blinks!
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<Begasus> if nothing happens I think I push my changes for less to build on secondaryArch for 32bit, replacing it with the current one doesn't take down the system ...
<jmairboeck> regarding the Haiku build requirements, maybe ask one of the experts (e.g. waddlesplash, PulkoMandy). IIRC there were problems with gawk_x86, which is why we have mawk as well.
<Begasus> already did jmairboeck :/
<Begasus> this doesn't brake existing installs (there are more binaries build for secondary arch that are used in 32bit already), only have one question ... does it brake the build (but I guess you already provided an answer there)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3a25443 - Remove obsolete python2 references (#10139)
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<Begasus> k seems the opencv didn't completed build last time also ...
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<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [btrev43213] -
<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] d98b633cf6df - jam: document JAM_TARGETS variable
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<zard> Hooray! My commit got merged :)
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<nephele> zard: well, i'm not sfan5
<nephele> that's a different person
<nephele> i did meet rubenwardy and zughy at fosdem though ;)
<zard> Heh, I figured as much
<zard> Wow! /me wishes he could have met them ;)
<nephele> I also met Begasus
<zard> Ah, yes, good old Begasus :)
<Begasus> tsss!
<Begasus> I'm still here :P
<Begasus> just to say: cu peeps! :)
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<nephele> i guess begasus is no longer among us
<zard> ssh... Begasus[m] can hear you
<nephele> Begasus also has logs
<nephele> Making progress:
<zard> What's that?
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<nephele> main menu of my game
<zard> ah, ok
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<cocobean> Pegasus: Hi.... on jasper... I notice the tools are on GCC2... so it will build fine for x86 (GCC13).
<cocobean> oops. Begasus
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<cocobean> Seems we need to add more cruft for the testsuite under haikuporter... but works fine if done outside of it.
<cocobean> Course... you know this/
<zard> Begasus has left :/
<cocobean> Oh?? I see he is on.... or away...
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<cocobean> He can read this later then.
<zard> I guess Begasus[m] is on, but Begasus has said goodbye (;)
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<nephele> begasus[m] is a "puppet" of the matrix bridg
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<Halamix2_> Haikuports: is $cmakeDirArgs variable documented anywhere?
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<augiedoggie> not that I know of
<augiedoggie> it can only be used if the projects is using the GNUInstallDirs cmake module though
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<augiedoggie> and you can override the variables by passing more cmake arguments after $cmakeDirArgs
<augiedoggie> if needed
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<Halamix2_> Oh joy, the freepascal binary itself has hardcoded `/boot/beos/bin/sh` path
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<slendi> Hello!!
<slendi> Ok nvm I forgot I had to do something sorry :(
<slendi> Bye!
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<Halamix2_> Noice, fpcbuild-3.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/cscript.pas: `{$ifdef BEOS} AddStart('#!/boot/beos/bin/sh');`. I wonder if PAscal has defines for Haiku
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