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<AlienSoldier> Someone can confirm that hrev57578. fix Falkon crashing?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> don't know yet who fixed it but thanks, latest nightly works again for falkon/python :)
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<OscarL-x64> Hello Begasus. Was about to comment on ticket 18789 that Python was indeed working on latest nightly.
<Begasus> Hi OscarL-x64
<Begasus> yeah, checked earlier in a vm :)
<Begasus> thanks waddlesplash :)
<Begasus> now buildmasters are down again
<OscarL-x64> wasn't /me this time at least :-P
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<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> only 2 that were involved :P
<Begasus> I've got at least in the pipeline to push later (after the dogs) :)
<Begasus> current state of qbittorrent crashes, with updating to newer icu it works again
<OscarL-x64> nice!
<Begasus> also maybe should push the latest changes for Tokodon, although it's an older version, crashes on second launch, it "can" be used :)
<OscarL-x64> what's a little crash between friends! :-P
<Begasus> don't suspect too many users there, so a note about this will be added in the PR/description
* Begasus wonders if anyone actualy reads those ;)
<OscarL-x64> read? what are we... nerds? :-P
<Begasus> right, no one heard of RTFM :P
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<Begasus> coolcoder613, nice screenshot of that git client :)
<Ellenor> ae
<Begasus> Hi Ellenor
<Begasus> k, time for the dogs, biab
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> can anyone help me
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> i can't seem to work on paladin editor
* OscarL-x64 thinks to himself... doesn't Paladin uses Pe as it's editor?
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<OscarL-x64> PriyanshuGupta[m]: any error in particular? Just "doesn't works" is not descriptive enough for us to help :-P
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> there's a pe application
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> command installoptionalpackage isn't working in shell
<OscarL-x64> PriyanshuGupta[m]: just in case... here's Paladin repo, so you can check if your issue is already known (or if it has a workaround, for example)..
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> PriyanshuGupta[m]: I'm trying it from youtube
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<OscarL-x64> PriyanshuGupta[m]: no idea about that "installoptionalpackage" command. I don't have it on my (nightly) install. Are you sure the instructions you're following are for (modern) Haiku?
<OscarL-x64> youtube is a bit of a big place... you need to be more specific.
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> it's an old video
<OscarL-x64> mmm, seems that Haiku had such a command in the past... around 2010/2013 ? nowadays we use/have "pkgman"
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<OscarL-x64> second Tracker crash in less than an hour :-D
<OscarL-x64> one due to switching to/from a newly added workspace (segmentation fault on BBitmap::Bounds())... the other attempting to do a drag-and-dop...
<OscarL-x64> "Looper must be locked", on BView::_CheckLockAndSwitchCurrent().
<OscarL-x64> (saving .reports for now... back to Python)
<Begasus> re
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57579] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 41a9b30fc34a - Update translations from Pootle
* OscarL-x64 wishes he had even a dirt cheap SSD on this machine :-D (2.3 minutes to `hp -b python3.10`)
<OscarL-x64> at least still faster than while on the VM :-P
<Begasus> that's still pretty fast OscarL-x64
<OscarL-x64> if you say so... I believe you :-D
<Begasus> not sure I can beat you in build time there :)
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<OscarL-x64> funny guy :-D
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<Begasus> I'm allowed too :P
<OscarL-x64> indeed!
<OscarL-x64> k... all setup... now I only need a working brain :-S . Let's see if some strong coffee helps at least a bit.
<Begasus> as the old(er) one :p
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c6d2470 - libtorrent_rasterbar, revbump, use boost1.83 (#10100)
<Begasus> crossing fingers, buildmasters alive again ... ssst
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<OscarL-x64> Grrr... "ctrl+click" on Terminal doesn't works for paths with escaped chars :-( (eg: "/Haiku-\[500GB\]/foo/bar" )
<Begasus> heh, fix it! :P
<OscarL-x64> Hey! I tought that you want me to keep focused!
<OscarL-x64> I need to either fix Python on nigthlies TODAY, or at least try and give up :-P
<Begasus> err ... focus on python! ;)
* OscarL-x64 finds a "#ifdef HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H" and gets tempted to just undef that, and call it a day :-P
<Begasus> only mentioned in the qt5webengine patch
<OscarL-x64> (would fit my usual "quick-and-dirty, one-line fix" style :-P)
<Begasus> no tickets alive in bugtracker
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<OscarL-x64> why "pkgman search devel:haiku" returns nothing, but "pkgman search hauiku_devel" works?
<Begasus[m]> Playing around with color-schemes for Plasma in between :)
<Begasus> not too many hits?
<Begasus> nah
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<OscarL-x64> that NeoChat chat view looks easier to read than regular IRC clients (with the bigger spacing between "chat-lines"
<PulkoMandy> OscarL-x64: probably because we didn't put devel:haiku in the haiku_devel package provides. Which makes sense in a way, there is no libhaiku in there
<Begasus> it's the latest 23.08.4 one running here
<OscarL-x64> PulkoMandy: okie dokie, just found it funny :-)
<Begasus> still waiting on qt6webengine :)
* OscarL-x64 now wonders if there are header-only devel packages that also do not provide "devel:". Hmmm.
<Begasus> have fun hunting those down ...
<Begasus> how's python doing? :P
<OscarL-x64> open in three editor windows... trying to understand what defines I can just avoid :-D
<OscarL-x64> but I DID needed to have sys/event.h in here to compare :-P
<Begasus> progress +1
* OscarL-x64 "confidently" runs `hp -e python3.10` after doing some keyboard smashing.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> I got a few copies around when I do updates on patchsets (so I don't loose or forget why I wanted the change) :)
<Begasus> dogs ...
* OscarL-x64 starts a Python build (non-optimized, to save some time :-D)
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<OscarL-x64> mmm, forgot this nightly was never used to compile anything, lol... hp is downloading gcc :-D
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<OscarL-x64> Mmm got Python to build on the first try... that means that now I need not to double check things.. but to TRIPLE check them :-/
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<OscarL-x64> Koder gets REALLY slow scrolling a 1 MB .log file :-/
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<jmairboeck> OscarL-x64: Scintilla is unfortunately not very optimized for large files it seems
<jmairboeck> (thats why I switched to VS Code from Notepad++ on Windows at work ...)
<OscarL-x64> jmairboeck: seem so... fortunately, disabling "Highlight trailing whitespace" and "Mark overly long lines" seems to have fixed the slowdowns.
<Begasus> and buildmasters .. lost again :/
<jmairboeck> we got a massive speedup in our own application by rewriting the folding code in our custom lexer, so it could also be something like an inefficient lexer (depending on the code language you are looking at)
<OscarL-x64> Begasus: you broke them AGAIN?!?! :-P
<Begasus> it was nearing the end in building cmake :/
<Begasus> can't brake what's broken :P
<OscarL-x64> jmairboeck: plain text :-S
<jmairboeck> Ok, then that isn't the problem ;)
<jmairboeck> but I did notice that Notepad++ was slow even on big plain text files, so that isn't surprising
<OscarL-x64> darn... ESC still doesn't close Koder's Find/Replace dialog :-(
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<Begasus> no use in push qtbittorrent unless that libtorrent variant isn't build :/
<Begasus> coffee ...
<OscarL-x64> can't find anything terribly wrong on the build log... let's see what hp --test python3.10 give us.
<OscarL-x64> holy cow! "test_select passed" :-D
* OscarL-x64 forgot to set debugger to auto-kill :-(
<OscarL-x64> Welp, now I get to play whack-a-mole with the crash dialog :-D
<Begasus> rofl
<OscarL-x64> "AssertionError: -42 != 42" seems some error code is not getting properly "converted" somewhere in there:-D
<OscarL-x64> Also... /me needs to disable some more test that seems to hang :-(
<OscarL-x64> Wish that ProcessController (or some other app like that) showed the full command line, so I could kill "the right ones" :-D
<Begasus> OscarL-x64, tried the HaikuUtils from x512[m]?
<Begasus> think you should checkout SystemManager there
<OscarL-x64> I think I have that repo "starred", but haven't used most of the stuff there.
<Begasus> it's in the depot
<OscarL-x64> installing.
<OscarL-x64> very nice indeed, but it doesn't shows the commandline args :-(
<Begasus> feature request? :)
<OscarL-x64> most likely, yes.
<OscarL-x64> well... killed the last 4 tests (I want it to end someday :-D)
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<Begasus[m]> Building KDenlive on 32bit ... crossing fingers
<Begasus[m]> that's for having local fixes here that are not upstream ... missing dependencies 😀
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<Begasus> heh, can add emoji icons in the matrix :P
<OscarL-x64> for Python3.10 on nightlies: 349 tests OK. 37 tests failed. 19 tests skipped.
<Begasus> compared to R1B4?
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<OscarL-x64> I don't recall :-D
<OscarL-x64> Need to start a database of these dam things
<OscarL-x64> I have the previous logs, but for 3.11 and 3.12 :-(
<Begasus> I'm adding those here (when not all checks pass) in the KDE recipes
<Begasus> if need be I can then compare :)
<OscarL-x64> will do so for this one, after I update how the test exclusion is handled.
<OscarL-x64> I should prolly search on the IRC logs... surely I had pasted previous results... let's see :-D
<Begasus> good luck hunting those down :P
<OscarL-x64> found one :-D
<Begasus> that was fast :)
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<OscarL-x64> sounds about right to me. Anyway... will do an `hp -c`, do a new build with optimizations enabled, run tests, do the same on beta4... and THEN do a PR.
<Begasus> yay! :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+44/-44/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kwyxz f28553d - Haiku libretro cores (#10099)
<Begasus> and now build started on kdenlive :)
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* coolcoder613 waves
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* Begasus waves back at coolcoder613
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<Begasus> wish it was easier to launch Haiku image with qemu :/
<coolcoder613> It isn't?
<Begasus> looking at some of those launcher scripts passing by ...
<Begasus> launched :)
<Begasus> this has probably been asked before, can one increase the image size of the anyboot iso?
<coolcoder613> Why?
<Begasus> not a lot of space available there :)
<Begasus> biab
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<OscarL-x64> Alright... optimized build for Python 3.10.13-3 on hrev57578... "real 18m28,974s" + almost 2 minutes for the unpacking. NOT BAD!
<Begasus> k, heading out in a bit to the grandchildren
<OscarL-x64> later Begasus!
<OscarL-x64> be well!
<Begasus> later OscarL-x64, best of luck there! :)
<OscarL-x64> thanks :-D
* OscarL-x64 git pushes, just in case :-D
<Begasus> ps, other then getting it to build on nightly no structual changes?
<OscarL-x64> minor recipe changes in the handling of TEST().
<Begasus> that's good, as long as there are no regressions for beta
<OscarL-x64> to make it more inline with what's already done on 3.11/3.12
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> out :)
<OscarL-x64> still have to do a build on beta4, but I might need to take a nap first :-D
<OscarL-x64> Later!
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<OscarL-x64> holy cow, ran `hp --test python3.10` in just: "real 9m21,720s" (personal best :-D)...results: "351 tests OK. 30 tests failed. 19 tests skipped". GREAT.
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* OscarL-x64 reboots into beta4
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<phschafft> anyone knows how big the on-disk inode number is? Practical File System Design lists it as of type inode_addr, but doesn't provide it's size.
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<phschafft> wikipedia lists the number of files as 'Unlimited', which I think refers to the size of the inode list, but as long as the inode number is stored in a fixed sized value, this naturally defines a limit.
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<BiPolar> somewhat running `hp -c python3.10` on beta4 takes: "real 5m28,244s" :-/
<PulkoMandy> phschafft: In our code, inode_addr is a typedef for block_run, so that would be a 32bit allocation group number + a 16 bit offset into that group
<phschafft> ok.
<PulkoMandy> So it's just "where the file is on disk" and limited by the maximal disk size. You can't store more than one file per block
<phschafft> I'm currently designing some storage thing, and I'm taking a bit of inspiration from different filesystems.
<phschafft> my draft currently has 40 bits here, so that is not far off.
<mmu_man> plop
<phschafft> I was mostly wondering about the index support, but it seems that doesn't come too close to my needs, so while fun read, not directly helpful.
<BiPolar> long time not seeing a genuine "plop" by Mr mmu_man :-D
* BiPolar is happy enough with the test results for Python 3.10.13 on both beta4, and latest nightly. Will open PR, and call it a day.
<BiPolar> Later folks!
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<erysdren> good morning
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<andreasdr[m]> mmu_man: plop?
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hii
<andreasdr[m]> Hi :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Read somewhere about Haiku running without GUI. Could this not be interesting for smaller application cases like NAS, ...
<andreasdr[m]> With RISCV or ARM.
<andreasdr[m]> Just bored! Would love to try out a Haiku without GUI :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> I mean you can do this with Linux or BSD, but with Haiku it could be fun too :)))
<andreasdr[m]> Thinking of building a NAS with NetBSD or something.
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<andreasdr[m]> I mean this way Haiku would compare maybe to QNX :)
<andreasdr[m]> Any ideas?
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<augiedoggie> Haiku isn't really meant to be a server, especially as a NAS, there is no NFS server and I don't recall if smbd even runs
<scanty> better to use linux or one of the bsds for that
<andreasdr[m]> Hm. I see.
<andreasdr[m]> Still fancy for me!!!
<andreasdr[m]> I fancy that.
<andreasdr[m]> I mean you could run NextCloud on it it seems, which seems to be developed with PHP. But yeah a samba server would be required for a NAS.
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<andreasdr[m]> How to enable dark mode again?
<andreasdr[m]> Cant find it anymore.
<andreasdr[m]> Found it
<tqh> There is nothing stopping anyone to work on a guiless Haiku. It is just that we focus on building a desktop OS.
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<andreasdr[m]> Cool. Maybe I have a look some day. Maybe someone else does. Busy a lot usually.
<nosycat> How would that even work? Haiku doesn't even seem to have a text mode.
<tqh> There is nothing special about how Haiku starts userland. There are some early init that starts the desktop.
<tqh> While booting there is a graphical framebuffer, but it can be disabled.
<nosycat> Interesting!
<andreasdr[m]> I would keep that graphical framebuffer but render a console to that? No idea. Never did that before.
<andreasdr[m]> And this installation would not require to have GUI related packages at all.
<tqh> I think something similar has been done somewhere for verifying kernel boot. Not sure where though.
<andreasdr[m]> While we are at it. Are there any news related to arm?
<andreasdr[m]> Arrrr.
<tqh> Some of the libraries wants functionality that might depend on app-server or similar, so there will be things to sort out though.
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. I suspected that too.
<tqh> I havn't touched it in ages. Hectic job and such...
<andreasdr[m]> So some real work would be required there.
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. I see.
<andreasdr[m]> I am shorty before releasing our MiniScript. Maybe I have some Haiku time then or money. Super curious. Never had a product before in this advanced stage. But its Open Source, so no one knows.
<andreasdr[m]> pkgsrc is usually available on those systems like a GUIless Haiku. Like QNX does. Maybe thats interesting also, but actually I like the haiku ports system, so just an idea.
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<andreasdr[m]> Imaging using a Haiku with a regular X11/Wayland and stuff. Somehow fancy. But just beeing nuts :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> Its a bit of a pity that newos did not get to that stage.
<andreasdr[m]> But actually Haiku has the newos kernel. But I think they dont share that much anymore?
<tqh> not really my kind of thing :)
<andreasdr[m]> Ok :DDD
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<tqh> And I think there is already Linux or *BSD for that
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<andreasdr[m]> Thats true. But Haiku seems to be usable for those kind of things too if someone wants it that way. I just love the times around 2000 where you fiddle around with so many nieche OSes.
<Begasus> kdenlive build finished on 32bit, but crashes on launch :/
<andreasdr[m]> Oh nooooooooo :(((
<Begasus> there is always Medo andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Yarrrr.
<Begasus> launches ok here on 64bit, but as I got newer frameworks that doesn't count :P
<andreasdr[m]> Does someone know how to add a style to Genio IDE? I like to make a MiniScript look.
<Begasus> don't think it has theming enabled somewhere?
<andreasdr[m]> Maybe I can open a ticket to ask that.
<nosycat> MiniScript sounds familiar.
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<andreasdr[m]> I mean our MiniScript:
<andreasdr[m]> There are other MiniScripts around. I know about that.
<nosycat> Nice! Good luck with it.
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you. I will offer a Haiku binding later. Need a bindings generator for C++ or C anyways. Lets see.
<nosycat> I think swig is available.
<andreasdr[m]> Whats swig?
<andreasdr[m]> Ooooh
<andreasdr[m]> Nice
<andreasdr[m]> Maybe I can make use of that.
<andreasdr[m]> Very cool idea.
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you. Noticed!
<nosycat> Glad it helped!
<andreasdr[m]> Is there a way to store the resolution which I need to set up in boot loader?
<andreasdr[m]> graphcis framebuffer resolution?
<nosycat> No idea, sorry.
<Begasus[m]> Let's see if this wroks
<Begasus[m]> Let's see if this wroks
<Begasus[m]> Lets see if this works
<Begasus> it does in NeoChat :P
<Begasus> ah, did came in here fine too :D
<Habbie> :)
<nosycat> Testing a new client?
<Begasus> NeoChat is already in the depot, playing around with color schemes with it :)
<Begasus> saw that one can edit messages posted just now
<Begasus> own messages*
<nosycat> Interesting!
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. Cool. I have dark theme and NeoChat is not in dark theme, whereas Haiku applications are more or less.
<Begasus> andreasdr[m]: :)
<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<andreasdr[m]> Gnome apps also dont have dark theme it looks.
<andreasdr[m]> Claws Mail.
<andreasdr[m]> But sure...
<andreasdr[m]> No worries.
<andreasdr[m]> Just tinkering around with Haiku today.
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<Habbie> note that those edits just cause extra lines on irc
<Begasus> only one minus is the color for the input field
<andreasdr[m]> I have setup my tinker pc with Haiku again :)
<Begasus> yeah saw that Habbie (only tested it), the other typos I blame on OscarL :P
<Habbie> :)
<nosycat> I only tried them briefly, but frankly Gtk apps don't seem to integrate well with Haiku for now. It's good to have them anyway, of course, but they're going to stand out.
<augiedoggie> they often stand out even when running them under KDE in Linux
<nosycat> Makes sense.
<nosycat> It's apparently easier to make Qt look like Gtk.
<nosycat> Surprisingly, the "gleam" scheme of FLTK looks kind of native in Haiku, or at least not too out of place.
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<andreasdr[m]> What is a example of a fltk app?
<andreasdr[m]> In Haiku?
<andreasdr[m]> Want to have a look.
<nosycat> Dillo.
<andreasdr[m]> Let me check
<andreasdr[m]> Hm. Dillo does not look that much "Haiku" in dark mode at least.
<nosycat> It doesn't look like anything to be honest.
<nosycat> But it's the best known FLTK app by far.
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<Begasus> heh, not suited for my needs but for it's purpose I guess it's doing a good jow
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<Begasus> bias
<erysdren> hi Begasus
<nosycat> o/
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<andreasdr[m]> Damn. Haiku crashes when playing a YT video with Web. If I remember right BFS had journaling?
<andreasdr[m]> So data is not lost?
<nosycat> See you!
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<andreasdr[m]> Not crashes in general. It just did crash after some 1-2-3 hours usage when playing a YT video.
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<Habbie> huh, that's a fun idea. i have a 2010 mbpro i'm not using
<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<augiedoggie> i can get my old mini to boot if i make a normal(not anyboot) disc but it crashes trying to access the disk drive during install :P
<augiedoggie> i have one of the weird ones with mixed 32/64 bit efi and processor combo, so i have to force it to fall back to MBR booting
<AlienSoldier> then a crazy guy will port OS9 to bebox :)
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<bjorkintosh> why? you just need a VM
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<Al2O3> laers
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<scanty> Al2O3, documentation almost finished, needs testing on 32-bit machines, so i'll install a VM... i'll keep you updated
<Al2O3> TY scanty
<Al2O3> System Information: Model: MacPro1,1 • CPU: Intel Xeon X5365 (8 Cores) @ 3.00 GHz • L2: 4.19 MB • Memory: 32.00 GB • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770, ATI Radeon HD 5770 • Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1200 • Load: 38% • OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) (Build 10K549)
<scanty> nice :)
<Al2O3> hopefully it will work here.
<Al2O3> talk to you later, and TY for the udpate!
<scanty> dunno. never tested on MacOS.
<scanty> seeya
<Al2O3> we'll find out :)
<Habbie> what are we testing?
<scanty> Habbie, 6502 CPU emulator, written in assembly
<Habbie> oh :)
<Habbie> amd64 assembly?
<scanty> yes
<scanty> and x86
<Habbie> so that yields a 1 GHz 6502? :D
<scanty> runs at about 20 bogomips in single step mode a a xeon 3.2GHz
<Habbie> nice work
<scanty> thanks.
<scanty> i have a sneaky suspicion it won't work on MacOS, because they do everything differently, but we'll see.
<scanty> and it certainly doesn't run on windows (the amd64 version) because windows has a crazy calling convention.
<Habbie> right :)
<scanty> why they needed to do that is beyond me.
<Al2O3> well, I can always do a VM here with VMware or such
<Al2O3> but on OS10.6.8 is where we may see it go go go, and not go :)
<Al2O3> fingers crossed
<scanty> amd64 is nice, you can pass up to six arguments in registers. x86 is nice too since you pass parameters on the stack
<Al2O3> scanty as a side note, not to take away from this wonderful moment or two, did the fella with the mmu code every get with you?
<scanty> Al2O3, nope, was thinking about it the other day though.
<scanty> i wrote a mmx optimised memcpy()
<Al2O3> nice, so this is kinda up your alley
<scanty> yeah, i suppose
<Al2O3> yah, maybe, would be cool to have it on haiku.
<scanty> yeah
<Al2O3> anyway, keeping fingers crossed, hope for the best on MacOS 10.6.8 :)
<scanty> indeed :^)
<scanty> i have a macbook from 2014, but i never did any programming on it.
<scanty> it's just for music work and travel
<scanty> music work meaning working on music.
<scanty> not music, work.
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<scanty> wow, 52 degrees this evening. hot for february!
<scanty> going to grab a sammich before the deli runs out of rolls. be back in a bit
<Al2O3> great machines still at that time, mbp were dabomb for a while.
<Al2O3> I have a few, given or work that were sold to me cheap.
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* scanty returns.
<scanty> good evening all.
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<scanty> hi coolcoder613_32
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