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<waddlesplash> our multicast is a bit wonky
<waddlesplash> and TAP mode isn't that well tested yet
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<x512[m]> Last time I tested TAP it didn't work.
<x512[m]> Maybe need to retest.
<x512[m]> TAP should be useful for virtual machines with Haiku as host system.
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<Begasus> g'morning peepss
<Begasus> -s* :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57583] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 025c6fb16ec3 - Update translations from Pootle
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<nephele> generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/common/apps/devices/pcihdr.h:2343:23: error: stray '\333' in program
<nephele> 2343 | unsigned short<db><d6><U+0001> SubDevId ;
<nephele> Not sure what to make of this build error
<nephele> It is correct, those stray bytes are there... but why
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<OscarL> nephele: garbage in the pci.ids file perhaps?
<Begasus> Hi nephele OscarL
<OscarL> Isn't that pcihdr.h generated from some awk script run over a downloaded pci.ids?
<OscarL> Hello Begasus! (happy to see all Python builds went well on the buildmasters... even the 32 bits ones :-P)
<Begasus> search with kbibtex working fine too :)
<nephele> dunno OscarL
<Begasus> yeah OscarL! :)
<nephele> having severall build issues from a clean build
<nephele> kind of annoying, just wanted to test that patch to load font archives/variants
<nephele> awk: src/apps/devices/usb-header.awk: line 148: syntax error at or near else
<nephele> ugh what is going on here .-.
<OscarL> awk got awkward?
* OscarL sees himself out.
<nephele> awk: 146: unexpected character 0xdb
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<OscarL> Begasus: re kBibTex. Nice... I remember messing around with tex citations... looong ago :-)
<Begasus> had me puzzeld to get jabref to work (asked by someone in the forum) untill mazbrilli mentioned kbibtex :)
<OscarL> Heh, nice examples in the test .bib file there Begasus :-D
<Begasus> had to see if the search funtion worked :D
<OscarL> So... it appears that you cannot attach "online" HDDs to an Hyper-V VM :-(
<OscarL> Guess I'll have to use VMware or VBox on this thing (at least, until I get a proper Linux install in the "new" netbook).
<OscarL> between the lack of networking, and touchpad... running bare-metal Haiku on this thing... gets on my nerves a bit too fast :-D
<OscarL> but... still want to use it to test thing on bare-metal... like to see if I can fix acpi_ac/acpi_lid/acpi_thermal (they KDL fast on this thing :-D)
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<Begasus> eeps, long time since I had one of them here :)
<Begasus> getting other build error when building Haiku
<OscarL> Begasus: also awk related?
<Begasus> ah no wonder, wrong branch :P
<OscarL> :-D
<Begasus> made me wonder why git pull didn't do anything :P
<OscarL> trying to build alpha4, hmm?
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> no, I was still on branch devicemanager2*
<nephele> well, i can't build haiku at all
<nephele> ... .-.
* OscarL hopes one day to find withc hrev he used in 2005 to run Haiku on bare-metal in text-mode (/dev/consoled) :-D
<nephele> maybe I need to have newer buildtools
<nephele> Though it's kind of annoying to keep those around just to build the bios loader that i don't use anyway .-.
<nephele> But i forgot how to disable it in the build
<OscarL> (err "/bin/consoled"... so long ago :-/)
<OscarL> nephele: indeed. that's why I only ever do haiku-on-haiku... and for 64 bits :-D
<OscarL> but never the full images.
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<nephele> i normally only do the hpkgs and update in place
<nephele> though the haiku.hpk now includes the bios loader too
<OscarL> really? (guess I've missed that change)
<OscarL> nephele: FWIW... at least in in hrev57530 (64 bits), I only see "haiku_loader.bios_ia32" in "haiku_loader.hpkg"
<Begasus> BuildAnybootImageEfi1 haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso ... done here
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<OscarL> Begasus: show off! :-P
<nephele> OscarL: ah, could be a seperate package too
<Begasus> OscarL, was just trying to help :/ :P
<nephele> My ssh connections keep "freezing" It seems a config option for ssh lets it keep the connection alive
<nephele> i wonder why that isn't configured by default :g
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* OscarL impersonates Begasus: "Patches welcome!" :-P
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<Begasus> lol :P
<Begasus> meanwhile ...
<dovsienko> nephele: is the TCP connection going through a firewall of sorts?
<nephele> I guess PF, but that probably isn't what you ment?
<dovsienko> nephele: are the client and the server on the same network segment or there is at least one router in the middle?
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<nephele> They are not on the same network
<nephele> got a fix for WebPositive scrollbar colors :)
<Begasus> nice :)
<nephele> the background was too bright in light mode for me, i could not tell where the thumb was
<nephele> was using the wrong color base, duh :3
<Begasus> poke the one responsible :P
<dovsienko> nephele: some firewalls time out tracked TCP connections way too fast for an idle SSH connections with default SSH and TCP keepalive
<nephele> Begasus: I'm not poking myself
<Begasus> thought so nephele :D
<nephele> that would be rude to me
<nephele> dovsienko: that does make sense, i suppose the option then is only needed for my home network
<dovsienko> if you cannot fix the firewall (which I would recommend because it affects all TCP connections), a common workaround is to use aggressive keep-alive, either at the TCP level or the SSH protocol level (OpenSSH can do both on request)
<nephele> clearly should use mosh ;)
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<nephele> hmm. The firewall documentation (router) only sais tcp connections after 15 minutes are closed
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<nephele> but that isn't what occurs here
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<Begasus_32> Nice, working on 32bit too
<Begasus> guess we can make a release :)
<Begasus> this nexcloud thingy is handy :)
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<dovsienko> nephele: well, then use a packet analyzer to see what happens to the TCP connection
<dovsienko> typically it looks as a normal TCP session persisting until either the middlebox sends a TCP RST out of nowhere, or it purges the TCP session from its state quietly, but responds with a TCP RST when one of the ends tries to use the TCP session, or it just quietly drops the packets
<dovsienko> but if it says it cannot maintain a TCP connection for more than 15 minutes, then it is not fit for purpose, correct?
<Begasus> bugger, forgot to run the test
<dovsienko> I have a small D-Link router that allows to open 10-20 TCP connections to the same destination in a row, and then just swallows the next TCP connection quietly
<nephele> No, it will close the tcp connection after 15 minutes of inactivity
<nephele> not in general
<Begasus> 0% tests passed, 4 tests failed out of 4
<Begasus> nice start :P
<nephele> not sure what package analyzers haiku has
<dovsienko> tcpdump and Wireshark, as usual
<coolcoder613> Hi all
<Begasus> 75% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 4
<Begasus> progress :)
<nephele> coolcoder613: qt and gtk are both similarily non-native
<coolcoder613> Qt *looks* very native
<nephele> qt happens to draw with native controllook methods "most of the time" but it doesn't do any of the message passing stuff, and it draws in an offscreen canvas
<nephele> it only passes an image to the app_server
<nephele> which also explains why many qt applications are so slow to update when resizing for example
<Begasus> coolcoder613, go for it :)
<Begasus> also GTK has the keymap issues
<coolcoder613> Qt is still better than GTK
<coolcoder613> Have a look at Trojita for example
* Begasus is trying to focus here ... :P
<nephele> ...better?
<nephele> they are both insanely huge dependencies for running just some apps
<nephele> also, porting it from gtk to qt would likely be more effort to port it to haiku instead
<nephele> so not sure what the point would be
<dovsienko> I wonder what "uname -v" prints on Haiku built locally from source
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<nephele> it will print the hrev version with a hypen based on how many commits you have over the last tagged revision
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<dovsienko> something such as "hrev57582-20"?
<nephele> if you have 20 commits after the last tagged revision yeah
<nephele> that is on the top of my head anyway
<dovsienko> and for beta4 it is a plus to mean it is this many commits after the release, but everybody else has those commits too, correct?
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<Begasus> well, something must be working our current Okular crashed on a certain pdf, latest KF5 version opens it just fine :D
<Begasus> still can't get it working with kbibtex though :/
<nephele> dovsienko: could also be a plus, but in that case it denotes how far your version is
<nephele> there are severall beta4 "versions" since we backport fixes, stub apis, and such stuff
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<dovsienko> my beta4 VM reports as "hrev56578+95" and I note the last number has been going up on a few occasions
<dovsienko> but the first one stayed the same since the installation from .iso
<nephele> Yes, it's the hrev beta4 was based on
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 10eea96 - kbibtex, new recipe (#10113)
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<cocobean> Begasus: hello.... as for jasper......No previous issues with GCC2 builds - so no expected bumps for BeOS.
<cocobean> Minor bump.. not major.
<Begasus> the one for pcre2 wasn't that big also cocobean
<Begasus> the parse errors broke the gcc2 build now
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<cocobean> pcre2 had a patch for GCC2.. jasper does not.
<Begasus> it's still broken :)
<cocobean> I'll review pcre2/Gcc2 soon..
<Begasus> boosting a build atm
<Begasus> but afk for a bit soon
<OscarL> those gcc2 parsing errors can "appear out of nowhere" (had a few new myself when updaging libedit :-D)
<Begasus_32> /sources/jasper-version-2.0.33/src/libjasper/base/jas_cm.c:1119: parse error before `unsigned'
<OscarL> "updaging" lol. :-D
<Begasus> that's only one line, plenty there
<jmairboeck> Begasus: these are probably declarations not at the beginning of a block, which was not allowed in C89
<Begasus> for the gcc13 builds it should be mostly straight forward, you need to take care of the gcc2 builds
<Begasus> I know jmairboeck, easy fixes mostly also
<Begasus> but gave up hunting those "int i = 0" (or the likes) for libpcre2 when checking :P
<Begasus> jmairboeck, kbibtex, another thing we can check with for an update on TeXlive :D
<OscarL> gcc2 parse errors: easy to fix... but annoying. (thus why moving to _x86 unless there's a compatibility need for gcc2 is so compelling)
<Begasus> and it only just started :P
<Begasus> right there OscarL!
<Begasus> pain in the *
<OscarL> someone's doing kegels
<Begasus> kegels?
<Begasus> I know the Dutch word, not sure what it mean in English :)
<OscarL> as in kegel exersises... silly joke attempt at my part at the "*" :-D
<Begasus> :)
<OscarL> My beta4 install has become slower to boot with time (in all bare-metal, VMware, VBox). Enabled syslog's timestamps. Interesting parts:
<Begasus> and your system is pretty clean still (compared to mine I guess) :D
<OscarL> yup.
<Begasus> k, time for the grandchildren, cu later peeps!
<OscarL> Later Begasus!
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<OscarL> Seems VMware Player 16 won't let me use "\\.\PhysicalDrive0" either :-/. VBox7 is my final hope (as I KNOW it works on this other machine).
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I think you have to mark physical disks as "offline" to use them in a VM in Windows (at least for Hyper-V)
<jmairboeck> you can do that in Disk management
<dovsienko> ~> ifconfig tun/0 up
<dovsienko> ifconfig: Could not add interface: No such device
<OscarL> jmairboeck: indeed, but I'm trying to use (or abuse? :-D) the one and only "\\.\PhysicalDrive0" on this netbook.
<dovsienko> I understand tun/tap do not exist in R1/beta4 yet
<jmairboeck> OscarL: ok, then you are out of luck I think
<OscarL> jmairboeck: I DO have it working like that on *this* machine (I just double checked).
<OscarL> but only on VBox... I was trying to see if I could get something a bit faster for the new netbook :-D
<jmairboeck> I don't have much experience with VBox on Windows, maybe that works indeed
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<dovsienko> does anybody know if Haiku ARM porting went as far as to allow it to run on a Raspberry Pi?
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<x512[m]> dovsienko: Not yet.
<x512[m]> But you can use VisionFive 2 RISC-V board instead.
<dovsienko> I don't have a VisionFive, but I have RPIs and the entourage, plus some experience running Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD on it
<dovsienko> alright, maybe later
<x512[m]> Also if considering ARM64, OrangePi would be probably better target for Haiku. It is more open and UEFI ready. Also have PCIe slot.
<OscarL> Oh, FFS! /me and my good luck: "creating raw VMDK images on
<OscarL> VirtualBox 7 is currently non-functional." (and I removed the installer for 6.x already :-D)
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<x512[m]> OscarL: I currently think that VHD is best virtual disk image format because of widest compatibility. It is also compatible with RAW format if dynamic expand support is disabled because VHD header is located at and of file.
<x512[m]> On Windows you can mount VHD with double click.
<OscarL> I need a working createrawvmdk to be able to access partitions on the active drive.
<OscarL> I used that (with VBox 6.x) on this machine. works like a charm even on VBox7... Having problems doing simlar thing on new machine.
<x512[m]> Maybe use native VirtualBox format (VDI)?
<OscarL> the issue is with accessing the underlying disk, and not with the format of the "virtual drive". for raw disks.. the .vmdk is just a text file with geometry data for \\.\PhysicalDrive0 and not much more.
<x512[m]> Downgrade to VirtualBox 6?
<OscarL> yes! that worked :-D
<x512[m]> And fill bug report if possible.
<OscarL> Already reported long ago by other users.
<OscarL> Creating the needed .vmdk worked like a charm... testing if I can actually boot the thing :-D /me crosses fingers.
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<OscarL> Grrr! Damn thing tries to boot straight into windows (bypassing the existing UEFI grub setup).
<louis77> o/
<OscarL> \o
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrr. You all must be mighty pirates!!!
<mmu_man> HACK THE PLANET!!!
<vdamewood> They're trashing our rights!
<OscarL> Welp... FINALLY managed to boot Haiku from \\.\PhysicalDrive0 with VBox (Win10 host)... had to drop to the EFI shell and manually call Haiku's loader but... SUCESS! :-D
<nephele> I heavily dislike postfix configuration
<nephele> so many options, and you just know one of them is configured wrongly :(
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<Anarchos> hello
<OscarL> Good day Anarchos.
<Anarchos> hello OscarL
<OscarL> So... it seems that the framebuffer driver doesn't has a setting file were you could force a default video mode?
<OscarL> (unlike "vesa")
<nephele> OscarL: if you mean efi that is because you cannot
<nephele> it would iirc only be possible if the efi loader did that beforehand
<OscarL> nephele: I could select different resolutions from the boot menu (just now, on a VM).
<nephele> yes. But you cannot change this from the OS
<OscarL> I don't want to change it from the OS... I would rather use something smaller than the default 4K on this 1366x768 panel :-P
<OscarL> but.. ok... bootloader can't read a setting file so... I'm cursed :-D
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<nephele> well. Dunno. It can open hpkg to load the kernel, so. It could potentially read the kernel settings file
<nephele> so, possible i think
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<OscarL> wish I was smart enough to try and do similar for efi/framebuffer :-P
* OscarL gives it a try.
<OscarL> yay! it worked :-)
<OscarL> and somehow networking doesn't works, despite having the same setup as on my other machine :-(. This netbook hates me.
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<OscarL> Seems bridged networking over WLAN is more miss than hit :-( (/me hates not having an ethernet port)
<Anarchos> OscarL i use a ubuntu desktop with a wifi usb dongle to connect to my router on one way, and connected to an ethernet switch for my second network on the other way
<OscarL> I'm just pissed off that the idualwifi7260 card on the netbook decided work only ONE day... just to troll me :-D
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<dovsienko> OscarL: so, in Haiku there's WiFi too?
<OscarL> I guess I'll see if I can swap it for an RTL8188EE card that I have on and older netbook... while reluctanct to auto-connect... at least does connects eventually.
<OscarL> dovsienko: thanks to waddlesplash adding drivers from FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
<OscarL> but... lots of rough edges and poity corners still :-D
<OscarL> s/poity/pointy/
<OscarL> btw dovsienko, thanks for your time trying to help improve things on Haiku. Much appreciated!
<OscarL> (I can barely follow even the gist of your convos with waddlesplash... still fascinating to watch :-D)
<dovsienko> you are welcome. it would be interesting to see what wireless looks to libpcap
<dovsienko> I have connected a USB wireless adapter to the Haiku VM, but it does not even appear in the device list
<OscarL> if `listusb` doesn't even sees it. Maybe there's some issue with how the VM does the "pass-through"?
<OscarL> I've only ever used USB pendrives with VM, nothing more complex than that, thou.
* OscarL will see what trying to use the `usb_rndis` driver in a VM looks like :-D
<dovsienko> my first move was to run "lsusb", but then I remember Haiku is not Linux and used Devices GUI. here it is: 0cf3:9271 /dev/bus/usb/1/0 "Qualcomm Atheros Communications" "AR9271 802.11n" ver. 0108
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<OscarL> theres a topic on the forum, that goes into which USB WiFi adapters are recommended, because only a few have driver support via USB, IIRC.
<dovsienko> now found it in Devices -- "Driver used: unknown" -- looks like it this is not one of the supported ones
<dovsienko> let me check
<Begasus> re
<OscarL> drivers are under "src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/network/wlan", just in case.
<Begasus> listdev | grep Network
<Begasus> from "listusb": 0bda:8179 /dev/bus/usb/1/1/1 "Realtek Semiconductor Corp." "RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter" ver. 0000
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: USB wifi don't hotplug, reboot needed
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: also, cli for listing USB on haiku is "listusb", and there's "listdev" for other devices. different syntax and output fmt than Linux
<OscarL> Mmm now I need to update to VBox 7, or I'm stuck with USB 1.1, lol. In any case... VBox doesn't play nice with "passing-through" usb devices after mode-switching :-(
<Begasus> can't select USB 2.0 in the older one OscarL?
<dovsienko> apparently, there is more than one variety of TL-WN722N, and the one that is supported has Realtek inside, and the one I have has Atheros inside
<OscarL> Begasus: not without installing the VBox extensions (which I don't have right now)
<Begasus> bugger :/
<OscarL> gotta love manufacturers reusing models for different hardware :-/
<dovsienko> maybe I will just buy a TL-WN725M to try the happy path
<OscarL> muhahaha! I got usb_rnis inside the VM :-D
<OscarL> let's see if it lets me install the vmware graphics drivers at least.
<OscarL> dovsienko: if you have a phone that does USB tethering... maybe you can play with that while you get a working USB WiFi adapter?
<dovsienko> yes, I do, and a USB Ethernet adapter too
<OscarL> Begasus: lol, it worked :-D. Back to my VBox + VMware graphics Frankenstein... now with USB 1.1 RNDIS networking!
<Begasus> whoot OscarL! :-)
<OscarL> oh... wish I had one of those USB-ethernet ones... I had a phone that appeared as `usb_ecm`, but Haiku's driver didn't wanted to play with it :-P
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<Begasus> fix it?
* Begasus ducks
<OscarL> phone died before I knew where to even start looking at the driver :-D
<Begasus> Ah! so it wasn't Haiku's fault :)
<Begasus> bugger: Could not find "/sources/kreport-v3.2.0/build/src/KReportLineStyle.h"
<Begasus> thought I fixed that (or gave up on trying) :P
<OscarL> welp... haiku's usb_ecm driver didn't even registered, same with the usb_rnis one I'm using now, thanks to now that PulkoMandy being REALLY patient, and guiding me on how to patch it :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli bd593f9 - libpcap: switch to DLT_RAW for loopback/tunnel devices
* Begasus kicks kreport ... 4 years old archive ...
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<Begasus> should clean some stufff in my "wip" folder ...
<BrunoSpr> Hello all, how to change the ffmpeg version to .5 or .6? now they resides side by side, or not?
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<Oscar-L> BrunoSpr: AFAIK, some apps only support certain version of ffmpeg, while others can be used with more modern ones.
<Oscar-L> that's why you might see different library versions being installed.
<BrunoSpr> Oscar-L, ah so it is dependant on the app they call mpeg version! Ah ok that is easy then, nothing to do for the user...
<Oscar-L> work is being done in updating Haiku to use ffmpeg6, IIRC, but not all of that has been merged.
<BrunoSpr> How to check for mpeg6?
<Oscar-L> BrunoSpr: if you refer to only the CLI programs... not sure what we're using there... perhaps Begasus remembers better.
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/media-video/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-4.2.9.recipe:107: cmd:ffmpeg$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersionCompat
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/media-video/ffmpeg/ffmpeg5-5.1.4.recipe:108: cmd:ffmpeg$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersionCompat
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/media-video/ffmpeg/ffmpeg6-6.1.1.recipe:103: cmd:ffmpeg$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersionCompat
<Begasus> not easy :P
<BrunoSpr> Terminal gives me ffmpeg version 4.2.9
<Oscar-L> (I use ffmpeg from time to time, but not under Haiku)
<Begasus> my guess is that the last one installed takes over?
* Oscar-L typed "pkgman search cmd:ffmpeg` on a DOS window that was on top of the Haiku VM. :-D
<Begasus> ah!
<Begasus> lol Oscar-L
<BrunoSpr> ah ok thanks very much will check later, brb
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<Begasus> BrunoSpr, I "think" you can switch ffmpeg cmd with "pkgman install ffmpeg6_tools"
<Oscar-L> I was thinking... damn me and my typos! Noup... got it good, but wrong OS :-D
<BrunoSpr> ah ok...
<BrunoSpr> will try later
<Begasus> try switching Desktop on Windows Oscar-L :D
<Begasus> Desktop/Workspace*
<BrunoSpr> ah no good idea, I cannot use Qmplay2 and ytdownload then
<Oscar-L> BrunoSpr: there seems to be ffmpeg6_tools.
<Begasus> right :/
<Begasus> looks like those need to be rebuild for ffmpeg6
<BrunoSpr> yes, ok brb shopping...
<Oscar-L> Begasus: re: desktops... I should do so, yeah.
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<Begasus> recipe has: cmd:ffmpeg$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersionCompat (so it's bound to the version)
Oscar-L is now known as OscarL
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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: I noticed the difference betweeb Linux and Haiku :-) the DLT detection required a trivial bug fix for beta4, which is now in libpcap master branch. this also cements the lack of loopback support in beta4 and before
<Begasus> I'm guessing we have to wait to switch some recipes for ffmpeg untill after the update, or switch to secondary arch ...
<dovsienko> my USB Ethernet is showing as /dev/net/usb_ecm/0
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<OscarL> that's the "good one" right? (among usb_ecm / usb_rndis / usb_acm / etc., etc.)
<Begasus> another mixed dependency :P
<Begasus> qmplay2 is build against ffmpeg5 and need yt_dlp which requires ffmpeg4 :)
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: how reliable is link detection in network interface code? would it make sense to query Haiku for additional statuses to set PCAP_IF_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED/PCAP_IF_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED?
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<Begasus> biab
<PulkoMandy> OscarL: Acm is for serial ports (and some very old phones that expose ppp over serial port like dialup modems. Ecm is the standard for usb ethernet, rndis is very similar to ecm but it's a Microsoft thing
<PulkoMandy> Not sure if there is a "good one" overall
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<OscarL> I see. My old LG L1 (dead now) did both the let's pretend I'm a modem usb-tethering... and ECM if I black listed the ACM drivers :-D
<OscarL> ECM felt a lot less of a hussle to setup at least.
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<PulkoMandy> Yes, because the driver is not written by me, with just enough code to make it work on my phone and nothing else
<OscarL> sorry, I wasn't clear... I mean to express that using my old LG L1 (*on Linux*) first attemtpted the USB ACM dance (a PITA), until I disabled those drivers, then the ECM drivers quicked in without issues.
<OscarL> my old LG never worked with usb_ecm on Haiku (Track ticket already closed due not having that device anymore).
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<OscarL> So far... usb_rnis at least lets me connect when everything else fails so... I ain't complaing much about that one :-D
<OscarL> Thanks again for it PulkoMandy :-D
<Begasus> OscarL, ECM ... going to the dark side? ;)
<OscarL> (a bit afraid to look up what else ECM might refer to :-D)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> extra_cmake_modules
<OscarL> beats "Enterprice Content Management", at least :-P
<Begasus> the heart of the KDE frameworks/libraries et all
<Begasus> ah right, was looking into bumping icu dependencies on packages the other week :)
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<OscarL> (After updating VBox) bridged networking over WLAN decided to work after fiddling a bit with Network preflet... hope it remains working, so I can finally use this thing for proper testing.
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<cocobean> Migrate to ffmpeg 6.1.1. .. most things like MediaPlayer will move to it. by Haiku R1B5
<cocobean> MediaPlayer can play the majority of the streaming video services content.... but has some minor things I'd like to see fixed one day.
<cocobean> Can push 4K and 8K/ video content pretty good on Haiku.
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<garndalf> Evening all :)
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<HappyEaster> scanty howdie
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<dovsienko> it seems, my USB GigE (RTL8153) is not a useful piece of hardware because ifconfig reports link up no matter whether the cable is connected, and there is no Rx packets, and the only Tx packets are DHCP broadcast, which is not visible on the switch from another port
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: if you are in a VM what USB HC did you setup? XHCI?
<waddlesplash> I don't know if anyone has tested ECM with GigE
<dovsienko> let's try wireless then. I see two types of TL-WN722N in local market: one that says (c) 2014 and another that says (c) 2019. if anyone has the same and it works, do you remember if yours came in a white or in a teal box?
<waddlesplash> do any of the bsds support that device?
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: VirtualBox settings say "USB 2.0 (OHCI + EHCI)"
<waddlesplash> if so I could probably just port the driver
<waddlesplash> ah, right, vbox usb3 was in commercial expansion pack till most recent version
<dovsienko> people on the interwebs (in particular, ) say TL-WN722N works
<dovsienko> flipped to "USB 3.0 (xHCI)" and rebooted, no change in behaviour
<dovsienko> interestingly, when I unplug the cable and plug it back, something immediately sends the DHCP packets, but the link status does not look any different in ifconfig
<dovsienko> okay... let's presume this a problem of a particular piece of hardware, or a driver issue
<dovsienko> however, it would still be useful to try libpcap on a wireless interface, at least to understand how much of a problem space still remains, so I would be willing to order a cheap USB adapter that is considered working
<dovsienko> I just need to know which
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: don't have any PCs to boot Haiku on bare metal with an Intel WiFi card?
<waddlesplash> those should all work. or usually do
<waddlesplash> Atheros cards up to & including 94xx series should work too
<dovsienko> my old PC does not boot from Haiku .iso, unfortunately (let's not debug this)
<waddlesplash> any particular symptoms? if it's anything common there might be an easy fix
<waddlesplash> not to spend tons of time but there's a couple of not uncommon failure modes that have workarounds
<dovsienko> it starts to boot from the USB stick and resets immediately. Linux works. let's not get into this problem space now
<waddlesplash> ouch. yeah ok that may not be so easily fixed.
<waddlesplash> well if the machine has IOMMU you can use KVM and passthrough the WiFi...
<dovsienko> so, in theory my old AR9271 ought to work? on Linux it requires binary firmware, which is nicely integrated into firmware loading process, so I just plug it in and have a wireless interface
<waddlesplash> check freebsd pci ids lists online
<waddlesplash> if it shows up in that list it should work on haiku
<waddlesplash> or just grep Haiku source
<dovsienko> that's an idea
<waddlesplash> oh, 9271 is a USB?
<waddlesplash> we don't have the ath USB modules imported atm
<waddlesplash> i could probably look into that
<dovsienko> yes, it is a USB (TL-WN722N from 2014)
<waddlesplash> not seeing any code in freebsd for this device
<waddlesplash> hmm openbsd may have a driver
<waddlesplash> however, I haven't ported any USB drivers from obsd yet, just PCI ones
<waddlesplash> so that may require some work
<waddlesplash> depends how different openbsd USB APIs are from freebsd
<dovsienko> let me suggest risking a random TL-WN725N and seeing if it just works
<dovsienko> if you have a preference as to which one has the best support without additional work, please tell the model
<waddlesplash> realtek chips
<waddlesplash> anything in freebsd support lists for that
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<dovsienko> claims there are two versions of TL-WN725N and each uses Realtek, so I have placed an order and if everything goes well, in a few days it will be possible to see what wireless looks like
<dovsienko> thank you for the directions
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<dovsienko> today I learned that Haiku packages for the development branch are built on R1/beta4. so my fix for R1/beta4 will need another fix for the development branch...
<dovsienko> uname() to the rescue
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there. Whats upppppp?
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: ?
<waddlesplash> what extra fix is needed for the dev branch?
<waddlesplash> there are also HAIKU_VERSION constants and an API in the headers, shouldn't need to parse uname
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aplgithub pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57584] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 23cfed803a7a - HaikuDepot : Fix Compile Warning
<dovsienko> are you saying there is a C function that returns an integer with the hrev at the run time?
<waddlesplash> no I think there's one that returns that VERSION constant you used in the change after
<dovsienko> let me have another look
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: hmm maybe there's not
<waddlesplash> there is a symbol on libroot that you can read but it has to be manually looked up I think
<dovsienko> the closest runtime thing I could find is utsname.version == "hrev57582_7403_3 Feb 15 2024 19"
<waddlesplash> ah, yeah there is that
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<dovsienko> perhaps it is time to consider a longer _SYS_NAMELEN:
<dovsienko> hrev57582_7403_3 Feb 15 2024 19 x86_64 x86_64 Haiku
<dovsienko> hrev56578+95 Jan 10 2024 07:01: x86_64 x86_64 Haiku
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<dovsienko> although it would break older binaries...
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