ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<zard> We may need to get reference counting at the same while solving the Python inheriting from C++ class problem
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<zard> * some intermediate form compiled successfully
* zard tests to see what happens if he runs it on feedgator. Probably won't work :)
<zard> Well, that didn't work ;). It's even worse than I thought
<zard> And that's it for today
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* Molnija screams
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 0be86b7 - git: update to version 2.43.2. (#10130)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 5acfbfd - subversion: update to version 1.14.3. (#10129)
<Molnija> retroactive creation, 8192 unwords, highest priority
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<andreasdr[m]> Moin Begasus
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<Begasus> Moin andreasdr[m]
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> good noon everyone
<Begasus> g'morning PriyanshuGupta[m]
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<HaikuUser2> Hallo!
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<dovsienko> hello all. I wonder why this channel is configured not to appear in the list of channels
<augiedoggie> we were getting spammed and nobody made the channel public after that
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<dovsienko> is there any software in the ports that would detect a missing free() after malloc(), such as Valgrind?
<dovsienko> (in the userspace, not kernel)
<Begasus> afaik there is no valgrind in the ports
<Begasus> tried to tackle it a few times to no aveal
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Calisto has joined #haiku
<Calisto> Heyyyy... So I had to take a bit of a break from the learning cuz of my semester examinations.. i was going through the Haiku GSoC page and saw the project on making the UI of the query system better
<Calisto> I thought that it would be a nice way for me to start working on Haiku
<Calisto> I've read through most of darkwyrms docs
<Calisto> And have a decent hold over this
<Calisto> Could someone guide me as to how to start
<Calisto> I've set up haiku on an external HDD as well so that I can run it on bare metal
<Calisto> And like I mentioned before... I know C++ decently well... But I'm pretty new to Open source and everything ... But I'm really excited to start :)
<Begasus> Calisto, checked the homepage?
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<Calisto> Yah I checked that one and also through the GSoC page description
<Calisto> Sorry for the sudden disconnection
<Calisto> My college internet is kinda funky 🥲
<Calisto> Idk why but IRC connections just slow down a lot
<Calisto> Is it possible to communicate through any other medium as well?
<Calisto> Apart from that... I was going through all the projects listed... A lot of them were like really interesting but I'm really a beginner and don't have too much experience in difficult things like that... Which is why I was looking at the Interface section to get a decent start
<Calisto> And if possible about the other communication media... Do let me know as this might disconnect as soon as I enter a college building... And I think I wont receive messages to read later as well :(
<Begasus> there should be a mailinglist for introduction
<Begasus> I'm not part of the GSoC mentors, but should be out there (the mailinglist)
<Calisto> Any specific mailing list? Or I'll just subscribe to the general, developer, and issues one for now?
<Begasus> that should do it I guess
<Calisto> Okay cool I'll try that and let you know
<Calisto> Thanks so much Begasus
<Begasus> np, good luck :)
<Begasus> k, let's test run this yaz build ...
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<Begasus> passed 42 from 44, not bad, a few crashes though
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<Begasus> Hi Kokito! :)
<Kokito> Hi Begasus!
<Kokito> How is it going?
<Begasus> fine here, checking out a new library
<Kokito> Nice. Updating my nightly installation here.
<Kokito> Reboot now
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<Kokito> どうぞ、お越しください
<Kokito> Ignore that!
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<Begasus> can't even read that :)
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL
<OscarL> Morning Begasus :-)
<OscarL> Kokito is such a tease! First he tell us "please come visit us", then to ignore that! :-P
<Begasus> ah, that was that :)
<OscarL> and I thought *I* was the one with the mood changes, pfft!
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> k, yaz should be fine, let's test this with tellico
<Begasus> Skipping build ... tss
* OscarL starts to think that he should have added a "REPLACES=alien_svn" to subversion. mmmm.
<Begasus> does it conflict?
<Begasus> * Yaz (required version >= 2.0), Support for searching z39.50 databases, <>
<Begasus> looks promising :)
* coolcoder613 waves to OscarL and Begasus
* Begasus waves back at coolcoder613
<OscarL> \w/ coolcoder613!
<OscarL> Begasus: they do provide mostly the same files, yes (have to double check... and possibly, enable python bindings on subversion)
<Begasus> ok, if files conflict then that should be CONFLICTS I think :)
* OscarL plans on removal of alien_svn, thus why he went for REPLACES, but... will keep Begasus' suggestion in mind :-D
<Begasus> add it maybe disable for now?
<Begasus> don't think it's used by anything else?
<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/tellico/apps/Tellico" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus> thank you :P
<OscarL> not used, in-tree, by anything else, no. Already made the PR for removal... just thinking a bit outloud here, while /me and the VM wake up.
<Begasus> if it's removed then the conflict is solved?
<Begasus> just for those still having it installed it will be available
<OscarL> yes, but that made me think I should have added the REPLACES to subversion.
<Begasus> wouldn't bother there
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<Begasus> it's resolved in the depot
<Begasus> Hi nephele
<nephele> hi
<nephele> I'm confused. I'm pretty sure I made the dark theme for our sphinx theme, but i cannot find where it is
<nephele> Ah. Nevermind. I did make one for doxygen, but not for sphinx :D
<Begasus> tss :P
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<nephele> Begasus: sphinx has a buildin "Haiku" theme
<nephele> so if i do make a theme for it upstreaming is the way to go
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<Begasus> cool nephele, always nice to see things sent upstream!
<slendi> Hello
<Begasus> Hi slendi
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<Begasus> OscarL, I'm merging alien_svn PR, should be fine to remove now (git and subversion done on buildmasters)
<OscarL> Not sure if korli was also waiting for that... or he had some doubts about removing it...
<dovsienko> has anyone tried adding and using non-root users on Haiku?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ec60527 - alien_svn: drop recipe. (#10132)
<Begasus> done
<OscarL> Begasus: welp, that's one way to making him react, I suppose :-P
<nephele> dovsienko: for what purpose?
<nephele> if you mean in the "unix way", for example for ssh access to only some files, this works fine
<nephele> but i am not sure what you want to acomplish since your question is a bit open ended
<Begasus> OscarL, reports clean on the buildmasters :)
<dovsienko> to run a background task that, if it goes wrong, does not ruin the entire system
<nephele> sure you can do that. IIRC you do need a "proper" application to drop priviliges though, su will not do for obvious reasons
<dovsienko> I usually does for me on Linux and BSDs
<nephele> Haiku does have a service supervisor for long running tasks called launch_roster
<nephele> dovsienko: Yeah. No. don't use su to drop priviliges
<dovsienko> sudo then?
<nephele> it's a false sense of security, it does not work the way you think it does. It's very easy for an application to get back the priviliges
<nephele> sudo maybe. though doas is much nicer
<dovsienko> Haiku does not have doas
<nephele> neither ported it seems, a nicer option is telling the service supervisor to run an application in a different user context
<nephele> Yes. It's an openBSD tool
<dovsienko> is there a good document explaining why su is not fit for purpose?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e890d96 - jsoncpp, revbump disable not used cmd:python (#10131)
<dovsienko> nephele: thank you
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<nephele> dovsienko: anyway, i know that currently ssh does work for this purpose if you ssh in remotely, though that isn't really a nice option i'd imagine :)
<nephele> setuid and setguid should be available i think because of posix. But no idea about userspace tools that make this "easy" to use in a shell environment
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<OscarL> Begasus: thanks.
<OscarL> Begasus: got a nice icon on the Download folder in the end (the one under haiku/data/artwork/icons/Folder_download)
<OscarL> process of changing the folder icon via GUI is a bit insane, thou (compared to it just being a drag-and-drop op in BeOS' days)
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<OscarL> (I should file a ticket for that, after seeing if there isn't one there already :-P)
<louis77> I'm planning to rewrite Linux app which is currently written in Vala/GTK to make it available cross-platofrm which also includes Haiku. Obviously I'll use C++ this time. Which UI platform would be the best choice so that it'll run on Haiku && Linux?
<OscarL> Qt, maybe?
<louis77> with Qt, will it have a native look & feel on Haiku?
<nephele> No
<nephele> Native look yes. But feel no
<OscarL> they look the less ugly (for me at least) of most of the "other GUI libs" we have available :-P
<louis77> perhaps it would be best then to develop the UI part natively using the Haiku API
<nephele> If you want an application that feels native on Haiku you will have to use haiku specific apis. All other toolkits are pretty much just aproximations
<nephele> qt does use the native controllook for drawing, but it differs in the sense of file managers, how drag and drop works. etc. it is also much slower and more memory intensive than native apps
<louis77> nephele: got it. And I also get the C++ is stil no. 1 choice for Haiku Apps, right?
<OscarL> core-lib + OS specic GUIs... always nicer than the "one GUI to rule them all"... depends on the ammount of work you'll willing to put into.
<nephele> Since our kits are written in C++ yeah. pretty much
<dovsienko> nephele: I thought if there was a feasible way to add Haiku to
<Begasus> nice OscarL :)
<Begasus> meanwhile, with some patching: Testsuite summary for libopenraw 0.3.7 OK :D
<louis77> thank you both .. nephele OscarL. That will be an interesting project.
<nephele> louis77: there is also some priot art of making the native haiku calls "emulated" on the qt api in wonderbrush v3. It may be interesting, but probably much easier to "just" write two backend
<nephele> dovsienko: there is a haiku emulation layer for linux that might make sense for a CI. But i reckon you need the actual kernel for this? :g
<nephele> I'd assume qemu is the way to go maybe. Not sure how your CI works
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<dovsienko> nephele: usually it is either a VM or a physical box somewhere
<dovsienko> VMs are less painful to regenerate when they crash, and less hassle with firewalling etc.
<dovsienko> if it comes to physical box, maybe one of my RPIs could do the job
<OscarL> Begasus: was the patch: "force test-suite results to PASS"? (had a co-worked do that once :-P)
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<andreaa72> i have found how to change vision icon : put a copy of vision in /boot/home/config/non-packaged/bin ... change icon here ... ;)
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<Begasus> nope OscarL :P it's not even in the repo :)
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<slendi> Is there a way to change from beta4 to nightly?
<nephele> yes
<nephele> dovsienko: haiku does not run on a raspberry pi
<nephele> a amd64 vm is probably the better option at this point in time
<nephele> slendi: you need to change the repository urls
<nephele> and then run pkgman full-sync
<nephele> though beware that the nightlies are unstable and only intended for developers
<dovsienko> nephele: I have not tried yet, so I do not have a strong opinion
<Begasus> and it's not always easy to switch back again :)
<nephele> dovsienko: well, i'm telling you the port will not boot on a raspberry :D
<nephele> the arm64 port *might* boot in qemu
<nephele> but probably not
<slendi> Thanks
<dovsienko> nephele: so describes in detail the hardware that does not actually work yet?
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<nephele> iirc there was "more" support for the 32bit arm port. But i don't think anyone has gotten to boot on the desktop yet.
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<nephele> (so yes, there has been a big chunk of work done on the arm and arm64 ports. But not enough to make it useable for the normal user ;)
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<Begasus> arghh ... why doesn't this work in haikuporter, but in Terminal it does? ./configure: line 16978: syntax error near unexpected token `14,'
<Begasus> ./configure: line 16978: `AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX(14, noext, mandatory)'
<dovsienko> looks like an unexpanded macro to me
<andreaa72> put the fun in your pc ... don't trash it in your wc ... put opensource in your pc ...
<Begasus> ah nvm :)
<andreaa72> an haiku
<Begasus> missing autoconf-archive I think
<Begasus> the AX_CXX should have given a clue
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<Begasus> that was it :)
<Begasus> configure: error: cargo is required :P
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<nephele> no cargo culting please
<zard> Nah, just give it the cargo
<OscarL> things are getting rusty enough.
<zard> After all, everyone else does it that way :P
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<Begasus> you're all complaining rust the the language of the future :P
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<OscarL> I thought crabs walked backwards (or is it sideways? :-D)
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<gordonjcp> Begasus: I heard it never sleeps
<Begasus> I hear a lot (most of the time I don't know what's it about though) :P
<Begasus> hmm ... probably gonna disable gdk_pixbuf for libopenraw for now ...
<Begasus> ~> pkg-config libopenraw-0.3 --cflags --libs
<Begasus> -I/packages/libopenraw-0.3.7-1/.self/develop/headers/libopenraw-0.3 -I/packages/libopenraw-0.3.7-1/.self/develop/headers -L/packages/libopenraw-0.3.7-1/.self/develop/lib -lopenraw
<Begasus> looks good :P
<Begasus> bugger ... undefined reference to `freeaddrinfo'
<Begasus> fixed* :)
<Begasus> f*... wrong library from :P
<zard> Ah, so that's what libopenraw does. It parses RAW digital camera files. I was wondering about that
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<Begasus> needed exempi there :)
* OscarL starts a search for "raw d..", nah... not going there.
<Begasus> well, if someone needs it, got it around now :P
<Begasus> no cargo required for this one
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<OscarL> watched a nice talk about git last night:
<OscarL> the mention of fsmonitor to speed up things up reminded me we were just talking about it the other day Begasus :-D
<Begasus> quite some people there! so you got time to sit around and watch some videos OscarL?
<OscarL> while I wait for you to FINALLY end testing my changes? yup!
<Begasus> lol, "wow, I feel so old" ... kiddo :P
<OscarL> :-D
* OscarL after using RCS/CVS/SVN: know the feeling, man.
<OscarL> Source(un)Safe doesnt counts :-P
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<Begasus> "Oldies but goodies" starting to like this guy :)
<Begasus> I'm lost already :P
<OscarL> put playback speed to 0.25x, my man! :-D
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> again :/
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<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> re
<Molnija> er
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<OscarL> I should remember to stay away from the forum :-D
<nephele> why?
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<Begasus> stomach issues OscarL? :P
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<OscarL> with a lil side of headeaches :-)
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> nephele: I feel that sometimes the rethoric of some users do not help their cause.
<nephele> any specifics?
<OscarL> I'm a bit short-tempered, specially when I don't manage to express my view points effectively
<OscarL> (^ which happens almost always on my case, :-D)
<nephele> well, short temper doesn't really help. you should always assume the other side doesn't mean you any harm :)
<Begasus> I could OscarL (comment), but I don't think it would help the cause :P
<OscarL> nephele: that I *do* try! and say so a few days ago in this very room, also saying: I don't *always* manage to do 100% of the time :-)
<nephele> :)
<OscarL> in this particular case... I was thinking about "nipos" "no-true-Scottman" like retort.
<nephele> Yeah. It reminds me of a discussion of veganism in the minetest offtopic channel recently
<nephele> the whole "give me liberty(free software) or give me death" argument is a bit dated. You can't expect that someone abandons all propritary software immidiently upon beeing enlightened
<nephele> It's very important to figure out "why" people stay with the alternative. sometimes they don't know, otherwise the foss alternative is just garbage UI wise
<zard> Wait, you're *the* nephele from Minetest?
<nephele> and telling people to use garbage otherwise they clearly don't care about their values is not a good argument
<nephele> zard: huh?
<zard> I've seen a lot of nephele in Minetest in the past when I was more active there
<nephele> Well, if it was matrix that was probably me
<nephele> i'm not in the minetest irc because it is bridged to discord
<nephele> (but *the* nephele sounds ominous, am i notorious? :D)
<zard> Hmm... might have the wrong person, let me see
<zard> Nah, just rather involved in the community
<zard> gtg, for now, unfortunately. To be continued...
<nephele> oki
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<OscarL> N00bie question: do ".cmake" files (under /system/lib/cmake/) play a somewhat similar role to ".pc" (under /system/develo/lib/pkgconfig) ?
<OscarL> ony one for CMake, the other for.. duh, pkg-config?
<Begasus> and here we go ... Permission denied (publickey).
<Begasus> $libDir/cmake OscarL
<Begasus> some use $dataDir/cmake though
<OscarL> Begasus: re: codegerg. Uploaded your ssh keys there yet?
<Begasus> nope, that's where the sh*t begins ...
<nephele> if you tried that in a clone then you are cloning with a ssh:/ url
<nephele> which... does need ssh auth
<OscarL> I just used the same keys I used for both github and gerrit.
<Begasus> for personal repos I always use ssh nephele
<nephele> yes. Sure. But if you use ssh you have to upload the key first, same as github
<Begasus> k, got it now
<Begasus> that took me a while back then too nephele ;)
<OscarL> Begasus: so, answer is yes? (both play similar role... help build system figure out stuff about libs and their config, right?
<nephele> Begasus: it sounds a bit to me that you want it to not work ;)
<nephele> (though, my plan wasn't to move to codeberg in any case. rather a self-hosted forgejo, for which you don't need a new account)
* OscarL dream SCM would be: "fossil" with Github/Codeberg like UI :-D
<Begasus> nephele, if I was planning that I wouldn't even check it out :P
<nephele> don't see the point in fossil
<OscarL> single bin you can run even on and old android phone from 2013?
<OscarL> count *me* in at least :-D
<OscarL> I really like it having scm/issue-tracker-web-server/forum/chat, all in one small bin. too bad it looks like something *I* designed.
<nephele> I asked them about tracking xattrs and they basically told me to fuck off with that abomination of a file system design
* OscarL shruggs a bit about .cmake files being under $libDir/, while .pc files are under $developDir/, oh well.
<Begasus> OscarL, they go to the devel package
<nephele> OscarL: i can give you the link if you care
<OscarL> Begasus: devel package, yes... but why they end up on $libDir instead of under $developDir was what made me confused.
<nephele> but TL;DR don't see the point in switching to anything other than git if they don't care either
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<Begasus> If they would be moved to $developLibDir/cmake then I guess we should need a proper fixCmake for that
<Begasus> OscarL, config paths*
<nephele> git atleast has good support. If we ever wanted to make our own scm that could change, but untill then i'm sticking with git simply to have only one tool to know
<OscarL> just mentioned fossil in passing, because I do have an interest in it, but I'm in no way suggesting it as an alternative for Haiku/Haikuports.
<Begasus> OscarL, and those config paths can be a pain for cmake if not declared properly :P
<nephele> sure, i just mentioned my negative stance towards it based on my past experience interacting with them
<nosycat> +1 for fossil, but obviously you're not going to migrate an entire OS project on a whim.
<OscarL> nephele: welp... LOOONG ago, I also tried to suggest that having customizable ticket UI would help attract more user....becuse it is BUTT ugly.
<OscarL> that didn't go very well either :-)
<nosycat> And Haiku is an entire OS. The kind of thing git was made for.
<OscarL> (years later, they DID added a LOT of customization options, heh)
<nephele> Yeah, i don't see any advantage to fossil to me. So i'll pass
<nephele> toxicity doesn't really help keep my interest either, when i suggested that i was interested but whatever
<OscarL> Begasus: alright... just asking because of my lack of expecience with these files.
<Begasus> np, can do only as much as I know from experience :D
<OscarL> Begasus: now I NEED to deal with some .cmake files... and just trying to avoid screwing myself over by assuming things wronly :-D
<OscarL> so thanks for the help :-D
<Begasus> cmake -Bbuild -S. ... -L to the resque (or read the CMakeLists.txt) Luke! :)
<OscarL> welp, looks like I had this more or less right by the end of the year (main and _devel all look decent enough).
<Begasus> 3 autotools sources today, and I was out of practice :P
<OscarL> guess either the .cmake files are wrong, or the program I want to link against this lib ain't properly detecting them.
<Begasus> no idea without looking what you did or what the error is :)
<OscarL> not showing thing THIS early! :-P
<Begasus> LOL
<OscarL> then you complain I have too many braches!
* OscarL runs away crying!
<Begasus> what I do sometimes is use prefix to ~/config/non-packaged and export PKGCONFIG_PATH to test other things
<Begasus> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH+=/boot/home/destdir/lib/pkgconfig/
<Begasus> in this case :)
<OscarL> you should write a book. "Haiku Porting: for dummies (yes... this one's for you OscarL!)"
<Begasus> reminds me that is was that was that what failed on me earlier :D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> some pointers I already collected on my *github* wiki :P
<OscarL> indeed! should move them into HaikuPorts/wiki at least (easier for newcommers to find)
<Begasus> A new version of Kirigami Addons is out! (that will be for tomorrow) :)
<Begasus> most of that is found at haikuports, just squized it a bit for easier understanding (my level*) :P
<OscarL> how the hell did I ended up with a Python 3.13 "install" under "haikuports/packages/.obsolete/p13". ROTFL
<Begasus> started already on 3.14? :P
<OscarL> about to "Pi" myself if that's already a thing :-P
<zard> nephele: figured it out. Turns out I was thinking about sfan5
<OscarL> I can see the name confusion... if I squint REALLY hard, and close my eyes :-P
<zard> Part of the reason I thought you two might be the same was actually the profile picture:
* OscarL ducks.
<zard> lol
<zard> That, and it had been a long time since I saw sfan5's name last
<Begasus> k, heading out, cu peeps!
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<OscarL> later Begasus!
<zard> o/
<OscarL> :-(
<OscarL> "[Errno -2147459069] No such file or directory: 'git'" <<< Does HaikuPorter fails to find `git` if you have it installed as a "home" package?
* OscarL should try to remove ALL "naked" "except:"s in HaikuPorts.
<OscarL> *HaikuPorter
<OscarL> what a weird bug. Haikuporter managed to do `git init` and `git add` in the work tree, but I guess it failed to do the commit.
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<OscarL> welp, indeed. installing git under /system makes haikuporter to stop failing.
<OscarL> nice rabbit-hole for a rainy day.
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<BrunoSpr> hello all,
<nosycat> Hi there!
<OscarL> \8
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<Halamix2_> Is Haskell (ghc) only compilex for x86?
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<PulkoMandy> yes currently
<Halamix2_> Ah, that's abit porblematic then :P The latest version requires previous one to compile, which requires precious one etc. And the first one requires lib:libncursesw>=5 which I couldn't find
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<Halamix2_> Ah, I'm just dum, I've found libcusresw, but the haskell uses already precompiled bianried to build itself with no instructions how to build that :P
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<Halamix2_> PulkoMandy: do you remember ho the original bootstrap for the ghc was compiled? :P
<PulkoMandy> Cross compiled from linux, all the needed files and instructions are on jessicah's github
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<PulkoMandy> She may have some work in progress binaries somewhere
<Halamix2_> One more question: is it possible to have separate recipes for different architectures?
<PulkoMandy> Each recipe has an "architectures" tag in it declaring where it's available
<Halamix2_> What I meant was that the recipe has a `SOURCE_URI_2` field specific to x86 arch
<Halamix2_> And I wonder if all sources needs to be downloaded regardless of the target architecture
<PulkoMandy> I think that should be hossible as well, there is a variaple for the effective architecture and the recipe is just a bash script so it can tweak the other variables as needed
<Halamix2_> Thanks!
<PulkoMandy> It may be simpler to make a copy of the existing recipe and small changes for each architecture, not sure
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<jmairboeck> OscarL: I read in the log that you were thinking about enabling the svn python bindings. Just a small note: with the current version 1.14.3 they seem to be broken, as I've read, see It is already fixed upstream though.
<OscarL> jmairboeck: thanks you! Knowing that... should save me sometime! :-D
* OscarL couldn't decide between a simple "Thanks!", and a "Thank you!", so he mixed a bit of both! :-P
<jmairboeck> just because I saw it recently because I was busy updating our trac at work :)
<jmairboeck> thankfully Debian stable still has subversion 1.14.2 so we are not affected by this issue
<OscarL> meanhile in Haiku-land: we like our edges a bit too sharp sometimes :-D
<jmairboeck> you could add the patch to the patchset if you want
<OscarL> Guess so. But... as long as no one complaing about our lack of Py bindings for subversion... I can just let it slip a bit :-D
<jmairboeck> If someone ever wanted to run trac on Haiku (why would anyone do that?) with an SVN repo, you would need it :-D
<OscarL> meanwhile... I *finally* have a tvision and tvision_demo packages working as I wanted (using tvision as shared lib).
<OscarL> jmairboeck: you're trying to nerd-snipe me... and it is working :-P
<OscarL> ( for the few that haven seen it yet: )
* OscarL thinks coolcoder613_32 will be moderately pleased I finally got around to get back to that tvision .recipe (with included cmd:tvedit this time)
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: hello. in your opinion, how feasible would it be to get captured packet timestamps from the kernel?
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<dovsienko> if the kernel does not support it, I will just add a note instead of a dangling TODO comment
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<dovsienko> the mentions of "tstamp" and "timestamp" in Haiku git repository seem to relate to ICMP, TCP option or various driver internals. my impression is that this is not currently possible
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: kernel net_buffers have no timestamps attached to them, yes.
<dovsienko> thank you
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<OscarL> Mmm, seems tvision-config.cmake file will need some patching. Sigh. /me doesn't likes this stuff at all.
* coolcoder613_32 ported cool-retro-term a while ago
<OscarL> Will wait for tomorrow, and ask Begasus for some tips. Later folks, end well your day!
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