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<HaikuUser> hi
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* coolcoder613 is trying zed
<coolcoder613> It was open sourced yesterday
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<erysdren> coolcoder613: what is zed?
<coolcoder613> It's a code editor
<erysdren> oh nice
<coolcoder613> look at hacker news, it's near the top
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<BrunoSpr> moin moin
<coolcoder613> Hello BrunoSpr
* coolcoder613 tries to throw a link at BrunoSpr:
* coolcoder613 drops it
<BrunoSpr> hello coolcoder613
<BrunoSpr> What is this link about?
<BrunoSpr> brb
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> scanty, kmail won't be for any time soon I guess, still too much to get it functional
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<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<Begasus> k, weird thing too, back on KDE 5.93.0, got Tokodon running, but after the first login and closing the app it crashes on the next login :/
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<Begasus[m]> Good thing Nheko is still functional :)
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<BaronAlbatross> Howdy all, I got Haiku running on my HP Pavillion dv2 laptop (looks so good!), but it does not seem to have installed a bootloader on the hard drive, for some reason it only works when I have the install media plugged in. Did I do something silly? I don't see much I can use to fix this within the disk management tool.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57526] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cdae7cfdbeff - Add a descriptive contents of the Haiku-Extras package
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<Priyanshu> hi
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> Myself Priyanshu, I found this cool OS on the GSOC archive page, I installed it this OS in virtual machine and I'm interested to work on this
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<HaikuUser> Hello
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<zard> hello :)
<zard> Oh wait, they left :(
<zard> TIL Nuitka can turn Python into C
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<Anarchos> hello
<zard> o/
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<HaikuUser> test
<zard> success :)
<Anarchos> HaikuUser: icule
<HaikuUser> does the 32 bit version only have one browser avalible?
<zard> You can find more browsers in HaikuDepot
<HaikuUser> webpositive says that the cpu is too old and to use netsurf but i can't find that
<zard> Netsurf is in HaikuDepot. Falkon also is a nice browser, if you can run it
<HaikuUser> but it doesn't show up
<zard> Tip: you can give yourself a nickname using the /nick command. E.g. "/nick your_name"
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<PetePete> HaikuUser do a search in the other tab (All Packages)
<PetePete> I was once a HaikuUser *sigh*
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HaikuUser is now known as casiof91w
<casiof91w> thanks, found netsurf and i'm currently downloading it
<_-Caleb-_> im using netsurf & dooble in 32 bits
<PetePete> casiof91w coolname
<PetePete> is there a casio sitting right next to you?
<PetePete> also,don;t listen to these bullies - you can call yourself whateve you want :P
<PetePete> *runs from zard
* zard runs after PetePete lol
<zard> casiof91w: You can make messages like what I just did using the "/me" command
<PetePete> *throws a duck at zard
<zard> A duck?
* zard keeps the duck
<zard> Thx ^_^
<PetePete> he sent my mom a rubber chicken in the mail once and asked her if she "spoke french"
<PetePete> Also,I'm gonna need that duck back.
<zard> Aww, I liked it
* zard gives the duck back reluctantly
<PetePete> I don't what it is about zard and fowl
<casiof91w> somehow the name just came to my mind because i had np
<casiof91w> no other ideas
<casiof91w> sorry im not used to this keyboard
<casiof91w> acccidental enter press
<PetePete> You're threw here, casiof91w. That's the rule (we don't excuse typos)
<PetePete> pack your stuf and leave
<PetePete> oops! DANGIT
<casiof91w> goodbye
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<casiof91w> </3
<PetePete> I'm the exception
<PetePete> because ducks
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<casiof91w> also i keep getting this one error message when trying to download something off the depot
<PetePete> which package? (some packages are broken for now)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] phw cb687df - picard: bump version to 2.11 (#10015)
<casiof91w> uh how do i copy text
<zard> Alt+c
<zard> Yes, on Haiku, Alt is usually used instead of Ctrl
<casiof91w> but i can't even highlight the text
<zard> Which application?
<casiof91w> haikudepot package problems window
<zard> Well... if you can't highlight the text you might just have to enter it manually.
<zard> Or take a screenshot, upload it to or a similar service, and paste the link here
<casiof91w> I'll think about it
<casiof91w> "nothing provides haiku_x86>=rbeta4_hrev56578_69-1 needed by libmspub_x86-0.1.4-4"
<zard> Are you on 32 bit (aka x86) on the R1/Beta4 release of Haiku?
<casiof91w> i think so
* zard tries installing netsurf
<zard> Success. Maybe you have updates to install?
<zard> bbiab
<casiof91w> let's see
<zard> One difference between you and me: I'm on 64 bit
<zard> bbiab (for real, this time ;))
<casiof91w> the softwareupdater is taking a long time
* zard is back
<casiof91w> hiii
<casiof91w> also the install button on haikudepot is gone...
<zard> Wait, what? Did a different button replace it?
<casiof91w> no, just an empty space where it used to be
<casiof91w> but only on the programs that failed installing
<zard> Are you still updating?
<casiof91w> yes
<zard> Well, then, I would wait until that's done and see if it works (and maybe try a reboot as well)
<casiof91w> I'll end up using a different computer anyways
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<casiof91w> this is a school computer
<casiof91w> (but one they don't use anymore)
<casiof91w> it was supposed to be given to me but i came across a fujitsu t700 so
<casiof91w> its probably going to end up in someone else's hands
<zard> Let me guess: that devices is around 10 years old?
<casiof91w> more than that surely
<zard> Well, that's old. No wonder you're on 32 bit :)
<casiof91w> 1gb ram too
<zard> Hmm, maybe Falkon as a browser wouldn't be such a good idea. Not sure how much memory that one takes, but I think it's a bit much for 1gb
<zard> Falkon is probably the most capable browser Haiku has atm. It can even play Youtube videos. It suffers from occasional crashes though.
<phschafft> maybe we should then add something more ground based?
<phschafft> so when it crashes it's not too much of a drop.
<casiof91w> emu or ostrich would be a good idea
<zard> lol
<phschafft> and they're also powerful, so that sounds like it would be really good, yes.
<casiof91w> well, I'll be going away soon, see you when the fujitsu's motherboard gets delivered to me
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<zard> ok, then. See ya!
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<PetePete> Falkon (and all apps) crash constantly
<PetePete> but the recovery is graceful, and thus it is acceptable for a beta OS
<PetePete> when things crash in linux, it's a crapshoot
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<phschafft> hm.
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<scanty> when was the last time linux crashed?
<scanty> i never go so much as even a segfault
<nosycat> On me? I can't even remember. Many years ago.
<scanty> was referring to PetePete's comment
<scanty> but yeah.
<scanty> it never crashes.
<nosycat> Apps segfault on me now and then.
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<shaka444[m]> HI all, I'm building Haiku x86_64 from Haiku x86_64 nightly and it seems xorriso is required to build Haiku Anyboot image, but it's not installed by default. Just throws an error during build. Maybe it should be noted on site here or here ?
<Begasus> whoot! my touchpad works! :D (for a while I guess) :)
<nosycat> \o/
<scanty> Hi Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi scanty!
<scanty> haven't seen you in a while; you've been going to sleep before my evening shift of doing nothing on the computer
<Begasus> was busy today in and around the house (and have to make sure my retirement is setup correctly) :)
<Begasus> and yes, timezone
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<scanty> gotcha.
<scanty> well, good to see you
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4b2681a - akonadi, don't mess with mime info from shared_mime_info (#10016)
<Begasus> saw you mentioning kmail in the logs, nothing there yet
<scanty> yeah, i was going to ask you if you could port Kmail/Kontact
<scanty> seems to support OAUTH2 which would be great on Haiku
<Begasus> got both up and running, but with newer frameworks
<Begasus> well ... running ... :)
<Begasus> launching :P
<scanty> but it doesn't work? (yet)?
<Begasus> doesn't seem to retrieve anything, can't change local folders ...
<scanty> I see.
<scanty> i'm sure we would all appreciate if you worked on that, if you want
<Begasus> not giving up yet :)
<scanty> cool :-) good luck!
<Begasus> I liked it more that the touchpad didn't work :P
<scanty> if you need me to test, let me know.
<Begasus> but first fixing things for Ark (thanks to the tip from 3dEyes!)
<scanty> what's Ark?
<Begasus> KDE archiver
<scanty> ah cool
<scanty> you've got a nice setup there. is that 16 cpu cores?
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 80463ce - cantor, don't mess with mime info from shared_mime_info (#10017)
<Begasus> I'm still puzzled there, thought 8 cores/16 threads
<Begasus> but Haiku shows them as 16 cores
<scanty> ah i see.
<scanty> pretty neat
<Begasus> it is! :D
<Begasus> blazing fast :)
<scanty> i have 4 xeons in here... and i thought that was fast. haha
<PetePete> scanty I play with it too much. KODI crashed the other day because I left a CD in the tray :/
<scanty> what's KODI?
<PetePete> I crashed my entire XFCE session due to too many Firefox tabs being opened
<scanty> yikes
<scanty> i'm on xfce here, never had any problems
<PetePete> KODI used to be XBMC
<scanty> ah
<PetePete> media manager
<scanty> actually, there is some bug relating to nuvoeau(sp?) and firefox. sometimes it hardlocks my system
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<PetePete> I think the name change was stupid
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 7644aa1 - kmymoney, don't mess with mime info from shared_mime_info (#10018)
<PetePete> Yeah, my system seizees up sometimes when Firefox gets out of control
<scanty> so i just moved to chrome, and everything is fine
<PetePete> I can do the same with GIMP
<scanty> gimp is a major PITA IMO
<scanty> so out of the 27 or so browsers we have for haiku, which is the best all around?
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<augiedoggie> you have to switch browsers on a site-by-site basis :P
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<scanty> mmm sounds like fun.
<scanty> </sarcasm>
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<augiedoggie> i was kind of surprised the other day when protonmail worked in webpositive but not falkon
<augiedoggie> although web+ was really slow rendering the site
<Begasus> out to dogschool, cu later (maybe) :)
<nosycat> My EeePC gets very hot within minutes if I use WebPositive, so I installed NetSurf for day-to-day browsing, but it still needs work, and it's very limited.
<nosycat> Also added Dillo and Links2, 'cause I'm familiar with them.
<nosycat> Take care, Begasus!
<scanty> seeya Begasus, keep me posted on Kontact/KMail
<scanty> i can deal with changing browsers, but i need a real e-mail client.
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<PetePete> augiedoggie true :)
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* coolcoder613_32 waves to zard
<zard> Hello
* zard is quite surprised to see coolcoder613_32 here at this time of day
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<coolcoder613_32> 5 in the morning
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<zard> Oh, then that's not too bad
<zard> At present, I'm just passively on the channel while I do other things.
<zard> So I'm not working on Haiku Py-API atm
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<zard> I need to reenable join/leave messages some time. It would have been useful multiple times today
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57527] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6738595a67a5 - build-packages/x86_64: align gcc to current repo gcc
* coolcoder613_32 waves a link around:
<nosycat> Good work!
<nosycat> I just started using Nuitka again.
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<zard> Imagine if Haiku supported opening .sqlite files, giving a folder for each table, and a file for each row, with file attributes for the columns
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<PetePete> zard splain.
<zard> Imagine a database that stores users and their flashcards
<zard> Opening the .sqlite file would open Tracker, which would display two folders: users, and flashcards.
<zard> Inside the users folder would be files, one for each user
<PetePete> flashcards?
<PetePete> I'm retarded...
<zard> The attributes of those files would store their username, hashed password, etc.
<zard> Flashcards have a question and an answer. They are made to help you memorize things.
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<PetePete> Less retarded
<PetePete> What's the point of this ?
<PetePete> (genuinely interested)
<zard> Some applications store their data in sqlite databases
<zard> You could then view and edit that data using Tracker
<PetePete> So that...?
<zard> Overall, it's only a slightly useful feature that would take a lot of work to make, so, I doubt Haiku's getting something like that anytime soon.
<zard> Might be most useful to developers
<PetePete> forget "less retarded" MORE retarded...
<PetePete> AH! development
<PetePete> Idon't speak cool people
<PetePete> I'm a lowly user
<zard> lol. That's fine :)
<PetePete> Now I feel like an outcast who doesn't DESERVE to understand haha
<PetePete> *goes bac to playing with his ducks
<zard> Ah, yes, the ducks :)
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<Begasus> cya peeps!
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<coolcoder613_32> How can i remove /system/lib from the rpath with gcc?
<coolcoder613_32> I want to have only system/lib/x86
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<coolcoder613_32> Hi andreasdr[m]
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<coolcoder613_32> What is the commandline equivalent of AddResources in a Jamfile?
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