AlwaysLivid changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<kallisti5> anyone here use torrents?
<jeremyf[m]> <kallisti5 "anyone here use torrents?"> Sometimes
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<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb ca5163c - youtube-dl: update to 2021-06-06
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<jeremyf[m]> Morning Begasus
<Begasus> Morning jeremyf[m]
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<Begasus> moin humdinger :)
<humdinger> morning!
<Begasus> long time no see
<jeremyf[m]> Morning humdinger
<humdinger> morning.
<humdinger> not much time lately.
<humdinger> nice to see activity ramping up for beta all around though
<Begasus> yeah :)
<Begasus> starting tomorrow it's back to RL also here, less time for haikuports
<humdinger> very happy madmax solved that web+ disappearing text, esp.
<humdinger> how the flodding situation for you?
<Begasus> we are in the safe area here
<humdinger> good
<Begasus> and at your place?
<humdinger> no problems.
<humdinger> al quite flat and no bigger rivers around
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> the "maas" big river that has been impacted is only about 15Km from here, but we are living on higher grounds
<humdinger> that'll increase property value in the future... :}
<Begasus> k, heading off ... dogschool :)
<Begasus> cu!
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<jessicah> Begasus: I did that last patch for SDL2
<jessicah> should work
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<nephele[x]> Begasus has the high ground
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* nephele[m] uploaded an image: Bitmap Clip (23KiB) < >
<nephele[m]> I think my code isn't strictly correct :)
<nephele[x]> I mean, the text fits, but with no margain it looks a bit bad
<jessicah> it looks bigger too
<nephele[x]> Yes, it is bigger
<jessicah> and we really need to make the resize handle dynamically sized, it irks me that it doesn't fill the whole square
<nephele[x]> Well... most of my work in that direction was fixing apps scrollbars before that, by now we are in pretty good shape there, so go ahead :P
<nephele[x]> StyledEdit, ShowImage Webkit etc. now have correct scrollbar sizes
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<nephele[x]> I have an inline void function in the shared kit that i try to use with StyledEdit, If i change it jam does not recompile it, is that a bug? how can i force it to recompile it?
<PulkoMandy> that should work unless you modified a jamfile (the jamfiles themselves are not tracked as dependencies)
<nephele[x]> A bug then :/
<nephele[x]> Hmm, i suppose i have to add it to libshared.a
<nephele[x]> wierd that it worked beforehand though
<jessicah> oh, I need to also figure out why processcontroller doesn't center it's dialog properly
<jessicah> sooo annoying
<jessicah> never used to do that
<jessicah> maybe it's not process controller
<nephele[x]> I want to pass the BView object to my inline function, i have class StatusView : public BView, so BView should be the "SuperClass" of StatusView, how can i pass this to a function? I have tried Function((BView)this) but that didn't quite work :)
<jmairboeck> nephele[x]: this is a pointer in C++, so you need BView* in the function signature
<nephele[x]> I have inline void AdoptScrollBarFontSize(BView* view) as my signature
<jmairboeck> I think you can just remove the cast then
<jessicah> Function(this) should work
<jessicah> assuming you're not in a static member function
<nephele[x]> Ah, yes, it does... I forgot to change the signature in the header
<nephele[x]> I am a bit lost... why this function does not get called though, apperntly, even if i set the font size to 3.0F there the apparent font size is unchanged .-.
<PulkoMandy> jessicah, the process controller thing is because BAlert tries to center itself on top of the parent window rather than on the center of the screen, I think
<PulkoMandy> usually works, but not well for ProcessController where the parent window is DeskBar
<PulkoMandy> the only way to override this is to manually move the alert somewhere. The problem is, you cannot use CenterOnScreen, because before calling this function, the alert is not sized correctly
<Begasus> jessicah yeah, saw that, thanks!
<nephele[x]> How far is your patch for ansi terminal colors? I can't see red on my black background... :(
<PulkoMandy> I made some review comments on it and got no reply:
<nephele[x]> This is what i am stuck on now, the function seems to have no effect when called, no matter what i put into it:
<PulkoMandy> you're missing the \n for your print so they will be buffered until the app exits or something else prints a newline
<PulkoMandy> also you shouldn't set the view font size at every loop, you can use font->GetHeight to get the font metrics directly from the font
<nephele[x]> Ah, you are correct. I removed the body of that function and only put view->SetFontSize(3.0F); or 22.0F into it with no result, so i'm missing something else
<PulkoMandy> and set the view font only when you found the right one
<nephele[x]> This is just the code commited to Renga for now, Trying to figure out why it has no effect, but i'll adjust it for using font->GetHeight
<PulkoMandy> also you need a fontSize++ somewhere?
<PulkoMandy> otherwise this is just an infinite loop and the compiler may decide to optimize it out
<PulkoMandy> ah, no, it's there in the middle
<nephele[x]> fontSize = fontSize +1; is there, and the code works in Renga anyhow?
<PulkoMandy> this loop is too complicated for me to understand, incrementing the loop index in the middle, three possible exit conditions, ...
<nephele[x]> I can rewrite it a bit, anyway, if i put
<nephele[x]> printf("Getting size..."); as only statement in the body of the function, or one statement to set the font size this has no effect :)
<nephele[x]> I think i have something wrong with how i am pulling this code into Styledit or so?
<PulkoMandy> your options are: you didn't recompile your code, you didn't run the thing that you just compiled
<PulkoMandy> the code itself is looking fine
<PulkoMandy> (well, putting "inline" in the function definition is useless since it can't be inlined from one C++ file to another)
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 260622a - r1beta3: Add ipfs link, correct torrents, set sha256sums
<nephele[x]> I am sure that i am running the correct thing, Okay, why can't it be inlined like that?
<nephele[x]> Or a better question, how would one normally test such functions or put them into the shared kit if not inline?
<PulkoMandy> inlining means the code gets copied into every place where you call the function
<PulkoMandy> this can only work when both functions (caller and callee) are compiled at the same time
<PulkoMandy> here they are in two different runs of gcc, so there will be no inlining
<PulkoMandy> not sure what you are trying to do
<nephele[x]> Trying to use inlining, to... have it be copied there :P
<PulkoMandy> why?
<PulkoMandy> well, if you want to do it you have to put your function in a .h file so it can be included in the cpp file where it should be inlined
<nephele[x]> Going from copying the code there manually to putting it in the shared kit, this seemed like the next step to me
<PulkoMandy> but I don't see why you'd want that here
<PulkoMandy> what's wrong with having a non inlined, perfectly normal function in libshared?
<nephele[x]> My understanding of libshared? :)
<PulkoMandy> it sounds like it, yes
<PulkoMandy> libshared is a static library (.a file) which means its functions get copied into executables when it is linked with them
<PulkoMandy> unlike a .so files where this is done at runtime when loading the app
<PulkoMandy> there is no need for inlining here
<nephele[x]> Okay, removing the lining seemed to have no effect in any case (which would make sense if it was pointless before)
<nephele[x]> inlining keyword*
<PulkoMandy> basically, inlining = bind at compile time, static lib = bind at link time, shared lib = bind at runtime
<PulkoMandy> is StyledEdit linked to libshared in its jamfile? I guess so because otherwise it would not build at all?
<nephele[x]> it's rebuilding libshared on compiles, it has shared in it's jamfile i think
<PulkoMandy> ok, then the only explanation is that the AttachedToWindow functon you're modifying is not being called?
<nephele[x]> Application StyledEdit :
<nephele[x]> [...] : shared be translation tracker localestub
<nephele[x]> Doesn't seem to be it, a printf there works, but not in the function then
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<nephele[x]> Now i got it, ... i only changed a print statement, wierd.
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 53de41b - r1beta3: Fix spacing, drop nightly blurb for now
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 611a950 - images/bullet: Add transparency for rendering on light or dark mode
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<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d82c48f - pugixml, bump version (#6060)
<beaglejoe> Hi all, It is OK to close
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<countryboy> hello
<Coldfirex> apparently so
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2c5d7d4 - partio, bump version (#6069)
<beaglejoe> For fixed tickets, do you usually ask to close via comment in ticket? or mail list? or here?
<countryboy> GOD bless us !!! ;-)
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d0c7d3d - OCIO, bump version (#6086)
<PulkoMandy> beaglejoe, commenting on the ticket is the easiest, I think
<beaglejoe> PulkoMandy, thx, I see that you already closed it :)
<PulkoMandy> yes, I happened to have email notifications on this one, otherwise I check the trac timeline once a day or so
<PulkoMandy> if we see that you are often right about which tickets should be closed, we may grant you extra permissions in trac to do it yourself
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus bf433d0 - OIIO, bump version (#6088)
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<Coldfirex> Should this ticket have been closed already, or just change the Milestone?
<Begasus> nielx[m], seems to agree
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 88a51c4 - osl, bump version (#6097)
<PulkoMandy> Coldfirex, yes, reopened and moved to beta4
<Coldfirex> PulkoMandy: thanks!
<Begasus> extrowerk, do you know what the stats on Blender is atm?
<Begasus> I know Gerbera is broken (checked here) but didn't check Blender
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<nielx[m]> PulkoMandy: thank you for assuming the worst and aggressively teaching me a lesson, it worked!
<Begasus> k, seems that OSL still needs to gcc2 patch ...
<PulkoMandy> nielx[m], well, tojoko said that my latest changes did not fix his problem in the ticket, I asked for a syslog and got no reply, but that doesn't mean the issue is gone
<nielx[m]> Yeah, but I did not appreciate the tone of the response, you could have asked 'are you sure you meant to close this' rather than aggressively teaching me a lesson. I have been around longer than this and I am not some punk wreaking havoc on the ticket system
<PulkoMandy> ok, you're right about that, sorry
<nielx[m]> np :-)
<Coldfirex> weird. I just got a KDL on RC1 doing nothing
<PulkoMandy> (bad excuse: currently being frustrated by the layout system not wanting to size my BView as I want it to...)
<nielx[m]> (I understand that pain!)
<nielx[m]> Sometimes I also feel like the layout system is a battle
<Coldfirex> About to open a ticket if I cant find an existing one
<PulkoMandy> Coldfirex, it looks like your VESA BIOS is not playing well with x86emu
<Begasus> Maybe not stress atm, R1B3 is about to happen? (plenty of time to close/open/re-open) I think?
<PulkoMandy> it crashed right when trying to put the screen in sleep mode. You can disable that in screensaver preferences to avoid the issue, I guess
<Coldfirex> Thanks. Super weird since this is virtualbox and Ive never had this one
<PulkoMandy> was there a virtualbox update? or is it a regression due to the patch to turn screen on at boot?
<Coldfirex> Actually there was a vbox update this past week 6.1.24:
<Coldfirex> which I am running
<Coldfirex> Prety sure I built the VM after the update if that matters
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<Coldfirex> if its the vbox update that could explain also the other kdl I got the other day:
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e16ba3e - osl, revbump for x86 (#6098)
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 f034709 - r1beta3: Add Cryptographic Signature validation steps, cleanup acknowledgments
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] kallisti5 e237c63 - r1beta3: More language cleanup, add minisig links
<jeremyf[m]> waddlesplash: Can you close my ticket #17064 because it's the same than #10162?
<Coldfirex> I am guessing the logging levels have already been turned down on RC1 image?
<nephele[x]> jeremyf: done
<jeremyf[m]> thanks :)
<nephele[x]> You can also comment on the ticket asking for it to be closed, it's easier than asking specific devs on irc :)
<jeremyf[m]> it was also to see if he answer here, I wanted to discuss about the issue
<PulkoMandy> Coldfirex, yes, the release images have some extra checks in the kernel disabled, which means crashes will not be caught as fast as in nightlies and will be harder to investigate
<jeremyf[m]> My wifi connected automatically at boot twice, but now it's not working anymore... :(
<nephele[x]> jeremyf: if you have more info it's nice to include in the other ticket aswell, it's also possible that there are severall issues at play here
<nephele[x]> for me for instance my laptop connects to specific wifi AP every time with a specific SSID, but for other users it never seems to work
<Coldfirex> PulkoMandy: thats what I thought, thanks
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<jeremyf[m]> nephele[x]: I don't have a precise idea of what happened. It usualy doesn't connect, but sometimes it seemes that it connects.
<jeremyf[m]> can't find a reason for that
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<shaka444[m]> NIce work on the Webkit fellas, youtube working very nicely in x64!
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<nephele[x]> shaka444: that was a haiku fix actually :P
<nephele[x]> jeremyf: could be something like a race condition, or it could be a specific issue, perhaps we can add some logging to the nightlies to debug this issue
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<jeremyf[m]> nephele[x]: why not
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<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 82050fb - krita, revbump for OCIO (#6099)
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<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±1]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2f8c996 - osl, disable partio for now (#6100)
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<cocobean> Begasus: About gutenprint... 'gutenprint 5.3.4 is not compatible with 5.3.1. Haiku needs to rebuild against 5.3.4'.
<Begasus> yeah, got something this week about it through Vidrep, those are internals that I'm not going to touch :)
<cocobean> :)
<Begasus> As korli already mentioned in the initial PR, and I take his word for it :)
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<Begasus> blender could use an update on the newer OCIO if you are interested :)
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<cocobean> Blender 2.79 or 2.9x?
<Begasus> build for krita will take some time, didn't bump version so could be that the newer versions already support openexr3
<Begasus_32> The following changes will be made:
<Begasus_32> in system:
<Begasus_32> upgrade package curl-7.76.1-1 to 7.78.0-1 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus_32> Continue? [yes/no] (yes) :
<Begasus_32> Re-using download '/boot/system/packages/administrative/state_2021-07-22_08:31:32/curl-7.78.0-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg' from previous transaction (partial)
<Begasus_32> *** Failed to download package curl: Interrupted system call
<Begasus> fails here?
<Begasus_32> *** expected '3b7c75395e5219c6c21a70c8fc0944f2fdf95bf15ddb28f5e26bcd6a3af31b2c'
<Begasus_32> *** got '9c59e4d4c843a7c00e89274d19fdebe1bf972b9defdc8785c077cd0db4bcaa51'*** Failed to download package pugixml_x86: Bad data
<Begasus> another one ...
<nephele[x]> which hrev begasus
<nephele[x]> for the first issue
<Begasus> both on 32bit ~49 when trying to update
<Begasus> second one I can fix by installing the local package
<Begasus> I "think" it's something with the libssh2 recipe on 32bit? (related to curl)
<nephele[x]> Hmm, okay
<Begasus> on 64bit earlier it worked fine
<nephele[x]> wanted to link you to a ticket, but the timeline is not cooperating with me
<nephele[x]> there is a ticket for reusing downloads which fails, one issue pulkomandy found in my log was that it would ignore HTTP errors and attach their body to downloaded packages :)
<Begasus> yeah saw it
<nephele[x]> what's still missing is that if it for some reason considers packages in states as partial, or otherwise unusable, that it should skip those for consideration
<nephele[x]> that is still a todo... don't know if we have a precise ticket for that
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<Begasus> needs some looking into, rebuilding curl_x86 atm local
<Begasus> got some strange setup maybe also with all the changes I did locally ;)
<nephele[x]> If you want a workaround, try installing the specific package with pkgman directly maybe? :)
<nephele[x]> or move it out of the way, and move it back after you installed the new version
<nephele[x]> begasus: yes... but you should be supported aswell :P
<Begasus_32> > pkgman update curl
<Begasus_32> 100% repochecksum-1 [65 bytes]
<Begasus_32> Bezig met het valideren van het controlegetal voor Haiku...done.
<Begasus_32> 100% repochecksum-1 [64 bytes]
<Begasus_32> Bezig met het valideren van het controlegetal voor HaikuPorts...done.
<Begasus_32> The following changes will be made:
<Begasus_32> in system:
<Begasus_32> upgrade package curl-7.76.1-1 to 7.78.0-1 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus_32> Continue? [yes/no] (yes) :
<Begasus_32> Re-using download '/boot/system/packages/administrative/state_2021-07-22_08:31:32/curl-7.78.0-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg' from previous transaction (partial)
<Begasus_32> *** Failed to download package curl: Interrupted system call
<Begasus> can't push curl out ;)
<nephele[x]> Yes, as i said above
<Begasus> ;)
<nephele[x]> mv /boot/system/packages/administrative/state_2021-07-22_08:31:32/curl-7.78.0-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg /tmp/curl
<nephele[x]> mv /tmp/curl /boot/system/packages/administrative/state_2021-07-22_08:31:32/curl-7.78.0-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<nephele[x]> pkgman update curl
<nephele[x]> or something...
<Begasus> k, managed, mv'd curl pugixml out of the way, update done now, thanks!
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<Begasus> If nothing pups up on buildmaster I think I'm done for these weeks :)
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<Vidrep_64> Hi
<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy, HaikuWebKit 1.8.2 WebKit 612.1.25 is working pretty well so far
<jeremyf[m]> Hi
<Begasus> hi Vidrep_64
<Vidrep_64> Hi Begasus, jeremyf[m]
<Vidrep_64> Are these small bug fixes that have been made the last couple of days going to make it into the Beta 3 release?
<Coldfirex> I thought rc1 was 612.1.21?
<Begasus> There has been reports on the forum Vidrep_64 , looks like you missed out on some things :)
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<nephele[x]> coldfirex: we don't have any rcs for haikuwebkit?
<nephele[x]> you mean the rc for beta3?
<Coldfirex> yes
<Vidrep_64> Coldfirex, PulkoMandy pushed a more proper fix for the missing text bug in master. 612.1.21 still has the hack, which was done so as to not hold up the release any further.
<Begasus> heading down here, will check later/tomorrow/sometime this week :)
<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<Coldfirex> Oh nice, I missed that one
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<Vidrep_64> bbl
<Coldfirex> thanks
<Coldfirex> do the small videos on not play for others? I never tried before todya
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<cocobean> Vidrep_64: Safari proves we can use Webkit for a modern browser tasks... even with Google maps.
<cocobean> Can even build it on RISCV now.
<cocobean> Don't think we need QtWebEngine for most things...maybe
<nephele[x]> chromium lite with more qt
<dcatt> too bad Opera wont open source Presto
<dcatt> relying on a single rendering/javascript engine is not a good thing
<PulkoMandy> we still have 3 of them: webkit, firefox and blink/chromium
<waddlesplash> yes, at this point blink is diverged so sharply from webkit that they are definitely not the same
<dcatt> PulkoMandy, but isn't Gecko sort of DIW on Haiku currently?
<PulkoMandy> ah, if you mean on haiku, yes, it's only webkit
<PulkoMandy> not sure if it's worth splitting our time in chasing multiple engines instead of focusing on one
<dcatt> yeah, I was mostly thinking about Haiku concenring relying on a single rnedering/javascript engine though I'm not blaming Haiku for that
<dcatt> I fear the return of an IE6 like WWW
<nephele[x]> as long as apple uses webkit i don't think we are in any danger there :g
<nephele[x]> netsurf has pretty good compatibility with html+css though
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<moldybred> Hi. I just had a kernel page fault on r1beta2-hrev54154_111-x86_64 over KVM. I was wondering if someone could help me submit a proper bug report?
<waddlesplash> screenshot/picture, please?
<waddlesplash> beta2 is now a little old, we are on the cusp of beta3, and it's possible it is already fixed or at least tracked
<moldybred> I have one. Not sure how to upload to this web client....
<moldybred> I'll login with a proper client....
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<jeremyf[m]> Anyone knows which engine is used by DuckDuckGo Browser?
<jeremyf[m]> Maybe Webkit/iOS and Chrome/Androïd?
<moldybred> Who should I send the kernel screenshot to?
<jeremyf[m]> waddlesplash:
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<moldybred> Thanks. I'll switch to a recent nightly and see if I still have an issue.
<rennj> chrome is blink
<rennj> Blink is a fork of the WebCore component of WebKit,[8] which was originally a fork of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE
<nephele[x]> jeremyf: depends on the platform
<nephele[x]> i think webkit on ios, and systemwebview on android (webkit on ancient versions, blink on current ones)
<cocobean> Begasus: Blender 2.93.1 builds OK.... Blender 2.79 does not like the newer lib -> patching.
<cocobean> Yet, the migration to Mesa 21+ and Blender 2.8x/2.9x - negastes maintaining 2.79 much further.
<cocobean> Add all recent haiku patches to Webkit 612.1.25... haikuwebkit 1.8.2 works good with Gmail now for mail reading/browsing and such.
<cocobean> Need to test with
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<nephele[x]> mesa21 still has known issues
<nephele[x]> same as last month :P
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