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<Coldfirex> anybody around to help clean up something in gerrit?
<jessicah> maybe
<Coldfirex> my amend turn into a new chnage somehow.
<Coldfirex> not sure how to fix the issue
<Coldfirex> Original change:
<jessicah> it'll happen if the change-id disappeared from your commit message
<jessicah> you can checkout the original
<Coldfirex> so fetch the original again and retry basically?
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<jessicah> then git cherry-pick your up to date commit, with --no-commit
<jessicah> and then you can git commit -a --amend
<jessicah> or git add, git commit --amend
<jessicah> and just make sure the change-id matches the original change
<dcatt> I was curious if the menu folders in ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu were removed in beta3?
<Coldfirex> alright. what about the new one I created by accident?
<jessicah> can just set it to abandoned once you've updated your original
<dcatt> I was symlinking menu_entires to it and then realized there are no entries to show up on the deskbar
<Coldfirex> ok thanks. wish I could delete to hide my mistakes lol
<jessicah> haha
<jessicah> I suspect you accidentally removed the change-id line when editing the message
<jessicah> so the git hook created a new one
<Coldfirex> yep thats exactly what I did now that I am looking
<jessicah> easy to do :)
<Coldfirex> appreciate it
<jessicah> no worries :) I've missed up my git trees an innumerable amount over the years
<jessicah> especially when trying to rebase and clean up my uefi branch prior to merging...
<Coldfirex> massive scale compared to my 1-2 files
<jessicah> eh, you make mistakes and learn from them :)
<Coldfirex> true
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<pakyr> Does anyone know if there's a relatively simple solution to a trackpad not working under Haiku? Or is it just one of those things to wait for a ticket to get taken up?
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<kniffy> i get a weird kernel panic on trying to boot beta3, which i see is a thing on the bug tracker :(
<jessicah> pakyr: look for an existing ticket, and maybe add your hardware info to it, or create a new one if nothing matches
<jessicah> kniffy: oh? that sucks :(
<jessicah> have you tried using one of the safe modes?
<kniffy> yeah, but it still happens for me
<kniffy> havent tried all the options yet
<jessicah> pakyr: listdev should tell you the hardware ids
<jessicah> I should look into why my touchpad isn't detected as one on my macbook air too
<jessicah> instead I have 2 keyboards and 2 mice.. lol
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<jessicah> hmm, maybe HID devices don't show in listdev
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<jessicah> huh, does anyone else have issues with audio on haiku under vbox?
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<pakyr> jessicah: Yeah, I opened I ticket, I just wanted to know if there was anything else I (as someone with little technical knowledge) could do in the meantime
<pakyr> Especially since it doesn't look like anyone is handling input bugs right now
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<pakyr> jessicah: Also, re:audio, it works fine under VBox for me, but doesn't work in VMWare oddly enough
<jessicah> well, it plays audio, but it breaks up every now and then, at least in MediaPlayer
<jessicah> :-/
<jessicah> and haiku just feels slow these days
<pakyr> Definitely only in VMs for me, it's faster on bare metal than anything else I've run
<pakyr> Minus things that need 3D acceleration
<rennj> opensound install you need for vmware sound
<rennj> haikudepot has vmware-tools and the opensound (oss)
<pakyr> rennj: Yeah, that fixed it, thanks
<rennj> and the vmware-addon/tools will give you mouse,disk shrinking,clipboard
<rennj> mouse drag outside of window foobar
<pakyr> Yeah, already did that, just had no idea why there was no sound
<rennj> cause they dont want to include it the base install for some reason
<rennj> oss hdaudio vs base one i guess
<rennj> or oss ac97 you have like 3 tweakable option for vmware audio in the .vmx file
<rennj> sb16,ac97,intel hdaudio..vmware can do those 3
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<HaikuUser> Ha
<HaikuUser> Just trying Haiku!
<HaikuUser> WebPositive can play videos now.
<HaikuUser> Yaaaaaaa
<HaikuUser> Facebook and Twitter does not load. But progress has been made. So nice. :)
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<HaikuUser> Does anyone know why are there so less packages available via pkgman?
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<nephele[x]> Hey, compared to what do you mean?
<HaikuUser> Compared to beta2 or nightlys
<AlwaysLivid> There's a chance that you haven't updated fully. Try `pkgman full-sync`. Other than that, every package available on HaikuDepot can be downloaded and installed through pkgman.
<HaikuUser> Hi first.
<AlwaysLivid> The amount of software should be, in any case, higher than beta2.
<AlwaysLivid> If you're using beta3, at least.
<nephele[x]> HaikuUser: the beta3 repos should contain the same software as the nightlies, the builders run beta3 and it should be the same source
<HaikuUser> Oh. I needed to enable HaikuPorts repository
<HaikuUser> Yep. Now I have all the packages
<HaikuUser> Yes. I am on beta3
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<Coldfirex> @jessicah: Well my amend recommit created another pull(!)
<jessicah> did you check your commit message before pushing??
<Coldfirex> git commit --amend #blah blah blah in changeid:948fj39f39f8j34fj3f403f49nqfoq84n984fj938nf
<Coldfirex> thats what I used basically
<jessicah> hmm, maybe it was formatted wrong
<jessicah> change id needs to be own line
<Coldfirex> the in terminal editor opened I added more text, leaving the existing text and then saved
<Coldfirex> so kill the changeid part in the 1 liner?
<Coldfirex> and then verify that id in the in terminal editor that opens?
<jessicah> you should use git log before pushing and check change id matches what is in gerrit
<jessicah> you can edit the change id line to match gerrit
<jessicah> honestly, I'd need to see screenshots of what you're doing
<Coldfirex> ok, I can redo again
<Coldfirex> this was the last abandonded one:
<Coldfirex> shows both change-ids...
<jessicah> :o
<jessicah> you shouldn't have it in the middle like that :-/
<Coldfirex> does it need to be last text?
<jessicah> yeah
<Coldfirex> ok starting fresh again. Maybe I wasnt paying attention in the text editor part and it had a new change-id at the bottom. If it does is it ok to manually edit it?
<jessicah> it should look something like this:
<jessicah> yes, it's fine to edit it
<jessicah> yeah, your edit in text editor was all wonky, it had a comment line in there as well
<jessicah> you should use git log before pushing to ensure your commit message is correct
<Coldfirex> git log is new to me. I was opening it in web+ and copying the id
<jessicah> that's kind of disturbing, lol
<nephele[x]> git log? more like git show HEAD :D
<Coldfirex> hey, total newb trying to follow the directions on haiku's page. lots of googling and asking around here to fill in gaps :)
<nephele[x]> what? googling? but i changed the default to duckduckgo! /s
<Coldfirex> lol
<jessicah> I prefer git log, to ensure I don't have other changes in my tree before pushing, else gerrit associates them, which is super annoying
<jessicah> I always forget which branch I'm on, etc.
<nephele[x]> fair point... i am usually on a fresh branch so i don't check for that
<jessicah> but yes, git show HEAD works for showing the commit message of the latest commit
<jessicah> git log is shorter though :p
<nephele[x]> there are many ways to rome in git
<jessicah> and lots of ways to screw up :p
<Coldfirex> yay! finally worked
<Coldfirex> and I updated my documentation
<Coldfirex> appreciate it again!
<Diver> Coldfirex: could you make commit message shorter? the first line
<Coldfirex> "FTPD: va_list 'ap' was opened but not closed by va_end() as pointed out by cppcheck" that one?
<Coldfirex> or the stuff below that
<Diver> yes, that one
<Diver> and the other commit
<Coldfirex> is there a "standard" we shoot for?
<Diver> I think it's 80 chars?
<Coldfirex> ok I will look at it later. Have to run to gym
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<tqh> First line should be shorter, it is either 40 or 60, don't remember.
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<nephele[x]> Is there a timer application or similar on Haiku? like... playing an alarm in 30 minutes or so
<nephele[x]> normally i do that with my phone, but i got a cable now so i can have my headphones on my haiku laptop instead, so would be neat if i can do that directly... won't neccesarily hear my phone if i have noise canceling on :)
<jt15s[m]> <nephele[x] "Is there a timer application or "> Hmm, I thought there would be some sort of clock/timer application preloaded on Haiku?
<nephele[x]> I don't know, hence my asking :)
<nephele[x]> also, please stop using matrix replies, they are really distracting
<jt15s[m]> Sorry, I keep forgetting
<nephele[x]> That seems pretty broken, but thanks :D the equivalent of sleep N; MediaPlayer $S
<jt15s[m]> Yikes, we really need to get something like ported
<jt15s[m]> Or someone could make one for Haiku
<nephele[x]> Porting sometihng like that seems a bit silly, surely we can do it properly with a background service and all :)
<nephele[x]> There is already a WIP Calendar application to be integrated, but it needs a bit more work
<jt15s[m]> Ah ok
<jt15s[m]> We could do what Microsoft and Elementary do by having integrated Mail/Calendar apps
<jt15s[m]> BTW, I was thinking we could put out calls for contributors for these sorts of things
<nephele[x]> If you want to play around with it:
<jt15s[m]> Unfortunately I can't code 🤣
<nephele[x]> integrate mail with calendar?
<jt15s[m]> Yeah, I think some major mail services have calendar integrated
<jt15s[m]> That way you can view and sync calendar events with your email
<nephele[x]> That seems really wierd, Haiku usually has dedicated applications for dedicated tasks
<nephele[x]> Or do you mean stuff like "Siri found one event in this email"
<jt15s[m]> No, for example I have a Gmail account, which also has Google calendar. If I sign in with that account in a calendar and an email app, I can view and sync emails and calendar events tied to that account.
<nephele[x]> I don't think putting out call for contributions out for random stuff makes much sense tbh
<jt15s[m]> What would you suggest?
<jt15s[m]> That was just one way we thought of getting more people to help out with neglected parts of the project
<nephele[x]> Google has many services, they just provide more than email
<nephele[x]> Add tasks to the google of code list, make tickets for enhancements, add tasks to gci or whatever replaces it etc.
<nephele[x]> also the easy task list on trac; stuff where new contributors, that already decided they wish to contribute, can check what areas there are to be improved
<jt15s[m]> I think Hacktoberfest was suggested as a replacement for GCI
<jt15s[m]> We still need to find organisers/mentors though IIRC
<nephele[x]> By the way, i did a bit of "blind testing" with a family member who never used haiku before, was quite fun. some insights i got: The combobox-ish language selector in the userguide not working like a combobox is really confusing (it has a V combobox operator, but clicking on it and nothing happens!)
<jt15s[m]> Could you give a screenshot?
<nephele[x]> Also, it's really wierd that in the german locale there are no translated application names, which made it almost impossible to use for my family member, it's kind of wierd that the option is there but the locale just ignores that
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<nephele[x]> here
<jt15s[m]> Ah ok
<nephele[x]> I'd suggest that it simply becomes a combobox, Nothing in our GUI behaves like this otherwise, and it's quite confusing. Also maybe make it more prominent and bigger?
<jt15s[m]> Alright, I'll file a ticket because I have no idea how Doxygen works 🤣
<nephele[x]> Also: the links to the userguide on the desktop, aswell as the home button in webpositive per default: they don't seem to care if the systems locale is changed later on, they keep pointing to the english variants
<Anarchos> what is the equivalent of ~/.profile on Haiku ?
<B2IA> (AGMS) ~/.config/settings/profile
<nephele[x]> we don't do dotfiles :)
<B2IA> (AGMS) Gah, forget the dot!
<nephele[x]> :D
<B2IA> (AGMS) Too much Linux lately :-)
<Anarchos> agms thanks !
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<nephele[x]> Trac seems down
<nephele[x]> now it's there, maybe just slow
<Coldfirex> commit subject changed on my other pull. Thanks for handling the other
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<Coldfirex> another random question. Long term do we expect to stick with jam since its EOL? If not, I would guess it would be a R2 item right?
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<mrentropy64> Hi folks. I'm trying to help someone get their system on the network. He's got an Intel 2200 BG so I reckon he needs the firmware. I got the firmware .zip file for him, but when he runs the install-firmware script, it's still trying to get to the Internet to download them.
<mrentropy64> Is there a different script that should be run? The web page I'm looking at gives the same name for the install script.
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<Coldfirex> sorry, Ive never tried to setup wireless myself
<mrentropy64> Me either. I'm a bit worried it won't work, anyway, because I see files for Broadcom and Marvell, but not Intel.
<mrentropy64> This guy is prett enthusiastic about trying Haiku, though, so I'm hoping I can help him get it working.
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<mrentropy64> Oh. Hold the boat. It doesn't need Internet for Intel.
<nephele[x]> ColdFirex: we have ham
<nephele[x]> it isn't "EOL", we maintain jam ourselves :)
<nephele[x]> mrentropy64: the script creates a .hpkg and installs it, just give that to him?
<nephele[x]> but it does actually need internet for the script, the scripts purpose is downloading firmware that is under a no redisttribution license
<nephele[x]> the package is called wifi_firmwares :)
<Anarchos> Is there an haiku application to manage 'todo lists' ? If i don't write things to do, i always forgot
<nephele[x]> I use StyledEdit :P
<Anarchos> nephele[x] i used to use StickIt for that purpose
<Anarchos> but i wonder if better apps exist
<nephele[x]> I set my system font to Ubuntu :D
<nephele[x]> StickIt seems to just be writable desktop replicatns or so?
<nephele[x]> Do you want something more like MacOS/iOS/iPadOS notes application?
<Anarchos> nephele[x] i don't know nothing about apple ecosystem
<Anarchos> nephele[x] yes stickit are writable desktop replicants, but i find it easy, cause you can create new view , each with its color, to group my todos by categories
<nephele[x]> I've never used any Note app I found noteworthy on Android or desktop linux, thus i' trying to find something to compare it to
<mrentropy64> nephele[x]: I gave it to him. But it was still looking for the net to download the firmware. But I don't think it matters, because the script says if there's no Internet, it will only install the Intel firmware, and those are the ones he needs.
<nephele[x]> You would just double click the hpkg, not use the script again
<mrentropy64> Actually, I don't see any hpkg. Just tar.gz files. And it all comes in a .zip.
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<nephele[x]> ls -l /system/packages/administrative/*/wifi_firm*
<nephele[x]> or might be in /system/packages/ directly
<nephele[x]> wifi_firmwares-1-any.hpkg for me
<mrentropy64> I'll see how this works out for him. If it's still no good, I'll figure it from there.
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<tqh> Anyone figured out how to make a working source: link in our Trac? Docs say source:/repo/path@optionalbranchAndStuff but can't get that to work.
<B2IA> (Zopenco) Hi
<B2IA> (Zopenco) Hola
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<zebba[m]> Wow, Haiku's on irc. that's nifty. I used to use BeOS ages ago. Glad to see it's still alive.
<Anarchos> zebba[m] Haiku is on irc since a long time ! we were on freenode before
<zebba[m]> i know. just had a bit of nostalgia recently and thought i'd see what you guys were up to
<zebba[m]> don't want to dox myself, but i contributed to the vision irc client back in the day
<Anarchos> zebba[m] nice ! i considered to modify hte network preferences of Vision, cause if you already selected a network, it is not taken in account in the different views
<zebba[m]> hmm, that could be a nice modification
<zebba[m]> last i remember, we were just wrestling with supporting NetServer and BONE at the same time
<Anarchos> zebba[m] wow, must be a long time ago !
<Anarchos> bone was around 2001...
<zebba[m]> yep
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<bbjimmy> why does the haiku beta 3 installer install all the translations of the user guide?
<Anarchos> bbjimmy because you can change your locale afterwards ?
<zebba[m]> BONE was a decent band-aid at the time, but I'm glad to see that Haiku has returned to the original architecture.
<bbjimmy> if one translation does not update, one cannot update the whole system.
<Coldfirex> as far as I heard its a known limitation (obviously)
<bbjimmy> it is usually a translation that is not being used. changing the locale should offer to install user guide for that language.
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<Anarchos> bbjimmy sounds more efficient that way , indeed
<bbjimmy> removing all user guide translations is the first thing I do on a new install, preventing update issues.
<zebba[m]> sorry if i'm geeking out and having a nostalgic moment. it's quite clear that Haiku is alive and well. so, please disregard an this old BeOS nerd
<bbjimmy> This would make the install cd a litter smaller as well. I had to use a dvd for the first time.
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<mrentropy64> Using Haiku is like going home, again.
<PulkoMandy> the files on the release DVD are way past 1GB now and there is no way it will fit on a CD even if we remove the userguide
<PulkoMandy> if you don't like it, just remove it after installing. But it's important that everyone gets a copy of the user manual with the software
<zebba[m]> <mrentropy64 "Using Haiku is like going home, "> we just need a version of Spotify that stops every 30 minutes or so and said "*register me*"
<JeremyF[m]> <zebba[m] "we just need a version of Spotif"> Ierk
<bbjimmy> PulkoMandy but if I speak english, I don't need italian, spanish and german user guides, I chose english on install.
<PulkoMandy> but not everyone speaks english
<PulkoMandy> so we could filter it on install after you have picked english in forstbootprompt, maybe
<bbjimmy> then it should not install the english guide either.
<PulkoMandy> we still won't remove it from the DVD
<bbjimmy> got it, but waiting for updates on all user guides during an update is not reasonable. especially on metered internet connections.
<bbjimmy> did you see the comment on this guy could not update haiku because the italian user guide would not update.
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<Coldfirex> PuloMandy: regard I am not clear on how I need to test the awk change. Do I need to edit the awk file, edit the usb IDs file, and then try to be a Haiku image locally to verify?
<Coldfirex> *try to build
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<waddlesplash> I see leavengood has announced it on the forums, so: I can announce that Haiku, Inc. will be hiring/contracting me as a (near) full-time developer to work on Haiku starting mid/late next month.
<waddlesplash> Formal announcement and details coming soon.
<zdykstra> excellent news!
<AlwaysLivid> yay!
<Coldfirex> whoop!
<zdykstra> does timeout for anybody else?
<waddlesplash> In order to fund my contract indefinitely, Haiku, Inc. will probably need about $6800/mo. in donations.
<waddlesplash> (That includes current funding targets for infrastructure, etc.)
<JeremyF[m]> Oh, I have to increase my monthly donation?
<waddlesplash> Note that there is also a Liberapay link on the donation page in addition to the PayPal form.
<JeremyF[m]> waddlesplash: so my sound will work soon? 😄😄😄
<waddlesplash> JeremyF[m]: I suppose if I'm working on Haiku full-time, my prior reticence to become the sole expert in all modern hardware is moot... lol
<waddlesplash> pretty much the main reason I never looked at HDA before was because I am already the expert on NVMe, USB3, WiFi, and Ethernet drivers
<JeremyF[m]> All my hopes are fading away 😭
<zdykstra> there we go, monthly donation subscription setup
<waddlesplash> I guess we should make a new donat-o-meter that shows funding progress wrt how far along the year is
<waddlesplash> zdykstra: :D
<zdykstra> waddlesplash: I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to work on :)
<waddlesplash> probably all the things I already did, and then whatever else I didn't because ENOTIME
<waddlesplash> I've been rather inactive the past year or so since b2, so newer faces around here may not remember, but I was the most prolific contributor a few years running, and that was when I was just doing this as a hobby :p
<waddlesplash> JeremyF[m]: no, I mean I probably will wind up looking at HDA
<waddlesplash> or at the very least, USB audio for sure
<Coldfirex> are you the main dev on syncing freebsd wired drivers?
<waddlesplash> I was, yes
<waddlesplash> the last sync was done by korli before b3, he worked on them before I did
<Coldfirex> nice. Wasnt that just wireless this last time around?
<Coldfirex> "just". I know its tons of work
<waddlesplash> but the vast majority of the work on them over the past few years was indeed me
<julicenri> Have you considered getting the bwl driver from FreeBSD working in Haiku?
<Coldfirex> well good job eaither way :)
<waddlesplash> unfortunately FreeBSD WiFi drivers seem to be lagging... they are getting behind
<waddlesplash> OpenBSD seems to be keeping up better but they also support far less than FreeBSD presently does
<julicenri> bwl is the driver that my netbook needs to become fully daily-drivable with Haiku.
<waddlesplash> I don't want to switch to Linux drivers; they have notoriously bad QC for anything except Intel
<julicenri> Some other folks had also previously asked on the forums about Broadcom driver support that bwl covers.
<waddlesplash> julicenri: I did once but it required a bus system that would need some work to port, and I didn't want to attempt it without access to the hardware as I guessed it would probably need multiple rounds of texting to the compat layer
<waddlesplash> I eventually did run into some of the hardware but by then I had no time
<JeremyF[m]> I have two laptops:
<JeremyF[m]> - other have audio but no wifi
<JeremyF[m]> - one have wifi but no audio
<waddlesplash> probably we should set up some kind of prioritization system to find out what the blocking issues are for people to use Haiku
<JeremyF[m]> :/
<waddlesplash> and see what ones I can knock out
<julicenri> Please if you have the time, do look into it again.
<julicenri> I can help test it if there's a need for it.
<waddlesplash> upvote the ticket, please :)
<waddlesplash> at least I think there's a ticket. and ask whoever else to do the same
<julicenri> Looking for a ticket rn.
<julicenri> Ah sorry, I meant the bwn driven.
<julicenri> *driver
<julicenri> Haiku only has the bwi driver.
<waddlesplash> maybe worth opening a ticket then.
<waddlesplash> JeremyF[m]: what wifi chips
<julicenri> waddlesplash: Found a ticket requesting for the bwn driver to be added, but it's not quite for BCM4313.
<Coldfirex> waddlesplash: That might be something to look into before you start. Some sort of prioritization. If so is all based on upvotes on tickets, something else, etc.? Unless everyone is fine with a free for all :)
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<waddlesplash> :O it's x512[m] !
<waddlesplash> Coldfirex: well I imagine I will prioritize according to what I find most annoying at first. probably that will be HiDPI issues...
<x512[m]> Trying to use Matrix bridge.
<waddlesplash> yes, it works :)
<waddlesplash> I find it amusing there are no less than 3 bridges in this room: Matrix, BeShare, and Jabber
<B2IA> (AGMS) Yup, amusing. Until someone bridges Matrix to Jabber and sets up a loop :-)
<Coldfirex> julicenri: Looks like freebsd still doesnt support it:
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<mrentropy64> The guy I was trying to help earlier ended up having a BCM4318, not an Intel at all.
<JeremyF2> waddlesplash:
<JeremyF2> vendor 10ec: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
<JeremyF2> device b822: RTL8822BE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WiFi adapter
<mrentropy64> The VCS has an RTL8822CE
<waddlesplash> yeah I think CE is supported
<mrentropy64> It's not.
<waddlesplash> or should be. not sure about what the difference is on BE
<waddlesplash> ah
<waddlesplash> I think the USb versions of 8822 are supported. the PCI are just not
<mrentropy64> There's a FreeBSD bug for the 8822CE.
<JeremyF2> oh and also there are no brightness control on my other laptop
<JeremyF2> device Display controller (VGA compatible controller, VGA controller) [3|0|0]
<JeremyF2> vendor 8086: Intel Corporation
<JeremyF2> device 3e9b: UHD Graphics 630 (Mobile)
<JeremyF2> device Display controller (VGA compatible controller, VGA controller) [3|0|0]
<JeremyF2> vendor 10de: NVIDIA Corporation
<JeremyF2> device 1c8d: GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile]
<JeremyF2> (actually I don't know which card is used by Haiku)
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<PulkoMandy> the screen preferences should tell
<PulkoMandy> and if you see a brightness slider there, it's the intel driver
<PulkoMandy> if you don't, unfortunately there is not a lot I can do about it for now
<PulkoMandy> (I don't know a lot about the other drivers, I tried some things for VESA but found nothing conclusive)
<JeremyF[m]> PulkoMandy: it don't
<PulkoMandy> we should look into how to do it with ACPI I guess, but I have no idea about how that works
<tqh> We have the the display driver in src, it just needs to be completed it already enumerates displays, just needs syscalls or kmessage for getting setting brightness.
<PulkoMandy> I have added the syscall to the accelerant/driver interface, can the existing graphics driver call the ACPI one easily?
<tqh> Not sure that is going to work easily. Displays and graphics don't really map.
<tqh> you have display events like brightness up and down for a display, also to select which one to POST on, so it is better to have them as different parts I think?
<PulkoMandy> as a first try we could just enumerate all acpi displays and change the brightness on all of them?
<PulkoMandy> and I guess it will only work on laptop internal displays anyway? or would it also implement DDC/CI for us and work on external displays too? (another thing I want to play with someday...)
<tqh> No, ACPI enumerates displays, but brightness control is per display so only some may support brightness. And you need different brightness on different displays.
<JeremyF[m]> PulkoMandy: actually Screen pref says "Framebuffer" for Screen info ^^"
<PulkoMandy> JeremyF[m], then you use the vesa/framebuffer driver
<JeremyF[m]> Ok
<JeremyF[m]> With two graphic cards, can we choose which one use?
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<Anarchos> Is there a 64bits version for StickIt ?
<JeremyF[m]> <waddlesplash "I see leavengood has announced i"> I can't find the post
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<Diver> Anarchos: do you mean desknotes?
<Anarchos> Diver it changes name ?
<Diver> I don't thinks so
<Diver> StickIt is an app from macOS
<Anarchos> Diver i am sure to used the StickIt app on HAiku
<Diver> I think you just confused the two
<Anarchos> Diver no no
<Anarchos> Diver by the way StickIt was really close to Desknotes
<PulkoMandy> there is a stickit app: but it seems to be a BJoystick test
<PulkoMandy> ah, there are two things named stickit
<PulkoMandy> so stickit 1.02 is the sticky notes one
<PulkoMandy> but I think no sources for this one
<Anarchos> PulkoMandy yesz i saw the bjoystick test too
<PulkoMandy> and so, no 64bit version unless you can contact the original author and ask if they have a backup of the sources
<Diver> "made by the people at lost marble, it has been discontinued, but they gave me permission to post it here"
<PulkoMandy> appears to be developed by ? (this linkedin profile mentions Moho so it's likely the same guy who did these two BeOS things?)
<Anarchos> Diver anyway desknotes is really the same thing, so no need for stickit anymore
<Diver> yep
* Anarchos encountered, btw, a KDL while unmounting a bfs partition : destroy has partial slabs
<x512[m]> > * <> encountered, btw, a KDL while unmounting a bfs partition : destroy has partial slabs
<x512[m]> Appears for me quite often.
<Diver> yes, this is a really old bug, I reported it 8 years ago
<nephele[x]> Nice to see you in chat X512 :)
<Diver> indeed :)
<x512[m]> It should be R1 blocker, BeOS R5 have no crashes on unmount.
<x512[m]> I currently don't understand block_cache and slab stuff.
<Anarchos> x512[m] neither me
<Coldfirex> PulkoMandy: regarding I am not clear on how I need to test the awk change. Do I need to edit the awk file, edit the usb IDs file, and then try to build a Haiku image locally to verify?
<PulkoMandy> yes
<PulkoMandy> well you need to build at least the Devices app
<PulkoMandy> (jam -q Devices)
<PulkoMandy> as we understand the problem well enough now, extensive testing may not be needed
<Coldfirex> ok, so building Devices will call the script I take it then?
<waddlesplash> x512[m], Diver: I don't understand the block cache either
<waddlesplash> I've spent some time in it and even fixed some critical performance problems and I'm not entirely sure how it works
<waddlesplash> we should ask axeld to try to find time to document it...
<Diver> well, who wrote it? axel?
<Diver> right
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<PulkoMandy> I think Ingo was involved too
<PulkoMandy> Coldfirex, yes, the script generates a .h file that is then used by the Devices app
<JeremyF[m]> waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> Diver: I think the reason it doesn't occur even more often is that we don't actually unmount everything on shutdown lol
<waddlesplash> our shutdown process is actually pretty hilarious, we just sync everything and then kill the power
<waddlesplash> we probably should improve that...
<Diver> oh!
<zdykstra> waddlesplash: lol
<waddlesplash> this is however related to our devices system
<waddlesplash> we really need to totally overhaul the kernel devices architecture, the "old" one has no support for this kind of thing, and the "new" one is architecturally deficient in serious ways
<nephele[x]> sync everything and then kill the power sounds fine actually, not like the rest of the system state matters that much then xD
<zdykstra> I should install Haiku on a spare drive on my workstation, that'd be fun.
<waddlesplash> nephele[m]: it's fine for state, but it's not fine for some SCSI drives I think
<waddlesplash> there are proper "power off" hooks on many devices
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<nephele[x]> I recall there beeing a ticket about disks not spinnung down correctly on shutdown
<nephele[x]> but i was using [x] :D I should probably bite the bullet and give a biboumi instance my nickserv pw
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<Coldfirex> PulkoMandy: Devices built just fine locally after only replacing the ID files. Didnt touch the awk script
<PulkoMandy> different version of awk maybe?
<Coldfirex> Beta 3 plus updates. Says mawk 1.3.4 2017017
<PulkoMandy> yes, I suspect the builder is running on linux and possibly GNU awk?
<PulkoMandy> (it depends which distro is used, some ship mawk and some ship gawk)
<Coldfirex> ah, I just assumed the backend server for that was Haiku
<Coldfirex> thanks, I will update gerrit. Maybe someone can check that
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<Anarchos> PulkoMandy CMD+ESC doesn't work in Web+
<tqh> we should also handle power saving and such for devices
<mrentropy64> Soooo.... nobody else sees WebPositive just disappear when scrolling down a page?
<Anarchos> mrentropy64 which revision do you use ?
<mrentropy64> Tell me where to get exactly what you're looking for and I'll get it.
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<mrentropy64> The About box says HaikuWEbKit 1.8.2, WebKit 612.1.21
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<mrentropy64> This is in syslog: KERN: debug_server: Killing team 1521 (/boot/system/data/deskbar/menu/Applications/WebPositive)
<x512[m]> <waddlesplash "we really need to totally overha"> Any plans to improve it? It currently has hardcoded drivers paths in main kernel executable. It requires patching kernel for adding new driver in many cases. In my RISC-V port I changed that code to allow FDT and VIRTIO scanning, but it currently scan a lot drivers that can't handle device node and it slow down booting.
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<waddlesplash> x512[m]: vague plans, not on the top of my list but yes.
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<mrentropy64> That was unsmart.
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<Vidrep_64> For whatever reason Web+ won't redirect when trying to access this website
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<Vidrep_64> hmmmm, now it works
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<HaikuUser> hi and thanks to all who make the beta 3 release possible
<HaikuUser> when i want to install blender from haikudepot--it says nothing provides libopencolorio.anybody has a solution for it?
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