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bbjimmy: IIRC there is work on making it so that you do not have to install each and every language's user guide. If there is an issue with updating, you can either try again or upgrade to Beta3 by downloading the Beta3 ISO and using that to upgrade your existing install.
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Huh, I was playing around with this fake update screen website, and ironically this kernel panic message is probably something we could adopt in Haiku:
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n experimental version of the PureDarwin XMas VMDK modified with a new partition scheme (x86 MBR, instead of Apple Partition Map + EFI + El Torito hybrid), and Chameleon v2.0-RC4 r684. Boots with the Voodoo XNU kernel by default.
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jt15s[m]: TBH I think what we have is fine. Ideally KDLs will just not happen; and for the most part, a white screen that starts with "Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land..." indicates the gist of what has gone wrong
friendlier text just takes up screen real estate, and most users will probably intuit they need to report issues
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Alternatively we could just have a shorter message? It's good to have some friendly text just to let users know what is going on.
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<jt15s[m] "Huh, I was playing around with t"> It's not fake, it real MacOS kernel panic.
Yeah I know, the website has a bunch of fake error screens that are copied from real operating systems
I saw them a lot with first Mac OS X 10.0 release
jt15s: is it 14pm now?
For me or for you?
For you
I know the time here (fortunately)
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Yes, it's 2pm where I am right now
Good morning :)
2pm yes, not 14pm 😅
Morning nephele[x]
And you, what time is it?
A nice and comfy 06:12
Oh, like here
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You guys must be in the same timezone then haha
Central European
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nephele[x]: where do you come from?
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I always have trouble with that question, I think it usually means "where did you wake up today", but i keep understanding "Where have you lived your life, what is your hometown etc"
Where are you now?
But both answers are welcome 😉
I'm in my living room, listening to music.
I am from Limburg, (not the german city, the dutch province), but I live in germany
music is good... got a lightning to 3.5mm cable yesterday to listen on my laptop, for some reason the driver doesn't do the speakers
Haiku driver?
hda, but i think I use the oss hda one
On my laptop, no sound at all with hda
Oss neither
I only get sound through 3.5mm speaker out
jt15s: iirc, there is some ticket about using color qr codes on kdl
I remember PulkoMandy said something about that
I think he also said it wasn't very useful though IIRC
and in relation to spam: the filter is really effective, the stuff that gets through seems to be mostly captcha verified registrations... :/
isn't qr encode already in KDL?
qr, yes. but this is about the ither ones... YAB i think?
the main limitation is that you need several codes to encode something useful
nephele[x]: Yeah, waddlesplash told me out of 100 flagged posts, 2 weren't spam. I think the only thing we can do is manually track down spam accounts if they keep causing trouble
Windows uses a completely useless QR code system that links you to a generic support page lol
jessicah: the YAB code might be powerfull enough, maybe
a QR code to link to trac maybe?
in any case, I didn't bother to keep support in the spleen patch and nobody complained yet
Hang on, let me see if I can find what that QR code actually does
IIRC it actually encodes all of the KDL output
Which is really cool
well, idea was to have a ios app to scan the code to help you make a ticket or so
That sounds cool
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jt15s: no it doesn't, qr code doesn't have the required information density :/
Ah yeah, pulkomandy said it wasn't practical since there's not enough space in a single QR code
Sounds like you found the ticket? but yeah, the yab color codes might work though
What's the yab colour codes?
can I set an arbitrary icon for a file?
"just another barcode"
zdykstra: yes, if it stay on bfs
ahh there we go, done via the FileType addon
Oh, i thought you ment individual files, not filetypes
Reminds me that I had a remark with an icon.
morning :)
But can't remember what
ooh shoot, I changed the icon for all text/plain, hehe
or maybe I didn't
I believe you can set the attribute for a file
Hmm, a couple of complaints saying that downloads keep failing. How can we ensure this doesn't happen in future?
I forget how to do though
jt15s: QA testing
Testing of the operating system builds or the infrastructure?
jessicah: addattr with beos:icon or so? would check with listattr which one :)
sounds about right, I'm on my phone ATM
jt15s: QA is "Quality assurance"
basically, just provide bug reports when something unexpected happens :)
can just drag-and-drop an icon via the File Type window, and it seems to be locked to that specific file, and not to that mime type
I think this happened with Beta2 as well; perhaps it's to do with too much demand on the infrastructure?
what's the point of guessing? Let's just investigate bug reports we get... we can't go off no information to conclude that something somewhere is maybe broken
once I finally find a place to live, and can be using fibre again, I'll set up a mirror again
The reviewer said he couldn't input Japanese text, so we're trying to investigate and see how we can solve this
did you make a ticket?
still anyhow, hiragana/romaji -> kanji input/conversion is much more complicated than just kana key support for inputing hiragana
Haven't made a ticket yet, but will do
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Hello. Anyone awake?
mrentropy64 why awake ? it is 12:33 here !
Doesn't mean you can't be taking a nap!
mrentropy64 sure.
But I have a question and need help.
mrentropy64 just ask, don't ask to ask :)
* tqh
Trying to install autoconf, but it wants the m4 package, which is listed as "Available" in HaikuDepot. When I try to install it, there's a fatal error saying the activated package already exists.
If I search for m4, it does look like it's already there.
FIle search, that is.
How can I resolve this?
Not sure, maybe using the commandline tool pkgman can give more info.
pkgman says the same thing when trying to install and says "Failed to find a match for m4: Name not found" when attempting to uninstall it.
I think you can search for which package provides a command.
tqh: What do you mean?
mrentropy64 let me look
pkgman search m4 finds it here
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Sure, I can find it with no problem.
mrentropy64 did you reboot ?
I just started the computer a few minutes ago.
It can't install because it wants m4
m4 is already installed, but the system does not see it that way until it trys to install it again
try to delete the file system/packages/m4XXX
and reinstall it
There's an m4-1.4.18-3-x86_64.hpkg in /boot/system/packages
Ok. Let me give it a whirl.
Now it says autoconf is already installed.
I'll reboot. BRB
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Ok. Now HaikuDepot is showing autoconf and m4 as being Active
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I still don't have the 'make' command, though.
There we go. Thanks for the help!
My client shows 127 members for this room, and i thought "thats half a byte", but then wouldn't half a byte be 4bits thus 16? :)
It's too early (here) for that.
I saw on Twitter where the V language was available for Haiku. I am not seeing that as being the case.
mrentropy64, you saw a tweet saying that the V programimng language can be used on Haiku. It may not be available on HaikuDepot yet.
That will probably have to wait until their next release drops.
I got the repo and was trying to build it here.
But this does not seem like the computer to do it on. It's not set up for development, and anytime I try and make it fit for development I get errors about things already being installed even though they don't show up as being installed.
Okay. I got it working on my other computer. But I'd sure like to know what the problem is with this one.
'cc' gives me a command not found. What package is that a part of?
you can use pkgman to install a command without knowing which package it is in
pkgman install cmd:gcc
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*** failed to commit transaction: The to be activated package "binutils-2.31.1-2-x86_64.hpkg" does already exist.
gcc-8.3.0_2019_05_24-7-x86_64.hpkg is already in /boot/system/packages
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Maybe I should just wipe this one and start over straight from the Beta 3 install.
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Hello there, with a fresh Beta 3 install, same pkgman problems with make and m4, "package already exist"
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[haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
[haikuports/haikuports] nielx 02fefe9 - Rust: add version 1.54.0 (#6107)
This problem was already discussed earlier in this channel, it seems rebooting fixed that.
It only fixed it because I removed it from /boot/system/packages and then rebooted.
If someone else is having the problem, then I guess starting clean isn't going to help.
Thanks oevl. I guess I'll have to remove things on an as-needed basis.
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Where does stdio.h come from?
Think I might be good now.
All right. Now I have V language.
You welcome mrentropy64, first time it ever happened to me with Haiku, been using it for some years now.
It's a first for me, too.
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The same situation again, this time installing gcc -> "failed to commit transaction: The to be activated package "mpfr-4.1.0-1-x86_64.hpkg" does already exist."
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Mine stopped at binutils
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mrentropy64 could you make some progress ?
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Anarchos Yes, I had to manually move the packages then try again. Eventually it got there.
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mrentropy64 you could just 'touch' the packages files, to bump their access time, and provokes a reexamination of the package by the package file system ?
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if this happens to all development packages it is probably a problem with the way installer adds them to the image when you install haiku. Did you open a bugreport about this problem at ? It sounds like something we should look into
hi all... OFTC works with the #Haiku channel but what about my previous channels like: ##git, #Blender, #github, #Krita? do I need to add them somehow again now?
BrunoSpr: OFTC is a different network, you will have to check for each one whether they moved and if they did to where
hi PulkoMandy
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PulkoMandy: i am pretty overwhelmed nowadays in irl work (i control projects related to 9 car family) so i only had now time to actually install and test the beta (actually nightly). WP became much better, thanks for your work.
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it's not just me, but thanks :>
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good day
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sorry for a silly question, but do we have vhdl/cad graphical tools to design cpus on haiku ?
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nephele[x], ah ok thx, so I will clear the previcious channels then.
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Has any change been made within the past couple of days that would cause Web+ to crash?
Perhaps hrev55262?
hi Vidrep_64
Hi _D
I'm on hrev55264, but 32 bit
do you have any url that usually crash, to test here?
Web+ (master branch) was working very well, then about 2 or 3 days ago it starts crashing on a lot of different URL's
Just looking at trac. It seems there have been several tickets created in the past couple of days about Web+ crashing.
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Sorry Vidrep_64
yes, that url crashes here too
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does the old Opera (codename Wagner) run on Haiku?
it wouldn't be very good compared to a modern browser, but i'm kind of curious to try it out
is there a US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboard Layout in Haiku?
if not how to add it?
i have a couple 32 bit x86 Wagner binaries which are probably well beyond the statue of limitations, if anyone wants to try it
one for R4.blargh/BeIA somethingorother. the other ran fine on Dano
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zebba[m], Opera ran fine last time I tried but it was a few years ago
BeOS R5 binaries should run, R4 ones sometimes do but we don't implement some of the legacy APIs, and BeIA and Dano stuff usually won't work
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what keeps Dano stuff from working compared to R5 - networking APIs ?
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bone7a vs netserver foobar
my beos is still oem/netserver tracker, not bone7a or opentracker..keeping it real
that vm is pretty much a clean install of just beos, then bunch of apps like gobe productive and geekgadgets for beos
no, network is fine since we are compatible with bone (that is dano stack backported to R5)
but Dano changed a lot of other things all over the place
if 5MB/s on gigabit ethernet is fine...
i works at least
happy system admin day!
happy happy joy joy
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Tesla Megapack unit catches fire in Australia oops
I paid for Opera for BeOS, so I feel I'm entitled to an upgrade to a Haiku version.
<zdykstra "what keeps Dano stuff from worki"> gotta be BONE related. I kept using netserver for a while after BONE was available too, simply to retain compatibility.
Opera was great on BeOS
Skipp_OSX: hey what up? I think I knew you on #beosghetto back in the old days.
of Net+ wasn't bad either
true. for the era it was fine.
beat the pants off of IE in rendering speed
man, I haven't thought of that channel in YEARS
me neither
ahh, memories
I miss regurg, heh
<zdykstra "I miss regurg, heh"> were you resartus? name's kinda familiar
jesus, good memory. Yes.
I forgot about Mozilla.
haven't seen anyone from there in a long long time. met yak once irl, maybe 8 years back
The only person I actually met from there was pres589.
cool. he always seemed like a decent guy.
mneptok called 911 when I had an allergic reaction alone in my dorm room, saved my life
zebba isn't ringing a bell - did you go by a different name?
i wonder if the beta release of haiku is what's bringing back some of the old crew
<zdykstra "zebba isn't ringing a bell - did"> i was kart
no shit
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* zdykstra
puts on some Aphex Twin just for zebba[m]
mnep once sent me a massive hoard of eclectic music. so much good stuff in there.
but it won't sound the same unless SoundPlay stops to say "register me" once in a while 😉
where did you end up landing, career wise, after school and all of that, zebba[m] ?
i left houston after the columbia disaster. went back to school.
I want to say you were in Texas - am I completely off base there?
i'd rather not dox myself too closely, though i'm near where yak lives
i wonder if a certain 20 Anniversary Mac is still running these days?
I bet it is
Haiku ppc32. Let's make it a thing, lol.
as much as those things cost, i sure hope it's still getting some use.
i ended up junking my sparcstations. nvram batteries died, caps leaked.
but i flipped the ross hypersparc cpu's on ebay and got back more than what i payed for them
Nice. I got rid of all my sparc/alpha/hppa boxes quite a few years ago when I was getting ready to move.
The only esoteric hardware I have now is a Raptor Blackbird
gandalf had a couple of indys too, didn't he?
I think so, would have been around the right age at least
last i heard, he ended up in north carolina at a certain linux company known for hats
I have pretty fond memories of sitting on IRC late into the evening, talking to everybody - even you.
man i was a lot younger and definitely weird. sorry about that
I was just thinking the same about myself
at least you didn't turn your bedroom into a shrine for hannah montana
(just kidding electroly, if you're here. i still love ya)
I was going to say that sounds like something Wade would do
oh no no.... Wade would have had Nana Horiuchi everywhere
I did meet Electroly back in 2004. I went to Wisconsin to visit my sister and we met up for dinner.
oh hey speaking of nostalgia, i had a chance to visit the bay area a few years ago. went to the old Be Building out of morbid curiosity.
any highlights?
took the elevator up to their old floor. the doors opened, and i saw what looked like the old CodyCam view, sans couch
but it was a completely different business and i didn't want to be a creep, so i just went back down and left
found out after i had left that jbq was still in the area at a different company
is he still married to Eugenia ?
not sure. i hope so. they were a nice couple.
what about oksana and irfan? how are they doing?
I haven't heard from them in ages and ages. I wonder if they're still together (for whatever definition of together they used)
I followed a girl I met in college to Chicago in 2005 and I've been here ever since. We got married in 2008.
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and yeah, you're right... their relationship was rather unconventional.
though they were two of the nicest weirdos i've ever known.
yeah, I had some lovely conversations with them about all sorts of interesting topics
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one thing about working on Haiku is that you never forget that no matter when you showed up, there are always people who have been around longer than you have
nice to see that in the concrete now and again, zdykstra / zebba[m] :)
I want to say I met zebba[m] on IRC in either 1999 or 2000
awww, i was once a noob. only started around R4.5
it was definitely in 1999, 'cause we had somebody from new zealand in the channel who confirmed that Y2K hadn't destroyed them
what a different era
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not to make y'all feel old, but, uh, I'm not that much older than R4 myself
I'm almost 41. My joints make me feel old.
Happy SysAdmins Day!
I got woken up to a down datacenter :)
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just smack the EPO twice and forget about it until tomorrow
no need. there was already no power lol
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haha :(
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63day uptime destroyed by usb device..121 insertions in 63 days..think i have bad cable on backup drive.
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or a cat
lsusb was hanging, and stuck
could not recover
or usb stack blows after so many matings
usually takes just one mating for me to blow a stack
anybody know the command in git to ignore any changes I have made locally and just resync from upstream? I have been deleting and repulling the whole thing so far