ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
* zard looks at the topic for updates
<zard> It looks like a nice toy project
<zard> I doubt it will ever see widespread adoption, but, it seems like something that would be interesting to program.
<coolcoder613_32> I want to make a client for DOS and BeOS, over the serial port :)
<zard> Your computer has a serial port?
<coolcoder613_32> And i want to make a client in Rust, which would be a nice project to learn Rust
<coolcoder613_32> zard: yes
<coolcoder613_32> The one i am using now
<zard> Well, I guess mine do too... Thinking about it, they're quite common
<coolcoder613_32> It even has a (non-working) FDD
<zard> Ok, that computer must be old :^)
<zard> But surely it's 64 bit?
<coolcoder613_32> The motherboard had been upgraded before i got it, so i doesnt have a thingy for the FDD
<coolcoder613_32> No, 32-bit
<coolcoder613_32> *it
<zard> Wow! Now *that* is old
<zard> And yet, almost all operating systems still support 32-bit
<zard> Must not be that difficult to support in the first place
<coolcoder613_32> it has 3GB of RAM
<coolcoder613_32> Not Ubuntu, not windows
<coolcoder613_32> not macos
<zard> Haiku? A BSD?
<coolcoder613_32> I think even *Debian* is dropping support
<coolcoder613_32> (I run Haiku on this)
<zard> Ah, you're talking about which operating system's support 32 bit
<zard> Interesting...
<coolcoder613_32> It's on the desk right under my bed (I have a loft bed)
* zard looks up loft bed
<zard> Well, that's an interesting concept
<coolcoder613_32> Like a bunk bed, but with a desk instead of the bottom bunk
<zard> Space efficient :^)
<coolcoder613_32> It used to be covered in Lego...
<zard> The loft bed? or the desk?
<coolcoder613_32> The desk
<coolcoder613_32> Then my grandfather offered me this computer
<coolcoder613_32> I cleaned it all up
<coolcoder613_32> At first it didn't have a hard disk
<coolcoder613_32> then I got one
<coolcoder613_32> I used to boot FreeDOS from a USB
<zard> Hmm, so is that why you're interested in FreeDOS, Haiku, and all of those OSes?
<coolcoder613_32> Hmm... maybe what started it was getting a Linux VM?
<coolcoder613_32> (I wanted to test my Python projects cross-platform)
<zard> That reminds me. One of my first experiences with Linux was when I was around 10 or 12 years old
<zard> I wanted to host one of the websites that I made
<zard> As it was a server, it didn't have any GUI, so I learned how to use the command line
<zard> Sometime, years later, Linux managed to become my default OS
<coolcoder613_32> I think my father heard of Linux before I did (My grandfather used to use linux...)
* zard perks up
<zard> Your grandfather!?
<zard> Wow
<coolcoder613_32> He used to get those magazines with the CDs
<zard> Hmm, that had to be back in the 1990s?
<coolcoder613_32> He used to daily drive a Dell desktop from 2002, maxed out with 1GB of RAM (this was quite recently, i messed up the video card trying to install Haiku)
<zard> At this rate, I'll never get my commit commited lol
<coolcoder613_32> My grandfather set up my first Linux VM for me
<coolcoder613_32> OpenSuse
<coolcoder613_32> (That's his favorite)
<zard> Well, that's certainly interesting that you're ggrandfather was and still is into Linux
<coolcoder613_32> He's got a mac now, though
<coolcoder613_32> a 2011 mac mini
<coolcoder613_32> But he likes Linux better
<coolcoder613_32> BTW, i'm going on a holiday tomorrow
<zard> Ok, good to know
<coolcoder613_32> I still need to work out which computers to pack ;)
<zard> (though I probably won't be on IRC tomorrow anyway)
<coolcoder613_32> I'll be there for 3 nights
<zard> Ah, ok
<coolcoder613_32> This is not my oldest computer :)
<zard> Let me guess... the laptop that you recently bought?
* coolcoder613_32 has six ATM
<coolcoder613_32> yeah
* zard has 2 laptops and 1 desktop
<coolcoder613_32> I recently got the CMOS battery for it
<zard> Unless you want to count the phone and the tablet too :^)
* coolcoder613_32 has 4 laptops, a desktop, and a raspi
<zard> Oh, if you ever get a chance to, rooting a phone or installing a custom ROM on it is fun
* coolcoder613_32 doesnt have a phone (unless you count a dumbphone without a sim)
* coolcoder613_32 once played with a nokia e63.. great keyboard...
<coolcoder613_32> shame i couldnt get putty to work
* zard starts working towards getting that commit commited :^)
<zard> It's going to be time to go soon
* coolcoder613_32 goes back to working on the server
<coolcoder613_32> for my mail thing
* coolcoder613_32 is using Genio for that
* zard currently is using Pe. Or more technically nano for the commit message
<zard> But I managed to use Genio yesterday. It's nice
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<zard> All right, got that bugfix commited. Got to go now
<zard> Bye
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrrrrr.
<coolcoder613> printf(arrrgv[0]);
<coolcoder613> andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> :;DDD
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<coolcoder613> Hi HaikuUser
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<vdamewood> Beep
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> 'lo coolcoder613 vdamewood
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ca97eab - vala, bump version (#9960)
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<Begasus> bbl
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±2]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 3eb968f - qtwebengine: update patches
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 55de2f9 - qtwebengine_bin: bump revision, add debuginfo package
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 06a5b44 - qtwebengine_bin: fix debuginfo
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<PetePete> *boot*
<PetePete> *chime*
<PetePete> Best wishes to all
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<PetePete> I think I discovered a bug
<PetePete> The weather app seems to be off by exactly one day
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<PetePete> Comparing it to the online forecast, the highs, lows, and general forecast are all shifted by one day. Also, it thinks today is Saturday
<Begasus> Hi PetePete, seems to be fine here (R1B4)
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<PetePete> Hi Begasus. I wonder if resetting the app would help. I'll try it
<PetePete> Reset. Set location. Still thinks today is yesterday
<PetePete> weird
<PetePete> My time is set correctly (zone and all)
<AlienSoldier> grrrrr, 64 bit build is ready but not the 32bit :)
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<PetePete> guess I'll try a restart :/
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<PetePete> Well my weather app is broken. Still thinks today is Saturday
<Begasus> looong weekend then :)
<PetePete> Begasus ha!
<bbjimmy> mine has been that way for ever. apparently it doesn't use the right time zone when it changes the location. the day is determined by UTC date, not the local date.
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<PetePete> Isn't UTC determined by network time?
<nephele> it's also sunday at UTC
<PetePete> Oh UTC is GMT
<PetePete> I don't get it. In what world is it Saturday?
<Begasus> RiscV not booting in qemu here :)
<PetePete> I wish I could use Haiku. It's unrealistic to use it for email or any website that requires a login. It's so fun to be on.
<Begasus> AlienSoldier: no suitable workers found, waiting for worker...
<PetePete> I guess I could run it in a vm
<AlienSoldier> Begasus and waht is a worker in that context?
<Begasus> the connection to the server? don't know AlienSoldier, maybe kallisti5 knows :)
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<AlienSoldier> Begasus well it started moving
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<Begasus> x512[m], any tip on how to "try" to boot the build image with rvvm?
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<Begasus> it builds ok (rvvm) :)
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<Begasus> seems to launch ...
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<Begasus> up and running :)
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<PetePete> So what do you use rvvm for?
<scanty> haiku riscv
<Begasus> Checking ... yep (as scanty mentioned) :)
<AlienSoldier> "find or create container on worker hbrl01: failed to stream in to volume" that gcc2 build seem to don't want to be born
<scanty> pretty neat that it boots to a desktop
<Begasus> sometimes a new merge at haikuports triggers the build AlienSoldier
<PetePete> rvm is a VM like qemu?
<Begasus> nice, booting it with script enables network :)
<PetePete> Every description of it online is the same vague description
<AlienSoldier> i am not impressed by the build process, it ran for 9 hours! and then it stop? I hope it can somewhat resume from what was already be done.
<PetePete> Oh wait, I think I found something: Will run Linux on a Risc processor.
<PetePete> So it is a VM but designed for risc systems?
<AlienSoldier> i guess because it say VM instead of emulator it can only run on ariscV system?
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<Begasus> doesn't launch a nightly build though :) PackageVolumeInfo::_InitState(): failed to parse activated-packages: No such file or directory
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<PetePete> These boys and their toys....
<cocobean> Begasus: hello... Can you enable your VM with SMP=4 ?
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<Begasus> kept us around for over 20years PetePete :P
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<Begasus> the rvvm one cocobean?
<cocobean> Y
<PetePete> Begasus Hell yeah
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<Begasus> cocobean, doesn't seem to boot into the Desktop
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<cocobean> Begasus: Ok. Can you try with SMP=2 ?
<Begasus> "smp=4" and still shows only 1
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<Begasus> whoot ... KDL! :P
<cocobean> :D - Cooking with gasoline now...
<Begasus> if I run it doesn't seem to find the boot volume
<cocobean> Did it work previously (when you mention network was working) ??
<Begasus> that was with the qemu script
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<cocobean> Wondering if we can request a riscv VM set up on InstantWorkstation.
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<Begasus> I'm not the one to ask there :)
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<Begasus> afk
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<bbjimmy> *** Failed to download package haiku: Resource not found upgrade package haiku-r1~beta4_hrev57499-1 to r1~beta4_hrev57502-1 from repository Haiku
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<bbjimmy> x86_64
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<dcatt> Anyone here running R1B4 (64-bit) that has GNOME Web installed that crashes?
<dcatt> "Gtk:ERROR:../gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon:" is what appears when launching from Terminal
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<bbjimmy> I have to try three or four times to get not to error, but the browser does not seem to crash.
<dcatt> It just started happening for me. I noticied just yesterday. I have cleared out various setting, cache, etc. type of stuff (for epiphany) in ~/config.
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<dcatt> <-- is a screenshot of the output from terminal
<dcatt> better yet -->
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<dcatt> the looks of it, it looks like it's a more global issue with GTK as I have just discovered other apps like AbiWord and GIMP crashing on launch.
<augiedoggie> the post install scripts for gtk don't always run properly after the package is installed
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<augiedoggie> i don't remember the name of it off the top of my head
<dcatt> okay...good to know
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie acfa7ed - featherpad: update to 1.4.1 and enable system icons by default (#9961)
<Skipp_OSX> I need help
<Skipp_OSX> bi-directional message passing has got me stumped
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<shaka444[m]> anybody know why udates are failing?
<shaka444[m]> s/udates/updates/
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<Skipp_OSX> I am trying to read in be:sender and redirect the message appropriately either to the color picker or the target view that initiated the color picker
<Begasus> going down, cu peeps!
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<Skipp_OSX> I can make this work in one direction but I need it to work in both directions for Icon-O-Matic. If the picker gets updated it needs to update the target, if the target gets updated it needs to update the picker.
<Skipp_OSX> So far the best I've managed is ping pong messages going back and forth forever.
<Skipp_OSX> I can explain the surrounding bits but that's the heart of it, if you can't see what's wrong I can try to fill in the pieces for you
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<Skipp_OSX> might be a problem here in the target I'm trying without forwarding the message here... I'm not sure what the be:sender is here
<Skipp_OSX> hmm no, it doesn't update that way, so that's not it
<Skipp_OSX> I mean maybe it is it... I should probably replace the source and sender ... ok let me try that.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 24bee89 - featherpad: switch to Qt6 (#9962)
<Skipp_OSX> ping pong, maybe pass the message through on drop but replace it on value changed, let's try that.
<bbjimmy> looks like the haiku repo is messed up for /current
<Skipp_OSX> huh?
<bbjimmy> nobody can update
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<Skipp_OSX> I didn't push anything to haiku I can see that so that can't be because of this.
<Skipp_OSX> what do you mean nobody can update?
<Skipp_OSX> server down?
<bbjimmy> *** Failed to download package haiku: Resource not found
<The_Ringmaster> anyone else having a hard time updating today? I am getting a message "Failed to download package haiku: Resource not found"
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah sounds like server down
<The_Ringmaster> welp that explains that
<augiedoggie> i believe the builder failed to push the anyboot to the server and so the repo is in an odd state
<Skipp_OSX> or that
<augiedoggie> well, not just the anyboot
<The_Ringmaster> more like anything... lmao
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<Skipp_OSX> the package not getting built correctly but it wasn't me
<bbjimmy> Skipp_OSX nobody said it was you.
<Skipp_OSX> I got a little nervous bc I pushed to bitbucket
<Skipp_OSX> if I pushed to the wrong remote on accident ... could be bad
<Skipp_OSX> but thankfully I did not do that and it is entirely unrelated
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<Skipp_OSX> asynchronous message passing is hard
<Skipp_OSX> especially bi-directional
<Skipp_OSX> but networking works so it's possible
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<Skipp_OSX> I'm close... color is wrong now, let's leaving the sender, update the color
<Skipp_OSX> of course that didn't work... hold on now the target is ok the picker is the problem... ok let's pass the message unchanged everywhere let's see
<Skipp_OSX> if (message->FindMessenger("be:sender", &sender) == B_OK && sender != BMessenger(this)) guard is the only thing holding this back from ping pong... is it enough?
<Skipp_OSX> ping pong
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<Skipp_OSX> ok let's be more strict here. Let's check both the sender in both cases and only send if set correctly. I wanted there to be a catch-all case, but maybe that's not possible
<Skipp_OSX> if (message->FindMessenger("be:sender", &sender) == B_OK) { if (sender == fTarget) { fPicker.SendMessage(message); } else if (sender == fPicker) { fTarget.SendMessage(message); } }
* AlienSoldier have a feeling he won't see a hybrid build today :)
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<Skipp_OSX> the problem is isolated to the picker now... ok it's updating itself, hold on...
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<Vidrep_64> Hi
<Vidrep_64> pkgman update or full-sync returns error: "*** Failed to download package haiku: Resource not found"
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<coolcoder613> Good morning
<erysdren> good morning!
<coolcoder613> What's up?
<erysdren> not much
<erysdren> just moving a huge amount of data around
<erysdren> from a 2TB HDD to an 8TB external HDD
<erysdren> backing up stuff :P
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