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<coolcoder613> Hello
<Al2O3> howdie
<zdykstra> hola
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<coolcoder613> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<zard> Finally got a break from the board games :P
<zard> Now let's see if I can answer some of TmTFx's questions
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* coolcoder613 is trying to get dosemu to compile on his mac
<coolcoder613> I'm trying to compile fdpp
<erysdren> what's fdpp
<coolcoder613> It's supposed to be able to compile...
<coolcoder613> A very important release, containing ~200 patches.
<coolcoder613> Portability work: ported to aarch64, including MacOS, Android.
<coolcoder613> So why won't it compile?
<zard> Heh, I might add that TmTFx's program should work
<zard> And that without any extra special workarounds
<zard> So why won't it work? :P
<coolcoder613> rror: use of undeclared identifier 'R_386_16'
<coolcoder613> if (GELF_R_TYPE(rel.r_info) != R_386_16)
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* coolcoder613 finally got fdpp to compile
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<dcatt> Quick question...I'm trying to get my head back into the various haiku developer tools and was wondering what happened to QuickRes. Anyone know?
<augiedoggie> quickres is a Be tool, binary only, for 32 bit
<augiedoggie> you can use Resourcer or ...can't remember the other one
<dcatt> Ah yeah, makes sense. I have it on my R1B1 install, which is the 32-bit version of Haiku.
<dcatt> Is Resourcer in the depot?
<augiedoggie> should be
<augiedoggie> it's not the most stable piece of software though
<dcatt> yup, found it
<dcatt> I was searching on keywords around resource but was not finding what I was looking for but that result looks familiar.
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<coolcoder613> ResEdit?
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<dcatt> coolcoder613 ...ResEdit is a Mac thing
<coolcoder613> There was something like that...
* coolcoder613 goes to check
<dcatt> mentioning that takes ya back for sure
<dcatt> I miss classic MacOS. What a fun operating system.
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<augiedoggie> i believe that was the name of a gsoc project to create a resource editor
<augiedoggie> iirc it's available at haikuarchives on github
<augiedoggie> but i don't think it does very much
<dcatt> oh ok
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<coolcoder613> Hello HaikuUser
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
<erysdren> how's it going?
<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<Begasus> posting with Tokodon :D
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<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there!!!
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<Begasus> Arrr andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrr Begasus!!!!
<Begasus> ;)
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<Begasus> kf.coreaddons: This system misses support for posix_fallocate() -- ensure this partition has room for at least 10547296 bytes.
<Begasus> something wrong on either side?
<phschafft> ?
<Begasus> message when launching one of the kde apps
* phschafft nods.
<Begasus> not a big issue as the app doesn't really work as I suppose it should :)
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<Begasus> I really should do some cleanups here :P
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<Begasus> nice one waddlesplash :)
<Begasus> biab
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes f9ee76e - Telegram: bump version
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuporter] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuporter] Crestwave b14ff61 - new tool (#176)
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<Begasus> automated cargo recipe creating?
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<Begasus> after adding a hundred source URIs* right there :)
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<PulkoMandy> yes, I tried to package something Rust, and after 2 hours adding source_uris I remembered about this...
<PulkoMandy> I think it's not completely automated but it should give a good starting point and save a lot of time hopefully
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<Begasus> gave up on some rust stuff just because of that
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<Begasus> Think I'm hacked?
<Begasus> looks like some weird Vision procceses ...
<Begasus> that or I haven't realy had an eye for it
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<PulkoMandy> yes, just vision developers being silly
<PulkoMandy> they give rqndom fun nqmes to all their threads
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<x512[m]> Also media_addon_server.
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<andreaa72> Begasus : haiku is not linux, ok, but posix ... so copy from linux LD_LIBRARY_PATH xD
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<andreaa72> Begasus : it is all opensoftware so you can copy
<andreaa72> you can copy software but gnu license so copy to another gnu -> but you can study the source and rewrite, reinvent ... with mit if you like
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<Begasus> re, thanks for the reply PulkoMandy, had a process taking some thread pretty heavy earlier, hence me checking :)
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<Begasus> From kde's week review :) "A good reminder that even though GPU tend to be faster, the added complexity and price might not be worth it in the end."
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<andreaa72> copyleft ...
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<Begasus> whoot!
<Begasus> the seem to come up with a lot of *plot apps there :)
<Begasus> This looks like a pretty advanced one :)
<lorglas> hi, in which package can i find <X11/Intrinsic.h> and <X11/keysymdef.h>
<Begasus> xorgproto
<Begasus> right-click the file, third tab shows it :)
<jmairboeck> or `catattr SYS:package` in Terminal
<lorglas> thank you
<bitigchi[m]> Begasus: This is the GOAT data analysis application
<Begasus> a what?
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<bitigchi[m]> Greatest of all time, but in a humorous way
<bitigchi[m]> Goat, like animal
<Begasus> yeah, got that part of the animal :)
<Begasus> had to grab the latest source (master branch), latest release testing didn't work out (quick check)
<Begasus> set(KF_MAJOR_VERSION "6"), so wont be for any time soon :)
<Begasus> how to build ... disable doctools, 2 small patches ... done :)
<Begasus> in regards of doctools, I'm not sure if libxml2 is the issue here, our docboox_xsl it pretty old ...
<Begasus> docbook_xsl_stylesheets *
<Begasus> thanks there too jmairboeck :)
<Begasus> crashed it :P
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<Begasus> k, first patch filed upstream for a KDE app :)
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<Begasus> minizip patch upstreamed +1 :)
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<bitigchi[m]> <Begasus> "k, first patch filed upstream..." <- Link please :)
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<Begasus> checking a recipe to build it with 5.112.0 and Qt5 now
<Begasus> not sure how to do a srcGitRev there (yet) to checkout a build with 5.248.0 and Qt6
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> 0% tests passed, 46 tests failed out of 46 ---> 98% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 46
<Begasus> not bad :)
<zard> Well, that's definitely a major improvement :)
<zard> Of course, it's always the last test that is the hardest
<Begasus> needed qthaikuplugs :)
<Begasus> didn't check the failing one yet, rebuild, add icon ...
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<Begasus> should be good to test tomorrow on 32bit :)
<zdykstra> afternoon all
<Begasus> 'evening zdykstra
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<zdykstra> how are the dogs today? :)
<Begasus> sleeping now :)
<Begasus> but having the time of their live with all the snow :D
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<Begasus> k, 'nough playing for today :)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<mmu_man> Do we document the dotfile -> ~/config/settings/app/file without the dot scheme anywhere in the user manual?
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<zdykstra> but I also think it's less explicitly needed now that a lot of applications on the Linux side use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and use a layout largely similar to how Haiku does it
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<rnelson> I just picked up an internal WDC spinny disk for my Latitude E5470. I booted Haiku from USB and saw wifi and sound and video all work, so I put that drive in. I can install with either GPT or Intel partition map, but it fails to boot. Secure Boot is disabled. Any immediate ideas I should look at after I return? (I am stepping away for an hour or so, fatty needs gym time, but I didn't want to forget to ask)
<zdykstra> can you describe in much greater detail how it fails?
<zdykstra> do you get the Haiku loading icons, does nothing at all happen and you sit at a blank screen, does your machine complain about no boot entries, etc
<rnelson> Yeah, I was just getting ready to head out and realized I missed that. The latter, it doesn't see anything bootable. This last install I marked both partitions (a "Haiku" I installed to and a BeFS "Data" intended to just store files) as active.
<rnelson> There is a "legacy roms" option that might let me switch it from uefi to bios so I can try that if needed, but default config is uefi
<rnelson> "No bootable devices found.\nPress F1 key to retry boot.\nPress F2 key for setup utility.\nPress F5 key to run onboard diagnostics."
<phschafft> (do people still make the keyboard joke?)
<zdykstra> if you're using UEFI mode, did you create an ESP and copy the haiku EFI onto it?
<zdykstra> I don't remember if that happens by default, but I suspect it does not - since you can't boot
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<PulkoMandy> And in legacy mode you can make sure there is a valid bootsector on the drive, for example using the writembr command
<zdykstra> you might be able to simply switch to legacy compat mode and boot
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<aizu> hii
<phschafft> :)
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<aizu> anyone knows how can i put my laptop to sleep on haiku?
<aizu> if it can't be done automatically, is there a command to put it in sleep mode?
<rnelson> zdykstra: I did not I'll give that a shot, thanks!
<AlienSoldier> for some reason i would have a smile to see haiku running on one of this
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<clee> AlienSoldier: how about one of these?
<clee> in theory, might make it possible