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<BrentNewhall> One sec, thanks, trying that
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<BrentNewhall> @OscarL Huzzah! Thanks very much, yep that works great.
<BrentNewhall> Cool, now I don't have to keep switching over to a Terminal window every time I want to debug the app. :)
<OscarL> awesome! happy to help! Happy coding BrentNewhall!
<BrentNewhall> thx
<scanty> I just use the OS as my IDE :^)
<OscarL> everythin is an IDE if you are creative enough... a hammer? surely that will squash not only your bugs, commits, but also the keyboard!
<BrentNewhall> I mean that's basically what it is now yeah
<scanty> hehe
<BrentNewhall> Though I was delighted to see KeePass ported; makes Haiku much closer to usable for me
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<OscarL> "keepassxc: add recipe." <<< 8 years ago :-D, and since... worked on by lots of our usual suspects :-D
<OscarL> Holy Molly! Genio seems to work well enough even on this lowly Atom N450 :-D (as long as I don't let clangd get loose over Haiku sources...)
<BrentNewhall> Idle thought: I wonder how Haiku would be as a tablet OS. Obviously things like soft keyboard aren't there, but it might be a nice fit.
<OscarL> we have a virtualkeyboard in Haiku sources, but it is not included in the regular images :-P
<BrentNewhall> Not the highest priority thing at the moment
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<OscarL> if you ever want to try said keyboard... "jam -q <input>virtualkeyboard" should be enough to build it.
<OscarL> (assuming you have a clone of haiku's repo, of course :-P)
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<scanty> OscarL: here is my workbench in the old house:
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<OscarL> nice! my skills around electronics goes as far as knowing how to mesure some voltage, and to replace microswitch in mice, and caps on motherboards. The end.
<scanty> ah
<OscarL> I envy people with knowledge of electronics :-)
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* scanty *blushes*
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<OscarL> We DID had electronics classes back in the Uni... but I never got past the "analog stuff" (solving circuits with Kirchoff laws, etc).
<scanty> i don't really like the analogue stuff either.
<scanty> too much maths
<OscarL> I sucked at it, and that prevented me to advance to the digital classes, were I would do MUCH better :-/
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<OscarL> math was not my problems back then.... but the practical side of things...
<OscarL> design on paper was good, practical circuit NEVER worked :-/
<scanty> I hated solving amplifier circuits.
<scanty> I wasn't too good at it, but much stronger at digital, like you.
<OscarL> then comes the TA... puts his finget on top of a resistor... voilá... it worked :-D
<scanty> haha nice
<phschafft> haha
<OscarL> never could make heads or tails on how to "debug" those darn things, and got frustrated :-(
<scanty> I've forgotten a lot of it by now.
<scanty> they say if you don't use it, you lose it.... it's true
<OscarL> same with all the biology stuff I was PRETTY good at :-(
<scanty> i was always good with maths and sciences
<phschafft> depending on how you learned that stuff there also was a lot more ambiguity for reasons of the tools just not been there yet.
<OscarL> you lose what you don't use, I guess :-D
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<phschafft> sadly I still see a lot of known-to-be-wrong/broken designes being used because EE has a huge esoteric user base.
<phschafft> OscarL: but it is easier to get it back once you had it once.
<OscarL> indeed, the fundamentals ARE there :-)
<OscarL> even if really deep now :-P
<scanty> yeah.... i will never forget ohm's law, for example.
<scanty> or the resistor colour code
<scanty> and series/parallel conversions
* phschafft nods.
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<phschafft> amps aren't my good spot as well. but I think I'm good at having a general understanding on what is going on on all layers. so I can communicate with people.
<scanty> i'm actually building a tube amp.
<scanty> the maths werent' that bad.
<phschafft> THAT is what I mean with esoteric.
* OscarL remembers when he could read (as in, properly name) pretty crazy formulas for organic compounds. We used to fill up blackboards with the stuff and hold "tournaments" :-D
<phschafft> haha.
<scanty> i liked organic chemistry
<OscarL> now I can barely read anything beyond H20 :-P
<phschafft> chemistry is another weak spot of mine.
* OscarL remembers studing the photoelectic effect, along with phisiology and biomechanics.... man... I miss bio-medical engineering so much.
<OscarL> too bad my brain got fried.
<phschafft> and I don't fully understand why. maybe our teacher who basically blow up something every class wasn't that educational.
<OscarL> it is pretty incredible the difference a good teacher can make.
<phschafft> don't get me wrong. he was one of the better teachers and there are a number of good things I remember him for. yet teaching styles differ and sometimes they just don't match with what you need. no blame here.
* phschafft nods.
<scanty> indeed, a teacher can make all the difference
<OscarL> we had a genius teaching advanced calculus. He was too smart for us, and he wasn't able to "lower it down" for us to understand...
<OscarL> same class... we had a TA that made everying seem TRIVIAL.
<OscarL> what a marvelous fella.
<phschafft> I prefer to teach the age range that basically just left primary school.
<phschafft> they are motivated and they know basic math.
<scanty> ok, detected no overlay support, so it will automatically disable that menu item.
<phschafft> it's always strange to me when I have a room full of people who claim that some topic is too complex for young people but get multiplication two single digit numbers wrong when they have pen, paper, and a calculator in front of them.
<scanty> now i must eat.
<scanty> OscarL: if i dont' see you later, have a pleasant night
<OscarL> later scanty! same to you!
<phschafft> scanty: see you. :)
<scanty> :^)
<phschafft> and it's fun to see a fourth grader pointing out your error when you wrote something strange while explaing the transformation of an integral to a discreet sum when transforming a low pass filter from time domain to z domain.
<phschafft> I mean if they understand that, why don't those old people who have 'all that experience on the job' who take like 10 times the hourly rate ;)
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<phschafft> that said I think it's time for my shower before I get back to do some Perl.
* OscarL still has blocks of solving triple-integrals, non linear equations, laplace transformations, and who knows what else, most exercises spanning multi-pages (in tiny writting)... I can't even read my name on those now :-D
* OscarL would need a shower AFTER perl :-P
<phschafft> you can have my C code for while I'm gone if you like. ;)
<phschafft> currently considering how to upgrade from pointer via a buffer structure to full file handles ;)
<OscarL> oh, fancy! :-D
<phschafft> (that is all still on the microcontroller's operating system, so every bit counts!)
<OscarL> indeed. did some QA for embedded systems... so know a bit of the drill there :-D
<phschafft> but it will be fun in the end.
<OscarL> nice chatting you all. I'll leave for today, before I'm asked to do so :-P
<phschafft> good night!
<OscarL> later folks... have a good one!
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<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: ah, a user mapped kernel buffer ... something allocated by userlandfs I guess
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<waddlesplash> trungnt2910, you around?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57554] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d385686cbfd3 - userlandfs: Make DoIO handle IO smaller than the request size properly.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 41a1732deb4a - userlandfs: Disable use of the file cache in FUSE for now.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] dbc23cdfb781 - userlandfs: Allocate requests in-kernel as kernel-only.
<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: that should fix your problems
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<waddlesplash> well, that was a pretty productive day. got quite a bunch of issues squashed
<waddlesplash> including multiple from b5 milestone
<zdykstra> That's awesome. Days like that always feel good.
<erysdren> awesome!
<erysdren> good work waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> :)
<waddlesplash> tomorrow I will probably attempt tackling that triple fault bug
* augiedoggie wonders if that will fix the stalls when copying
<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: the middle commit should
<waddlesplash> does for sshfs anyway
<waddlesplash> well. the first commit does actually, but then all reads end with EINVAL
<waddlesplash> why? idk. oh well someone else will have to tackle that
<augiedoggie> that'd be sweet, then just need to figure out how to unmount the share :P
<waddlesplash> yeah I don't know if userlandfs actually implements unmounting?
* augiedoggie starts a build of Haiku while finishing the movie
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<Al2O3> scanty howdie
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<augiedoggie> nice
<augiedoggie> waddlesplash: the nfs-fuse module appears to be working well with nfs3
<waddlesplash> :)
<augiedoggie> no more KDL and file copying completes now
<coolcoder613_> How to run BeOS 5 with multiple CPUs in QEMU?
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* coolcoder613 is trying to compile something larg-ish in a BeOS VM
<coolcoder613> *large-ish
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<Al2O3> just get a dell 4x 200 Pent III like I had 20+ years ago, and run it on that hardware. Literally the owner of the property complained about the electric bill.
<Al2O3> it was fun, and eventually got me kicked out of the property, likely righteously too.
<Al2O3> dimmed the lights when I powered it on, two 600 or so server PS at once, not sequentially.
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<coolcoder613> I have a bare metal BeOS machine, but it only has 64MB of RAM, which is not enough for what I am trying to do.
<Al2O3> coolcoder613 what is the next step?
* coolcoder613 is using w2c2 to compile RustPython for BeOS
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<coolcoder613> Al2O3: My BeOS machine:
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<Al2O3> man, that is amazing!!!
<Al2O3> you have old school i386 lappy running BeOS, wonderful.
<coolcoder613> And it has a nice speaker for playing music
<Al2O3> there was a sweet spot in the late 90s and early '00
<Al2O3> remember the mobile laptops? what where they, some medical device lappies?
<Al2O3> its was nuts, I so hoped back then hardware, software and consumer would merge.
<coolcoder613> my sisters play games like Spy Fox and RCT1 on windows 2000 on that box...
<Al2O3> now that is very cool :)
<Al2O3> I'm playing crossfire on a emulator (Sweet16) which is running on OSX 10.6.8 (2009'ish as I recall) on 2006 hardware, written in about 1983
<Al2O3> maybe '82
<Al2O3> or earlier.
<Al2O3> and I'm entertained, much better than anything today.
* coolcoder613 likes wolf3d
<Al2O3> yeps.
<Al2O3> did that, did original doom on NeXT hardware, and BeOS on 2x66 and 2x133 hardware.
<Al2O3> fun stuff
<Al2O3> the big event in my life on 3d-shooter first person was quake 3 arena.
<Al2O3> 1999 or 2000 as I recall best on shit hardware from Crapple.
<Al2O3> old PPC crap as that crapony morphed via leftover NeXT software to a new millionemooinc
<Al2O3> :)
<coolcoder613> That BeOS machine is my oldest computer :(
<Al2O3> no worries, it works.
<Al2O3> I had #00004 BeBox.
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<Al2O3> it was not meant to be for me, got a #xxxxyyyy upgrade to 2x133
<Al2O3> this was in '95 and '96
<Al2O3> you aren't missing much
<Al2O3> best part of being in the early days, is you got to see competition, and it was fun, exciting, and new.
* coolcoder613 was born a few days before windows 7 was released
* Al2O3 is not a windozer
<Al2O3> crapple douche
* coolcoder613 doesn't use windows
<coolcoder613> Well, not Windows > XP
<coolcoder613> My favorite is win2k
<Al2O3> industrial or ???
<Al2O3> its solid, but the win2k-enterprise as I recall was to compete with linux/other
<Al2O3> back in '95 and '96 I did some installations of PPC linux (forgot the name of the distro) and found it interesting and fast, but not supported.
<Al2O3> yellow dog
* coolcoder613 had a VM of mac os x 10.0
<Al2O3> it an QNX were apparently in competition then as I recall. I looked at QNX and thought great, but its all focused on embedded.
<Al2O3> I was in Apple I/][/e/c/gs/III -> Lisa -> Mac -> marketing of various shit -> more marketing of various shit -> NeXT (in a big way) -> then Crapple and finally enough.
<coolcoder613> My daily driver is a mac
<Al2O3> nice, what?
<coolcoder613> A 2020 m1 macbook air
<Al2O3> I still have a crap load of auction BeOS garb here mint and never out of container/plastic.
<coolcoder613> 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD
<Al2O3> from 2001/2 auction.
<Al2O3> oh cool, did you get it 4 years ago cheap or company sale?
<Al2O3> model #
<Al2O3> System Information: Model: MacPro1,1 • CPU: Intel Xeon X5365 (8 Cores) @ 3.00 GHz • L2: 4.19 MB • Memory: 32.00 GB • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770, ATI Radeon HD 5770 • Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1200 • Load: 2% • OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) (Build 10K549)
<Al2O3> that is the shit I use
<coolcoder613> I got it ~1 year ago from Officeworks
* coolcoder613 nods
<Al2O3> sweet!
<Al2O3> MMA, what did you payola
<Al2O3> for a working machine?
<coolcoder613> ~1260
<coolcoder613> AUD
<Al2O3> that is not too bad, do feel it is worth it?
<Al2O3> Does it and your knowledge provide value?
<Al2O3> my machine literally dims the lights, tosses a breaker 3-4 times a year, and makes me think the 3-4 others I have as same/configured should be sold.
<Al2O3> yet, I do not want to compromise my position as old school douche.
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<coolcoder613> I think it is worth it
<coolcoder613> It is fast, has good battery life, just enough RAM, and not enough storage
<Al2O3> 1-2TB thin line SSD or otherwise memory?
<coolcoder613> It is not at all upgradeable
<coolcoder613> not even the battery can be replaced
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<Al2O3> well, then eco waste by design.
<Al2O3> you can hump that machine or nothing, :)
<Al2O3> I hope it runs haiku wonderfully
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> waddlesplash: hello sir I'm interested working in adding the write support to Xfs filesystem can you give me guidance
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> Al2O3: First Haiku needs a working ARM64 port, and all the drivers from Asahi Linux
<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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<Begasus> configure: error: *** zlib too old - check config.log *** eeps
<Begasus> it's not old! (I think) :)
<Begasus> weird, openssh 9.3p1 complains about it but openssh 9.6p1 doesn't
<Begasus> OK, test(s) fail for both version on the same issue
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<Begasus> ssh-add works fine with new version (entering the passphrase)
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<Begasus> OK, PR for openssh update is ready for reviews, as it's a pretty hard requirement for the most here I'm not pushing it yet, testing would be fine (I only use basics here)
<Begasus> pings waddlesplash
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<Begasus> Hello there BlueSky76
<BlueSky76> Hi Begasus :-)
<BlueSky76> I use quite a few ssh features (tunneling etc.) Not from Haiku usually. But I can do some testing with the new openssh version
<Begasus> would be nice BlueSky76!
<Begasus> do you have a setup for haikuporter?
<BlueSky76> yes, I do.
<BlueSky76> But from my own forked of haikuports
<BlueSky76> What's the quickest way to test your PR?
<Begasus> do you have openssh-9.3p1 in that tree?
<Begasus> I mostly add remotes to my working tree to fetch others (PR's)
<Begasus> 1. git remote add begasus
<Begasus> 2. git fetch begasus
<Begasus> 3. git checkout --track begasus/openssh
<BlueSky76> Thanks for the detailed explanation. Much better than my solution: Clone the whole repo from your github site, check out the openssh branch and point my haikuporter config to the newly cloned repo.
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<BlueSky76> :-)
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> well, I keep it on par with upstream, so your good for a while there ;)
<BlueSky76> Good to know, but I´ll switch back to my own fork after testing. I´ve got a few things I want to make PR´s for at haikuports in the (hopefully near) future.
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> afk for a bit
<BlueSky76> Yeah, me too. I`ll let you know about my openssh tests later
<Begasus> thanks!
<Begasus> still doesn't seem right: /bin/qmake6 -install qinstall -exe /packages/libqt6pas-6.2.7-1/.self/boot/system/lib/
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<Begasus> better :) /bin/qmake6 -install qinstall -exe /packages/libqt6pas-6.2.7-1/.self/lib/
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 7e3feab - libqt5pas, bump version (#10030)
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<Kokito> Testing UploadIt
<Begasus> Still no sound Kokito :)
<Kokito> I have sound here.
<Begasus> meant I didn't hear anything here :)
<Begasus> playing around here :)
<Kokito> Ah, I see.
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<Begasus[m]> Looks like the matrix keeps you around even though no app open for it :)
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<phschafft> How does Haiku's file handle table work? is it a system wide with the processes/threads having a lookup table, or is is it more per-process/thread?
<phschafft> also is it one contiguous table (like an array) or a fragmented table (array of pointers, linked list, partitioned array, ...)?
<phschafft> (this is a question about the kernel only, not the API as exposed to the userland)
<Begasus> Error: kdesdk_thumbnailers not found in repository ... I've put it there! :P
<Begasus> did a OscarL thingy :)
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<Begasus> 1/1 Test #1: glslang-testsuite ................ Passed 11.22 sec :)
<Begasus> now why did I needed to check this ....
<Begasus> found it ...
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<waddlesplash> phschafft: FD table is let process. basically an array but it can be resized
<phschafft> so basically the realloc() pattern of resize-or-copy-to-new-buffer and per-process?
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<nosycat> o/
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb fcae451 - tuxpaint_config: Improved description
<phschafft> follow up questions: 0) are you happy with that, 1) how are file handles shared by processes handled?
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL :)
<OscarL> Hello Begasus!
<OscarL> "13:17 <Begasus> did a OscarL thingy :)" what did I (or you) did now? :-D
<Begasus> typo's :)
* OscarL will start to colllect royalties on those.
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* Begasus ends up as a poor man ...
<OscarL> heh.
<OscarL> PriyanshuGupta[m]: waddlesplash timezone is UTC-4 (or -5 ?), IIRC, you might have a better chance to find it later on. Albeit... he sometimes popups whenever :-D
<OscarL> PriyanshuGupta[m]: meanwhile, if you haven't done so already... plenty to read upon Haiku's XPS implementation:
<Begasus> waddlesplash, checked PR for openssh?
* OscarL takes a look at that PR.... nodding and making "hmm" noises, pretending he understand what's going on.
<Begasus> patchset almost duplicates the previous version, just the gcc2 patch isn't needed anymore
<OscarL> "TARGET_PATH=".ssh/authorized_keys" <<< are we sure we want that "." in ".ssh/" ?
<Begasus> -TARGET_PATH=".ssh/authorized_keys"
<Begasus> there is a minus in front of the line ;)
<phschafft> Begasus++
<OscarL> notice that on line 62, it reads: "`finddir B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY`/ssh/id*.pub [...]"... as there it is "/ssh/", no dot in front..., made me wonder.
<Begasus> first one was from a first part of the patch, that was fixed later on
<OscarL> so... patch should be simplfied then :-D
<Begasus> be my guest :P
<OscarL> funny guy :-D
<Begasus> it's not that big of a source, compiles pretty fast
<Begasus> and I'm not "that" good in git squash :)
<OscarL> you can just remove the line with the ".", and adjust the diff line "@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ then" <<< to read "-62,6 +62,6" :-D
<Begasus> err ...
<OscarL> (remove the "TARGET_PATH=".ssh/authorized_keys"" line i meant)
<OscarL> what? never manually patched a diff file before? it is FUN! :-P
<Begasus> I did earlier because it didn't apply cleanly :P
<OscarL> k, let's see what I can do on the old Atom N450 (if I recall how to pick up your PR)
<OscarL> sweet! good thing I had an alias: "`> checkout_pr upstream 10029` :-D
<Begasus> see ... now I broke it :P error: could not build fake ancestor
<OscarL> eh, my bad...
<OscarL> got confused by github UI :-D
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<Begasus> down?
<waddlesplash> Begasus: looks like korli left a comment
<zard> Can't access either
<waddlesplash> phschafft: not sure what you mean by "happy with that"; what other option would there be?
<OscarL> Begasus: works here :-D
<Begasus> lol
* augiedoggie prefers to checkout the PRs straight from the haikuports repo
<waddlesplash> phschafft: and, file handles shared across processes are handled by file_descriptor structs being likewise shared.
* OscarL starts to chop/chop the .patchset with Pe :-P
<nosycat> While it's quiet: should libncurses be symlinked as libcurses?
<Begasus> OscarL, be sure to check korli's comment :)
<OscarL> ".1" at the end of filename, noticed to, but I've assumed something changed on the build system, or you had a good reason for it :-D
<OscarL> so... revert the patch for that particular file (man page), I guess, right?
<andreasdr[m]> Double "Hi There" is better :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<nosycat> \o
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m] zard nosycat :)
<Begasus> k, let's check the build again
<Begasus> looks cleaner at least :)
<Begasus> grabbing openssh-9.6p1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/openssh-9.6p1-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> afk :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there Begasus, zard, nosycat.
<andreasdr[m]> OpenSSH for the security WIN.
<zard> Hello andreasdr[m] :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57555] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4a6a465c800c - intel_extreme: for DDI, map the ddc pin to the GPIO
<Anarchos> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
<OscarL> uh! intel_extreme changes! that remnids me... I should open an enhancement ticket, and ask korli to see if Gemini Lake iGPUs could be supported by that driver.
* OscarL formally salutes andreasdr[m], Anarchos, nosycat, et al.
* Anarchos greets OscarL
* Begasus salutes all
<Begasus> time to close down, long day :)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<nosycat> Night!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57556] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 22f0158a256c - XHCI: Move error status conversion to its own function and reuse it.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] be3ce6d7e933 - USB: Make "buffer error" reporting consistent.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f4e363ee29f2 - XHCI: Report ring overrun/underrun (isochronous errors) back to drivers.
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<augiedoggie> waddlesplash: it seems like i'm only able to mount one userlandfs at a time, is there some trick to it
<augiedoggie> regardless of type, nfs, sshfs
<waddlesplash> that may be the case, I can't remember the details
<waddlesplash> userlandfs needs a lot of work
<augiedoggie> ok, just curious
<waddlesplash> on a very different note
<waddlesplash> who wants to try usb_audio?!
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57557] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b785b0cf1ccb - usb_audio: Report callback errors to syslog.
* augiedoggie has no usb_audio to test it with
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 62ec294959de - XHCI: Don't double-report completion status for isochronous transfers.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57558] -
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: I got a "new" netbook (Celeron N4020) that only has audio via USB-audio. I have no network access on that thing, but will be testing your changes ASAP :-)
<waddlesplash> :)
<waddlesplash> you will need to build the driver manually for the moment
<OscarL> np.
<waddlesplash> I will enable it on nightlies before too long if we don't discover any more showstoppers
<OscarL> damn thing has no ethernet port, and the Intel wifi card gets recognized, sees SSIDs, but refuses to connect :-D
<waddlesplash> any errors in syslog from wifi card?
<OscarL> (thus /me toying with usb_rndis lately)
<OscarL> will collect proper listdev/syslogs next time.
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* OscarL tries to install "a pure python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery"... pip hangs while calling GCC ?!?!?! WHAT?
<OscarL> so much for "pure python" :-D
<OscarL> "import cython" <<<< pure python my rear end.
<OscarL> waddlesplash: "jam -q usb_audio" should be enough? (will test over hrev57554)
<waddlesplash> yeah
<OscarL> k.
<OscarL> building on an Atom N450.... might reply in a week :-P
<waddlesplash> OscarL: I should note it will probably only work on OHCI or XHCI
<OscarL> k. new netbook has USB3 for sure (even an USB-C port), but not sure how the internal routing is done. Will find out soon enough (if this darn Atom finishes some day :-D)
<OscarL> "warning: this 'for' clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]" on AudioStreamingInterface.cpp:264
<OscarL> (just in case)
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: ^^^ (code does looks a bit confusing to a noob like me at least :-D)
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<ano_> Hi
<OscarL> hey there.
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<OscarL> using this netbook, without internet, without touchpad, and with a very limited BIOS is a bit more than mildly infuriating :-(
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<OscarL> morning coolcoder613_32.
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<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) hello
<OscarL> ALRIGHT! Seems I got WiFi with hrev57554! (idualwifi7260). Somewhat IPv4 was set to disabled, but after seeing "Status: connected" for my SSID... just had to set it to DHCP, and it worked :-D
<OscarL> download 4.13 Mbit/s... good enough for me! Thanks for your work on the WiFi drivers waddlesplash! :-D
<phschafft> waddlesplash: hm, then I think I was a bit unclear with my question.
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: hello there.
<OscarL> "Extended batery info" is a bit crazy on this machine... "Technology: non-rechargeable", and went from 4% to 33% after less than 2 minutes of pluing the charger :-P
<BrunoSpr> Hello all hello B2IA, hello OscarL
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: "B2IA" is just the name of the BeShare<->IRC bridge (not a real user).
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: when users write on BeShare, you'll see them here on IRC as "B2IA (name_here): text".
<BrunoSpr> Ah yes I remember, it is my own bridge I think
<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) ah yes ok
<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) lol
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Hey, there's a BrunoSpr on BeShare!
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<OscarL> Man... having working WiFi on this thing DOES helps a lot! Now I need I2C touchpad and screen brigthness control (the rest can wait for long :-D)
<OscarL> at least KeyCursor serves as a workaround for the non-working touchpad :-D
<Anarchos> OscarL i helped a guy to finish the brightness control for our graphics card
<Anarchos> radeon_hd if i recall
<OscarL> I see, good on you for being a helping hand!
<OscarL> this thing as an intel iGPU, so I'll probably have to bother korli about adding Gemini Lake support to intel_extreme driver (assuming it is feasible)
<Anarchos> OscarL nowadays i am very more focused on my math verifier :)
<OscarL> As long as you're having fun with it! Awesome! (I forgot 99% of the math I ever knew :-D)
<Anarchos> OscarL yes i am having fun :)
<Anarchos> i just retrofitted 19 classes...
<Anarchos> anyway… time to bed !
<OscarL> sleep well Anarchos!
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<nephele> OscarL: sometimes it's just adding some pci id's, depends
<nephele> (I was the person who started that brightness patch btw ;)
<OscarL> nephele: yeah... will try to take a look at the code before pestering folks on Trac... at least so I more or less know what I'm talking about :-D
<OscarL> good to know I can also pester you when the time comes :-P
<OscarL> thing gets hot even in Power Saving mode (and ActivityMonitor showing CPU freq basically at minimum)... hmmm.
nephele is now known as Guest1138
<OscarL> waddlesplash: placing "usb_audio" under "non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers/usb/" should be enough?
Guest1138 is now known as nephele_
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<nephele_> OscarL: Pester me? I mainly checked "how the fuck does linux do this" and then discarded the badness linux was doing in favor of a bit simpler one xD
<nephele_> for example: Linux decides 0 is a special value that turns off the backlight... instead of that beeing a seperate option
<OscarL> beats the hell out of my level of expertize :-D (I'm *barely* good enough to hack a temperature driver :-D)
<OscarL> (and that's having the proper datasheet.pdf in front of me)
<nephele_> I once "accidentally" added media keys to the ps2 driver
<nephele_> and then pulkomandy announced to me "Congrats, you are a kernel hacker now"
<nephele_> big "oh" moment :D
<OscarL> heh, "happy accidents" :-D
<OscarL> welp... I once wrote /dev/poke/... and I almost dyied of happiness when x512 was making use of it as a work-around for one of his drivers :-D
<nephele_> then my second patch was a sniffer rule for mp4, and my third patch was the last critical blocker for beta2
<OscarL> * "/dev/misc/poke"
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<nephele_> I think the main user facing stuff i did was shortcuts in stylededit to increase/decrease font size
<nephele_> and that was a patch of the "huh, i cant believe this doesnt work already" variant, so now it works and nobody will notice it, since it's just assumed normal functionality xD
<OscarL> seen it happen :-) "why these baudrate values have 0 here?"... that was my first patch "of the modern era" (over gerrit) :-D
<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) Ah, yes long time I did not use BeShare, just checked it for Waddlesplash and the bug report 2 years ago...
<nephele_> I'm excited for fosdem
<waddlesplash> OscarL: actually just put it in drivers/bin
<BrunoSpr> fosdem? When? Where?
<waddlesplash> should get picked up
<nephele_> this weekend in brussels BrunoSpr
<OscarL> waddlesplash: will do.
<BrunoSpr> oh, my son is near, not me
<OscarL> waddlesplash: restarted media services... got a crash. Will save report, and upload syslog, listdev -d and .report
<zdykstra> a coworker of mine is going to it - I'm jealous!
<nephele_> well, i also have like 5 hours traveltime to get there
<OscarL> waddlesplash: after saving the crash report... "USB Audio" appeared on the "Media" preflet window :-D
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<nephele_> I hope to see atleast some haiku devs in person
<zdykstra> wait, since when did Haiku support USB audio output ?
<nephele_> even if there seems to be no stand/talks this year for haiku
<waddlesplash> zdykstra: yesterday. lol
<nephele_> zdykstra: very long time in the sourcetree but very broken, waddlesplash recently (3h) fixed some stuff
<waddlesplash> and it's not in the nightlies yet
<zdykstra> dang, that's exciting
<waddlesplash> OscarL: yeah you need to restart media services 2x. once to get it to appear, then pick it, then restart media services again
<waddlesplash> very annoying, needs to be fixed
<waddlesplash> but that's a media services problem not a driver problem
<OscarL> ok. will restart them again (was preparing the log files)
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<PulkoMandy> nephele_: Yes, our stand application was rejected. I think mmu_man will still be there somewhere? But not sure
<OscarL> woops, second time, no USB Audio on "Media" preflet, only the crash dialog. Will try again after uploading files and rebooting.
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 3 commits to master [+75/-19/±6]
<phschafft> PulkoMandy: may I ask why?
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 8d535fd - deployments/gemini: bump version to latest with new blog content
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 c3f6113 - concourse: Upgrade to 7.11.0
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 c5711a5 - keycloak: Upgrade, login page refactoring
<phschafft> (no pilitics here, just wondering that the problem was)
<PulkoMandy> the problem is lack of spac, to accept everyone
<nephele_> PulkoMandy: oof, that's dissapointing
<PulkoMandy> For more details you can ask fosdem organizers how they do the selection. I have no idea
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<PulkoMandy> Maybe if they put all Linux distros in one single stand instead of one stand for each, there would be a lot more space for more interesting stuff :D
<nephele_> yes, that indeed seems a bit silly
<nephele_> there is also a "kernel devroom" which apparently is linux specific ;)
<PulkoMandy> Yes, there is no bsd devroom this year
<PulkoMandy> And a lot of other strange thing. The xmpp devroom renamed itself to "realtime devroom" to make space for matrix. But matrix got a separate devroom anyway
<erysdren> >:(
<PulkoMandy> Well, sor me personally, it avoids a difficult choice between running the fosdem stand and attending a choir rehearsal. And it also means less travelling, I'm happy taking a oreak
<nephele_> I've broken so many matrix clients, it's unreal :D, i'm even in matrixes security hall of fame because i pointed out their "cool readonly WeB ClieNt" was executing javascript in room titles
<nephele_> PulkoMandy: Would have been nice to meet up, but choir is nice too! I do want to go this year since I've already managed to miss last year :/
<bjorkintosh> at one point, there were no pagers, then became all the rage. then they went out of fashion. I hope the same happens with all JSwebtechshite.
<PulkoMandy> Well there wasn't anything haiku last year either (for similar reasons)
<OscarL> darn "" complains that the file exeeds 256 KB, when the syslog file is only < 160 KB :-(
<erysdren> bjorkintosh: it'll happen. the tech industry is in a state of constant flux and the 2020s will probably be very wild for it
<erysdren> not to mention the job instability for just about everybody
<PulkoMandy> I may write a more angry note about it in next year application
<OscarL> great...can't use UploadIt because Argentina is blocked :-D
<OscarL> listdev*.txt, .report.txt, and syslog.tx
<OscarL> now... a reboot, to see if it helps with things :-D
<OscarL> now I can't get to see that USB Audio on Media, even after removing/re-installing usb_audio :-D, but hey... it appeared there once! progress!
<phschafft> PulkoMandy: I see.
<OscarL> WiFi didn't autoconnect on boot, but at least it had no problems after manually selecting an already configured SSID. Nice!
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* OscarL needs to change KeyCursor's "click" key to something less annoying than spacebar. Looks at F1/F2... hmmm.
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<phschafft> waddlesplash: so basically my understanding is that the per process table is a lookup array containing pointers of dynamically(?) allocated objects that hold the kernel's state of the open handle. If a handle is duplicated (spaning processes or via dup() (and friends) multiple entries of those tables point to the same object.
<phschafft> is that correct?
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<kallisti5[m]> If you have a WebAuthN dongle, give the above a try and let me know how it goes
<waddlesplash> phschafft: yeah
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: while you're here... is it normal that gerrit ask me to do 2FA (OTP) every single day I access the site?
<waddlesplash> phschafft: but how else would you do it? what alternative is there to this really
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<phschafft> maybe I think about this pattern a bit on a wider scale. I mean the same pattern is not just something you find for file handles, something similar could be used for whenever you have a state and a (integer) handle.
<augiedoggie> kallisti5[m]: worked with my titan key
<phschafft> I think you're right that in this case this is the way to go.
<phschafft> the context my question originates from is a bit different. and I was wondering about a global 'master table' that contains all the actual objects with the state. so they would not be dynamically allocated.
<phschafft> at least not individually.
<phschafft> an the per-process/thread table would then point to the element in that table.
<phschafft> which could be more efficient if you have a system with a roughly constant set of open files.
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<kallisti5[m]> <OscarL> "kallisti5: while you're here..." <- If you have OTP enabled, it will ask on every login
<kallisti5[m]> <augiedoggie> "kallisti5: worked with my..." <- Nice!!! Thanks for confirming!
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: understood, but I find it a bit weird that I need to login every single day :-/ (only * place that makes me do that)
<OscarL> and was wondering if that's expected, or something's wrong on my end.
<kallisti5[m]> realm sessions last 2 days
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<kallisti5[m]> *should last 2 days
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: I guess I need more context. Browser? OS? Which specific subdomains, etc
<OscarL> seems not to be my case. yeasterday I logged in, commented on a review... now I'm signed off again.
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]:
<kallisti5[m]> oh, I did a bunch of restarts and upgrades of gerrit this morning which might invalidate sessions
<kallisti5[m]> Retest tomorrow to double check. Gerrit might have it's own session length setting or something 🤔
<kallisti5[m]> The intent is 2 days maximum
<OscarL> I've issue anywhere else. And it is not just a "now" thing.... has been happening since the SSO (had no issues before that)
<OscarL> in any case, no biggie. scanblock kicking me out of Trac was more annoying :-D
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: so.. I don't see you logged in at the moment
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<OscarL> I'm currently not (I never manually logout)... let me log in again.
<kallisti5[m]> cool. Once you do, I can inspect your session to see what it says
<kallisti5[m]> also, confirming everyone got logged out when I restarted gerrit :-)
<OscarL> done.
<OscarL> new login screen caught me off-guard :-D
<kallisti5[m]> Yup. I see ya.
<kallisti5[m]> * Session Started: 1/31/2024, 5:46:37 PM
<kallisti5[m]> * Last Access: 1/31/2024, 5:46:37 PM
<kallisti5[m]> OTP.. fancy
<OscarL> So... tomorrow I *should* still be logged in, right? :-D
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: did you login via social or password + OTP?
<kallisti5[m]> I see you have github linked
<OscarL> I used github in the past... when you added SSO... logged in with: username / strong password + OTP
<kallisti5[m]> cool
<kallisti5[m]> Yup. So lets watch this session and see what happens
<OscarL> IIRC, you told me to not unlink github just yet, just in case.
<kallisti5[m]> ah yeah, haha. I think we're in the clear now if you don't want it linked anymore
<OscarL> cool.
<kallisti5[m]> oh.. Haiku or other?
<kallisti5[m]> Webpositive used to clear sessions on close
<OscarL> right now (and most of the time I access gerrit).... Firefox on Win10
<OscarL> pretty locked up, but with exceptions for *
<kallisti5[m]> thanks :-) ok. Enough info for now. I'll keep my eye on the session and see what happens when
<OscarL> thanks for all your work kallisti5[m]!