ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<Skipp_OSX> just because I don't understand it doesn't mean it's bad, I'm sure if we set up all the right environmental variables in the right places it would work as it should, I just don't know how to do that or even be able to capably answer questions about it ;/
<OscarL> :-)
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* OscarL can't find much on LC_TYPE, not even mentioned on
<OscarL> git seems to also only care for: LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES or LANG.
<Skipp_OSX> CTYPE for C programmers I guess
<Skipp_OSX> so that's why git cares about it
<Skipp_OSX> TYPE must be for other stuff
<OscarL> LC_CTYPES has to do with things like isalpha/isnum, that I guess can change depending on the language.
<Skipp_OSX> I see
<OscarL> isnum... I think I just made that one up... isdigit() ir the like, I meant :-D
<OscarL> Guess I should collect some notes, and open a ticket over Trac.
<OscarL> For now... adieu, mes amis! Have a good night!
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<coolcoder613> Hmm... if I wanted to help someone with Haiku remotely, what could I use?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57494] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2f719499aad5 - ffmpeg: update dump_ffframe_video for ffmpeg6
<OscarL> kallisti5: scanblock HATES me, and it is preventing me from opening a new ticket :-(
<OscarL> "blocked by scanblock". <<< wish I could puch that bot :-D
<OscarL> *punch.
<OscarL> coolcoder613: vncserver? sshd?
<OscarL> remmina?
<augiedoggie> the force?
<OscarL> heh.
* augiedoggie wants a yoda locale in Haiku
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<OscarL> anyway... I just logged in to poke kallisti5[m] about that damn scanblock. Off again! Laterz!
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<coolcoder613> Neither computer has a public ip, and they are not on the same lan
<augiedoggie> video call?
<augiedoggie> your options are limited
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<scanty> send a sequence of screen shots?
<Skipp_OSX> <= What do you guys think of this idea... do you absolutely hate it or is it maybe ok?
<scanty> looks a-ok to me.
<Skipp_OSX> do you really mean that?
<Skipp_OSX> I mean it's out there I expect vitriolic reaction here maybe
<scanty> yes, i think it would be handy.
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<Skipp_OSX> Ctrl instead of Alt
<scanty> oh, that i didn't notice.
<Skipp_OSX> *boom*
<PetePete> Okay, I found the bootloader installer (I finally got a few minutes to search for it, along with some time to get back to testing.)
<scanty> well, it's just my singular opinion... you should wait for the input of others
<PetePete> Got my system installed on an external drive (DOPE!!)
<scanty> i still think it's handy.
<PetePete> I so hope full disk encryption comes soon.
<PetePete> With full disk encryption, this OS is a very serious contender. It would absolutely make it into my rotation.
<scanty> ok bedtime. Skipp_OSX good luck, hope you get some more feedback.
<waddlesplash> PetePete: there's disk encryption for non boot disks as a 3rdparty extension
<waddlesplash> not yet integrated into the OS
<Skipp_OSX> do you hate it waddlesplash ?
<waddlesplash> ?
<waddlesplash> good question, I don't know
<waddlesplash> I guess the shortcut on Windows is Alt+Leftarrow
<waddlesplash> so, Ctrl+Leftarrow makes sense?
<waddlesplash> then in Win/Linux shortcut mode it's Alt+Leftarrow again
<Skipp_OSX> you got it, it's for Win/Linux mode
<Skipp_OSX> Which is exactly what somebody on Winders would expect back and forward to be
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<Skipp_OSX> but for everybody else it changes and possibly too much to handle
<Skipp_OSX> I didn't just come up with the idea, I've been thinking about it a long time, it makes sense, obviously we need #7078 fixed first, which is what I'm working on... it doesn't quite work yet, but it's in the menu!
<Skipp_OSX> that's maybe the hardest part
<PetePete> waddlesplash I appreciate that. Certainly looking forward to system drive encryption.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57495] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f99596f4e35e - Icon-O-Matic: Fix crashes while auto-scrolling
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57496] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4fc18643b964 - Keymap: Put status icons inside menu fields
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<andreasdr[m]> Having disk encryption build into Haiku OS would be a dream for lots of people I guess. Are there plans about that?
<x512[m]> One of first thing to do when buying a PC with preinstalled Windows is turning off Bitlocker.
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. But for people like me with Laptops that are actually on the road some time and might loose their laptop, by stealing or loosing, you do not want to have sensible data available for the thiefs or founder.
<x512[m]> Disk encryption is scary because you can easily lost all your data and no chance of recovery.
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. Thats true. But my point is also very valid. Maybe we can have it optional?
<x512[m]> Axeld made a drive encryption driver for Haiku, but I don't know how well it works.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi x512 :)
<andreasdr[m]> Yes I heard about that driver.
<andreasdr[m]> Thats why I also asked. But just asking. I have no hurry.
<andreasdr[m]> Very cool.
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<x512[m]> Tried to benchmark Haiku and Linux process spawn to prove that Haiku process creation is too slow. ...But as a result Ubuntu was more than 2 times slower.
<x512[m]> posix_spawn is broken on Linux?
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<andreasdr[m]> I have nearly finished our MiniScript language for BETA. Need to write lots of documentation still.
<moparisthebest> "Disk encryption is scary because you can easily lost all your data and no chance of recovery." woah you don't have backups ?
<moparisthebest> drives are scary because they can just stop working and then you lose all your data with no chance of recovery :/ encryption or not
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<andreasdr[m]> I have Backups for my tax and ... stuff
<andreasdr[m]> x512: Any ideas what else to benchmark to maybe speed up compilation of software or similar?
<andreasdr[m]> I was surprised about waddlesplash TCP stack voodoo. Now downloading from netbsd or freebsd servers is as fast using Haiku as using Mint Linux.
<andreasdr[m]> I personally would be OK if encryption would only work for secondary partitions(non boot partitions).
<andreasdr[m]> Just my thoughts.
<andreasdr[m]> But nicely integrated into Drive Setup App.
<x512[m]> moparisthebest: It is hard to have 100% up to date backups.
<moparisthebest> automate it, you will 100% lose data if you don't
<x512[m]> In my experience SSD become read only if it wear out.
<x512[m]> moparisthebest: What do you mean by automation? RAID?
<moparisthebest> sometimes, if you get lucky they'll go read-only, sometimes they just go away entirely
<moparisthebest> no, RAID is not a backup
<x512[m]> If it is just scheduled file copy, there are still a great chance of data loss.
<moparisthebest> I run on my laptops, it syncs in real time to my NAS, and that backs up nightly offsite
<moparisthebest> if syncthing isn't available on haiku you could just have a periodic rsync
<moparisthebest> but ideally you rsync to a server with a filesystem that can do snapshots, so that you have a few versions for a few weeks, mine is btrfs, so only differences are saved/sent over the network, and if I accidentally delete a bunch of files, I can recover them too
<andreasdr[m]> Looks cool. The syncthing
<x512[m]> I create a full archived copy of disk for backups. And keep last n-th archives on another disk.
<x512[m]> Plus another copies for something important.
<x512[m]> If something were deleted, it is possible to lookup older archive.
<moparisthebest> but nothing offsite? if your house burns down that's everything? that makes me nervous
<moparisthebest> my offsite backup is just a rpi at my mom's house with USB drive enclosures connected, my backups script ssh's in, unlocks the encrypted drives, btrfs send's to them over ssh, locks the drives back, and done
<moparisthebest> from personal experience if I have to do something manually it'll never get done and I'll regret it lol
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<x512[m]> From my personal experience, I have very good luck with disks. I still remember old PC with Windows XP that I used for some time when HDD produced clinking sound and OS sometimes didn't boot. But it worked until I got a chance to make HDD image.
<andreasdr[m]> I restored once our SHS-101 BeOS Software from a CD. Took hours. But I have the code still around.
<andreasdr[m]> Actually I could open source that. Not sure. Still thinking about it.
<andreasdr[m]> I have lots of other stuff to do.
<x512[m]> What that software do?
<andreasdr[m]> Wait a minute.
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<x512[m]> Something like tracker music syntheser?
<andreasdr[m]> Yes.
<andreasdr[m]> Drummachine + Bass synth. This kind of software was common around 2000.
<x512[m]> It was paid software?
<andreasdr[m]> It was a BETA.
<andreasdr[m]> Without fee.
<x512[m]> Binaries available?
<andreasdr[m]> Sure somewhere. Even code available. Thats what I said.
<andreasdr[m]> I restored it in 2004 from a broken CD.
<x512[m]> I mean publically available.
<andreasdr[m]> But it was kind of unfinished. Hence the BETA.
<andreasdr[m]> Not public yet.
<andreasdr[m]> Would took me 1-2 months to finish a first usable working beta.
<andreasdr[m]> Not BETA. Usable product.
<andreasdr[m]> AFK 30 mins
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<andreasdr[m]> Re
<andreasdr[m]> I could offer this in haiku discussion and see if there is any interest.
<andreasdr[m]> :x
<x512[m]> Yes, would be better place.
<x512[m]> Personally I have no skills of composing music :(
<andreasdr[m]> Cool. Will do soon.
<andreasdr[m]> Need to ask my Mindty mates also.
<andreasdr[m]> I offered them to work on it, but we have so many stuff to do, that we just did not do it.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m], up early :)
<andreasdr[m]> Yes.
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<Begasus> whohoo, and no lag :) nice work by waddlesplash :P
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<andreasdr[m]> Yes.
<andreasdr[m]> 100 points out of 100 points.
<Begasus> heh
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
* coolcoder613 ported dosbox staging
<coolcoder613> (better fork of dosbox)
<Begasus> nice :) got Kontact up and running :)
<jmairboeck> nice Begasus!
<Begasus> KMail still not working though ;)
<lebrancess[m]> guys
<lebrancess[m]> mesa finishe up?
<lebrancess[m]> x512:
<Begasus> trying to see if I can get akregator up and running with KF5 5.93.0
<lebrancess[m]> Begasus can you check 3d acceleration for me pls on amd rx 7600=)
<Begasus> nope
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<Begasus> still haven't found a way to skip those simd checks for gnubg
<jmairboeck> in what environment are the builders running? are they virtual machines? maybe they can be configured in a way to not expose any optional CPU features? (or they are already)
<Begasus> both native
<jmairboeck> are they physical machines running on bare metal?
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> haven't checked in virtual setup
<jmairboeck> then they will probably use all the CPU features their CPUs have (and which Haiku supports)
<Begasus> in itself it isn't bad, only the crash with .conftest, don't know how the buildmasters deal with that
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<Begasus> at least 2 new libraries so far needed for akregator
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<Begasus> 3
<Begasus> stupid "waiting for package to ..." :/
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<Begasus> Not sure if we have a mastodon client, but tokodon is up and running here :)
<jmairboeck> We are slowly getting all the KDE apps :)
<Begasus> seems we do :P
<Begasus> plenty of post there for Haiku :D
<Begasus> nah, still stuck on 5.93.0 there :)
<Begasus> and plenty of use of dbus-launch :/
<jmairboeck> just a crazy idea: I'm wondering if dbus could be reimplemented using BMessages (to get a "native" version of dbus without the need for that)
<Begasus> made it crash :P
<Begasus> I'm not going there jmairboeck ;)
<jmairboeck> I'm also not planning to try that :)
<jmairboeck> but on the other hand: we got Xlibe and the in-process wayland server, so why not try that with dbus as well? ;)
<Begasus> that's up to the main peeps here :)
<Begasus> I'm just one of the litle guys at the sideline :P
<jmairboeck> but you are the number one package maintainer for sure :)
<Begasus> lol, but not the most knowligable (only when it comes to packaging (and still plenty mistakes there myself)) :P
<Begasus> 3dEyes did all the (hard) groundwork on KDE, I'm just goofing around there :)
<Begasus> One thing though, KDE has a central develop platform, while you have to hunt Qt/GTK things
<Begasus> biab
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<PeetPeet> Mornin'
<Begasus> 'lo PeetPeet
<PeetPeet> sup sup
<PeetPeet> I'm fryin' eggs in the kitchen :)
<PeetPeet> I love having a kithen computer
<Begasus> enjoy :)
* phschafft now thinks about a little foxy siting in the corner of the kitchen with an abacus.
<PeetPeet> hahaha
<PeetPeet> "Compute, wench!"
<PeetPeet> *said the guy wearing an apron
<Begasus> akonadi kinda working :)
<jmairboeck> they should be marked as background apps I suppose
<jmairboeck> isn't there a QPA flag for that which you can set in an .rdef file?
<Begasus> akonadi doesn't use rdef files
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<PetePete> Good morning, PetePete
<PeetPeet> \o
<zard> o/
<PeetPeet> Lovely day to be abouot one's business
<PeetPeet> Mornin' zard
<zard> Good morning PeetPeet :)
<PetePete> A good day to you all
<PeetPeet> gotta locate a dry snuff retailer today.
<PeetPeet> Can't believe this stuf is so hard to find
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<Begasus> 4
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<Begasus> 'lo KapiX
<cocobean> hello...
<Begasus> Hi cocobean
<PeetPeet> cool name (cocobean)
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<cocobean> Fixed PR.
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<cocobean> BBL.
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<zard> PeetPeet: Let me guess, you had to call yourself PeetPeet because Peet was taken?
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<PetePete> Pete was taken. I went with PetePete because who cares, and my kitchen computer is a clone, so I had to come up with something (PeetPeet)
<PetePete> I'm a lazy ircer
<zard> "/whois Pete" reveals that Pete's name is "Random Quip Generator". Must be some kind of bot. I wonder if it's online somewhere
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<PetePete> Cheap bastids
<PetePete> "Just order everything online" - I hate this world
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<PetePete> One store... One store, in ALL of Houston, tx - the 3rd largest city in the entire United States of America - carries dry snuff.
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<PetePete> Six million people. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses. One. Flippin'. Store.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 fbf39f9 - dev-python/setuptools_rust: Add new setuptools_rust 1.8.1
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 217ecf3 - dev-python/cryptography: Add newer rust-based 3.4.8
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<win8linux[m]> <coolcoder613> "ported dosbox staging" <- > * <> ported dosbox staging
<win8linux[m]> That's great!
<kallisti5> obligitory i hate python
<zard> Wait, but, why?
<kallisti5> It's messy, modules are a mess, compatibility is a mess, curly braces are awesome, pip is a mess, python2 vs python3 sucks, tabs are awesome
<kallisti5> installing packages via setuptools or pyproject pip5xx whatever is a mess
<zard> Looks like I haven't coded enough Python yet to hate it...
<kallisti5> It just makes me angry when I have to use it lol
<kallisti5> virtual environments are a mess
<kallisti5> requirements.txt are a mess
<kallisti5> "python == a mess" Thanks for coming to my ted talk
<zard> I have encountered the compatibility problems, tabs are indeed the way to go IMO, and virtual environments are a mess
<zard> Thanks for the very informative ted talk ;)
<kallisti5> i mean, needing to repackage modules for every minor version bump is alo a mess
<kallisti5> python3.9/vendor-packages, python3.10/vendor-packages
<kallisti5> ok. i'm done lol
<zard> Oh, I'm sure there's one other reason that you haven't thought of yet left ;)
<kallisti5> oh... python vs python2 vs python3 vs python3.9 vs python3.10 executables
<kallisti5> and pip vs pip2 vs pip3 vs pip3.9 vs pip3.10
<kallisti5> OOOHKAY now i'm done since i'm pretty far off topic now
<zard> lol
<win8linux[m]> pips
<Begasus> 'lo win8linux[m], saw a post of you earlier on tokodon :)
<win8linux[m]> You have a Fediverse account?
<Begasus> kallisti5, python3.12 on the way :)
<Begasus> created account at mastodon
<win8linux[m]> instance?
<Begasus> yep (think so) :)
<Begasus> first time checking this out :P
* zard has been thinking of making a Mastodon account sometime
<win8linux[m]> Still wonderign when somebody's going to make a native Mastodon client for Haiku.
<win8linux[m]> s/wonderign/wondering/
<win8linux[m]> Bit surprised that it doesn't exist yet given that there are clients for Classic Mac OS, AmigaOS, DOS, C64, etc.
<Begasus> only toot in the depot it seems for mastodon
<win8linux[m]> Wow, there's even a Mastodon client for IBM mainframes!
<zard> I wonder if there is an EFI Mastodon client
<zard> s/EFI/UEFI/
<zard> Or really just a Mastodon client that runs on baremetal
<zard> Doesn't look like it. That would be a lot of work
<Begasus> still have to find my way around it, tokodon not perfect, but so far looks fine :)
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<zard> Does anybody here use the /away command?
<Begasus> 5
<Begasus> not me zard
<zard> Regardless, bbiab
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<PeetPeet> Mastadon... pfft
<PeetPeet> Can't take it seriously
<Ellenor> most of dan
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<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: yes I have thought that re. dbus. but I haven't seen the need to attempt it honestly. it'd be nice but low priority.
<waddlesplash> one of the challenges is that dbus doesn't have many alternative implementations as-is, despite being a standard
<waddlesplash> there's kdbus (not kde but in kernel dbus) but I'm not sure how much this is used
<jmairboeck> thanks waddlesplash. I understand that this is of course low priority. As I wrote before, it was just a crazy idea :)
<PeetPeet> High priority: COMPIZ
<PeetPeet> *runs like hell
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57497] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8d27b645e706 - features.h: fix build when BSD headers are not in include path
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<bitigchi[m]> Begasus: your recent marketing effort are right on point! I am also mentioning Haiku whenever I can :)
<bitigchi[m]> s/effort/efforts/
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<bitigchi[m]> Especially on the KDE forum, it’s reaching a very large audience
<bitigchi[m]> Now on Mastodon!
<win8linux[m]> It's on the KDE forum?
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<bitigchi[m]> I also left a comment
<Begasus> busted :)
<Begasus> that was you bitigchi[m]?
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<bitigchi[m]> Begasus: yep, my username is different there
<Begasus> thanks for responding :)
<bitigchi[m]> Let’s up the thread :)
<Begasus> first on the agenda there is trying to get Akregator working with our current framework
<bitigchi[m]> BBL
<win8linux[m]> Hoping that by getting the attention of people in the KDE Community (especially developers), more people will learn of Haiku and perhaps contribute to improving the state of KDE apps.
<win8linux[m]> * state of Qt/KDE apps.
<win8linux[m]> * state of Qt/KDE apps, * KDE apps on it.
<win8linux[m]> And well of course, just more people using Haiku.
<win8linux[m]> Considering that the KDE Community also has a fair number of C++ developers, showing Haiku to them may have the potential of attracting them to the project.
<Begasus> it's mostly fun for me win8linux[m], and if it can attract some peeps +1 :)
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<win8linux[m]> I should look into what other KDE apps aren't on Haiku yet.
<Begasus> think I've gone over most of them by now win8linux[m] :)
<win8linux[m]> What about Haruna, Keysmith, Kontrast, Angelfish, PlasmaTube, and Audiotube?
<win8linux[m]> Actually hmm, not sure if Haruna at least could work on Haiku. Can any Qt apps pick a colour from the screen?
<win8linux[m]> Don't recall.
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<Begasus> last 2 I have had problems with (crashes iirc)
<win8linux[m]> s/Haruna/Kontrast/
<Begasus> not checked (yet) :)
<Begasus> Kontrast needs FutureSQL5 (haven't got that one (yet)) :)
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<Begasus> whoot, this goes viral :D
<Begasus> what is this "boosted" thing?
<zard> I think it's sharing a post
<Begasus> nice! :)
<win8linux[m]> Krita lead Halla Rempt has also asked to get in touch with someone for Krita on Haiku in the past:
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<win8linux[m]> * Krita lead developer Halla Rempt
<Begasus> yeah, I think the issue is still open at haikuports
<win8linux[m]> <Begasus> "what is this "boosted" thing?..." <- Reposting
<win8linux[m]> Works the same as reblog on Tumblr or retweet on ex-Twitter.
<Begasus> +1 win8linux[m], has got quit a few already :)
<Begasus> update on Tellice was only released yesterday (saw the post this morning in Akregator) :D
<Begasus> k, have to step out for a while, bbl
<bitigchi[m]> <win8linux[m]> "Krita lead Halla Rempt has..." <- > <> Krita lead Halla Rempt has also asked to get in touch with someone for Krita on Haiku in the past:
<bitigchi[m]> Gerasim already has 5.3 running, but was busy drawing the new icons last I’ve checked
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] tqh pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57498] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 21fa9b3bb408 - registrar: use smaller minimal timer interval
<Begasus> nice, even spellchecker is working on the fly :-)
<PeetPeet> I miss Konqueror when it ws a web browser
<phschafft> the IE of KDE.
<Begasus> last attempt didn't quit work for konqueror here :)
<zard> Looks like they also added file managing and document viewing to Konqueror
<zard> Curious how you think Konqeror has gotten worse
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<bitigchi[m]> Konqueror was the original KDE file manager if I recall right
<bitigchi[m]> Both browser and file manager
<bitigchi[m]> Dolphin came later
<Begasus> win8linux[m]
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<FreeFull> Still got Konqy as a mascot, but they made him all cute
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy f9aa2cd - Update friss to 0.9.0
<lebrancess[m]> Why did nobody ever before do monero mining on haiku?
<Begasus> k, 'nough playing for today, cu peeps!
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<lebrancess[m]> Lolll
<lebrancess[m]> Is crypto mining more efficient on haiku?
<lebrancess[m]> I mean the cpu mining ?
<lebrancess[m]> x512:
<lebrancess[m]> Nah let's rather not do this
<lebrancess[m]> 👹
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<Skipp_OSX> i suspect probably not
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<scanty> how can i view what's inside a .rsrc file?
<win8linux[m]> <Begasus> "win8linux" <- Does color picking work correctly?
<scanty> win8linux[m], Begasus left.
<win8linux[m]> Yes, that’s for later.
<scanty> ah ok.
<PeetPeet> scanty right click, open.
<PeetPeet> I'm sorry :)
<scanty> it gives me the "File Type" dialog.
<PeetPeet> I was joking (poorly)
<scanty> oh
<PeetPeet> bitigchi[m] yep. It was super cool imo
<PulkoMandy> scanty: you can decompile it into an rdef file using rc -d. Then use a text editor
<PulkoMandy> There isalso a ResEdit app somewhere but not sure if it's usable
<scanty> i have decompiled it.
<scanty> i can tell the resources are there.
<scanty> it opens up in stylededit
<scanty> going to see if there's any kind of viewer in haikudepot
<augiedoggie> resourcer
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<scanty> tried it, thanks augiedoggie
<lebrancess[m]> Guys why is life so sad
<scanty> we're not psychologists here.
<lebrancess[m]> scanty: I will just have to continue what ever I am doing right ?
<scanty> well, if you're depressed and you need help, then go and get it.
<lebrancess[m]> scanty: No sir, when getting help I can't save the world.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<coolcoder613_32> Something wants librecode, where can I find it?
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