ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<scanty> there is a Thunderbird available in HaikuDepot, but it segfaults on load
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<scanty> crash in nsQueryInterface
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* coolcoder613 likes phones with a qwerty keyboard
<PetePete> coolcoder613, yup
* coolcoder613 once played around with a nokia e63
<coolcoder613> If only it would run linux, or Haiku...
<scanty> interesting, rsi is not used, even though the function takes two parameters.
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<PetePete> If the Blackberry Passport were ever able to run linux, I'd have no use for any other mobile device
<PetePete> They won't likely ever open any source (even the bootloader)
<PetePete> It was a sad day when all the BB servers went offline. BB Assistant was lightyears ahead of Google or Siri
<scanty> well, it is impossible to debug this without sources.
<PetePete> I'm sorry scanty.
<PetePete> That sucks
<scanty> yeah.
<PetePete> Antix Linux is almost too good, y'all. It ****s!
<scanty> isn't that based on debian?
<scanty> well the crash is happening in libxpcom
<scanty> nothing i can do.
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<AlienSoldier> scanty nice, a translator! :)
<AlienSoldier> "Python 100.0%" that is a turn off, but i guess someone could use that as a way to do it.
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<Skipp_OSX> I still need help here, I've only managed to break things further but I think I have an idea
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<Skipp_OSX> somebody has to help me figure this out
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<scanty> AlienSoldier, it won't solve the problem of HTML in emails, but maybe, just maybe it will work with OAUTH2 and a client like Beam
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<scanty> i don't have the patience to work on it now, and i have other things to work on before i can test that library
<scanty> i wonder if WINE can run Thunderbird...
<AlienSoldier> When i did run thunderbird on R5 it felt like having a browser opened.
<AlienSoldier> I think it was a modified firefox.
<scanty> I used to use Beatware Mail-It
<scanty> it was great
<Skipp_OSX> I am sure that it was
<scanty> mmm fun times.
<scanty> can't believe it's been 20+ years.
<AlienSoldier> On my amiga i used tinymail, i bet this is still on aminet :)
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<AlienSoldier> nope it is not, unless i mess the name
<scanty> couldn't find anything on google
<AlienSoldier> It was an email client that was not using MUI, damn i was hating MUI :) it was taking so much ram for nothing
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<erysdren> hiya
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<coolcoder613eb> make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/packages/xapian-1.4.22-1/.self/lib/', needed by 'common/'. Stop.
* coolcoder613 waves to erysdren
<erysdren> hiya!
<erysdren> i suddenly can't find a VGA cable :/
<coolcoder613> for what?
<erysdren> one of my old PCs
<erysdren> im setting it up
<erysdren> but no VGA cables to be found
<erysdren> it doesnt have a DVI port, and of course i got plenty of those cables :/
* coolcoder613eb is trying to port an email client
<erysdren> what client
<coolcoder613eb> kube
<erysdren> oh nice nice
* phschafft gets to his box, offering erysdren some cables. both with and without coding pin.
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<SaedBhati[m]> I want to contribute i am new
<erysdren> phschafft: finally found a VGA cable... at the bottom of the 7th box i looked in
<coolcoder613> Welcome SaedBhati[m]
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<coolcoder613eb> SaedBhati[m]: What programming languages do you know?
<SaedBhati[m]> <coolcoder613> "Welcome Saed Bhati" <- Can you guide me?
<coolcoder613> Sure
<coolcoder613> I can guide you
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<SaedBhati[m]> This is my resume i have excellent skill in python
<SaedBhati[m]> How can i start contributing
<SaedBhati[m]> ?
<coolcoder613> There are Python bindings for the Haiku API called Haiku-PyAPI
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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* coolcoder613eb ported an email client called kube
<coolcoder613> Could someone upvote me on stackoverflow? I need more rep to comment. maybe this?
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<coolcoder613eb> Hi andreaa72
<andreaa72> hi coolcoder613
* coolcoder613eb is a little bored
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<Begasus> coolcoder613eb, try to enbable/add the python module for fontforge? ;)
<coolcoder613eb> fontforge?
<Begasus> yeah, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fontforge'
<Begasus> when checking up on something else atm
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<Begasus> getting some dejavu now :)
<Begasus> already been theree :)
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<Begasus> could be one for OscarL :)
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<mchasard> hi
<coolcoder613> Hi mchasard
<mchasard> just tried haiku under vbox and i have some issues ... the software update begin but crash
<coolcoder613> try doing it from the command line
<mchasard> and often i have to reboot the system
<coolcoder613> open Terminal
<mchasard> yes and which commance is it ?
<coolcoder613> Oh, yeah, vbox doesn't work well with Haiku
<coolcoder613> try vmware
<coolcoder613> what OS are you on?
<mchasard> ah its known ? si with vmware it should be better ...
<mchasard> win 11
<coolcoder613> Then get VMWare, or QEMU
<coolcoder613> VMWare is best
<mchasard> quemu is more adapt for linux no ?
<mchasard> ok i should try with vmware event it seems to take more space ...
<coolcoder613> qemu doesnt have quest additions..
<coolcoder613> Yes, try with VMWare
<mchasard> ah ok i readed that it is very fast than the other
<mchasard> ok cause actually with vbox its not enough stable ...pitty
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<mchasard> ²
<mchasard> hi i try to lainch haiku undervmware and it seems the processort isn't ok i have an error
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<mchasard> --------------------------- Haiku - VMware Workstation 17 Player --------------------------- The processor does not support XSAVE. This virtual machine cannot be powered on. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
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<andreaa72> hi coolcoder613
<jn> mchasard: does it work when you boot other guest operating systems?
<andreaa72> ahhh
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<mchasard> don't know for the moment haiku is the first OS ... i used vbox before
<mchasard> i have choose xp like you told me yesterday
<andreaa72> does it work ?
<Begasus> choose xp?
<mchasard> yes but i have so much issues under vbpx that somebody told me to try with vmware ... i dit it but i can't open virtual machine haiku
<Begasus> I was one of them mchasard
<Begasus> works fine here, with default setup
<mchasard> ok but i have this processor error
<jn> mchasard: i asked because if you try booting something else in vmware, you'll know whether vmware is broken in general on your computer, or whether the problem is related to haiku
<mchasard> --------------------------- Haiku - VMware Workstation 17 Player --------------------------- The processor does not support XSAVE. This virtual machine cannot be powered on. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
<Begasus> 32bit or 64bit?
<Begasus> what OS did you choose on setup?
<andreaa72> xp 64 bit becouse it's compatible with haiku
<mchasard> win XP 64 bits
<Begasus> no xp, you should be able to choose "other 64bit" or something like that iirc
<andreaa72> aaarg : i was talking about virtualbox ....
<Begasus> even then andreaa72, no xp needed
<mchasard> ok i try antoher entriees with other
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<andreaa72> Begasus : only a preset to be compatible
<Begasus> no need for that
<Begasus> we are "not" windows
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<Begasus> plop mmu_man, I saw you're getting pretty grey there too ;)
<mchasard> sorry but setting with other 64bits is the same error mesage about rppocessor
<Begasus> let me reboot here ...
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<mchasard> ok
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<Begasus> second screen in creating a new machine, choost "Other" and in the dropdown menu below "Other 64-bit"
<mchasard> its my setting
<Begasus> just delete the one you created and start fresh :)
<mchasard> i have down aready
<Begasus> I guess that since it didn't start nothing is installed there
<mchasard> i have delete the old before creating the new one
<Begasus> choosed the installer disk in the first screen?
<Begasus> *.anyboot.iso
<mchasard> i have down already and have created the HAiku vm but its could be launch
<mchasard> may be my processor is'nt valid for vmware ?
<mchasard> Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU N3530 @ 2.16GHz 2.16 GHz
<mchasard> with vbox no such issue
<Begasus> did you enable Virtualize there?
<mchasard> where to make this action ?
<mchasard> in bios ?
<Begasus> you probably haven't ;) don't enable it, doesn't work (it's in the virtual machine settings)
<Begasus> I'm guess the processor is the host one you mention?
<mchasard> you talk about win 11 settings ? for virtualization ?
<mchasard> its under bios ?
<mchasard> or in vmware ?
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<Begasus> Your Windows machine
<Begasus> I'm not seeing any specific CPU in vmware
<mchasard> so about bios ... i have to verify ...
<Begasus> Hi cocobean
<mchasard> i reboot to verify sorry
<cocobean> Hi
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<Begasus> ah! did that memory leak patch got backported to R1B4?
<Begasus> seeing an update here
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<Begasus> cocobean, less is broken for gcc2, parse errors
<Begasus> afk
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<mchasard> hi again i have no such settting about virtuaalisation in my bios
<mchasard> may be my machine is too old
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<mchasard> yes sorry i have to reboot
<mchasard> so no virtualisation in bios settings
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<Begasus> mchasard, posted a link earlier, maybe related to hyperV?
<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus> hi Anarchos
<mchasard> ok thanks
<Begasus> you can search the web, seems a common error
<mchasard> why vbox could work without hyper v ?
<Anarchos> Begasus: at work...
<Begasus> maybe downgrade to 16
<Begasus> Anarchos, enjoy :)
<Anarchos> Begasus: not at all ...
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> time for a carrier change Anarchos? ;)
<Begasus> carreer(?)* :)
<mchasard> so theres n o way for me to launch vmware ... ?
<mchasard> ot install an old version of vmware ?
<Begasus> I think it's mentioned there to downgrade to an older version, another one I found was disable hyperV in Windows, but I'm not touching anything there
<Begasus> so one should be carefull on the howto's
<mchasard> ok thanks for all i don't know what to do ...
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<Anarchos> Begasus: not possible for a career change
<Begasus> that s*cks Anarchos
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<Anarchos> Begasus: well my emplyer pays the most among other software engineers firms here
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<Begasus> guess you just have to bit it then Anarchos :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus: i fear so.
<Anarchos> Begasus: anyway i still work on my mathematical verifier
<zard> Cool, a mathematical verifier?
<Anarchos> zard yes.
<Begasus> Anarchos, see ... he understood that ;)
<zard> Sounds like a nice little side project :)
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<Anarchos> zard yes it is.
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<mbrumbelow> Begasus: You have experience building releases of apps for Haikuports?
<Begasus> mbrumbelow, a bit yes :)
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<mbrumbelow> How is a SHA256 added to the recipe? The instructions and examples are very vague.
<Begasus> or do you mean how to calculate it?
<SaedBhati[m]> how can i contribute in these Os?
<Begasus> depends on what you like to do SaedBhati[m]
<Begasus> if it's core you should ask the main devs (some are around here)
<SaedBhati[m]> Begasus: i want to prepare for gsoc
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<Anarchos> mbrumbelow: i have same trouble with SHA key for my upgrading of BeTeX...
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<Begasus> mbrumbelow, Anarchos, just fill in the SOURCE_URI and let haikuporter download the archive, it will error out on a wrong checksum and tell the right one
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<Begasus> cp that into the recipe and you should be good
<Begasus> nice, from 0 to 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
<zard> SaedBhati[m]: Hmm... maybe try to fix a simple bug?
<Begasus> now if we could have Maxima, Octave or Scilab I could test this :)
<zard> You'll need to show that you are capable of contributing in order to be considered, so, you would have to do that anyway
<Anarchos> SaedBhati[m]: try to work on
<Anarchos> SaedBhati[m]: Namaste :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus: you mean "haikuporter mypackage" or iis there a flag to just download and verify SHA256 without compiling ?
<SaedBhati[m]> <Anarchos> "Saed Bhati: Namaste :)" <- Namaste and thanks for help
<Anarchos> SaedBhati[m]: i tried to learn sanskrit...
<Begasus> Anarchos yes
<Begasus> Anarchos, working on this one atm :)
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<zard> Nice Begasus :)
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<Begasus> thanks zard :)
<zard> bbl
<mbrumbelow> Wow Begasus, that rocks!!!
<Anarchos> Begasus: nice. is it a kde front end to octave ?
<Begasus> yes Anarchos
<Begasus> zard, if you are back, missing an icon for that :)
<Begasus> still need to check 32bit with 5.93.0 framework
<Anarchos> Begasus: like maple or mathematica ?
<Begasus> Anarchos, it's easy to build with cmake, you just have to disable using doctools and turn of PIC in thirdparty cmake file
<Begasus> Anarchos, got me there :D
<Begasus> afk for a while ... break :)
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<zard> Begasus: Alas, don't have time for that
<zard> I'm just watching the chat while working on other things
<Begasus> re
<Begasus> np zard :)
<zard> :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57507] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 79c0b6288f5b - kernel/fs: Make vnode_path_to_vnode and derived methods take VnodePutter&.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 77cf55c4ad5e - kernel/vfs: create_vnode should also create non existing entries when traversing
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57508] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2fb174a701fe - kernel/fs: Add missing initialization.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5aefcbb - analitza, new KDE library (#9975)
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<Begasus> bugger, 64bit buildmaster still down :/
<Begasus> meanwhile got Maxima up and running in Cantor ;)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx c2292dd - HaikuDepotServer: deploy 1.0.153
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<Begasus> nice :) grabbing maxima-5.47.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/maxima-5.47.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Begasus> heading down, cu peeps!
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<erysdren> anyone know if Ventoy works with haiku yet?
<erysdren> or any of those other programs like Ventoy?
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<OscarL> erysdren: can't boot it from Ventoy. As far as I know, the only of those "multi-boot" systems that claim support for booting Haiku is...
<OscarL> erysdren: "easy2boot"
<OscarL> I recall making it work once. But e2b is such a mess, that I never bother with it again.
<erysdren> what
<erysdren> what's that one?
<erysdren> never heard of that one
coolcoder613 has joined #haiku
<coolcoder613> Good morning
<erysdren> good morning
<PulkoMandy> Booting from these things require special drivers to mount a file that's inside a partition (we can do that, but not easily for the boot drive) and also to know which file to mount (some way to pass arguments to our bootloader)
<erysdren> OscarL: looked it up, looks very late 2000s crapware lol
<OscarL> erysdren: (the .xyz one sounds even sketchier :-D)
<PulkoMandy> We don't have that implemented anywhere. So, you have to write haiku to a real partition instead
<erysdren> PulkoMandy: i'm guessing that's not an easy thing to add to the kernel... makes me scared to even try, lol
<OscarL> IIRC, e2b does some trick with MBR partition table, and somehow makes grub or something chainload Haiku's bootloader.
<erysdren> maybe i should just buy another 128gb USB stick and stop trying to find workarounds to not having a spare :P
<erysdren> i wouldn't use ventoy if i had spare USBs
<mmu_man> Ventoy does not support passing the ISO info to our kernel
<erysdren> aye
<mmu_man> I asked once but they didn't seem very interested, I guess we'll have to support their payload handling on our own
* OscarL misses the days of "C:\BeOS\" :-P
<erysdren> mmu_man: it does seem like their problem, not Haiku's, but oh well.
<mmu_man> For Linux they inject modules into the live kernel to fake the CD drive
<mmu_man> Well I did start writing support for a similar thing as IMAGE.BE but never finished
<mmu_man> well since they use hacks it'd mean writing hacks for every OS
* OscarL remembers trying to hack "zbeos" to change BeOS boot icons. /me is getting old :-D
<OscarL> while you're here... thanks mmu_man for all your BeOS/Haiku work over the years. Always an inspiration to me (too bad I lack the skills to do much with it :-D)
<mmu_man> :)
<mmu_man> I recall having to patch the loader to hide the RAM it couldn't use
<OscarL> ram limiter, amd patches for Athlons with SSE... cpu_fix driver for CPUs faster than 1 GHz... lots of fun! :-D
<mmu_man> and nights :D
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