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<PetePete> bjorkintosh, thank you. Yes, it's a lot of work - exponential, actually. You think twins = double the work, but it's really TEN times the work!
<bjorkintosh> oh.
<bjorkintosh> because in binary, 2 is 10!
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<scanty> also, in an amplifier, 10 watts is twice as loud as 1
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<PetePete> true
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<PetePete> We call it "synchronized screaming"
<scanty> how old are they?
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<kallisti5[m]> oh... my. The Clockwork uConsole is absolutely amazing ✨
<kallisti5[m]> I never thought i'd want a handheld device with 1GiB of ram to be my daily driver 😆
<scanty> is that a FPGA-based multi-console?
<kallisti5[m]> riscv64 handheld with 18650's strapped to it
<kallisti5[m]> I mean look at it...
<kallisti5[m]> GLORIOUS
<scanty> that's a good looking PCB
<kallisti5[m]> It's so cleanly designed... someone put a lot of love into it. You can swap the riscv64 cpu board for an arm board too.
<scanty> neat.
<scanty> arm is really cool
<scanty> what sort of I/O does it have?
<kallisti5[m]> it has general purpose i/o exposed
<kallisti5[m]> usb c.. and expansion slot you can design a board for
<scanty> ah cool
<kallisti5[m]> hell... it has a trackball
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<scanty> looks really nicely done.
<kallisti5[m]> the riscv64 version is only $139. Like... that's just a little more expensive than a black-market raspberry pi 5
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<scanty> that's not too bad, but i think the raspis have more I/Os
<scanty> if i'm not mistaken
<augiedoggie> i like the mini riscv laptops, they're cute
<kallisti5[m]> that's hecking adorable
<scanty> i'd love a proper riscv laptop
<kallisti5[m]> and it has a nipple mouse.... mmu_man will like that
<kallisti5[m]> (because they're into those kinds of mice... not nipples)
<kallisti5[m]> ... just thought that needed clarified 😆
<scanty> nice cover ^_^
<coolcoder613> Mmm.. that laptop looks good
* coolcoder613 also likes the devterm
<kallisti5[m]> I'm getting 600KiB/s checking out haiku on the uConsole 😆 dang
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<dcatt> Anyone here ever know what happen to the Screenshot app for haiku. I booted into R1B1 and happen to stumble upon it but looking at my R1B2 and R1B3 installs, it's not installed. I do have Flameshot installed but one thing the Screenshot app can do that Flameshot can't is target an active window.
<dcatt> I meant for my first sentence to be a question (whoops).
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<waddlesplash> it's there
<coolcoder613> Use the printscreen key
<waddlesplash> yep
<dcatt> I'm on a simple Mac keyboard. I'll have to see where to invoke it a different way.
<dcatt> Ah, I see that terminal can get to it via "screenshot"
<dcatt> sweet
<dcatt> I decided to add a shortcut using SHIFT + OPTION + 4 :-)
<coolcoder613> Very.. mac
<dcatt> yup
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<erysdren> i really want a small RISCV desktop machine that i'll put Haiku on
<coolcoder613> Well, first, what does Haiku risc-v run on?
<coolcoder613> then, get a desktop based on that
<erysdren> i think Haiku RISCV supports the VisionFive 2
<erysdren> so i need one of those
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<erysdren> something like that
<coolcoder613> xD
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<zdykstra> How is the keyboard on that little thing?
* coolcoder613 takes a picture
<coolcoder613> It's a nokia e63
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<quarc> so uh... I put haiku on my thinkpad x230 and the wifi doesn't show any networks and the ethernet is giving dial-up speeds
<quarc> actually
* quarc checks if the wifi killswitch is on
<quarc> it isn't
<zdykstra> That's odd. Ethernet on my various machines is performant if not line-rate like Linux
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<quarc> I tried using a usb ethernet adapter and that also gives dial-up speeds
<zdykstra> What's your wifi chipset and network security - wpa2?
<quarc> tried a different cable too
<quarc> uh... I forgot what the wifi chipset is, but there aren't any networks at all
<quarc> lemme reboot the thinkpad to check
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<zdykstra> How are you testing/measuring?
<quarc> haiku thinks it's an iprowifi4965
<quarc> I just searched speedtest on, and trying to use also resulted in, like, a few kB/s download
<zdykstra> Yeah, hmm
<quarc> (google has a built in speedtest for some reason?)
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<quarc> lspci on linux gives me "Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak] (rev 34)" and "Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (Lewisville) (rev 04)"
<zdykstra> Those are big standard, and afaik are well supported. But that's not an authoritative answer.
<zdykstra> Bog
<quarc> apparently the etherent is also a problem on linux
<quarc> wifi isn't tho
<quarc> probably something weird going on with my router
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<zdykstra> That helps narrow things down!
<quarc> welp, used usb tethering with my phone and mobile data to establish a good internet connection on haiku
<quarc> let's see if a software update... oh it's downloading intel_wifi_firmwares-2023_03_06, maybe that'll fix it
<quarc> idk, I'll wait
<waddlesplash> quarc: install-wifi-firmwares isn't needed for iprowifi4965
<waddlesplash> and yes, that PCI ID is indeed iprowifi4965
<waddlesplash> the firmware update is for idualwifi7260 and iaxwifi200, ipw4965 hasn't gotten any new fw in years
<waddlesplash> there are definitely users who use 4965 devices quite frequently
<waddlesplash> if absolutely no networks even show up, check syslog for errors
<waddlesplash> USB ethernet is a bit hit and miss, but that Intel ethernet card should work just fine. really weird that it's "dialup speeds"
<waddlesplash> is this a nightly or the beta?
<quarc> the beta
<waddlesplash> well, first check syslog for errors, see if the wifi failed init or something
<quarc> also the dialup speeds isn't a haiku only thing
<quarc> something strange is going on with my network with that
<quarc> I'll check the syslog
<waddlesplash> ah
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<waddlesplash> 4965 devices can do 802.11n so they should at least gets hundreds of KBs/s at a minimum
<quarc> yeah the wifi failed init
<quarc> something about "could not load firmware .text section, error -2147483639"
<quarc> update finished, lemme try rebooting
<zdykstra> Nightly releases are where the magic happens :)
<quarc> hmm... nope
<quarc> can I switch from an existing beta install to a nightly release, or would I have to reinstall (not much would be lost)
<coolcoder613> you can switch
<waddlesplash> change repos from "r1beta4" to "master", then "pkgman full-sync"
<waddlesplash> yeah, that page has more details
<waddlesplash> quarc: full message? usually there will be a line before that with something maybe more interesting
<waddlesplash> firmware load failures do happen with the next generations of intel wifi hw but not this one, usually
<quarc> here's the entire log, only mentions of iprowifi are around line 564
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<waddlesplash> well error -2147483639 is ETIMEDOUT
<waddlesplash> looking at source code that could be either from nic_lock() failing, or from not getting the interrupt
<waddlesplash> after loading the fw
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<waddlesplash> this actually is rather similar to what happens for idualwifi on some cards actually, fails in a similar way with timeouts during fw load
<waddlesplash> if you want to get your hands dirty you can add more tracing to the driver and see which is failing, and then see what to do about it (increase timeout? etc.)
<waddlesplash> this driver is wholesale from FreeBSD so you can also check if it works on FBSD on the same hw
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<HaikuUser> Test
<erysdren> hello!
<HaikuUser> Hello erysdren
<waddlesplash> quarc: ^^^
<erysdren> how's it going HaikuUser?
<quarc> hmm, yeah
<quarc> I'll probably do that tomorrow
<waddlesplash> quarc: I think a number of the idualwifi problems were seen on Haiku but not FBSD but nobody ever tracked down the differences
<waddlesplash> the 2 machines I have that use that hardware both work
<waddlesplash> as does the machine I have with 4965
<waddlesplash> so, I can't really investigate myself beyond pointing people and suggesting things
<quarc> fair
<waddlesplash> if the problem is "no interrupts" though, there might be other places this is seen
<waddlesplash> quarc: hm this actually appears to be the second half of your syslog. it probably got truncated
<waddlesplash> there should be some lines where iprowifi allocates interrupts
<quarc> strange
<quarc> well I'm going to sleep now
<waddlesplash> check for a file called syslog.old
<waddlesplash> ok
<HaikuUser> @erysdren I'm ok, thanks for asking. Just halfway freezing in my cold Wisconsin, USA basement right now. Haha.
<quarc> thanks tho
<quarc> ... the ethernet could be my isp throttling me because I've been downloading flashpoint (1.5TB) twice
<HaikuUser> @erydren How are you?
<coolcoder613> Hello HaikuUser
<zdykstra> HaikuUser: I'm in the suburbs of Chicago, freezing my ass off in my basement!
<HaikuUser> Hello @ coolcoder613
<erysdren> im doing ok, it's also freezing here in Omaha, Nebraska
<HaikuUser> Hello @zdykstra. It's warm upstairs but my computer desk is here in the basement and I'm too cheap to turn my electric heaters on.
<coolcoder613> Where i am, it's summer ;)
<HaikuUser> @erysdren I heard that's the case in much of the country right now. It's pretty crazy. I've seen colder weather here, but not much colder.
<coolcoder613> Weather here is 21C
<coolcoder613> yesterday was 31
<HaikuUser> @coolcoder613 Wow, that must be nice. It's 0 degrees Fahrenheit right now where I am. Most of the basement window in front of me is covered with frost.
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<HaikuUser> Goodnight everybody! I've got work in the morning.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 5768f31 - fuse-nfs: add disabled recipe for 1.0.0~git (#9999)
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<augiedoggie> heh, the next issue or pull request at haikuports will be #10000
<augiedoggie> drives me nuts when i have a typo in my commit message :/
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<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: I guess our native nfs4 isn't adequate?
<augiedoggie> it crashes a lot
<waddlesplash> I guess there are a bunch of open tickets
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<augiedoggie> and we don't have any native nfs3 options iirc
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Al2O3> pleebs, good mourning
<Begasus> Hi there Al2O3 :)
<Al2O3> yeeeeehaw
<Begasus> k, tokodon didn't like the new kirigami-addons :)
<clee> erysdren: you can get a VisionFive2 for $73 + shipping at Ameridroid, if you want to play with one.
<clee> (if you're in the US anyway)
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<Begasus> Background looks pretty neat :)
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<Al2O3> you have 16 processors, how many cores?
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<Al2O3> 64 or 128 cores and haiku, beos, teapots, I'm game
<Begasus> 8 cores
<Begasus> I think (?) :)
<Al2O3> wait, 16 processors, but 8 cores?
<Al2O3> is that .5 cores per processor?
<Al2O3> :)
<Al2O3> whatever happend to qmu or whatever it was?
<Begasus> It's blazing fast to compile stuff :
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Al2O3> qnx
<Begasus> ah, switched focus
<Al2O3> :)
<Al2O3> yes I did.
<Al2O3> but back to cores and your hardware
<Begasus> too bad, it was nice as a Desktop OS back then too
<Al2O3> it was amazing at a time
<Al2O3> not sure now, seems focused for 20+ years as embedded development.
<Begasus> unlike BeOS they survived :)
<Al2O3> apparently so
<Al2O3> best part, is its making some embedded folks loads of money.
<Al2O3> like millions, and million.
<Al2O3> hope haiku can do the same, always thought it had a niche with embedded and not just general OS
<Al2O3> wonderful iOS-like light weight, which is just embedded for phones.
<Begasus> but we have had over 20years of fun in this OS :D
<Al2O3> well, I'm on 28 years now since my first 2x 66 machine, I missed by a few months the 5 proc hardware.
<Begasus> first 386 in the early 90's
<Al2O3> self built/assembled, or bought?
<Begasus> first one was bought, after the 486 I started to assemble the PC's myself
<Al2O3> 96 is when I got my #00004 bebox, and then an upgrade to 2x 133.
<Al2O3> it was from BeOs.
<Al2O3> Be Inc.
<Begasus> nice!
<Al2O3> buddy helped build the 5 proc protos
<Al2O3> so I got wind, and then got in line to develop
<Begasus> first experience with BeOS was with the PE version that shiped with a magazine here
<Al2O3> yah, I remember those R5 or so mag releases.
<Al2O3> maybe R3 or 4
<Al2O3> not sure, its been a long time.
<Al2O3> sold all my beboxen (2x, the dual 2x66 and 2x133).
<Begasus> not sure if they had the earlier version, but I got the 5 PE (later the PRO version)
<Al2O3> and all the beboxen PPII and PPC stuff
<Al2O3> had a quad PPII (3 of them actually) that was the only one in the world that I knew of working.
<Al2O3> dimmed the lights when powered on.
<Al2O3> literally
<Begasus> heh
<Al2O3> owner of property got all upset about the power bill.
<Al2O3> it was a 'all inclusive rent'
<Begasus> I can imagine :P
<Al2O3> he could as well, go figure
<Al2O3> should have figured it out with a derk diggler nerd renter
<clee> I remember reading reviews about BeOS R4, that was when I first heard about it. I don't think I actually managed to get it installed on any of my own hardware until R5 though
<Al2O3> R5 was a 'movement'
<clee> I was definitely way too late to the game to get any of the BeBoxen
<Al2O3> there is never to late.
<Al2O3> but I get the feel.
<Begasus> With the 5 version it wasn't needed to have a dedicated BeBox
<Al2O3> or PPC
<Al2O3> it was all intel at that point.
<Al2O3> hard to believe its been 28 years or more.
<Al2O3> time flies, I'm old, and shit smells.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> count me in Al2O3 :)
<clee> does Haiku have support for hardware-accelerated video decoding for H264 and/or H265?
<Al2O3> great question for !gooble does Haiku have support for hardware-accelerated video decoding for H264 and/or H265
<Begasus> no hardware acceleration in Haiku
<Begasus> afaik*
<Al2O3> is that Begasus due to hardware priority code no release?
<Al2O3> aka, we fuck you good?
<Begasus> no one has tackeled it?
<Al2O3> aka, not enough traction
<Al2O3> shame
<Begasus> and some of us (eg me) don't realy have a need for it :)
<Al2O3> damn, JLG would roll in his too soon grave.
<Begasus> that's up to the main dev's Al2O3, I'm not one of them :P
<Al2O3> its simply a gravitron accelerometer issue.... Once there is enough mass, it will happen.
<Al2O3> until then, its just orbital.
<Al2O3> and webby is sadly the confabilitor.
<clee> Begasus: it looks like x512[m] has been working on Radeon acceleration for various things at least. wasn't sure if video decode was included
<Begasus> You'd have to take that up with him, I know he's working on the Radeon driver, not sure about accelaration
<Begasus> iirc my Radeon in this laptop was to new to be part there to check :)
<Begasus> to/too ... here we go again :)
<Al2O3> two/too/to be jew
<Begasus> ;)
<Al2O3> what I love most is that folks are working on cool shit 30 years later.
<Al2O3> and if i ever get to run smalltalk ported on beos and have all the libraries with it as well ... heaven
<Al2O3> distributed parcplace/cincom ST would be about the best, even if we could go back to tektronix ST
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<Al2O3> would love to see ST on beos as embedded lightweight iOS or reintegrated tested garbage to the main release.
<Begasus> it wont happen if no one steps up there :)
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<Al2O3> I guarantee it.
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<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> Nice, Kasts working fine with the new framework :)
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HaikuUser is now known as ama
<ama> Hello
<zard> o/
<phschafft> Have a marvellous good morning. :)
<ama> :-)
<phschafft> This must be a strange world. I just looked at a spider killing a fly at work.
<phschafft> as in, this is relevant to my work. and I'm working as a software developer.
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<ama> I am running R1/beta4 (Revision hrev56578+95) on my Acer TravelMate 3000. Everything works fine, except for a couple of things: touchpad (sing an USB mouse, atm) and wifi (using eth, atm).
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<ama> The wifi device is a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Calexico2. It works fine on Linux Devuan daedalus, although when it boots, it detects that the kill switch is off, and when I press the hardware wifi switch, apparently it turns the kill switch on, and the device is recognized and it works just fine.
<ama> Alas, nothing seem to happen when I press that same button on Haiku. Any pointers on what I should maybe look at, please?
<Begasus> ama, simular situation here, touchpad doesn't work, and for wifi I got me a external USB dongle that works fine
<zard> Don't know much about how to solve your problems. But I do know problems like yours are relatively common, so, there's definitely more work to be done with Haiku
<zard> Ah, yes, getting a wifi dongle that Haiku supports is one common solution to wifi problems. I believe there is also a list of supported wifi devices somewhere
<ama> Thank you, zard, Begasus. I was thinking about trying to get one of those, too. Which one are you using, zard? (So that I know it'll work before I buy it)
<ama> s/zard/Begasus :-)
<Begasus> that was mentioned earlier in the forum :)
<ama> Thank you, Begasus.
<Begasus> np
<ama> Ah, it's great that it's so small...
<ama> ...and affordable, it seems. :-)
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<ama> Going for a walk now. Thanks again for the info. SYL
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb b6d9354 - Moe: grab the latest git revision
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<Begasus> it's skewed up on the road, have been driving around for almost 2 hours to do some shopping ...
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<zdykstra> snow/ice/winter conditions?
<Begasus> snow ... and plenty! :)
<Begasus> nice for the dogs, bad on the road atm
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<Anarchos> hello
<zard> o/
<Begasus> 'lo Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus i am still struggling with a huge refactoring of my math verifier
<Begasus> eeps
<Anarchos> Begasus yeah it is a pain to model a logic theory within the frame of a programming language
<Begasus> no idea Anarchos, but I bet you are right :)
<Anarchos> Begasus still found no time to finish my betex pull request
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<Anarchos> Begasus anyway betex is obsoleted by texStudio...
* zard does a bit of research about logic theory
<Begasus> it's only what serves you, if BeTex does then still use that
<zard> Ok, seems to do about what I thought it would do. Your project seems somewhat interesting
<Anarchos> Begasus sure : texstudio crashed a lot when i typed a whole math problem for a friend
<Begasus> heh
<zard> Especially since I've had an idea of doing it myself previously :)
<zard> Yep, nice project
<Anarchos> zard the native haiku gui is there :
<Begasus> Anarchos, you know we love screenies ;)
<zard> lol yes. Screenshots please :D
<Anarchos> Begasus i already sent some if i remember
* Begasus thinks he needs new glaces ..
<Anarchos> Begasus let me find some
<Begasus> could be Anarchos :)
<Anarchos> zard do you know a good paste bin website for images without too much ads ?
<Begasus> or
<zard> Yes, I like that one too :)
<Begasus> ah, this one is text only I think
<Begasus> Anarchos, install UploadIt, it's a nice add-on for that
<Anarchos> zard
<Begasus> looks nice Anarchos
<zard> Nice :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus i hope so.
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<Anarchos> zard in fact the Gui just connects to a server. all the math business is completely separated from the gui
<zard> Ok, that should make developing alternative front-ends easier
<zard> Or let you run the back-end on a more powerful server computer, if it ever happens to be necessary :-)
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<zard> No wonder you split the project across two git repositories
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice anarchos.
<Anarchos> zard it is already the case at home : math server runs on a more powerful desktop than my haiku laptop
<Anarchos> andreasdr[m] thanks
<Anarchos> zard but beware the licence.
<zard> lol
<zard> Probably not the most legally sound license, but funny nonetheless
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<Anarchos> zard i could not find a similar one so i did mine
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<zard> One thing I know you likely failed to do is disclaim the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which are granted by default under US law (IANAL obviously)
<zard> (and least of all a lawyer capable of dealing with international law)
<Anarchos> zard i am french. my licence is french. f*ck US law in France :D
<zard> Well, what if somebody from the US wants to contribute ;)
<Anarchos> zard i won't allow external contributions.
Anarchos has quit [Quit: fight the power ! (my favorite quote of public enemy)]
<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57517] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a2270c703575 - kernel/vm: Avoid committing memory in vm_map_file for PRIVATE_MAP without PROT_WRITE.
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hayder0687HayderAbdullahBashar is now known as tacocat[m]
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<erysdren> good morning!
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* coolcoder613_32 once made an account here.. and then I come across a thread which is just my area
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello qwebirc99868
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<zdykstra> 10GB NIC in a tiny computer, heh
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello vimes
<vimes> Hi
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<KitsunePrefecture> Ahoy,
<KitsunePrefecture> Seems Haiku Gerrit is down again
<KitsunePrefecture> I opened a ticket about it
<KitsunePrefecture> #18756
<KitsunePrefecture> Bye
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrrrr.
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<qwebirc99868> Hi, just installed Haiku on a thin client with AMD apu, radeon 8280E, should it be using the VESA driver like it does now?
<zdykstra> most likely yes
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<qwebirc99868> theres no amd gpu driver with 2d/3d acceleration yet?
<waddlesplash> no
<waddlesplash> there's an out of tree one for Radeon Southern Islands but it's experimental and doesn't support any other generations.
<qwebirc99868> ok, thnks for the info. all other essential devices seem to be compatible.
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