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<slema> oh thanks
<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<zard> And slema :)
<coolcoder613> zard: Have you seen my minchat program? It's hosted a
* zard heads on over
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<slema> Would anyone recommend a minimalist image viewer ? I am for looking like what you get in Finder on MacOS: selec files, (press space) and you see images in window direcly and just press arrows for next, previous. No heavy UI
<slema> I mean there's showImage but it will open one window per file. Unless there's an option I am missing?
<slema> OK I got it.. I I got to full screen with ShowImage I can move with the alt-arrow. Bit weird to ahve to open 300 windows first
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57659] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 76142a9377bb - package_daemon: Try to use the old activated-packages file time for the state name.
<scanty> anyone know how many blockers we've got for beta 5?
<waddlesplash> technically 2
<waddlesplash> but those priority=critical probably should count as well
<scanty> gotcha waddlesplash
<scanty> thanks!
<scanty> seems like we're almost there.
<scanty> is there going to be a smooth upgrade path, or would we have to install the OS from scratch>?
<coolcoder613> Smooth upgrade, i think
<scanty> that's what i would expect, coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> Like upgrading to nightly
<coolcoder613> Because a beta is not so different from the nightly version before it
<coolcoder613> It's just marked as beta, because there are no blocker bugs
<scanty> good point.
<scanty> i found three bugs in beta 4 that have probably been fixed already, so i'm going to wait until beta5 comes out to file them.
<scanty> they are minor
<waddlesplash> might as well test a nightly and find out.
<scanty> i supposei can install a vm tomorrow and check
<scanty> bug the first, ext4 filesystem identified as ext2, but can still read and write. bug the second, tracker doesn't show the right date for file modification, and finally, on exit from *first* entry into BWindowScreen, the proper resolution is not repelnished. but only the first time.
<scanty> replenished*
<augiedoggie> what do you by identified as ext2? the ext2 driver handles 2/3/4
<scanty> it's identified in tracker as "ext2 volume"
<scanty> 1.9TiB ext2 volume
<augiedoggie> there might be a ticket for that one, i've seen it discussed somewhere
<augiedoggie> but it's just that it uses the generic driver name of ext2
<scanty> i see.
<scanty> what about tracker and it's weird dates
<scanty> it's showing dates from 1800s
<scanty> and 1700s
<augiedoggie> i know you can get weird dates from fat filesystems, that's about it
<scanty> okay, so that explains that
<scanty> i can look into the bwindowscreen bug tomorrow
<scanty> it's a strange one.
<augiedoggie> i'm pretty sure i've seen tickets about resolution changes after running some SDL games, not sure if it's related
<scanty> don't know anything about SDL, as i have never used it.
<scanty> i mean, i've heard of it, but never actually used it for anything.
<scanty> i prefer platform apis
<augiedoggie> sure, just sayin' there might be a related ticket for the issue
<scanty> gotcha
<augiedoggie> since it uses BWindowScreen and friends
<scanty> i want to move my sound api to the gamekit, but quite frankly i don't understand the apis, so i'm stuck with the media kit, which works great for my needs.
<augiedoggie> there might be some test apps in the haiku repo
<augiedoggie> most of the kits have test apps
<scanty> link?
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<scanty> thanks :-)
<scanty> hmm these are helpful
<augiedoggie> nice
<scanty> i'll see what i can come up with this weekend
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<scanty> i think i will make a "SoundPusher" class.
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<scanty> 'nite. thanks for the tips augiedoggie. i'll let you know how it goes.
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<augiedoggie> good luck
<scanty> thanks
<augiedoggie> i've never used it so i won't be much help :/
<scanty> i'll bother PulkoMandy if i get stuck :)
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<B2IA> (binky) Hello from Haiku running on riscv64 :-)
<slema> Hi there
<slema> I have my vision five booting but not with my own build and the other one (binary from january by X512) does not recognize mouse
<slema> but right now I am fighting another issue with zsh on haiku
<slema> not sure why with bash I get the correct path for python apps such as haikuporter but under zsh not
<slema> since /etc/profile is included in my .zshrc I am not sure which one I miss ?
<kallisti5[m]> slema: so, a lot of that stuff was fixed upstream
<kallisti5[m]> there's new bash hpkg which fixes a lot of issues, and a new python 3.10 + 3.12 package which both work
<kallisti5[m]> try pkgman install python3.10
<kallisti5[m]> i'll try to build a new zsh for you :-)
<kallisti5[m]> build-requires "devel:libgdbm" of package "zsh-5.8.1" could not be resolved bah. nevermind
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<barusu> Good morning!
<coolcoder613_> Hi Begasus
<Begasus[m]> Hi coolcoder613
<Begasus[m]> Was reading back on the log :)
<Begasus> biab
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e692e6c - lazarus, new recipe (#10233)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL d19c839 - expandvars: new recipe. (#10237)
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<OscarL> Hallo Begasus :-)
<OscarL> Yesterday I was looking into cleaning up some remaining .recipes for some _python3* packages...
<OscarL> got hit again by the ever-growing tree of dependencies :-(
<OscarL> people adding a dependency on a whole different package, just for 1 or 2 short functions they could have just copied over :-(
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> python hell :)
<OscarL> python-hell**(number of supported python versions) :-/
<nephele> remove python, ezzy
<Begasus> whoot that too :P
<Begasus> nephele, no haikuporter without python
<nephele> *shrug*
<Begasus> k, pycharm has also been updated upstream :P
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<Begasus> make LCL_PLATFORM=qt6 bigide INSTALL_PREFIX=/boot/home/destdir/ install (works too for lazarus)
<Begasus> this bigide thing never did the trick before here
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus add3309 - qt6_webview, new recipe (#10231)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 6a24a10 - ghostscript: bump version (#10235)
<Begasus> OscarL, "tig" update needs more work or ready to go?
<OscarL> The only thing we could do is try running TEST() on the current version, to see if the bug is a regression, or it was always there.
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<OscarL> if the latter, we should just merge the PR, IMO.
<Begasus> k, test launched here
<OscarL> problem is... those tig test take a lot of time, and trash the HDD :-/
<OscarL> (trash as in... they use it a lot)
<Begasus> hope it clean up after it's done :)
<OscarL> yeah, no issues there at least! (unlike python's test suites :-D)
<Begasus> even when run with haikuporter?
<OscarL> you ask about python's or tig's tests?
<Begasus> anything specific I should see in the tests for "tig"?
<OscarL> 3 fails related to "emoji".
<Begasus> these ones?
<Begasus> others are there too: /sources/tig-2.5.7/test/tools/ line 220: cd: work-dir/bench/common/src: No such file or directory
<OscarL> Mmm "Results for 2.5.8 (took around 15 minutes):", I must have confused the long test times with the ones for "git" :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> I had a 4 hours test run on that, I think (now I'm in doubt :-D)
<Begasus> so it's 3 out of 6 for the emoticons test, how about the other tests?
<Begasus> it finishes with an error here so I can't see a summary
<OscarL> Begasus: the rest all passed. "# SUMMARY Failed 3 of 552 assertions in 145 tests (2 skipped)"
<OscarL> Begasus: maybe add a comment on the PR before merging?
<Begasus> me wonders why the others fail ;)
<OscarL> something like: "these tests already failed in current version" (so it is clear that it is not a regression).
<Begasus> well, if the others pass on the newer version it's progress ;)
<aazam[m]> Good morning :>
<Begasus> Hello aazam[m]
<OscarL> Begasus: ... before doing any thing with git after running those tig tests....
<OscarL> please re-check your "git config" settings.
<OscarL> specially "" and ""
<OscarL> `git config --list --global` (make sure they do NOT read "Committer" after tig tests :-P)
<Begasus> src_test() {
<Begasus> # workaround parallel test failures
<Begasus> LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 emake -j1 test
<Begasus> }
<Begasus> from Gentoo, maybe could help?
<OscarL> for the emoji thing? no.
<OscarL> well...
<OscarL> actually...
<OscarL> let me confirm (I've tried LC_ALL, but with C)
<Begasus> nope, didn't fix it :)
<OscarL> even if it did... would still fail for users using other locales.
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<Begasus> probably, was worth a try though :)
<Begasus> no patches reported for Debian/Fedora/Gentoo
<OscarL> Begasus: that's why I opened
<Begasus> git config --list --global (still ok here)
<Begasus> yeah saw that, good to go then :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 9810789 - tig: update to version 2.5.8. (#10158)
<Begasus> added comment
<OscarL> +1
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<Begasus> Hello jmairboeck! Welcome to the team! :)
<jmairboeck> Hi Begasus! Thanks!
<Begasus> No problem, you earned your place, been an amazing help
<Begasus> I know the basics, you know the dephts(?) :)
<jmairboeck> I will probably start working on upgrading texlive to 2024 this weekend. But don't expect anything too soon, that one is big ...
<Begasus> bigger then last years?
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<jmairboeck> you also know a lot, Begasus! And you dedicate more time than most of us :)
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<Begasus> I "got" the time now jmairboeck :)
<Begasus> just don't ask me to build/check texlive on 32bit :P
<jmairboeck> regarding the size of texlive: I don't know yet, but at least as big as 2023
<Begasus> can spare another 5GB for the source ;)
<Begasus> anyway, if you have something to checkout I can do some test runs on 64bit :)
<jmairboeck> I won't test it on 32 bit as well, my VM isn't big enough for bigger things. I think I'll need new hardware for these things. And more space ...
<Begasus> well, there's still current version, should be good for some years, so we can leave 32bit on that
<jmairboeck> the problem is, at least with the "texlive" package that I have to build it twice because the createSubpackageInfos script needs the installed version of the package database
<jmairboeck> so that will take quite some time
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<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Where can i find the best tips and tricks for getting my Intel HD audio working (2012 Mac pro)? I've tried the Open Audio and a packages blacklist... But I need to find an active community page to discuss and persue this... Please tell me where to go?
<OscarL> Weee! Congrats jmairboeck!!! :-)
<jmairboeck> thanks OscarL!
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<barusu> Just bought a new VPS for myself. :)
<Begasus> UnrealNeil, the forum would be the best place I guess
<Begasus> or they could re-direct you maybe ...
<Begasus> congrats barusu :)
* Begasus wonders what a VPS is ...
<barusu> virtual private server. I plan to run my IRC bouncer and other stuff there
<barusu> had been planning for long
<Begasus> with my last typo the other day I'm afraid to look up :P
<barusu> haha
<barusu> what was it, though?
<Begasus> nvm there :P
<OscarL> heh
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Begasus: Ummm... what/which "the forum" would that be?
<Begasus> it passed with a "blink" in an eye (hope I got it right this time) :D
<OscarL> UnrealNeil:
<Begasus> in/of (probably) :D
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) OscarL: Thanks
<OscarL> UnrealNeil: but you're more likely to get redirected to open a bug report on (info on reporting bugs:
<Begasus> install package fpc_source-3.2.2-1 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus> install package fpc-3.2.2-4 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus> install package lazarus_bin-3.2-1 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus> nice :)
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) OscarL: Ok, wow... like on Starship Troopers? They had some bugs to report...
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<OscarL> UnrealNeil: "I'm from Buenos Aires [*], and I say kill them all!" --- > [*] literally, born in the Buenos Aires province down here in Argentina :-P
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<OscarL> Begasus: Before I do more... what do you think about removing 3.9 support for a group of related packages (while doing cleanups/updates)?
<Begasus> OscarL, as long as they don't brake any existing packages, bumping to 3.11?
<OscarL> Nah... don't want to add support for versions that we will end up just skipping.
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: already tried skipping even 3.10 on riscv64 :-P
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> went for 3.12 directly, not sure why he declined my 3.13.0-alpha5, thou! :-P
<Begasus> OscarL, quite a list for "inrecipe python39"
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> wasn't there a thing in the past in Linux's for "even" releases and "uneven"?
<Begasus> "oneven"*
<OscarL> Begasus: re ir python39: yeah... it's a pain in the neck. that's why I'm not that eager to just add too many python versions :-)
<OscarL> (on the packages at least)
<OscarL> *_python3xx packages
<Begasus> maybe it would be better to just provide packages for "current" python version (eg 3.10 atm)
<Begasus> like most boost packages are now going with 1.83.0 atm
<OscarL> Begasus: that would be my suggestion, while "testing the waters" for newer versions (future defaults).
<Begasus> yeah, the newer python version can be around, those wanting something against those can still use them, but I guess it would be better to stick to the main python version for most packages there
<OscarL> I do not want to end up again with packages for 5 Python versions :-D (2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10)
<Begasus> unlike lua :/
<Begasus> right :)
<Begasus> you got "my" green light on it :) (be aware of the python "bites") :P
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<OscarL> As long as we provide "proper" main python packages + pip (+setuptools for now), I'd say users should just try to "pip install" what they need. And complain with upstream repos if that doesn't works on Haiku... or write a .recipe for it :-P
<OscarL> Begasus: alright. Thanks for the feedback.
<Begasus> yeah, works as good as npm
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) "listdev" shows devices. Ok, good. What command shows which devices... have drivers mapped... and/or which devices do not have drivers loaded/mapped....? or is there something in the GUI?
<Begasus> DeviceManager?
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<OscarL> UnrealNeil: Deskbar->Applications->Devices
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Begasus: I would have liked to think so. But, in lokoing through "devices", I can't ascertain what has a driver and what doesn't....
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<Begasus> me should look better in the menu next time :)
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Everything has an entry in device/driver... but so many things don't work. Do I need to place bug reports on all items?
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) e.g. random device/driver busmanagers/random/driver_v1
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) what the heck?
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> no idea there, but I guess a syslog contains all that information also?
<OscarL> does /dev/random do not work for you? if
<OscarL> if... it doesn't... file a bug report.
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) or for my Audio... device/driver | busmanagers/pci/driver_v1; but also and entry that says Driver used | Unknown?
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) what entry actually defines the driver?
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) When I'm sure it's trying the "hda" driver, as displayed in Media settings
<OscarL> sounds like you don't have a working driver for your sound card. Report that with the listdev/syslog.
<Bebert_Haiku> +B2IA : listimage | grep kernel may help you...
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Bebert_Haiku: yeah, I looked at that earlier... but it lists so few... compared to the entries in listdev
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) OscarL: Thanks.... I think...
<OscarL> that shows the list of device ids the hda driver supports.
<Bebert_Haiku> +B2IA Other devices have generic driver or are not recognised by os, only by the PCI Bus.
<Bebert_Haiku> Linux lcpci -k miss you ! :-)
<Bebert_Haiku> lspci -k
<OscarL> Bebert_Haiku: you can install pciutils.
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) OscarL: oh, okay. that explains it.... not many and not mine.... 1e20
<Begasus> lspci works on Haiku
<OscarL> Bebert_Haiku: `pkgman search cmd:lspci`
<Bebert_Haiku> good idea :-) with -k option ?
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Bebert_Haiku: thanks, I'll look into it
<OscarL> no "-k" apparently.
<Begasus> "-k" only shows the options?
<OscarL> Begasus: that's the kick, I assume that on linux it shows the kernel module associated with each device.
<Begasus> tss :P
<Begasus> OscarL "tig" failed on the buildmasters :)
<OscarL> :-(
<Begasus> needs git?
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<Begasus> same error on both
<OscarL> need to recheck... three weeks ago... and you know about my focus issues :-P
<OscarL> let me stash my current things, and I'll try on 32 bits.
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<Begasus> same error local on 64bit
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Re: My Audio | lspci -s 00:1b -n -vvv
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Gives me the most info. very nice
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) but nothing about drivers.
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) so I'm off bug reporting. many thanks for all your help
<Begasus> OscarL, you broke it! :P
<OscarL> Begasus: with hp -G it doesn't complains about git ;-)
<OscarL> I think $jobArgs is making a fool of me :-P
<Begasus> #make install-doc-man
<Begasus> that one is failing
<Begasus> errr .. now it builds fine?
<OscarL> yes, but it did worked repeateadly here before.
<Begasus> recipe for target 'doc/tigmanual.7.xml' failed
<Begasus> checking for asciidoc... no
<Begasus> checking for xmlto... no
<Begasus> checking for docbook2pdf... no
<Begasus> none needed for that?
<OscarL> docbook2pdf, no.
<OscarL> xmltp and asciidoc should only be needed to re-create the docs, not to use the ones on the release (AFAIR). sigh.
<Begasus> the other 2 are required
<OscarL> required might be a too strong a word, from what I remember of reading tig's documentation. but that was 3 weeks ago. need to recheck.
<Begasus> it only installs the man pages also, maybe just cp them in the recipe?
<Begasus> and copy the html page to $docDir?
<Begasus> $developDorDir :)
<Begasus> arghh ... $developDocDir*
<Begasus> biab ... dogs :)
<OscarL> was trying to avoid that, and I swear I had working .hpkg at some point (on 64 bits)
<OscarL> moving "make install-doc-man" above "make install" seems to be enough. Will do several `hp -c tig_x86` / `hp tig_x86` cycles, just to be sure.
<OscarL> oh, f**k off tig!!!
<Begasus> heh, doesn't work :P
<Begasus> just add asciidoc and xmlto and be done :)
<Begasus> oh, but you'd still miss the html page ...
<OscarL> I do not want to include the hmtml, nor depend on asciidoc/xmlto (we can just use the already built man pages).
<OscarL> I will just revert to cp as in the previous version.
<Begasus> probably due to good reason done then :)
<OscarL> yes, but the comment about why was wrong... prompting me to try other things.
<Begasus> haven't looked there, ps, the html pages could be handy for developers?
<OscarL> previous recipe mentioned "xmlto deps failing", but it worked when I've tried... then noticed you don't need asciidoc nor xmlto.... and "man install-man-doc" worked when I've tried it.
<Begasus> lol, I'm not the master in nitpicking :P
<aazam[m]> Aside from unit testing, how else do I test whether the changes I've made to a file aren't causing a broken build to be made?
<Begasus> OscarL, it only mentions cmd:xmlto there, doesn't mention the requirement for asciidoc
<Begasus> aazam[m], build it?
<OscarL> Begasus: indeed, but you see it fying by during the build. What I mean is... no need to re-create the docs from scratch.
<Begasus> right also :)
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<OscarL> .html files do not add anything of substance for this package. That was my impression 3 weeks ago. Let me re-check.
<Begasus> not needed OscarL, just html pages that contain the same as the man pages
<aazam[m]> Begasus: Building or compiling it?
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<Begasus> aazam[m], I'm assuming you are trying to fix something in the Haiku source, then build Haiku and boot it to see if it's not broken?
<aazam[m]> Begasus: Yes exactly
<aazam[m]> Although I'm trying to see if I can catch any errors before needing to boot it up
<Begasus> not familiar with the source here, just got a script that does the building for me and one to boot it in qemu
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<Begasus> I wouldn't even know where to look for failing tests in the Haiku sourcetree ;)
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<aazam[m]> How do you find whether the changes you've made are working?
<OscarL> k, 3 times in a row (hp -c tig_x86, hp tig_x86)... all OK. Will open PR, Begasus.
<Begasus> okido :)
<Begasus> no hidden gems in you branches? :P
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<OscarL> aazam[m]: depends on what you changed?
<aazam[m]> OscarL: the BPoint::PrintToStream() debugger
<OscarL> aazam[m]: say... if you only changed something on a regular app, you might just need to start the newly compiled app from under the "generated/*" directory, and compare behaviour with the older one.
<aazam[m]> I see I see
<OscarL> BPoint lives in, so you need an app that uses BPoint::PrintToStream().... liked to
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<OscarL> and instad of using the installed under /system/lib...
<OscarL> s/instad/instead/
<OscarL> you can place your test app, and your newly built (the one with your changes), under a "lib" dir, in the same dir as your test app.
<aazam[m]> Oh I understand now
<OscarL> that should avoid having to install/test a whole new haiku.hpkg, AFAIK.
<aazam[m]> So I won't have to bother with building the entire thing
<aazam[m]> OscarL: Yeah that is what I am trying to avoid
<OscarL> for more complex things... installing a custom haiku.hpkg is also faster/easier than building a whole .iso, but each can has their use-cases.
<OscarL> s/can has/can have/ (sorry for the typos and fractured English)
<aazam[m]> No worries, I thought it was a directory at first xD
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 37b0c36 - tig: fix build. (#10238)
<OscarL> bbl (need to run some errands)
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<barusu> It was a bit tedious but I finished setting up my IRC bouncer. The end result is pretty great. I get access to messages while I am offline.
<Begasus> nice :)
<Borg> barusu: what did you use?
<Borg> I remember ages ago I wrote my own simple bounce for my needs...
<Borg> now I just use screen + irssi
<barusu> Borg: I used soju as the bouncer with senpai as my client.
<Borg> holy moly.. never heard of that.. I was rooting for ZNC ;)
<Anarchos> barusu why don't you use whitequark logs ?
<barusu> I just like the terminal.
<Borg> barusu: Go fan?
<barusu> I like it but haven't had a chance to write it for long. It's pretty simple and powerful as it allowed me to build something like as my first project.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-10/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 3e944bf - Binutils: remove some old recipes (#10150)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 7d1c4a3 - previous: update to version 3.1. (#10126)
<Begasus> OscarL, still away?
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<OscarL> Begasus: more or less back :-)
<OscarL> did I break anything else? :-D
<Begasus> not yet ;)
<Begasus> what's the stats on tldr?
<OscarL> let me recheck.
<Begasus> k, thanks
<OscarL> will run a build on 32 bits, just in case.
<Begasus> +1 :)
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<OscarL> fetchin pacakge for gcc_x86_syslibs_devel :-/
<Begasus> tss
<OscarL> builds just fine without it (after I've uninstalled it from system)
<Begasus> why not just disable it ?
<Begasus> for testing*
<OscarL> commented it out on the recipe, but... just in case :-P
<Begasus> works fine here too with it disabled
<Begasus> works/builds* (wouldn't know how to test it)
<OscarL> tldr also has that "make: git: Command not found"... lots of projects try to use git to try and generate a version number...
<Begasus> yeah, mostly not included in the recipes
<OscarL> if you give them cmd:git... some get confused when the .git they find... it is not the one they expect (from upstream).
<OscarL> but the one HaikuPorter creates :-P
<Begasus> seen it happen that things don't work as expected when enabled
<OscarL> first run of tldr is SLOOOOOW.
<Begasus> creating cache?
<OscarL> yeah... downloads a fat archive.
<Begasus> pretty quick here "tldr -l" also
<Begasus> at least I just ran "tldr -u"
<OscarL> welp, not that big... but whatever it does after unpaking them.... pretty slow on a HDD.
<OscarL> seems to work fine.
<OscarL> data now under "~/config/cache/tldrc".
<Begasus> right, looks ok here too
<OscarL> Good enough for me.
<OscarL> will remove that gcc_x86_syslibs_devel from the PR.
<Begasus> give a yell wen done :)
<dovsienko> hello folks. what do you use to edit man pages on Haiku besides plain text editors?
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<Begasus> hi dovsienko, haven't done that yet
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<Begasus> maybe emacs can do?
<dovsienko> possibly. never tried it though, so may be a new trick for an old dog
<OscarL> Begasus: AAAAHHHH! (enough of a yell? :-P)
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<Begasus> thanks :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 46acaac - tldr: update to version 1.6.1. (#10153)
<OscarL> dovsienko: never done more than convert files to/from manpages, but... if you don't mind installing java: for "WYSIWYG", or for "let me just edit something simpler" approach ?
<dovsienko> OscarL: thanks
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<OscarL> I'd offer pandoc proper, but I think we don't have a working haskell compiler at the moment :-/
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<Anarchos> OscarL as soon as qemu will be fast enough, i will install a ubuntu on it, to help to port haskell compiler
<OscarL> Anarchos: good to hear, I could really use shellcheck (also needs a Haskell compiler) to compensate for my poor bash-skills :-D
<Begasus> +1 Anarchos :)
<OscarL> Anarchos: but having a fast enough QEMU on Haiku to run ubuntu... maybe you could dualboot on one of your machines? (bet it would be faster, even if you ssh from your other Haiku machines into it).
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<OscarL> *but having.... "might take a while", I cut that phrase in half, sorry :-)
<OscarL> mmm.... "package activation in packagefs: Name in use" weird.
<OscarL> let's see if poezio_x86 still installs/works with updated "yarl".
<Anarchos> OscarLi isntall haiku32 and haiku64 on this server, with bootloader from haiku. No idea how to install a 3rd OS, and not sure if i have spare storage on the hard drive to do that
<OscarL> I see. Well... if you had space on the same disk you installed Haiku, you just need to install Ubuntu, say, on partition 3, and the only important detail would be to use ext4, and installing the bootloader not in /dev/sda, but on /dev/sda3 (assuming said "partition 3" was given to Linux).
<Anarchos> OscarL which bootlooader ?
<OscarL> Grub2, the default on Ubuntu, last time I've checked.
<Begasus> I'm using the Haiku's bootmanager also to boot Manjaro (if at all) on the other laptop
<OscarL> then... you just run Haiku's BootManager, and add that "partition 3" to the list. Should work right away.
<Anarchos> OscarL i won't take the risk to mess my server :) and playing with qemu will be nice for me in the future to run modified version of haiku without fear.
<Anarchos> OscarL is there a command line to see if i have spare partition on disk ?
<Begasus> just install the ubuntu bootmanager to it's own partition?
<Anarchos> (or spare space)
<OscarL> Anarchos: Just use DriveSetup ?
<Anarchos> OscarL DriveSetup is graphical and use this server by ssh, cause RemoteDesktop is too slow
<Anarchos> even on my local network
<OscarL> you won't be installing ubuntu on that thing via ssh anyway.
<Anarchos> OscarL what is why my qemu solution i chose :)
<OscarL> nor adding any spare old hdd you might have lying around? :-D
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<Anarchos> OscarL no sorry
<OscarL> In that case, I would have done it the other way around. Ubuntu as host, Haiku as VM.
<Anarchos> and installing ubuntu is a pain : download an iso, burn a usb stick etc
<Anarchos> OscarL no way i run haiku in a vm :)
<OscarL> you're only using it via ssh, I don't see what you gain from bare metal in this particular scenario, but... you do you :-)
<OscarL> now, how the hell I tested poezio in the past, mmm.
<OscarL> welp, it starts, and reads: "Connected to server", and "Authentification success". Good enough Begasus? :-P
<OscarL> Your JID is [...][...] :-D
<Anarchos> OscarL haiku is damn fast bare metal :)
<OscarL> "jeproteste".... French... protesting? unheard of!
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<Anarchos> OscarL «Je proteste». i am french
<Anarchos> OscarL and USA people are more on strike than us...
<OscarL> Anarchos: do as you please, of course. An instance of Haiku running on QEMU (on a linux host) would give you near native speeds).
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<Anarchos> OscarL i adopted beos not to run linux again on my machines . Never will i go back ;)
<OscarL> not sure if USA strikes that much (considering its huge population), or the ones that do just get more press, as anything in USA does around large parts of the world.
<Anarchos> OscarL last time i read it was stats : 'nb of hours of strike / nb employees/per year' so pretty accurate
<Anarchos> OscarL anyway , i am french and i protest not so often
<OscarL> well, I'm argentine, and I don't Tango.
<OscarL> Still, we tend to associate a thing or two to certain places :-)
<OscarL> Also... what are you waiting... gotta pump those protest numbers, my friend! :-P
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57660] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 43d1a0dc3c70 - runtime_loader: Implement DT_RUNPATH
<Begasus> OscarL, I think people protest a lot more then they do in France :P
<Begasus> here* :)
<OscarL> Begasus: Welp... I would protest too, if I was your neighbour! :-P
<Begasus> 0_°
* Begasus pays OscarL a visit with the "pack"
<Begasus> they'll kill you!!! (with kisses) :P
<OscarL> awww! much better than the two dogs that attempted to murder me today when I went out on my bike :-(
<Begasus> you must be fast then :)
<OscarL> *motorbike :-)
<OscarL> (but my poor old bike can't be called fast by any strech of the imagination :-D)
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<Begasus> got you home safe, so fast enough :)
<OscarL> Indeed. Won't complain much about that poor thing, not after the 3500+ Km trip I did on it in 2010 :-)
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<cyrusbuilt> Never saw this happen before: Error: pycharm_community_bin-2023.3.5.recipe not found in tree.
<cyrusbuilt> This is with a new recipe file
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<Anarchos> cyrusbuilt did you git pull the haikuports tree ?
<Anarchos> that's what i do to find recipes myself
<cyrusbuilt> Yeah. I'm trying to build a new recipe though
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<cyrusbuilt> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I just gotta figure out what I did lol
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<Begasus> should be straightforward I guess cyrusbuilt
<Begasus> checked out the source earlier today, launched still ok :)
<cyrusbuilt> yeah I'm doing something wrong. not sure what yet
<Begasus> works here,
<Begasus> ~> hp pycharm_community_bin
<Begasus> Checking if any dependency-infos need to be updated ...
<Begasus> updating dependency infos of pycharm_community_bin-2023.3.5
<Begasus> just change the date of the recipe :)
<Begasus> eg 2023.2.3 to 2023.3.5
<Begasus> there goes another ... Length: 611250164 (583M) [binary/octet-stream]
<Begasus> checksum: d8ffc4a20b692d506b0e4c4439b77fabca7f3a0fdb7eaddeb6c9edd7cb3febaf
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<Begasus> cyrusbuilt, remember to run haikuporter with -G "hp pycharm_community_bin -G" :)
<Begasus> ow and cyrusbuilt, don't add the "version" number, it's only useful if you want to build an obsolete package
<Begasus> grabbing pycharm_community_bin-2023.3.5-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/pycharm_community_bin-2023.3.5-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Anarchos> Begasus what does the -G does ?
<Begasus> k, I'm no good there :)
<Begasus> skips "initialize git repository" Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus when you already downloaded and uunzip the tgz source ?
<Begasus> and as this is a _bin package there is no need for it, and saves a LOT of time on those large archives :D
<Anarchos> Begasus what is a _bin package ?
<Begasus> a prebuild package Anarchos
<Begasus> so you can't change source files in there anyway
<Anarchos> Begasus never used that...
<Begasus> Anarchos, mostly you see haikuporter "unpacking" and create git repo before starting the build
<OscarL> Anarchos: HaikuPorter, in order to help you create patches, if needed, initializes a git repo after it unpacks the sources. Can be REALLY slow for big projects, specially if you KNOW you won't be using that functionality, thus... you can use "hp -G"
<Begasus> got that from OscarL :)
<Anarchos> OscarL got it
<OscarL> *create or just apply, I must say.
<Anarchos> OscarL i am more on the 'push patches to source so we don't have to build recipes anymore' side :)
<Begasus> if there is patching involved in the source, you NEED that git repo
<OscarL> some ".patch"es do not apply cleanly with patch, but they do with "git apply", so there's also that aspect.
<OscarL> Begasus: no you don't *NEED* need.
<Anarchos> OscarL th'ats' what i did for ocaml which works 'almost' without any modification from the sources
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57661] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 34fcf3d9ead1 - kernel/fs: Refactor file_descriptor seek-disabled behavior.
<Begasus> not OscarL?
<Begasus> how do you create a new patchset then?
<OscarL> patch tool for example.
<OscarL> diff
<Begasus> tsss
<Begasus> :)
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<OscarL> what I meant is... you said "if there's patching involved, you need the git repo". not technically truth, just more convenient :-)
<OscarL> and only sometimes *required*, when the patches do not apply with plain /bin/patch
<Begasus> don't you need an "old" and "new" file for, patch or diff?
<Begasus> to create them (not apply)
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<OscarL> cp file.c new.c, then modify and diff? :-P
<Begasus> oh man!! :P
<OscarL> lots of ways around NOT using patchsets or git properly :-)
<Begasus> and only for a souce of 500KiB? :P
<Begasus> it's just easier ;)
<OscarL> once you know enough abou the tools involved, yes.
<OscarL> at first? it can be a bit nightmerish :-)
<Begasus> it's the same as using git on a regular repo
<Begasus> git diff, git commit -a, hp -e
<Begasus> short version :P
<OscarL> heck, I even wrote a script to split big .patchsets into smaller chunks... before I knew they were actually supposed to be mbox files, and supported by "git am" :-D
<Begasus> git am as in git ammend?
<OscarL> Begasus: my first attempts at dealing with a non-applying .patchset... was with the one for vboxadditions... yikes!
<Begasus> you had to pick the hard one :P
<OscarL> Begasus: next one I went easier... Python :-/
<Begasus> came to mind here :D
<Begasus> no test for yarl?
<OscarL> Begasus: "git am --help": "Apply a series of patches from a mailbox".
<Begasus> ImportError: Error importing plugin "pytest_cov": No module named 'pytest_cov'
<Begasus> fix it? :P
<Begasus> never heard about that one OscarL
<Begasus> KISS :D
<OscarL> no TESTS(), no need for pytest_cov. Fixed already! :-P
<Begasus> hehe
<OscarL> Begasus: how do YOU deal with a big .patchset that does not applies?
<Begasus> manual :)
<Begasus> duplicate, rip out what is failing, build it up again ...
<OscarL> I did split in smaller chunks, then manual, but in the end... it is a pain in the rear for big ones.
<Begasus> that's right, haven't figured an easier way for that yet
<Begasus> that's where Ponpokodiff is a real asset!
<OscarL> now I use "git am" (doing --skip/--abort/show--current-patch=diff/)... but for newest Python 3.13.0... I did it "properly".
<OscarL> "git am", let it fail... under ".git/rebase-apply/" git would have already split the .patchset...
<Begasus> will poke you next time I run into one of those :)
<OscarL> then you can use "git applu --verbose --reject .git/rebase-apply/0001" (assuming the first commit failed to apply).
<Begasus> sounds almost like a Simpson joke :P
<OscarL> what that does is... it applies ALL what it can, it TELLS you what it did, and what failed...
<OscarL> and leaves a ".rej" file next to each one that failed. That makes it much easier to patch individial things.
<OscarL> things... or "hunks" (as thei're called in git docs).
<Begasus> hold that for the next time (I will forget this now) :)
<OscarL> I need to run throught it a couple more times too, before I remember everything, but it was SOOO much better that what I did before :-)
<Begasus> should write that down then (and maybe add it to my wiki if I get this working) :)
<OscarL> yes. Saving a copy of my bash_history now, just in case :-)
* Anarchos still stumbles upon "execve : operation not allowed" :/
<Begasus> file properties ok Anarchos?
<Anarchos> Begasus i think so : there is a rare case when you try to execve from a non-main thread of a team. I think this case fails with 'operation not allowed'. Though it should work....
<Begasus> OK, now you lost me ;)
<Begasus> Cleaned icon layout a bit on the Desktop :)
* OscarL felt back in the 90s dialup... with the image appearing line-by-line :-)
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<Begasus> heh, dialup (long time ago) :)
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<BrunoSpr> Hello everybody
<Begasus> OscarL, wouldn't it be a better idea to only provide a base package for yarl?
<Begasus> Hi BrunoSpr
<BrunoSpr> Hi Begasus
<BrunoSpr> Hi OscarL
<Begasus> we always end up with empty base packages for python
<OscarL> Hello BrunoSpr.
<OscarL> Begasus: not sure what we can do. We have _python3xx packages depending on each version.
<Begasus> you can still do "yarl_python310-1.9.4.recipe"?
<OscarL> imagine the base package (sans _python3xx suffix) was created for 3.10, but then we switch to 3.12 as default.
<Borg> OscarL: does Haiku implements some kind of QuickRun stuff? :)
<OscarL> Borg: pkgman install quicklaunch
<OscarL> Begasus: problem is that packages are build per version, and they either contain code compiled (think gcc) against specific Python APIs...
<Begasus> that's ok for packges provided for multiple python versions, I think (just my opinion) it would be better to drop "yarl-$portVersion.recipe" and use "yarl_python310-$portVersion.recipe"
<Begasus> if you need yarl_python310 you still call that, not just yarl
<OscarL> or they contain .pyc bytecode... also version specific. Not a problem for "any" packages, assuming they support different versions, still wastefull to include those .pyc files that would be of no use.
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<OscarL> just not creating the base package makes more sense to me, in current state of things, at least.
<Begasus> too late to tackle that now :)
<Begasus> that's what I meant OscarL, drop the base one :P
<OscarL> (and always, keeping in mind my limited understanding of things)
<Borg> OscarL: looks good... can be activated from hotkey?
<Begasus> there's no use for it
<OscarL> Borg: yes. Go to Deskbark->Preferences->Shortcut...
<Borg> ok, thx
<Begasus> k, closing down here in a sec
<OscarL> Borg: let me guide you because it is not the best UX in the world :-D
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<OscarL> Once in Shortcut... click Add new shorcut.
<Borg> OscarL: ok :) im just checking things out of curiosity..
<Borg> I have my own stuff for Windoze... so who knows. one day. I might start doing tools for Haiku..
<Borg> I want to move most of my habbits with me
<OscarL> Then on the new row that appeared... RIGHT-click in the "key" column, to select the key you want to assign to QuickLaunch.
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<OscarL> Assuming you want B_OPTION_KEY+R (Win+R)... select Q in that ugly large menu...
<Begasus> OscarL, we'll continue tomorrow if you are around
<Begasus> signing off for today
<OscarL> Begasus: sure!
<Borg> yeah.. or Win+Q would be even better.. Ill check that later
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<OscarL> Borg: alright... but the last trick is...
<OscarL> Borg: in the "application" column, you need to specify the full path to QuickLaunch.
<OscarL> in this case: "/boot/system/apps/QuickLaunch/QuickLaunch"
<OscarL> Just using QuickLaunch won't work.
<OscarL> That Shortcuts preflet needs a lot of love by someone good at GUIs :-)
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<Borg> hmm
<Borg> yeah, im from Windows, just exploring Haiku in easy mode..
<Anarchos> Begasus[m] my wife wants to know where is located your background image :)
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<OscarL> use, sort by oldest (and skip the first sponsored link :-D)
<Borg> OscarL: haha indeed :) Shortcut menu needs a lot of love..
<OscarL> Borg: I guess the problem is... nobody likes it so we use it sparingly... and once you setup the shortcuts you want, despite its ugly face... you don't need to come back often to it.
<OscarL> combine those two things... I guess most of use just forget how ugly it is :-D
<gordonjc1> OscarL: oh nice
<Borg> OscarL: okey, it works
<OscarL> gordonjc1: Iceland photos, Shortcut preflet, or me? :-P
<OscarL> Borg: nice :-)
<gordonjc1> OscarL: the Iceland photos
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<gordonjcp> OscarL: also yeah the Shortcut preflet is a little clunky
<gordonjcp> OscarL: I'm used to using the Flag key for opening Ubuntu's launcher, but it seems to be a modifier key in Haiku
<OscarL> Original name for it was: "SpiceyKeys", go figure :-)
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<gordonjcp> OscarL: it's no biggie, though, because I just set the launcher to be Alt-F2 like in the olden days of Gnome
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<gordonjcp> OscarL: I remember SpicyKeys
<OscarL> gordonjcp: yeah, "Win" key is B_OPTION_KEY on Haiku.
<OscarL> the "Menu" key opens Deskbar's menu (much like "Win" opens the start menu on Win).
<OscarL> *Opens, but doesn't closes it :-/
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<gordonjcp> OscarL: let me just get a screenshot of mine (on my Desktop but my laptop's the same
<OscarL> Borg: suggestion, on QuickLaunch's setup... uncheck "Search from start of application name". Makes finding things muchy easier, IMO.
<OscarL> Nice. My Haiku desktops are usually a mess (with default background, or just default color).
<Borg> OscarL: well.. okey, but I had hope its more simpler tool. where you just edit config files for editing aliases to run :)
<Borg> but its good start
<Borg> but dont mind me really..
<Borg> ohh irssi
<Borg> gordonjcp: does irssi compiles on haiku out of the box?
<Borg> (adding -lnet is a must I guess)
<gordonjcp> Borg: no idea, I ssh to a server to use it
<Borg> aaaah ok..
<gordonjcp> that's how I can do things like this, watch
<Borg> thats why I wondered.. because I found no irssi pkg in depot
<gordonjcp> see now I'm back on my Ubuntu laptop
<OscarL> Borg: if you are on 64 bits... you can just "pkgman install irssi"
<gordonjcp> I don't know if there's a good reason *not* to be on 64-bit, now
<Borg> im still on 32bit :)
<OscarL> irssi's .recipe is disabled for x86 32 bits (both gcc2 and x86, for some reason).
<Borg> okey. no worries.. I probably can port it myself if necessary
<OscarL> well, we do have a recipe already. Don't see anything crazy on it...
<OscarL> let me give it a try (needs some adjustments to use modern GCC on 32 bits).
<Borg> sure.. if you are bored or sth :) please dont waste time on me too much tho ;D
<Borg> I can handle porting myself really.. I have experience
<OscarL> meh... I have problems keeping focused anyway :-P
<Borg> ;)
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<gordonjcp> hey can you port a newer golang? :-D
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<Borg> nope.. im C only dude..
<Borg> and Ruby
<gordonjcp> eh, I should probably just stick to developing this on Linux, climb one learning curve at a time
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<Borg> hah.. its sad that in 21 century. we do NOT do stuff portable.. out of the box..
<OscarL> gordonjcp: not long ago our golang got updated to 1.4.3, apparently that should help bootstrapping upto go 1.19.
<OscarL> gordonjcp: but still needs someone to put time and work on doing that (and the rest upto whatever current go version is :-D)
* OscarL got "this" close to a working irssi_x86 package, failed due to his usual typos :-P
<Borg> ;)
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<Borg> rennj: yeah yeah.. old stuff written in C ports nicely :) usually
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<zewm> Hello :)
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<OscarL> hey there zewm.
<OscarL> bummer.
<OscarL> ah... it was zard the one that left, not zewm :-) /me needs new glasses, or use a bigger font :-P)
<Borg> OscarL: bigger font would do :D
<Borg> OscarL: wanna see my current desktop? ;)
<zewm> It's understandable, 4 letter names starting z
<Borg> okey.. maybe its not "current" but it does not differ much..
<gordonjcp> I already have two different "lengths" of glasses
<gordonjcp> I have my 2m-ish glasses on
<gordonjcp> for my laptop I need my 1m-ish reading glasses
<Borg> I have no glasses.. but I guess I should have them..
<Borg> luicky.. big fonts do the job :D
<gordonjcp> driving the car I don't need glasses, I can read the text message the guy in the car in front is reading
<zewm> I'm testing out Haiku on a really old laptop. Sony Vaio with 2gb of ram. The desktop and most applications run great. Browser and 3D applications, not so much
<gordonjcp> I can't read my instruments, but meh, all the needles are pointing roughly the right direction and nothing is lit up red
<Borg> gordonjcp: hehe ;)
<OscarL> zewm: we still have zero 3D (or video playback) acceleration, sadly (besides some people doing great "experimental" work).
<OscarL> zewm: and browsers (and web in general) keep getting bigger and fatter. If Web+ is not up to the task, you might want to try Otter, Falkon, or Web (epiphany). But beware those have lots of dependencies.
<Borg> yeah.. generally.. web browsing start to ending on 32bit platforms
<gordonjcp> OscarL: do you ever work on mechanical things? I feel like I can draw a parallel between fixing cars and Haiku browsers
<Borg> I mean.. those "mainstream" websites
<waddlesplash> zewm: there's Falkon in the depot but this is Chromium based so 2GB RAM may not be enough :p
<gordonjcp> OscarL: there are some tools I have that are a bit worn or out-of-shape but I know exactly which fitting they'll go right onto
<OscarL> gordonjcp: used to do some motorbike maintenance, can appreciate the analogy :-)
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<gordonjcp> OscarL: right?
<gordonjcp> OscarL: I know you've got a slightly chewed 8mm that's *juuuuust right* for that rusty exhaust stud
<gordonjcp> OscarL: the magic "Just for the Hondas" sockets
<OscarL> and piles of boxes with crap you never use... until *that* day :-D
<gordonjcp> yup
<gordonjcp> many years ago, when I was young and foolish and drove terrible cars
<gordonjcp> I had to have a clear-out when I realised that about the only repair I couldn't do by the road-side was pressing in new valve seats into a cylinder head, and, y'know, with that bit of M8 stud and a couple of big washers...
<cyrusbuilt> Begasus: Sorry for the late reply. Looks like that's working!
<cyrusbuilt> Build process is running
<OscarL> gordonjcp: :-). Down here in Argentina (and not being from the richer parts)... we're used to "MacGyver" our way out for most things too :-)
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<gordonjcp> OscarL: same in NW Scotland
<gordonjcp> OscarL: you've got to take the thing apart and see if it can be repaired, or else you're stuck
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<OscarL_> hello from irssi 32 bits :-P
<OscarL_> Borg: it's alive!!! :-P
<OscarL_> not entirely happy of having to download perl_x86 (12 MB), but... at least it works :-)
<cyrusbuilt> sweet. pycharm recipe works!
<cyrusbuilt> now I just gotta finish getting the intellij recipe
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<OscarL> Borg: just in case, these are the changed I've made to the irssi .recipe:
<OscarL> s/changed/changes/
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<OscarL> testing (irssi 1.4.5)
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<OscarL> irssi version 1.4.5 does looks a bit nicer than 1.2.3 :-)
<Borg> OscarL: ok :)
<Borg> OscarL: well, you could make 2 packages then.. _lean version.. w/o perl and full with perl scripting
<Borg> but. thats just details
<Borg> good job
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<HaikuUser> Just installed Haiku in VirtualBox. Amazing!
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<Habbie> yay!
<HaikuUser> So much to learn and I'm ready!
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<slema> Playing with Genio for the first time tonight and this feels very good!
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<bitigchi[m]> <OscarL> "irssi version 1.4.5 does looks a..." <- What's new?
<bitigchi[m]> I switched to weechat a while ago
<_-Caleb-_> hi
<_-Caleb-_> Thanks for Lazarus Begasus[m] :-)
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