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* coolcoder613 thinks so, otherwise where would the journal be?
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<kallisti5[m]> is anyone an administrator of
<PetePete> coolcoder613: I suppose that makes sense
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<Al2O3> pretty sure the entire disk image is copied with dd.
<Al2O3> aka, full volume contents. deleted hidden or otherwise crap is also copied.
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* coolcoder613eb is having trouble building Haiku
<coolcoder613eb> ld: warning: objects/haiku/x86_64/release/system/boot/bios_ia32/boot_loader_bios_ia32 has a LOAD segment with RWX permissions
<coolcoder613eb> ld: objects/haiku/x86_64/release/system/boot/platform/bios_ia32/bios_ia32/boot_platform_bios_ia32.o: in function `BIOSDrive::WriteAt(void*, long long, void const*, unsigned long)':
<coolcoder613eb> (.text+0xdda): undefined reference to `__divmoddi4'
<coolcoder613eb> ld: objects/haiku/x86_64/release/system/boot/platform/bios_ia32/bios_ia32/boot_platform_bios_ia32.o: in function `BIOSDrive::ReadAt(void*, long long, void*, unsigned long)':
<coolcoder613eb> (.text+0xf42): undefined reference to `__divmoddi4'
<coolcoder613eb> and more
<phschafft> fun.
<phschafft> don't know what your problem is, but at least I know what __divmoddi4 is ;)
* coolcoder613eb is trying to build haiku x86_64 on Haiku x86_64
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<erysdren> what's the highest OpenGL that Haiku supports with llvmpipe?
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<kallisti5[m]> erysdren: we're at last OpenGL 3.0. Probably 4.6ish
<kallisti5[m]> (keeping in mind it's limited by llvmpipe)
<kallisti5[m]> replace 3.0 above with 4.5 :-)
<erysdren> and what's the highest Qt?
<kallisti5[m]> qt 6.6.0
<erysdren> thank
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<HaikuUser> how does super tux run worse than doom
<coolcoder613> Does it?
<HaikuUser> it doesss
<HaikuUser> 0.5 FPS
<HaikuUser> Funny how SuperTux's FPS counter goes into decimals
* coolcoder613 is installing it to check
<HaikuUser> SDL apps suffer a lot on here
<HaikuUser> I even tried Lagrange, which isn't even a game, and uses SDL
<HaikuUser> and it suffers too
<coolcoder613> I mean, even SuperTuxKart runs faster than that on Haiku!
<coolcoder613> Have you updated?
<HaikuUser> I'm on Beta 4
* coolcoder613 uses the nightlies
<coolcoder613> It's pretty easy to update to nightly
<HaikuUser> Ah! I was considering trying a nightly release, I might try that out, then
<coolcoder613> Run this in the Terminal:
<coolcoder613> pkgman add$(getarch)/current
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<HaikuUser> I switched to the nightly repos and did a full sync, but performance is still poor on software using SDL or OpenGL
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<HaikuUser> I'll see if there is more hope tomorroww
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<zdykstra> What's your hardware - specifically your CPU?
<coolcoder613> What monitor do you have? What res are you using?
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<coolcoder613_nok> hello
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<erysdren> man, haiku is gonna run like an absolute dream once we figure out hardware acceleration across the board...
<erysdren> im excited for that day
<coolcoder613> You mean, games will
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<AlienSoldier> Somehow, SVM positioning window bug vanished (just decided to use that app again). But RAM drive is not showing in it. Perhpas it will at reboot.
<AlienSoldier> *Perhaps
<AlienSoldier> Vertical bar gradient bug not showing still there, but it is OK for horizontal bar.
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<AlienSoldier> ho, no it show, i needed to enable removable volume.
<AlienSoldier> It show 2 unwanted volume that said, "system" and "config"
<AlienSoldier> At least Ram Drive is there
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* coolcoder613 likes to send files with
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> Nheko still running fine here, just did an install on the 32bit R1B4
<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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<HaikuUser> checking ... (calligra)
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<Begasus> checking this on clean VM installs (nightly)
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<HaikuUser> 32bit fine too :/
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<Begasus> k, nheko vs dbus confirmed :)
<Begasus> biab
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<_-Caleb-_> hi!
<phschafft> :)
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<zard> o/
<zard> Just got here too :)
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<x512[m]> Is there an option to increase Terminal scrollback buffer size?
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<zdykstra> I don't think so, but if you run tmux you can create a huge scrollback buffer
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<Begasus> closing down for today, cu peeps!
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<cocobean> erysdren: technically, Haiku has OpenGL 4.6 API compatibility. Vulkan 1.3 supportable -
<cocobean> Haiku is one of the few POSIX-compatible OSes that supports Blender 4.0.2.
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<lorglas> hi, can one help me. how to set the variable for display (x11)
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<zard> On Linux or Haiku?
<lorglas> Haiku
<zard> I would thing "DISPLAY=:0 your-application". That's all I know
<lorglas> thank you, i will test it.
<x512[m]> lorglas: Are you running Xsdl
<lorglas> no
<x512[m]> Haiku itself do not use X11.
<lorglas> i know, i install the x11 libs.
<lorglas> Xsdl is only working on 64bit?
<lorglas> i didn't see on 32bit
<lorglas> maybe my haikudepot is not up to date
<lorglas> i change to haiku 64 bit. cu
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<kallisti5[m]> we should link to from the WebPositive bookmarks... it's a cool site
<zard> Might not be a bad idea... unless it gets abandoned and we never get around to removing it
<kallisti5[m]> lol.. we only do that sometimes
<zard> May as well not let that fear paralyze us ;)
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<PulkoMandy> Are the bookmarks are still a zip file downloaded during the build? Or did we make them rdef files already so they're easier to update?
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<nephele> I got like three mac minis, and they don't boot haiku. The bootloader starts, and it hands off, but the first icon never lights up. I'm a bit stumped how to start debugging that :)
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<PulkoMandy> I guess these machines don't have any way to adda serial port? It would be the easiest way
<PulkoMandy> Without that, maybe you can disable the switch to graphics mode at bootloader exit and manage to get some messages onscreen
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<waddlesplash> nephele: iirc rEFInd is needed on mac hardware
<Habbie> rEFInd or rEFIt? (honest question)
<nephele> Habbie: rEFInd
<Habbie> ok
<nephele> waddlesplash: that insight doesn't help me much, the kernel should still be able to start. I want this to work properly on mac hardware *without* rEFInd or coreboot, or if we need either we should ship it
<waddlesplash> well, have fun debugging that then
<waddlesplash> not sure if anyone's ever figured it out
<waddlesplash> I think similar problems actually happen on VMware now? so maybe start with that.
<nephele> the only thing rEFInd does (afaik) is setting some efi var so the firmware thinks a different macos version boots
<nephele> anyway, I will debug it i suppose. I want Haiku to be in a good position to pick up the pieces once fruit company decides to drop all intel processor macintosh machines for good in regards to software support :)
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<kallisti5[m]> i've used rEFInd for a while.. no issues boot linux or Haiku on my desktop
<nephele> rEFInd is nice, but that is besides the point :)
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<erysdren> ok, gonna boot into Haiku and see if i can port the TrenchBroom editor
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<clee> x512[m]: have you noticed the missing keyboard input in RVVM too, or is it just me?
<x512[m]> Maybe lost events because of slow machine?
<clee> it's an M1 Ultra Mac Studio so I don't *think I so? lol
<clee> don't *think* so, I mean
<Al2O3> zdykstra what did that think center come with as back ports, the photos I see show what looks to be an optional tiny USB slot addition.
<Al2O3> and btw, what did it cost? I'm looking now at options.
<zdykstra> the one I got is 3 displayport, 4 USB, 1gb ethernet and a wifi antenna stub
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<zdykstra> for $85
<Al2O3> nice
<Al2O3> used?
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<zdykstra> of course
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<Al2O3> without HD of any kind?
<zdykstra> I put my own SSD in, and I had a spare Lenovo PSU
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<Al2O3> cool.
<Al2O3> I may go that way.
<Al2O3> did you not have the RS232 port option or 4 way USB tiny put in?
<Al2O3> or is that where the wifi stub goes.
<zdykstra> do you mean 4 minidisplay port?
<Al2O3> yah, sorry, they look like tiny usb
<Al2O3> they are indeed miniDs
<zdykstra> that's a discrete AMD gpu
<zdykstra> pointless for Haiku
<Al2O3> but useful for linux?
<Al2O3> I may want to dual boot.
<zdykstra> I guess, depends on what you're doing
<Al2O3> or even run in VMs the Haiku if I decide not to do hardware Haiku.
<Al2O3> I want to do 3 monitors
<Al2O3> 'surround', I got 3x 21" for free.
<Al2O3> or maybe they are 17" actually.
<Al2O3> will haiku due 3 monitors?
<zdykstra> no
<Al2O3> :( oh well, I can live without for now.
<Al2O3> but then I would do HD Haiku sometimes, and mostly likely VM
<Al2O3> and do linux as the host OS
<zdykstra> I'll be really surprised if your 17" monitors take displayport
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<Al2O3> they do'nt, but you can do DP to RS232 or HDMI as I recall.
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<Al2O3> so I may do mDP to RS232 adaptors, which I have a few.
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<Al2O3> or USB3 to RS232
<zdykstra> that's not rs232
<zdykstra> that's 15 pin d-sub
<coolcoder613_32> How can i sort my desktop icons?
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<Al2O3> then I would do USB3 to RS232 for the monitor.
<Al2O3> and that makes the most sense.
<zdykstra> you're not doing that with haiku
<Al2O3> right
<Al2O3> linux, and then hosting Haiku in a VM.
<Al2O3> occasionally I may boot Haiku on hardware, but run instead linux with it in a VM most of the time.
<Al2O3> would that work?
<zdykstra> no
<Al2O3> oh, bummer.
<zdykstra> you're going to waste your time trying to make that tiny PC be something it's not
<Al2O3> good call :)
<Al2O3> so buy it, and run Haiku on it hardware, and call it what it is, HonH
<Al2O3> I will then know its what it is, and does what it does.
<Al2O3> TY
<Al2O3> saved me time, money and grief
<coolcoder613_32> My desktop looks like this:
<coolcoder613_32> How can i sort all the icons on it?
<x512[m]> clee: Do it work fine with RVVM Linux guest?
<clee> x512[m]: good question, don't know, haven't tried yet. have only booted Haiku in RVVM so far :D
<Al2O3> clee are you booting that on a linux box on M-cpus?
<clee> Al2O3: I'm on macOS on the M1 here. I'm using a Linux server to build my Haiku images though
<Al2O3> so you build each release on linux server, and then run that image on your macOS (which release) on a M1. What VM software are you using on the M1?
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<clee> Al2O3: yup, I use rsync to copy the image once it's built. using RVVM on the mac at the moment
<clee> x512[m]: Linux also loses keys for me
<x512[m]> Then it is probably a time to implement some FIFO for keyboard events in RVVM.
<clee> I think it's some poor interaction with the QMK firmware on my keyboard. the keys it has the most trouble with are my layer-switching keys…
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<augiedoggie> coolcoder613_32: you might be able to cheat but Tracker will eventually crash, use `open ~/Desktop` and choose "Arrange by -> Name" from the context menu
<augiedoggie> crash if you leave that window open and mess with it too much
<augiedoggie> you may have to restart Tracker after that, not sure if that will stick
<AlienSoldier> just got out of a BFS panic. It was happening after a Falkon crash, when i was restarting Falkon it was displaying a BFS panic. Doing a checkfs was mentioning the "session.dat" file was full of bad inodes or something (a ridiculous amount ). Ended up deleting the file. Now it seem ok. It was putting my main volume in read only mode.
<Al2O3> can you just put in a crontab type entry to check and see if Tracker is crashed, say check ever few seconds, and if so relaunch it?
<augiedoggie> it should restart itself already
<augiedoggie> i mean force a restart after changing the layout, not the crash
<coolcoder613_32> augiedoggie: I already managed to sort it, i moved everything to ~/bak, I removed the tracker attributes with rmattr, and i put them back based on ls -X --group-directories-first
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<clee> kallisti5: wait you made a 3D-printable VisionFive2 case?
<Al2O3> wonder if anyone has already copied the 3999 crapple visor on 3d printing and DIY off shelf components.
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