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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hello there erysdren
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57524] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b352d8ccd82a - virtio_gpu: add the accelerant to the regular image
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57525] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 15037a29f10d - Move TV app into haiku_extras package
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<Begasus> time to cleanup some stuff here I guess, back to basics, bug hunting ...
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<Begasus> major downgrade for kde libs ... crossing fingers
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<nephele> hi Begasus
<nephele> speaking of kde libs, the lib "kded" includes systemd unit files
<nephele> i wonder if there is a linter or something to warn if some of these non-applicable files are included in the package?
<Begasus_32> not that I know of nephele, saw it, there is another one storing a .service file at that location
<nephele> coolcoder613_32: from uid 0, but the account is named "user"
<Begasus_32> have to step out for a bit now, removed them localy already in the recipe
<Begasus_32> but don't want to break anything by doing some changes there at the moment :)
<Begasus> *** failed to commit transaction: Failed to change the package activation in packagefs: Name in use
<Begasus> so gonna shoot this!
<BrunoSpr> hi all, hi Begasus
<BrunoSpr> hi nephele
<BrunoSpr> Begasus, is there a Artpaint for 64bit Haiku in process?
<Begasus> no idea BrunoSpr, isn't there one yet?
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<BrunoSpr> No the new version is available for 32bit only atm
<Begasus> artpaint A native painting and image editing program
<BrunoSpr> yes artpaint, sorry
<Begasus> ah, 64bit buildmaster still offline :/
<Begasus> stepping out for a while
<Begasus> bbl
<BrunoSpr> ah ok thats why, thanks
<BrunoSpr> bye
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<nephele> artpaint is for pixel art?
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<PetePete> Good morning
<bjorkintosh> huh.
<bjorkintosh> your name is a twin.
<bjorkintosh> did it come before or after the twins?
<PetePete> After :)
<bjorkintosh> hah.
<bjorkintosh> re-Pete.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 70e3816 - Update Go port idea with the current status
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] pulkomandy fb47ad7 - remove XHCI support from a TODO list in the "getting involved" pages
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<PetePete> rePetePete
<nephele> repeat what?
<bjorkintosh> Pete.
<bjorkintosh> rePetePete
<bjorkintosh> PeteRePete. you get twins out of the deal. try it and see.
<Ellenor> that is a gender of names
<bjorkintosh> gender of names? what does that sentence mean?
<Ellenor> okay, so, there's some deep lore that is not fully obvious about the word "gender"
<bjorkintosh> I'm a bit slow, and failed to understand the sentence.
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<Ellenor> it and "genre" (the French word meaning the same as in English, and the English word which is a co-ordinate term with type, style and category) are cognates (and in English doublets) - and used to mean the same thing, without any relation to the closely but incompletely linked concepts we now call gender and sex.
<Ellenor> I effectively said "that is a type of name"
<nephele> I guess you learn some etymology every day
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* bjorkintosh remains lost.
<bjorkintosh> sucks to be slow.
<zard> Apparantly, gender and genre used to have similar meanings, therefore Ellenor said something like "that is a genre of names"
<zard> FYI, yes, it was hard to understand :)
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<Begasus> re
* Ellenor curses KDE's pale imitations
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<Begasus> k, back to 5.93.0 ... reboot
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] hectorm 64eb040 - hBlock: bump (#10013)
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<coolcoder613_nok> Hello
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<PetePete> coolcoder613_32 sup sup sup
<coolcoder613_32> Not much, yet
* coolcoder613_32 just woke up
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<BaronAlbatross> Hey guys, I am just getting ready to try out Haiku, it looks pretty much complete for daily use. I am planning to drop it on an old chromebook later. My use case is mostly typing, email and music. Haiku looks pretty capable of handling all that. Anything I should know before I jump in with both feet?
<scanty> beware of mail. if you have gmail or yahoo, and possibly others, they will not work because of a lack of OAUTH2
<BaronAlbatross> not even in the browser?
<coolcoder613_32> You can use webmail
<scanty> browser is a different story.
<Ellenor> i believe there's a python programme for unix that will proxy the oauth for you. I don't know if that programme will work on haiku.
<BaronAlbatross> sweet, thanks
<Ellenor> nerdsniped! yes
<scanty> i dont' think any of the mail clients we have natively (like Beam, for example) can cope with HTML, so beware.
<coolcoder613_32> Try trojita, it looks native, even if it is writen with QT
<coolcoder613_32> *wrtten
<coolcoder613_32> *written
<scanty> i wonder if begasus ported kmail
* coolcoder613_32 doesn't appear to be properly awake yet
<scanty> it's much nicer than trojita
* coolcoder613_32 likes trojita, but he hasn't tried kmail
<scanty> kmail is certainly a more complete mailer
<scanty> and a nicer UI, to boot
<coolcoder613_32> Trojita on Haiku looks very nice
<scanty> eh, it's fair
<scanty> i must say, however, the QT UIs looks really nice on Haiku
* coolcoder613_32 thinks the Haiku QT backend must use the native BeAPI
<scanty> that would make sense
<coolcoder613_32> It doesn't use xlibe
<scanty> yeah, that would just get messy.
<coolcoder613_32> GTK does
<coolcoder613_32> that's part of why it looks bad and doesn't integrate well
<scanty> GTK is ugly without themes
<scanty> I want to build gnu backgammon, but am having trouble with glib.
<coolcoder613_32> GTK looks nice on GNOME, or Zorin (which uses GNOME), but looks terrible everywhere else
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<BaronAlbatross> Honestly I never did like GNOME personally. One of the big sells on Haiku is that it looks so good out of the box
* coolcoder613_32 wonders how most GNOME look with the Chicago95 ;)
<coolcoder613_32> *most GNOME apps
<Ellenor> is it insulting to say that haiku looks soft and innocent
<zdykstra> I think it's weird
<zdykstra> scanty: gmail works perfectly fine with the built-in Mail system
<zdykstra> you don't need any oauth2 proxies
<scanty> rilly?
<zdykstra> create an app password and use / along with your full e-mail address as login credentials
<scanty> interesting.
<scanty> i never really liked the builtin mailer
* coolcoder613_32 uses it to read his mail, but for some reason sending doesn't work
<coolcoder613_32> It doesn't seem to like outlook
<BaronAlbatross> I was gonna ask about imap, but I figured I would just try it and report back
<BaronAlbatross> I had to do that on my phone recently
<zdykstra> gmail at least works fine for sending/receiving using the native e-mail system
* coolcoder613_32 recommends Trojita
<scanty> well, i've bookmarked that site. i'll take a look it later on.
<Ellenor> = 1
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<scanty> last i tried Trojita didn't work
<coolcoder613_32> It works for me on 64-bit
<scanty> send/recv and HTML, too?
<coolcoder613_32> but not on 32-bit
<scanty> that's fine, i'm on 64-bit
<coolcoder613_32> scanty: recv and html
<scanty> no send?
<coolcoder613_32> but i think send is outlooks problem
<coolcoder613_32> It doesn't like Haiku
<scanty> no send = deal breaker
<coolcoder613_32> but Trojita did send on Linux on the same machine
<coolcoder613_32> Do you use outlook?
<scanty> i use thunderbird
* zdykstra shakes his head and walks away
<scanty> what, did we disappoint you?
<coolcoder613_32> I mean is your email adress from outlook
<scanty> oh, no.
<scanty> gmail
* coolcoder613_32 hasn't tried gmail with trojita
<coolcoder613_32> I made a gmail account a while ago, just to test an email clent I ported
<scanty> which client?
<coolcoder613_32> kube
<coolcoder613_32> but it didn't work
<coolcoder613_32> even for outlook
<scanty> yeah, it's probably that OAUTH2 thingy.
* coolcoder613_32 reliased that trojita was crashing because it was misconfigured
* AlienSoldier wonder how much gmail email would be required to get google revert their OAUTH2 choice with a petition.
<scanty> i doubt we could poke that bear.
* coolcoder613_32 is going to try use email-oath2-proxy
<scanty> coolcoder613_32, let me know how that goes
<scanty> I wish the "Mail and News" app worked (on package manager)
* coolcoder613_32 already installed it, and is trying to get the GUI working as well
<scanty> coolcoder613_32, are you referring to the proxy?
* coolcoder613_32 nonds
<coolcoder613_32> *nods
<scanty> okay cool.
<scanty> i will ask begasus if he can make a kmail package
<AlienSoldier> scanty i want Gmail to use PETSCII art as password :)
<scanty> hehe
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<scanty> i will try the proxy if we have kmail, because at least it does HTML
<scanty> afaik.
<Forza> Hello :)
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<scanty> hi Forza
<Forza> Hi
<scanty> it would be interesting if we could have something like a BHTMLView in the Haiku API
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<Forza> On the link to is wrong, and none of the cloudflare links work
<coolcoder613_32> Are you in australia?
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<Forza> Sweden
<Forza> How do I use the ssh server in Haiku? What user/pass should I use to login?
<AlienSoldier> Weird behavior with Summit. When i save a file it does not respect where i moved the file on the desktop, it move back to the original position.
<AlienSoldier> Almost as if the icon position was hardcoded.
<scanty> what's Summit?
<AlienSoldier> scanty a spreadsheet app naive to haiku
<AlienSoldier> real name Sum-It
<AlienSoldier> And the about window say Open Sum-It
<scanty> ah okay
<scanty> going to grab some dinner, bbl
<scanty> coolcoder613_32, let me know how it goes with that proxy, you can /msg me, but I won't be too long.
<coolcoder613_32> scanty: no go
<coolcoder613_32> OAuth2Proxy listening at 0xfeb8c70> (<class 'OSError'>:[Errno -2147454951] ENETUNREACH [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/lib/python3.10/|read|90] [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/lib/python3.10/|handle_read_event|421] [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages/|handle_accept|2080]
<coolcoder613_32> [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages/|handle_accepted|2092] [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages/|__init__|1847] [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages/|__init__|1716] [/packages/python3.10_x86-3.10.13-1/.self/lib/python3.10/|connect|347])
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<coolcoder613_32> AlienSoldier: I think when it saves it, it must strip the tracker attributes with the position or something
<scanty> coolcoder613_32, gotcha, too bad it didn't work :-(
<scanty> think it will work on 64 bit, or there is really no difference?
<scanty> guess it can't find your connection.
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<AlienSoldier> coolcoder613_32 possibly, in any case it break OS rules i think.