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humm just right now after rebooting, video start acceptably fast.
guess i was running out of memory and the virtual memory was used. Not long after the system froze (slassical beos-haiku never telling me i run out of ram).
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memory in proces controller was not shown full. Perhaps it is again the VFS being separate?
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morning peeps and HNY :)
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Hi there. Happy new year!
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Arrr andreasdr[m]
Hi there coolcoder613
Hi andreasdr[m] coolcoder613 HNY
7pm on the 1st here
9AM here
is it me or is codeberg slow atm? (cleaning up some test packages)
I believe that's how I added it to my app (I also use a conversations fork)
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anyone connecting to IRC through a BNC here?
HNY scantysnax, still issues?
thanks Begasus! you as well. Still having issues. I tried Konversation as well as Quassel, and neither will connect to my BNC. Vision can connect, but traffic stops after about two hours, even though i'm still online
it's really strange
how did it work before?
ps, thanks :)
there was no before. I was using hexchat in linux, and everything worked fine
but i'd rather use haiku than linux
ah ok, bug hunting it is then :)
yeah, i don't know why neither quassel nor konversation rejects my bnc password
i usually use option #2 "network:pass"
can you give me an example?
like, for getting on #haiku, for example
in my case this network is called "znc-oftc", so my password when connecting to znc would be "znc-oftc:MYPASSWROD"
well i'm using psybnc, so it must be a little different. i might move to ZNC
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i will write to my sysadmin and see if he has any suggestions. i don't know what else to do.
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could be handy if url's in DESCRIPTION could be clickable in the HaikuDepot window?
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Hi Lt-Henry
I have an issue with BSerialPort
* Begasus[m]
forwards ... :)
it looks like there is an ancient bug (or todo) where reads are blocking, no matter the settings of shouldBlock
there is NumCharsAvailable but it always returns 0
so, the only solution comes to my mind is having a separate thread for reading but BeBook says nothing about thread safety of BSerialPort
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where on earth in Konversation can i find a username/ident in settings?
that is why i cannot login to my bnc.
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oh found it
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let's see how long this connection lasts.
anybody out there?
Anarchos has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
ok then, so far so good.
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congrats scanty :)
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thanks Begasus, not out of the woods yet. we have to see if the connection continues relaying traffic
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crossing the fingers for you that it works out ok :)
ty :-)
if it works, we know there is some bug in vision
or Haiku?
probably not, if that would be the case regular connections would suffer the same
i hope it's not some obscure network problem
in haiku
but that doesn't seem likely
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ok, still works :D
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never tried WeeChat.
cli * :)
should be pretty descent, had some nice critics on it
fine-tuning and bumping in a bit
9? ;)
looks like weechat would need a lot of configuration, and i don't have the patience or time for that.
yeah, it's not point and click ;)
nope, it's type and type.
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okays, going to take a computer break for now. hopefully my connection will still be up
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closing down here, cu peeps
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hi all
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