ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<gordonjcp> Happy New Year!
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<AlienSoldier> humm just right now after rebooting, video start acceptably fast.
<AlienSoldier> guess i was running out of memory and the virtual memory was used. Not long after the system froze (slassical beos-haiku never telling me i run out of ram).
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<AlienSoldier> *classical
<AlienSoldier> memory in proces controller was not shown full. Perhaps it is again the VFS being separate?
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<Begasus> morning peeps and HNY :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there. Happy new year!
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<coolcoder613> Arrr andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there coolcoder613
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m] coolcoder613 HNY
<coolcoder613> 7pm on the 1st here
<Begasus> 9AM here
<Begasus> is it me or is codeberg slow atm? (cleaning up some test packages)
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<HaikuUser> Hello.
<coolcoder613> Hi HaikuUser
<coolcoder613> If anyone's looking for a TUI menu system:
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<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] jessicah pushed 1 commit to master [btrev43220] -
<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] 360fe2fd0746 - jam: mirror Jamfile in Makefile.
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<BlueSky76> Happy New Year to you all! Let's have a good one...
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<Begasus[m]> NY to you too BlueSky76
<Begasus[m]> HNY* :)
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<Darkijah> hello
<Darkijah> what you have on XMPP?
<zard> The XMPP server lets you connect to this channel through XMPP
<zard> I use it so that I have a connection to IRC even when I'm gone
<Darkijah> what is the channel name?
<zard> It says in the topic line :-)
<Darkijah> how does that work with
<zard> I have no idea what that is
<Darkijah> XMPP invite for a channel....
<Darkijah> try this one in XMPP
<Darkijah> cope past and push and click the link
<Darkijah> copy
<zard> Not sure what your question is. You should be able to join two channels simultneously
<Darkijah> trying to find it
<Darkijah> only one I found is
<zard> I think I get it...
<zard> Maybe ?
<Darkijah> can you join my group on xmpp
<Darkijah> and copy the link to me
<zard> No thanks, I would rather not
<Darkijah> well can't find the channel
<Darkijah> like how hard can it be
<zard> Isn't there a way to manually add the channel?
<zard> I don't think I would have been able to find it had I searched for it either
<zard> is an IRC bridge. You can join any IRC channel from XMPP using it
<Darkijah> no idea how it works
<zard> The format is . They have documentation if you would like to get into the weeds
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<HaikuUser> Hi all
HaikuUser is now known as _-Caleb-_
<zard> Hello _-Caleb-_ :)
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<Darkijah> no idea
<Darkijah> why don't you just have a XMPP room
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<phschafft> with the bridge it is?
<zard> re
<zard> Darkijah: What xmpp client are you using?
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<Yoke> that moment when the Burner tray starts to stick :|
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<zdykstra> Happy 2025, all
<Begasus> Happy one too zdykstra :)
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<Begasus> on xmpp, it's nice to have one, but we are mainly on IRC :)
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<Darkijah> zard blabber
<Begasus> OscarL, if you read this, maybe we could drop the recipe for glances? can be installed over pip3 (disabled anyway in the repo)
<Begasus> doesn't work, but that's another story :)
<zard> I believe that's how I added it to my app (I also use a conversations fork)
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<scantysnax> anyone connecting to IRC through a BNC here?
<Begasus> HNY scantysnax, still issues?
<scantysnax> thanks Begasus! you as well. Still having issues. I tried Konversation as well as Quassel, and neither will connect to my BNC. Vision can connect, but traffic stops after about two hours, even though i'm still online
<scantysnax> it's really strange
<Begasus> how did it work before?
<Begasus> ps, thanks :)
<scantysnax> there was no before. I was using hexchat in linux, and everything worked fine
<scantysnax> but i'd rather use haiku than linux
<Begasus> ah ok, bug hunting it is then :)
<scantysnax> yeah, i don't know why neither quassel nor konversation rejects my bnc password
<Begasus> nothing in the log from the serverr?
<scantysnax> [13:11] <-psyBNC> Wrong Password. Disconnecting.
<scantysnax> that's all i get
<augiedoggie> with znc as my bouncer i need to prefix my password with the network name
<scantysnax> augiedoggie: how do you you mean
<augiedoggie> i usually use option #2 "network:pass"
<scantysnax> can you give me an example?
<scantysnax> like, for getting on #haiku, for example
<augiedoggie> in my case this network is called "znc-oftc", so my password when connecting to znc would be "znc-oftc:MYPASSWROD"
<scantysnax> well i'm using psybnc, so it must be a little different. i might move to ZNC
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<scantysnax> i will write to my sysadmin and see if he has any suggestions. i don't know what else to do.
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<Begasus> could be handy if url's in DESCRIPTION could be clickable in the HaikuDepot window?
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<EnriqueMG[m]> hi
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<Begasus[m]> Hi Lt-Henry
<Lt-Henry[m]> I have an issue with BSerialPort
* Begasus[m] forwards ... :)
<Lt-Henry[m]> it looks like there is an ancient bug (or todo) where reads are blocking, no matter the settings of shouldBlock
<Lt-Henry[m]> there is NumCharsAvailable but it always returns 0
<Lt-Henry[m]> so, the only solution comes to my mind is having a separate thread for reading but BeBook says nothing about thread safety of BSerialPort
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<scantysnax> where on earth in Konversation can i find a username/ident in settings?
<scantysnax> that is why i cannot login to my bnc.
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<scantysnax> oh found it
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<scanty> hooray!
<scanty> let's see how long this connection lasts.
<scanty> anybody out there?
<Anarchos> yes
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<scanty> ok then, so far so good.
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<scanty> wb
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<Begasus> congrats scanty :)
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<scanty> thanks Begasus, not out of the woods yet. we have to see if the connection continues relaying traffic
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<Begasus[m]> crossing the fingers for you that it works out ok :)
<scanty> ty :-)
<scanty> if it works, we know there is some bug in vision
<Begasus[m]> or Haiku?
<Begasus[m]> probably not, if that would be the case regular connections would suffer the same
<scanty> i hope it's not some obscure network problem
<scanty> in haiku
<scanty> but that doesn't seem likely
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<Begas_weechat> plop
<Begasus> ok, still works :D
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<scanty> never tried WeeChat.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> cli * :)
<scanty> yeah
<Begasus> should be pretty descent, had some nice critics on it
<gordonjcp> 9
<Begasus> fine-tuning and bumping in a bit
<gordonjcp> oops
<Begasus> 9? ;)
<scanty> looks like weechat would need a lot of configuration, and i don't have the patience or time for that.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> yeah, it's not point and click ;)
<scanty> nope, it's type and type.
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<scanty> okays, going to take a computer break for now. hopefully my connection will still be up
<Begasus[m]> cya
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps
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<_-Caleb-_> hi all
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58487] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 802fa4afaec6 - kernel/arch: Add missing handling for _flags == NULL in the PAE UnmapPage.
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