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<erysdren> waddlesplash: true lol
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<dru_satori> sigh. time to call it quits tonight. too much frustration, cannot seem to get this to recognize the device.
<dru_satori> gart updated. driver updated. still no id or connection from the driver.
<dru_satori> and debugging device drivers is a PITA
<waddlesplash> use more dprintf
<waddlesplash> figure out where it's bailing
<dru_satori> that's what I just added, but I'm out of patience tonight,, and the bottle dof premade old fashioned is calling me
<waddlesplash> lol, fair enough
<dru_satori> I really should be working on the C++ REST Client implementation I started, but out of patience with that too :)
<dru_satori> side note: disabling ACPI seems to be the keey to performance and eliminating the 10+s UI lag spikes.
<dru_satori> as well as the shutdown KDL
<dru_satori> I'll document all that this weekend
<waddlesplash> have you tried a nightly yet?
<waddlesplash> because apparently some of those weird ACPI issues went away after the memory management changes
<dru_satori> I'm on last nights
<dru_satori> still got the shutdown KDL before disbaling ACPI
<dru_satori> hrev58503
<dru_satori> brb, one more reboot before I call it
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<dru_satori> apparently all I needed to do was get pissed off and threaten to give up and go drinking
<dru_satori> GLTeapot now running smooth at 300fps
<erysdren> i find that works for a lot of tech
<erysdren> threaten to get intoxicated
<dru_satori> not sure it's using the Accelerant, but it is certainly rendering faster than the FB
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<dru_satori> file i/o from slow devices is still oddly a low CPU hit, but high lag inducer in the UI
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<dru_satori> whelp, that's half the battle to getting the machine I want to use working :)
<dru_satori> feeling better about things. gonna call it a day on that note
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<dru_satori> so I lied. couldn't put it down.
<dru_satori> on the upside, I now have both the AlderLake-N ( UHD ) and the Alder Lake-P ( Iris ) booting iusing the intel_extreme driver.
<dru_satori> the UHD works with the Accelerant, but I do not think the Iris is. more too look at there
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<adrian_> nice
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<dru_satori> so next up on making these mini pc's bull haikuboxes... MediaTek 7922 wifi adapter.
<dru_satori> initial pass looks like I need to add a MediaTek 7921 folder in haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/network/wlan
<dru_satori> add ajamfile, and glue.c, then bring over the if_mwx.c and dev/pci/if_mwxreg.h from openbsd.
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<dru_satori> it looks like the haiku version of the openbsd implementation moves files into subdirectories instead of everything dev/pci
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<dru_satori> sorry, mostly talking outloud just to get my head straight
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<dru_satori> got far enough to have something that builds with errors to resolve. seems like enoughfor the day
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<waddlesplash> oh does openbsd have a driver?
<waddlesplash> dru_satori: you will want to look at the iwx and iwm drivers as those are the existing OpenBSD driver ports
<waddlesplash> all the Haiku-specific code should be behind __HAIKU__ and __FreeBSD_version ifdefs
<waddlesplash> so that should show you the parts you need to adapt in the mwx driver
<waddlesplash> lmk if you get stuck and I can take a crack at it
<dru_satori> mostly there at this point. it's mostly hunting down the #defines from pcidevs.h
<dru_satori> though it looks like I'll have to troll through a mess of warnings
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<dru_satori> hmm, and a couple of missing functions that look to be the freebsd_network/compat/sys/mbuf.h
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<dru_satori> I'll dig through it more in a day or so. need to document the Alder Lake stuff that I've done, and then see about creating patches for them too
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<waddlesplash> dru_satori: some of the missing functions may be deliberate
<waddlesplash> again check other drivers
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<OscarL> I finally changed the microswitch on my mouse's secondary button. Should significantly reduce the number of Tracker crashes I was seeing. Button got a bit too stiff, though :-D
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<Oscar-L> 'lo Begasus :-)
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL :)
<Begasus> still up?
<OscarL> woke up a bit ago, had a coffe already.
<OscarL> (was a small one, thus the missing "e" :-P)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> on my first cofeee (big mug) :)
<Begasus> time to test build these gdal recipes
<OscarL> Mmm, my touchpad appears on Win10 under "ACPI\TPD1019". Nowhere near to "AMDI0010" or "AMDI0510" as in Lt-Henry's "Designwave I2C" driver :-(
<Begasus> I didn't mind it not working on bare metal :)
<OscarL> For that netbook, I don't have an usable usb mouse, and KeyCursor, while useful... is less than ideal (specially since Tracker refuses to take double clicks for some reason).
<Begasus> then it's another thing yes, using the mouse here works fine
<Begasus> gdal302 done
<OscarL> apparently FreeBSD's "iichid" does support my touchpad (via the compatible ACPI -> "PNP0C50" id)-
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<OscarL> mmm, but in that case, so should Haiku (ACPI_NAME_HID_DEVICE == "PNP0C50", so something else is missing/not-working. Oh well.
<OscarL> idualwifi7260 still acting up on the netbook (refuses to connect), so.... back to running Haiku on VBox on that machine :-D
<Begasus> bugger :)
<OscarL> Slower than on bare metal... but better battery life that way, lol.
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<Begasus> I've set the CPU's in the VM to 4x2 (8 cores), seems to work better in performance (crosses fingers)
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<Begasus> morning nephele_xmpp
<OscarL> I have them all my cores (not that I have many... 4 on the Phenom.... 2 on this Celeron N4020) :-D
<OscarL> s/have/gave/
<Begasus> not using anything on the host then?
<OscarL> I continually use the host at the same time.
<Begasus> using mostly FF and Nheko on the host
<Begasus> copy/paste links/errors and the likes to lookup
<OscarL> yeah... mostly FF/hexchat here, and suck..., (and some other background processes). Never had much issues.
<Begasus> gdal done too
<OscarL> You should at least once try giving it all your cores, and see if you can actually notice any difference on the host.
<Begasus> didn't check if it would work here
<Begasus> cleaning the build and will try after the reboot :)
<Begasus> 8x2 :)
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> not broken yet :)
<OscarL> Begasus: in case some particularly heavy build manages to slow down things on the host (not really that noticeable here)... just reserve 2 cores for the host, and you should be golden.
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<Begasus> let's see, gdal took about 10 min earlier to build
<Begasus> what I did also was using the number of cores (not threads) +1 in the profile file
<OscarL> The only machines I have with "HyperThreading"/SMT are too slow to actually run builds so... no idea how usefull the logical cores really are in that scenario.
<Begasus> seems to take longer to build now :P
<OscarL> when you were running bare-metal... did you used -j8 (+1) or -j16 ?
<Begasus> -j16
<OscarL> I've had VMware slow down sometimes for no apparent reason. Never saw that on VBox.
<Begasus> 14 minutes now
<Begasus> lets see with -j16
<Begasus> ow, I see I also have 3.10.0 in my local repo :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58506] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0d139d259e02 - kernel/block_cache: Make sure we return an error if block reading fails.
<Begasus> 16 minutes now, instead of improvements it takes longer :P
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58507] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2a6dd3744d30 - kernel/block_cache: Clean up uses of errno.
<OscarL> sounds like that particular build would benefit by running with smaller -j values even on bare-metal then (unless you're hitting some other issue)
<OscarL> Some builds are weird(er) :-)
<Begasus> fresh coffee :)
<Begasus> checking wiht -j5 now
<OscarL> weird builds... reminds me I should try to build mozc again on RAMFS on latest nightlies.
<Begasus> it's a good candidate to test
<OscarL> ah, irc logs reminds me it failed only on 32 bits.
<OscarL> still, should test it again, just in case.
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* OscarL takes a look at the local hp branches... sees "sphinx-drop-py3.9".
<Begasus> as long as you keep the python3.10 one :P
<OscarL> not in the mood for scipy right now, so... let's see what's missing on that sphinx cleanup :-D
<Begasus> should also check to update pycharm
<Begasus> 11 minutes now
<Begasus> best out of three :)
<OscarL> maybe using fewer cores allows for more turbo boost in freqs, and that helps reduce build times?
<OscarL> (none onf my CPUs has turbo, so no idea there)
<Begasus[m]> k, 3.10.0 is the latest, hence me checking it ..
<Begasus[m]> this has turbo yes, maybe VMWare doesn't really like it
<Begasus> let's see, new gdal uses cmake
<OscarL> I think some CPUs allow really high freq boost when only X number of cores are active, but the "all-cores" boost on some is quite lower. No idea about how it works on your 5825u.
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<OscarL> (also... temp-throtling might be at play, or the build just wastes more time waiting for slower threads to finish than with fewer jobs). Funny to figure out.
<OscarL> (even heard that some people just disable SMT at the BIOS for supposedly improved performance on some scenarios?)
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<Begasus> well, it's fast enough for now, not fiddling too much with it :)
<OscarL> not sure if due to using an SSD now, or if my other work BFS partition was just borked... now I can use "query foo*bar" again and it returns fast.
<OscarL> on the HDD... using * on name queries was slow as hell.
<Begasus> never use query in Terminal <ducks>
<Begasus> s/use/used
<OscarL> I use it all the time :-)
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<Begasus> guess it's a lot faster once you get around to it
<OscarL> I use it with the following alias in bashrc/profile: alias qn='query -e -a'
<OscarL> makes moving around hp tree much faster for me.
<Begasus> k, gdal3.10 fine (build + tests)
<OscarL> "qn sphinxcontrib*recipe" took 0.2s, while "find ./ -name sphinxcontrib*recipe" took almos 2 seconds :-)
<OscarL> will have to change inrecipe to use query it seems :-D
<Begasus> if it improves +1 :)
<OscarL> seems to take half the time.
<OscarL> works well for me because I don't have any "port.recipe" along with the recipes, another advantage of using RAMFS for workdirs :-D
<Begasus> that's cheating :P
<Begasus[m]> 64bit buildmaster still down :(
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<Begasus> reboot to 32bit
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<OscarL> wow, query gets 4x slower if I use the "wrong" order.
<OscarL> time query -e -v /Data1/ "((name!="port.recipe")&&(name=="*.recipe"))" | wc -l <<< this takes 4.8s
<OscarL> time query -e -v /Data1/ "((name=="*.recipe")&&(name!="port.recipe"))" | wc -l <<< this one takes 1.6s
<OscarL> should test that again on nightlies, as I vaguely recall some commit related to that.
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<OscarL> Begasus_32: this should work without "cheating" :-D:
<OscarL> the cheating version is one second faster, though :-P
<Begasus_32> fontforge also in the game
<Begasus_32> weird thing: grep: /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Tracker: No such file or directory ?
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<OscarL> There's a "Tracker New Templates" folder in there..., maybe you need to quote the parameters you pass to grep?
<OscarL> (due to the space in the dir name)
<Begasus_32> anyway, no real change with inrecipeq vs inrecipe here
<OscarL> maybe only noticeable on slower hardware then.
<Begasus_32> k, let's build/install tiff 4.7.0 on this 32bit also
<Begasus_32> doggies and chores* in a bit :)
<Begasus_32> ps OscarL, you slacking ... checking for python3.16... no
<Begasus_32> you're*
<Begasus_32> :)
<OscarL> .16? upstream "main" is .14
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<OscarL> next alpha (4) for .14 is due for 2025-01-14, so I'm still up-to-date.
<OscarL> :-P
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<OscarL> k, back on track of cleaning up sphinx :-)
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<Begasus_32> for some reason latest tiff is checking on that OscarL :)
<Begasus_32> thought it was weird also
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<OscarL> seems they just tried to "future-proof" those checks?
<Begasus_32> this is weird too, fontforge fails when using msgmerge from secondary arch, when using the one from primary it builds ok?
<Begasus_32> probably :)
<OscarL> bit excessive, IMO, but... seems harmless.
<Begasus_32> way ahead! :D
<OscarL> Mmm, trying to pay attention to a DSP video, while touching recipes might not be ideal :-D (haven't used laplace transforms in 20+ years, and barely remeber that stuff :-D)
<Begasus_32> heh
<OscarL> k, time to re-build all the affected sphinx recipes... (last time I've touched this was 2 months ago :-/)
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<OscarL> seems I still have those under "packages", but... one more test before merging might avoid Begasus_32 hitting me in the head if I mess up :-)
<Begasus_32> sphinx is only used at build time?
<OscarL> mmm /bin/package just crashed ?!?!
<Begasus_32> karma! :P
<OscarL> mmm, I was running nightly and not beta5 :-/
<OscarL> Segment violation on "BPrivate::hoardSbrk(long)" (quite the method name there!)
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<Begasus_32> very informative :)
* OscarL removes haiku*beta5*.hpkg from packages :-P
<Begasus_32> k, build fails for fontforge on 64bit also with msgmerge
<Begasus_32> hunting ....
<OscarL> that worked, but I better switch back to beta5 for these tests.
<OscarL> Begasus_32: to answer your previous question... "irq sphinx_" only shows it used as BUILD or TESTS requires.
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<OscarL> freshly rebooted, and still got that "waiting for package ... to be activated" :-/
<Begasus[m]> it's not our fault :)
<Begasus[m]> slap it! :)
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<Begasus[m]> k, let's check this
<OscarL> removed previous .hpkg from packages, ran hp -c, and then it worked.
<OscarL> sigh.
<Begasus[m]> tss
<Begasus[m]> that worked :)
<OscarL> now getting "waiting for [...] deactivated" on a different recipe :-/
<Begasus_32> probably fixed in newer fontforge, but not bumping that one for now :)
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<Begasus_32> build finished on both arch's
<OscarL> these bug are pretty annoying. Wish beta6 comes fast.
<Begasus_32> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 113
<OscarL> getting tired of this. even after reboots I'm hitting the bug again.
<Begasus[m]> :(
<OscarL> finally managed to build sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp, after about 20 failed attempts :-(
<OscarL> wonder if there's some kind of hash clash, as there are 4 similarly named recipes (sphinx_*help)
<OscarL> "sphinxcontrib_*help"
<OscarL> failing again on sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml... at least this is the last one :-)
<Begasus[m]> 32bit?
<OscarL> 64 bits :-(
<Begasus[m]> it's been mentioned, 32bit has a "double" list of recipe repositories, if you coun't 8 simular recipe names in there, that makes 16, almost being at the end of the alphabet it freakes out ... my 2 cents
* Begasus[m] knocks on wood
<OscarL> if I'm having such problems on 64 bits... I won't even try on 32 :-D
<Begasus[m]> heh
<OscarL> k. finnally finished with all 11 recipes.
<Begasus[m]> from experience, building on 32bit succesfully makes it easier to build them on 64bit, it's not a guarentee that it works the other way round
<OscarL> guess I should try building something that uses cmd:sphinx_build now, no?
<Begasus[m]> yep :)
<OscarL> beezer it is.
<OscarL> "Fetching package for sphinxcontrib_devhelp_python310" seems I forgot to rebuild one.
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<Begasus[m]> nothing broken on the reports so far :)
<OscarL> now even beezer gives the "waiting for" error :-/
<Begasus_32> another one down :)
<Begasus_32> now the devIL :P
<OscarL> Beezer build was OK, not sure where it is using sphinx-build though (but at least it reports: "Found Sphinx: /bin/sphinx-build")
<Begasus_32> does it contain html documentation?
<Begasus_32> that's where sphinx mostly steps in
<Begasus_32> or latex doc :)
<OscarL> it has, but I'm not sure if it is being "processed" as part of the build, or just copied/installed.
<OscarL> let's try with augiedoggie's bgswitch too, just in case :-D
<OscarL> this one at least says: "[80%] Built target UserGuide". good enough for me :-P
<Begasus_32> :)
<Begasus_32> tests are not included in the DevIL source for cmake, with configure I presume they are (not going to mess around there for now)
<Begasus_32> there is atleast a in the subdir test
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<Begasus[m]> thanks :-)
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<Begasus_32> k, atm only tiff 4.2.0 (gcc2) and 4.7.0 (gcc13) installed
<OscarL> for sphinx? you're welcome :-) (missing botifico... sniff)
<Begasus_32> yeah, it's quiet without botifico at times
<OscarL> k... finally reducing the number of local WIP branches :-)
<Begasus_32> seemed I had a left-over isntall for ghostscript-gpl (9) around
<janking> Good morning
<Begasus_32> g'morning janking
<OscarL> o/
<janking> :)
* phschafft hovers in, then drops down once he reached his usual spot.
<OscarL> "grpc-tests-py3.10 1cb89e665 grpc: switch tests to Python 3.10. (Untested)"... mmm tempted to send that one in, even if untested :-D
<Begasus_32> grpc? jikes
<OscarL> yeah.
<Begasus_32> still gives me the shivers even with just testing builds there :)
<OscarL> to be fair... it is only for TESTS()... so if it breaks things there... not much is lost... and will have to update it anyway some day :-D
<Begasus[m]> feel free to do it, oh, and check bear also then :P
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<OscarL> that gprc branch is the only one I have left (besides Python3.14) before having to move to scipy related stuff :-D
<Begasus[m]> ah right ... pycharm ...
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<Begasus[m]> nice one phschafft :)
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<OscarL> `ir _python39` list is starting to get short at last.
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<Begasus[m]> +1 :)
<phschafft> thanks.
<OscarL> too bad that there's old stuff I don't know if its safe to remove... (like llvm9, nodejs16)
<OscarL> mmm iceweasel wants nodejs16 :-(
<Begasus[m]> should as Kenz the next round if it can move to nodejs20
<Begasus[m]> llvm9 is something else :)
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<OscarL> opened a "low-prio" issue for the nodejs16 suggestion over Kenz's repo.
<OscarL> mmm, should have sent separate PRs for those sphinx things and numpy related changes... I'd be closer to certain dog from AUS in commit numbers in that case :-D
<OscarL> why do we have 2 versions of openvpn still on tree?
<OscarL> seems someone just forgot to remove the older one to me.
<OscarL> again no input on VMware... connected via ssh, killing/restarting input_server does nothing... called kernel_debugger from ssh, can't type anything on the vmware window :-/
<OscarL> should have just issued a shutdown -r instead :-)
<OscarL> also... KDL eats up 100% of host CPU, same as on VBbox.. that "pause" instruction ain't helping.
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<Begasus> pycharm isn't playing nice in the VM heree
<Begasus> might as well wait for the next release
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<Begasus[m]> OscarL if I merge openvn it might pick up current docutils for 64bit with the buildmaster being down atm
<Begasus[m]> not sure if that is a problem?
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<OscarL> don't think so. any cmd:rst2man should work, but if you preffer to wait... no problem.
<Begasus> no problem here, just thought since you commented on it :)
<Begasus[m]> done
<OscarL> can alway fix up later when builders work again :-). Thanks.
<Begasus[m]> +1
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<Begasus> OscarL, do you still have tiff4 installed and could check what the outcome from the next is? "pkgman uninstall tiff4" (64bit)
<Begasus> can only tackle the ones I spotted here on my install
<Begasus> install(s)
<OscarL> I don't have it installed :-/
<Begasus> nice :)
<Begasus> doesn't brake anything major, and those still left behind should be good to move to the newer version
<OscarL> and pkgman search -r tiff4 doesn't shows anything other than tiff4_* packages so... should be safe to remove?
<Begasus> thanks for checking, will merge the PR for removal, the 32bit report will show what needs to be done then
<OscarL> np.
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<Begasus[m]> eeps :)
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* OscarL looks at the report.txt... mutters a "Yep! Sometimes they do that!" and walks the other way.
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<Anarchos> Web+ is unable to render the welcome page anymore to me. Is it a known problem ?
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> Anarchos: file:///boot/system/documentation/welcome/welcome_en.html looks ok here
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<Anarchos> Begasus strange, mine (as displayed by Web+) is file:/boot/home/config/settings/WebPositive/LoaderPages/Welcome
<Begasus[m]> err, doesn't look quite right?
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<PulkoMandy> it's normal, but webkit is broken
<Anarchos> and my boot/system/documentation has no welcome subdir.
<PulkoMandy> the LoaderPages/Welcome is a small file with javascript to detect if the offline doc is available, and otherwise redirect to the online version
<PulkoMandy> but it freezes Web+ currently because I broke something in the latest webkit release
<Begasus[m]> on nightly then?
<Anarchos> PulkoMandy ok so no worry here if you are already aware about it.
<PulkoMandy> you can install the package with the welcome page if it's not on your install
<PulkoMandy> (I think it's called haiku_welcome or something like that)
<Anarchos> Begasus[m] yes i live on the nigthly dangerous edge :)
<Begasus[m]> karma? ;)
<Anarchos> i will change my landing page temporrarily not to freeze Web+ at each start.
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<Begasus> opencv ... this is gonna hurt :P
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<OscarL> saw blender in there too... maybe try to move it to py3.10 ? :-P
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<Begasus[m]> :(
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<Begasus> processing the larger ones here, the smaller ones on the other laptop (32bit)
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<Begasus> sane_backends still python3.9 :/
<Begasus> need to run 32bit more, keep missing the suffix on builds :)
<Begasus> bugger: /sources/opencv-3.4.3/modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:340:48: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
<Anarchos> i pulled locally a branch (the branch change-8705) from gerrit ( ssh:// How can i rebase locally on master ? I want my local change to be done upon nightly code, and not the PR i did on gerrit.
<Begasus> that one fixed upstream, on to the next error, me hates opencv
<Begasus> checking with ffmpeg6
<dru_satori> begasus did you do the openjdk recipe ?
<dru_satori> I'm looking at updating to 23
<Begasus> ffmpeg4 it is
<Begasus> not at the moment dru_satori, help welcome :)
<dru_satori> added to my todo list :)
<Begasus> oh you meant previous update, don't think so :)
<dru_satori> working on the driver patches today.
<dru_satori> well, in between long running things for my real job :)
<Begasus> good luck on that, hope you get a new job soon
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<dru_satori> oh, I'm an oddity, I actually like my job, but I do often have long stretches of 'hurry up and wait' while computers do things
<OscarL> Anarchos: if you're on that target branch already, "git rebase origin master" should be enough, no?
<OscarL> if you're on master, then "git rebase origin/master change-8705" should work (that's what I use)
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<Begasus> if it isn't a conflict with openexr it is one for poppler ...
<Begasus> _devel*
<dru_satori> well isn't this interesting...
<dru_satori> there is a performance difference on the alderlake-N video when you use displayport instead of hdmi
<dru_satori> guess I need to take this machine to the office to test it with USB-C / Thunderbolt display on the driver instead of the FB driver
<dalme> what are you working on dru_satori?
<dalme> On Haiku I mean
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<bbjimmy> I have been searching on the Haiku website for the key combination to invoke the kernel debugger with no luck.
<bbjimmy> I know there is one, just cannot find it documented.
<OscarL> Alt+SysRq+d
<OscarL> or call kernel_debugger from terminal
<OscarL> bbjimmy: seems you had open a ticket about it already :-D (
<OscarL> it is documented on at least.
<bbjimmy> in the ticket it referrs to I forgot about the ticket and the key combo.
<bbjimmy> thanks
<OscarL> np!
<OscarL> Begasus: report.txt already looks way cleaner. +1!
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<waddlesplash> Nexus6H in here?
<waddlesplash> I think he used to be but maybe not anymore
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<Begasus> working on it OscarL :)
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<Begasus[m]> could any one plug in the 64bit buildmaster again? :)
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<Begasus> stupid whitespace ...
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58508] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8ecc31ca7b3e - Errors.h: Add ESOCKTNOSUPPORT.
<Begasus> bugger, closed opencv3 branch before push/merge :P
<dodo75> is all freebsd ethernet network drivers compatible with Haiku?
<waddlesplash> theoretically, but we didn't import all of them
<waddlesplash> the server-grade hardware in particular we didn't
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<dodo75> ah I see.. I guess it is server-grade then... 10GB ethernet card
<waddlesplash> type?
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<dodo75> Atlantic
<dodo75> I dont really have the skills yet to port it to Haiku.. never code drivers before. But my first thought was to compile the driver in Freebsd VM and then try to use it on Haiku
<dodo75> I know 10GB is overkill but tinkering is the fun in life, right?
<waddlesplash> dalme: oh, it's out of tree?
<waddlesplash> sorry, dodo75
<waddlesplash> autocomplete error
<waddlesplash> we don't import out-of-tree FreeBSD drivers as a general rule anyway
<waddlesplash> and compiling it in a freeBSD VM won't work for Haiku, the ABIs are very different
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<dodo75> waddlesplash no worries
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<Begasus> k, getting an error with WebPositive and SSL peer ... ?
<Begasus> (clean beta5 updated install)
<Begasus> is that the same Anarchos had earlier?
<Anarchos> Begasus no i got no SSL error
<Anarchos> Begasus did you check your date/time ?
<Begasus> ok, something else then
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<Begasus> not yet Anarchos :)
<Begasus> Anarchos thanks! :)
<Anarchos> Begasus often my SSL error were due to incorrect year...
<Begasus> another confiscated laptop from one of the kids ... checking out
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<Begasus> bugger, heat issues :/
<Begasus> jikes: devel:libboost_filesystem$secondaryArchSuffix >= 1.69.0
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<dru_satori> genio is a pretty solid start for a native IDE
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<zdykstra> have you looked at Koder? It's quick and stable.
<Anarchos> Begasus was it the year, your trouble with SSL ?
<Begasus[m]> time was of Anarchos, didn't check the year, just synced (that laptop hasn't booted in a long time)
<Begasus[m]> s/of/off
<Anarchos> Begasus[m] i have some troubles with make on my server, cause the CR2330 battery is low
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<Begasus[m]> no power supply Anarchos?
<Anarchos> Begasus[m] yes, but without a battery, the CMOS reinit to 2019...
<Begasus> ah right
<Begasus> just have to make sure you sync time prefs before running make then Anarchos :)
<Anarchos> yes
<Anarchos> "Time --update"
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<Begasus[m]> k, openmw the last one for today
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<dru_satori> @waddlesplash best practice in your work with the wlan drivers. I have an include ieee80211_var from the openbsd_compat
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<Begasus[m]> I'll try revbumping the others tomorrow, could be that base tiff4 will be re-enabled for blender and gimp, not really looking forward on building those 2 🤕
<dru_satori> the driver source uses definitions from there that are ifdef'd out via an internal define that is not overridable from external
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<Begasus[m]> override it internal? :-
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<dru_satori> I do not really think I should be modifying the compat headers for this driver :)
<Begasus[m]> jk :)
<Begasus[m]> found it a small victory to be able to patch out qtwebengine from kdevelop :)
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<Begasus[m]> bugger, this libOpenThreads is probably a static library
<Begasus[m]> will be for tomorrow
<Begasus[m]> closing down here
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
<zdykstra> seeya !
<dru_satori> nevermind. quirks of this driver source. though it is in the openbsd tree, it's includes are setup for the FreeBSD tree
<dru_satori> uggh, more like it is a mishmash of both
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there!
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<dru_satori> @waddlesplash I'm kinda stumped. getting undefined errors for pcitag_t and pci_chipset_tag_t in my code, but your iaxwifi200 uses it and builds, though I cannot find any definitions of it in the entire tree... thoughts ?
<OscarL> dru_satori: aren't all "pci_chipset_tag_t" on Haiku's tree guarded by "#ifndef __FreeBSD_version"?
<dru_satori> not sure about the one I was looking at. will find out in a moment
<OscarL> and "#define __FreeBSD_version 1200086" is in "haiku/src/libs/compat/freebsd_network/compat/sys/param.h "
<OscarL> dru_satori: thans to user nipos, we have an opengrok instance you can use for your searches, eg:
<waddlesplash> yes, check the ifdefs
<waddlesplash> like I said the other day
<waddlesplash> anything in OpenBSD code with a freebsd ifdef is actually written by me
<waddlesplash> to make the code conform better to the compat layer, avoids writing a bunch of extra code for openbsd support when the FreeBSD code is easy enough to write
<dru_satori> I think I see the issue. ( I missed the ifdef, Pe's find results highlighting leaves a lot to be desired
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<dru_satori> well, that and this code is pretty poorly organized
<dru_satori> ( not yours, the mediatek driver )
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<dru_satori> I think I'm gonna circle around and revisit this in a bit. need to get some real work done
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<dru_satori> now that I see what has been done, this is a little more complex that it looked. I think I want to rework how approached this before I go too much further
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