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x10z has quit [Quit: My Unrecognized Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<drusatori_alt> alright, it looks like mediatek makes the firmware freely availalble, however, the question I have is this: how is this handled in Haiku ( or has the issue come up yet? it looks like RealTek does occasionally require it )
<drusatori_alt> nevermind. found it.
<drusatori_alt> I was looking in /lib/. it's in /system/data
<adrian_> ah you're adding what, an mt76 driver port?
<drusatori_alt> mt792x
<adrian_> ah ok skipping to that
<adrian_> yeah, I'm not yet at getting that port into freebsd
<drusatori_alt> I picked a relatively modern, low cost mini pc as a target 'make it all work' Haiku box.
<drusatori_alt> that just happens to be the chipset involved.
<drusatori_alt> technically I picked 2, but the one I really want working sits at the under $200 price point with a 12th gen Intel chipset.
<drusatori_alt> something that would be easily turned into a dedicated Haiku box that could be a 'get this, do this, HaikuBox' in the spirit of the OG BeBox
<drusatori_alt> ( of which I lost mine in a house fire in Sept of 23
<drusatori_alt> so ...
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<drusatori_alt> however, since my hometown will be shuttering in the morning due to expected snow/sleet/ice in the morning, and I will need supplies ( beer and pizza ) I am going to do important things like a supply run
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<janking> nipos?
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<Skipp_OSX> nipos said he's only the app guy not the server guy for BeAIM and isn't currently around.
<janking> ok Skipp_OSX
<Skipp_OSX> <nipos> janking: Sorry, I wasn't here, just came home. If BeAIM surprisingly doesn't work without installing an update first, it usually means it's a server issue and that's not something I can help with. You can message Wildman on the forum, he operates the server, I only write the client software.
<janking> ok i get it :)
<Skipp_OSX> no problem
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<Begasus> morning peeps
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<erysdren> morning Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there!!!
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there Begasus!
<Begasus> Arrrr andreasdr[m] :)
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<andreasdr[m]> :D
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<janking> Good morning
<Begasus[m]> morning janking
<janking> :)
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<Anarchos> hello
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<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
<janking> Hi Anarchos
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* janking is idle: BRB
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<nephele_xmpp> hello
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (b2e26e9e): glog, bump version (#11667)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (094291e0): capnproto, bump version (#11672)
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<Begasus> that's sorted for now :)
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<drusatori_alt> when testing.. adding firmware files to the haiku/data folder, how should those be added to the running system for testing ?
<nephele_xmpp> depends how and when your driver loads them, no?
<drusatori_alt> it's a kernel add-on. it looks like the other adapters stash theirs in /system/data/firmware/{drivername}/
<drusatori_alt> so, I would echo that.
<drusatori_alt> for development, I would think that putting it in /config/non-packaged/data/firmware/{drivername}/ would be the appropriate answer.
<drusatori_alt> but I do not appear to be finding it when in that location.
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<waddlesplash> it probably only looks in the system non-packaged directory
<waddlesplash> not the one in ~
<drusatori_alt> sigh, I really should have considered that.
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<Begasus[m]> Nice, a NeoChat that seems to be running fine (so far) on Windows :)
<nephele_xmpp> It would be really neat if for the drviers where we require the wifi script, it would still show them in the network preferences, and allow to install the firmware there with buttons
<nephele_xmpp> would cut down on people needlesly running this script, and makes it clear if the chipset is supported normally
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<drusatori_alt> let me get this working first, then we can discuss making it pretty :).
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<Skipp_OSX> heyo
<drusatori_alt> I'm still busy in the drop it into KDL during boot phase
<nephele_xmpp> drusatori: Not directed at you specifically, if we can distribute the firmware legally, we should. :) So your driver should work OOTB
<nephele_xmpp> this is only relevant to some non-redistributable firmwares you have to download directly
<janking> BeAIM is working again and i`m happy :)
<nephele_xmpp> Good that it works for you
<janking> yes nephele_xmpp
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<janking> thanks to Wildman
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<nephele_xmpp> I’m enjoying reading about those AI traps for the web
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<Hiryu> nephele_xmpp: I dug into Haiku not building on FreeBSD. I haven't found the cause... But so far the issues seem legitimate. Not sure why we don't see these problems under Linux/MacOS :D
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<Hiryu> nephele_xmpp: for example these fields:, but there's no typedef for fssh_timespec, it's simply a struct
<Hiryu> prefixing these fields with "struct" fixes those particular fields (but perhaps we should just have a typedef instead). But there are other problematic definitions
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<Skipp_OSX> please fix these issues so that we may build on FreeBSD.
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<Begasus[m]> closing down
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
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<nephele_xmpp> Hiryu: anything you caught would be good to know, especially if you are building with clang (as that will help us build with clang more). Ideally open a ticket for those issuess, or send fixes directly :)
<nephele_xmpp> if a fix for an issue can be done differently we can discuss it on the code review (like using a typedef or not)
<Hiryu> nephele_xmpp: I'm building with gcc (from ports)
<nephele_xmpp> Hmm okay, but that isn’t the system compiler on FreeBSD
<Hiryu> nephele_xmpp: I wonder if there's a compiler clag that would allow these things to compile that isn't being set on FreeBSD (or if there's a reverse flag that's being set)
<Hiryu> I could try with clang
<nephele_xmpp> if that would be required we should document it anyhow
<Hiryu> yes
<Hiryu> I'll keep digging
<Hiryu> I was out of town for the last few days
<nephele_xmpp> hmm, seems I also build with gcc (atleast it is mentioned in the to-be-install stuff)
<Hiryu> anyway, AFAIK, unless you're using a typedef, shouldn't the declaration always be "struct structname varname;"?
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<nephele_xmpp> I guess the configure script just decides that
<Hiryu> that's my guess. I have done some searching... but haven't been able to find anything. But probably I'm not looking for the right thing
<Hiryu> Here's another interesting example:
<Hiryu> ../headers/private/fs_shell/fssh_byte_order.h:117:8: error: unknown type name 'bool'
<Hiryu> 117 | extern bool fssh_is_type_swapped(fssh_type_code type);
<Hiryu> It appears that's supposed to be C? Of course bool isn't a valid type for C (but is for C++)
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<Hiryu> anyway, I need to head into the office now. I'll check back here and set my box to build Haiku under FreeBSD using clang remotely :D
<nephele_xmpp> bah, github links
<nephele_xmpp> even on macos those are painfully slow
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 86 commits to branch main:
<nekobot> • lauromoura (fa7b6d6d): REGRESSION(288829@main) [CMake] Build failure with clang-18 crashing on Vector::map and complex LengthPercentage templates…
<nekobot> • Ahmad-S792 (2e66a1e3): Remove `textpath-local-url-reference` in favor of `url-reference-local-textpath` of WPT…
<nekobot> • aoikonomopoulos (3fecc925): Skip on ARMv7…
<Hiryu> nephele_xmpp: I think there are 2 potential issues here... 1) Under FreeBSD, the toolchain has some inconsistently with Linux/MacOS and 2) some definitions seem to be non-standard.
<nephele_xmpp> The only issue with the build on FreeBSD is that people don’t test it regularily
<Hiryu> Assuming I'm correct about #2 and if the devs are on board, I think should #2 should be address (perhaps over time). I don't have much free time, but I might be willing to work on that
<Hiryu> *addressed
<nephele_xmpp> Well, I’m a dev, and I’m onboard with fixing build issues for FreeBSD :P
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<nephele_xmpp> and skipp_osx above also said “please fix these issues so that we may build on FreeBSD.”
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<Skipp_OSX> correct, FreeBSD is not tested very much. Many issues have cropped up over the years on mac that have needed addressing.
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<Hiryu> nephele_xmpp/Skipp_OSX: I'll try to figure out where the issue is where the same code won't build on FreeBSD, but the potential additional issue is that some of these declarations seem incorrect
* Hiryu just got to his desk
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<Hiryu> Building the toolchain with clang unsurprisingly failed fairly quickly with: error: undefined symbol: libiconv_open
<nephele_xmpp> that is suprising, FreeBSD does have iconv
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<Hiryu> Turns out my previous attempt at building with gcc-14 was a bit off. Tried again fixing the issue... and it mostly fails the same way as 13 so no real change there :D
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<coolcoder613> bunch of pics of my 486 laptop:
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<dovsienko> coolcoder613: try Dune 2 maybe
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<coolcoder613> dovsienko: Does it work in monochrome?
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