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I'm having this weird issue where I have a PC that won't POST when it has a certain m.2 SSD in it. It will boot with another m.2 SSD, but not this one. The motherboard is a Z390 Aorus Ultra, and the SSD is a 1TB Crucial P3 Plus.
does the SSD work in another machine?
It works in a USB enclosure, yes
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coolcoder613: not all devices that are mechanically and electrically compatible with PCI(e) conform to the PCI protocol specification completely in all cases
this stands for the host as well. in practical terms, this may be solved by flashing the latest stable BIOS on the PC or the latest stable firmware on the NVMe device
making a high quality PCI device is a difficult job, money- and skill-wise. in situations like this the vendor would plug a PCI bus analyser between the host and the device and take a dump of the messages that fly around before the problem occurs
the analyser would be an expensive box that requires at least two persons to lift, and it would record gigabytes of data
then someone with a good knowledge of PCI (which means having read more books than an average adult can lift using one hand) would need to look into the correct part of that data and tell which byte or bit went wrong when
almost like network troubleshooting, except speeds are orders of magnitude higher and availability of tools and skills are orders of magnitude lower
* phschafft
wonders how many books he can lift with one paw.
* phschafft
does a bit of math and gets numbers in the range 40..100 books.
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phschafft: I've seen one of PCI specifications it is something like 2-3 thousand pages
I have seen a good number of specs. I'm very certain about your statement.
updated the BIOS, didn't help
well, then the drive if possible, then just resort to a different hardware setup
that's as much useful advice as I could give
damn friction welding.
i can't get in to this drive.
if you have a NVMe-to-PCIe conversion card, that would be worth trying, otherwise the USB converter in between
or a different NVMe if it works
oh sorry wrong window :^)
anyway, good luck, it is getting really late in my corner of the Internet
does haiku have an i2c stack (yet)?
implementation, whatever the correct term is.
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Hi :)
good evening.
well, very early morning for me. Thank you :D
But I couldn't sleep. So decided to tackle the most user-visible issue i know, the installer :)
ooh fun. what do you want to change/add?
full disk installation mode
we don't have that now?
You have to manually set up your partitions in DriveSetup
among other things, this doesn't install the EFI loader either
oh i see.
this machine i have can do either regular bios or efi, so i left it how it came.
If you create a partition table in DriveSetup it will write the MBR for Haiku (and other non-linux OS :P)
but if you re-use a partition table (just delete all partitions) and then add new ones you might end up in a situation where the system doesn't boot because of a wrong MBR
and for the vastly more common case of "Use this disk!" I'll just make it write the mbr loader and efi loader. Your firmware can then decide how to boot
(though, I always boot my personal machines with EFI, never saw a reason to boot with mbr in "compat" mode)
thought writing to mbr was optional?
What do you mean by optional?
If you write a new partition table it will write one, if you don't make a new one it won't
as part of the install process
well, you can tell it to do this explicitly i think
now checking drivesetup code to see how it does it's drivesetup-ing
so calling initcheck after one of these functions would return B_OK?
because of fID?
well, if fID is set to 1 in the comparison. regardless of what SetTo returns, calling InitCheck afterwards would have fID be 1, which is bigger than 0
err, actually no, it would not be 1, it's set to something else
my bad :)
nephele: git pull --autostash?
anyway, sidetracked
just guessing.
no worries ;^)
yay i helped find a bug today
phschafft: ah, neat
I wish the git html pages would suck less
and as always with git --no-useful-shortcut-option=there..to^use
I mean, so much css *and js* for a page that doesn't even have dark mode or a sidebar with the other git commands or something
Also, if those are generated from manpages, why don't we just have a translator for that in general, and skip generating those for git specifically
woops, shouldn't let myself get sidetracked by this too :)
why is wikipedias dark mode not set to "automatic" by default
meanwhile I'm wondering why in 2025 I still can't just add a file raw as a symbol in an ELF in any nice way ;)
why is the default to ignore the user agent setting
phschafft: uhh... well, uhm
hey, i have mandoc installed, and that can make html apparently
so if i feed this css that doesn't suck, hmm, maybe
"if [ $(which xorriso) ]; then" I think this should be "if command -v xorriso;" directly... I'm confused why the braces are used
augiedoggie: thanks, also was mentioned above :)
ah, missed phschafft when i was skimming the scrollback
So, we have mandoc available and with a quite small diff can get it to output pretty good docs in html5 format
I guess next thing to do is hook this up to a "doc" browser, i.e a little browser with a tad different UI maybe so this doesn't interfere with Web+ Session
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several things are now broken in Tracker after the menu changes :/
* augiedoggie
works up motivation to file bug reports
Shaka already filed one
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i have two that are related to tracker add-ons which create context menus
morning peeps
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what's broken?
I expected there might be some problems...
are the submenu items not triggering?
KERN: runtime_loader: Cannot open file liblibdbus-1.so.3 (needed by /boot/system/lib/libQt6Core.so.6.8.1): No such file or directory
Where is this liblibdbus thing coming from?
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how to erase a document from the 'recent docs' submenu of an application in Deskbar ?
Hi Anarchos , change amount in settings?
stilll stored to disk somewhere
Begasus[m] not the amount, but just erase some files of the list
Begasus[m] Deskbar settings gui has a button 'show in Tracker', which leads to open '/boot/home/config/settings/deskbar/menu', but this folder is empty
no idea Anarchos , maybe someting in the forum?
not sure if it's mentioned in the userguide?
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Hello Everyone ?
Hi qwebirc35402
Hello everyone! My name is Piyush Patle. I am interested in contributing to Haiku, particularly in OS Dev. I am new to the project and preparing for GSoC 2025. Can anyone guide me on beginner-friendly areas to start contributing? Any resources or first issues to look at? Thanks!
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quit? oof
hi phschafft
I'm gonna try and get some usb sticks for my pc, then i can bring it to fosdem and let people play with a "clean" Haiku
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could also bring a spare one with me, has both arch's on it :)
Neat Begasus[m]
I have my optiplex, i would bring it, disconnect the internal drive, and then people can play around with thumb sticks
do we have wifi setup there?
and if they destroy it we can just re-image it
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just installed samba4 on the other one, still no real clue how to set it up though, used some info from the forum, but nothing pops up in SMB shares
rebuild fusesmb_haiku for samba4*
* phschafft
secretly ports lci over to Haiku and installs it on those images. ;)
What's LCI?
* Halian|Jardin
speaking of SMB grumbles at his NAS having a dynamic IP
Halian|Jardin: (was just joking around a little) lci is a shell I work on for a totally unrelated project. just sometimes take our dear nephele and some others of here as rubber ducks ;)
just added an experimental escape parse and was wondering if I need a rubber duck for it. ;)
why i can write sh, thank you very much. And I will hold that belief until the next time a shell script destroys my stuff, at which point I will claim to have learned something, and thus, now, properly understand shell
nephele: ;)
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this 3 line diff is starting to become big :(
I know that feeling.
I just need to implement this function. Done! Darn, it has a matching functions i also need to adjust. Darn, it needs documentation written. Darn, the original documentation is slightly wrong.
how I know that feeling.
still the colours?
AdoptSystemColors for BControl
* phschafft
if you like to swap problems? I'm right now one bit short in the flash storage. one bit.
well, my overarching problem is that only buttons in Haiku use control colors. But those are hardly the only controls
* phschafft
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<akashkumar> "Hey, I am getting this https://..." <- "No error", so everything is ok 😆
akashkumar: try a `tail -500 /var/log/syslog` and pastebin the output. It should include information from the package kit on why (hopefully)
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but they are different between usb and ps/2
if you have a keyboard that has volume keys that produce different keyvalues make a bug report and we can map it to the proper HID keycodes (the one that are now in the shortcuts preferences)
No, they are not. they are mapped
check the commit
i did
then I don’t understand what you mean
The usb hid driiver produces HID_CONSUMER(VOLUME_DECREMENT), as B_UNMAPPED_KEY, the PS/2 driver does exactly the same
for whatever reason, the keys generate different codes, if it's possible to remap that then it's fine, but i was under the impression there were limitations
The limitation is that we can’t do this as a mapped key, but there is no problem with an unmapped key. The difference is basically just that this bypasses the keymap completely
but it's mapped on ps/2 and unmapped on usb
what do you mean by that?
from Shortcuts i can use the dropdown menu to select the "Volume +" key on ps/2
on usb I have to use a raw keycode
okay. So if you can still select this it will not work since that commit. You have to use the keycode. But if you want you can teach shortcut preferences to display this as a nice value and option instead of the raw hex
but, we map those per default in shortcuts so you really don’t need to do anything
i'm not concerned with the display, my issues is that i can't set on shortcut and have it work for both keyboard types
one shortcut*
yes you can, it’s the keycode as it is in the default keymap now
err, default shortcut preferences i mean
i boot the same installation of Haiku in both VM and bare metal, the shortcuts do not work on both
then figure out which driver is producing the wrong keycode, and why. And then we can fix it to produce the proper HID keycode
probably this is the virtio driver in the vm?
vmware ps/2
with the specific vmware driver?
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if you can pull up a listimage, and add that to a ticket (if possible also with the keycode it actually produces) I can take a look
so I'm done with this patch except one small thing...
The selected Desktop background color is white instead of black... I'm pretty sure black is a bug and I fixed the bug, but... that might anger people.
The text color?
pose select box I mean, the color behind the text when selected.
well, i don’t mind. If the contrast is bad or does not match with the color scheme I will simply open a ticket about it :)
it uses whatever is your text color so if you have a light background it turns black instead of white... it matches whatever the text is.
I could hack around this though and make it work like it did before... I just am reluctant to do this in the wrong way...
i'm not terribly concerned about the keys, i'm still working up motivation to hassle Skipp_OSX with some trac tickets :P
It migt make sense to change this to use the mark/highlighht color in the future, but other that i certainly wont object
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I mean if we had a highlight color yeah
• waddlesplash (c0bc3375): jam: Actually build with optimizations.…
mark color is for checkboxes and radio button marks, would you reuse that for highlight?
but those also seem kind of poorly defined
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that's not for hightlight color in this sense...
I mean, we could make it be I suppose
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the question is then if we want a generic highlight or if want to add document highlight, panel highlgiht etc
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or maybe just a generic accent color
though B_STATUS_BAR_COLOR kind of serves as a highlight color, a bit
but that is also a semantic color…
nipos: grok seems down
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Hey, bl4ze here, I had solved a very basic 'good first issue' few months back. I started reading the haiku book at that time. But i was confused as how do you solve some more complex issue. I just wanted to know the flow like after making changes, do I have to build it and run it in a VM everytime to test it?
that depends. probably yes, but for many things you may want to develop on Haiku itself, whether in a VM or out
that will make testing easier, you can just rebuild the one thing you are working on and run it directly
waddlesplash: Thanks for letting me know,Tomcat needed a restart,it works again
Happens from time to time,I don't know why.Tomcat itself doesn't crash,but the OpenGrok service it should be serving
waddlesplash: so like let's say for example, i have to solve some issue related to file-system. what should be my approach?
there using a "fs_shell" may be best
this builds the filesystem into a command line tool that can be run on your build platform even
and can be more easily debuged
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Oh cool, Thanks! And if i have to solve some issue regarding GUI, then do i just do it inside haiku right?
* Oh cool, Thanks! And if i have to solve some issue regarding GUI, then i can just do it inside haiku right?
you can pretty much always recompile libbe.so iif you have changed in the interface kit or so, and then load this instead of the system libbe.so for apps to test your changes
* Anarchos
feels so unlucky : i had to build a whole ISO, put on a USB stick and reboot hardware , for each modification on the bootloader i wanted to test...
closing down here
cu peeps!
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Hi there.
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