anyway, let's focus on problems that have practicable solutions, and maybe with a smaller problem space a small budget will look a bit better
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Ok, good to know. Thanks
I just got a 486 laptop!
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nice coolcoder613, started out with that :)
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coolcoder613, trying Haiku on that?
Haiku on 4MB RAM
would be a challenge :P
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maybe a replication issue again
Begasus: Could be nicer if you enable text shadows on the desktop :)
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coolcoder613: That could be an OK DOS game machine
my very first [second-hand] laptop had something between 1 and 4 MB RAM, I managed to run Linux on it (either text mode or an X server for network clients) and connect to Internet
However, to install it in the first place it took to plug the hard drive into a more modern desktop PC and to strip the resulting system to the minimum
monochrome screen, no sound
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The hard drive seems to use some kind of three pin power connector instead of the standard IDE power
three? not four?
coolcoder613: could be the LED rather than power, the old PATA 2.5" and 1.8" drives ran the power through the double-row data header IIRC
well, 12V, 5V and ground do fit into three pins, right? a multimeter could tell quickly
or a M/S jumper. sometimes they had three pins so you don't loose th jumper itself.
dovsienko: that is true. but even the smaller ones I have seen had four contacts. but clearly there is more than anyone of us could ever see.
coolcoder613: now you've talked yourself into identifying it properly and reporting the details :-)
while you're at it. I have an floppy drive that has a connect just like the standard one but two pins (= 1 row) short. and it also has power on that connector. it works fine but seems read-only.
I'm not sure if my new drive would work anyway. It's an 80GB drive.
I had systems that only worked up to 4GB but once Linux was running they supported 80GB.
WOuld it be able to use 4Gb of the 80GB drive?
so you needed to select parameters just right that the BIOS found some boot image and then it was fine.
Oh, that would be fine
but I think I needed to override the settings in the HDD (not the BIOS) and then let Linux figure it out later on.
something like that.
the simpler solution would be a second boot device (floppy or second HDD) and only use it for data.
My main problem now is how to powerr this hdd
* phschafft
I think that one had a BIOS that was half in ROM and half on HDD. maybe that was the reason for the limitation.
this hdd seems to be bad, dos install has write errors
thats why im trying to replace
that's bad.
phschafft that's a weird setup
Halian|Jardin many peripheral have their own bios (graphics cards, network cards...) and it is intended like that, so your motherboard bios can call the peripheral bios to initialize themself in the POST. Th'at's why you get graphics activity during bios POST.
I hadn't read the scrollback, and so thought it was the computer's main BIOS that was half on the hard drive ;w;
coolcoder613: that's a 3.5" HDD, are you sure it is a laptop?
the thing with PC BIOS and HDD size is a problem from old times, which is why I still make a small /boot partition below 1GB on my Linux hosts
sometimes the easiest way to set it up is to have a simple boot device for the bootloader and /boot (SD card or a USB storage or a plain HDD) and then the kernel can deal with the root FS being on hardware RAID or who knows where
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Halian|Jardin: in my case yes, half of the bios is in ROM and the other half is loaded from the HDD before the real OS is loaded. it used to be like that on some older high end machones.
basically when the BIOS did not fit into the ROM.
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it was a time when people where happy to experiment. some of those machines had windowed, multi-tasking BIOS (like you could browse the system info while you formatted a disk in background).
but then in the 2000s that all went away. and then flash sizes became bigger they added more graphical (and sometimes sound) elements again.
but it was a different style.
Hi there.
* phschafft
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hi zard
I got a 486 laptop
Hello coolcoder613 :)
* coolcoder613
heads to bed, it's almost midnight
Goodnight coolcoder613 :)
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k, that didn't went too wel :P
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hi nephele_xmpp
my freewear order is on the way
they were quite nice, i ordered 2 things as 2 orders, and asked for the second order that they be shipped together. And they do! :D also gave me the adjusted price for postage only once
so far, great customer service
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will the haiku swag be available to buy at FOSDEM? :)
would be nice, but I doubt it, don't know what PulkoMandy still has around :)
a nice sticker for the laptop would do, now the one from KDE is blinking on it :P
[haiku/haiku] 04bf57110ca4 - Tracker: Disallow control characters in file name edit
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so how can I remove a bad patchset from Gerrit ?
you just push a new one
with the same Change-Id
when I try, it rejects it as having no changes
then that means you didn't modify anything
and the commit hash is identical
I'm trying to update patchset 4, because 5 includes files unintended
the patchset numberings are just what Gerrit generates
you can't update any particular patchset, you can only add new ones
a "patchset" on Gerrit is just a commit, that's all, nothing more or less
based upon comments, I cherry picked, made the requested changes, now it is rejecting as identical. I
I basically never use cherry-pick
amending commits is all you need here
I'm to the point of punting and simply saying it is not worth the effort.
I'm confused as to what you are confused about, or what is difficult about this
and yet, pushing the commits rejects, so yeah.
git has a lot of features and so can get confusing
but once you understand the basic concepts it's mostly understandable from there
what is the most recent commit you have locally?
I use git all the time. this is the combo of gerrit and git, trying to keep things in it's sync
ow bugger, updated samba4 to see it's using : devel:libicuuc$secondaryArchSuffix >= 75 :P
dru_satori: Gerrit just takes commits, and replaces commits on push by matching Change-IDs. that's it
one "change
" on Gerrit always 1 commit
Gerrit knows nothing about what makes commits the same or different besides the commit hash and the Change-Id
you could push a change with NOTHING in common with the previous version of the change with the same Change-Id and gerrit will happily accept that
which is how I got to this point :( I did a push that included bad files, and then made the mistake of recerting.
that's fine, just make the Change-Ids match
so again, what's the top commit you have locally?
anyways, at this point, all of the relevant code is in, the id's match, the current head reflects what I changed.
so, it either works or it doesn't.
do you want help with fixing your git situation or not
because I'm trying to walk you through it here, but I can't do that if you don't answer my questions
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I'm not sure what to answer. Gerrit shows the correct intel_extreme.h header. it just included the mt7921 files that I was also working.
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dru_satori: yes, so I want to help you fix that
I can git rm tthose files and resubmit.
don't git rm
and don't "resubmit". We can fix this in the working copy directly
so once again: what is the top commit locally?
the one I abandoed because the change_ig mismatched
OK, so we don't want that commit, BUT we want its changes in the original commit
the prior one commit 9b03bb5a018c6d216167b3237ca86b18d95e3c89 is the one that included
so: "git reset HEAD~1"
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this undoes the top commit but *without* modifying your working tree
so the changes made will still be in the working tree
once you have done that, run "git gui"
and then check the "Amend last commit" box. That commit's message and changes will then appear in Git Gui's view
Then what you want to do is de-stage the files you don't want: In the box in the lower left of the view, click the icons to the left of the file names. This will remove those files from the commit
Then, add the files you do want: in the box in the upper left of the window, click the icons to the left of the file names for just those files
this is all what was done before
well, it definitely was not, because we got a different result on Gerrit.
after you did that, click "Commit"
that's what actually *amends* the change, if the "Amend" box is checked
otherwise, nothing happens
once you've done that, just "git push origin master:refs/for/master" as before
the change on Gerrit will then get updated
hopefully that worked. now I can go back to working through the wlan driver
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[haiku/haiku] 0db74e1ae12a - intel_extreme: add support for Alder Lake chipsets.
waddlesplash: it may be a good idea to make RAMFS an off-by-default feature and to prioritise defects that spoil everyone's experience with the OS for a while, what do you think?
in point of fact RAMFS is used daily by most users and there are no crashes
the last time I ran benchmarks with and without RAMFS to support my argument about it, it surprised me that BFS actually performed better (in a VM on a host with lots of RAM and SSD)
because it's used by the wayland compatibility layer and thus Iceweasel etc. for shared memory
and this is not a small performance improvement, it's a huge one actually
but this is a very different case than your benchmarks I'd guess, because this uses a small number of files, but very large ones with frequent writes
so if we used BFS as backing for that it'd create tons of disk thrashing
generally it's not a good idea to have stuff like shared memory physically write on an SSD...
I know it is useful in principle and use equivalents on other OSes, but it does not make sense how it could work well for everyone and keep breaking in my tests
because your tests do things nobody else is doing lol
ramfs isn't used as tmpfs by default
so, that's the difference
such as compiling C files
and crashing Clang
the Clang crashes are all fixed now?
dovsienko: how does it do that?
and again very few people use ramfs to do things like that, the default case is just the shared memory directory
never heard back from my bug report about it
phschafft: didn't clear tails of pages
dovsienko: ? the bugs are fixed?
waddlesplash: ah. thanks. so at least it's an identified problem.
the description it's running on SUSE Linux
#11133 indeed does not mention it, so it may be unrelated (that said, my TMPDIR is set to RAMFS)
90993 is the same problem, as far as I can see from the error messages, but it would be more appropriate for a Clang developer to debug
I'm pretty sure that if I disallowed B_DELETE you wouldn't be able to use the delete key in a filename edit so that would not be good. But I didn't push the submit button...
anyway, the point is it keeps chasing bugs out at a rate that draws precious time from other bug fixing
Delete is allowed for good reason, so you did the right thing I think but submitting.
*by submitting
so just in case you thought without RAMFS I would not be able to do what I need to do, that's not the case
one potential way to put RAMFS under control could be making it a ramdisk device instead and putting an ordinary BFS on top, this way there would be one fewer filesystem to debug
das the BFS driver support trim?
there are some messages about TRIM in the boot log, but I do not know how complete that is
I personally like when a system supports having some flat ramdisk device that one can use e.g. for a normal filesystem. however I don't think that is the most useful for stuff that has a lot of structural changes (changes in size, delete, create, appending, ...).
you are welcome to consider the idea
Skipp_OSX: huh, is that mapped to B_DELETE? IN that case nevermind :)
dovsienko: I just fear it would end up using shared memory backed by some random filesystem as storage for the ramdisk...
short answer, yes.
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before I file it as a bug, is it just me or is mouse click behavior on context menus sometimes inconsistant or just exceptionally slow ?
depends on if you are talking about tracker ;)
tracker is where I notice it the most, but it does seem to crop up in other places as well
Deskbar is particularly prone as well ( though I imagine that is shared code )
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I see. an interesting conundrum as to how to handle it though. I am not sure there is a great fix, and making it even more interesting. With Tracker, I'd bet that it is more prevalent in I/O bound conditions ( running from a USB drive ) where it has to iterate the filesystem
same reason it would show up in emulated / non-bare metal configurations
Well, for everyone that's true, but for you personally you can fix the issue by raising the double click speed in Input prefs
At least make the issue less noticeable
oh certainly, but I try to stay more or less to defaults in order to be able to simulate other users conditions
Well then you got the bug and the code where the fix is needed, have at it.
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one issue is in Tracker we remove and add the Nav menus from the right click menu, and if you go quick you can mess that up by having two menus open at the same time.
I'll get there eventually. trying to stay out of core tools until I am more comfortable with this particular process. wanna get to a point where I can point to a single machine that can be 'just works'
don't get me started on the mess that Explorer in the early days of the Windows 95 shell was when implementing any type of menu extensions
ok I won't
nest pointers to item_id lists 8 and 10 levels deep
what you are describing is the same core problem they tried to solve, and ultimately failed.
by release, it had changed to a model that handled the menus immediately, and deferred any iteration for expansion until the item was clicked ( or mouse over )
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and even then, it would default to cached instance
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hi i cant login on my BeAIM can you nipos
is nipos here?
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dovsienko: we already do support that, but the ramfs bugs thus far were also bugs in other subsystems or at least related to them for the most part
so I think we should keep at it here
the new bug you have found is totally unrelated to ramfs actually
it's not even in ramfs data structures
it's probable that it may only happen with ramfs involved because on BFS there's more locks and things are slower, idk
but the fault in question is not ramfs-related
We can decide for a release wether to have something enabled/disabled per default, but for the nightlies this makes no sense. We should keep stuff enabled even if it is buggy to be able to test it
dovsienko: also, your benchmark may give different results now, after my recent concurrency-related changes in ramfs
• lonemadmax (7ad722d2): qt6_base: get latest qt6-haikuplugins (#11669)…
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waddlesplash: that's a fair point, let's dismiss that argument until I have new data
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I was used haiku in qemu, can I copy that image directly to usb flash and boot it natively?
and if can, how to do it
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Depends, if your qemu install is raw you can just copy it to a usb directly, if you used a compressed format like qcow2 you have to do some extra steps (which i don’t know how :D)
alternatively attach a thumb drive to the VM and use Installer from the running system to install it to the thumb stick
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I just did cp haiku.qcow2 dumpme.qcow2 ; qemu-img resize --shrink dumpme.qcow2 1932735488 ; sudo qemu-img convert dumpme.qcow2 -O raw /dev/sdb
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* vadique
waits for the last thing to finish
You could open up qemu, load up your usb stick, format it and run Installer to install to your thumb drive
Skipp_OSX, I really don't wish to redo all the thing I've already done before after installing
before after... lol, since installing
That's the beauty of it, you shouldn't have to because the installer will copy your system over including modifications
hmm, really?
the only thing you have to take care off is partitioning and the EFI loader, other than that Installer will just replicate your system
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Haiku: Using Installer and DriveSetup section
skip the part about anyboot image since you're not using that, but the rest
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okay, I'll try to boot natively now, see you
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dru_satori: m_defrag on the various BSDs are incompatible, there are ifdefs for it in other OpenBSD driver ports.
you will need to look at those and see what to use instead
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@waddlesplash thanks. at the moment, I'm more concerned with getting the driver to even load and init. once there, I can start the real debugging and fixing of that stuff
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which is entertaining, bouncing between two machines to get this working
waddlesplash do you think you could look into Power saving mode at some point? It involves the scheduler, and you're the only one who could possibly make it work.
what do you mean?
In ProcessController => Power savings mode
off to boot the other machine
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Skipp_OSX: yes, what do you mean, does it not work?
correct, does not work, also crashes apparently
Skipp_OSX: henlo fellow OS X user (though I'm on Asahi Linux ALARM right now)
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The idea is that it puts the scheduler in a mode that uses as few cores as possible so the other cores can be turned off to save power.
mmlr's idea... but the rest is beyond my understanding.
it crashes? this is news to me
there is a bug that it locks up PS/2 input on somehardware, yes
I think the PS/2 input lockup is the actual problem afterall
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It the problem is outside of the scheduler/kernel then nvm, somebody else can tackle it, I was under the impression it was a scheduler issue.
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janking: Sorry, I wasn't here, just came home. If BeAIM surprisingly doesn't work without installing an update first, it usually means it's a server issue and that's not something I can help with. You can message Wildman on the forum, he operates the server, I only write the client software.
@waddlesplash before I wander into a rabbit hole. I am assuming that the best way to debug the WLAN interfaces DPRINTF() liberally applied ?
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Skipp_OSX: I mean it may still be a scheduler issue, I haven't investigated
drusatori_alt: probably
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you know you have issues when getting a kernel panic is good, because it means the driver loaded :)
drusatori_alt \o/
pkgman update still broken ?
On to the next step
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No, he's working on wifi driver support it seems
yeah, I'm trying to add support for the MediaTek MT7921, MT7921k and MT7922 WiFi chips on some of the AlderLake - N motherboards
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are you porting over the existing FreeBSD 14.x/OpenBSD driver?
ok carry on
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it's an OpenBSD driver, but based upon the code, I'm fairly certain it is really some sort of ugly hybrid of both
As I understand it they're the same driver, but my understanding is pretty shallow
just some really odd mishmash of includes and linked libraries
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and right now I'm hitting a Kernel Debug Land crash on fbsd uninit, which says that it found the device, tried to load the driver and then fails during the uninit when it cannot properly startup
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interesting. looks like these devices have to load the rom and firmware at load time. time to go digging or those files and determine if they are usable in this context, or have to be user installed.
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