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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: an odd thing just jumped out at me: getifaddrs() returns AF_INET and AF_LINK addresses, but in the latter case the MAC address is always the same for all interfaces and does not even remotely match the actual MAC addresses as seen with ifconfig
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<dovsienko> I am double-checking in case this is a libpcap bug (ifconfig gets it correctly after all)
<dovsienko> yes, it is a libpcap bug since it reproduces on BSD systems as well
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<dovsienko> my own bug, in fact, but in the test program rather than the library. should be easy to fix
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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* OscarL waves at Begasus.
<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<OscarL> Still playing with the K stuff?
<Begasus> got about all the basics covered atm for KF6
<Begasus> kdenlive 24.02.0 still crashes on launch though :/
<OscarL> Always something in the way :-)
<Begasus> well 23.08.5 should still be good (for KF5) :)
<OscarL> or everything works... and upstream does a new release same day you finish with the previous :-P
<Begasus> wouldn't be the first! :D
<Begasus> for 23.08.5 everything should already be in the depot
<Begasus> if things work out fine for the build I guess I'll push a recipe to haikuports, those wanting to give it a go could build it then ;)
<Begasus> OscarL, still fighting with Pe?
<OscarL> I managed to give it a few good slaps at least :-D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> fresh coffee ...
* Begasus hands OscarL some fresh Belgian coffee
<OscarL> Nice, thanks Begasus! :-D
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<Begasus> no patching done so far for kdenlive (anyone should be able to build it from source now), so maybe there should be some, so far it's good enough for me ;)
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<OscarL> Started to add the "*.cpp" style filter to TextSearch too, but ran off steam for today (also... I really need to read more about BLayout). For now, just two ugly text inputboxes will do :-D
<Begasus> is this a bad thing? "QObject::disconnect: Unexpected nullptr parameter" (seeing this in the testlog for kdenlive)
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<OscarL> how bad, depends on what was supposed to be there.
<Begasus> hmm not realy it seems, seeing it also in tests that pass
<Begasus> not something I could "fix" ;)
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<OscarL> I guess it could also be just an outdated test (mis-match between test expectations and current API/libraries).
<OscarL> (I've seen a couple of those on Python's test-suites for some releases, for example)
<Begasus> oh well, not prime time too I guess, crashes when closing :P
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> re
<OscarL> Heh, in 2011 Skipp_OSX wanted to change Pe's undo/redo shortcut to CMD+z / CMD+SHIFT+z. Defaults in 2024 still CMD+y / CMD+SHIFT+y
* OscarL shakes head.
<Begasus> I'm used to it by now :P
<OscarL> I should probably add an alternative .r file with more "modern" keybindings.
<CalistoMathias> Hiii
<Begasus> Hi CalistoMathias
<Begasus> as the great said, why fix what isn't broken OscarL :P
<OscarL> Hey CalistoMathias.
<Begasus> k, PR is live :)
* OscarL got mails from pedevel from the OSDrawer and BerliOS era, up to the move to Github. Was it on BeUnited before OSDrawer, right?
<Begasus> lost me :)
<OscarL> Begasus: constantly switching shortcuts (when using differetent editors/OSes) further increases my crazyness :-)
<Begasus> still got email backups (somewhere) from BeOS up to Haiku :)
<OscarL> Pe got open sourced around 2002, IIRC, I think the first repo was on BeUnited servers.
<Begasus> I'm good, just in Windows I try to avoid the 4th Desktop :P
<CalistoMathias> So i just had a small question about the deskcalc application
* Begasus runs ....
<CalistoMathias> like Humdinger had told me that I should get practice wit the BLayoutBuilder classe
<CalistoMathias> is the deskcalc app done completely without Layout Builders??
<CalistoMathias> i grepped for "LayoutBuilder.h" but it didn't have any mention of it :(
<Begasus> it probably hasn't seen any update for a long time CalistoMathias? :)
<augiedoggie> OscarL: Pe has conigurable keybindings, you can add a cmd+z and cmd+shift+z shortcut
<augiedoggie> configurable*
<CalistoMathias> so this code is from before Layouts even existed? everything is pretty much done in a very different way :sob
<CalistoMathias> :( *
<CalistoMathias> :sob --> crying emoji :(
<Begasus> I'm no good there CalistoMathias, so don't take my word on it :)
<OscarL> augiedoggie: I know, I have them set up that way. :-) Having better defaults or at least as alternative shorcuts can't hurt
<Begasus> can only give moral support ;)
<CalistoMathias> :(
<Begasus> OscarL, defaults as is are fine :P
* OscarL slaps Begasus with CMD+Y
<Begasus> if it's configurable, then use that one! :P
* Begasus slaps OscarL back with a big Alt-Z
<OscarL> Pe already supports more than one shortcut per command. Why not have them added by default?
<augiedoggie> open a PR for it
<OscarL> already have 6 in the pipeline.
<Begasus> one more can't hurt? ;)
<CalistoMathias> Oh and one more thing? this deskcalc app was made before the interface kit had a lot of things or something like that? it doesn't even make uses of buttons or anything :( Everything is manually built from the ground up :(
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL a517a3e - pe: remove older recipes. (#10194)
<CalistoMathias> so for now should I pick a different app to try and clone?
<CalistoMathias> since I can't really refer back to the original code to see whether im going right or wrong :(
<OscarL> DeskCalc is indeed ancienct (pre BeOS R4 for sure).
<CalistoMathias> yup by the looks of it, it definitely is :(
<CalistoMathias> even the buttons are made using pretty much nothing but the bare minimum
<CalistoMathias> is there any easy to follow along app, that I can try cloning instead?
<Begasus> no idea really, but did you have a look at haikuarchives?
<Begasus> though I guess most there that haven't been updated are from the same era ;)
<OscarL> I would guess that most of the apps using BLayout are either on the Haiku repo already...
<CalistoMathias> yup ill just go one by one through each one of the applictions that got listed in the grep section
<CalistoMathias> I guess I can atleast try and do the apps that popped up
<OscarL> or are newer stuff written by the likes of augiedoggie, x512[m], etc.
<OscarL> humdinger's stuff also most likely to be using BLayout already.
<CalistoMathias> the proposal part of my project is getting shaped now because of the forum post and humdinger's PM but apart from that I do want to get better at Layout before the proposal end date is over as a whole so that I can try and start working on thhings as early as possible if i do make it in... Also if we want to fix small issues in like source code which doesn't have a ticket what do we do?
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: exhibit A:
<CalistoMathias> I just noticed that the minimum width setting for the expander application in R1/beta4 edition probably is slightly not working as it should be when you shrink the application.
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: you don't need a ticket to send a patch for review.
<OscarL> Sometimes I don't bother opening a ticket for things I've found at least a possible solution :-)
<CalistoMathias> ohhh okay
<CalistoMathias> then maybe ill just try and fix that small issue
<CalistoMathias> and thanks so much for the link
<CalistoMathias> ill try giving it a read through
<CalistoMathias> the deskcalc application sent me into a proper panic mode xD
<OscarL> he has several other repos you can look at as well.
<CalistoMathias> when I was like huhhhhhhh?????!!! while reading through that code xD
<CalistoMathias> yup ill go through his applications
<OscarL> The "AboutSystem" app... was noticeably less wide before the font change from "Noto Sans Display" to "Noto Sans", may also be an easy fix? (not sure, so... beware)
<CalistoMathias> ohhhh okay ... I'm not sure how it looked before but maybe if I got a place where I could see how it looked before, I could try my hand at it :)
<OscarL> will see if I still have a screenie.
<CalistoMathias> oh okay
<CalistoMathias> thank you so much :)
<OscarL> if not... I should have some out-of-date installs somewhere :-D
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<OscarL> first screenie has old vs new widths.
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<OscarL> my original descriptions for those screenies:
<OscarL> > That screenshot I linked shows... hrev57578's AboutSystem with "Noto Sans Display" at the top. and with "Noto Sans" at the bottom. Middle one is current hrev57581 with "Noto Sans Display".
<Begasus> OK, Kasts 24.02.0 runs fine on KF6 :D
<OscarL> CalistoMathias: if it is not an easy fix, do not waste time on it, thou! Surely there are more interesting things to spend your time on :-)
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<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
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<Begasus> still 14 frameworks with 5.114.0 to bump :)
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<Begasus> heh, still got the gtk4 packages backed up :P
<Anarchos> Begasus do gtk contains sourceview ?
<Begasus> iirc sourceview is already in the depot Anarchos
<Begasus> ps, this gtk4 isn't functional as discussed a while ago :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus ok
<Anarchos> Begasus i ask that , cause coq ( uses sourceview
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<Begasus> well we have this: GtkSourceView, if it works with coq nice :)
<Anarchos> i think <e
<Anarchos> we have gtk3 when coq uses gtk4 ...
<Anarchos> or inversely
<Begasus> eeps, well no gtk4 for Haiku :)
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<Begasus> problem 1: package libqalculate_devel-4.9.0-1 requires devel:libicudata>=66.1, but none of the providers can be installed
<Begasus> looks it could a bump :)
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<Begasus> revbump, something didn't get picked up on last one ...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4d24a33 - libqalculate, revbump, force correct icu version (#10196)
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<dovsienko> does anybody know why Wireshark does not use fixed-width font for the packet bytes/hexdump panel?
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<zard> haikuwebkit built :)
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<zard> I'm surprised how well it works. Now I'll have to figure out what I want to work on
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<Begasus> nice zard
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6240c92 - baloo, add kde framework (#10197)
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<aazam[m]> Good morning/evening :)
<aazam[m]> Got Haiku finally running on a VM yesterday. Virtual Box saved a lot of hassle \o/
<zard> Congratulations aazam[m] :). I use qemu btw :P
<Begasus> good on you aazam[m] :)
<Begasus> when .. I'm using VMWare
<aazam[m]> Thank you :)
<aazam[m]> I was trying with qemu at first but kept running into permission errors even after configuring the qemu.conf file
<zard> Interesting... But, yes, afaik qemu can be quite a bit more complicated than virtualbox
<zard> Makes me wonder how their features compare
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] tqh pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57629] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b6fd30b0ed46 - arm64: Declare exception handlers as STATIC_FUNCTION
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] tqh pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57630] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 06fae14eb94d - arm64: Save/restore FPU state when handling IRQ or syscall
<Anarchos> tqh i guess thisis a huge step for handling syscall !
<BrunoSpr> Hi all
<BrunoSpr> It is not possible in e-mail to zoom the recived messages!?
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f879117 - frameworkintegration, new kde framework (#10198)
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<BrunoSpr> Hi again, are settings files regular .txt files?
<BrunoSpr> I cannot edit them!? Misconfigured mime-type?
<Anarchos> BrunoSpr 'message file.settings' will give you a readable content
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<BrunoSpr> Anachos, cannot find it here! FileType?
<zard> I don't think those have their own file type, though perhaps they should...
<BrunoSpr> bcs I cannot find it
<zard> Then we could allow opening them in a gui program, and editing them. That would be cool
<BrunoSpr> Yes, that would be cool but ok?
<zard> Just an argument for making those files have their own filetype. Anyway, you can use the 'message' command to view their contents
<BrunoSpr> yes, thx
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<BrunoSpr> maybe "message" would be nice as an add-on?
<BrunoSpr> brb
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<zard> That's a possibility, or even better open the files with "message" by default. Regardless, I think both of those would be easier if messages had their own mime type
<BrunoSpr> Yes we could discuss that in the forum
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<zard> Maybe if one of us were serious about implementing it. Otherwise, just imagining how things might be done :P
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<bbjimmy> Is there a command that can do the same thing as using the Trackers Identify on a file?
<bbjimmy> I need Media:Height and Media:Width attributes to be set so I can use image files properly in yab.
<waddlesplash> `mimeset`, but I think it needs some arguments
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57631] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ea989da7f15e - SetupEnvironment: export XDG_STATE_HOME env var.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57632] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 51edf9322cb6 - arm64: Save/restore TPIDR_EL0 in _arch_context_swap
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<Anarchos> i am back
<tqh> Anarchos, probably, but I havn't built it myself. It seems like those are important changes though.
<bbjimmy> waddlesplash `mimeset` sets the BEOS:TYPE, but not the Media:Height and Media:Width attributes
<waddlesplash> ah
<waddlesplash> I think Height and Width are set by Tracker thumbnail generation
<bbjimmy> since yab is broken for getting these values I was hoping for a command-line to do this. I can get the values if they are set, but cannot force them to be set.
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<humdinger> bbjimmy: ShowImage sets those attributes
<bbjimmy> once the user has used identify from Tracker there is no problem, but I want my program to take care of it if the user hasn't.
<humdinger> well some tool will be needed to analyse the image to get the width and height
<humdinger> maybe imagemagick can do that too.
<bbjimmy> Humdinger this also requires the user to use showimage on the file,
<bbjimmy> I haven't thoutht of that. never used image magic.
<humdinger> maybe ffmpeg can do that too. it's a massive beast, I wouldn't be surprised
<humdinger> stackoverflow says: ffprobe -v error -show_entries stream=width,height -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 image.jpg
<humdinger> prints width height
<humdinger> script away :)
<humdinger> -> v
* humdinger is idle: BRB
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<bbjimmy> might do the trick
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<Begasus> ~> findVersion ./kdesu/kdesu-5.112.0.recipe
<Begasus> forgot about that one :)
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<Begasus> nice, on KF6 kdesu passes the 2 tests (fails one on KF5) :P
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<Begasus> think I got them so far :) 92 changed files with 8596 additions and 89 deletions
<Anarchos> Begasus big changes
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<Begasus> not really Anarchos, current frameworks in the depot are good enough for a while, no need to have them double for now :)
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<Begasus> bbl
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<nephele> zard: haikuwebkit works for you now? :D
<zard> Oh yay, you're on! Yes, it does :)
<nephele> yay? :)
<zard> I was wondering what those things were that you thought needed to be done
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<nephele> hmm, let's see. It depends a bit on what area you want to work in, what you are compofrtable with
<zard> Currently, I'm looking at getting webkit-2 working. I'm comfortable with pretty much everything :-)
<nephele> Well, we have severall small tickets and some more involved ones
<nephele> Small ones would be: Translate context menu items, Propogate WebPositive search engine to context menu (search the web))
<nephele> svg rendering, css rendering
<zard> Ah, I forgot about the tickets. Now that's a lot of tickets :P
<nephele> Moderate, or more involved would be enabling webkit adblocking api. web inspector, reader mode, proper support for streamed media via media kit
<nephele> Well. There used to be only webpositive tickets, but we split that up quite some time ago so webkit is easier to track :D
<nephele> The "easiest" for making WebPositive "more fast" is probably the adblocking api xD
<nephele> not downloading megabytes of junk and executing it does wonders
<zard> Wait, webkit has it's own ticktets? /me tries finding them
<nephele> Where were you looking? WebPositive?
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<zard> Yes
<zard> Ah, yes, there's the "implement an ad-blocker
<nephele> Webkit's api is a bit nicer than DNS blocking as it's vastly faster and more efficient. but we could also, for example, modify net_server to load a second "hosts" file, or make it interpret a new filetype as a blacklist and package e.g stevenblack hosts file
<nephele> did you find a ticket you want to work on? :)
<zard> Currently, still looking at webkit-2, but...
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* zard is thinking of checking whether "gerrit site not showing icons anymore" has been resolved already
<nephele> If you want to start with webkit2 you can of course do that too. It will be more involved though, and also require work in webpositive
<nephele> It's "kinda" resolved. That is we worked around it in our gerrit
<nephele> but it won't be truely fixed until we implement complex text rendering in Webkit, for which we need app_server support, for which we need harfbuzz
<zard> Ah, ok.
<nephele> all because someone thought of a cool litagure hack .-.
<nephele> (we will need harfbuzz anyway though for some languages. :)
<zard> Yeah, I'm thinking of working on webkit2 precisely because it's complicated and so would be harder to do outside of GSoC
<nephele> If you want to work on webkit2 for gsoc it's probably a good idea to do some easier stuff first that touch both webkit and webpositive
<zard> Hmm, not a bad idea
<nephele> maybe making the "search the web" shortcut respect the webpositive search engine setting
<nephele> currently, moi, hardcoded it to :P
<zard> So, problem solved :P
<nephele> Yeah, right. what's the problem? don't need configs, just change the source lol
<PulkoMandy> zard: we deployed a hack javascript plugin to our gerrit instance. So, not really solved, but less urgent in a way
<PulkoMandy> I think enabling the web inspector might actually be easier than some of the other things (translatable menus, configurable search engines)
<PulkoMandy> Mainly because these involve some back and forth between the browser and the engine, that we have to fit in the quite limited webkit api
<PulkoMandy> Web inspector is pretty much all internal to the engine I think
<nephele> I think mostly. Safari does allow opening the inspector/dev tools in a second window though. So for advanced uses there may be some communication needed
<PulkoMandy> It doesn't matter how many windows there are
<PulkoMandy> The inspector always runs as a separate webview anyways
<PulkoMandy> So it's a separate tab or split or whatever
<nephele> That sounds like it would also need communication with webpositive then, too.
* nephele brb 30 mins
<PulkoMandy> just a "open web inspector" menu, I think? I have already added that menu to haikulauncher but it's not working yet
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<zard> What is haikulauncher?
<zard> Somebody actually made an icon for HaikuLauncher? Now this I have to see :P
* zard suddenly realized he just figured out what haikulauncher is
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> PulkoMandy: I'm currently preparing my proposal for the xfs project should i upload in the forum for mentors for suggestions?
<PulkoMandy> Yes
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* phschafft provides some cookies for the room.
* phschafft also waves to nephele.
<Anarchos> PulkoMandy i considered using a Ubuntu instance in qemu to help for the haskell port, but qemu is not usable on haiku due to lack of hardware acceleration
<zard> mmm, cookies
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<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) Hello all
<zard> Hello again, BrunoSpr
<zard> BeShare, I take it?
<BrunoSpr> Yes, I just tried to upload the test uvc file there
<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) someone can try to test the "example"or the file in Linux for us?
<BrunoSpr> *
<zard> HaikuLauncher (a very simple version of WebPositive) icon is just WebPositive's icon. Was hoping for something more interesting :/
<BrunoSpr> Oh, no
<PulkoMandy> zard: Well if you want you can make a new one :D
<zard> Hmm, how about WebPositive, but without the skater?
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<zard> Oh, wait, no, that's a surfer. "Surf the web"
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<PulkoMandy> Just the globe would look like locale preferences and also not very interesting
<PulkoMandy> I was thinking something like the "under construction" gif that were everywhere on webpages in the 1990s
<PulkoMandy> Maybe keep the sorfer but as a black figure on yellow background as in these "in construction" roadwork signs animated gifs?
<BrunoSpr> would look better if animated gif
<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) I will try it but which program to use?
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps
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<BrunoSpr> By for today too
<BrunoSpr> Bye
<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) Bye all
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<nephele> hi phschafft
<phschafft> all good?
<nephele> yes
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<phschafft> :))
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57633] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] afeee28538d2 - network/stack: fix trace build
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 142723d1970b - libbsd: fix timespeccmp()
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<phschafft> morning coolcoder613_32.
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<Anarchos> shift+left/right doesn't work anymore in Terminal to switch between tabs
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<BlueSky76> Hi guys, probably a stupid question: How can I post an image on the Haiku forum vi Web+? Dragging just opens the image (instead of uploading it to the forum), pasting does nothing and if I use the file upload button the upload appears to start but never finishes :-)
<BlueSky76> I meant via Web+, no vi as in the editor ;-)
<mattlacey> I had that issue the other week... used Falkon in the end!
<BlueSky76> mattlacey: Thanks. That`s of course always a possibility.
<BlueSky76> I started to feel stupid because I couldn´t get it done with Web+
<BlueSky76> I`ll open a ticket about if there isn´t one already
<Anarchos> BlueSky76 i only go on irc here. For images , i use
<PulkoMandy> Anarchos: It's opt+left/right to switch between tabs now. Shift+left/right is used for wordwise cursor moving (in bash, nano, etc)
<Anarchos> PulkoMandy seems coherent for bash
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