ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<OscarL> unpacking tarball + git init + patching ("hp -b python3.10"): real 2m32.259s
<OscarL> cleaning that before with "hp -c python3.10": real 4m31.431s :-(
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<scantysnax> good evening.
<andreasdr[m]> Whats up????
<scantysnax> not much on my end... procrastinating working on some code
<scantysnax> yourself?
<andreasdr[m]> Same. Should do some engine dev but I am too lazy.
<scantysnax> i hear you... i'm just not in the mood to code, i guess.
<OscarL> hey there andreasdr[m], scantysnax :-)
<scantysnax> hi OscarL!
<scantysnax> how are you?
<OscarL> not as cold today, so... can't complain on that at least :-)
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<scantysnax> that's good... gloves on or off?
<OscarL> off today... albeit I might need boxing ones if Python keeps giving me troubles! :-P
<OscarL> waddlesplash: (re python install schemes) Does something like this sounds relatively sane to you?
<scantysnax> haha
<waddlesplash> OscarL: at least for now, but I'm no expert in Python
<OscarL> not entirely unconvinced waddlesplash isn't a time traveler. reads/replies in less time it take me to lift my finger from the Enter key :-D
<scantysnax> /me hops OscarL will knock python out :-)
<scantysnax> hopes*
<OscarL> thanks scantysnax :-)
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<OscarL> (out for a while)
<scantysnax> okay, see you tomorrow i suppose, have a good night :-)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57874] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0bbef5d79f23 - configure: Remove support for HOST_CC_IS_LEGACY_GCC.
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* OscarL puts an old of scantysnax's tune to play in the background, while doing some house chores.
<scantysnax> :-)
* coolcoder613 waves
* OscarL waves back from the dance floor.
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<scantysnax> OK, bedtime for me. keep on dancing. :-)
<OscarL> sleep well scantysnax!
<OscarL> and thanks for the music :-)
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<OscarL> Mmmm.... from Python build: "checking for working tzset()... no". :-/
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<OscarL> "checking whether wchar_t is usable... no" :-/
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<OscarL> this "pipdeptree" tool at least is useful. <<< for Begasus, if he reads the logs while I sleep :-)
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<Capheind> Hello, just got Haiku working on my old thinkpad.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<SLema> Hello There
<Begasus> Hi SLema
<Begasus> How is it going there?
<SLema> Well mostly ready to go to bed
<SLema> It's 3am over here
<Begasus> woot :) just getting started here :)
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<SLema> Good night !
<Begasus> have a good one :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus dc9a303 - cantor, bump version (#10745)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8e96e46 - labplot, bump version (#10746)
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<Begasus> bugger, build failure on 32bit for labplot
<Begasus> small hunch it's related to poppler pulling in qt6
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<phschafft> good morning, or similar.
<Begasus> Hi there phschafft
<phschafft> all good?
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<Begasus> yeah, just grabben some food :)
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<Begasus> seems I'm still missing atleast one dep on marknote :)
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> thinking a bit about how to write some C helpers.
<Begasus> one of the downsides when running ahead of the depot :D
<phschafft> on some arch the structure must be compile time constant, on others it cannot be compile time constant.
<phschafft> Begasus: ;)
<phschafft> was it you posting that on the forum?
<phschafft> seen the thread, but don't remember who posted it.
<Begasus> in regards of marknote?
<Begasus> amongs some there then yes ;)
<Begasus> one of my babys :P
<Begasus> hmm should rather say puppies :D
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<phschafft> everyone likes puppies. even cat people. ;)
<Begasus> right there :)
<phschafft> ok, the actual implementation seems to work, now the problem with the keys array.
<Begasus> progress! :)
<Begasus> focus here!! :)
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> I think my problem is the missing loop support of cpp.
<phschafft> also the question on how to know when to load.
<phschafft> on archs that need loading.
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I mean I could most likely do that via the config. and the config renderer can then write nice code.
<phschafft> but that would mean to split type definition and type implementation into different files.
<phschafft> and different file types for that matter, that are handled at different times of the build process.
<phschafft> on the other paw this also allows for easier management of options. hm....
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ff9d37c - marknote, revbump, missing kitemmodels6 dependency (#10747)
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<Begasus> wtf is wrong with my local fork?!
<Begasus> git status is going nuts here :/
<phschafft> hm?
<Begasus> earlier "git status" was clean
<Begasus> now it shows me a list of changed files (with nothing to commit blah blah ..)
<Begasus> erasing time and fresh clone (good thing it's not my working fork)
<phschafft> 'git reset' sometimes helps for me.
<phschafft> it will not change the files (even if changed locally). just reseting git's view of things (including removing recently added stuff that is not yet commited. so you need to rerun git add. but the files on-disk are kept as is)
<Begasus> upsteam repo is still good, not sure why this came up suddenly
<phschafft> for me that happens if a file got changed and than changed back.
<Begasus> yeah, got plenty of those diverged recipes in my "working" fork
<Begasus> my local fork to push PR's is kept clean from changes and on par with upstream
<Begasus> clean again :)
<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> list of remotes cleaned up in the process .. need to fetch OscarL's one again :P
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<Begasus> k, PR for poppler changes is up, need to run tests on 32bit with that for labplot :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m]! :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> what's up andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Nothing. Getting awake currently.
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<Begasus> k, launching a build for poppler in qemu might not be the best idea :P
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<Begasus> major cleanup on the poppler23 PR ;)
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<mbrumbelow> Begasus:
<mbrumbelow> Begasus: I guess you have given up sleeping?
<Begasus> mbrumbelow!
<Begasus> it's the middle of the day, not the time for sleeping ;)
<Begasus> I'm not "that" old :P
<Begasus> Fell behind on the texstudio releases it seems (well they do that a lot), so installing without textlive installed atm takes some time
<mbrumbelow> Begasus: Stay busy!
<mbrumbelow> :)
<Begasus> can't stand loose ends ;)
<Begasus> biab
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<phschafft> hm, next step: find new names for functions....
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<phschafft> or maybe they are controlls.
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<OscarL> Still half-asleep... way to go zard! Congrats!
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<zard> Thanks OscarL! :)
<Begasus> g'morning OscarL!
<Begasus> yeah same from here zard!
<OscarL> Hi Begasus, good day to you! (catching up with the irc logs while yawning here :-D)
<Begasus> np, take a cup of coffee with that ;)
<Begasus> texlive 2024, full suite almost 5GiB ;)
<OscarL> yeah... will surely need some strong coffee today (can't do Python's .patchset work unless fully awake :-D)
<Begasus> yeah, and python_pkgconfig is turning the a brain-breaker too :)
<Begasus> with all the comments I've lost my way there :P
<OscarL> ouch on that texlive size! Good to have you and jmairboeck taking care of tex side of things!
<Begasus> build once, make backups! :D
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<Begasus> 2024 didn't go through the buildmaster for 64bit, so I need to keep my backup safe ;)
<Begasus> I only did build checks, credits go out to jessicah (long time no see), Anarchos and jmairboeck :)
<OscarL> re backups after build: same with /me and scipy :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> (I still have to catch up with github notifications... need cofee first, and probably leave those for later :-D)
<Begasus> Qt Creator 14 released *
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<OscarL> re jessicah... some activity over github last month at least. Hope she's well. (taking breaks is important too)
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<OscarL> turns out that following korli's suggestion on the noteshrink recipe (combining sed+cp line) broke my TEST() :-D
<OscarL> will have to move that sed line into PATCH(), and use cp (or /bin/install) anyway :-D
<Begasus> good to go :) texstudio*
<Begasus> did that for quite a lot of the kde recipes, ended up with a lot of "###" in front of the lines when rebuilding :)
<Begasus> local recipes* :)
<Begasus> k, atleast the changes for poppler look fine
* OscarL wishes the purpose/intention of paths on Python's sysconfig's _INSTALL_SCHEMES were properly documented.
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<OscarL> on VoidLinux: data = "/usr" <<< I'd rename "data" to "root" or "base" at least :-)
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<Begasus> send patch upstream? ;)
<OscarL> understanding things *might* be necessary first :-D
<Begasus> but yeah, that's confusing
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<OscarL> "platlib" vs "purelib", that point to the same places in all the examples I have, also caused some confusion about their purpose.
<OscarL> same with include/platinclude, and base, platbase, install_base and install_platbase (all poiting to "/usr" on some linuxes too :-D)
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<OscarL> I guess is one of those things that is painfully obvious for the people that wrote it. Quite opaque for a newbie.
<OscarL> (*this* newbie at least)
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<OscarL> k, purelib makes sense (just .py files). platlib for storing compiled extensions makes sense. RedHat at some point at least have them separated: lib vs lib64.
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<OscarL> I guess then "platstdlib" is there in case the compiled extensions in the stdlib are stored separated from stdlib .py files.
<OscarL> mmm, not sure I should "abuse" "platinclude" into pointing to the non-packaged develop/headers then.
<Begasus> k, bug reported on Marknote :)
<OscarL> setting HAIKU_USER_VENDOR_DIRS=1 before building gdb sounds like the cleaner option to me (right now at least :-D)
<OscarL> Begasus: poor bug! what did it do to you?! :-P
<Begasus> me nothing :P
<Begasus> sometimes it doesn't show the latest screenshots when trying to insert an image
<OscarL> dejà vú bug, got it.
<OscarL> err.. je ne dejà vú, pas. (or something)
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> "je ne vu pas" give or take a typo :)
<Begasus> "deja vu" is something else :D
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<OscarL> yeah, missed the "doesn't" on your comment first :-) (I thougt it was showing older screenies instead).
<OscarL> (then I failed to negate my "dejà vú" :-D)
<OscarL> k enough of python_pkgconfig for me for a while. Back to Python's .patchset (oh boy...)
<phschafft> I think on my end my ticket works.
<phschafft> OscarL: btw. if you don't like them no need to delete them. just keep them in the bowl for other people.
<OscarL> phschafft: It wasn't me the one deleting fatcookies! (see end of:
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5cf328e - gsplus, revbump, fix installation on 32bit (#10749)
<phschafft> hm...
<phschafft> and another major update for SIRTX that got commited. :)
<Begasus> time to update :)
<phschafft> improved map and structure support.
<phschafft> next step is to allow getting what a proxy handle is attached to. currently there is only a setter. but I think it might be nice to have a getter for debug output.
<phschafft> then e.g. terminfo could trace down and display the settings for every layer.
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<Calisto> Hiii
<nosycat> Hello! BRB.
<Calisto> Hey nosycat :D
<Begasus> He's alive! :)
<Calisto> me?
<Begasus> Hi Calisto, was thinking about you this morning ;)
<Calisto> oh :)
<Calisto> i was shifting to my college recently
<Calisto> so had to travel back and forth a lot :(
<Begasus> yeah, read something in the logs
<Begasus> settled now?
<Calisto> yepp
<Calisto> was working on Haiku right now :)
<Begasus> +1 :)
<Calisto> folder filtering is done :)
<Calisto> just has to get reviewed now :D
<Begasus> getting there :)
<OscarL> mmm, "/bin/speedtest-cli" doesn't works anymore, unless we use the "--secure" parameter. Seems server switched to HTTPS only :-)
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* zard is debugging a semaphore not being freed
<Calisto> btw zard: thanks for the recommendation on the Pro Git book
<Calisto> that book has helped a lottttt
<zard> :)
<Begasus> Up and running :)
<OscarL> well done!
<Begasus> lol, it's just copy/paste to new version :P
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<OscarL> Well copy/pasted!
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> btw... that GSPlus issue...
<Begasus> yes?
<OscarL> wonder if the error is comparing values, or expected size of "double"
<Calisto> OscarL: btw have you by any chance worked on attribute hashes?
<Calisto> like the indexed attribute hashes?
<OscarL> Calisto: besides playing with some hashes, and doing some datastructure homework long ago, not really, sorry :-(
<Calisto> oh alright :(
<Calisto> well thanks anyways :)
<OscarL> GSPlus is comparing values for that fcycles... and I got lost pretty quick trying to backtrack to where it gets that 0x4 value instead of the expected 0x8.
<Begasus> found it? :)
<OscarL> nah! welp... there it goes another one of my silly attempts at bug-chasing (this one was short at least :-D)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57875] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 05c46731b8f0 - GLInfo: fix double free
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps
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<win8linux[m]> Saw someone asking online why is the navigator not enabled by default when single-window navigation is turned on in Tracker.
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<Calisto> actually OscarL: nevermind about that :D
<OscarL> win8linux[m]: Been setting ON "Show folder location in title tab" / "Single window navigation" / "Show navigator" / "List folders first" / "Enable type-ahead filtering" here for as long as I've found those options there :-)
<Calisto> turns out that its sort of easy to check just the few attributes manually itself :()
<Calisto> :)*
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<win8linux[m]> OscarL: Same
<OscarL> (I remember using "outline selection rectangle" on old PC)
<win8linux[m]> But yeah, it would make sense for the navigator to be enabled by default alongside single-window navigation.
<OscarL> patches welcomed! :-P (albeit changes in defaults tend to see "some" resistance :-D)
<win8linux[m]> Someone stumbled upon a thrift store selling old laptops with Haiku installed:
<OscarL> lol
<OscarL> the blue trackpoint is a nice touch :-)
<OscarL> 32 bits beta4 on Intel Core 2 it seems?
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<zard> ok, so it's a deadlock. Now, how do I solve this deadlock...
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<zard> It seems like the way the Haiku API is designed the app locking the window is ok, but the window locking the app should be done with caution
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<zard> Deadlock solved (I think :P)
<OscarL> nice going zard!
<zard> See ya!
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<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> hm?
<Habbie> (the image did not help)
<phschafft> good evening.
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: ✌️
<kallisti5[m]> Nice work :-)
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<kallisti5[m]> Are you sitting down? Working on exact numbers i'll post here, but compiling Haiku under Haiku is 3 MINUTES faster consistently with -j16
<kallisti5[m]> That's well within a significant performance improvement zone.
<kallisti5[m]> Unfortunately, I don't have a 1:1 setup to compare to Linux (also, those were non-cross tools builds). If anyone has Linux and Haiku installed on the same NVMe, it would be interesting to compare the haiku compile times under Haiku vs Linux.
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<Anarchos> hello, my laptop can become very hot on some zones, and i suspect the graphics chip. How to know which driver to desactivate in settings/kernel ?
<kallisti5[m]> Anarchos: All GPU's now-a-days should thermal regulate on their own without driver intervention. What is the brand of GPU?
<Anarchos> kallisti5[m] that's my question : how to know ? cause it seems to have two graphics chips
<kallisti5[m]> Anarchos: We'll likely be using the "default" chipset which is the built-in one
<kallisti5[m]> I don't think we do any kind of discreet GPU switching currently
<win8linux[m]> <kallisti5[m]> "Unfortunately, I don't have a 1:..." <- Not NVMe, but I have Haiku and Linux installed on the same HDD.
<Anarchos> there is a nvidia and an intel appearing in listdev output
<win8linux[m]> Also another Haiku-Linux pair on a SATA SSD.
<win8linux[m]> Haven't been able to get Haiku to recognise NVMe drives on both my desktop and laptop, unfortunately.
<kallisti5[m]> Anarchos: lol, I was going to guess intel + nvidia.. they're always the ones doing the weird multi-gpu stuff
<Anarchos> kallisti5[m] vga is just fine for cause i don't do fancy 3D things
<kallisti5[m]> win8linux[m]: it would be interesting to build haiku under Haiku, then build it under Linux with the latest nightly
<kallisti5[m]> kallisti5[m]: mkdir generated.x86_64; cd generated.x86_64; ../configure --build-cross-tools x86_64 --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools -j4; time jam -q -j8 @nightly-anyboot
<kallisti5[m]> make sure to change the -j8 to the number of "real cores" on your system.
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: 3 minutes out of 11-12 minutes is indeed about 25%
<waddlesplash> so the performance improvement holds at higher numbers, nice :)
<kallisti5[m]> i'm running a build on my Linux machine now to compare.. it isn't apples to apples though since haiku is on a different disk than Haiku
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: yup, it's impressive as hell. You did an awesome job :-)
<kallisti5[m]> Good note for the R1 / Beta 5 release notes too. "25% performance increase"
<OscarL> :-)
<waddlesplash> it's definitely more than that
<waddlesplash> there's a lot of random minor ones over the past year and a half
<waddlesplash> what they all add up to vs. beta4, I don't know, but it's probably more than 25%
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: another performance related change is hrev57827
<waddlesplash> but tbh I would just back all the way up to beta4
<Anarchos> kallisti5[m] according to syslog, the nvidia driver finds no supported device, so only the intel_extreme one seems to be used. If i desactivate intel_extreme, will haiku falls back to vga ?
<OscarL> Anarchos: you can just select fail-safe graphics on boot menu, for a quick test.
<SLema> More than 25% in an Apple Ad would be "Up to 50%" speed increase * (under improbable conditions)
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: to compare, Linux: Real 5m31 , user 24m52, sys 3m4 ** Better NVME, crosstools vs native toolchain
<kallisti5[m]> so we're absolutely catching up
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: crosstools shouldn't add more overhead
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: ... can you do a KDEBUG=0 build?
<waddlesplash> and install and test that?
<kallisti5[m]> yeah, that was my thought
<waddlesplash> I m guessing it will save another minute at least
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: not at the moment. Gotta do real work :-)
<kallisti5[m]> I'll take a look this evening
<waddlesplash> OK
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<waddlesplash> yeah IO wait may be a large part here
<Anarchos> OscarL ok i reboot to test
* Anarchos always create an alias 'reboot' to 'shutdown -r' !
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<Anarchos> OscarL it works. I hope my laptop will be cooler :)
<OscarL> good luck there!
<Anarchos> go back to real work : do the lab assignment of 'modern compiler in ML' from Appel :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57876] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 37df18e1835f - kernel/scheduler: Properly handle thread masks not being set.
<phschafft> I think I fixed my safe mode. :)
<phschafft> ha, it works. :))
<OscarL> /me cries in mimesetting taking longer than the python build. Wonder if this partition is too fragmented, or something.
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