alright... will take a bit (Haiku netbook decided to NOT connect via WiFi, so I'll have to git clone, and do downloads while running it from a VM)
taradino built... let's see how long it takes me to either start it, or crash it.
seems to work fine on the VM at least.
(audio a bit choppy, but that's just regular VBox, I guess).
Will try on bare metal.
except for the fact that I suck at playing it with only the cursor keys... seems to work just fine on bare metal too.
mmm, seems exitting it doesn't quit works.
had to force-power down the netbook, lol.
ahh hm
After hitting "Quit"..., SDL window closes, and the Terminal shows: "[midi] WARNING: Endpoint 5 (0x1210ebb8200) has not been Release()d properly (refcount = 1).
similar for "Endpoint 6".
(I have no driver for the usb-card on this netbook, btw).
ah yeah, i believe it leaves a bunch of memory un-freed
ive fixed that in a branch, but not in the main yet
try branch `vgatext` if you're interested
cpu usage stays low at least. Will try to kill taradino from ProcessController... let's see if that borks my system again :-D
Killing successful.
Restarting taradino... slows things to a crawl.
(to the point of not being able to select different options from the main menu)
But was able to kill it again from Team monitor at least.
i wonder if that's because there's a bunch of un-freed memory hogging it
and then it allocates a bunch more when you re-launch it
i don't know if haiku automatically frees all memory it knows about on program exit
i am under the impression that the major OS's do that
I have 8 GB on this thing. currently sitting at 451 MB used.
* OscarL
opens up ActivityMonitor, and tries again.
the intro feels pretty slow again... and... it halted.
woops KDL.
page fault, but interrupts were disabled.
Damn Scheduler::ThreadData.
ahh, apologies
i guess it's not ready for primetime yet.
yup. I'm mostly planning to rewrite much of the FindPanel.cpp code while keeping only the parts that need to remain
gotcha, once I start I have a full paper too, once working it's time to cleanup :)
yah :D
be sure to keep a "backup" of the one working
yup :D
happened to me often enough I had to start from scratch like with this luarocks thing :D
that's the main reason i'm doing it in a separate file so that I don't need to touch / remove the FindPanel.cpp file until the entire thing is worknig
happened before to me because I wasn't using Git properly xD
will definitely have to take help from Humdinger for the design though. Merging the results and the find panel makes for a weird upper portion where we had to select the mime type and disk volume
so have to check what I can do on that front :)
alright then ill get back to it :)
best of luck with the luarocks :)
thanks, you too there! keep up the good work!
too bad upstream doesn't want to bump lua version for luajit
Thanks for your suggestion Begasus
no problem TmTFx, how's it going with haiku-pyAPI?
suspended for now, so much things to do :D
jmairboeck has joined #haiku
I have no idea why mdnsresponder build failed on buildmasters. Just ran a new (clean) build with the recipe from haikuports... builds just fine :-/
guess I could try using plain "make" instead of "make $jobArgs".
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TmTFx has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
had it build here too without errors
thanks for giving it a go, Begasus.
not much else I can do there :)
Begasus_32 has joined #haiku
so... "launch_roaster stop <job/service/target>" doen't actually stops, but merely disables the job/service (stops it from re-starting if you kill it)
never used it, just nuke the thing with PC :)
should be called "disabled" instead, because it only seems to be changing the "enabled = " bool field off.
Begasus: yeah... I'm trying to nuke things up, so I can start them manually (to get at least some errors on Terminal), but they kept being restarted :-D
seems net_server likes to do fprintf()s instead of syslogs() :-/
resolve symbol "__builtin_expect" returned: -2147478780
this thing should be disabled on 32bit :/
OscarL, fix it? ;)
Eventually... at least will file a Ticket. First time seeing the problem.
(while trying to find the better place to auto-start /bin/mdnsd)
me only knows how to add those in a recipe :)
It would be very helpful with a guide how to create an Icon and add it to your application... from start to end.. with tools to use and formats etc.
First, create the icon with Icon-O-Matic. Second, export it as an rdef file. The generated rdef file will have the vector icon definition :)
zard ok thanks
IOM will default to it's own format if you save the file
maybe keep that in mind in case you need to make adjustments
to be honest I did not really understand Icon-O-Matic, it was not very intuitive
not a lot of us do _dodo75 :)
Really, you need to read the user guide first. It'll get you up to speed
*IOM's user guide
and icon master is not around (aside from zard ) :)
ok cool I surrender, will RTFM then... :D
Guys i just had a really small question about when we should be using C++ macros.... I needed a constant float value. For this, should I be defining it in some kind of a macro like #define PADDING_CONSTANT <float> or should i use const float PADDING_CONSTANT = <float>?
the second option being in the header file or something of that sort?
One disadvantage of #define: it doesn't let c++ do any type checking
I guess ill just stick to the const float thing then
I was just having this question because in lots and lots of places, a lot of things are defined directly by macros
heh. And lots and lots of places also use consts :3
Think it's time to update the style guide ;)
you can cast the macro to allow for the type checking.
CalistoMathias: consider using static.
also keep in mind that it may change how the compiler inlines stuff.
oh yah using static stops it from interfering with somme stuff right?
so depending on the used modifiers and stuff you might force the compiler to add a memory read vs. inlineing it.
rather than just const float ?
static makes it visible to the current scope only (which can be a file scope or any smaller scope). and it will let the compiler put it in some global memory section. which one depneds on some factors (including it's value).
oh yah that makes it a lot better
and to get away with a myth: if you use static on a smaller/inner scope that doesn't mean that it is recreated on every entry. it's still a global object, just only visible to that scope.
yahh i remember learning that one somewhere online
kind of like if you need to maintain it across function calls right?
never used that though much till now
while without static it *might* (again depending on several factors) be inited on entry of that scope, everything static is inited on process bootstrap (and depending on the value might be part of what the kernel actually does for you :)
yes, that is one of it's applications. :)
e.g. int count (void) { static int counter; return counter++; }
(the use of int for a counter might be questionable, but this is just an contextless example)
what happened to botifico? I just pushed to haikuports and don't see it here.
also feel free to play around with it, use nm and objdump to see what happens to your code (keep in mind that static stuff generates symbols, but they may be anonymous hence not having the name you expect). and also play with different values. that does make a difference. :)
that said, happy hacking! I'm now out to get the trash out.
nosycat has joined #haiku
Ah yes, nothing like using readelf (like objdump afaik) to learn what's going on under the hood
Though it can give an overwhelming amount of output at first
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DKnoto has joined #haiku
Hi there!
How is it going?
Had a little PC off time.
Tiredly. How was it?
Boring :DDD
CalistoMathias has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
Any haiku news? My off time started around may.