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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> morning Begasus.
<Begasus> Hi there OscarL, pulling all nighter again? :)
<OscarL> We'll see how far into the wee hours I can get today :-)
<OscarL> (updating Python3.13 to 3.13.0b4, in preparation for the first 3.13 release candidate)
<Begasus> nice :)
<Begasus> got poppler24 in the process also here :)
<OscarL> holly cow @ poppler's copyright list :-)
<Begasus> yeah, try scrolling in Terminal when the build finishes now :P
<Begasus> it's insane
<Begasus> might nuke that full list if I find something usefull there, it's nuts to include all that contributed to it
<OscarL> lately, I just use the shortest thing I find at the top of LICENSE.txt (or similar).
<Begasus> first need to disable libnns3 again
<OscarL> (I still think that having COPYRIGHT on the .recipes makes little sense, but... oh well)
<Begasus> fresh coffee on it's way :)
* OscarL needs about 2 litres!
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> let's start with one cup :)
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<OscarL> :-)
<Begasus> k, tempted to grab that list from there and add it as a COPYRIGHT file into the package and list "poppler developers et all" into the recipe
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<OscarL> Probably belongs to a LICENSE file (given the mix of licenses, anyway).
<Begasus> not touching that if not needed :)
<Begasus> putting that one in at "additional-files" for now
<OscarL> +0.5 :-P
<Begasus> copyrights {
<Begasus> "1996-present xpdf3 and poppler contributors"
<Begasus> }
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> 10 packages in total now for poppler23/poppler24, makes checking Terminal output a "bit" easier to check :P
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<Begasus> moving to "licenses", should be included in all (sub) packages too
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<Begasus> 96% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 28
<Begasus> progress :) comming from 32% tests passed, 19 tests failed out of 28
<OscarL> sounds good!
* OscarL starts a Python 3.13.0b4 build.
<Begasus> well, there wasn't a test case for poppler, so it's progress nonetheless :D
<OscarL> an unoptimized one, because I don't want to wait 40+ minutes for it to finish :-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> cheater! :P
<OscarL> just trying to make sure my .patchset changes produce a workable Python still. Can optimize later :-D
<Begasus> +1 :)
<OscarL> Earlier tonight I was ogling a notebook similar to yours (on our local version of ebay/amazon/aliexpress). I like desktops better, but... damn, that 5825u, plus 40 GB of RAM, and 1 TB SSD had me drooling :-D
<OscarL> the 15W TDP is just incredible.
<Begasus> 40GB RAM hmm :D
<Begasus> 16 will do for now :)
<Begasus> k, tests URI added to the recipe
* Begasus lost count on the number of builds for poppler
<OscarL> 40 GB sounded odd... turns out it has 8 GB soldered, and one SODIMM for expasion. (thus it being sold in 8, 16, 24 and 40 GB models).
<OscarL> 40 GB would be cool for running VMs and HaikuPorter in RAMFS :-D
<OscarL> "fatal error: bluetooth/rfcomm.h: No such file or directory" :-(
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<Begasus> stupid test (only one crash) QFATAL : TestSignatureBasics::testSignatureCount() ASSERT failure in QTest::fetchData(): "Test data requested, but no testdata available.", file qtestcase.cpp, line 1226
<Begasus> Hi jmairboeck
<jmairboeck> Hi Begasus
<jmairboeck> I guess I should take another look at perl and its locking around fork now. My patch for that probably isn't safe.
<Begasus> adding tests to poppler and checking
<Begasus> yeah, saw some emails passing by for that
<Begasus> having it is one thing, finetuning is mostly the hard part :)
<jmairboeck> Oh, and sorry OscarL for the unrelated comments on the python PR for that
<OscarL> good day jmairboeck! No worries :-)
<OscarL> man, runConfigure takes just an insane amount of time to run :-(
<Begasus> enabling all tests for poppler now (disabling gpgme for now)
<Begasus> w00t! 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 71
<Begasus> any way to reduce this to one line?
<Begasus> there was one not that long ago, but can't remember which one :)
<OscarL> instead of: LIBRARY_PATH="$sourceDir/build${LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LIBRARY_PATH}" --> LIBRARY_PATH="$sourceDir/build:$LIBRARY_PATH" at least?
<OscarL> export LIBRARY_PATH="$sourceDir/build:$sourceDir/build/qt5/src:$sourceDir/build/qt6/src:$LIBRARY_PATH" ?
<PulkoMandy> hello there :)
* OscarL waves
<Begasus> will check, thanks OscarL
<Begasus> hi PulkoMandy :)
<OscarL> Wish Python3.13's ./configure had a "--disable-bluetooth" flag :-)
<Begasus> WARNING: TestSignatureBasics::initTestCase() Compiled with GPGME, but GPGME not functional
<Begasus> k, think I should just leave gpgme disabled :P
<Begasus> OscarL, just pull the tooth :)
<OscarL> just did, thanks to sed :-)
<OscarL> no much use in trying to fix that for now, given that you can't do much with bluetooth on Haiku anyway (at least for now).
<Begasus> atleast python would be prepared then :P
<OscarL> pretty sure I had done this ugly hack already in the past... given that I still have 3.13.0b1 installed :-D
<OscarL> "install: cannot stat 'Modules/': No such file or directory" Sigh...
<Begasus> looking brighter here :D
<OscarL> got "" in there instead :-(
<OscarL> always weird that HaikuDepot sorts files from Z to A :-)
<OscarL> Using Beezer here, for my .hpkg viewing needs lately.
<Begasus> yeah, anoying (mentioned this long time ago) :)
<phschafft> Good morning, good evening, and good aftertea nap to everyone.
<Begasus> Hi phschafft!
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> I had some nice dreams about storing vectors with units in small spaces of memory, thanks to erysdren.
<phschafft> really happy. :)
<Begasus> heh
* OscarL will have nightmares about python builds failing in weird ways :-/
<OscarL> "Following modules built successfully but were removed because they could not be imported:" :-/
<OscarL> I think I'll let it be till the release candidate drops in a few days. (.patchset more or less in shape at least).
<Begasus> don't let it bite you :)
<OscarL> yeah... enough pythons for now :-)
<Begasus> do some lua stuff?
* Begasus ducks
<OscarL> Watch out! I might end up throwing some lua-rocks your way.
<Begasus> I'm ready for those :P
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<OscarL> this "multi-line comment" for bash is nuts, but worked :-D -->
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<phschafft> I was once in a zoo on a cold winter day. the tigers made it very clear that they didn't like my mother. so she was upset.
<phschafft> and she was more upset when they had a little chat with me.
<Begasus> lol
<phschafft> while we were visiting some of the buildings one of the keepers asked if we wanted to see a python. we noded (and my mother was noding the most slowly of us all).
<phschafft> the keeper without a word got us in the back where they had a wooden storage box, opening the lid and showing us a sleeping adult python.
<Begasus> eeps
<phschafft> I think that was the point the day was over for my mother. no way to recover from that.
<phschafft> I must say for me it was a fun day. not specifically a snake person, but that was clearly fun. also always good to talk with staff. and actually the tigress made a comment about my mother while we chatted.
<phschafft> they also had a wide range of ducks in all colours. and they had tiny horses. tiny as in knee high. some special breed that should look as close as to what they looked like a milion years ago.
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<phschafft> now I killed all chatting. :(
<Begasus> was collecting info on the failing tests for poppler (and busy with the dogs) :P
* phschafft wonders a bit about the dogs.
<Begasus> still good :)
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<Begasus> k, that should do it for poppler I guess
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<OscarL> Sun is up... time to hit the bed. Later folks... have a good one!
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<erysdren> good morning phschafft
<erysdren> and everyone
<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> Hi erysdren
* coolcoder613 waves
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<HaikuUser> hi
<coolcoder613> Hello
<HaikuUser> there isn't to much fonts available on haiku
<HaikuUser> only a few ones, why?
<coolcoder613> You can install more
<coolcoder613> Look in HaikuDepot
<HaikuUser> yes, I know, but why there aren't they installed by default?
<coolcoder613> Smaller .ISO
<coolcoder613> Fonts are rather large
<HaikuUser> the problem is that if I share a document, they must have their font available and also installed
<phschafft> I once thought I could just install all fonts there are in Debian. and apt told me: no problem, here you go, 12GB!
<coolcoder613> Well, I thin LibreOffice and friends come with fonts...
<coolcoder613> *think
<phschafft> different standards also come with lists of what fonts are safe to use. I think that is what libreoffice doing there. so you can use them as a minimal set.
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<HaikuUser> Consolas and Cascadia font, a must :)
<Begasus> recipes welcome :)
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* phschafft cooks some fonts.
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<Begasus> up and running again ;)
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<HaikuUser> why haiku doesn't have some beautiful backgrounds... could have 20 by default...
<HaikuUser> there is only one! and it isn't really a background image... it's haiku logo!
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: do you own a camera?
<HaikuUser> and sounds, there isn't sounds available
<gordonjcp> phschafft: I would love to have a package I could install in Ubuntu that would remove all the squiggle fonts
<gordonjcp> phschafft: I'm never ever ever going to use things like samyak and malayalam for anything
* phschafft is a little bit unsure about the wording there.
<HaikuUser> and screensavers available..., to bad ones...
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: patches welcome
<phschafft> on Debian I normally go with a very minimal install and add what I need. so I'm generally I'm happy with what I get.
<erysdren> there is a package for additional wallpapers, is there not?
<erysdren> i don't remember
<phschafft> so, time for T&K for me. see you a little later.
<gordonjcp> phschafft: as long as I have basically the Latin alphabet and grave accents to stick above my vowels I'm fine. Maybe umlauts too, for the occasions I need to type in German
<gordonjcp> scharfes S
<HaikuUser> a operating system must have the most common fonts available, because, if I create a document in a font, that font should be available in other computer, or must be inside document, so document could be read/rendered in the original font
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<erysdren> ok
<erysdren> so many people popping in and making demands :P
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<HaikuUser> I wish to have this tool on haiku:
<HaikuUser> that would be the coolest thing to porting (migrate) :)
<HaikuUser> anyone to satify my wish and became true? :))))
<HaikuUser> I wish also it will be available on haikudepot, that will be the thing :)
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<HaikuUser> how do I install electron... if I use npm install electron it says it is not available for haiku plataform
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<HaikuUser> Is anyone porting ELECTRON?
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<phschafft> /go stephanj
<phschafft> em.
<win8linux[m]> <HaikuUser> "Is anyone porting ELECTRON?" <- There has been a port of Blink (via QtWebEngine) to Haiku, however IIRC no one is working on a port of Electron.
<win8linux[m]> Don't expect one soon though, since general sentiments on Electron in the Haiku community seems to be particularly negative.
<win8linux[m]> Don't expect one soon though, since general sentiment on Electron in the Haiku community seems to be particularly negative.
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<win8linux[m]> <HaikuUser> "why haiku doesn't have some..." <- There are the wallpaper_unsplash and wallpaper_community packages in HaikuDepot, to get more wallpapers.
<gordonjcp> is that the HaikuUser from Portugal that is constantly banging on about using Haiku as a server?
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<PulkoMandy> HaikuUser is just the default nickname in Vision that comes preinstalled with Haiku, so, every new user is called that way
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<gordonjcp> PulkoMandy: yes, I know, but there are now some "frequent flyers" :-)
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<Shaka444> Hi all, I'm doing a clean install on a Dell Latitude E7250 laptop and I'm getting no boot drive found. Current syslog ends at "Getting drive parameters for: 128 failed! No boot drive!" any help appreciated..
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<Shaka444> I figured it out- by default the Dell BIOS was set to RAID for SATA. Switching it to AHCI for SATA fixed it
<Shaka444> Can someone note this incase someone else runs into this problem
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c9b3659 - poppler23, revbump, move some requirements around (#10748)
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6ffc9f3 - labplot, revbump for rebuild (#10753)
<Begasus> bugger, forgot to include the local fix ;)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 47d704a - labplot, add missing dependency (#10754)
<Begasus> nice, no poppler_qt6 now :)
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<Begasus> eeps, hope this bug is fixed for R1B5 ;)
<scantysnax> yikes. enough stuff on your Desktop, Begasus?
<Begasus> lost my way there scantysnax :P
<scantysnax> i see that.
<scantysnax> how on earth can you work like that!?
<Begasus> restart Tracker ;)
<Begasus> this came from updating netpbm
<scantysnax> hmm, i see.
<Begasus> mostly it's only one or two, needed to share this :D
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<waddlesplash> Begasus: is there a ticket?
<Begasus> haven't checked waddlesplash, but it has been around a long time
<Begasus> reproducable also:
<waddlesplash> I can't recall seeing this happen before
<Begasus> tried earlier with the Genio package, uninstall (leaves broken link on the Desktop (expected), re-install, broken link for that updated untill I restart Tracker
<Begasus> broken link for that "not" updated
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<waddlesplash> that sounds like a different bug
<Begasus> yeah, for netpbm there was nothing related for it on the Desktop
<Begasus> nice, labplot fixed for 32bit too now :)
<Begasus> k, now it doesn't do that (using local packages to revert netpbm update and run "pkgman update" again)
<Begasus> waddlesplash, this should be the part of the transition in syslog:
<Begasus> not sure if there is anything in there
<waddlesplash> doesn't seem so
<waddlesplash> maybe the AllUnarchived? idk
<Begasus> ok, no real problem that doesn't have an easy fix
<Begasus> looked a bit through the tickets, but can't seem to find anything real quick
<Begasus> sounds a bit familiar:
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<waddlesplash> yeah, that looks like it
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<Begasus> it's "kinda" a mounting (hpkg) thing maybe
<Begasus> should I attatch the screenshot there? although it's hard to pinpoint what triggers it
<phschafft> tonight is pizza night.
<Begasus> lasagna here ;)
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<phschafft> next week over here.
<Begasus> :)
<phschafft> both are good for some creative work.
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<Begasus> pizza yeah, lasagna a bit less :)
<phschafft> hm, not sure about that.
<Begasus> with pizza you can continue what you are doing, with lasagna I guess it's a bit harder (to put down and pick up all the time) :)
<Begasus> I'm closing the laptop, will catch up in the morning
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<phschafft> hm.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57878] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cbf37c1ac359 - kernel/x86: Correct frame pointers in print_stack_frame.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3114a405f551 - kernel/arch: Apply same fix to stack trace printing as on x86.
vdamewood has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57879] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ef7e9ceb69db - kernel/fs: Create a macro to fetch the net_socket from file_descriptor.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57880] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f491972ca97c - libsolv: Import 0.3.0_haiku_2014_12_22.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bc2428853ff3 - Switch to using the vendored libsolv.
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<phschafft> /dev/full
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