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* coolcoder613 waves to OscarL
<OscarL> Hello coolcoder613! :-)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> OscarL, learning new coding style? :P
<OscarL> If that was automated... I'd use it :-P
<OscarL> good morning Begasus.
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> bfab :)
<OscarL> tried updating pandas to 1.5.x (last version that doesn't requires updated numpy, or newer dependencies)... had to kill the VM :-(
<OscarL> system stop respoding to any input (yet the cursor still moved normally). Not even ACPI power-off worked.
<OscarL> Will probably ty again tomorrow on bare-metal. Today, I'm done.
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<Begasus> can't be installed with pip?
* Begasus lost track on python stuff
* coolcoder613 just threw together a script to notify him via IRC when someone joins or leaves his minecraft server
<coolcoder613> mc | grep --line-buffered .*\ .\*\ the\ game | python3 ebmc_bot coolcoder613
<OscarL> re: pandas... no idea. it needs to compile stuff, and thus having it packaged can be convenient. I was just trying to check the last remaining tick on #8806.
<Begasus> last one then :)
<Begasus> 2 PR's good to go?
<OscarL> paramiko should be OK.
<OscarL> (or at least not cause problems :-D)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL af63e66 - paramiko: recipe cleanup. (#10765)
<OscarL> launchpad too. We can drop patchset if it gets merged upstream.
<Begasus> maybe poke humdinger on that one (upstream)?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 5ce6539 - launchpad: move to HaikuArchives' version. (#10764)
<Begasus> OscarL, can't get sigil to launch, errors when launching, at the end crash :/
<Begasus> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lxml'
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<OscarL> you're trying to move sigil to 3.10?
<Begasus> already had that
<Begasus> but even the current one in the depot gives the same error
<Begasus> ps, in the link, trying to "import lxml" with python3.10 doesn't work
<OscarL> (slowly starting VM)
<Begasus> k, unrelated to sigil, looks like lxml is borked
<OscarL> seems so.
<Begasus> only change there was the removal for iconv on latest revbump
<OscarL> heh, it only has the licenses in the .hkpg!
<Begasus> wtf?!
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> how that ended like it :P
<OscarL> would be ultra cool to be able to easly find the build log for that.
<Begasus> at your service :)
<Begasus> stuff is in: haikuports/dev-python/lxml/work-4.9.1/lib
<Begasus> how did it end up there?
<OscarL> "packageEntries: warning: "310" doesn't seem to be a valid package suffix."
<Begasus> cmake .. \ ??
<Begasus> ah, nvm :)
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<Begasus> wrong recipe :p
* phschafft slowly walks into his corner, noding to everyone anlong the way.
<nipos> Good morning.Is it still true that Haiku can't boot on 32bit EFI?
<Begasus> g'morning phschafft nipos
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
<HaikuUser> Hi!
<nipos> I just got a new used laptop,CPU has 64bit but EFI seems to have only 32bit,so the Haiku Beta 4 x86_64 ISO doesn't boot.Legacy BIOS isn't available.
<Begasus> nipos, don't know the details, but on this laptop I can't boot 32bit also
<Begasus> yep, same issue here nipos
<Begasus> err, I boot into 64bit Haiku on this one fine *
<nipos> From a 32bit EFI?
<HaikuUser> I wanted to create a merge request, because I modified the friulian keymap (it was missing a char), but cannot do it as only authorized developers can create merge requests. How can I push my changes?
<nipos> Hm,will try downloading a 32bit system next.Should be enough for a device that only has 2GB RAM anyway
<Begasus> the one that comes with the R1B4 image
<Begasus> I guess that's the x86_64 one :)
<nipos> Well,then your EFI supports 64bit,like most do nowadays,that works easy
<nipos> The "laptop" is from 2012 and it's such a small thing where you can remove the keyboard and have a tablet.These things often have 32bit EFI combined with 64bit CPU
<nipos> Yep,that's the 64bit one
<Begasus> k, 32bit one doesn't work on this (fairly new) laptop
<Begasus> HaikuUser, you can create a PR at haikuports for that
<Begasus> ah no
<Begasus> hmm ... I guess that's Haiku keymap changes :)
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<OscarL> HaikuUser: (you can mostly ignore the "buildtools" repo, and concentrate only on the "haiku" one).
<Begasus> OscarL, can't pin down where the build/install part goes wrong there :/
<OscarL> HaikuUser: if its gets too complicated, you can open a ticket over, attaching your fixed keymap, surely someone can take it from there.
<OscarL> Begasus: still waiting for my local build complete to see what's happening.
<OscarL> HaikuUser: BTW, welcome and thanks for your interest in Haiku, and for trying to fixing things on it :-)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57882] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7ffd2c9e59e2 - kernel: LegacyDevice: SetHooks() needs a non-null fDeviceModule
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f00e314e5735 - kernel: Vector: fix warning
<HaikuUser> well I used web interface for and from there forked the project, then modified the file, and created a merge request, but it says "Merging is blocked The base branch restricts merging to authorized users. Learn more about protected branches." So I don't know if it will be ignored by devs
<OscarL> Begasus: mmm, somehow stuff gets under "work-4.9.1/lib" !?!?!
<Begasus> yeah, mentioned that earlier OscarL :)
<HaikuUser> BTW, I'm TmTFx, just installed on barebone a nightly... forgot to change the irc name Sorry ^:^''
<Begasus> heh
HaikuUser is now known as TmTFx
<Begasus> hi there TmTFx :)
<OscarL> cosplaying binky, hmmm? :-P
<TmTFx> :'D
<TmTFx> *baremetal
<Begasus> OscarL, if you "fixed" it, could you check if this is still valid?
<Begasus> iirc I had no crash here
<phschafft> cosplaying seems way more symetric than sinplaying.
<OscarL> trig humor.
* Begasus is lost again ...
<OscarL> Doing both "$python build install" on INSTALL() is a pain in the rear.
<phschafft> OscarL: is it trig-gering for you?
<TmTFx> @phschafft lol
<OscarL> indeed, I always had a hard time with it. it is my arc-henemy.
<Begasus> 0_°
<phschafft> OscarL: just don't let it win full circle.
<OscarL> too late. it is all spiraling out of control.
<nipos> Haiku 32bit boots successfully on my laptop \o/
<nipos> Can't install it because it doesn't see the internal drive (eMMC maybe?),also Wifi and Touchscreen doesn't work,but I expected more issues.The system is stable,Keyboard and Touchpad works,...
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<phschafft> maybe return to your point of origin and reform?
<nipos> No,it's a old used thing I got for free,won't return it.I'll try if some BSD works better.If not,Windows 8 may also be a option.Haiku would surely have been cool on it,but it was to be expected that this isn't the right device for it ;)
<OscarL> Begasus: I think I found the issue, but this slow re-builds are killing me :-(
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<OscarL> nipos: if I'm not mistaken, phschafft was just continuing the math-adjecent jokes with me :-)
<OscarL> bah... too late :-)
<phschafft> :(
<phschafft> now I really feel sorry for it.
<Begasus> OscarL, just poke if you want me to check up on something
<OscarL> Begasus: change: "pythonPackage=${pythonVersion//.}" for "pythonPackage=python${pythonVersion//.}"
<Begasus> ah
<OscarL> on line 84 (sorry for not pointing that sooner)
<Begasus> np, weird there yes :)
<OscarL> damn it... I split it in BUILD + INSTALL, to be able to use "hp -F"... damn thing is re-building all again anyway :-/
<Begasus> k, seems to be better
<Begasus> yeah, most of those python recipes skip BUILD()
<OscarL> I moved the " build" into BUILD, leaving install on INSTALL()... but it is just trolling me, it seems.
* OscarL needs a better CPU... and a bit more patience :-D
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<OscarL> 1.61 MB now for the lxml_python310 package.
<OscarL> beats the 4 KB on :-P
<Begasus> back up and running again :)
<OscarL> imports fine.
<Begasus> sigil launching fine again (with python3.10) :)
<OscarL> you only had to change that one line, right?
<Begasus> so only line 84 needs that patch
<Begasus> yep
<OscarL> got both python39 and 310 packages build?
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> _python39 1.91MiB
<OscarL> feel free to push that change? (I had to disable 3.9 to speed up things)
<Begasus> import works fine in python3.9
<OscarL> I can do it, but I would need to run a new build again with both enable (just to make sure I didn't break anything further :-D)
<Begasus> I can push it, if you can't atm :)
<OscarL> that be nice, yeah. TIA.
<Begasus> build is fine, so you can just change line 84 and revbump :)
<OscarL> alright.
* Begasus remembers "git blame" vaguely(?) :P
* Begasus install sigil from the depot to run another check on that
<Begasus> no crash, OscarL, if you can confirm sigil not crashing the issue can be closed
* OscarL installs sigil to test.
<OscarL> Mmm, I'll need to wait for new lxml_python39
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> will launch 32bit in a bit here, if lxml isn't finished/done on buildmasters I'll do some checks there too
<Begasus> doggies, biab
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 6ae2dcb - lxml: fix silly copy/paste error. (#10766)
<OscarL> darn... my WIP pandas recipe got it some how :-(
<OscarL> seems I branched not from master, but from my panda-wip :-(
<Begasus> ah that was you! tsss (didn't put on my glacess when I pushed the botton) :)
<OscarL> on my defense... 6 AM here.
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<Begasus> atleast you will know what the state is atm :)
<OscarL> (and my VM crashed before)
<OscarL> that pandas recipe is in a werid state... seems to be only the "git mv", and not the change I have locally.
<Begasus> tsss ... not even checksum ok? :P
<OscarL> doesn't looks at all to the pandas-1.5.3.recipe I have here.
<OscarL> from "File renamed without changes."
<HaikuUser> Hello world! Does anyone know the FidoNET network software for Haiku? Something like fidoip
<Begasus> No idea there HaikuUser
<Begasus> maybe your master is bogus too OscarL? ;)
<OscarL> so... git got my first "git mv", but lost the commit I did when the VM crashed?
<OscarL> I ran checkfs /boot, had "5 block can be freed". Maybe it broke something :-(
<OscarL> very weird.
<Begasus> 32bit almost there
<Begasus> cleaning some builds on 32bit here
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<OscarL> welp, my "pandas-cleanup" somehow has no commits of my own (should have had at least one)
<OscarL> *pandas-cleanup branch
<Begasus> lost all the work there?
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<OscarL> got a copy of the recipe somehow still lying just there. pandas-1.5.3.recipe, with my changes in it.
<OscarL> "copy" as in... data still there.
<Begasus> use the "backup botton" Luke! :D
<OscarL> ZipOMatic, copy to desktop. done :-P
<OscarL> now, should I open a PR reverting that spurious recipe rename? (not sure when I finish testing the new pandas).
<OscarL> not much people currently using pandas on Haiku anyway (assuming it was available still) thou.
<Begasus> pandas_python39 still listed here
<Begasus> so no harm done so far
<OscarL> alright. I'll leave it be then, and push 1.5.3 (rev 1) if I manage to build it without it taking my PC down again :-D
<Begasus> just push it to a branch, can run some test builds here and report back :)
<Begasus> no need for a PR untill you're ready :)
<Begasus> have to rebuild my remotes anyway :P
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<OscarL> not even sure my test build will result in anything usable. I was experimenting with disabled gcc, gfortran and pkg_config (to make sure they are really needed for that version of pandas)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> well, the "new" one for pandas fails to build anyway :)
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<Begasus> blah ... 32bit still cleaning nodejs :P
<OscarL> K, seems I got my repo/branches in a sane state at least. Will do a quick reboot into 32 bits to check that sigil issue... and probably just go to bed then :-)
<Begasus> +1 :)
<Begasus> ps OscarL, how did you use "pkgman -H"?
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<Begasus> can't see/use that option?
<OscarL> "pkgman install -H coverage_pytho310" for example.
<Begasus> ah
<Begasus> pkgman -H ./coverage_python310-7.4.3-1-x86_64.hpkg, then:
<Begasus> doesn't mention there ;)
<OscarL> fixed.
<Begasus> got it *
<OscarL> that's what I get for using aliases (pki / pku / pks)... can't remember proper commands :-P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> confirmed doing well here (sigil opens sample epub fine and no crash on exit)
<OscarL> sloooowly installing qt5_x86 :-(
<Begasus> jikes!
<OscarL> no crash at exit. closing #8111
<Begasus> thanks!
<Begasus> todo list is getting smaller atm :)
<OscarL> Surely we'll find something to keep you entretained :-P
<Begasus> ccache should be ok, just waiting for zardshard to check it ;)
<Begasus> k, let's see why I needed psutil thingy for :)
<OscarL> welp... have fun with that. /me unplugs. See you around Begasus!
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<Begasus> tl :)
<Begasus> looks like latest vorta requires pyqt6 :P
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<Begasus> k, without psutils vorta doesn't launch, so that should atleast make is "usable"? ;) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psutil
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<TmTFx> Hi!
<erysdren> morning!
<Begasus> hi TmTFx erysdren
<TmTFx> Do you experience as me some trickeries from power saving mode?
<TmTFx> After booting the cpus don't lower the frequencies as expected (with relative process control entry enabled).
<waddlesplash> TmTFx: read the description of the GitHub repo: it says to send changes to Gerrit, not there :)
<waddlesplash> TmTFx: there is a page on Trac that explains how to submit patches to Gerrit
<TmTFx> as soon as i right clic the process control the cpu frequencies spin down
<TmTFx> thank you waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> that may be a bug
<waddlesplash> perhaps it doesn't set power saving mode until you right click?
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<TmTFx> sorry, I had to reboot, often I lose the use of the keyboard
<TmTFx> maybe related to usb
<TmTFx> what was the last question?
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<erysdren> <waddlesplash> perhaps it doesn't set power saving mode until you right click?
<zard> Hello TmTFx :)
<TmTFx> Hi zard!
<TmTFx> :)
<TmTFx> @waddlesplash: it is possible, I'm also tracking if it forgets that setting along the way
<Begasus> 'lo zard :)
<zard> o/ :)
<zard> I'll be getting around to ccache sometime today
<Begasus> thanks zard +1 :)
<Begasus> shouldn't be any difference
<Begasus> just need to know if the move for the static lib changes some things (so far haven't seen any downfall for that)
<TmTFx> Zard, we got real troubles with Haiku-PyAPI in haiku_nightly
* zard takes a quick look
<phschafft> morning erysdren.
<zard> fyi, how did I do that? By using /me. e.g. "/me takes a quick look"
<erysdren> morning
<zard> TmTFx: Alright, I'll probably be looking further into it sometime today
<TmTFx> Thank you! *_*
<TmTFx> btw, should I push the changes for BFont? those will not work with R1B4
<zard> There might be some way to make the correct version load for the version of Haiku
<zard> Perhaps something like `#if HAIKU_VERSION == R1B4`
<zard> So I want to look into that
<TmTFx> mmh something floating in my memories.... I'll take a look too 'XD
<zard> +1 :)
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<Begasus> there is already a recipe for Haiku-PyAPI in haikuports not?
* coolcoder613 waves
<Begasus> Hello coolcoder613! :)
<zard> TmTFx needs those latest feature :D
<zard> Hello coolcoder613!
* coolcoder613 nods to zard
* phschafft waves to coolcoder613, offering him a specifically large cookie for no specific reason.
* coolcoder613 muchnes happily
<Begasus> yeah zard, but there isn't anything stopping you from doing local packages :)
<zard> Ah. You would still have to modify the recipe though.
<Begasus> yeah, you can do that localy (or even push it to a branch and not create a PR (or set it as draft) :)
<Begasus> like the one from trungnt2910[m] atm, can't be merged before R1B5
<zard> Ah, ok
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* Begasus got plenty diverged recipes around :D
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* zard starts building the new version of ccache
<Begasus> it's not a "new" version :)
* zard installs new ~version~revision of ccache :P
<Begasus> ;)
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<Begasus> OscarL, when you are awake :) (Spyder 5.4.5 installed through pip)
<Begasus> updated pyzmq and urllib3 here :)
<TmTFx> Oh boy I think I did the work two times in gerrit there are 2 commits of the same patch :( I though I stopped the first attempt :(
<zard> I think you can close one of them?
<Begasus> still not sure how psutil fits in there though :P
<TmTFx> Yep, done through web interface of gerrit
<TmTFx> :)
<zard> That's better :)
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<phschafft> hm.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 82dae06 - ccache, revbump, move static library and create devel package (#10762)
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<Begasus> Spyder 5.5.5 up and running :D
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck d930816 - perl: fix the locking at fork "properly" by reinitializing the mutexes in the child (#10763)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57883] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 85e84ddefb2a - Input server and preferences: clean up
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] df803c0f3f9d - input_server: handle empty-named mouse settings requests
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] caed67a8cba8 - Input server: add mouse-specific API for button map and click speed
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<Begasus> k, let's see if I can check this samba on a fresh nightly :)
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<Begasus> replied :)
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<Begasus> python doesn't play too well with rust on 32bit it seems
FreeFull has quit [Quit: New kernel version]
<Begasus> one for you OscarL when you are back ? maturin (running pip install doesn't fine it, have to use "setarch x86" to be able to start the installation/build but errors out) :)
<Begasus> fine/find*
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL :)
<BiPolar> hey Begasus! (trying to build pandas on bare-metal)
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<scantysnax> good aftnoon.
<BiPolar> trying to do it with $jobArgs... no go :-( (too bad, seemed to really speed up things... till it failed :-P)
<Begasus> nice, missing it's dependency in Spyder :P
<BiPolar> hello there scantysnax! (OscarL in disguise here)
<Begasus> Hello scantysnax
<scantysnax> hi BiPolar (I remember you from BeShare on that nick.
<scantysnax> hi Begasus as well
<BiPolar> :-D
<BiPolar> Begasus: cool! Science folks like Spider :-)
<zard> Hmm, I think I've seen it in that context before. It looks familiar...
<Begasus> added a few updates for it at haikuports, also bumped psutil there to latest version :)
<scantysnax> BiPolar: why the disguise..? running from the irc police?
<BiPolar> Begasus: you may find "pipdeptree" (installable via pip) somewhat useful.
<Begasus> other then that "pip install --user spyder" worked fine on 64bit (if I remember it well) :)
<BiPolar> scantysnax: I can't run 20 meters without fainting (bad lungs), so disguise is better :-D
<scantysnax> i see... carry on :^)
<Begasus> Rtree-1.3.0 is installed, so don't know why it complains about it
<Begasus> well, it was just a test to see if psutil was functional, still not sure it is, but vorta and spyder won't launch without it :P
<Begasus> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psutil'
<Begasus> so it's kinda supposed to work I guess ;)
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<BiPolar> glances also wants psutil (IIRC).
<Begasus> ugh ... matplotlib is wrong it seems also :P
<BiPolar> welp, no go on pandas with cython enabled.
<Begasus> :/
<scantysnax> wow i wish i had the patience to work on problems like these...
<BiPolar> Begasus: good thing I didn't touched matplotlib yet then :-D
<Begasus> imort et all seems fine
<Begasus> spyder shows wrong version
<Begasus> 0.1.0.dev1+...
<Begasus> now how did we fix that in the past ...
<BiPolar> scantysnax: if I was better at programming (or had less focus-shift issues), probably won't be messing with most of these .recipes either :-D
<scantysnax> ah. well, at least you're involved with haiku progress, that's alwlays good
<scantysnax> i want to work on my emulator, but i'm waiting for my friend to push some new sound code
<scantysnax> it's a blocker right now,more or less, but i could probably find something to do with it.
<Begasus> looks better now :) .self/lib/python3.10/vendor-packages/matplotlib-3.7.2-py3.10.egg-info
<BiPolar> damn friends causing delays on Pretendo! /me shakes head.
<Begasus> yep, shows correctly in spyder now too :)
<BiPolar> Hope you find something fun to work with in the meantime scantysnax :-)
<Begasus> help out BiPolar with python stuff or the like :)
<scantysnax> yeah, i was thinking of maybe learning php so could have dynamic content on my website, which is also something i can work on.
<scantysnax> though, i might take you up on that python offer ;)
<Begasus> in the end the recipes aren't the hard part
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<Begasus> if you have a good understanding on build processes you can go a long way
<scantysnax> i've made some makefiles in my day.
<scantysnax> using one currently for pretendo
<BiPolar> mmm. Got TextSearch stuck on _kern_write_port_etc() ?
<scantysnax> that sounds scary.
<Begasus> PR for matplotlib up
<Begasus> hmmm ... would current pandas version build for python3.10 BiPolar?
<BiPolar> pretty reliable too. I do a search for "cython" on pandas' srcs... it ends up pegging a core 100%. If I debug that thread... _kern_write_port_ext() appears. Wish I knew how to investigate this further.
<Begasus> ah no, tried that yesterday
<BiPolar> define "current" :-)
<BiPolar> latest upstream?
<Begasus> yeah, need to dig up the "current" one :P
<Begasus> no the one from haikuports
<Begasus> latest ones use cmake builds
<Begasus> iirc
<BiPolar> yeah, I went for an older one that theorically supported our numpy version, and didn't required any new deps.
<BiPolar> 2.0.0 and up needs newer numpy, so... no go for now anyway.
<Begasus> yeah, not going there too :)
<Begasus> let's try this: pip install --user pandas==1.1.1
<BiPolar> I think the issue with TextSearch is that it is trying to "AddItem" to the results view... and there might be a bazillion of them for "cython" on pandas source :-D
<scantysnax> do you guys run b4 or nightlies?
<BiPolar> (would be cool if TextSearch didn't choked in that case, thou)
<BiPolar> beta4 for now, scantysnax. To match HaikuPorts buildmaster.
<Begasus> beta4's here scantysnax
<scantysnax> okay, me too, just checking :-)
<BiPolar> enough "surprises" as it is, without adding one more difference, right Begasus?
<Begasus> building nightlies from time to time to do some quick checks in qemu with them though
<scantysnax> i see.
<Begasus> right! :D
<BiPolar> I have enoughs "but it worked on my PC!" already :-D
<Begasus> f*** .. fails with numpy :P
<scantysnax> hmmm thundering here, but no rain
<Begasus> Collecting numpy==1.17.3
<Begasus> scary too scantysnax :)
<Begasus> our father always said it's better when it rains during thunder storms
<scantysnax> yeah, but then there's like a 50% chance i might be hearing it articially.
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<Begasus> BiPolar, is there a way to clean "all" those python packages install when installing spyder?
<BiPolar> hahah, no.
<BiPolar> :-D
<Begasus> made the mistake of not using --user on first run
<Begasus> figures :P
<BiPolar> yeah, that's my main use for --user.
<BiPolar> (same why I also try pkgman install -H)
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<BiPolar> Begasus: you could try with "pipdeptree", it will at least show the dependecy tree for it.
<Begasus> got 109 directories now in /boot/system/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages
<Begasus> installed that one, how does one use it?
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<scantysnax> bbl, have fun :-)
<Begasus> cya scantysnax
<HaikuUser2> hi, i'm using make to compile, but it is given errors bcmp error, what does mean?
<BiPolar> Begasus, you can uninstall spyder, and then try: "pip list --not-required"
<HaikuUser2> warning: "bcmp" redefined
<Begasus> well, got a copy for those "packages" in system and in home, which one does it searches for? ;)
<BiPolar> HaikuUser2: hello. First off, try changing your nickname so we can know to which "HaikuUser" are we replying to :-D (type /nick CooLNewNameHere)
<Begasus> HaikuUser2, probably not the real error, can you paste the output somewhere?
<Begasus> something like
<Begasus> no adds there :)
HaikuUser2 is now known as Spider
<BiPolar> Begasus: pip list --user --not-required works too. Without --user it list both system and user ones :-/
Spider is now known as SpiderSplash
<SpiderSplash> Begasus, they are warning in MAKE, should I ignore them? warning: "bcmp" redefined
<Begasus> argon2-cffi-bindings 0.0.post1.dev1+gef3d0f5.d20230607 jikes
<SpiderSplash> Begasus, i'm compiling MariaDB
<Begasus> ah :)
<SpiderSplash> trying :)
<Begasus> do you see something in the likes of "warnings are treated as errors"?
<BiPolar> SpiderSplash: unless you're getting link errors at the end... I would ignore them for now, no?
<SpiderSplash> Begasus, till now it doesn't broke the make compile... still waiting till finish
<SpiderSplash> Bipolar, I will wait till finish then
<BiPolar> "/boot/system/develop/headers/X11/Xfuncs.h:int bcmp();" <<< I have it there on my system.
<Begasus> BiPolar, any comments on the python PR's?
<Begasus> not going for a full rewrite there though :P
<BiPolar> let me check.
<SpiderSplash> Bipolar, for now it is a warning...
<SpiderSplash> it is running... i'm waiting for errors, it is making MARIADB :)
<BiPolar> Begasus: I hate those trailing "\n\", but... I guess the clean up can wait a bit longer for those :-)
<BiPolar> pyzmq, should be OK (if it was good enough for Spider).
<Begasus> thought so, not going nuts over them atm :)
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<BiPolar> psutil looks good enough too.
<BiPolar> heh, #7962 strikes again :-D
<Begasus> and another one :)
<BiPolar> matplotlib changes looks fine by me
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<Begasus> a few version bumps, shouldn't harm, checked installing, didn't brake anything :)
<Begasus> newer pyzmq requires pyqt6
<SpiderSplash> if I allow HAIKU on ELECTRON and npm install, it gives me this error: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1148 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module './checksums.json' Require stack: - /boot/home/electron/npm/install.js at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1145:15) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:986:27) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1233:19) at require
<SpiderSplash> (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12) { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
<SpiderSplash> (node:internal/modules/helpers:179:18) at Object.<anonymous> (/boot/home/electron/npm/install.js:45:126) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain]
<SpiderSplash> :|
<Begasus> paste it somewhere else, this makes no sense :)
<SpiderSplash> I bypassed Haiku requirements :)
<Begasus> but I already see electron, no go I presume tehre
<BiPolar> why a db wants electron anyway? /me rather goes back to dBaseIII+
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<Begasus> argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0 (better) :)
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<SpiderSplash> Please remove all python packages on HaikuDepot, allow us users to install using pip install :)
<Begasus> BiPolar, current list :P
<Begasus> SpiderSplash, no one is forcing you to install the ones from the depot?
<BiPolar> you can just install pip things already.
<SpiderSplash> Begasus, Bipolar, cooooooooool:)
<Begasus> untill you hit a dependency for numpy :P
<BiPolar> and you should be using virtualenvs, or something, Python folks keep telling (and I don't listening :-P).
<SpiderSplash> Begasus, Bipolar, what we need now is a POSTGRESQL administrator database
<BiPolar> YOU need. I don't.
<Begasus> me neither
<Begasus> lol BiPolar, saw those messages also venv et all ...
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<SpiderSplash> LOL, it seems compiling MARIADB takes hours :)
<gordonjcp> BiPolar: Postgres and Django has been my go-to for like 20 years now
<SpiderSplash> no errors till now
<BiPolar> Always good if you want to help with things you feel are missing, or broken. But please don't talk about "we" that way. Gets a bit annoying.
<gordonjcp> BiPolar: oh, we have matplotlib working now?
<gordonjcp> I use that a lot
<Begasus> matplotlib has been around for years gordonjcp
<BiPolar> gordonjcp: seems we have postgresql12 (12.0-5) on repos at least :-)
<SpiderSplash> BiPolar, that's a PLUS :) I have it installed
<gordonjcp> BiPolar: :-)
<gordonjcp> BiPolar: much as I love Haiku, I wouldn't run it as a server OS
<SpiderSplash> but, where is the PGADMIN4 ? :)
<gordonjcp> SpiderSplash: you don't need it
<Begasus> SpiderSplash, no need to use caps!
<BiPolar> gordonjcp: of course! but trying such programs can help detect issues at the OS level at least :-D
<gordonjcp> true, I suppose
<BiPolar> or at least allow on to hack on things, Haiku-style.
<Begasus> lol
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<Begasus> first Haiku server distro out in ...
<Begasus> although you can't call it Haiku then :P
<Begasus> BiPolar, update on python3.12 ok?
<BiPolar> BadSonnet << dibs on that distro name!
<Begasus> guess they couldn't call it MozartSonnet :P
<BiPolar> Begasus: LGTM at least :-D
<Begasus> ok, let's merge
<SpiderSplash> Well, no one needs MariaDB, I think I will delete after compile ...
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<Begasus> I'll wait until the morning to see if nothing pops up on the other PR's
<BiPolar> alright.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 30bae5b - python3.12: update to version 3.12.4. (#10752)
<SpiderSplash> OscarL python 3.12.4 :) cooooool
<Begasus> still waiting on someone to tackle gcc14? :P
<BiPolar> have 3.13.0b1 installed already... beta4 still giving me issues... will try again when the first ReleaseCandidate drops in a few days.
<Begasus> or LLVM21? (think that was the version requested in an issue) :)
<SpiderSplash> Begasus, Bipolar, error compiling mariadb: error: 'fedisableexcept' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'feraiseexcept'? 228 | fedisableexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
<Begasus> no idea SpiderSplash, I'm not the developer :)
<SpiderSplash> maybe it needs GCC14
<Begasus> don't think so :)
<BiPolar> might be missing a "#include <fenv.h>" somewhere SpiderSplash.
<Begasus> stackoverflow to the resque! :D
<Begasus> or hgrepall BiPolar? ;)
<BiPolar> Begasus: nah... plain old "hgrepall" alias :-D
<Begasus> :)
<BiPolar> Begasus: re argon2_cffi... try removing the cmd:git requirement, and see if the SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION trick is still needed.
<BiPolar> (if it doesn't finds cmd:git, it shouldn't try to get the version from the work-dir .git repo)
<Begasus> ah, will do in a sec
<BiPolar> cmd:git on python recipes is a bit of a red-flag, to be honest.
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<Begasus> rebuild
<BiPolar> If I haven't (at least tried to) remove it from a recipe I touched... is because I'm learning as I go :-)
<Begasus> no good: argon2_cffi_bindings-0.0.post1.dev1+gd3ab976.d20240729-py3.10.egg-info
<BiPolar> alright, add back SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION, but keep cmd:git out.
<Begasus> yes boss :)
<BiPolar> sorry! didn't mean it that way! :-D
<waddlesplash> Begasus: Wireshark doesn't stary anymore
<waddlesplash> "missing symbol QAudioSink::stateChanged"
<waddlesplash> *doesn't start
<waddlesplash> might just need a revbump?
<Begasus> better: argon2_cffi_bindings-21.2.0-py3.10.egg-info
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<Begasus> let me check waddlesplash, 64bit?
<Begasus> don't have 32bit running anyway :p
<Begasus> waddlesplash, the gui?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> yes
<Begasus> runtime_loader: /boot/system/bin/wireshark: Could not resolve symbol '_ZN10QAudioSink12stateChangedEN6QAudio5StateE'
<Begasus> the one from the depot
<waddlesplash> yep
<Begasus> launching build
<waddlesplash> :)
<Begasus> ~> error -2147478780
<Begasus> 0x80001304: Symbol not found
<Begasus> not very informitive :P
<waddlesplash> well, it's got the name of the symbol right there
<waddlesplash> QAudioSink::stateChaned
<waddlesplash> *changed
<Begasus> not seeing that here?
<waddlesplash> it's right there "_ZN10QAudioSink12stateChangedEN6QAudio5StateE"
<waddlesplash> that's just a mangled C++ symbol
<Begasus> ah lol
<Begasus> sorry, my bad :)
<Begasus> k, a bit learned on "how" to read those symbols :D
<BiPolar> what? don't you read mangled C++ already? :-P
<waddlesplash> Begasus: the command line tool "c++filt" demangles them
<waddlesplash> QAudioSink::stateChanged(QAudio::State)
<waddlesplash> $ c++filt _ZN10QAudioSink12stateChangedEN6QAudio5StateE
<Begasus> cool!
<Begasus> added in marknote :)
<Begasus> almosts there, although with ninja the last remaining can be the hardest
<Begasus> up and running again waddlesplash, will do a revbump in a sec
<Begasus> BiPolar, argon... PR updated :)
<Begasus> not sure if I should be worried now seeing what's passing by in Wireshark :P
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<BiPolar> Begasus: looks good. Seems I removed that SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION last time I touched it... as it was not needed here, surely due to /me using "hp -G" :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3aa5c2f - wireshark, revbump for missing symbol (#10772)
<Begasus> tss, if that's a large source I would confirm BiPolar, but not for things like argon.. :)
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<BiPolar> Begasus: no need. I just need to remind to be more careful when using "hp -G" (specially around setuptools_scm).
<BiPolar> s/remind/remember/
<Begasus> yeah, seems to give some false impressions
<Begasus> I remember this nice tool in ZETA "Todo" or something it was called, Marknote is turning out to be a nice tool for this too :)
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<Begasus> hi jmairboeck
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<jmairboeck> hi Begasus
<jmairboeck> you are still up today?
<Begasus> yeah, not for long though
<Begasus> had some catching up to do with BiPolar :)
<BiPolar> :-P
<Begasus> in the morning he's half a sleep, when I'm on a roll he's sleeping :P
<jmairboeck> :P
<BiPolar> hehe, and then for a couple of weeks, my sleep schedule does a 180, and we match again for a while :-)
<Begasus> well, we got some python issues out of the way atleast :)
<Begasus> heh
<BiPolar> wee, launchpad changes got upstreamed.
<gordonjcp> well that's one bug squashed
<gordonjcp> my car no longer attempts to drop its tailgate on my head when I'm fossicking about in the boot for tools
<Begasus> how comes at buildmaster ninja objects are listed?
<gordonjcp> flushed with enthusiasm, I'm going to try to get my Haiku-building box working again
<Begasus> +1 :)
<gordonjcp> I wonder if Haiku would be a good basis for an in-car infotainment system
<jmairboeck> Begasus: in the terminal, it rewrites the current line with the progress, it can't do that in a log file
<Begasus> ah, looks nicer that way :)
* BiPolar tries to rebuild pandas-1.3.2, before giving up.
<Begasus> but then again, hard to track if there was an error somewhere there ;)
<BiPolar> "works for me" (tm)
<Begasus> heh
<BiPolar> can't blame me if buildmaster can't keep up with my leet recipes!
<Begasus> leet?
<BiPolar> aka l33t. I'm quie the h4xor, you'll see. :-P
<BiPolar> (but I can't type properly it seems)
<jmairboeck> I think I'm guilty of that too ... texlive 2024 *cough*
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> atleast I still have that backed up here jmairboeck :)
<BiPolar> (weak-ass buildmasters... /me mumbles)
<Begasus> don't let kallisti5[m] hear you :P
<BiPolar> k. no go with old pandas either. Same type of Cython-code compiling errors as in other versions, as far as I understand.
<BiPolar> "Cannot assign type 'double' to 'int64_t'" and stuff like that. I'm not going down there.
<Begasus> yep, same one
<BiPolar> Begasus: maybe I should just revert the unnintended pandas recipe rename, and leave it be till someone wants to tackle it?
<Begasus> sounds good to me BiPolar
<Begasus> k, one last smoke (for today) :P
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<Begasus> one for you BiPolar
<Begasus> ~> glances -V
<Begasus> 6 6
<Begasus> Glances version: 4.1.2
<Begasus> Glances API version: 4
<Begasus> PsUtil version: 6.0.0
<Begasus> Log file: /boot/home/config/cache/glances/glances.log
<BiPolar> k. PR for pandas rename revert up.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL c96e5c2 - pandas: revert unnintended rename. (#10773)
<Begasus> and merged :)
<BiPolar> Begasus: re glances... does it looks like this?
<Begasus> only cli for now I guess?
<Begasus> eeps: Downloading zeroconf-0.132.2.tar.gz (170 kB) :)
<Begasus> not sure this will end up well :P
<BiPolar> getting glances working "properly" needs a lot more effort in porting it to Haiku (last time I've looked at it).
<BiPolar> not something I'll be doing myself (both for lack of skills, and lack of interest :-D)
<Begasus> heh ... netifaces.c:210:6: error: #error You need to add code for your platform.
<Begasus> k, done for today (overdue) :)
<BiPolar> I should get back at mDNSResponder soon instead, before I forget the little I learned about it :-)
<BiPolar> see you Begasus!
<Begasus> err ... it's still busy :)
<BiPolar> *still* seeing you Begasus!
<Begasus> Created wheel for wifi: filename=wifi-0.3.8-py3-none-any.whl size=12474 sha256=7fa211f7e29254d7e750d838921e6a6d6fb46497ed82dc70320bca14f8d0f7aa
Begasus is now known as not_in_the_house
<BiPolar> lol
not_in_the_house is now known as Begasus
<Begasus> those python/rust things ...
<BiPolar> that wifi package: "Wifi provides a command line wrapper for iwlist and /etc/network/interfaces"... yeah.. that will work! (not!)
<Begasus> ERROR: Operation cancelled by user
<BiPolar> release date.... 2016!
<Begasus> there ... :P
<Begasus> not today
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> closing down for real now
<BiPolar> kick glances out of the back door already!
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<BiPolar> later!
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<waddlesplash> anybody here run VirtualBox with virtio-net?
<BiPolar> mmm launchpad fails to start now :-/
<BiPolar> waddlesplash: I do normally (not *right now*, on bare-metal ATM).
<waddlesplash> you use virtio-net specifically?
<BiPolar> yes
<waddlesplash> ok
<waddlesplash> ever seen weird crashes in the block_cache?
<BiPolar> switched from one of intel one a while back.
<waddlesplash> do you run nightly builds?
<BiPolar> beta4 only on this machine (the one I use the most)....
<waddlesplash> and in VBox?
<BiPolar> have another netbook with nightlies (also runs VBox + virtio-net) there.
<BiPolar> let me double check my KDL screenshots folder (and crash report files)
<BiPolar> (I use the same installs for bot VM and bare-metal)
<waddlesplash> ... how many KDLs do you have "unreported"?
<BiPolar> maybe a couple... I usually blame VBox (get regular ones due to broken vbox guest additions)
<BiPolar> "2550 0 477some BBlockCache lock" <<< from a reacent Beezer crash.
<waddlesplash> nah, that's not relevant
<waddlesplash> we are looking for KDLs with "block_cache" in the stack trace
<BiPolar> ok. will keep an eye on those, and report ASAP if I get one.
<waddlesplash> how often do you get KDLs?
<BiPolar> non related to VBox... very rarely.
<waddlesplash> OK
<BiPolar> if I don't count the times I'm messing with drivers :-D
<BiPolar> Darn WebSocket threads :-D
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3c1f9a126b80 - kernel/heap: Increase the guarded heap 'initial' & 'grow' sizes.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57884] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57885] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b390890110ac - freebsd_network: Allocate only as large a bounce buffer as is actually needed.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a57635112e87 - openbsd_network: If dmamem allocation fails, don't leak the local tag.
<BiPolar> FWIW, updated to hrev57881 on VBox+virtio-net... no issues. Guess I can try running some "speedtest" to see if it triggers issues?
<waddlesplash> the crashes were happening on sftp fetch, it looks like
<waddlesplash> I mean sftp fetch from something else -> VM
<waddlesplash> I was testing via linux, sftp to Haiku and get -r my Haiku source tree
<waddlesplash> but it didn't crash (but I wasn't using virtio since this is VMware)
<waddlesplash> but I guess he may also be using virtio-scsi ... hm
<BiPolar> Will try to test sftp and report back.
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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] trungnt2910 abc1742 - blog/trungnt2910: Debugging progress 2 (#697)
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<BiPolar> great, managed to bork my ssh access to the linux netbook :-/
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<BiPolar> I can't connect TO the VM's sftp, or other services in it, for that matter, from other machines besides the host OS.
<waddlesplash> that sounds plausible
<waddlesplash> that will probably be the case unless you set some option to expose the port
<BiPolar> doing some get -r from the VM and the host for now.
<waddlesplash> OK
<BiPolar> getting /system/packages/* that should do it.
<BiPolar> About 1.5 GB, 7 MB/s tops. no issues so far. Will keep trying.
<waddlesplash> I think it's more about many small files than I/O purely
<waddlesplash> I also suspect it may be related to virtio_scsi or something like that
<waddlesplash> I'll ask some others to test too
<BiPolar> I don't that many files on this VM... guess I can transfer from /package-links till my ramdrive fills up :-D