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<drmwndr> hey there
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<OscarL> to the user that was trying to compile "firebird" and was missing ""... run: "pkgman install gcc_syslibs_devel"
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* coolcoder613 waves
<OscarL> hey there coolcoder613 :-)
* OscarL feels like a "frozencoder".
<OscarL> Darn cold... night will be long :-(
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* OscarL looks around for "GL/gl.h"
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* OscarL forgot to "hp -e" before "hp -c" :-(
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> good day Begasus.
<Begasus> Hi OscarL, still up?
<OscarL> yeah... and still freezing :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 15b4ae9 - muon: resolve 'hp --lint' error. (#10681)
<Begasus> was just going through the emails, thanks for stepping in :)
<OscarL> np :-)
<OscarL> seeing if "iup" can be built (after r-enabling the .patchset)... applies, but can't make it build :-(
<OscarL> will open a PR in anycase (with recipe disabled). Should close
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 77adc58 - lxml: added TEST(), fixed build requirements. (#10680)
<Begasus> stepping out later, got a physical planned at the hospital (nothing major) :)
<Begasus> mean I can have any cofee now .. MAJOR!!! :D
<Begasus> can't*
<OscarL> can't have the old ticker all worked up on coffee for medical checks, I guess? :-)
<erysdren> OscarL: not sure how to help with that pull request on haikuports, does haiku not support fullscreen video modes with SDL2?
<OscarL> Best of lucks there Begasus!
<OscarL> hi erysdren, I think it does, but our SDL is buggy. And as you know more about SDL and QuakeSpasm than me... thought to CC you. Hope you don't mind.
<Begasus> thanks OscarL, checking stomach today, had my last checkup for the heart last week, good for a year now :)
<erysdren> i'll tinker with it, see if i can help OscarL
<OscarL> much appreciated, erysdren :-)
<Begasus> maybe there is a settings file that can be adjusted to override in-game changing?
<PulkoMandy> It's usually not sdl but the videodriver failing to set some videomodes
<OscarL> that might be the case for this user... he had an "out of range" issue reported on Haikuports, I asked them to file it on Haiku's Trac (radeon_hd related).
<OscarL> s/he/they/ (just in case).
<Begasus> +1
<erysdren> regardless, quakespasm on haiku needs work
<erysdren> just for the way it handles user dirs
<erysdren> it also sucks on *nix
<erysdren> doesnt respect XDG, just writes stuff into `.quakespasm`
<erysdren> not only that, but by default it installs to `/usr/local/bin/games/quake/` or something
<erysdren> a random directory that nobody will have in their $PATH...
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<Begasus> cu later peeps
<erysdren> cu
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<Calisto> Heyyyy
<erysdren> hii!!
<artics> hello
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Calisto> how are all of you doing?
<Calisto> hope everything is good :)
<artics> Someone posted about haiku on a certain anonymous image board. I hear accelerated graphics are the main hurdle right now.
<erysdren> yeah, it's disabled across the board until it works for the majority of cards
<erysdren> iirc
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<artics> I think Haiku is a nice break from the unix clones. It would be nice as a daily driver.
<artics> Native wine support and integration could be a good shortcut for software compatibility.
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<botifico> [haiku/website] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] diegoroux abeb13a - [GSoC 24]: blog/diegoroux playback achieved entry (#693)
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> artics, what software are you missing if you need wine?
<artics> games
<Begasus> OK, can't help out much there :)
<nephele> good day Begasus
<nephele> Personally I own a steam deck to play my games on, that way that most don't work on Haiku is not that tragic, for me atleast
<Begasus> Hi nephele
<Begasus> not playing games much here, passed that stage I guess :)
<Begasus> k, no error on kio-worker now, a bit of progress :)
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<Begasus> OscarL, still alive? ;)
<OscarL> Just finishing replying to your comment on #10682 :-)
<Begasus> okido :)
<Begasus> OK, why does SoftwareUpdater show on which package an update fails, but pkgman doesn't do that?
<OscarL> Docs gave you the ok for coffee, or they are keeping you away from it still, Begasus?
<Begasus> nah!!!!!
<OscarL> :-(
<Begasus> first thing when I got back, big cup of coffee :D
<OscarL> :-D
<Begasus> firtst time I had someone literly push something down my throught(?) :P
<OscarL> *throat (I think)
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<Begasus> you got what I meant :)
<nephele> How can I handle a BSplitView beeing resized (as in the splitter is used)? I'm getting some bugs in Renga duo to this (it making ridicilous sizes for some scrollers) and want to see to fix that, but don't quite know where to look
* Begasus hands nephele a pair of his spare glaces ...
<nephele> Begasus: that's not helpfull. I already misplace my own all the time, now you will loose your spair pair!
<Begasus> heh
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<OscarL> mmm we have "cd_devel" but not "cd" pacakge?
<nephele> what's in the cd_devel package? some libraries are those wierd "header only" stuff so don't need any additional runtime components
<nephele> ... I wonder if header only libraries are an attempt to get static linking when people just don't want it? hmm. Not that static linking is inherently bad
<Begasus> bugger ...
<OscarL> nephele: headers, and symlinks to bunch of .so
<nephele> Begasus: I'm begining to think you torture yourself on purpose
<nephele> maybe just leave lua alone for 2 months or something
<OscarL> no wonder iup was failing to link :-D
<Begasus> just can't stand loose ends nephele, call me nuts :P
<OscarL> nuts
<Begasus> well, for luajit, I kinda got a fix already
<Begasus> lol OscarL
<nephele> have i told you about <destraction> yet? you see there is <problem> in <package> :(
<nephele> -> Begasus will fix it :D
<OscarL> nerdsnipping!
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<Begasus> already told that the other lua versions suffer from the same problem lua5.4 had :P
<Begasus> so fixing those shouldn't be that hard now
<OscarL> "x11-lib/cd-5.12.recipe", /me tries rebuilding it.
<Begasus> what version of lua is iup using OscarL?
<OscarL> "lib:liblua$secondaryArchSuffix"
<Begasus> OscarL cd$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion ?
<OscarL> doesn't specifies more than that¡
<Begasus> it profides cd*
<OscarL> lib:libcd$secondaryArchSuffix >= 5.6
<Begasus> then it's using the one you have on the system OscarL
<Begasus> provides* :)
<Begasus> lua5.4 should be good
<OscarL> in any case... I have cd_devel installed, but no cd.
<Begasus> oh?
<Begasus> ah, no REQUIRES_devel in there
<OscarL> that's why iup failes to link to
<Begasus> strange
<Begasus> yeah, probably ends up with a broken link
<OscarL> yeah. no wonder I was getting nowhere.
* Begasus tinkers about that "!x86_gcc2" now for iup ... :P
<Begasus> karma! :P
<Begasus> nephele, fwiw, I had a few days off from lua doing the kde frameworks :)
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<OscarL> "iuplua_cd.c:13:10: fatal error: lua.h: No such file or directory" at least got a different error now :-D
<Begasus> progress! :D
* Begasus grabs one of the stray cookies from phschafft's bowl ...
<OscarL> noticing a few "51" on filenames... this might need lua5.1 after all.
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<Begasus> building with it should still work ok
<OscarL> seems I have lua5.1 installed (might be why I get 51 on filenames/paths :-P
<Begasus> tsss ... read the source Luke!! :P
<B2IA> (binky) in BeOS we had an option to hide replicant handles. Does such an option exist in Haiku (I can'y find it)?
<Begasus> still there in Deskbar menu binky
<OscarL> Begasus: read? what am I? a nerd?
<Begasus> prove me wrong ... :P
<B2IA> (binky) Begasus: thanks I was searching through all the Preferences..... Doh!
<Begasus> had me searching that not that long ago here too binky :)
<Begasus> it's binky time! (BeShare days ...) :D
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] BachToTheFuture e4b3da8 - Sinus [fix build for x86_64] (#3397)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] BachToTheFuture c94118e - TimeBomb [recipe] (#3457)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] return a88b8e2 - codeblocks: new recipe (#5009)
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<OscarL> "cd" has PROVIDES for libs it doesn't includes in the final package :-/
<Begasus> eg no libraries in there?
<OscarL> exactly. Will open PR now.
<nephele> sounds like HP should offer a policy warning there
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<Begasus> yeah
<Begasus> Hi Calisto
<Begasus> current fmt (8) no errors from 19 tests, latest (11) 2 errors out of 20
<Begasus> not that bad :)
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<Calisto> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> OscarL, pulled that PR in with your profile script, how do I push changes now?
<OscarL> wish we had 20/25 C all year. instead... either I boil with 40+, or freeze at 0 :-(
<Begasus> :(
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<OscarL> Begasus: no idea. I only use that to "checkout_pr" random things :-)
<Begasus> tsss ...
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<Begasus> git push -f upstream pr/7362 (should do it I guess)
<Begasus> but I got upstream on the fork to http :P
<OscarL> I have push rights only on a few "3rd party" repos, so haven't needed to do that yet :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 2 commits to pr/7362 [+2/-1/±0]^...b88bebf43870
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pengphei e37f1a1 - libfmt: bump to 9.1.0
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b88bebf - libfmt, bump to 11.0.1, fix conflict
<botifico> [haikuports] Begasus created branch pr/7362 -
<Begasus> that wasn't the plan ...
<OscarL> oops :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus deleted branch pr/7362
<botifico> [haikuports] Begasus deleted branch pr/7362 -
* OscarL waves back at Calisto, on Begasus' behalf.
<Begasus> Hey! I already said Hi to Calisto :)
<OscarL> ah... missed it :-)
<Calisto> xD
<Calisto> how are you guys doing?
<Begasus> fixing OscarL's error :P
<OscarL> read his "Hi", and though... poor Calisto, left with his hand in the air, with no one wavving back :-D
<Calisto> xD
<Calisto> nothing like that xD
<Calisto> ohhh okay
<Calisto> well my mid term eval is done :)
<OscarL> freezing, and throwing rocks at Begasus, out of boredom :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pengphei cba1e06 - libfmt: add 11.0.1 (#7362)
<Begasus> better ...
<Begasus> my rocks are just fine thank you! :P
<OscarL> nuts!
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> good report Calisto?
<Calisto> i'll get to know today night :)
<Calisto> but i hope so :)
<Begasus> crossing fingers then for you
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli a15dc25 - zydis: new recipe
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<Begasus> ah, no lua5.2 in those libs OscarL?
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<OscarL> right.
<Begasus> devel:liblua$secondaryArchSuffix ... I guess that should be devel:liblua$secondaryArchSuffix >= 5.1
<Begasus> it's a bit weird too that it provides: lib:libcdlua51 but doesn't require liblua?
<Begasus> no sign of it with readelf ...
<OscarL> might be just an embedded version.
<OscarL> if I'm not mistaken, iup can be use "cd_lua" instead of the "system" one.
<OscarL> these projects being from the same folks that created LUA... bunch of crazy brazilians :-P
<Begasus> doesn't care for lua version, builds OK too with lua5.4
<Begasus> so I leave that up to you :)
<OscarL> I just wanted to fix the last "hp --lint" regarding patchsets... and close that darn issue :-)
<Begasus> do you have iup up and building?
<OscarL> no, wating for the fixed cd, so I don't have to add "cd" to iup's build_requires
<Begasus> err ... you got that already in ../packages?
<OscarL> locally, I did added it to build_reqs... thought you were asking in relation to the iup PR...
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<OscarL> build still fails... even after fixing the missing "lua.h"...
<OscarL> but the mention of both 5.1 AND 5.2 verions of libs was also confusing me.
<Begasus> ok :)
<OscarL> iup patchset was originally disabled because it failed to apply. It applied fine for me (exept for a warning about CRLF)...
<Begasus> yeah saw that, undefined references here
<OscarL> I'll try using "hp -G", most likely it will fail with that.
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<OscarL> pushed #10684 (cd). I'll go back to iup now.
<Begasus> maybe needs the right paths for lua? (from luarocks conf file)
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<Begasus> oh! ledc.c:(.text+0x30): multiple definition of `yywrap'; ../obj/ledc/Haiku11/ first defined here
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<Begasus> multiple definitions?
<OscarL> currently it does: "export LUA_INC=`finddir B_SYSTEM_HEADERS_DIRECTORY` (adding /lua5.1 there makes it find lua.h)
<OscarL> bit the rest of the LUA52 stuff was confusing me.
<OscarL> s/bit/but/
<Begasus> yeah checked the history?
<OscarL> tried, but commits were for cd+iup+im so I get lost.
<OscarL> also... stuff goes back to 2013...
<Begasus> eeps
<Begasus> down to: make[2]: *** No rule to make target '', needed by '../obj/ledc/Haiku11/'. Stop.
* OscarL tries "hp -G -b iup"
<OscarL> patch applied without issue (without git)
<OscarL> so... at least we're in the clear there.
* OscarL commented out all lua52 stuff from iup. let's start a clean build.
<OscarL> "make $jobArgs" helps a bit.
<OscarL> but makes repeated builds' output harder to compare :-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> is no where to be found on the system/source?
<Begasus> is ...
<OscarL> bison/yacc is needed, so... it probably gets renerated from some other file.
<OscarL> s/renerated/generated/
<Begasus> yeah, probably related to ledc.c
<OscarL> I should have used "hp iup |& tee iup-build.log" :-)
<Begasus> lol, too much output? ;)
<OscarL> yup too much for my taste :-)
<OscarL> yeah... same "undefined references" I was getting before.
<OscarL> from the output: "yacc ledc.y" and then "mv -f ledc.c"
<Begasus> at the start there it mentions a few "multiple definitions", not sure how to fix those (adding extern ... in ledc.c didn't fix anything)
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* OscarL removes some "extern"s from led.h, before giving up.
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<Begasus> +1 maybe exesive use there ;)
<OscarL> only turned the undefined references into "multiple definition of" :-(
<OscarL> I give up. I yacc is too much for me.
<Begasus> :'(
<Begasus> oh well, cd should be good for now?
<OscarL> cd. yup.
<Begasus> ok, let's get that out of our system :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 66e1ea2 - cd: fix PROVIDES and REQUIRES_devel. (#10684)
<OscarL> iup... I kinda want to remove all the lua52 stuff, add the missing /lua5.1 to the includes dir... and call it a day :-)
<Begasus> no hurry, has been around for while :) do something fun/easy ;)
<OscarL> guess I can just comment those lines instead, just in case. Next person that tries to build it at least would find it a bit better than before :-)
<Begasus> +1
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<Begasus> lol, the comments by extrowerk in the samba4 recipe :D
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* OscarL looks at the list of recently merged PRs... still marked "wip-no-merge" :-P
<Begasus> and have been lingering long enough :P
* Begasus still sees 2 drafts from a certain someone in there ... :P
<OscarL> not even 2 years old... let them marinate! :-P
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<OscarL> found one of my ESP8266 boards... sadly it is one where only the USB-serial chip still works (must have fried the main chip, lol)
<Begasus> so far for exploring then
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<OscarL> not sure if I killed it with my mad programming skillz, or my killer soldering moves.
<Begasus> combined effort then :P
<OscarL> famous 1-2 punch :-D
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<Begasus> OscarL, merging iup?
<OscarL> yup!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL a5be3e2 - iup: re-enable patch, keep recipe disabled. (#10682)
<Begasus> another one down :)
<Begasus> thanks, at least there is something to go from now
<OscarL> I'll see if noteshrink works on Python 3.10.
<Begasus> thanks :)
<Begasus> fighting with samba/waf here
<OscarL> if it does... we could merge my changes, and leave further refinements for when we get newer/fixed scipy/numpy.
<OscarL> no point in waiting to get it "perfect" on the first try, IMO :-)
<Begasus> not touching those for a while here :P
<Begasus> ERROR: target pamwinbind.objlist: dependency target samba_intl is missing samba_builtin_subsystem
<Begasus> progress :P
<OscarL> build time: "real 0m19,590s" (wish all my builds were that fast :-D)
<Begasus> ;)
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<OscarL> ouch crashed the VM again :-(
<waddlesplash> KDL?
<OscarL> yep, saved a screenshot, but already killed it, sorry.
<OscarL> (beta4, 64 bits)
<waddlesplash> looks like
<waddlesplash> is it reproducible?
<nephele> Hello from berlin!
<erysdren> hello
<OscarL> waddlesplash: doubt it. was running the vm all night dowing builds.
<Begasus> Schöner abend da noch nephele, geniet er van :) (enjoy)
<waddlesplash> ah
<waddlesplash> anyone who can: please do update to the new nightly (hrev57820), there's a bunch of changes here that may improve performance (or break things)
<Begasus> R1B4 still on my installs (aside from the qemu images)
<OscarL> I might switch from beta4 (temporarely at least), in hopes it helps with my IO stalls :-)
<OscarL> can't even close Pe when Tracker is deleting many files :-D
<Begasus> last time I switched to nightly on my 32bit install I had to re-install to go back to beta
<OscarL> ouch.
<Begasus> good thing is that I keep most of the data on another partition :)
<OscarL> if things improve... I might give waddlesplash a kiss (or a hand-shake at least :-D)
<Begasus> lol
<waddlesplash> OscarL: are you in VirtualBox?
* Begasus looks at waddlesplash making weird faces ...
<waddlesplash> lol
<OscarL> waddlesplash: yeah, with x2apic enabled.
<waddlesplash> ok, so you have that at least
<waddlesplash> well, will still be interesting to see if you get any improvement
<Begasus> [ 762/3836] Compiling lib/util/util_strlist_v3.c
<Begasus> woot, build started :P
<Begasus> needs the patch for bswap64 ... :)
<nephele> Begasus: thanks begasus! Hacking here with pulkomandy :D
<nephele> waddlesplash: i'm on 57818, do you want to test 20 specifically?
<Begasus> Dit bonjour a lui :)
<PulkoMandy> hi :)
<waddlesplash> nephele: not really, most of the important stuff is before that. though -19 has the fix for perl and other things
<nephele> not sure i even have perl installed
<waddlesplash> Begasus: what patch for bswap64?
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<Begasus> byteorder related iirc waddlesplash (for samba4)
<waddlesplash> yes, but what's the error?
<waddlesplash> we have that method
<Begasus> yeah, not sure if that is "fixed" in the beta though, still a few patches around for that at haikuports
<Begasus> ../../third_party/heimdal_build/../heimdal/lib/roken/ warning: "bswap32" redefined
<Begasus> 865 | #define bswap32 rk_bswap32
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<zdykstra> morning all!
<Begasus> progressing :) [1975/3836]
<Begasus> hi zdykstra
<zdykstra> how are we doing this lovely July day?
<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: I saw you mentioned a perl issue recently. Did I break something with the perl upgrade?
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: technically not, you just exposed a bug in Haiku's locale handling
<waddlesplash> I was getting "perl: warning: Setting locale failed." (and then a bunch of lines after it) on every perl run
<waddlesplash> did you not see the same?
<jmairboeck> ok, so perl itself is fine.
<waddlesplash> anyway I fixed the problem in hrev57819
<jmairboeck> no, I didn't notice that
<waddlesplash> maybe a different locale
<waddlesplash> see if LC_ALL=en.UTF-8 causes it
<jmairboeck> yeah, I'm using German, should be de_AT.UTF-8 or something
<nephele> waddlesplash: anything particular you want to test in 20?
<jmairboeck> I'll test it
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: oh, if you are on beta4 this may not happen
<waddlesplash> I think it's a new-ICU problem only
<waddlesplash> nephele: just general system usage & performance really
<jmairboeck> I have both beta4 and nightly
<nephele> waddlesplash: seems to work fine?
<waddlesplash> good!
<nephele> haven't had any freezes or something if you expect that
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<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: actually I don't have LC_ALL set at all, all the other ones are "de.UTF-8" except LC_TYPE, which is "en_US.UTF-8"
<waddlesplash> huh
<jmairboeck> with LC_ALL set I also get the warning messages
<nephele> I don't have LC_ALL either, iirc there was also an issue with the default userguide scripts that i changed
<jmairboeck> ok, with LC_ALL=de.UTF-8 I don't get them, but with en
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<Begasus> pythonVersion=$(python3 --version 2>&1 | sed 's/Python //' | head -c3)
<Begasus> this is giving me: /packages/samba4-4.20.2-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/python3.1/site-packages
<Begasus> where it should be python3.10?
<jmairboeck> the head -c3 part is wrong, for Python >= 3.10 it would need to be head -c4
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<jmairboeck> because the version number is longer
<Begasus> yeah, just find one from frescobaldi using that, checking
<Begasus> grabbing samba4-4.20.2-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/samba4-4.20.2-1-x86_64.hpkg :D
<Begasus> lot's of warning (and no checks done) though
<Begasus> policy warnings: :)
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<waddlesplash> someone reports on the mailing list that mpcenc crashes on startup
<waddlesplash> and indeed it does here for me
<waddlesplash> can someone check if a rebuild fixes things?
<phschafft> Habbie: ping?
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<waddlesplash> or maybe a version bump
<Begasus> still crashes on rebuild
<waddlesplash> ok
<waddlesplash> let me see
<waddlesplash> Begasus: try applying this diff to common/fastmath.c:
<Begasus> waddlesplash
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<waddlesplash> ugh
<waddlesplash> hmm
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<waddlesplash> Begasus: apply same change to include/mpc/mpcmath.h lines 89-92
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<waddlesplash> i.e. delete "const" from "extern ... float tab..."
<waddlesplash> on all 4 decls
<Begasus> dogs, biab
<Begasus> copy/paste errors on your pastebin here :)
<Begasus> ~> mpcenc
<Begasus> MPC Encoder 1.30.1 --stable-- (C) 1999-2009 Buschmann/Klemm/Piecha/MDT
<Begasus> Built Jul 12 2024 18:09:35
<waddlesplash> so, it doesn't crash now?
<Begasus> nope
<waddlesplash> does it work?
<Begasus> and samba5 packaged without policy warnings now :)
<Begasus> err ... didn't check if it works :)
<waddlesplash> well, at least it doesn't crash
<waddlesplash> so you might as well add that patch to the recipe and bump the rev :)
<Begasus> seems so?
<waddlesplash> very good!
<waddlesplash> that was an easy fix then :)
<Begasus> ok, will do a patch and push it to hp in a bit :)
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<Begasus> samba.NTSTATUSError: (3221225690, 'Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, either because the machine is unavailable or access has been denied.')
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<Begasus> Usage:
<Begasus> gentest //server1/share1 //server2/share2 [options..]
<Begasus> no idea how to check this properly, but atleast it builds now (probably needs lots of finetuning from extrowerk original PR) :)
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<Begasus> trying to do thing fast doesn't work always ....
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* OscarL curses programs that fail silently, or write "something failed, trololol", instead of letting the user know the REAL error code.
<Begasus> always fun! :P
<OscarL> turns out I was hitting OOM errors while calling optipng, no wonder I was getting erratic behaviour on different runs.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 48ef63e - musepack_tools, revbump, fixes crash on launch (#10685)
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, check it out once buildmaster is finished
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<waddlesplash> very good
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<Shaka444> Hi guys, still having this issue where non email files are showing up in my New Mail Query window.. The Wuery is correct, the files do not have any attributes that would tag them as email. Trying index commands but never worked with them and might not be doing that right.. Did a checkfs, deleted the questionable files then redownloaded them- same thing. They are all in the Haiku source directory. Heres a pic
<Begasus> cleaning and doing fresh build check on samba4
<OscarL> "HAIKU logo - white on transparent - small.png" appearing as "New E-mail"... Shaka444's install might be cursed.
<Shaka444> weird right?
<Begasus> getting some weird page on that link :)
<Begasus> send from Telegram?
<Shaka444> Begasus the link should show the Haiku Telegram webpage
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<Shaka444> I posted the picture there
<Shaka444> the picture just didn't load
<Begasus> as I said ;)
<Shaka444> whats a better way to share pix here?
<Begasus> not much there :)
<Begasus> uploadit? Tracker add-on
<Shaka444> hang on
<OscarL> Shaka444: what's the output of "listattr -l <path to that HAIKU logo file>"?
<OscarL> ie... what's the content of BEOS:TYPE for that file?
<Shaka444> listattr -l /boot/home/Development/haiku/haiku/headers/build/private/support/DataPositionIOWrapper.h File: /boot/home/Development/haiku/haiku/headers/build/private/support/DataPositionIOWrapper.h Type Size Name Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME String 19 "BEOS:TYPE" text/x-source-code Int-32
<Shaka444> 4 "be:caret_position" 0 'MSGG' 68 "koder:bookmarks" BMessage(0x0) { } 91 bytes total in attributes. ~>
<Begasus> scroll wheel not functional ... no fun
<Begasus> nice: grabbing samba4-4.20.2-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/samba4-4.20.2-1-x86_64.hpkg
<OscarL> Shaka444: have you modified the "New E-mail" query? Try Alt+G on that query results window, and double check what it is actually looking for,
<Shaka444> OscarL I deleted those source files but with the new download different files in the haiku source dir are showing up as email
<Shaka444> OscarL nope checked that
<Shaka444> is it an index issue?
<OscarL> "reindex -f /boot" and hope for the best?
<Shaka444> how safe is that?
<OscarL> no idea.
<Shaka444> I'll backup first ;-)
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<OscarL> mmm, I think "reindex -f" seems to need a "source" volume (to know which indexes to update/recreate).
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<OscarL> I guess you could mount a Haiku .iso, and use that as source. Haven't tinkered with /bin/*index in a loooong time, sorry.
<Begasus> bbl
<Shaka444> I read that like they calling target volume "source"
<OscarL> in any case... you could instead try removing whaever indexes the "New E-mail" is using, and reindex only those attributes.
<OscarL> (assuming the issue is with the indexes, of course)
<Shaka444> I'll check that out
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<Shaka444> I think Beam the old Be email program might have screwed some of my mail indexes -I have 19 MAIL: indexes..
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<OscarL> "lsindex | grep MAIL | wc -l" gives me 17... and I haven't even started the default Mail app.
<Shaka444> then beam inly added 2. I can see them: MAIL:beam/identity MAIL:beam/imap-uid
<Shaka444> how do I remove just them?
<OscarL> rmindex --help
<Shaka444> :-)
<OscarL> "rmindex -p MAIL:beam/*" might work?
<Shaka444> Gotta do them one at a time
<Shaka444> Worked, but that wasn't the problem :-)
<OscarL> Can you paste the output of "catattr _trk/qryinitstr <New E-Mail query here>" ? I'm curious about that query.
<OscarL> "_trk/qrystr" might be worth a look too. I'm looking at very old email queries I have on a backup .iso, not sure if Haiku still uses those.
<Shaka444> so I did- catattr _trk/qryinitstr MAIL:status=="New" and this is what I got..
<Shaka444> catattr: "MAIL:status==New", attribute "_trk/qryinitstr": No such file or directory
<Shaka444> was I supposed to leave the quotes in?
<OscarL> You need to run catattr against *your* "New E-mail" query file, might be under ~/mail/ or something like that.
<Shaka444> Ahh
<OscarL> or under ~/queries, I guess. Sorry for not being more clear, I don't have that file, so not sure where's yours.
<Shaka444> this is output- /boot/home/config/settings/Mail/New E-mail : string : MAIL:status=="New"
<Shaka444> you can drag the query from the top right query icon too
<OscarL> mmm, no idea why you're getting that "DataPositionIOWrapper.h" file in that query results then (given it clearly doesn has a MAIL:status attribute).
<Shaka444> i's only files in the haiku source directory. and everytime I recreate that folder, its different files. weird
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<OscarL> I would clone my install into a spare partition (ideally on a different drive)... boot that and see if the new install acts the same or got "fixed".
<Shaka444> Good idea! Doing a backup now. Question- does the index require a reboot to update? I think I recall the index is created at boot time..
<OscarL> if new install works ok... nuke the old drive, run a hdat2 on it if its a HDD, and install back. If still happens on new install... try doing a *clean* install.
<Shaka444> its SDD
<Shaka444> SSD
<OscarL> if still happens... set your computer on fire. (or run memtest, change RAM, etc, if you're not into arson)
<Shaka444> IsComputerOnFire
<OscarL> wish mine was... I'm freezing :-D
<Shaka444> :-D
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<Begasus> re (for a bit)
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<phschafft> hm.
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<phschafft> was just wondering if I need to support 0 byte files on a filesystem.
<phschafft> I mean all 0 byte files are the same. so they can be deduplicated to begin with. and then you have only one file that is special. which might be handled outside the actual filesystem.
<Habbie> just make sure that a write to one of the dups does not touch the other ones
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<phschafft> which is part of the deduplication logic anyway.
<phschafft> I mean, you just can't deduplicate two things that aren't duplicates to begin with.
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> so, dinner. :)
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<HaikuUser> I need pgadmin4 for haiku :P
<HaikuUser> can I install it using haikudepot? :)
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<waddlesplash> Begasus[m]: why did you delete the -fno-common patch?
<waddlesplash> that looks important
<waddlesplash> for musepack
<waddlesplash> oh, it's not needed anymore?
<waddlesplash> yeah ok
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<CalistoMathias> heyyy
<CalistoMathias> i just had this really stupid question
<CalistoMathias> Gerrit can be used for showing like a longer PR as well? which isn't really completed fully?
<CalistoMathias> but in the works?
<CalistoMathias> i've written quite some code for moving the Find panel inside the results window and its gotten to the size where it seems that if I don't make a push to gerrit, it will get very hard to review it :(
<CalistoMathias> should I just put it on Gerrit and keep making commits to it regardless of whether its not fully completed?
<phschafft> hm.
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<phschafft> Habbie: still with us?
<Habbie> i am physically present but not fully focused
<Habbie> just ask :)
<Habbie> ohh new haiku nightly
<Habbie> good news: i'll be haiku-focused for a while
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> no questions, just looking for some rubber duck ;)
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<erysdren> what's up phschafft?
* phschafft waves to erysdren.
<phschafft> a bit of filesystem design.
<erysdren> nice!
<phschafft> currently wondering a bit about the inode table.
<phschafft> one of the important things for me is that both media idle states of all zeros and all ones are supported.
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<erysdren> i know that the XDG environment variables are defined on Haiku, but are they encouraged to be used?
<erysdren> to make porting *nix applications perhaps easier?
<Habbie> 2024-06-02 13:46:00 Begasus shutdown -r ?
<Habbie> yes!
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<phschafft> I mean if there is native support that should be proffered. but if there is no native supprt XDG sounds like the next best thing?
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<Habbie> -- MARK -- 25 minutes of uptime on hrev57820, starting (infinite haiku rebuilds)
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