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<phschafft> seems enabling the TX interrupt unconditionally helps. no idea why.
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<phschafft> if I output set/reset a GPIO before/after halting the CPU I can use that for a busy/idle LED.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> howdy Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
<erysdren> im gonna try and boot haiku again, im bored
<erysdren> brb
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2caceff - boost1.85, add recipe/patchset (#10676)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 24c40ac - luarocks, revbump for share/data directory structure (#10643)
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<Begasus> g'morning OscarL
<Begasus> kdenlive still launching :)
<OscarL> hey there Begasus!
<OscarL> Darn xlibe "z-order" bug... gnuplot shows graphs, but window gets overdrawn with a white rectangle, hiding the plots :-)
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<Begasus> think waddlesplash mentioned that in the PR?
<Begasus> post added on fideverse (update on lua/luarocks/icu/boost + sourcetrail :)
<OscarL> he said it seemed to work for him. but never worked for me on beta4.
<Begasus> biab
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<OscarL> good morning andreasdr[m] :-)
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<OscarL> Mmm, this is weird... tried ploting the same file several times... around the 6th time... it shows correctly.
<OscarL> lol, took a screenshot, now gnuplot window got all white again :-(
<OscarL> aaand it crashed.
<OscarL> mmm, assert_fail on :-/
<OscarL> "0x37b06bea02/boot/system/lib/ + 0xcaa02 ", a free call, and "_GLOBAL__N_1::Events::wait_for_next(_XEvent*, bool) + 0x114 "
<Begasus> re
<Begasus> ouch, ticket time?
<OscarL> resizing gnuplot_x11 window either gets rid of the white rectangle... or it makes it appear :-D
<Begasus> nice, #boost picked up the post also :)
<OscarL> Mmm, can't reproduce the gnuplot_x11 + screenshot crash now :-/
<Begasus> little bugger :P
<OscarL> In any case... I like it better than having gnuplot depend on Qt.
<Begasus> tss ...
<OscarL> this is with gnuplot 5.4.10. Might just push that to my gnuplot draft PR, so you can close it :-P
<OscarL> Then I can try with latest 6.0.1 version... and see if I can have a gnuplot and a gnuplot_qt package.
<Begasus> just close or merge? ;)
<OscarL> Considering that we're still on 5.2.something.... I'd say merge 5.4.10 with recipes cleanups and losts of less depedencies is a plus.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] TheZeldakatze 6ac6bee - abaddon: new recipe (#10367)
<Begasus> would like the PR's to drop bellow 20 :)
<phschafft> Good morning.
<Begasus> Hi there phschafft
<OscarL> Darn browsers being such memory hogs. Getting worse with every update :-(.
<Begasus> what update?
<OscarL> 8 GB of RAM not good enough for a 2 GB VM + Firefox? common!
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> tabs keep crashing, heh.
<OscarL> According to Windows' Task Manager, I'm only using 5.5 GB so... what the heck Firefox!?!?!
<Begasus> looks like Web+ taking more resources then Falkon atm here :)
* OscarL tries to open that link...
<OscarL> let's see how many more tabs I can crash.
<Begasus> whoops sorry :P
<OscarL> (hope Win doesn't decides to kill the VM :-D)
* OscarL runs `sync`, just in case.
<OscarL> Curent state of browsers makes me wish to go back to Opera 3.x on BeOS :-/
<Begasus> maybe you can still run it ;)
<OscarL> I think I managed to run Opera 4 from BeIA once.
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<Begasus> Hi nephele
<Nephele> Hi begasus
<Begasus> color themes the KDE way :)
<phschafft> mau nephele.
<phschafft> sorry for taking more than one minute to notice you. ;)
<OscarL> great, crashed the VM :-(
<phschafft> :(
<Nephele> lol. well begasus was quicker
<phschafft> I was in the kitchen getting some chocolate.
<OscarL> "VMAnonymousCache::Merge() merge with incompatible cache 0x..... requested".. mmm, yes, quite.
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* coolcoder613 has been playing AOE3 all day
<OscarL> Firefox updates, and shows me a "World-class multitasking" page :-/
<Begasus> takes a multitasking guy to use it?
* Begasus ducks
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<Nephele> OscarL, I doubt anything firefox is world class at this point
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<phschafft> consider the alternatives.
<phschafft> maybe it is world class, just that the world is not very classy.
<OscarL> Kinda wish to run BeZilla again, from a RAM drive... even when I had only 256 MB of it :-)
<OscarL> now it seems I have to either use a VM, or read a webpage :-(
* Nephele wants to avoid any rants about Haiku having to fit in N Mb of Ram
<phschafft> nephele++
* phschafft in mean time thinks: wow, 1MB... so much RAM! What could I store in it! I don't even get my 16KB full!
<Nephele> Indeed! But Ram is very usefull, so much more if it is used. I think it is quite wierd to assert "haiku uses 1gb of my 4gb of ram THEREFORE it is bloated"
<Nephele> instead of checking how much it uses if you actually have 1gb of ram :)
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<phschafft> RAM not used is just burning fossil fuels
<Nephele> phschafft, I want to get a bit more into hardware myself, to port haiku to more intel macbooks
<Nephele> i figure the official support will be shelved at some point, so would be really cool to offer haiku as an alternative ;)
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> sounds like a good idea.
<phschafft> we shouldn't keep outdated stuff alive for no good reason. but apple is known for dropping support way before the hardware gone bad.
<Nephele> well, i think the "good reason" is "it can run haiku reasonably well". I'm not going to port it to my ibm portable pc. or to powerbooks :)
<Nephele> 2012 macbook pro not supporting metal is not a good reason why it can't work as a excelent haiku machine imo
<phschafft> nephele: my comment was more towards people still using tube based rectifiers for their PSUs.
<OscarL> I got another Atom based "half-netbook" (no screen). 2C/4T, 2 GB of RAM... Can't properly setup Haiku on it thou, as video signal is not sent to VGA nor HDMI, no matter what I try :-( (when it doesn't just hangs)
<Nephele> I recall reading that one should wear safety goggle when servicing the ibm portable pc, because tantalum capacitors tend to blow up
<Nephele> OscarL, but linux works?
<phschafft> (yes, I have personally seen people finnally replace a tube based PSU about 5 years ago. it took around 15kW to output like 4kW. All to generate a 100W signal at around 8MHz ;)
<OscarL> VoidLinux should (once I properly install syslinux :-D)
<Nephele> well, my question was more geared towards linux beeing able to output video
<Nephele> if it can might be interesting to see what driver
<OscarL> nephele: will probably turn it into a router+pihole+forgejo+kiwix server (has 1 ethernet, plus 2 minipci sockets, so... dual WiFi! :-D)
<Nephele> phschafft, the OG macbook has a dual core, 1GB of ram. 80GB hard drive, replaceable battery :3
<phschafft> nephele: I recently have seen a little documentation on how electrolytic capacitors were good, then got bad, and are now good again. so the blowing up stuff seems to be only a phase in which we did not fully know what we were doing.
<phschafft> so the devices that have blowing up caps right now could be the last generation that has that problem.
<OscarL> yeah... linux shows proper video output, a surprise, given the crappy GMA3600 PowerVR crap it has onboard.
<Nephele> phschafft, well, that doesn't stop them from *not* blowing up xD
<Nephele> i'm not suprised by linux not supporting something, more suprised if it doesn't.
<Nephele> s/not/
* phschafft wonders if he could run BeOS on his canon laptop of the time.
<OscarL> tried the same netbook in the past.... PowerVR/gma500 driver was not properly supported (any longer) on the distros I've tried then.
<Nephele> I actually like the touch bar :)
<phschafft> hm.
<Nephele> i can't see haiku supporting this "well", realistically
* phschafft then nods and gets a little bit more into his optimisation of that UTF-8 code.
* coolcoder613 wonders if he told OscarL about his "new" XP gaming PC
<Nephele> eXtra professional
<OscarL> hey there coolcoder613! I think I read something about it yesterday (or the day before), but just in passing.
<Nephele> lol apple released a laptop *in 2007* that has the resolution of my desktop monitor i use today
<coolcoder613> So I had this desktop, and had a GPU in it, and had Windows XP (and Haiku) on it
<coolcoder613> for a while
<coolcoder613> but just recently I installed the drivers for my GPU
<coolcoder613> Installed SP3
<coolcoder613> and a bunch of games
<Nephele> phschafft, what is your opinion on using or detecting CPU features?
<Nephele> I think the gentoo aproach of "compile everything for *only this machine*" is kind of interesting, but really wastefull
<OscarL> coolcoder613: I stuck with 98SE for waaay too long. Think I got into XP just in 2012, when I got this mobo :-D
<Nephele> haiku tries to detect cpu features before using them, but perhaps we could do that more and make some stuff run better or more efficient on newer cpus
<coolcoder613> Screenshot:
<OscarL> coolcoder613: classic theme, best (no)theme.
<coolcoder613> and I played Age of Empires 3 all day today
<phschafft> nephele: a binary should be compiled by the distributor, and no user should ever run a compiler.
<phschafft> nephele: CPU feature detection *is* a way. but keep in mind that e.g. gcc has some good support for that already.
<phschafft> so gcc can already provide code optimised for different cases (all packed in one binary with you not knowing that there are multiple variants of something). You can also use that feature to provide your own code paths IF you really need to.
<Nephele> oh nice, did not know that about gcc
<phschafft> you could even use that support of gcc to detect which OS version you're running on and transparently replacing functions with optimised code without the caller knowing it!
<OscarL> BeOS had a .patch file for the kernel, and one for, where you could patch, say, memcpy, so it used SSE on some CPUs (cause of problems with AMD cpus when they added SSE support :-D)
<Nephele> my email server maintenance improved massively when i did no longer need to compile dovecot myself xD
<phschafft> ;)
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* OscarL wishes is_computer_on_fire() would return true right now. darn cold.
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<phschafft> Nephele: btw. if you're looking for it, the magic is part of the function attributes.
<phschafft> and is supported for a good while now.
<OscarL> libgd switched to libwebp (from libvpx) in 2015, somehow our gnuplot kept (wrongly) requiring livpx all these years. sigh.
<OscarL> (gnuplot should only require libgd, not libvpx anyway)
* phschafft nods.
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<OscarL> listing transitive dependencies as direct dependencies should merit at least a proper troutslap, right?
<phschafft> I mean there might have been a reason for it back in the day (e.g. libgd not declaring it correctly). And those kind of things seem to keep around until they break something.
<phschafft> so maybe just open a ticket and ask for a cleanup.
<OscarL> I have a PR in draft since... Oct 5, 2023. giving it another go now :-)
<OscarL> (so Begasus can merge it and stop complaining about /me having too many PRs as draft :-P)
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> kcachegrind tells me that my manual unrolling seems to help.
<Nephele> ios: crop photos fine, has a revert button if needed. Android: crop photos by clicking crop, and then clicking crop again, save it, get asked if you really want to save (with a note it can be reverted) OR you want to save it a s copy
<phschafft> 115 reads -> 21 reads
<phschafft> with just one if() added.
<Nephele> android could be a lot better if they took some more care in their UI design
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> and the real bad news is that they're still way up on the list on how much a company cares.
<Nephele> the sad part is that both systems can basically do the same thing, achieve the same goal, but there are so many examples of how it is so much easier on iOS
<Nephele> take sharing content to a *samsung* TV, on iOS: click the share button, select TV; on samsung phone: click the share button: get *three permission prompts* for location, network access etc with no explanation, a consent form, and then maybe you can select the tv
<phschafft> let's see how much difference this makes on the FLASH level of things.
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<phschafft> 32 byte.
<phschafft> seems to work really well.
* OscarL steals one of phschafft's cookies, and presents it to phschafft as reward for his efforts!
<Begasus> lol
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<Begasus> ECM 6.4.0-rc1 and kirigami 6.4.0-rc1 with Haruna (tricking the frameworks?) :P
<OscarL> "waiting for build package gnuplot-5.4.10-1 to be deactivated"... what a pain in the rear.
<Begasus> whoops :D
<Begasus> tried that fix the other day from mmlr on that topic OscarL
<Begasus> it worked then :)
<OscarL> I kinda recall a comment by mmlr, but not the details.
<Begasus> sleep(3) or something, need to have a look at the issue (which I think was closed)
<OscarL> btw, Begasus... if you're bored... libgd should require libwep, not libvpx (if not bored enough... remind me later :-D)
<Begasus> rings a bell ...
<Begasus> right OscarL (on that issue)
<OscarL> s/libwep/libwebp/
<Begasus> maybe it takes longer (hence the sleep()) on older/slower hw?
<phschafft> Oh thank you OscarL. that is very kind of you. :)
<OscarL> your calling my PC slow?!?!?! you'd be right, thou :-)
<phschafft> nephele: so, how is your schedule today?
<phschafft> OscarL: I think my changes to this code made it about a hundred times faster.
<OscarL> phschafft: Hope that optimizing the cookie costs and delivery time will offsets the stealing bit :-D
<Begasus> talking about the 32bit one here OscarL :)
<phschafft> ;)
<OscarL> 100x speed up. NOICE!
<phschafft> very nice.
<phschafft> and gets the code right into the area it is usefull :)
<Nephele> phschafft, dunno
<Begasus> OscarL, looking at history for gd going back to 2017 it always had libvpx in it?
<Begasus> checking with libwebp
<OscarL> Begasus: and seems it was wrong even back then... libgd switched to libwebp in 2015, as far as I can tell.
<phschafft> nephele: I might have like an hour starting in a few minutes.
<OscarL> Begasus: "GD has support for: WebP via libwebp" (from
<Begasus> still good, don't see anything vpx related when configure runs
<OscarL> Begasus: from libgd "Changelog.historic": "824a3aa remove remaining libvpx related code"
<Begasus> yep, saw it :)
<Begasus> almost :p committed on Jan 20, 2015
<OscarL> github rounds up dates a bit too much :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f14496c - gd, revbump, swith to libwebp instead of removed libvpx (#10678)
<Begasus> at your service :)
<OscarL> Begasus: thanks... you can take one of phschafft cookies as reward!
<Begasus> whohoo! :D
<phschafft> em...
* OscarL whistles
* Begasus points to OscarL -->
<OscarL> lets see if that time.sleep(3) helps...
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<Begasus> updated gd?
<OscarL> not yet. was still getting that "waiting for" on gnuplot.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> doesn't start by itself, just nuke it and start again :)
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<OscarL> nah... I'm testing thigns only on INSTALL() :-)
<OscarL> time.sleep(3) seens to have helped so far.
<OscarL> *seems
<Begasus> crossing fingers :)
<OscarL> k. updated gd. starting a clean build of gnuplot (--with-x).
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<phschafft> I guess that is a 'or not'.
<OscarL> picks up xlibe's headers if installed, so if you don't want gnuplot_x11... "--with-x=no" is needed.
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<Begasus> yet another conflict with tk? :P
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<OscarL> wish we had tk without undroidwish :-)
<Begasus> make it happen? :)
<OscarL> if waddlesplash couldn't fix the issue (yet)... somehow I doubt I would fare better :-D
<Nephele> OscarL, why?
<OscarL> because I have a pretty limited set of skills (if I dare to call them that even).
<Nephele> investigating issues that might be beyond your capabilities is a good way to expand them
<phschafft> hm.
<Begasus> heh
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<OscarL> have been doing that my hole life, it seems... always biting more than I can chew :-D
<Nephele> phschafft, okay sure. I'll be a duck
<Nephele> maybe there should be a bath duck that just sais "I think you should reconsider your aproach" if you squeze it
<phschafft> hahaha
<OscarL> "eliza" level bot would suffice... "why do you thing that?"
<OscarL> (minus my typos)
<Nephele> I could totally voice a bathduck with vaguely inspirational questions with no real meaning
<Nephele> "Hmm, that might work" "I've considered that in the past but it didn't quite work out" "Have you tried doing it the other way around?"
<OscarL> Begasus:, in case you want to give it a spin.
<Begasus> Switched to branch 'pr/9583' (still doing ok) although the branchname can be confusing if you have a few of them :)
* Nephele only has 2 branches, one master and one with un-upstreamed dark mode hacks to compile the OS
<OscarL> (on haikuports) "git branch | wc -l" ---> 29
<Begasus> only 2 in my fork now
<OscarL> 12 on Haiku, lol.
<Begasus> none in the working repo
<Begasus> well ... only master :D
<Nephele> i don't understand why github calls it a fork when it's mostly thousands of identical outdated copies of upstream repos
arti has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
<Nephele> "1 commit ahead of master", probably just means their patch to the readme was rejected
<Begasus> mine is on par! :P
* Begasus checks ...
<Begasus> yep :D
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<Begasus> it builds OscarL :P
<OscarL> \o/
<OscarL> you can try with `gnuplot testfile.plot`, as in
<zard> nephele: Just submit a PR for your name change. Oh wait, it's closed source. :P
<Nephele> zard: ?
<zard> submit a PR changing the name "fork" to something else
<Begasus> OscarL, works, no issue with resizing/moving the window
<OscarL> nice!
<OscarL> wonder if my PC is THAT slow that causes the problem :-)
<Begasus> let's see if labplot has some examples in there :)
<Nephele> zard: "needlessly overcomplicated redundent copy"
<zard> "personal copy"
<Begasus> OscarL, doesn't do *.lml files :P
* OscarL slaps gnuplot. "How you dare let Begasus down?!"
<Begasus> well, labplot doesn't do anything usefull with the *.plot file here either, so that makes it even :)
<Begasus> ps OscarL, gnuplot saves .gnuplot_history in ~ ;)
<OscarL> also on "~"... who created ".pki" :-(
<Begasus> beats me too
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<Begasus> name=NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module
<OscarL> '# define GNUPLOT_HISTORY_FILE "~/.gnuplot_history"'... so much for using XDG_*
<OscarL> seems I forgot to -DUSE_XDG_BASEDIR ?
<Begasus> tss :P
<Begasus> cmake .... -L :)
<OscarL> this is an autotool project.
<Begasus> configure --help?
<OscarL> doesn't even mentions XDG. /me exports CFLAGS=
<OscarL> let's see if it worked.
<OscarL> still on ~ :-(
<Begasus> just patch the hardcoded path?
<phschafft> coolcoder613: no need to leave.
<phschafft> we don't bite.
* coolcoder613 is going to bed
<coolcoder613> Was just checking it out
<phschafft> then have a nice sleep and best dreams. :)
<coolcoder613> g'night
<Begasus> cu coolcoder613
<OscarL> Begasus: damn it... I'm almost sure this works on nightlies already.
<OscarL> Most likely due to: being fixed for nigthlies, but not beta4
<Begasus> check it? ;)
<OscarL> my only nightly is on the netbook with WiFi issues :-/
<Begasus> vm?
<OscarL> in any case... "xdg_get_path(kXDGStateHome, "gnuplot_history", ....)" is returning NULL, so pretty sure that's the problem.
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<OscarL> I'll wait for beta5 :-D
<OscarL> Begasus: you can try it... remove ~/.gnuplot_history... run: export XDG_STATE_HOME="`finddir B_USER_VAR_DIRECTORY`"
<OscarL> and start gnuplot.
<OscarL> query -a gnuplot_history should show only: "/boot/home/config/var/gnuplot_history"
<OscarL> so yeah. on nightlies it will work as intended.
<Nephele> OscarL, isn't that set normally?
<OscarL> it is not on beta4. see linked commit.
<Nephele> okay :)
<OscarL> one of my "famous" one-line contribs :-P
<Nephele> iirc SetupBootEnvironment should be rw, so that might be able to be added on your beta4
<Nephele> OscarL, maybe a good idea to backport also
<Begasus> I'm good OscarL :)
<OscarL> feel free to cherry-pick and merge "you got the powa!" /me sings out of tune.
<Begasus> waiting for R1B5 :)
<Nephele> OscarL, sure. but i don't know how this works in gerrit :(
<OscarL> download dialog should show correct git command for cherry-pick (among other options).
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<Calisto> heyy
<Nephele> yes, but i have no idea how to push this to gerrit to target beta4
<Nephele> also, i dunno if this would actually work
<Nephele> (since this file, i think, is copied, it would not update for newer beta4 updates)
<Begasus> Hi Calisto
<Begasus> don't break what's not broken :)
<OscarL> nephele: better keep pushing for beta5 then :-)
<Calisto> Hey Begasus, nephele, Oscar L :D
<Calisto> how are you guys doing today? :)
<OscarL> In any case... SetupEnvironment belongs to haiku.hpkg, and resides under R/O /system/boot/, so updating should be no issue.
<OscarL> Hello Calisto. Cold, and already sleepy :-)
<Nephele> OscarL, okay
<Nephele> then we can backport it
<Begasus> 86% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 7
<Begasus> progress, previous one was 71% :)
<OscarL> gnuplot?
<Begasus> nope ... kconfigwidgets6-6.4.0~rc1.recipe
* OscarL runs hp --test gnuplot... gnuplot_x11 crashes a lot :-/
<OscarL> wish we could setup debug_server's auto-kill actions from inside the .recipe chroot
<Begasus> I would go with "hp gnuplot --test" :)
<Begasus> as I would have done "hp gnuplot" already :P
<OscarL> mmm lost track of debugger crash dialog among all the open windows.
<OscarL> (and it doesn't shows on Deskbar)
* OscarL adds "/sources/*/gnuplot_x11kill" to debug_server/settings file. it is most effective.
<Begasus> that's cheating! :P
<OscarL> Weee, lots of pretty graphics... heh, even Lena passed by.
<OscarL> will add a comment to the recipe (as it's done for Python's and Git's)
<Begasus> added to boost1.85 also, so I wont forget and skip the tests next time :)
<OscarL> doesn't even outputs a test result summary :-/
<Begasus> nuked it here, so it didn't even get there :P
<Begasus> but yeah, would be nice for a summary
<OscarL> not even a log file :-(
<OscarL> kinda useless TEST() then.
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<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/breeze_icons/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus> it's strange ... it's already in REQUIRED ...
<Begasus> REQUIRES* :)
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<OscarL> k. pushed a comment for gnuplot's TEST() (and a minor tweak to make it build a bit faster).
<OscarL> should be goood to merge (and let the buildmasters check the 32 bits build).
<Begasus> thanks!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL b03932b - gnuplot: update to version 5.4.10 (#9583)
<OscarL> have a gnuplot-5.4.9 branch on my 32 bits install, so it seems I did tested it at least when I originally open the PR.
<Begasus> 3 to go :)
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<OscarL> down to 3 draft PRs. Happier, Begasus? :-D
<Begasus> almost :D
<OscarL> next I'll try to test esputil (found one of my ESP8266, hope it still works)
<Begasus> +1
<OscarL> noteshink needs scipy/numpy, so... that will have to wait a bit more.
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<OscarL> "barrier_haiku" could be merged, at least as an interim solution until we get a recipe for the newer fork.
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<Begasus> dead according to kallisti5 :)
<OscarL> dead in terms of future developments, not on functionality.
<OscarL> barrier_haiku worked for me, were previous synergy package failed hard.
<OscarL> s/were/where/
<Begasus> packaging or using?
<OscarL> using.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<Begasus> done :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 88d1a10 - barrier_haiku: new recipe. (#9984)
<OscarL> couldn't make synergy work, as mentioned on the PR. barrier_haiku worked with just a few touches.
<OscarL> nice :-)
<Begasus> thinking on merging some of the old ones (disabled) and maybe open an issue for them
<OscarL> darn... gnuplot failed on 32 bits :-/
<OscarL> keep tripping over lib/x86 :-(
<Begasus> shouldn't be that hard (don't have 32bit up and running atm to check)
<OscarL> yeah... need to avoid using $libDir
<Begasus> it's x86, so you should ?
<Begasus> eg, not use $prefix/lib
<OscarL> no, this is one of those "libs" that are just ment as extensions/addons, like the python ones.
<Begasus> ah, plugin(s)
<OscarL> also, I can just remove those lines... given that we now DO have something in that dir :-)
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> content depends on "--with-[]" configure options. previous packages had that dir emtpy.
<OscarL> will be for tomorrow, thou. Too cold and sleepy now.
<OscarL> see you around Begasus. Be well, eveyone!
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<Begasus> tl :(
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* HaikuUser thinks that this auto behavior on "Vision" launch is not good
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* Nephele wonders what was meant with auto behaviour
<Begasus> auto-join?
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<Begasus> food* :D
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<Begasus> re
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<HaikuUser> Nephele: .. right, I meant auto OFTC connect and join #haiku on first launch of this app
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<Nephele> HaikuUser, it is intended for communication. But perhaps it is bad to open a connection automatically indeed
<Nephele> I'm not sure how much work it'd be to ask beforehand (in a nice fashion)
<Begasus> can be disabled also
<Nephele> Begasus, yes, but, if you don't know as a user it is unexpected
<Begasus> agreed there, but it can be given as a clue for now
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<erysdren> do any of the new hrevs have improved support for USB network adapters?
<erysdren> i tested with R1B4 and it didnt work with mine, but i havent tried any of the nightlys
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<botifico> [haiku/website] leavengood pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] leavengood 499d5ef - Update yearly donation goal to $30,000
<botifico> [haiku/website-inc] leavengood pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website-inc] leavengood 234e66c - Update yearly donation goal to $30,000
<phschafft> nephele: \
<phschafft> Habbie: thank you. got some good ideas from you. :)
<Habbie> ohh which ones
<Habbie> i just said whatever came to mind
<phschafft> the one about extends outside the main data range of the file system for inodes with overlong data.
<Habbie> ah
<phschafft> ;)
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<Nephele> phschafft, ?
<phschafft> hm?
<Nephele> you mentioned me above :)
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<phschafft> I just thanked both of you for your good input.
<Habbie> :)
<Nephele> ah :)
<Nephele> i understand now, you were trying to escape the newline... well, i don't like the term "line oriented protocol" but irc and gemini fit this discription
<Nephele> i don't think newlines should be a protocol thing
<phschafft> nephele: I do it in that way because some clients miss the highlight otherwise. so it's not about the protocol at all, it's purly a workaround for for some clients.
<Nephele> ah, i see
<Nephele> sad clients
<phschafft> and I do it every time as I don't want to waste my brain knowing who runs a buggy clients. ;)
<Nephele> well, i'm using xchat. not that i like it
<Nephele> 🧌
<phschafft> :)
<Nephele> this "emoji" has bad contrast on black. Why is that? why can't i install noto emoji on macos? >:(
<Raweden> That emoji doesn't even show up on Haiku :(
<Nephele> why not Raweden? noto emoji supports it
<Nephele> noto emoji is such a glorious font. With no skintone or gender modifiers the glyphs are generic enough to include everyone, and not some *specific* mentioned group
<Nephele> blob emoji are actually a nice idea
<Nephele> too bad i can't drag and drop an image into this chat. Well, maybe i can in two days :D
<Raweden> nephele, will have to reinstall that font. wiped my install recently after running the wrong pkgman command ;)
<Nephele> Raweden, i'm not sure actually if the newest version is shipped with haiku or not
<Nephele> hard to tell when google doesn't version their fonts
<phschafft> hm.
<Raweden> in my POV i find the B/W emoji a little bit boring in comparistion of color emojis
<Nephele> well, personally i think the bw ones are much better (they adapt to the font color, font size, font *weight*, yes bold emoji!)
<Nephele> and since haiku has no colored emojis anyway. and supporting those bascially boils down to "add this image inline" i'm a bit biased against adding them
<Nephele> but yes, they are a bit boring ;)
<Raweden> nephele, more or less yes. In Haiku's case i've actually looked into what it would take to support them :)
<PulkoMandy> There are actually color fonts which are multiple layer of single-color glyphs (that was developped by Microsoft as it fit their ui guidelines at the time)
<PulkoMandy> Not sure if there is any emoji font using that, however (or if there should be)
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<Nephele> maybe there are. Personally i always thought microsoft emoji are stylistically somewhat ugly
<Nephele> What's the unit SetPulseRate() uses? The docs don't seem to mention this
<Raweden> nephele, I agree :)
<Nephele> Hmm, i'm confused. AboutSystem uses SetPulseRate only once, and makes no distinction for the replicant and normal view. Why is the replicant pulsing so rapidly compared to the non-replicant then? is this a bug?
<Nephele> to try this out: put aboutsystem replicant on your desktop and open say webpositive and see how *fast* the ram usage updates
<Nephele> now it doesn't reproduce anymore. i feel robbed
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<Nephele> but atleast they don't update their seconds uptime meter in sync. That seems quite bad for battery use :D
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<phschafft> microseconds.
<phschafft> it's in the docs.
<phschafft> void BWindow::SetPulseRate ( bigtime_t rate)
<phschafft> and bigtime_t is in microseconds.
<phschafft> which also nicely fits into the description of BWindow::SetPulseRate().
<Nephele> why is the cmos battery below the system fan :(
<phschafft> so it's always well cooled ;)
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<Nephele> thanks
<Nephele> wouldn't be as tragic if a) the bios wouldn' tell me *every time* the time is wrong and b) ntp on boot actually worked
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<Nephele> just waiting to ram my mainboard and destroy it two days before the sprint :D
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<AlienSoldier> i don't see haiku OS part in software updater, the 32bit build is broken?
<Nephele> AlienSoldier, what do you mean by that?
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<Nephele> phschafft, i managed to replace the cmos battery *without* having to remove the system fan (and apply new cooling paste, *i don't have*) yay
<phschafft> ha! perfect :))
<phschafft> cooling paste is the worst. I always avoid messing with it.
<Nephele> Well, i just don't own any. If i want to replace a fan i will acquire some then. But i don't like the prospect of dissasembeling something only to realize you can't reassemble it without redoing some component
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<PulkoMandy> Tell my bicycle about that :(
<AlienSoldier> nephele i don't see OS component in the list of package to be installed, no webpositive either, and i am surely not up to date.
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<Nephele> PulkoMandy, your bicycle?
<Nephele> are there some components you can't replace easily?
<Nephele> AlienSoldier, it looks like for nightlies they are build properly. are you on the beta?
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<AlienSoldier> nephele no, nightly
<Nephele> the last nightly to download is hrev57804
<AlienSoldier> my last kernel is from the 3 jully
<Nephele> do you have that? if not is the package repo active for haiku?
<AlienSoldier> that is what i have, that explain it :)
<AlienSoldier> wanted to test the subtitle fix in 57810, i guess i will wait a bit more.
<Nephele> :)
<Nephele> i have no idea what my hrev is xD
<Nephele> probably a bit older, but i usually build it myself sporadically
<Raweden_> hrev57804 is from the 4th July
<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
<Nephele> i was butler would tell me who they are welcoming
<Nephele> actually, it would be cool to see a list of "requirements" that would be needed to replace beshared
<Nephele> maybe equivalents can be added to renga
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