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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<holdenbloodfeast> it's late over here
<Begasus> g'evening for you then holdenbloodfeast
<holdenbloodfeast> cheers, good morning to you
<Begasus> thanks :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57811] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 342a1b221b5b - FAT: revise using code from FreeBSD
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<Begasus> saw the comments I guess? ;)
<OscarL> Hey Begasus! :-)
<OscarL> on PR 10664? (libiconv for libxnl2)
<Begasus> cython :)
* OscarL notices the new FAT code got merged. NOICE.
<Begasus> the one for libxml2 was from yesterday :)
<OscarL> Begasus: ah... on IRC logs then? Saw something... and ran away on the other direction.
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<Begasus> win98 or the like coolcoder613? looks nice
* OscarL will need a few coffees, and take a read at my old numpy/cython branches to answer Begasus' comments.
<Begasus> OscarL, unpacked the source for numpy (the other ones are packaged) and started the build from Terminal
<coolcoder613> Windows XP
<Begasus> classic :)
<coolcoder613> yup
<coolcoder613> It's my Windows XP gaming PC, also known as my 32-bit Haiku PC
<Begasus> just used your cython-3.0.0 recipe and renamed to 3.0.10 (latest), that build ok, meson_python 0.16.0 also
<OscarL> Begasus: regarding cmd: cython vs cython3... I think I just used a "ln -s" workaround on at least one recipe recipe (not sure if I pushed that).
<Begasus> still have the floppies from KQ1 here somewhere I think :)
<Begasus> yeah, that isn't the real problem for now :)
<coolcoder613> I've got the fan-made remasters of those Kings Quest games
<Begasus> but better to provide or "cython" or "cython3" for the default cmd OscarL (as someone mentioned on the meson_python PR Debian renamed it to "cython3" also
<Begasus> came with a manual book also back then, can't remember where I stashed that one coolcoder613
* coolcoder613 rembers the "Cliffs of Logic" in KQ5
<coolcoder613> More like the cliffs of copy protection
<OscarL> Begasus: now that I read #9240 recipe... yeah... it is missing a "version-suffix-less" cmd: (as we usually add).
<OscarL> feel free to add it (similar to rst2pdf)... and drop the 3.9 package, if its not used by anything else.
<OscarL> Begasus: feel free to take-over #9240, and push your changes there (or close it and open your own PR, if that's more convenient for you)
<Begasus> I would rather fix the issue for meson_python to find meson first :)
<Begasus> yeah, that's no problem OscarL
<Begasus> tried installing numpy with pip, but that failed, so would be nice if atleast it builds in Terminal :)
<Begasus> well, tried to install awkward with pip, that pulled numpy
<OscarL> getting myself to (try to) build numpy/cython/pandas again would take me more time/attention that I can dedicate to it right now.
<OscarL> (got a bit rusty :-D)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> getting sloppy? :)
<OscarL> I keep focus-changing... as is BeOS tradition :-P
<OscarL> (wanna see if I can add a Network settings preflet addon for mDNSResponder)
<OscarL> might try adding TEST() to lxml_python3x first.
<Begasus> ah, fiddled with that one yesterday too :)
<OscarL> if you have something already working... even better :-P
<Begasus> nah, needed the dns_sd.h(?) header to checkout something else :)
<OscarL> heh.
<OscarL> meson-python has "cmd:meson" as REQUIRES... maybe add a " >= 0.63" to that?
<Begasus> we only have 1.2.1 for meson, that shouldn't matter?
<OscarL> mmm
<Begasus> cookies?? :D
<OscarL> tried using "python3 -m build --wheel --skip-dependency-check --no-isolation" ?
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<Begasus> yep
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<OscarL> Begasus: welp... scipy 1.14.x now requires Cython>=3.0.8 (and droped Python 3.9), so the reason for setting #9240 as Draft no longer should apply.
<Begasus> cython 3.0.10 still build/packages fine OscarL
<OscarL> not looking forward to working on cython+numpy+scipy+etc+etc :-D
<OscarL> so... it is just numpy the one with issues then, right?
<Begasus> I imagine, wasn't looking forward to it also, but lua should be "near" good enough for now
<OscarL> (so far at least)
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> seems to be passing by for others also: meson-python: error: Could not find meson version 0.63.3 or newer, found
<OscarL> does "python3 -m build --help" shows any "verbose" option you can enable? (to see if at least it shows in which paths it is searching for cmd:meson"
* OscarL doesn't even has build_python3x installed :-D
<OscarL> I think I went too far with the "pkgman uninstall" last time :-P
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> python3 -m build --help (works ok)
<OscarL> mmm, no explicit verbose option there.
<Begasus> without isolation: ERROR Virtual environment creation failed, executable /boot/system/cache/tmp/build-env-o9pihxpc/non-packaged/bin/python missing
<OscarL> ls -s python python3 ?
<OscarL> not very fond of projects assuming "python" is python3, when even upstream python only uses "python3" on "make install"
<Begasus> yeah, weird that is still using that
<Begasus> _MESON_REQUIRED_VERSION = '0.63.3' # keep in sync with the version requirement in pyproject.toml
<Begasus> from meson_python
<Begasus> 'meson >= 0.63.3; python_version < "3.12"',
<Begasus> maybe I can nuke that to 1.2.1?
<Begasus> bugger: meson-python: error: Could not find meson version 1.2.0 or newer, found . :)
<OscarL> I would first try adding a (temporary) "~/config/non-packaged/bin/python"
<OscarL> *symlink to python3
<OscarL> if that works, we can just workaround that in the .recipe (I swear I've have that written already somewhere :-D)
<OscarL> Begasus: see the xash3d recipe
<OscarL> notice the "Quick and dirty workaround" on BUILD()
<Begasus> doesn't work when it checks system/cache/tmp/build-env-gm01hmf6/non-packaged/bin/python missing ...
<OscarL> well... that path is broken.
<Begasus> changes on every run also :)
<OscarL> yeah... just a temp file...
<OscarL> problem is... why is it appending "/non-packaged/bin" to that when looking for python?
<Begasus> beats me, numpy has always been a pain in the *** :/
<OscarL> indeed. My suggestion would be... work on the rest of recipes that work, if you're in the mood... and leave numpy for later.
<OscarL> maybe we can look at it with fresher eyes on the next days.
<Begasus> well, meson_python and cython should be straight forward, not much to do there :)
<Begasus> dangerous :) rm -f ~/config/non-packaged/bin/python
<Begasus> can I install the 0.63.3 meson with pip?
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<OscarL> I'd be surpriced if you can. meson != meson-python.
<OscarL> you can't pip install cmd:ninja, or pip install cmake, no?
<Begasus> found it :)
<Begasus> ~> pip install meson==0.63.3
<Begasus> Collecting meson==0.63.3
<OscarL> unless meson is actually a python package... of course :-P
<OscarL> I can't keep my head around all these build systems :-D
<Begasus> /boot/system/non-packaged/bin> ./meson -v
<Begasus> 0.63.3
<Begasus> content of the "script"
<OscarL> alright... somehow I thougt meson was a C project... surely I got it mixed up with ninja
<OscarL> (meson uses/can-use ninja under the hood, no?)
<Begasus> I think it mostly default to ninja
* Begasus so slaps numpy for the ****** time :/
<OscarL> in any case... if other packages find newer meson without problems... we need to slap numpy harder.
<Begasus> with you on that! :)
<OscarL> -1 C. no wonder I need gloves on.
<Begasus> jikes!
<Begasus> expecting +30C today here
<OscarL> wish we could average :-D
<Begasus> yeah, not looking forward on +30 here too
<Begasus> k, going to bump meson_python and look into the cython one after that
<OscarL> +1. I'll try to work on mDNSresponder a bit.
<Begasus> nuke python3.9 in there?
<Begasus> for both*
<OscarL> if nothing else needs it... I'd say... yeah.
<Begasus> counterpy (python3.10 only too)
<OscarL> but that's just me... "you know who" might think differently :-P
<Begasus> meson_python isn't an issue, cython haven't checked yet
<OscarL> packages using cython either need a specific package version or up... but shouldn't care about it being built with python3.9 or python3.10, AFAIK.
<OscarL> it they only use "cmd:cython3" at least.
<Begasus> will do a huntdown in a sec :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0ad6390 - meson_python, bump version (#10672)
<Begasus> one down
<Begasus> OscarL, you changed that "default" cython cmd in 3.0.0, it's still present in current version :P
<OscarL> I can't keep up with my own geniusness. :-P
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> re-enstating it :P
<Begasus> keeping python3.9 for now
<Begasus> pushed change OscarL
<OscarL> cython_python39 only used by: pandas (needs update anyway), pyenet (not sure what uses that... unkown_horizons? that need update too)...
<Begasus> knock yourself out with unknown... never got that to work :P
<OscarL> and sphinx... I think we might drop 3.9 for sphinx too (we should only need it's "cmd:" anyway, I think)
<Begasus> could check the others, not touching unknown_horizons :)
<OscarL> mmm, and sphinx wants cython for its TEST :-D
<OscarL> for most of those python package that we use for their "cmd:"s... I'd say we should be good with only providing a version that matches the "default" Python.
<Begasus> cython_$pythonPackage
<Begasus> defaultTestVersion="python39"
<Begasus> whoot!
<OscarL> yeah... that's why I think we should only provide sphinx_python310, thus one less user of cython3.9
* Begasus fears going down the road again with sphinx ...
<Begasus> atleast borgbackup is KISS :P
* OscarL git blames sphinx recipe.
* phschafft enters and sits down in his corner of the channel for a momment to actually wake up.
* Begasus blames the one poking me on that one ...
<Begasus> g'morning phschafft!
* Begasus hands phschafft a fresh cup of coffee
* OscarL slaps phschafft to wake him up.
<OscarL> err... coffee might have worked too.
<Begasus> no cookie for you!
* phschafft now has hot coffee all over his mane. What a lovely way to wake up.
<OscarL> Begasus: I wasn't getting any, anyway! Remember that our customs services also steal those!
<Begasus> python_pkgconfig_$pythonPackage (still working fine) :)
<Begasus> bummer
<Begasus> grabbing borgbackup-1.4.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/borgbackup-1.4.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<_dodo75> Got a superbasic Haiku question... how to change bashrc and apply settings?
<_dodo75> found bashrc in /boot/system/settings/bashrc
<_dodo75> starting a terminal does not source or read my changes.. if I start a new bash in terminal it works?
<Begasus> -> for OscarL :)
<_dodo75> it seems if I create a /boot/config/settings/bashrc it also seems like a new bash read that config file
<_dodo75> but not when starting a new terminal... quite confusing
<OscarL> _dodo75: on Haiku (like on Mac, if I'm not mistaken), Terminal starts bash as a login shell, thus... it load "profile" instead of "bashrc"
* phschafft cleans himself and the mess up, keeping his usual smile.
<_dodo75> mac is using zsh as default shell
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<_dodo75> create a file /boot/config/settings/profile is the way to go then?
<OscarL> _dodo75: never used any Apple products, just going by what I've read on the net. My info might be old... in any case... on Haiku, you use "profile" file,
<OscarL> Arrr! andreasdr[m]!
<Begasus> in ~/config/settings
<Begasus> hi andreasdr[m]!
<andreasdr[m]> Hi OscarL, Begasus
<OscarL> _dodo75: you can source your "bashrc" from ~/config/settings/profile, if you like :-)
<_dodo75> ok. but does not seems to work if I dont source ~/config/settings/profile
<OscarL> are you trying to just start a new bash from an existing Terminal session?
<OscarL> bash and bash -l are two different things.
<_dodo75> Lol now it worked :) had to close all my terminals now it read my profile
<_dodo75> OscarL thx got it
<OscarL> _dodo75: as mentioned... Terminal starts bash in "login" mode (bash -l)... same as Linux on a console, but NOT like linux on xterm/whatever term.
<OscarL> +1. It caused me lots of confusions at first too :-D
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: good to see you around. Sent you a quick mail few days ago, just to reach out.
<andreasdr[m]> Thanks OscarL
<_dodo75> cp that... maybe we should have profile created as default in haiku (also pointing to that file in /boot/system/settings/bashrc ?
<andreasdr[m]> Who sent me a email? OscarL? You?
<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: yup.
<OscarL> "Subject: Arrr?"
<andreasdr[m]> Ahhh. I seee. Need to check my mails.
<andreasdr[m]> Wasnt on my PC for 2.5 months
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you.
<OscarL> np! :-)
<Begasus> fresh coffee for all :)
<OscarL> mmm, from which package comes that /boot/system/settings/bashrc file? listattr doesn't shows.
<OscarL> seems from bash package's GLOBAL_WRITTABLE_FILES.
<Begasus> bash_completion?
<OscarL> its content comes from the bash recipe's INSTALL().
<Begasus> ah right
* OscarL git blames that.
<Begasus> who put that in? :P # Use bash-completion, if available
<_dodo75> if ok sirs,,, I have one more Haiku question... the Find tool is great but I miss one feature actually... to be able to perform a search on specific folder... it that possible? (of course I can do it with find / grep in terminal but in gui?)
<OscarL> _dodo75: that's being worked on on one of the current GSoC projects.
<_dodo75> aha, that is awesome!
<OscarL> from the cli... there's "filteredquery", but doesn't seems to be on beta4... not sure if it is on nightlies.
<Begasus> There is also "TextSearch" add-on if you want to look inside a directory for files containing the search string
<OscarL> also TraX (FastTrax in particular).
<Begasus> Tracker-Grep also still around?
<OscarL> Tracker-Grep is the old name of TextSearch, before it got merged into Haiku.
<Begasus> ah, :D
<OscarL> _dodo75: "/bin/query" does for CLI what Find dialog does on GUI.
<Begasus> OscarL, numpy still there for python3.9 (and using cython)
<OscarL> damn... blender still on 3.9 :-/
<OscarL> or is it only 2.79?
<Begasus> blender3 still broken here, crashes
<OscarL> not that make packages needing numpy's 3.9 version... too bad the ones that do, are a PITA.
<OscarL> s/not that make/not that many/
<Begasus> looking to see if it still builds with newer cython
<OscarL> my opinion is... if its down to pandas and scipy still needing numpy's Python 3.9 version... those needs to be updated anyway, so I would just drop 3.9 from there as well.
<OscarL> blender, on the other hand... I won't even go there.
<Begasus> not touching that one :P
<OscarL> blender 2.79b *might* be just ok with Python 3.10?
<OscarL> LOL at blender's REVISION=27 :-D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> many tried :P
<OscarL> if you try building it against 3.10.... make sure to disable the PATCH() function.
<Begasus> grabbing numpy_python39-1.26.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/numpy_python39-1.26.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> k, still good
<Begasus> OscarL, blender not in my bucket list :P
<OscarL> chicken! :-P
<Begasus> says who? ^^
* OscarL is just hungry... he wants to eat some roasted chicken.
<OscarL> damn Tracker "ghost files".
<OscarL> had around 6 "profile" visible on the same folder somehow :-D
<Begasus> ?
<OscarL> bug in Tracker, that shows multiple entries for the same file.
<OscarL> generally involves usage of type-ahead filtering and/or symlinks on the view.
<Begasus> can't say I've seen those here
<OscarL> git pickaxe is SLOW on hdd :-(
<Begasus> build error on pyzmq for python3.9
<OscarL> nothing seems to use pyzmq_python39
<OscarL> openshot uses the _python310 version.
<Begasus> k, for python3.10 also
<OscarL> and that's the only package needing pyzmq.
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<Begasus> can't open file '/sources/pyzmq-26.0.3/': [Errno -2147459069] No such file or directory
<Begasus> tsss (on latest version)
<OscarL> Mmm, the change that added $settingsDir/bashrc is from 2015, supposedly, trying to fix loading of bash_completion... but I think it is just wrong.
<Begasus> using .toml
<OscarL> _dodo75: that /system/settings/bashrc file shoudln't exist, IMO. I will probably nuke it on the next bash recipe update.
<Begasus> why!!!!? (pandas also changed build system)
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<phschafft> why did I know that number without looking at the page?
<Begasus> doesn't really help (but still good) :D
<Begasus> python build/meson, not going there for now
<OscarL> phschafft: you're a man of culture... and/or a shaded developer :-)
<Begasus> OscarL, going to merge the one for cython, leaving python3.9 for now, I'll let you tackle pandas :P
<phschafft> I know regex!
* OscarL readies his shotgun... we're hunting bears!
<phschafft> ;)
<Begasus> also switched
<OscarL> the bit about having a problem, applying regex to solve it, ending up with two problems, always cracks me up.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL a97b32d - cython: update to version 3.0.10 (#9240)
<OscarL> git is liying! I did NOT commit that 1 minute ago! :-)
<Begasus> you started it :P
<Begasus> still 4 drafs PR's OscarL :)
<OscarL> should have gotten a co-authored-by, or at least a committed-by you :-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> just did a git commit --amend :P
<OscarL> Begasus: there's --reset-author, or something like that, might come in handy.
<OscarL> re noteshrink... don't remind me :-)
<Begasus> just did :D
<Begasus> I know how to use co-authored-by :)
<OscarL> anyway... deleted cython branch.... one fellow that pulls too mane remotes should be happier.
<OscarL> s/mane/many/
<OscarL> "strace bash" shows bash trying to open "~/config/setttings/bashrc", but no attempt to ever read /system/settings/bashrc.
<Begasus> yours are still pretty clean, I know someone that has a LOT of branches :P
<Begasus> that's one thing I haven't tried so far, git push -f "user" :branch
<phschafft> never use git push -f/--force, always prefer --force-with-lease ;)
<Begasus> what's the difference?
<phschafft> --force does disable all safey checks.
<phschafft> --force-with-lease only forces if the remote's state is the same as the local repos copy of that state.
<phschafft> e.g. if someone else moved stuff around since you last checked that doesn't get removed.
<Begasus> ah, well in this case I tracked the remote branch
<phschafft> as it's atomic there the race condition and the human error is taken out of the equation.
<Begasus> so my local copy is on par with the remote branch then
<phschafft> and --force-with-lease makes sure it really is and that you don't just think it is.
<Begasus> k, need to keep in mind then :)
<Begasus> that would be the same in short as: -fwl ?
<phschafft> I think there is no short version of it.
<Begasus> ah buggers :)
<phschafft> and I have really no idea why the dangerous option is much easier to use and has a lovely short cut and is the default...
<Begasus> at least no errors pop up on the reports OscarL :)
<phschafft> but hey, what do I know on how to get users do the right thing. maybe it's the best to make doing the right thing extra hard! ;)
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> Begasus: re: reports. I would have blamed you, in any case. Now... I take full credit! :-P
* OscarL wonders what will come first... git with better defaults, or git's replacement.
<phschafft> OscarL: none. keep in mind rsync is also still in use. ;)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f455f80 - borgbackup, bump version (#10674)
<OscarL> re: git changing behavior to saner defaults:
<phschafft> I mean for rsync to do something useful you also need at least 32 out of the 26 letters of the latin alphabet. ;)
<OscarL> heh
<Begasus> lol
* phschafft considers adding an actual heater into a space bar.
<Begasus> I think OscarL already reverted that change ;)
<Begasus> just put blender to work, the PC will give you some heat then OscarL :)
<OscarL> checks temps... 0 C
<Begasus> :/
<OscarL> CPU still at 23 C... weird.
* phschafft is considering some filesystem design things.
<phschafft> I dreamed of some patterns, but it seems I'm one byte short in the inode table.
<Begasus> done with the interupts? :)
<Begasus> or was it inodes* :)
<phschafft> the TX interrupt works now (see the asm I posted yesterday). the RX interrupt is somehow missed within poll() but works in getc.
<phschafft> so more work on that to be done. However I dreamed of the filesystem, not the interrupts. so don't want to get those ideas to waste. you know, memory of dreams can fade quickly.
<Begasus> oh yea! :D
<phschafft> and I was already so happy poll() was working so nicely.
<phschafft> even with all the translation layers ontop.
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<Begasus> k, this one is scheduled for R1B5 if I read this right?
<phschafft> hm?
<Begasus> heh
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<phschafft> I think my filesystem stuff basically boils down to what the typical 'file sizes' look like.
<phschafft> for example it's a bad idea to have all your files one byte longer than your block size.
<OscarL> Begasus: if by scheduled you mean present on beta5, then yes. Related changeset merged on 2023-02-17 already.
<Begasus> ok, thanks OscarL, thought so :)
<Begasus> biab
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<OscarL> phschafft: last time I thought about filesystems/block-sizes/write-cycles (in relation to ESP8266's flash storage) got "analisys paralisys", never touched it again :-D
<phschafft> haha.
<phschafft> I wondering if wasting bytes in the inode table but allowing to skip the inode's block list by inlineing it into the inode table for files up to two blocks long will result in an overall smaller overhead.
<OscarL> tradeoffs... might want to write a program to compute overhead for different scenarios/sizes...
* phschafft nods.
<OscarL> i fall into those rabbit-holes... only to endup doing half the work, and getting distracted :-/
<phschafft> I also considered to use the extra space in the inode table to allow inlining of data. that would allow for one 5 byte file per inode table block.
<OscarL> not enough to fit an hvif icon... but... :-)
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<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> what needs to be kept in mind here is that an inode here is not always 'a file'. so e.g. an attribute as in Haiku would also be stored in an inode.
* OscarL remembers an old "magical archiver" for BeOS... it would compress files down to 0 bytes... by storing the data as an attribute.
<OscarL> mighty fast too! :-)
<Habbie> phschafft, are you writing BeFS2?
<phschafft> OscarL: ;)
<phschafft> Habbie: no, but I would be happy if Haiku would end up with support.
<Habbie> what are you building then?
<phschafft> and I'm happy about input specifically from this channel as this clearly shares a lot common ideas with BeFS, however many summers has passed since that was written, so there are also new ideas in the mix.
<phschafft> Habbie: this is partly it's own independent project. and partly because I need some replacement for SIRTX soon-ish.
<phschafft> however the project predates SIRTX by like a decade, so that part is just adding a bit stress on the project and some new perspective.
<Habbie> ah
<phschafft> so inodes are just a way to store blobs basically. and there are two more tables that are used to make sense of that.
<phschafft> I'm also thinking about two, maybe three profiles for different sizes. so basically the same concept but e.g. with different internal pointer sizes.
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<Begasus> pssst ....
<phschafft> hm?
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<Calisto> heyy
<Begasus> k, let's see how far this goes ... waiting for build package boost1.85-1.85.0-1 to be activated
<Begasus> Hi Calisto
<Calisto> Hi Begasus :)
<Calisto> how are you doing today?
<Begasus> keeping occupied :)
<Calisto> that's nice :)
<Calisto> Editing my blogpost :)
<Begasus> Why edit and not update?
<Begasus> edit means loosing history :)
<Calisto> yup I meant that only <awkward_smile>... have to update the images and a little bit of the text
<Calisto> most of it is still the same
<Calisto> but the changes that we made on Gerrit needs to be there :)
<Begasus> it's progress on what happened last time :)
<Calisto> yup
<Calisto> and I have to write the one on the folder filtering as well
<Calisto> the code works just fine so am waiting on this one to get merged so that I can push that to Gerrit ;)
<Begasus> nice, will it support drag&drop?
<Calisto> as in if you drag a folder onto it?
<Calisto> whether it will filter into that folder??
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> yep
<Calisto> ohhh well not at the moment, though I could try adding that :)
<Begasus> I'm not mentoring, just thinking out loud :)
<Calisto> currently I'm still waiting on a reply from my mentors about the column thing that we were doing so I might as well try the drag and drop xD... if it works it works and it could be a cool feature... even if it doesn't go in it sounds like something fun to try out :D
<Calisto> btw i fixed the column resizing :D
<Begasus> I think it could be helpful (my 2 cents)
<Begasus> bugger, touchpad working again :P
<Begasus> grabbing boost1.85-1.85.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/boost1.85-1.85.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> nice, basics done :)
<Begasus> and a new library: Warning: POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "lib:libboost_charconv" for "lib/"
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<Begasus> Calisto, how does selecting folder works now with how you do it?
<Begasus> does it open a Tracker window?
<Calisto> there is an option to select a folder which opens up the normal File Panel, allowing you to select one or more folders
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<Calisto> these get applied on the query results
<Calisto> that's how it currently works
<Begasus> if it's a Tracker window I guess it would support drag&drop already?
<OscarL> Begasus: tried setting "Keyboard lock delay" to its minimum on the Input preflet already?. Might help when your Touchpad suddenly decides to work.
<Begasus> iirc tried that OscarL (in the past) without luck (or I didn't do it right) :)
<Begasus> k, grepping the source for BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT shows a lot of hits, not sure if it's needed to patch those all (introduced for older gcc?)
<OscarL> Hey Calisto. After reading parts of your gerrit changeset ( I got a small suggestion, if I may...
<OscarL> See
<OscarL> "returning early" can make code a couple of lines shorter, but most importantly, less nested.
<OscarL> It is not *always* necessary (or desirable), but IMO, also can make code earier to read, if you don't have to remember what the "if" condition was 20/40 lines ago on longer functions.
<OscarL> the nesting on FindPanel::AddRecentQueries() makes me want to play sokoban with all those conditions :-D
<Begasus> heh
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<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 937a825 - Policies: add "forum etiquette" section
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 6723692 - Link to existing forum rules page
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<Begasus> OK, which one has a dependency on icu74_devel that brings down the other devel packages :)
<Begasus> hmm harfbuzz does
<Begasus> rebuilding localy ...
<_dodo75> Does mail app use openssl package for imap?
<Begasus> lib:libicudata >= 75.1
<Begasus> lib:libicui18n >= libversioncompat
<Begasus> whoops, guess there is an error in icu75 recipe
<Calisto> hey OscarL: You won't believe it lol.. I was just watching this video by codeAesthetic on why nesting beyond a certain level is bad.... and how I have done that so much :( and then you also brought up the same thing xD
<Calisto> but yah I definitely agree with you
<Calisto> I'll remove the layers of nesting as much as possible right now :)
<Begasus> lib:libicudata >= 75.1
<Begasus> lib:libicui18n >= 75.1
<Begasus> better :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1eb8231 - icu75, revbump for wrong libVersionCompat (#10675)
<Begasus> k, boost1.85 playing nice with icu75 :)
<Begasus> atleast one more patch needed for the tests
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<_dodo75> Anyone got iCloud mail to work with Haiku mail app? Imap receiving works but smtp does not work for me.
<Begasus> not using any mail app on Haiku here, so no clue
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<_dodo75> Begasus ... ok not a complete stopper for me but I kind of like BeOS/Haiku concept to store email in folder and use queries...
<_dodo75> augiedoggie yep that was what I tried... but with
<_dodo75> sry: was correct :)
<_dodo75> only receive this in frontend: "Error while opening connection to General system error"
<_dodo75> Would be great with better error log.. My best guess is that they require later version of TLS protocol...
<_dodo75> sry to spam questions... but I have one more ... this is kind of stopper for me... I cant get either NFS or SMB to work on Haiku. NFS send me to KDL when deleting or moving files on share. smb_fuse does not show any shares. But I can connect with smbclient in terminal....
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<_dodo75> Is it possible to mount a samba share in Haiku as you can do in Linux?
<zard> No idea. But I've also encountered Haiku's support of other file systems not being great atm.
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<augiedoggie> iirc samba support is limited to SMBv1 at the moment
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<Begasus> jikes, tests still going ...
<Begasus> ...on 24700th target...
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<Begasus> how many tests does this thing have?
<Calisto> hey btw i had a small quesiton about good code style... Supposedly I need to make a helper function which is pretty insignificant to a class but helps while cleaning up code, would adding these above a function not be preferred? it's just a small piece of code... I've never usually seen non-class functions inside source function as much which is why i'm asking this
<Calisto> Begasus: drag and drop works when you click the option and then drag and dorp the folder
<Calisto> but it doesn't work quite as someone would expect
<Calisto> it basically opens up the folder inside the BFilePanel, so you would need to also click the open button
<Calisto> and you won't be able to select other directories :(
<zard> Calisto: would be nice to see the code
<Calisto> you mean for the helper function thing?
<Calisto> i was basically just trying to remove the nesting in FindPanel::AddRecentQueries... just give me a minute... i
<Calisto> ill just make a push onto Gerrit with the new non-nested one
<Calisto> and send it heer
<Calisto> here*
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<Begasus> reboot ...
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<Begasus> think i can toast an egg on the laptop atm :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57812] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 599a303e2366 - PCI: Return more meaningful error codes from ReadConfig/WriteConfig.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 134207319765 - PCI: Avoid overflows in ReadResourceInfo.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 88979be93fd3 - PCI: Log failed config reads.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57813] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3af59087696a - fat_shell: Fix filemode of Jamfile.
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<waddlesplash> can somebody bump the OpenSSH version?
<waddlesplash> there were some security fixes recently
<waddlesplash> cc Begasus, OscarL
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<OscarL> I'll give it a very quick look now (at least to see how good/bad the patchset applies).
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<OscarL> doesn't applies. Will see if I can beat it into shape before going to sleep :-)
<OscarL> mmm, bigest part of the patch that doesn't applies, its on man-pages, changing "~/.ssh/" to "~/config/settings/settings/ssh", which seems wrong, and would be better done by sed, I think.
<Begasus> just finished lunch, taking care of the dogs (and extracting polishing patchset for boost1.85)
<Begasus> OscarL are you looking into it?
<OscarL> yup.
<Begasus> ok +1 :)
<nosycat> Doggies!
<Begasus> good for now, they are predicting storm here in about an hour
<Calisto> OscarL: I pushed some de-nested code. Could you tell me whether its better :)
<Calisto> when you are free ofcourse :)
<Calisto> also Begasus: was that the way you intended drag and drop to work?
<Calisto> wouldn't it be slightly better if you just dragged and dropped it onto the find panel?
<Calisto> like directly
<Calisto> and it adds as a fodler filter?
<OscarL> Calisto: I'll give it a look as soon as I can :-). Always remember, thou, that I'm just a hack and not a real dev :-D
<Calisto> if you say that about yourself xD i have no idea what to call myself :)
<Begasus> it could be both ways I guess Calisto, dragging them directly to the find panel or in a seperate "open" window, the first bypasses the second then
<Calisto> oh okay... well for now dragging them onto the file panel in the "select a directory" option already works.
<Calisto> I'm currently working on the column view. Once i get some amoutn of work done on that, I'll try adding in the drag and drop for the folders :)
<Calisto> how does that sound ;)
<Begasus> as I mentioned earlier, that's already taken care of by Tracker (I think) :)
<Begasus> at least that's how I use it with any app supporting it
<Begasus> Calisto, don't let my thoughts keep you from your target :)
<Calisto> Begasus: ohhh i imight have to look into that... I've never worked too much with drag and drop code yet :)
<Calisto> currently doing the columns with attribute result view directly in the pose view :)
<Calisto> wow those are a lot of smiley faces at the end of sentences xD
<Begasus> some applications got example files/projects in their source
<Begasus> start the app, file - open, drag the example in the window ... bang :)
<Begasus> app crashes :P
<Begasus> nah jk ;)
<OscarL> noice, got openssh patchset to apply. (good thing I got my how-to-update-patchets guide at hand :-D)
<Begasus> whohoo! :D
<zard> WebKit using UNIX sockets for IPC built successfully! Now let's whatch it crash when running :P
* OscarL tries "hp -c openssh && hp openssh"
<zard> Mmm, crashed on some assertion. Looks like its not creating the socket pair successfully
<Begasus> k, PR for boost1.85 is up
* OscarL pictures zard pluging an 110 V device into a 220 V socket
<Begasus> sparckles! :D
<zard> :D
<Begasus> weird haircut today also? :P
* OscarL searches for the hidden camera.
* Begasus suffers from overdose lua/python/boost/icu ...
<Begasus> let's see if sourcetrail builds with boost1.85 :)
<OscarL> "grabbing openssh-9.8p1-1-x86_64.hpkg"
<Begasus> nice!
<Begasus> now run the tests? ;)
<OscarL> let's see what hp --test openssh says.
<Begasus> nuked the boost tests at target 26200'sh :)
<Begasus> -- Found Boost: /boot/system/lib/cmake/Boost-1.85.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.85.0", minimum required is "1.83") found components: system program_options filesystem date_time locale
* zard tries a different type of socket (apparently, Haiku doesn't support the previous type)
<OscarL> I *think* I read you say those were of no use before... either I got dejá vù, or something similar happened with another package (regarding tests)
<Begasus> 360 V?
<Begasus> nah, you read right OscarL, only found out too late here :P
<zard> Didn't fry my browser. Must have been the right voltage :D
<Begasus> progress! :D
<OscarL> not enough current then.
<OscarL> "sshd_proxy broken" :-/
<OscarL> "FATAL: /sources/openssh-9.8p1/regress/ line 528: /sources/openssh-9.8p1/regress/ssh.log: No such file or directory"
<Begasus> is it in there (in PATH)?
* zard hooks up an oscilliscope to make sure messages are getting through
<Begasus> ...___...
* OscarL will try running the tests outside hp's chroot.
<Begasus> grabbing sourcetrail-2024.7.3-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/sourcetrail-2024.7.3-1-x86_64.hpkg
<waddlesplash> zard: what type of socket don't we support?
<waddlesplash> oh, SOCK_SEQPACKET? yeah, you want SOCK_DGRAM
<zard> Bingo! You guessed right :D
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<zard> Well, everything works. Time to delete Haiku's connection code :-)
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<Begasus> Sourcetrail up and running :)
* OscarL wishes more recipes included test results for reference.
<Begasus> ditto
<Begasus> I "try" to add them, only when no errors appear I mostly skip adding them
<OscarL> paths gets obviously wrong for openssh tests on the chroot, but not sure if that's just *this* version, or was already broken.
<Begasus> only one way to find out ;)
<OscarL> Begasus will test current version? :-P
<Begasus> should have seen that comming ...
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57814] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3ea2ee1a401a - kernel: Use "final" more in the VM and x86 paging classes.
<OscarL> if you volunteer like that... :-P
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3cd49007954e - kernel/x86: Do not read APIC registers while setting the interrupt command.
<Begasus> launched
<OscarL> `sshd -V`: "OpenSSH_9.8p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023"
<OscarL> I can connect to my Haiku VM via ssh at least.
<waddlesplash> Habbie: ^^ I would actually be interested if the Bulldozer problems are affected by those commits
<waddlesplash> the second one especially, since the problem seems to only happen on SMP
<Begasus> /sources/openssh-9.7p1/regress/ line 517: /sources/openssh-9.7p1/regress/ssh.log: No such file or directory
<Begasus> same thing it seems OscarL
<OscarL> meh :-). /me opens PR.
<Begasus> heh, fix it first! :)
<Habbie> waddlesplash, indeed, non-SMP is fine. so I test 57814 when the build is available?
<waddlesplash> yes
<Habbie> alright
<OscarL> Begasus: nah... task for other fellows :-)
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<Habbie> i don't think i'm on bulldozer, but the problem appears to be multi-family :)
<holdenbloodfeast> what email client do you guys use? I can't get disroot to work with the default one
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<Habbie> waddlesplash, right, Jaguar, a slightly younger relative of Bulldozer
<zard> holdenbloodfeast: Personally, I use Haiku in a VM, so none.
<holdenbloodfeast> man
<zard> Somebody here (Begasus?) uses gmail from the browser
<holdenbloodfeast> I guess I'll just continue troubleshooting disroot
<holdenbloodfeast> fml
<Begasus> OscarL, maybe related? "Missing privilege separation directory: /packages/openssh-9.7p1-1/.self/data/openssh/empty"
<OscarL> different issue, as far as I can tell.
<Begasus> read-only, so expected to fail then
<Begasus> ah k
<OscarL> that's more of a warning than a fatal error.
<Begasus> gmail in browser *
<Begasus> this "privilege" think caught my eye :)
<OscarL> Begasus: "openssh/empty" is supposedly used to "chroot jail" processes that should not be snooping around in other places of the filesystem.
<OscarL> if it gets confused by it being read-only, or by that dir not having the expected owner, or something... beyond my graps :-)
<OscarL> *grasp
<Begasus> okido, atleast nothing new, so should be good
<Begasus> just let waddlesplash test the thing ;)
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<OscarL> <<< OpenSSH 9.8p1, for those willing to give it a go.
* Begasus fetches OscarL ...
<OscarL> 10677 is a funny chmod number thou :-)
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<Begasus> looks good enough compared OscarL
<Begasus> now I need to see if ssh-agen/ssh-add is still working :)
<Begasus> k, still good here
<OscarL> cool.
<OscarL> Begasus: btw, for checkint out random PRs... I use this:
<Calisto> heyyyy
<Begasus> OscarL, added in profile?
<OscarL> yup.
<Calisto> I needed a bit of help from someone who is slightly free at the moment... kinda just to know whether something im facing an error with is just on my system or happens otherwise as well
<Calisto> P.S. I thought it was with my code but it turns out to be happening on my system even with the standard version of Tracker running
<Calisto> that comes with the system
<OscarL> describe the issue.
<Calisto> whenever I go to the query results... and try and remove an attribute and add it back the menu bar seems to be compltely unresponsibe
<Calisto> and then tracker crashes
<Calisto> it says that there is some abort() being called
<Calisto> in the debugger
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<Habbie> where can i find the last hrev that was built on the dev channel without booting haiku?
<waddlesplash> Calisto: you can rebase on master, I think I fixed this problem?
<waddlesplash> Habbie: usually the last available nightly is the same as the available hrevs
<Begasus> added OscarL :) thanks
<waddlesplash> holdenbloodfeast: what error are you getting with the default email client?
<holdenbloodfeast> I got it working
<Habbie> waddlesplash, ah so this page will tell me enough
<holdenbloodfeast> thanks though :)
<waddlesplash> it should, yes
<Begasus> * [new tag] hrev57814 -> hrev57814 :)
<Begasus> whoot, who broke it?
<waddlesplash> ?
<Begasus> ../src/add-ons/kernel/file_systems/fat/bsd/sys/bufobj.h:48:25: error: field 'bo_clusterbufs' has incomplete type (and the likes)
<waddlesplash> Begasus: works ok here
<waddlesplash> are you on GCC2?
<Begasus> 64bit (doubt gcc2) :) R1B4
<Begasus> doing a jam clean
<waddlesplash> hm, it worked OK on Linux cross-compile here
<waddlesplash> let's see
<Begasus> same thing
<Begasus> build errors
<OscarL> <<< this alone makes me with for zsh as default shell in Haiku :-)
<Begasus> build script it straight forward, didn't fail me before:
<waddlesplash> ah, ok, got the failures
<waddlesplash> looks like fat_shell wasn't properly tested
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<Begasus> Habbie, is it getting dark there too?
<Habbie> yeah
<Habbie> a bit
<Habbie> bit of rain and loud stuff
<Habbie> not too bad
<Begasus> we're not there yet :)
<Habbie> as far as i can tell on you already had the worst of it
<Begasus> so far it seems it's passing us by here
<Begasus> yeah, been checking here also
<Habbie> never mind,,51.872,5.057,8 shows more rain over belgium
<Habbie> if you scroll back to 19:34 you can see the invidual radars overlapping/disagreeing
<Habbie> Begasus, lol, that's just .nl slightly zoomed in :D
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<Begasus> falkon doesn't like osm it seems :D
<Begasus> and WebPositive neither ...
<Begasus> moving towards you Habbie :)
<Begasus> about 70Km away atm
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57815] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f6839b1ca74f - fs_shell: Only define LONGLONG_MAX if not defined.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 51af68345783 - fs_shell: Fix infinite recursion in get_vnode_name.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2d2528f6f69c - fat_shell: Fix build.
<waddlesplash> Begasus: there, fixed
<phschafft> hm.
<Begasus> launched, thanks waddlesplash
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* OscarL is yawning so much that his jaw risks dislocation.
<OscarL> see you around folks!
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<Begasus> done :) BuildAnybootImageEfi1 haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57816] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d694b88a629c - kernel/x86: Make acpi_read & acpi_write private (static).
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57817] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a6025379d1d5 - FAT: Don't try to create file caches too early.
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<Begasus> and up and running
<Begasus> enought testing for today
<Begasus> cu peeps!
Begasus has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 641eb1e - openssh: update to version 9.8p1. (#10677)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57818] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ee658d503b6c - Tracker Kit: fix TitledSeparatorItem size
<phschafft> I think I go with 12 bit block addresses and 16 byte blocks. Resulting in a maximum of 64KByte volume size.
<phschafft> Each inode is 4 bytes long, allowing for three inodes per block in the inode table (plus pointer to the next block).
<Habbie> sounds fat ;)
<phschafft> each inode can be inlined into the inode table if it's smaller no longer than three bytes or five if the last two bytes are shared with the rest of the inodes in the same block.
<phschafft> and they can be up to two blocks long (32 bytes) before they need indirection (a block allocation table).
<phschafft> Habbie: hm?
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<Habbie> phschafft, sorry, it's funny to me how most filesystem designs end up looking like 1970s/1980s FAT in some parts, unavoidably
<phschafft> so, if all inodes are inlined that would give around 3*2^12 inodes. However I think 2^10 is way more realistic.
<Habbie> will you support hardlinks?
<phschafft> Habbie: I think this very one is far off FAT beside the most low level stuff like block allocation which is similar because it solves a similar problem.
<Habbie> ack
<phschafft> I mean consider that my current target storage is 4KB in size.
<Habbie> yeah
<Habbie> will you even have names? or just inode numbers?
<phschafft> which is a bit 70s/80s.
<phschafft> Habbie: it's more alike Haikus filesystem. so the inodes are mostly the lowest level for data storage. but mostly invisible to the user.
<Habbie> ack
<phschafft> the actual data is in the metadata table, and the relation table.
<phschafft> so you can set a filename if you like. that filename is a metadata which will reference an inode as it's value.
<Habbie> right
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<phschafft> which naturally means that you could even set a name for the name ;)
<Habbie> haha
<phschafft> or you can set it to it's own name.
<Habbie> "is that its name" "no that's what its name is called"
<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> I mean in a different area I was initially criticised for making a difference between a variable and it's content ;)
<Habbie> hehe
<phschafft> there are a few more magic tricks in this however:
<phschafft> you can set links (we call metadata and relations 'links') in the filesystem that are itself not part of it.
<phschafft> that is a bit like a Person file in Haiku works.
<phschafft> the Person file itself is 0 byte. it's just a placeholder to attach attributes to it.
<phschafft> however in my case you can skip the placeholder.
<Habbie> right
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> which I think is a bit unlike FAT ;)
<Habbie> yes :)
<phschafft> so, before I get into the code of version 0 of that filesystem to see what parts to take for this new version 1, there are interrupts to figure out.
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<phschafft> I mean even when I got the inode table updated, I still need to figure out what to do with the other tables.
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* phschafft waves to nephele.
<Nephele> everywhere i go, i am detected xD
<phschafft> haha.
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<Nephele> phschafft, irc client autojoins 3 channels and 2 of those mentioned me within a minute xD
<phschafft> Habbie: to answer your question: naturally inodes can be used multiple times. (and should as part of deduplication.) I think that is the clostest to hardlinks it gets on a filesystem that, depending how you look at it has no hardlinks at all or is all about hardlinks ;)
<phschafft> nephele: haha.
<Habbie> :)
<phschafft> Habbie: if you're interested I can show you around the system next time I do a demonstration.
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<Habbie> phschafft, what's the shape of such a demonstration?
<phschafft> normally I jump into some jitsi session.
<Habbie> ah
<phschafft> but if there is interest I can do some port forwarding allowing direct access to one of my test boards.
<Habbie> i have some interest, but i might not always feel like it, please ping me if you do :)
<phschafft> may I ask where you're from? (which time zone)
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<Habbie> i'm near Amsterdam, so UTC+2 in summer
<phschafft> nephele: if you like to be my wall/rubber duck for some filesystem discussion the next days, feel free to wave ;)
<phschafft> Habbie: ah, you're local.
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<Habbie> phschafft, ish :)
<Habbie> We are reachable when the sun is over Europe.
<Habbie> hehe
<Nephele> Habbie, I love those advertising campaigns from asterdam
<Habbie> nephele, which?
<phschafft> Habbie: that is what I normally say when asked about business hours.
<Nephele> "stay home"
<Habbie> phschafft, i found it on one of your websites
<Habbie> nephele, ah!
<phschafft> hu?
<Nephele> echt grappig xD
<Habbie> hu what?
<Nephele> phschafft, the city of amsterdam launched tagerted advertisements against young britisch guys to stay away
<phschafft> nephele: hm.
<phschafft> interesting.
<phschafft> but my hu was towards Habbie.
<Nephele> maybe you should have targeted your adve--- response
<phschafft> hm, maybe I should add some simple poll function.
<phschafft> Habbie: I see, I see.
<Habbie> my two candidates for the hu were indeed the ads or this :)
<phschafft> (as in a function you can call on the shell to perform a poll() for testing stuff)
<Nephele> phschafft, as for rubber duck, maybe i have time the next two days. not sure yet. but then is the coding sprint :)
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> ok, without ftutf8 in between the status function of that port is called ~45500 times a second.
<phschafft> and no more once I press a key.
<phschafft> hm.
<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
<Nephele> hello Butler
<phschafft> strange.
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<phschafft> seems that I leave poll().
<phschafft> maybe the output interrupt is acting up again?
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<HaikuUser> hi. what is this?
<Habbie> hello
<Habbie> what is what?
<HaikuUser> vision
<Habbie> i think vision is an irc client
<HaikuUser> ah
<Habbie> and you are in the #haiku irc channel
<Habbie> full of haiku users
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<phschafft> while short I like than this happens.
<Habbie> yes
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<phschafft> :)
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> the input part seems to work.
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<phschafft> Habbie: still with us?
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