ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
rennj has joined #haiku
<mrentropy64> How's the wild and wacky world of Haiku, today?
<Skipp_OSX> still having issues refreshing wireless network list
<mrentropy64> Dang.
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<Coldfirex_> Has anyone enabled ssh to their haiku install lately? I keep getting getting a bad password error when trying. I was following these instructions:
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<rennj> yeah i was saying that the other day
<rennj> sshd comes enabled, but doesnt work, while ftp/telnet in jan2021 haiku vm i have works with password i set
<rennj> perhaps try pki keys
<rennj> telnetd/ftpd work on haiku with password i set
<rennj> su - and sshd dont
<rennj> su - user
<rennj> you can see the /etc/shadow file does get updated when you do password/password user commands
<Coldfirex_> figured it out
<rennj> yeah what was it?
<Coldfirex_> I was editting the ssh_config file instead of sshd_config...
<rennj> yeah what permitrootlogin?
<Coldfirex_> and a restart of system or killing service and restarting is required
<Coldfirex_> corect. set to yes and uncomment
<rennj> su - user work?
<Coldfirex_> no idea
<Coldfirex_> just was able to login as user
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<Skipp_OSX> ok I almost got it now, just need to get sorting to work
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<humdinger> morning Begasus!
<Begasus> moin humdinger !
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<Begasus> fpc is driving me nuts :)
<Begasus> heading out ... dogschool, cu peeps
<nephele[x]> rennj: i think you need to ssh to a specific user directly :)
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<rennj> no its permitrootlogin yes in sshd_config
<rennj> the su - user doesnt work though
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<nephele[x]> iirc su just doesn't work correctly
<PulkoMandy> is there a bugreport about it?
<nephele[x]> maybe? :)
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<nephele[x]> didn't investigate that much the last time i tried
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<HaikuUser> lol, cool nick, srsly. I like.
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<mrentropy64> How do, folks?
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<jessicah> cold, it's very cold tonight
<mrentropy64> Is it?
<jessicah> yes!
<mrentropy64> Are you a Southern hemisphere person?
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<jessicah> yep
<mrentropy64> Bundle up and wait for the Warm time :)
<jessicah> it can't come soon enough!
<jessicah> going to get down to 3C tonight :(
<mrentropy64> It's, uh, 25C right now, at 4:48AM.
<mrentropy64> Well, that is pretty chilly.
<mrentropy64> It sounds way colder in Celsius than in Fahrenheit. Maybe it would be better to switch to C in the summer, and F in the winter?
<jessicah> hehe
<mrentropy64> Last winter is was unusually cold here. I ended up getting a little house with a heating pad for the stray cat.
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<nephele[x]> mrentropy: everytime i hear someone saying stuff like "its 80 degrees" i don't really think of nice and warm but rather death by heatstroke, i'm just too used to Celsius and Kelvin :)
<mrentropy64> It's still lower than body temp, tho! But I can dig it. Oddly enough, in these parts there's a "hot" 80 and a "cool" 80.
<nephele[x]> Yeah, just don't really know how to properly interpret fahrenheit numbers :)
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<mrentropy64> If it makes me seem more god-like, I'm all right with that.
<jessicah> it's like 9/5 +/- 32, but I never remember exactly
<jessicah> if it's -40, they're the same
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<mrentropy64> If it's -40, there's probably more things to worry about :D
<jessicah> like the ship sinking...
<mrentropy64> You might be able to get out and walk at that point.
<jessicah> :p
<jessicah> was a reference to stargate :)
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<mrentropy64> Drat. And I just watched all of those not too long ago, including the movie.
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<jessicah> movies
<jessicah> it was in stargate: continuum
<countryboy> hello, peace and love :-)
<mrentropy64> I was just beginning to like Universe when they canceled it.
<countryboy> can i pray for haiku os ?
<countryboy> msg identify password=fuckwindows
<mrentropy64> Just updated. Gonna reboot and see what's good.
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<mrentropy64> That was a little scary.
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<jessicah> yeah, shame about Universe
<countryboy> i had build a universal bin : i call it so : in realbasic 3 binaries for windows + linux + mac => in 1 zip
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<mrentropy64> Hmm. Now known as Xojo.
<countryboy> yes mrentropy64 but bad name 4 me
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<countryboy> here i am ...
<mrentropy64> It is not inexpensive.
<countryboy> i think it was soy .. but no ... better
<countryboy> i ask misini to port gambas everywhere ...
<countryboy> gambas = a fish ... ok .,..
<mrentropy64> Nice place for an office, though.
<countryboy> libreoffice ... ?
<countryboy> gobeproductive also ...
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<jt15s[m]> GoBeProductive is one of the best names for an office suite IMO
<jt15s[m]> It's a neat play on words
<countryboy> jt15s[m]: bought it, gobe, 2 times on ebay ...
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<mrentropy64> I meant Xojo's physical address, but, yeah, I used GoBe Productive exclusively for a long time.
<countryboy> mrentropy64: physical address ?
<mrentropy64> Yes. Where their office is.
<countryboy> i don't know ... where they reside, i dunno
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<mrentropy64> I do. That's why I said it was a nice place for an office.
<countryboy> i trust you mrentropy64 ...
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<Coldfirex> PulkoMandy: Do you want a trac ticket opened as a reminder on updating haikuwebkit's user-agent?
<PulkoMandy> making a patch sounds easier?
<PulkoMandy> done
<Coldfirex> considering me, only if its just a text update hah
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<countryboy> msg identify bananajoe
<Coldfirex> so you can bypass gerrit?
<Coldfirex> nice. I was talking about the user-agent in this particular case no the web+ about version
<countryboy> net+
<countryboy> web => spider ...
<countryboy> netsurfer ...
<countryboy> netswimer
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] sikmir b93c0f2 - lagrange: bump to 1.6.1 (#6110)
<countryboy> about lagrange :
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<countryboy> hi shaka444[m] : simply hello my friend ... :-)
<countryboy> 4 = 3 + 1 => 1 is me and stay with 3
<countryboy> stay with TRINITY ...
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<countryboy> I gave the mac as a gift
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<countryboy> Skipp_OSX: I gave the mac as a gift
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<Skipp_OSX> you gave the Mac as a gift to whom for what?
<countryboy> to my mum ...
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] vazub f302820 - OpenLibm: listed licenses and addressed minor feedback (#6008)
<Skipp_OSX> oh? ok well that was nice of you I'm sure that she appreciates it
<countryboy> is better haiku and linux ...
<countryboy> mac is for rich people ...
<countryboy> i don't like so ... no rich ...
<countryboy> but my mum don't know => a calculator
<Skipp_OSX> well, there is a grain of truth in what you're saying, but it's not 100% true.
<countryboy> tell me ...
<Skipp_OSX> Macs are not an exclusive preview of the rich. There are rich people that use Macs as a status symbol, but there are also regular people who use them as well.
<countryboy> yes, i used to my studies ... but i wanted a laptop with linux ...
<countryboy> for me was better a notebook fully compatible with linux ...
<Skipp_OSX> well Linux is pretty good too. One of the big reasons I use Mac is because of Terminal
<x512[m]> <countryboy "mac is for rich people ..."> Apple products are for people that don't care about freedom and don't want to do decisions themselves. Just don't think and do what Apple says.
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah a notebook computer sure
<Skipp_OSX> I need to get sorting sorted here :/ I can sort by name so the sorting part is working, but my compare by signal strength method is not...
<countryboy> x512[m]: yeah freedom also haiku = freedom
<shaka444[m]> Hmm can't open in Haiku (x64 nightly)
<Skipp_OSX> there's different kinds of freedom, the freedom that I care about most these days is freedom as in free time. The freedom that comes from not to have to mess with my computer.
<countryboy> x512[m]: i have a thinkcenter fully compatible with haiku waiting spotify ... ;-)
<countryboy> Skipp_OSX: ok, you say we need something woirking ...
<countryboy> working ...\
<countryboy> ... working ...
<countryboy> xD
<countryboy> i apologize the mistakes ...
<countryboy> so ... could i pray 4 haiku ?
<Skipp_OSX> Haiku is a pretty good OS I think, sure, pray for Haiku.
<countryboy> well, thanks ...
<mrentropy64> Macs are for people who want Macs. It doesn't go any deeper than that.
<mrentropy64> Hey, I managed to crash Python using haikuporter.
<Skipp_OSX> I got it!
<Skipp_OSX> I feel silly now... I copied the compare function from here: but compares don't use bool they use int...
<Skipp_OSX> git blame... Michael Lotz is to blame!
<Skipp_OSX> (mmld)
<Skipp_OSX> *(mmlr)
<nephele[x]> heh, I would probably use a mac if it weren't for haiku :)
<nephele[x]> for phones there is not that much difference between ios and android in the "how free is it" department, so whatever, maybe one of them third party phone oses will become good to use
<Begasus> hi x512[m] first time I see you in here :)
<Begasus> ps, I like the freedom of choice on my hardware :)
<x512[m]> I am using Matrix here.
<x512[m]> Plain IRC is too unusable.
<Begasus> never got around to using Matrix, just can't get the feeling of it (or even login) :)
<nephele[x]> the matrix-appservice-irc bridge is pretty terrible tbh
<x512[m]> Matrix can be accessed from Haiku by using Quaternion client (Qt based).
<countryboy> cu peeps
<Begasus> It would be nice if there was a step by step tutorial on how to connect with it to IRC
<Begasus> cu countryboy
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<Begasus> There's also Nheko x512[m]
<nephele[x]> reminds me that quaternion should be updated, and split from quotient..
<Niklas[m]> Connecting to IRC with Matrix is as easy as joining or
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<nephele[x]> assuming is online :P and even then it usually takes over 10 minutes to join over other homeservers
<Niklas[m]> True but I don't know other IRC bridge servers
<Begasus> anyway, too occupied with other things to go there :)
<nephele[x]> niklas: because of the nature of then its also not that nice to have severall
<Niklas[m]> And the bridge has worked quite reliable for me so far ;)
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<mrentropy64> Weird. Trying to build Hatari and it appears to be only using 1 core at a time.
<zebba[m]> last time i tried quaternion, it lacked matrix-specific admin features
<nephele[x]> what other admin features would it have?
<zebba[m]> seems like it would be fine for irc or using matrix services as a user, though.
<nephele[x]> also, /kick /ban etc works fine
<zebba[m]> <nephele[x] "what other admin features would "> well, if you admin a matrix server, there are a lot of things that can only really be done with riot/element
<nephele[x]> eh, i can curl :p
<Niklas[m]> ...or in SSH using some cURL magic that's more or less documented in a Github repository lol
<Niklas[m]> Administration on Matrix really sucks
<nephele[x]> no, just curl, why ssh?
<nephele[x]> or you mean some homeserver specific admin api you need to use on localhost?
<Niklas[m]> I think I don't expose that APIs to the public but I'm not sure...
<Niklas[m]> Yes,admin api
<nephele[x]> if its not public how would element use it? ;)
<Niklas[m]> There are many think even Element can't do
<zebba[m]> <nephele[x] "also, /kick /ban etc works fine"> yes, but quaternion didn't have a way to set roles and permissions, or tweak room security and privacy settings. at least that's what i found in maybe has those features.
<nephele[x]> I think for room administration quaternion is fine
<Niklas[m]> For example deleting accounts or resetting passwords for other people that didn't set a recovery address and similar stuff
<zebba[m]> not a big deal though. i'm glad that there's a QT matrix client at all
<nephele[x]> matrix has no support for "roles"
<zebba[m]> <Niklas[m] "For example deleting accounts or"> true
<nephele[x]> its just powerlevels
<Niklas[m]> It would be really cool if there was a web administration frontend for Synapse
<nephele[x]> there is three matrix qt clients
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<nephele[x]> two of them have recipes :)
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<zebba[m]> haiku has qt, heh. we're truly living in the future
<Niklas[m]> A native Haiku Matrix client would be cool,too :D
<zebba[m]> i remember long ago when somebody ported a small portion of gtk to beos and it was kind of surprising. early 2000's though
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<Niklas[m]> Quaternion works quite good but I don't get that native feeling.And for Nheko it's even worse,it looks like some Electron stuff,but it luckily isn't
<nephele[x]> I wanted to try a native matrix client, but i'm working on a native xmpp client instead, matrix'es design doesn't really seem all too nice to me...
<zebba[m]> add matrix support to Vision 😉
<nephele[x]> nheko port has some bugs, sorry :p
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<Niklas[m]> Yeah,Matrix is a mess but from a user perspective it seems more reliable
<nephele[x]> if it's haiku specific bugs you can bother me with it
<countryboy> hello peeps
<nephele[x]> i dunno, matrix has been really unreliable for me in the past, especially anything with the homeserver, got a much more stable room by just banning it
<zebba[m]> Matrix is basically the open source, censorship-free alternative to Discord. The user experience is a bit klunky, but... it's not Discord so they've got that going for them, which is nice.
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<zebba[m]> though we've given up on jitsi for voice and simply started using zoom 🤦‍♂️
<nephele[x]> censorship free...? but you can censor stuff on homeservers just fine, has basically all the users, and they are in UK jurisdiction
<zebba[m]> well i mean, you won't have tencent and the CCP breathing down your neck like on discord
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<nephele[x]> what is CCP?
<Niklas[m]> I often had problems with Matrix because of the server getting overloaded or eating all my RAM and too much disk space but even if federation is lagging some hours behind sometimes,the users always get their messages.At Jabber they sometimes simply disappear and that's not so cool
<zebba[m]> <nephele[x] "what is CCP?"> the chinese communist party
<Niklas[m]> The good thing about decentralization is that a single server doesn't really matter.Sure, is the biggest one,but there are many others in different jurisdictions
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<AlwaysLivid[m]> <zebba[m] "well i mean, you won't have tenc"> this doesn't make sense, it's not like Discord has infrastructure based in China or that the jurisdiction matters as far as geopolitical pressure is concerned
<nephele[x]> I know cases where message delivery in matrix can fail aswel *shrug* mostly involves homeservers incorrectly assembling the state and then put the messages a couple days back in the backlog where nobody sees then
<zebba[m]> yep you can always run your own server
<zebba[m]> <AlwaysLivid[m] "this doesn't make sense, it's no"> follow the money
<nephele[x]> honestly, the whole "eventually consistent" part seems i'll designed to me, it's not that important that every server has an identical view imo
<zebba[m]> agreed. i'm 100% in favor of letting users tweak the ui however they like
<nephele[x]> niklas: has from 70% to 90% participation in most big rooms... that is a major weakpoint for a federated system
<Niklas[m]> That's true unfortunately
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<Niklas[m]> But at Matrix it doesn't even matter on which domain a room is.If goes down,all users from other servers can still use all rooms,even those with
<AlwaysLivid[m]> I've experienced this during an outage of
<AlwaysLivid[m]> It got VERY confusing, but we could partially communicate.
<Niklas[m]> Same for me
<AlwaysLivid[m]> That's part of the reason why I'd like us to eventually come up with our own homeserver solely for the reason of being in control of the room.
<Niklas[m]> That's a good idea.
<zebba[m]> encrypted rooms on matrix can be a major bottleneck when there are lots of users, too
<Niklas[m]> Encryption doesn't make sense in public rooms anyway
<Niklas[m]> It's better for private chats or small private groups where everyone knows each other.Why would you want to encrypt something that anyone can read by joining the room anyways?
<zebba[m]> true
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<nephele[x]> niklas: others can still use the room doesnt matter when the users to talk to are on the big hs, and once comes back you get a huge load from all smaller servers having to synchronize with it
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<zebba[m]> that's why the big matrix server in the screenshot i posted above runs without encryption. if users want to break off into a private room for sensitive topics, they're free to do that on their own
<nephele[x]> in matrix e2ee state events aren't encrypted, which makes it a bit leaky imo...
<Niklas[m]> nephele: Yes,it's not that good for the users that are directly on but they're free to change their servers whenever they want to
<nephele[x]> experience shows that "switch servers and loose all your chats!" isnt that nice of a proposition
<Niklas[m]> I changed my servers twice,it's not a big deal.
<nephele[x]> I banned in a more technical room, and severall users had big issues with having to change servers
<Niklas[m]> You don't lose your chats if you do it the right way: Invite your new account into all existing chats and then leave with the old one.
<AlwaysLivid> It's been more than once that I considered banning and then throwing the ball at them by saying "it's your fault for using", as I regularly do on a bidaily basis. Although the reasons are always genuine. :P
<AlwaysLivid> "Can we all just ban it and be done with it?"
<nephele[x]> That's not entirely acurate, you will loose all old messages for channels that are "history from join", and this method is also hugely time consuming
<nephele[x]> alwayslivid: worked for me, but with a highly technical audience in the room :)
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<Niklas[m]> True but I can't remember that has happened to me
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<Niklas[m]> Most important chats for me are private ones where I have admin rights and can simply allow my new account to read everything :) But I agree that it can get a bit complicated
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<nephele[x]> if you add e2ee it is even more complex
<Niklas[m]> Yes but I don't use it because no good client supports it.
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<nephele[x]> i'll tell the nheko authors you said so :D
<Niklas[m]> Nheko may work good but it doesn't look like a native program somehow.I prefer NeoChat,Fractal and Quaternion.
<nephele[x]> didn't finish the NeoChat port yet... i did run it once on haiku thiugh
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<Niklas[m]> I'm running it on Manjaro KDE currently.For Haiku Quaternion seems to be the best match.
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<zebba[m]> apparently nheko supports /rainbow. wooh, i'm sold ;)
<nephele[x]> as a year long quaternion tester I am obliged to agree!
<nephele[x]> back at my desktop... time to update it to the nightly branch :3
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<brightscripters> quite an effort was it to join the party
<brightscripters> What is a good indication that I'm on Beta3?
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<brightscripters> my repo is and just did an update. Am I now on Beta3?
<mrentropy64> If you look at About Haiku, it should say Version: R1/beta3
<nephele[x]> brightscripters: that uri is for haikuports, the question is which your haiku repo uri is :)
<Anarchos> mrentropy64 mine says Walter (hrev XXX)
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<mrentropy64> Anarchos: Are you using nightly builds?
<nephele[x]> Still wondering why there is a white pixel in AboutSystem, beggining to think it shouldn't be there
<brightscripters> I'm on nightly I beleive. "Walter"
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<nephele[x]> replace master with r1beta3 for the beta3 repo
<brightscripters> nephele[x] Thanks
<brightscripters> Which would be more current? master or r1beta3?
<Skipp_OSX> x512[m] hey I added you as a reviewer on my BMenu patch since you are involved with BMenu. Please go yell at me if I did a bad thing on
<nephele[x]> nigthly, master, but beta3 has just been released, so better use that if you want the system to be stable :)
<x512[m]> I started some work on 3D acceleration framework. I got working prototype in 2 days.
<Skipp_OSX> (The patch adds public non-virtual methods to Menu to sort, swap, move items)
<Skipp_OSX> x512[m] ooooooooooo 3d acceleration!!!
<nephele[x]> x512: I am a bit confused, why does the architecture need to change for that? how does llvmpipe provide opengl currently?
<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX is John Scipione?
<Niklas[m]> I read about that 3D framework in the forum but don't really get what this is meant to be.Some sort of platform-dependent DirectX clone/OpenGL replacement just for Haiku?Or a lower level thing that improves the performance of things like OpenGL?
<Anarchos> mrentropy64 yes
<x512[m]> <nephele[x] "x512: I am a bit confused, why d"> Current Mesa port draw to BBitmap that is displayed by DrawBitmap or draw to screen frontbuffer if BDirectWindow is used. Modern graphics cards are based on buffer swapping instead of copy. Buffer copy is slower and it cause tearing.
<rennj> nephele[m], when upstream compiles need llvm and not gcc, mesa3d has moved on
<nephele[x]> rennj: not sure what you mean? we already have a mesa port
<Skipp_OSX> yes I am John Scipione
<rennj> haiku uses mesa3d for software opengl, so this probably why
<PulkoMandy> nephele[x], the white pixel is the view where the haiku logo normally is in official builds. Apparently it resizes to 1x1 pixel when there is no bitmap
<PulkoMandy> has been annoying me too but I had no time to look into it
<nephele[x]> rennj: we are already using llvmpipe
<rennj> <nephele[x]> x512: I am a bit confused, why does the architecture need to change for that? how does llvmpipe provide opengl currently?
<rennj> why ? cause upstream source
<nephele[x]> I think you are misunderstanding my question
<nephele[x]> (and x512 already answered it above)
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<rennj> or even better swrast, softpipe, & LLVMpipe renderers inside Mesa work as a shim at the system level to emulate an OpenGL 1.4–3.2 hardware device
* Anarchos needs vector.h on x86_64
<nephele[x]> Hah! I knew it, the printer test page is an actual Window... beeing printed... which uses my OS colors and fonts :/
<nephele[x]> DrawString("OpenBeOS"... I see this code hasen't been touched in some time :)
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<Skipp_OSX> hmmm how do I add my own to Makefile? I tried adding path to in LIBPATHS but it still can't find my BMenu::SortItems() method...
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<mrentropy64> Scribus looks broken.
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<Anarchos> Skipp_OSX LDPATHS ?
<augiedoggie> Skipp_OSX: you need to adjust the LIBRARY_PATH variable when you run it or specify an rpath when compiling
* Anarchos notes that Alt+Esc doesn't work in Web+, though it should work anywhere according to the user guide
<nephele[x]> What should that do? open the menubar?
<x512[m]> <Skipp_OSX "hmmm how do I add my own libbe.s"> Old Haiku devel package?
<Skipp_OSX> x512[m] I'm trying to compile MenuDynItems from HaikuUtils but I need to use my that includes my BMenu changes
<Anarchos> Skipp_OSX maybe you could use the trick for libroot_devel ?
<Skipp_OSX> because obv the system doesn't include BMenu::SortItems() method
<nephele[x]> just symlink it into lib/ after compiling or? I suppose maybe launch daemon overwrites that
<Skipp_OSX> adding to LIBRARY_PATH got me further... but now it complains about missing
<Anarchos> Skipp_OSX did you use gcc -L ?
<x512[m]> <Skipp_OSX "because obv the system "> Do you mean dynamic linking error? You can put compiled to ./lib directory relative to application binary.
<x512[m]> Or symlink.
<x512[m]> For 32 bit make sure that GCC 2/4+ is match.
<nephele[x]> The Leaf on the printer test page is broken anyhow, it's tiiiiny on the print, and in the preview it changes size based on zoom level for no reason
<Skipp_OSX> Anarchos gcc -L is good idea but same thing
<Skipp_OSX> I put in lib path, specified in LIBRARY_PATH in Makefile, it finds it, yells about
<Skipp_OSX> I'm guessing he system includes that... mine doesn't
<x512[m]> should not depend on readline. I got Haiku RISC-V running without readline.
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<Skipp_OSX> maybe something else idk
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<Skipp_OSX> I guess I could rebuild my haiku package
<Skipp_OSX> I'm sure it's some simple path thing tho
<nephele[x]> if you want to rebuild it, maybe run haiku in qemu on haiku?
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<Skipp_OSX> I could build vm true
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<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5835> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus cf5ef41 - openlibm, enable 32bit (#6112)
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<nephele[x]> Does a BWindow have something like a Drawing color too? I'm trying to figure out why the Control color is sitll beeing drawn when each "subview" has explicitly opted-out, but the space between views seems to bethe conrolt color?could this be because of the BWindow object?
<nephele[x]> Does the layoutbuilder produce intermitent views that haver colors of their own?
<Skipp_OSX> colors are all in ui_color
<Skipp_OSX> ui_color(B_WINDOW_TAB_COLOR) to get the window table color
<Skipp_OSX> *tab
<Skipp_OSX> the color constants are used in the Decorator to draw the window
<nephele[x]> Yes, i know that, the problem is that the Test window that is used for the printer test page, is using UI colors, even though it should be just a white background :)
<Skipp_OSX> I assume maybe you need to set the ViewColor which is white by default perhaps
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<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: you can check loaded library paths by "strace". Maybe something strange is located in non-packaged lib directory.
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<Not-5835> [haiku/website] Coldfirex e5b8b66 - Update and installation-guide (#542)
<Skipp_OSX> options on strace ?
<Skipp_OSX> sorry idk how to use strace :/
<nephele[x]> just "strace application"
<nephele[x]> it will show all system calls performed, you can strip it down with grep also
<Skipp_OSX> I get a lot of output from that but nothing looks like a path...
<nephele[x]> I don't know if that will help to debug errors from the linker though
<x512[m]> <Skipp_OSX "options on strace ?"> strace -l <app path>
<x512[m]> Look at something like this "open(0xffffffff, "/boot/system/lib/", 0x0, 0x0) = 0x00000003".
<Skipp_OSX> ok I see that, it's looking in /boot/system/lib for stuff
<Skipp_OSX> nephele[x] windows have view color set to white by default
<Skipp_OSX> are you using a custom document color or something?
<nephele[x]> I'm working on the printer test page, I am honestly confused where it gets the color from
<nephele[x]> It's painted in panel bg it seems (my color there is a purple), but this shouldnt be used for the printer page anyway
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<Skipp_OSX> must be using ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR) and should be using white explicit for printer page
<Skipp_OSX> where is this happening code wise?
<nephele[x]> I'm looking at src/preferences/printers/TestPageView.cpp
<nephele[x]> Don't see any calls to ui_color, or setViewUIColor anywhere etc.
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<Skipp_OSX> hmmm definitely says SetViewColor(255, 255, 255); in TestPageView constructor
<nephele[x]> I'm wondering if the layoutbuilder is somehow responsible
<nephele[x]> I managed to get the gradients background to become white aswell, but still not for the upper bounds of the lineview thingy, and around the statusview (which also has an incorrect size somehow)
<Skipp_OSX> you see where it says ChildAt(0)->SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR); at the bottom of TestPageView::AttachedToWindow() ? Try changing that to make_color(255, 255, 255)
<nephele[x]> I did, no difference :)
<Skipp_OSX> hrumpf
<nephele[x]> If you uncomment it the lower part of the page turns purple too
<Skipp_OSX> try setting view and low color of statusView to white
<nephele[x]> This second one is before i started messing witzh it
<Skipp_OSX> hmmmmmmmmmm
<Skipp_OSX> yeah nvm then it's not status view
<nephele[x]> I failed to set the font color properly for statusView too :)
<Skipp_OSX> make sure to set both high and low color to avoid anti-aliasing problems... but that's not it
<nephele[x]> What does high and low color mean?
<Skipp_OSX> view->SetHighColor(black); view->SetLowColor(white);
<Skipp_OSX> high color is the text color, low color is the background color, view color is the color that is drawn when no color is specified
<nephele[x]> No, i mean, what does the high mean :)
<Skipp_OSX> high means foreground, low means background
<Skipp_OSX> I think you're trying to make a joke but it doesn't mean that
<nephele[x]> I thought the ViewColor itself was background, a bit confusing
<nephele[x]> Didn't really undertand why High and Low atre settable in code, when usaully it's just "ViewColor" for the color that seems to be drawn, thus i asked
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<nephele[x]> Ugh, text is still gray with High color set to black :/
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<nephele[x]> probably my panel text color
<Not-5835> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<Not-5835> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 ae53cea - containers/trac: Add pypy experiment
<nephele[x]> Also the leaf is about a 4th of the view on the preview page, but reaaaaly small on the printed doc ://
<Begasus> heading down, g'night peeps
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<nephele[x]> night begasus
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<Skipp_OSX> well I'm ready to test my in a vm here
<Skipp_OSX> I wonder what a good test case would be
<nephele[x]> Installing fonts and updating the menu in stylediedt live :P
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<Skipp_OSX> lil complicated for test case hehe
<Skipp_OSX> I guess I just need to sort on click or something...
<mrentropy64> I'm trying to compile something and ld keep quitting because of "undefined reference to socket". Am I forgetting something basic?
<nephele[x]> -lsocket -lnetwork or so?
<mrentropy64> Ah! That sounds familiar. Thanks!
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<countryboy> hello
<Skipp_OSX> ViewColor is the background behind the text, but low color is the background of the text, which is why if it's not set correctly anti-aliasing will be messed up.
<nephele[x]> Ah, that amkes sense
<x512[m]> It is also possible to set transparent view color and B_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND flag.
<Skipp_OSX> well, it doesn't sort live when menu is open even if I Invalidate()
<Skipp_OSX> it does sort the items but the menu isn't updated until it is closed and reopened again
<countryboy> Skipp_OSX: also iphone : 700 euros vs android 250 euros ...
<countryboy> same apps
<countryboy> i dream of a icq phone ...
<Skipp_OSX> yeah that is mostly true, although Samsung Galaxy Note (or whatever) is similarly priced
<x512[m]> <Skipp_OSX "well, it doesn't sort live when "> Invalidate() probably needs locking Looper(). Message can be sent if locking is undesired.
<Skipp_OSX> and iPhone 12 mini is 400 euro or thereabouts o there are cheaper
<Skipp_OSX> x512[m] crashes if I don't lock so you're on the right track
<x512[m]> May deadlocks if lock.
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<Skipp_OSX> yeah
<Skipp_OSX> if it can't lock
<countryboy> icq phone ... ie ... : user Skipp_OSX is online => message, audio, video
<Skipp_OSX> countryboy Freedom Phone :)
<countryboy> freedom
<Skipp_OSX> FREE DUMB!!!!
<Skipp_OSX> so Invalidate() does not make menu update live... InvalidateLayout() maybe?
<Skipp_OSX> maybe asking too much for it to update live
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<Skipp_OSX> trying full update
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<Skipp_OSX> ok that worked... needed to _LayoutItems()
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<countryboy> Freedom Phone : search for friends => male, female, age, city ... like icq ...
<countryboy> all free
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<mrentropy64> nephele[x] -lnetwork did the trick. Thanks a heap!
<Skipp_OSX> woo
<mrentropy64> Now I just need to figure out things like packages.
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<countryboy> argento = silver ... ? ...
<countryboy> cu
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<Vidrep_64> Hi
<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy still awake?
<Vidrep_64> Building latest WebKit from today's commit and it fails (64 bit)
<Vidrep_64> Pardon the following spam...
<Vidrep_64> CMake Error at /boot/system/data/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):
<Vidrep_64> Could NOT find LibGcrypt: Found unsuitable version "", but required is at
<Vidrep_64> least "1.7.0" (found /boot/system/develop/lib/
<Vidrep_64> Call Stack (most recent call first):
<Vidrep_64> /boot/system/data/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:592 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
<Vidrep_64> Source/cmake/FindLibGcrypt.cmake:97 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
<Vidrep_64> Source/cmake/WebKitFindPackage.cmake:105 (_find_package)
<Vidrep_64> Source/cmake/OptionsHaiku.cmake:37 (find_package)
<Vidrep_64> Source/cmake/WebKitCommon.cmake:223 (include)
<Vidrep_64> CMakeLists.txt:20 (include)
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<Not-5835> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±2]
<Not-5835> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 83aadd6 - contaeinrs/trac: Complete final 1.4.3 pypy image
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