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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
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<erysdren> hello ewl!
<ewl> hi!
<ewl> I just installed Haiku and was looking through all the apps and stumbled on the irc client
<erysdren> mhm!
<phschafft> then welcome. :)
<erysdren> this is the official Haiku channel, of course
<ewl> Yeah, I gathered as much
<erysdren> how are you enjoying Haiku so far?
<ewl> I'm pleasantly suprised- there's quite a large collection of software and the windowing system is (to me) novel
<erysdren> nice! yeah one of the main draws to Haiku for me is the window system
<phschafft> that sounds like you relaised that Haiku is a real operating system, not just a toy. ;)
<erysdren> today i've been meaning to boot back into Haiku and port some more FOSS games
<erysdren> just haven't done it yet :P
<ewl> I'm hoping there's a ZFS (even read-only) driver available but that seems to be a pipe dream as of yet
<ewl> I was also pretty suprised to get wireless networking as well... don't think even FreeBSD did that
<erysdren> ah yeah networking is pretty hit or miss lol
<erysdren> for example, my laptop's network card only works if i boot Haiku with EFI
<erysdren> in BIOS mode it doesn't work
<ewl> well I did choose hardware with strong linux compat so I'm sure that's good
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<ewl> I'm trying to add a shortcut via the shortcuts preferences option but it's pretty abstruse
<ewl> I'm trying to bind Opt+Kpd + to change the volume but when I click on application a text dialouge with no labels appears
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<erysdren> hmm, not sure off the top of my head
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<augiedoggie> i think there is an open ticket about that
<augiedoggie> the shorcuts app is in need of an overhaul
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<zdykstra> god almighty yes, heh
<scanty> augiedoggie, recall the bug i reported to you about the BAlert and Tracker being always on top?
<scanty> Deskbar, rather'
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<scanty> (processcontroller)
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<coolcoder613> Hello all
<scanty> hi
<augiedoggie> yes
<scanty> augiedoggie, the same behaviour occurs with the networking preflet
<augiedoggie> i'm sure
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<scanty> is it something i'm technically "allowed" to fix?
<scanty> coolcoder613, that is a big picture.
* coolcoder613 has a good screen
<scanty> how big is it?
<coolcoder613> 13 inch
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<coolcoder613> laptop
<scanty> ah
<scanty> macbook?
<coolcoder613> yup
<coolcoder613> can go to up to 2560x1600
<scanty> i've got one too, but i don't have the model with the fancy screen
<coolcoder613> but i usually use 1440x900
<scanty> i dont' remember what i use offhand, i generally only use my macbook for working with music.
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<augiedoggie> i'm not sure what you mean, anyone is free to try and fix it
<augiedoggie> whether it's approved and merged is another story
<scanty> well, i currently have two solutions. move the balert some distance from deskbar, or center the alert.
<augiedoggie> i don't have any say in the matter, perhaps PulkoMandy or waddlesplash or Skipp_OSX
<scanty> gotcha. i will ask when one of them is around, in that case.
<augiedoggie> or you could just pick one and submit it and see what the comments are
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<coolcoder613> Hi HaikuUser
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<augiedoggie> niiiice, just got fuse-nfs to mount a filesystem on Haiku from my nas
<augiedoggie> and it sent me to KDL :P
<augiedoggie> i seem to recall seeing reports about that so it may not be a problem with fuse-nfs
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<erysdren> hiya aizu
<coolcoder613> Hello aizu
<aizu> hi
<aizu> i just got done installing haiku on my laptop
<coolcoder613> What do you think about Haiku?
<aizu> i've toyed with haiku for years now and i've always loved the design and the ideas behind it
<coolcoder613> I mean on hardware
<aizu> i was waiting for beta to finish then i would daily drive it but after seeing ActionRetro's new video on haiku and the falkon web browser i decided to do it anyways
<aizu> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<erysdren> glad you like it :3
<aizu> well it's been running quite well, on this 2007 laptop with only 1gb of ddr2 memory
<aizu> (I need to add more to it, i just don't have it yet)
<coolcoder613> r1 seems like the year of linux desktop, so close, yet so far away
<aizu> one thing that bugs me is that i can't seem to turn down or up the brightness
<coolcoder613> Depends if there is a driver for your graphics card
<coolcoder613> open screen preflet
<aizu> i mean i can do it on the screen preference
<coolcoder613> What does it say at the top? VESA?
<aizu> i can't use the keyboard shortcut, that's what bugs me
<aizu> nono the screen says Intel GMA (i965GM)
<coolcoder613> If it is possible to do from the cmdline, then i think you can bind it in shortcuts prelet
<coolcoder613> From user guide: <screenmode> This command sets the screen mode (resolution, bit depth, refresh rate). Normally, you'd set that in the Screen preferences. Another parameter makes it useful in combination with the Shortcuts preferences: e.g. --brightness +3 increases the brightness by "3". Useful to change the backlight with a key combination.
<aizu> ah nice
<aizu> i don't see an option to use the fn key on the shortcuts prelet sadly
<aizu> but i can use ctrl or alt for it
<coolcoder613> ctrl + and ctrl - maybe?
<clee> x512[m]: are you working on USB on the VF2? because that would be awesome
<coolcoder613> alt + and - are zoom in and out
<aizu> well shortcut says it can't launch screenmode as no such file exists
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<augiedoggie> use the full path to the command
<aizu> ah nice
<aizu> there it is
<aizu> thanks!
<augiedoggie> for shortcuts, you can try to capture the key by double clicking the "Key" area and typing
<augiedoggie> it doesn't really give you any hints that it's about to capture keys
<augiedoggie> it's in need of a rewrite
<aizu> yeah i figured that out
<aizu> it was weird lol
<aizu> thanks a lot, i'll go to sleep now and keep configuring the system later
<aizu> i already downloaded too many packages
<aizu> bye!
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* coolcoder613 is installing openindiana in a VM, just to try it out
<Ellenor> oh
<Ellenor> you aren't gonna like it
<Ellenor> it's unix, and it's not even good unix
<zdykstra> That's a hot take
<Ellenor> am I wrong?
<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: idk about KDLs, there's reports of hangs though
<waddlesplash> a ticket would be good then
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<waddlesplash> one more thing for the b5 pile...
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<augiedoggie> waddlesplash: 'twas an SMAP violation
<waddlesplash> oho. that should be not too hard to fix
<augiedoggie> i'm not experienced enough to dig into it
<waddlesplash> well it should be obvious from the KDL
<augiedoggie> i ran into the same problem where the full KDL wasn't on screen, i'll have to take a look at the serial log
<augiedoggie> because i was in vmware
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<waddlesplash> this is why I disabled the vmware graphics driver :)
<augiedoggie> aside from the FPU issue and this i haven't seen a KDL screen in a few years
<augiedoggie> so, i just take the risk and go with the faster graphics
<Ellenor> prefamulated amulite
* augiedoggie isn't sure if he should be offended
<Ellenor> yes, because I barged into your convo with something irrelevant
<augiedoggie> heh, i was just kidding
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<Al2O3> wtf :) Prefamulated Amulite is required to make a Turbo Encabulator.
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<Ellenor> It's not. It's just the most common enclosure material
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57515] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 21d87cd45a40 - app_server: recursive scan in /dev/graphics/
<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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<coolcoder613> Hello applecuckoo
<applecuckoo> Why hello there coolcoder613!
<applecuckoo> Well, I think that's the first time that I've been greeted by someone upon joining a server, lol
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<Begasus> welcome then applecuckoo
<applecuckoo> Hello!
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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* coolcoder613_nok has connected from a nokia e63!
<coolcoder613_nok> Hi and A
<coolcoder613_nok> HI BEGASUS
<coolcoder613_nok> hi andreasdr[
* coolcoder613_nok still has to get used to the keyboard
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<andreasdr[m]> Jarrrrr. Good morning coolcoder613_nok
<coolcoder613_nok> late afternoon here
<Begasus> psss ...
<Begasus> Argg andreasdr[m]
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<bitigchi[m]> ld: No such file or directory
<bitigchi[m]> Is there a recent dependency added to build Haiku
<Begasus> iirc ld is just part of libtool?
<Begasus> nope ... prerequires
<Begasus> binutils
<Begasus> oh nice, KDE has it's own mentorship project :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] lorglas 0e6467b - Yab docu (#9997)
<bitigchi[m]> <Begasus> "binutils" <- I think I made the mistake of running jam outside the generated folder :)
<bitigchi[m]> Something weird…
<bitigchi[m]> I cannot see ShowImage in the applications menu
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<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> bitigchi[m], I think that is intentianal(?), saw something passing by the other day about that
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<_-Caleb-_> Hi!
<Begasus> Low!
<Begasus> seems GTK is broken somehow? tried 4 different apps that crash
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus! Arrrrrrr.
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<Begasus> ;)
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<Begasus> bugger, not enough Workspaces ...
<zard> There's never enough workspaces. Just kidding. Somewhat. :^)
<Begasus> bumped to 8 now :)
<Begasus> TuxPaint planning new RC, so need to check there if master branches are still OK
<phschafft> TuxPaint is one of my fav software. good to see it's available on Haiku.
<phschafft> (maybe a little unexpected to some, I really enjoy it as a tool in adult trauma therapy)
<Begasus> +1 phschafft! I'll give Bill a notice about it :)
<phschafft> :)
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<Begasus> k, tuxpaint/stamps/config all good :)
<phschafft> :)))
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<PulkoMandy> bitigchi[m], yes, ShowImage is not shown in the menu because you can't run it without giving it some images to show. What would happen if you clicked it from the DeskBar? (I guess there are various things that we could do: show a filepanel, show again the last image that was shown, ...)
<PulkoMandy> but we don't do any of these things yet so it would be confusing to have it in DeskBar, but when you start it it just runs an alert saying "You need to give me some images to show"
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<Begasus> PulkoMandy, it opens a window to select an image here when launched from Terminal
<Begasus> 'Tracker" window
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57516] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 84cc2b9655c4 - random: move virtio in a subdir
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 33fb08b1a597 - ccp: add new IDs
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<bitigchi[m]> <Begasus> "PulkoMandy, it opens a window to..." <- Can confirm. I think for instance BePDF should do the same
<bitigchi[m]> That default welcome PDF is cringe
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<bitigchi[m]> In the meantime I’m still looking for an IDE that won’t lock up my virtual machine when I try to load the haiku source folder…
<bitigchi[m]> Genio and KDevelop are out
<bitigchi[m]> Now installing Qt Creator
<waddlesplash> lock up? how's that?
<waddlesplash> out of memory hang? well we should definitely fix it
<bitigchi[m]> bitigchi[m]: It does the same when launched from Tracker as well
<bitigchi[m]> waddlesplash: Application freeze, I don’t think it’s system related
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<waddlesplash> ok
<waddlesplash> well, I do use the Qt Creator scripts, it works ok at least
<bitigchi[m]> But could be
<bitigchi[m]> To be fair there is a TODO in Genio source code about improving project load
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<Begasus> Had to reboot to gain some control of the system just now too
<Begasus> building kate with haikuporter (had the same thing yesterday in Terminal
<waddlesplash> let me know if it's reproducible and I'll take a look
<Begasus> I'm not the average user, so I have some apps open that aren't around in the depot (didn't think much of it because of that)
<waddlesplash> still, system shouldn't hang
<Begasus> physical memory runs out I guess at one point
<Begasus> no hang yet, I quit building and reboot, then it picks up smoothly again
<waddlesplash> well it shouldn't require that either
<waddlesplash> if you quit building it should restore memory to as before
<Begasus> yeah, first thought was that the latest fix in the beta was related to the memory usage, but seems it didn't
<andreasdr[m]> Our MiniScript is feature complete, will require some minor adjustments still and lots of documentation. Love!!!
<Begasus> nice andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you Begasus. I will write a small prototype with some haike example bindings and post in forum if someone is interested. Yarrrrrr.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> +1 there :)
<andreasdr[m]> :)
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<bitigchi[m]> I really should get a spare laptop to install Haiku on
<Begasus> basics in place :) grabbing kate-24.01.90-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/kate-24.01.90-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> akonadi a bit better too, if I kill akonadicontrol the subprocesses go down too :)
<Begasus> missing qtwebengine for Qt6 now :P
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<kallisti5[m]> any big keyboard shortcut users of Haiku in here?
<kallisti5[m]> Looking at, I kinda feel like our defaults are a mess
<kallisti5[m]> Most of those are BeOS bindings.. so might be substantial pushback to changes... but I feel like we could do better since opt (meta) keys were added after BeOS came out.
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<zdykstra> It'd be really nice to see meta/win used in default shortcuts, that's for sure
<zdykstra> but I imagine one user on a keyboard from 1987 will freak out and get upset about it
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<kallisti5[m]> lol... that's my worry
<kallisti5[m]> us having differing modifiers is ok... (we're not linux, etc) but want to see if we can cut down the "different just to be different stuff"
<kallisti5[m]> Haiku vs Linux text editor shortcuts:
<augiedoggie> iirc whenever this came up in the past it seems like most wanted centralized shortcuts with a preferences app to manage all of them
<zdykstra> I do remember coming to BeOS from MacOS in 1998 - and the shortcuts felt very natural to me then
<zdykstra> so certainly they seemed to be originally influenced by MacOS
<augiedoggie> right now all of the shortcuts are hardcoded and scattered around in each app/server
<kallisti5[m]> augiedoggie: central user customization is probably the best route... however I think a lot of shortcuts are done case-by-case in BMenu code
<kallisti5[m]> yeah
<kallisti5[m]> we probably need meta actions... B_ACTION_PASTE, etc
<kallisti5[m]> then let input server match things up
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<kallisti5[m]> (or app... whatever)
<augiedoggie> it drives me nuts that input_server eats certain keystrokes and can't be turned off :/
<augiedoggie> needs to be configurable
<zard> You mean when you move the mouse and press a key immediately after?
<augiedoggie> talking to me?
<kallisti5[m]> zard: they mean it catches keystrokes for the os
<kallisti5[m]> ... i think that's what augiedoggie means
<kallisti5[m]> alt + c -> oops i'll take that (input_server)
<augiedoggie> yeah, it eats alt-k, alt-l, alt-; or something
<augiedoggie> well, it's possible to catch alt-c if you take control of the message handling
<augiedoggie> but there are still like 3 key combos you can't cath
<augiedoggie> catch
<zard> Ok, well that would be anoying as well
* kallisti5[m] just really wants i3 keybindings for Haiku
<kallisti5[m]> .. and then I can use the same keybindings in hyprland
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<kallisti5[m]> then my muscle memory will work everywhere manic laugh
* zard also uses i3, so that would be cool
<kallisti5[m]> I always play with those fancy tiling window managers, but really can't convince myself to learn key bindings unless I can use them everywhere
* kallisti5[m] is a creature of habit
<augiedoggie> hm, i think it was some of the ctrl+key shortcuts that were blocked, not alt, still annoying
<kallisti5[m]> how I got here was:
<kallisti5[m]> * oh... i should set my tiling window manager keybindings to be like haiku... then i'd learn haiku keybindings t oo
<kallisti5[m]> ... then I saw Haiku's and decided I didn'
<kallisti5[m]> didn't want to learn that... lord my typing is shite today
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<kallisti5[m]> applies coffee ☕️
<zdykstra> I live and die by sway - but the keybindings in Haiku aren't impossible to use
* zard also uses sway on this computer :)
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<BrunoSpr> kallisti5[m], the website is not working
<kallisti5[m]> works for me... which website?
<kallisti5[m]> are you getting the "," in your link click?
<BrunoSpr> usp, now I can see it
<BrunoSpr> ups
<BrunoSpr> I need a new keyboard!
<BrunoSpr> some networking problems here
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<BrunoSpr> tired too, see you all tomorrow
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<erysdren> what package provides the python3 executable?
<kallisti5[m]> pkgman install cmd:python3 :-)
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<erysdren> ty
<kallisti5[m]> cmd: lib: lets you search and install packages based on what they provide. Awesome shortcut I use all the time
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<coolcoder613_nok> Good morning
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<scanty> hi
<coolcoder613_nok> Hi scanty
<scanty> how goes?
<coolcoder613_nok> Not much yet, just woke up
<scanty> hmm... what time is it there?
<coolcoder613_nok> 8:20
<coolcoder613_nok> AM
<scanty> wow.
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<scanty> 4:20PM here
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<coolcoder613_nok> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hiya
* coolcoder613_nok is joining from a nokia e63
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<coolcoder613_nok> Hello PetePete
<PetePete> hey coolcoder613_nok
<erysdren> how's it going
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<PetePete> Good. Tired (new twin girls)
* phschafft thinks that PetePete must have some exotic places to 'shop' for him to find twins.
<PetePete> HA!
<PetePete> If only it were THOSE kind of twins
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<bjorkintosh> double the fun huh?
<bjorkintosh> congratulations
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