ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<Ellenor> (ofc, "here" is province level up in BC, in Canada - the last time I was in vancouver was like most of a decade ago, but from sparse reports it hasn't really deteriorated, other than housing prices mooning)
<Ellenor> but this is super political, let's go to -offtopic
<augiedoggie_> scanty: it's usually not a problem to develop on nightly builds but if you distribute binaries then they should be compiled/linked on the latest beta
<scanty> okay cool. i also found a bug in processcontroller, do i need to recompile the whole OS to fix it? i'm pretty sure it's a simple fix.
<PetePete> I'm good. Don't need to tlk about it. I was just venting
<augiedoggie_> no, you can tell jam to build specific targets and test it
<augiedoggie_> but if you want to replace the existing one then you'll have to rebuild the main haiku packages
<scanty> yikes, well can i explain the bug and a proposed fix, and someone who's more able can fix it?
<augiedoggie_> you can open a ticket on trac
<augiedoggie_> i hardly ever submit code to the main project
<scanty> i see.
<augiedoggie_> what's the bug? there are a number of open ones for processcontroller already
augiedoggie_ is now known as augiedoggie
<scanty> i will make a screenshot
<scanty> 1sec
<scanty> it happens when you right click on a running process, for example
<scanty> you can see the alert it obscured by the deskbar
<augiedoggie> do you have FFM turned on?
<PetePete> Maybe we can all get a nap before the hours of noise begin
<scanty> no
<augiedoggie> must be the "always on top" deskbar preference
<scanty> that I have set.
<augiedoggie> 'cuz the alert works fine for me but i have that turned off
<scanty> i think the easiest fix would be to call BWindow::CenterOnScreen.
<scanty> ah I see.
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<augiedoggie> certainly it shouldn't overlap the deskbar but i think i'd still prefer it to be in that corner
<augiedoggie> or wherever the mouse currently is after clicking on the team
<scanty> is there a way to force the alert to be on top of Deskbar, then>
<augiedoggie> i'm not sure
<scanty> is this a documented bug?
<augiedoggie> i'm still looking
<scanty> cool, thanks
<augiedoggie> i don't see that specific one, but there are some others dealing with deskbar and alerts
<augiedoggie> seems worthy of a bug report to me
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<scanty> can you report it, or alternatively show me how?
<augiedoggie> you'll have to go through the whole registration process and stuff at
<augiedoggie> to create an account
<scanty> yikes.
<OscarL> "00:05 <augiedoggie_> i hardly ever submit code to the main project" /me finds that a bit puzzling... considering that you are so clearly, far, FAR more stilled that I am :-) (in any case... I love all the work that you do augiedoggie!)
<augiedoggie> i'll create aquick one
<lebrancess[m]> so appimages doesnt work on haiku
<lebrancess[m]> ?
<OscarL> s/stilled/skilled/, lol!
<lebrancess[m]> augiedoggie:
<OscarL> lebrancess[m]: no.
<scanty> augiedoggie, can you report it for me in that case?
<lebrancess[m]> why haiku so useless
<lebrancess[m]> devs do something
<lebrancess[m]> is mesa already finished with 3d acceleration?
<scanty> oh god, this guy again.
<scanty> lebrancess[m], you really have no idea how much work it takes for a small team of people to create an operating system from scratch.
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<scanty> thanks augiedoggie, you're a star! :^)
<scanty> always helping me when i need it
<OscarL> lebrancess[m]: assuming you are not a troll (yourself mentioned that your behavior here would have already have had you banned already on other channels)... are you OK? Too little or too much meds?
<scanty> maybe right before the alert is called, we can move deskbar to the background temporarily, show the alert, and then after the alert is done, restore deskbar
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<augiedoggie> this could easily turn into a bikeshed, i'll let the devs figure it out :P
<scanty> hehe okay :^)
<scanty> was just thinking aloud.
<OscarL> bikesheds? on MY Haiku? Never! :-P
<augiedoggie> the alert could be centered, the alert could be moved just a little, deskbar behavior could be changed
<scanty> yeah, it seems there are a few solutions.
<scanty> easiest would be to center the alert.
* OscarL had issues with Deskbar's Always on Top on the past:
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<lebrancess[m]> <OscarL> "lebrancess: assuming you are not..." <- never gonna give you up
<OscarL> Not trying to be insensitive here, on the contrary. But if you are not just playing (silly games for a 23 y/o)... you DO sound a bit "too intense" for your own good.
<andreasdr[m]> Arrr. Mighty Haiku Pirates. Happy New Year.
<OscarL> HNY andreasdr[m]!
<PetePete> YARR!!!
<scanty> haha OscarL it took me about 5 minutes to realise what HNY meant!
<OscarL> scanty: just picked that one up today from Begasus... and I'm lazy typing so... :-D
<scanty> :^)
<andreasdr[m]> Yarrrrrr.
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<scanty> hi AlienSoldier
<OscarL> BTW scanty... were you usint that nick in 2003-2005 on BeShare? because it does sounds familiar :-)
<scanty> OscarL, yes
<AlienSoldier> Hi Scanty
<scanty> OscarL, you were Bipolar, right?
<OscarL> scanty: Noice!
<OscarL> Exactly, lol!
<scanty> :^)
<scanty> do people still use BeShare?
<AlienSoldier> I so when i need to share files
<AlienSoldier> *do
<OscarL> I do from time to time, but it is mostly only AGMS and Atrus' clone: Buttler now :-D
<scanty> i see. looks like here is the place to be.
<AlienSoldier> Once i get illimited internet and reliable good uptime haiku i will hang there all the time
<OscarL> bbjimmy tends to hang in there as well :-)
<AlienSoldier> I wonder if it is me having Falkon running most of the time or reliability issue but haiku hang all the time now
<AlienSoldier> Perhaps Falkon make the fault happen faster
<scanty> are you on the latest hrev?
<AlienSoldier> 57475
<scanty> one thing i noticed about all the browsers is that they eat a lot of memory
<AlienSoldier> yep, sometime i have the "low ressorce manager" taking full cpu load and it stay that way.
<AlienSoldier> Only netsurf seem to play nice
<coolcoder613_mac> Or dillo?
<OscarL> browsers can't eat too much RAM if I only assing 2 GB to the VM! /me taps head! :-P
<AlienSoldier> Other than lacking lot of feature, netsurf feel haiku compliant and feel like completed software.
<scanty> i don't think i've tried NetSurf yet.
<scanty> i tried all the other ones, each having it's own set of problems
<AlienSoldier> Netsurf is good for low requirement site.
<AlienSoldier> And it have it's problem, but not lag crash or hang
<OscarL> NetSurf can't even show text input boxes on my (2010) router UI :-(
<scanty> wow.
<scanty> WebPositive is decent.
<scanty> Otter is pretty good, too
<OscarL> my issue with NetSurf is not Haiku specific even. Same thing on the latest version on Win10.
<AlienSoldier> Now would be a good time to use AI to convert all webpage to something more streamline.
<scanty> you can make pretty small websites if you use a lot of css
<AlienSoldier> OscarL netsurf is better integrated on RiscOS, but not really having more compliance.
<scanty> virtually eliminating tables
<OscarL> I LOLed when noticed that the Lagrange "gemini://" browser required SSE4 :-D (managed to get that disabled for Haiku, so old PCs can access a supossedly light weight protocol :-D)
* OscarL wonders... are tables really a problem? I used A LOT of nested tables to do some crappy page layout in the early 2000s, for BePascal (I had zero idea of what I was doing, LOL)... and it worked FAST even on Opera 3.6 on BeOS.
<scanty> I used Opera for a while on Solaris.
<scanty> very nice browser, but a bit slow
<OscarL> HOLY COW, it is still online!
<scanty> then again, there is a reason they call it slowlaris
<scanty> yeah, that's a lot of tables!
<OscarL> :-D I'm dying here browing that thing :-D
<OscarL> *browsing
<OscarL> At least I was honest: "Site's design stinks
<OscarL> thanks to: BiPolar"
<scanty> hmmm my site is no longer css/xhtml compliant.
<scanty> i'll have to fix that sometime
<scanty> haven't touched it in probably 10 years or so
<scanty> OscarL, not trying to get too personal, but do you have Bipolar disorder?
<OscarL> Man... what was I was thinking back then?.... "© 2003 by BePascal Team. All rights reversed. Best viewed with, at least, one eye open." :-D
<OscarL> scanty: indeed I do!
<scanty> ah okay. i have schizophrenia
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<scanty> just take meds, and everyhting is OK :)
<PetePete> OscarL I LOVE the old internet
<OscarL> we come in all sort of colors/sizes/craziness :-D
<scanty> indeed
<scanty> i was on lithium for a while, many years ago.
<OscarL> scanty: I'm sadly intolerant to most meds, lithium included, FML :-( (I'm too poor for them anyway, so.... I just have to weather the rough patches :-D)
<scanty> gotcha. i know what it's like. i've been on probably a million meds until they found some things that worked.
<OscarL> PetePete: at the risk of sound too much like an old man (even in my mid 40s)... yeah... 2000s internet was AWESOME.
<scanty> late 90's was fun too.. when i discovered BeOS
<OscarL> First time I got online was in 1997 or 1998. Got BeOS PE R5 on one of PC Magazine imported from Spain :-) (the ones that came with CDs full of software for you to try).
<scanty> i had a friend in NL who sent me a BeOS 4 CD
<OscarL> *"on one of those PC Magazines" (sorry for my crappy English)
<scanty> OscarL, your english is very good.
<OscarL> Thanks! I grew it all by myself :-P!
<scanty> :^)
<OscarL> I think I got that magazine issue about 6 months later than its original date. By the end of 2000 / early 2001, I was a BeOS convert :-D
<scanty> i learned c++ from BeOS
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<OscarL> I learned good CVS/SVN commit message practices from early OpenTracker/OpenBeOS devs :-)
<scanty> ah cool
<scanty> i was using rcs at that time
<scanty> then moved to cvs, then git
<scanty> i don't remember how to use any of them anymore though
<scanty> it's been many years
<AlienSoldier> ZXtune crash when changing tracks
* scanty has fond memories of bebits
<OscarL> Thanks to what I learned from OpenTracker/OpenBeOS... I ended up doing some "skunkwork" (while being a trainee/intern) by using Trac/SVN even against company wishes... which got me promoted to full time, LOL.
<scanty> nice
<OscarL> BeBits was AWESOME!
<scanty> indeed
<scanty> it was fun going there every day to see what new software was available
<OscarL> indeed! Talkback comments were my daily fix!
<scanty> yeah, those were fun
<scanty> first thing i ever published on bebits was an aac codec
<scanty> cool
<scanty> i dont' know what my dev id was
<scanty> can't seem to find it
<OscarL> Let's find all aac codecs!
<augiedoggie> i found mine but i'm not telling :P
<OscarL> scanty: or something else you remember publishing!
<OscarL> augiedoggie: :-D
<scanty> i tried looking up a NSF player that I ported to CL-Amp called nosefart
<scanty> and also my NES emulator called Pretendo
<scanty> which I am currently porting to Haiku
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<AlienSoldier> YACReader worl perfectly well (comic reader)
<AlienSoldier> *work
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<scanty> thats me!
<OscarL> WAY earlier than me :-D
<scanty> yeah, i see that
* OscarL squints trying to find augiedoggie's shameful past mistakes :-P
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<augiedoggie> earlier than me too
<scanty> wow that brings back memories
<OscarL> augiedoggie: that helps with the bisect, thanks! :-P
<augiedoggie> i'm ~1/2 of yours
<scanty> i dont' remember getting such nice feedback!
<augiedoggie> but it doesn't list all my apps for some reason
<augiedoggie> i had at least 4 more
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* OscarL still remembers mmu_man commenting "SpicyKeys can do this" on my KeyCursor page, and /me feeling down about it (because no... KeyCursor WAS better on that particular use case :-D)
<OscarL> "Just use SpicyKeys, you can bind key combinations to mouse move by the amount you want, and clicks." <<< what a buzz kill!
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<OscarL> :-D /me still a bit sore about that one, if you can't tell :-P
<AlienSoldier> ZXtune bug filed
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<scanty> hmmm no more tycomsystems anymore?
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<scanty> just downloaded beshare.
<PetePete> is there a desktop clock?
<scanty> demos -> clock
<scanty> in haiku menu
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<PetePete> Oh I found it (it's under Demos.) Thanks!
<PetePete> Oh,you said that
<PetePete> Too much alcohol!
<scanty> haha
<scanty> i did all my drinking last night.
<scanty> hoepfully i can wait out the 2 hours or so until new year's
<OscarL> scanty: use "" as BeShare server.
<scanty> ah, okay. Thanks OscarL
<OscarL> AGMS... another "vintage" user :-P
<B2IA> (binky) hi all.
<OscarL> damn binkies!
<B2IA> (scanty) haha
<B2IA> (scanty) man, i remember when we had lots of people here, a long time ago
<PetePete> command to show memory like "free"?
<augiedoggie> sysinfo -mem
<PetePete> Thank you
<B2IA> (BiPolar) There are (half a) dozen of us!
<PetePete> I'll hang out
<scanty> any ideas when the next beta will be released?
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<PetePete> HAIKU HAS BORG?!?!?!????
<B2IA> (BiPolar) mid 2024 perhaps?
<B2IA> (BiPolar) depends on people volunteering to coordinate the release, I guess.
<B2IA> (BiPolar) pkgman search -D borg > 1.2.6 it seems.
<PetePete> And Featherpad
<PetePete> nice
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<PetePete> And Lucky Backup
<B2IA> (BiPolar) I rather use Koder for a lightweight editor (if Pe is too old-school for you) but... at least you have options :-D
<PetePete> and PCManFM!!!
<PetePete> *walks through the candy store with wide eyes
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<B2IA> (BiPolar) PCManFM... that one seems to feel really at home on Haiku somehow.
<PetePete> It's one my favorites
<B2IA> (BiPolar) 3dEyes' work on Qt's Haiku plugins makes many Qt apps feel nicer on Haiku than on Linux (IMO, at least :-D)
<PetePete> Haiku would be absolutely killer with ZFS
<B2IA> (BiPolar) alright... bedtime. Nice chatting with you all. Happy New Year PetePete, scanty, augiedoggie, et al! :-)
<scanty> mmm, maybe you can do a FUSE plugin for it.
<scanty> Good Night BiPolar/OscarL Happy New Year!
<PetePete> Thank you
<PetePete> Same to you
<Al2O3> B2IA when was it that there were lots of people, and what was the count?
<PetePete> Can we port World of Padman to Haiku and have epic LAN parties?
<PetePete> Plank would also be realy nice
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<PetePete> pcmanfm can't mount remote filesystems (no gvfs)
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<zdykstra> ZFS is neat, but it'd be a tough sell getting all the BFS features bolted on top of it
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<Begasus> HNY peeps!
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<win8linux[m]> <OscarL> "Hey... PetePete could be another..." <- I could also be another <del>guinea pig</del> tester for this, as I only have AMD CPUs at the moment.
<PetePete> I'll test it if nyone has time to set it up for me
<PetePete> anyone*
<PetePete> zdykstra Fair enough. Even the ability to create and manage zfs pools (not the system drive) would be cool
<PetePete> Any way to adjust scren brightness on laptop?
<Begasus> not if you are running in VESA mode PetePete
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<win8linux[m]> <PetePete> "Any way to adjust scren brightne..." <- Using your keyboard, it might be possible.
<humdinger> Happy New Year everybody!
<win8linux[m]> Even if Haiku doesn't show any brightness settings, you may still be able to change brightness via keys.
<humdinger> Anyone around that wants to finish the 5% of the Italian translation of KeyCursor before I do a release?
<PetePete> I've tried. It's ok for now. I really only use this laptop on the kitchen counter
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<Begasus> HNY humdinger
<humdinger> And the same to you!
<Begasus> Thanks, my Italian isn't up for the job :)
<humdinger> Nor is mine...
<humdinger> Molto pereculosso... or something
<Begasus> No idea :D
<humdinger> from A Fish Called Wanda.
<humdinger> I'm old... :)
<Begasus> kiddo :)
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<BlueSky76> Happy New Year everybody! Thanks for being such an amazing community. I´m proud to be a part of it!
<Begasus> HNY BlueSky76!
<coolcoder613_mac> It's been 2024 for ~20 hourse here
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<jmairboeck> I added support for arbitrary combinations of affine and perspective transformers to my HVIF viewer: - Are there any actual icons which use multiple of those at once?
<Begasus> If only I knew what it was jmairboeck :)
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<jmairboeck> Begasus: about perspective transformations, see this GSoC blog post by zard:
<jmairboeck> and Icon-O-Matic allows defining multiple transformers for each icon, one type of transformer is this, another one is the existing "affine" transformation. What I was curious about is what happens when combining multiple of these transformers together for one shape.
<Begasus> out of my leage :)
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<Begasus> Nice! :)
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<Forza> Hi. Happy new year
<Forza> Is qemu guest agent available for Haiku?
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<Begasus> qemu is in the depot Forza, HNY there too
<Forza> Isn't the qemu in depot the host part?
<Forza> I wanted the guest part
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<Begasus> ah, like the guest additions? no idea there
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<Forza> Yea
<Forza> The would allow better input integration and shared clipboard
<Forza> Would be cool to support spice vd agent and virtio memory bits too
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<Begasus> HNY Monni :)
<Begasus> biab
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb dc8ae12 - yt-dlp: Update to 2023.12.30
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<PetePete> Sup, my ninjas?
<scanty> my ninja powers. my number cruncher.
<scanty> happy new year all.
<Begasus> HNY scanty
<scanty> thanks, Begasus
<scanty> Begasus, it's funny, i didn't know until last night what "HNY" meant!
<Begasus> heh, guess it's not a thing :)
<scanty> i guess i could have been a bit more cognizant
<PetePete> I feel like there was an image viewer in the live cd but I don't seem to have one on myinstalled system. Am I nuts?
<scanty> ShowImage, maybe?
<PetePete> I think that was it
<Begasus> PetePete, do you need an answer or a confirmation? ;)
<PetePete> I'll try to find it in the reapers
<PetePete> Begasus, have at it :)
<scanty> hmm i dont' see ShowImage in the Haiku menu anymore.
<scanty> i could swear we had it on BeOS
<Begasus> ;)
<augiedoggie> it's in the apps folder, no deskbar icon because it's usually launched by double clicking an image file
<Begasus> yeah, not there, but in /system/apps
<_Dario_> Hello. Happy new year.
<PetePete> Well PCManFM refuses to make use of it lol
<Begasus> HNY _Dario_
<Begasus> as in .. PetePete?
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<PetePete> Begasus >click image>prompt opens, asking for default app (none availablle, blank)>I select custom tab and try multiple combos (run in terminal/not, %u, %f etc)>click on image again, same prompt (infinity)
<_Dario_> I am seeing this message in the Terminal output any time that I want to set the default app in PCManFM
<_Dario_> (process:67544): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 14:31:11.046: g_object_weak_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
<_Dario_> looks like other half baked application
<PetePete> _Dario_, is that a real life name? I mean, is that a human name (not necessarily yours)?
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<PetePete> _Dario_ wondering if I recognize you from other IRC channels. What projects do you hang around in?
<PetePete> My old handle is Taime1 and Autobox
<_Dario_> 'Dario' is an human name,yes (and is my real one too)
<_Dario_> I guess you are confused with some other Dario. I almost use IRC only for Haiku channel :)
<PetePete> Gotcha
<PetePete> I miss my freenode frens :(
<PetePete> R.I.P. Freenode <3
<_Dario_> about your issue with PCManFM: looks like PCManFM port is not much usable at this point.
<_Dario_> If you want an alternative file manager, I tried 'Dolphin' and is more usable
<_Dario_> (at least, have the right associations to open text and image files)
<augiedoggie> you could just use the 'open' command and let the system figure out which app to open it in
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<andreasdr[m]> Happy New Year also.
<Begasus> HNY there too :)
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<_Dario_> augiedoggie: that will not work. He is trying to use PCManFM file manager. Not the standar Tracker.
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<Begasus> PCManFM also doesn't seem to save if you change the default app to open files
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there Begasus! HNY! May the port be with you :DDD
<Begasus> Hi there andreasdr[m], may the speed be with you :)
<BrunoSpr> HI all,
<andreasdr[m]> Why speed?
<andreasdr[m]> Hi BrunoSpr.
<Begasus> because of the lag andreasdr[m] :)
<BrunoSpr> Happy new Year, andreasdr[m], Begasus
<Begasus> HNY BrunoSpr!
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<andreasdr[m]> Hopefully waddlesplash s TCP improvements help with that. Will test later.
<andreasdr[m]> HNY BrunoSpr.
<Begasus> on R1B4 (and wifi) so wont notice it hear
<Begasus> here*
<andreasdr[m]> Ah I see.
<andreasdr[m]> I have a VM here with Nightly.
<Begasus> that I have also, but don't boot it that much
<andreasdr[m]> Usually downloading from FreeBSD ISO files was around 1-3MB whereas on Linux its 10MB or 20MB or even 30MB. That was the case. Let me test again later.
<andreasdr[m]> Per second.
<andreasdr[m]> Here in my flat.
<Begasus> yeah sounds about the same here
<andreasdr[m]> :)
<Begasus> k, 'nough cavepacker for today ... it's back up and running
<PetePete> augiedoggie I''ll try that
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<augiedoggie> _Dario_: i'm aware of that, that's why i recommended /bin/open
<PetePete> _Dario_ (stupid underscore lol) I have a handful of file managers installed. Krusader is aight. They all work about the same. Dolphin was my least favorite years ago but I'll try it too.
<PetePete> The yellow Haiku theme reminds me of the original bling theme on e17, which I also nostalge over
<PetePete> I used 'nostalge.' Whatchu finna do about it?
<PetePete> augiedoggie "open" does not save (as someone also mentioned)
<andreasdr[m]> I have 11MB/s download from and Yeeeehaaaaaa.
<andreasdr[m]> Thats a huge improvement.
<PetePete> Oh, _Dario_pointed that out(I am super slow this morning, guys)
<andreasdr[m]> Sorry, this was not a sophisticated test, just some download in WebPositive. But looks great. :)
<PetePete> Dang. I love PCMan, mayne.
<andreasdr[m]> On Linux I also "only" have 10MB/s.
<andreasdr[m]> 100%!!!
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<andreasdr[m]> See you!
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<PetePete> andreasdr[m] and what exactly are we downloading from *BSD sites? Ha...? (I'll wait.)
<andreasdr[m]> The ISO files.
<andreasdr[m]> NetBSD 9 and FreeBSD 14 for amd64.
<andreasdr[m]> It was just a basic speed test.
<PetePete> *cough* traitor *cough*
<andreasdr[m]> HTTP/FTP Download Test.
<andreasdr[m]> Just looking. I just remembered the speed when I was trying last time and redid the test.
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<PetePete> *clicks on* I'm just looking, dudes.
<PetePete> :P
<andreasdr[m]> Haha.
<andreasdr[m]> You funny.
<PetePete> I'm tired.
<PetePete> And avoiding work
<andreasdr[m]> I am usually on Linux since a few years. But had a Haiku machine, that I needed to switch to Linux also. Ill switch back to Haiku on this machine. Waiting a bit for 3d accell. Once we have some sort of 3d accell, ill try to use Haiku as a 100% daily driver.
<andreasdr[m]> BeOS/Haiku Lover here since 20 years.
<andreasdr[m]> Grab some sleep :DDD
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<BrunoSpr> n8
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<PetePete> I'm using Haiku as a distraction. I've been teribly nostalgic for the old *nix OSes lately and most of them don't even run anymore, even in a VM because of stuff like missing repos and the "modern" web. I just wnna fire up Kubuntu from 2007 and play WoP and switch to e17 for funsies... Theme my XFCE and /Gnome3 logins and crack out on custom icon sets et al...
<andreasdr[m]> :)
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<PetePete> I'v been dying to give Haiku a go and I'm so glad I finally did... It is WAY more equiped than I expected and while it doesn't stand a chance at being a daily driver for me (encrption and ZeroTier), it takes a HUGE load off my main workstation and adds a little fun and excitement <3
<andreasdr[m]> I was on FreeBSD also many years and many years on NetBSD. But my current computers are to new for FreeBSD and even NetBSD.
<andreasdr[m]> Haiku is indeed fun.
<PetePete> My keybaord misses keystrokes. I swer I'm not retarded
<andreasdr[m]> Ahhhhhh.
<PetePete> No way to resize partitions yet?
<PetePete> in a gui, that is...
<andreasdr[m]> Idk. Never did that.
<andreasdr[m]> :)))
<AlienSoldier> PetePete always fun to have it's eggs into another basket, today i put time aside to dwelve into
<PetePete> nice!
<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Butler catslo
<B2IA> (AGMS) Hi bipolar, hi OscarL from BeShare! Happy New Year too to everyone.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there B2IA
<andreasdr[m]> HNY
<AlienSoldier> Hi AGMS!! happy new year
<B2IA> (AGMS) HNY andreasdr, AlienSoldier!
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<B2IA> (AGMS) By the way, B2IA is the BeShare to IRC bridge server, which just relays messages from one to the other.
<PetePete> "I AM... THE SHREDDER!"
<B2IA> (AGMS) But who is the Baron?
<PetePete> oof... I ono
<B2IA> (AGMS) (Shredder was the default computer network name for Haiku I think, and Baron was a default user name in BeOS)
<PetePete> Why can't I add an alias in Vision? Dis sum boo!
<B2IA> (AGMS) Anyway, seems like a good time of year to clean up my inbox. :-)
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<PetePete> Best image editor for Haiku? Krita?
<PetePete> Haikue kinda reminds me of Zen (one app per task, where the best apps are chosen as defauts, but with repos of course)
<AlienSoldier> YAKReader seem to open pdf comic but don't remember them (you you can't continue to read from where you left. Work with .cbr that said.
<PetePete> I need a better keyboard
<augiedoggie> krita is probably the most advanced but also the heaviest, but the native image editors like wonderbrush and artpaint do ok
<BrunoSpr> keyboard, me too in need of a good one: white, with backlight, and god keys
<augiedoggie> i just need to clean my keyboard, it's getting a bit funky
<AlienSoldier> Ho, no it work, you need to open the pdf and not drag it on the windows. Seem teh file reac differently to both loading :)
<PetePete> augiedoggie thanks
<PetePete> ArtPaint it is
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<AlienSoldier> we have 9.8.2 and 9.13 is out
<AlienSoldier> still talking about YAKReader
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<AlienSoldier> Ho, that is interesting. Seoncd time i get that weird bug, opening soundplay also open YAKRreader. Last time this happened it was with different apps
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<AlienSoldier> closing soundplay, relaunch YAKReader
<AlienSoldier> It even launch (and relaunch) 2 instance... weird
<cocobean> andreasdr: Youtube playback at 2160p on Haiku....
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<cocobean> No KDLs yet.
<AlienSoldier> let see if i can do that on a freshbooted system, brb
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<nephele> Hi peeps
<nephele> happy 2024 and such all
<phschafft> :)
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<AlienSoldier> yup launching soundplay start also 2 instance of yacreader
<AlienSoldier> i HATE that bug
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<AlienSoldier> PulkoMandy friss seem broken on my install
<PulkoMandy> Yes, there's a bugreport about it, I didn't have time to investigate yet
<AlienSoldier> just launching a bunch of apps to see if another one start another app with it
<PetePete> Can't move elements in ArtPaint. Krita it is.
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<AlienSoldier> Nope, only soundplay cause this, seem it is a security fault in haiku, an app should not be able to launch another app.
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<nephele> What do you mean by that AlienSoldier?
<nephele> How is launching apps a security issue?
<AlienSoldier> nephele because one can launch another, unwantingly
<andreasdr[m]> cocobean ( Cool!!!
<nephele> I don't understand how it can be a security issue that this is possible, currently the entire design is build around this functionality. Click a link in a textview. BAM -> Bmessage send to a newly launched app
<nephele> so how is this possibility a security issue?
<AlienSoldier> In your exemple you want it to launch, not in my case. I never wanted those to launch in a batch command
<nephele> Yes, and? how is this a security fault?
<AlienSoldier> Because depending of what an app do, you may NOT one to have one happen before the other
<augiedoggie> that sounds like a bug in the app
<nephele> Again: without this functionality the OS would not work, how is this a security bug?
<nephele> if an app launches a second app you did not want this is a bug in the application, there is no way the OS can know if this was user intent or not
<AlienSoldier> nephele imagine the problem i have would be be directional, the comic read app would also launch soundplay. In 2 sec i would have a computer freeze.
<AlienSoldier> *if the
<nephele> No, you wouldn
<nephele> 't
<AlienSoldier> *bi-directional
<nephele> the launch_roster would not allow it
<nephele> That is also not a security issue but a ressource exhaustion issue, and purely hypothetical
<AlienSoldier> nephele in any case, any idea how soundplay actually do this?
<_Dario_> that is weird. I have both installed (SoundPlay and YacReader) and cannot reproduce the issue
<nephele> I don't know, do you mean SoundRecorder? I don't have SoundPlay
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<nephele> also, what is the issue you see, only in tracker?
<AlienSoldier> it is soundplay doing this curently
<nephele> or also if launched from Terminal
<AlienSoldier> will try from terminal
<nephele> What is SoundPlay? I don't have it installed and it's not in haikudepot
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<_Dario_> SoundPlay is a BeOS application
<AlienSoldier> nephele the marco mp3 player
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<AlienSoldier> old R5 app
<AlienSoldier> does the same launched from terminal
<nephele> Okay. I don't have a 32bit system so cannot reproduce it, but you can launch it with debugger stepwise to see when it does this maybe
<nephele> other than that. dunno. open a ticket i suppose?
<AlienSoldier> only installed yacreader yesterday, so i did not hit the bug before today.
<nephele> hmm, yacreader is already packaged wrong, it contains linux icons
<nephele> and .desktop file
<_Dario_> AlienSoldier: when you open soundPlay, you already have some playlist that is automatically loaded?
<AlienSoldier> _Dario_ yes
<nephele> yacreader has file associations for severall files
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<nephele> perhaps it sees some file and thinks that it needs to be opened by yacreader
<_Dario_> maybe on that playlist there is some file that is not a sound file?
<AlienSoldier> I will try to open it with a flushed playlist
<AlienSoldier> ho, could it be that the comic reader took over as "prefered player" could music album cover jpeg trigger oppening it?
<_Dario_> sound posible
<_Dario_> *sounds possible
<nephele> yacreader adds severall mimetypes to applications/ that should not be there
<AlienSoldier> show image don't launch other app so far
<_Dario_> if you remove the cover jpeg file from the playlist and load it again?
<_Dario_> the issue dissapears?
<AlienSoldier> in any case, something is wrong there :)
<nephele> it adds data/mime-db/application/x-vnd.yacreader but also "tar" "rar" etc, which makes no sense
<AlienSoldier> _Dario_ still open 2 instance of the comic player, and 2 more then i close soundplay. (even without playlist init)
<AlienSoldier> *in it
<AlienSoldier> did happened before with another app that was lunching but i can't remember what it was.
<AlienSoldier> *launching
<nephele> yacreader registers really wierd mimetypes
<nephele> if that is fixed maybe this problem will dissapear
<AlienSoldier> nephele tar and rar make sense as i think .cbr are just compressed jpeg archive.
<AlienSoldier> can also open pdf
<_Dario_> really weird issue
<_Dario_> if you remove the playlist? Just open SoundPlay without any playlist?
<_Dario_> maybe the Playlist file got asociated with YacReader? after all, they are just textplain files
<nephele> AlienSoldier: there is already an mimetype application/x-rar
<nephele> but yacreader ships application/rar
<AlienSoldier> ok
<nephele> with no significant content
<nephele> it should not do this, it should use the already existing mimetypes for those
<AlienSoldier> _Dario_ yes does wthe same with nothing i the player (when there is text in the player instead of a track)
<AlienSoldier> *i = in
<nephele> (otherwise you could have a rar file assigned this "different" mimetype and only yacreader sais it can open it)
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<lebrancess[m]> guys btw how bad is vaping?
<lebrancess[m]> I like that this channel allows off topic
<PetePete> Vaping's terrible. Dry snuff is where it's at. Buy or grow your own organic, then grind it and mix with chocolate and baking soda etc. Enjoy.
<nephele> one way electric vape cigaretes beeing allowed in the EU is a crime against nature, they are one time use while containing rechargeable lithium batteries
<PetePete> nephele s'what I'm talmbout right there
<PetePete> Vaping as a technology is cool but it's impractical and really not better for you lungs
<PetePete> your*
<AlienSoldier> One thing i know, pure air is good for health.
<PetePete> indeed
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<AlienSoldier> nephele when i launch soundplay in terminal i get WARN about a bunch of thing and i see reference to opengl and "QSurfaceFormat:" class, this is QT stuff (the comic player is QT. All in the launch instance of soundplay... does that mean that it is treated as a replican of soundplay!?
<nephele> it can't be treated as a replicant, a replicant means that an application is loaded as another library into an applciation, seems extremely unlikely to happen accidentally with a qt application that doesn't implement this
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<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<AlienSoldier> in any case i am stumped
<AlienSoldier> nephele if i quit soundplay the verbose i the terminal where i started soundplay does not return to terminal prompt, it continue to message/streamout info a bout the comic reader. Like if there was a memory link (Aera) or overrun buffer of some kind.
<AlienSoldier> *in the terminal
<nephele> this just means that yacreader is attached to the same terminal session stdout/stderr
<AlienSoldier> ok
<nephele> same happens if you do something like "yacreader &"
<nephele> which launches it in "the background" giving you the session back, but will continue to send messages
<nephele> can you use the terminal? for example type "ls"
<nephele> and see if it executes that command
<nephele> or is it locked completely?
<nephele> in any case, open a ticket on I don't have soundplay to try and reproduce it :g
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<AlienSoldier> nephele it goes back to prompt, i missed the arrow. But the comic player launch right back and use that same window terminal
<AlienSoldier> nephele you can get it on beshare from AGMS if you want.
<AlienSoldier> will try to uninstall it and reinstall to see if it make any difference
<AlienSoldier> with it uninstalled soundplay act nornally, will now try a re-intall
<AlienSoldier> dang, those 2 are linked again :)
<nephele> Yes, but i do not have a 32bit system :)
<AlienSoldier> i have the most aaaawwwwssssoooommmmeee haiku bugs :)
<_Dario_> what YacReader package version do you have?
<_Dario_> 9.8.2-2 ?
<_Dario_> I have SoundPlay and installed YacReader to try to reproduce the issue, without luck
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<AlienSoldier> soundplay is 4.7.3
<AlienSoldier> _Dario_ yacreader is indeed 9822
<AlienSoldier> AMD cpu if it matter
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<AlienSoldier> i wonder if the link could coem from a virtual memory (paging) corruption
<AlienSoldier> *come
<AlienSoldier> is there a checksup made on it?
<AlienSoldier> *checksum
<nephele> seems unlikely
<nephele> again, please open a ticket
<nephele> :)
<AlienSoldier> will do later :)
<AlienSoldier> starting to think about doing video of my bugs :)
<AlienSoldier> comme on lady and gentlement enter the tent of marvelous curiosity, only 50cent per persons! :P
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<andreasdr[m]> Love!!!
<erysdren> oh hey i didn't notice that haiku met its funding goal for 2023!
<erysdren> hell yeah!!!!
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<erysdren> PetePete: i've never heard of BENUAMP, looks just like my beloved WINAMP
<erysdren> is it any good?
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<erysdren> ohhh its qmmp lol i'm dumb
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<PetePete> erysdren haha. Yeah, I was confused too but it turns out that particular skin places an image on the title bar (its name, which is BENUAMP theme)
<erysdren> does it come with that skin on Haiku by default?
<PetePete> And yes... xmms is a very good clone of Winamp :D
<PetePete> erysdren yep!
<erysdren> cool
<erysdren> unfortunately haiku is still missing stuff i need daily and haven't ported myself yet
<PetePete> qmmp... whatever the flavah
<erysdren> i did port a few games in 2023 though
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<PetePete> I understand. I have all these exra laptops laying around and none of my hardware is particularly powerful, so I m using it as a load balancer; It's doing some of the heavy lifting to free up my workstation :)
<erysdren> i ported Quake (1996) via the QuakeSpasm sourceport, Ken's Labyrinth (1993) via LAB3D, and a QuakeC compiler named FTEQCC
<erysdren> i also ported a bunch more stuff that i never quite finished, so i didn't push them to haikuports :P
<PetePete> It's surprisingly robust and feature rich (all the stuff I use anyway.) But... without full disk encryption and some unreasonable tools like ZeroTier and a mainstream browser, I can't use it for work.
<erysdren> i was meaning to bring over more Quake sourceports and Rise of the Triad (1994) but never finished the work there
<PetePete> But I hate using my work comp for fun and far too many "fun" OSes just end up being clones of my work comuter (Antix, Mint, MX, Debian, Puppy etc)
<PetePete> They're too similar. Haiku takes me back to the days of elive and Kubuntu (before kde4) and LXQT and Fluxbox... *sigh*... AND it comes JUST equipped enough to be USEFUL! (without becoming a work computer. And with no encryption, it's not ALLOWED to leave the kitchen counter and I cannot do anything work related on it! HA!
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<lebrancess[m]> hey
<lebrancess[m]> mesa any updates?
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<PetePete> Just opened my last two Christmas gifts - wife got me some damn nice smelling cologne and a hand lotion. I'm impressed.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<PetePete> Good morning
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<vdamewood> PetePete: It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets cologne again.
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<PetePete> vdamewood I fail to see the problem with either option )
<PetePete> :)
<PetePete> I wish I could turn the brightness down on my screen. It's absolutely killing my eyes haha
<vdamewood> PetePete: No know of F keys?
<vdamewood> knob*
<PetePete> doesn't work on my system :(
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