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<rnelson> That was it, zdykstra :D Now booted from hard drive. Thank you!
<zdykstra> Awesome! Glad you got it working. There could be a bit of process improvement on that, but it's hard to get that right
<rnelson> Maybe even just a note pointing to the guide if you format a drive as GPT/install to a partition on GPT. I'm used to everything just magically making itself work, didn't realize I had to set it up manually
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<zdykstra> Yeah, something to draw attention to it. The uefi guide isn't super prominent.
<rnelson> Opened #18760 suggesting it
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie d2427ab - emacs: update to 29.2 (#10006)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> fscking waiting for ... can't anyone fix this? ;)
<Begasus> I'm having this mostly on 32bit
<zdykstra> Heh
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57520] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 136aeaaa47cf - Update translations from Pootle
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<Begasus> grabbing qt6_wayland-6.6.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/qt6_wayland-6.6.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> let's see if it's to any use :)
<Begasus> ksvg - A library for rendering SVG-based themes with stylesheet re-coloring and on-disk caching. (needs this new one ...)
<Begasus> and test checked :)
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<Begasus_32> grabbing labplot_x86-2.10.1-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/labplot_x86-2.10.1-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<Begasus> some you win, some you loose :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ee024cf - labplot, new recipe (#10007)
<Begasus> Let's see how this goes, just checked on 32bit :)
<Begasus> FOSDEM comming up again
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<Begasus> bugger, now 64bit is offline (buildmaster)
<Begasus> Could be handy if one is in doubt about licenses? ;)
<coolcoder613> Hello!
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Arrr andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hihi!
<AnuragNaik[m]> Hello
<Begasus> Hello AnuragNaik[m]
<Begasus> New name? Welcome :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> Yup. I'm new to Haiku
<Begasus> Hope you like it so far
<AnuragNaik[m]> Still getting around to install it
<AnuragNaik[m]> Was deciding on whether I should do a barebones install or try in a VM first
<Begasus> Doesn't hurt to try a VM first, to get some feeling
<AnuragNaik[m]> yeah
<AnuragNaik[m]> I've been distro hopping for years now. A friend of mine told me to check this out now that I wanna try the more non conventional ones
<Begasus> I think most of us have been there :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> I still end up on Arch or one of the arch based ones at the end no matter how much I try to shift
<AnuragNaik[m]> It's like once you try AUR you can never go back
<Begasus> ps, andreasdr[m], LabPlot2 now in the depot :) (32bit for now as 64bit buildmaster is down)
<AnuragNaik[m]> Now that I'm getting into Open Source development too, I saw Haiku is pretty nwe
<Begasus> Haven't been around in Arch/AUR much, but I like their buildsystem for external packaging too
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<AnuragNaik[m]> Begasus: If you're ever looking for a Linux distro that doesn't need too much configuration but you still wanna set up your entire workspace there you can try Manjaro/Endeavour
<Begasus> AnuragNaik[m], I'm more then happy with Haiku now (been around since BeOS 5) :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> Nice installers, not a lot of bloatware, choice of desktop environments at the time of install, a fully working Live USB and AUR for whatever packages you might ever need to install on a machine
<AnuragNaik[m]> Makes coming to Linux easy
<Begasus> Been around there since RH5.1 and SuSE6.0 :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> And since I'm still in college I need to have a dual-boot with Windows all the time. You never know what app they might make you use for some assignment
<AnuragNaik[m]> Does Haiku have its own GRUB/bootloader that comes with install?
<Atomozero> I Love Moe!!! :D
<AnuragNaik[m]> I mean I have rEFInd setup on my PC so even if it's not there it's not so much of a big deal
<Begasus> Atomozero, haven't figured out how to use it :)
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<Begasus> AnuragNaik[m], with rEFInd it should be possible to boot Haiku
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<Begasus> I'm using bootmenu to select EFI here to boot into Haiku
<AnuragNaik[m]> You can try setting up rEFInd
<AnuragNaik[m]> It's totally customisable, much lesser bugs than GRUB(If you've ever faced the issue where grub cannot find the efi file), plus it's got great themes
<Atomozero> Begasus It's easy, just open the gif with Moe and you're done :D
<AnuragNaik[m]> I have rEFInd setup on my Windows EFI directory since I have that as my primary installation. It's even got great docs to install for all systems including macOS
<Begasus> Don't want to mess too much on this laptop, it's fairly new so I am glad I have it setup this way for now :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> same reasons I didn't try a barebones arch install yet. But coming from experience, rEFInd is safe. Does not mess up your system at all. I have a 2021 Legion 5 Pro(R7 5800, RTX 3060 with NVIDIA Optimus)
<AnuragNaik[m]> I'm only giving a suggestion. Feel free to try it out if and when you feel like it
<Begasus> Although I'm messing around quite a lot on this install :D
<Begasus> np AnuragNaik[m], thanks for that, it's been explained a few times in the forum also, never got around to do it :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> Begasus: If you ever wanna try and run into a bug, feel free to DM me. More than happy to help you out. I've practically got half my class to try Linux out and also rEFInd along with it
<Begasus> Thanks for the offer AnuragNaik[m], so far primary target is still Haiku here :)
* Begasus wonders why most of those KDE stuff is needing dbus-launch, they run fine without it too
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<Atomozero> TOP!!!
<Begasus> It's the litle things that makes a man happy :D
<Atomozero> lol
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<AlienSoldier> Kijiji Rss feed don't see to work in BePodder :(
<AlienSoldier> *seem
<Begasus> :/
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 74c4080 - bash: updated recipe for bash 5.2.26 (#10005)
<Begasus> let's see if this triggers the buildmaster kallisti5
<Begasus> nope :/
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<Begasus> seems to get some responces at mastodon :)
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<waddlesplash> Begasus: we shouldn't package qt6wayland at all.
<waddlesplash> anything that requires it should be patched out
<Begasus> waddlesplash, it was/is only for local checks, haven't pushed that to haikuports (me thinks) :)
<Begasus> didn't went anywhere also
<Begasus> k, this isn't bad either :) 99% tests passed, 8 tests failed out of 639
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<bitigchi[m]> <Begasus> "First one merged! :D https://..." <- YAY!
<Begasus> :D
<Begasus> 9 Desktops open, and none free :P (and still Haiku runs smoothly) :)
<Begasus> K, not sure how to test this, maybe need some server to join :)
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<BrunoSpr> hello Begasus
<BrunoSpr> hellau to all Carneval fans
<Ellenor> Begasus, :O
<Begasus> Hi BrunoSpr Ellenor
<Begasus> dogs ...
<AlienSoldier> ho, kijiji feed fail in bepodder but work in Friss
<bitigchi[m]> <Begasus> "K, not sure how to test this..." <- There are open servers to register
<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<Ellenor> maybe I would be more comfortable if I used haiku rather than Linux
<Begasus> re
<Begasus> bitigchi[m], only need to find one :)
<Begasus> can't release if I'm not sure it works as it should :P
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<bitigchi[m]> <Ellenor> "maybe I would be more comfortabl..." <- Haiku is definitely more comfortable than Linux. In Linux only when the constellations align you can have a fully working system
<bitigchi[m]> Haiku just works
<bitigchi[m]> Provided you have compatible hardware
<Begasus> +1 there bitigchi[m]
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<Begasus> If something is missing it's your own fault ;) (JK)
<Ellenor> I don't think this is completely accurate. There isn't the same breadth of things you can necessarily do on Haiku, as on Linux, even at the workstation level.
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<Ellenor> However, it is questionable to me that one should necessarily be doing some of those things on one's daily driver.
<Begasus> Ellenor, nothing is ever complete :)
<dcatt> BeOS was the same way back in the late 1990s early 2000s. A much more fun and exciting operating system to use.
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<Ellenor> i c
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb 901846c - ponpokodiff: Update to v0.4.1
<Begasus> nope, didn't trigger 64bit buildmaster either :)
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<Begasus> bitigchi[m], looks like it's kinda working (example skrooge file) :)
<zdykstra> Let's go to the bank of Begasus for a loan
<Begasus> lol, if only :P
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<Begasus> whoops, crashed it :)
<B2IA> (binky) what's up?
<Begasus> the moon?
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<Begasus> importing from kmymoney seems to work too :)
<Begasus> filling in password for *.kmy crashes it :/
<Begasus> - allow downgrade of akonadi_search_devel-23.08.4-1 to akonadi_search_devel-22.04.3-1
<Begasus> nope ...
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<AnuragNaik[m]> Hello again
<AnuragNaik[m]> I had just started compiling haiku into the anyboot build
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<AnuragNaik[m]> I noticed some issues in the docs
<AnuragNaik[m]> Both on github and on the compiler guide on the website
<AnuragNaik[m]> It's pretty unclear
<Begasus> afk for a while, plenty of peeps to help out here :)
<AnuragNaik[m]> Although I got around to doing it and the issues are minor(eg. misplaced folder structure in the commands).
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<AnuragNaik[m]> So people who blindly copy paste will have problems
<AnuragNaik[m]> I'd like to suggest changes
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<zdykstra> PRs/changesets for that will probably be happily accepted
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<BrentNewhall> Hey there! I'm trying to compile a skeletal Haiku GUI app in C++. I've written my files. What would be the gcc command to compile it?
<BrentNewhall> Main application is in App.cpp
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<AnuragNaik[m]> I've run into an error compiling anyboot image on endeavourOS.
<AnuragNaik[m]> Everything works fine until the last part where you compile and create an image using jam -q -j2 @nightly-anyboot
<realtaraharris> @BrentNewhall I use CMake to build, and here's an example from one of my projects
<AnuragNaik[m]> I get a build failure error saying... (full message at <>)
<BrentNewhall> Thanks! Looking at that now
<realtaraharris> that's a much shorter example from a smaller project
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<realtaraharris> the only lib you
<realtaraharris> 'll need to link to is `be`
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<realtaraharris> speaking of which, what gcc options do I need to use to get the debugger to work? I'm using hrev57499 and gcc 13.2, and I tried -g, -gdwarf-5, as well as -gdwarf-2
<realtaraharris> depending on the option I pick, sometimes I can get the debugger to show me the original source code, but I can never get it to show me the line in the code that execution stopped on
<realtaraharris> this is really frustrating because even when I go back to r1/beta4, I get pushed into upgrading a bunch of packages, and they all force me into using gcc 13, which destroys my ability to use the debugger
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<BrentNewhall> @realtaraharris That worked perfectly, thanks!
<realtaraharris> @BrentNewhall yay <3
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<realtaraharris> I'm sorry for spreading CMake, but Richard Gabriel was right (worse is better)
<cocobean> You can use up to "-gdwarf-4 -gstrict-dwarf".
<cocobean> buildmaster: all builders lost - connection failed: timed out
<realtaraharris> @cocobean: okay, when I build with -gwarf-4 -gstrict-dwarf, it's still busted. the debugger does not highlight the line where execution is stopped
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<cocobean> Ok. Make a bug report (if one doesn't exist) One of the devs is working on the debugger updates - as well as DWARF-5 support.
<cocobean> Give them tjhem the 'uname -a' output , so they know what platform and Haiku hrev you are using as well.
<AnuragNaik[m]> Alright
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<cocobean> Have you tried with -fPIC ?
<realtaraharris> @cocobean compiling with -fPIC added doesn't help either
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<neilmartin83> hey! :) Just poking around Haiku OS inside a VM and looks like I found an IRC client
<BrentNewhall> @neilmartin83 heh, doing the exact same thing myself today :)
<neilmartin83> @BrentNewhall it's pretty slick, and IRC brings back a lot of nostalgic memories from the late 90's/early 00's for me
<neilmartin83> Which Hypervisor are you using? Proxmox here
<BrentNewhall> Ditto! I spent a ridiuclously large amounts of time on IRC back in the day.
<BrentNewhall> Running in Oracle VM VirtualBox
<realtaraharris> I run Haiku on bare metal, a ThinkPad T490
<realtaraharris> browsers are unusably slow in a VM
<neilmartin83> Very responsive UI here, considering it's via a NoVNC session in a browser window
<moparisthebest> Why would a VM make a difference in browser speed in haiku-os? It shouldn't I think
<neilmartin83> Remember playing around with BeOS back in the day - PC magazines had it on their demo CDs
<realtaraharris> I don't know the reason, but on real hardware I can watch youtube videos in Falkon
<neilmartin83> Which browser options are there for it? Aside from WebPositive (which I'm guessing is based on NetPositive)
<realtaraharris> @neilmartin83 look for the Falkon browser in HaikuDepot
<neilmartin83> Checking it out thanks
<neilmartin83> Interesting to see stuff ported from KDE...
<realtaraharris> it's Qt-based, which is shitty because Haiku apps should be native. and it is a bit crashy at times
<realtaraharris> but I'm able to keep a discord session open inside it
<realtaraharris> being a better Linux than Linux is a meh strategy. because if you just want KDE, you're better off running Debian
<neilmartin83> Yep - I just like toying with different OS's - spend most of my time in macOS for work/personal stuff at the moment
<clee> there just aren't a lot of folks writing native Haiku apps at the moment
<Begasus> right, we need more :)
<realtaraharris> yeah, that's changing. I spent the last year porting SolveSpace to Haiku
<Begasus> as I can't I just keep looking into KDE things at the moment
<Begasus> ah that was you realtaraharris
<realtaraharris> Haiku will end up being the last one standing. macOS and Windows are garbage with ads inside, and Linux is controlled by the corporations, too
<Begasus> had a poke at it long time ago without succes :)
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<realtaraharris> I need to update the readme
<realtaraharris> I have been simplifying the cmake cruft and working through things
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<realtaraharris> @begasus I'll tweet when I have a hpkg available
<Begasus> my attempt from last year :)
<Begasus> neat realtaraharris, maybe create a recipe for it so it show up in the depot?
<Begasus> show/s*
<realtaraharris> oh I did see that
<Begasus> that's as far as my skill go :D
<realtaraharris> how do I create a recipe?
<realtaraharris> I've gotten pretty far with my port
<realtaraharris> 100% native controls
<realtaraharris> I'm using agg to do the rendering, and I have an issue to track hooking up the opengl renderer
<Begasus> nice!
<Begasus> also forgot I didn't have Web+ open ... tabs gone again now :)
<realtaraharris> ugh I hate that bug
<Begasus> opengl can be tricky
<realtaraharris> yeah
<Begasus> even in a few KDE apps I force some software rendering so it displays text
<realtaraharris> I don't care about the rendering side nearly as much as getting everything else lined up
<Begasus> +1 there!
<realtaraharris> hey, maybe I should ping you when I get around to working on packaging
<realtaraharris> are you on Discord?
<realtaraharris> IRC is so shitty when it comes to remembering anyone :joy:
<Begasus> sure no problem, have been helping students in the past GCoC years, so I know my way around a bit :)
<Begasus> my nick has been around from the beginning :)
<Begasus> err that was GCI
<realtaraharris> alternatively, are you on X or Bluesky?
<Begasus> remember that I'm on EU timezone though
<Begasus> I'm on X also (again after ... I think about 12 years) :P
<realtaraharris> oh sure, I don't have any expectatinons of any real-time interactions
<Begasus> wanted to try out choqoc on Haiku
<realtaraharris> I'm realtaraharris on X
<realtaraharris> and really all I want to do is collaborate on packaing SolveSpace for Haiku
<Begasus> yeah, saw that, in the morning I usualy pop in there for a sec
<realtaraharris> *packaging
<realtaraharris> I'm also on github, same handle of course
<moparisthebest> You are worried about Linux being controlled by corps and then use X and bluesky? LOL
<realtaraharris> hey, I don't make the world, I just live in it
<Begasus> I don't mind about those, as long as I can use them in Haiku :P
<realtaraharris> the machine I'm using on my lap is my first priority
<moparisthebest> There are open alternatives though, XMPP, activitypub etc, haiku even has a nice native XMPP client
<realtaraharris> the one thing I wish HaikuDepot would do is to include a field allowing you to search for native apps
<realtaraharris> I want to be able to filter out anything with Qt or GTK
<Begasus> that narrows it down :)
<Begasus> but yeah, still plenty of nice things out there
<realtaraharris> like, it's nice that you can get an app at all
<Begasus> You can also checkout BeSly
<Begasus> right, no one is forced to use any of those Qt/GTK/KDE stuff
<Begasus> but it makes nice showcases :D
<Begasus> Made a recipe for Ruqola earlier, looks nice, but I have no clue on how to connect (searching for servers only gave me hits on how to set one up) :)
<moparisthebest> From the perspective of someone trying haiku from Linux it's nice that familiar applications are available, and then you can branch out to new ones :)
* zdykstra replies to a job offer e-mail with Haiku Mail
<zdykstra> don't let me down, Haiku!
<Begasus> a lot of these things were things that have been asked around for years, if it paves the way to new developer writing native apps it's a good thing
<Begasus> crossing fingers for you zdykstra :)
<Begasus> k, closing down here for today
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<BrentNewhall> Does anyone have experience drawing images in a C++ app in Haiku? Having a tough time getting GetBItmap() or GetBitmapFile() to compile.
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<augiedoggie> what is the error?
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<BrentNewhall> undefined reference to `BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(char const*, BTranslatorRoster*)'
<BrentNewhall> Code is: BBitmap *mecha = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap("images/Mech1A.png");
<augiedoggie> you need to link against libtranslation
<BrentNewhall> ahhhh
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Midar pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Midar c274e28 - objfw: Update to 1.0.6
coolcoder613 has joined #haiku
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coolcoder613 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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coolcoder613_32 has joined #haiku
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
ablyss has joined #haiku
coolcoder613 has joined #haiku
<Al2O3> good day sunshine
coolcoder613_32 has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
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zard has joined #haiku
<coolcoder613_32> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32
<coolcoder613_32> What's up?
<zard> I'm working on figuring out why TmTFx's images don't show up :)
<zard> Also, concerning how to make release builds of Haiku-PyAPI smaller, I found
<AlienSoldier> I don't know why my directory lost there icon for a while, all is fine after forcing the tracker to quit and reload.
<coolcoder613_32> zard: try this:
<zard> So you changes SubDirC++Flags?
<coolcoder613_32> and LinkLibs
<zard> Ah, ok
* zard wishes he had a nice place to store all of the flags for when he'll actually need them
<zard> I've been wanting to allow specifying whether to make a debug build or a release build