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<zdykstra> Pretty sure you need to install them with pkgman, but the details aren't fresh in my memory
<zdykstra> (Or whatever the pkg tool is in the shell)
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<SamuraiCrow[m]> Thanks! I see my package is malformed.
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<OscarL> Tracker could use some tweaks regarding its "tab-focus" handling (jumping focus between different UI elements via Tab/Shift+Tab).
<OscarL> There seems to be no easy way to go from the "navigator" bar to the "content view" using only the keyboard.
<OscarL> After using BeOS for a short while.... kinda miss that "underline to show current focus" (in Haiku... it can be really hard to spot which checkbox has the focus, for example).
<OscarL> Maybe Skipp_OSX can take a look at this in the future! :-)
<OscarL> Another BeOS/Haiku diff... man... BeOS' pointer acceleration was something else!
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<Skipp_OSX> I should at least implement in BeControlLook I guess
<Skipp_OSX> Tracker's all jammed up right now gotta get back to that before I put more changes on top
<Skipp_OSX> you know I get heavy resistance on BeOS resurrections
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<Skipp_OSX> RIP Trash settings
<Skipp_OSX> I don't know what you mean, it works the same way it has since OpenTracker began... I don't have a real BeOS R5 to test on but afaik/remember there was no navigator mode on BeOS R5.
<Skipp_OSX> the underline thing sure, that's not a Tracker change at all.
<Skipp_OSX> we've moved away from focus in a lot of cases just because of that blue
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<Skipp_OSX> now this might be a bit out there, I know, I'm like that, but I prefer the BeOS border style. We already reserve 2px of space for the control look borders we just don't use one of the pixels, we should go back to the old way or at least have a "fancy borders" option
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: I think I was trying to point two different things... Tracker/Navigator bar on once side, and the difficult to spot focus on the other.
<OscarL> sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
<Skipp_OSX> because a lot of why it's so hard to see the nav on Haiku has to do with that border
<Skipp_OSX> but I still don't understand the problem with Nav, I guess just that you want it to move focus, even though it never did before.
<Skipp_OSX> move focus between the nav bar and the poses
<OscarL> I just saw KeyCursor (v1.1) preflet on BeOS... compared it to the same version on Haiku... yeah... I like BeOS better on that :-D
<Skipp_OSX> what about in BeControlLook?
<OscarL> let me try.
<OscarL> Noice!
<Skipp_OSX> fancy borders
<OscarL> SO much easier to spot the fucused control :-P
<Skipp_OSX> yeah, see ha!
<Skipp_OSX> that would be a tiny change in HaikuControlLook but idk
<OscarL> BTW, the slider's "marks" are more visible on real BeOS R5-
<Skipp_OSX> truth
<OscarL> I can't barely make them out in Be or Haiku's ControlLooks :-/
* OscarL might need glasses, but that's besides the point :-P
<Skipp_OSX> yeah bc not black
<OscarL> the "focus underline" on Be ControlLook seems to change width (2px or 1px) depending on... something.
<Skipp_OSX> I implemented focus underline?
<OscarL> KeyCursor's v1.2 preflet shows 2px for some checkbox, but 1px in others. v1.2 uses BLayout now, thanks to humdinger...
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<OscarL> so not sure if why the different widths (as checkbox seems to be properly spaces, at least).
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<Skipp_OSX> seems like the problem could be in the control look
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: I'm testing on latest nightly (hrev57509), just in case.
<OscarL> hello andreasdr[m]. Working late at night? :-)
<andreasdr[m]> OscarL: Yes.
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> Hi OscarL
<Skipp_OSX> I'm not drawing an underline in BeControlLook, so that must be something Humdinger has added.
<OscarL> lemme try some other app with lots of checkboxes then :-P
<Skipp_OSX> ok wait, maybe I am
<OscarL> Nah... "Backgrounds" shows it too.
<Skipp_OSX> ok yeah must be me
<OscarL> Focus border more visible, Haiku's one, even if subtler, still visible. I think I'm missing focus underline then on Haiku's Controllook :)
<Skipp_OSX> yeah ok but heavy resistance to that
<Skipp_OSX> I can try
<Skipp_OSX> maybe I'm wrong
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah here it is, not on buttons I don't
<Skipp_OSX> but on checkboxes, yes
<Skipp_OSX> idk why 2px sometimes that's strange
<OscarL> Using Magnifier... it is the "top pixel" the one that gets lost when it shows as 1px.
<OscarL> *top pixel row.
<OscarL> When it shows as 2px line... the top row is aligned exactly one pixel below the last pixel of the [X] box.
<OscarL> when it appers as 1px... it seems to "skip" one more pixel line there.
<OscarL> yeah.. 3 pixels from text to underline when 2px... 4 pixels between text and underline when 1px. Weird :-D
<Skipp_OSX> yeah that's strange
<OscarL> Still less crazy than the madness that it is the text shadows on Tracker's Desktop :-)
<Skipp_OSX> the code is crazy too
<Skipp_OSX> this code, not crazy.
<Skipp_OSX> I'm not sure why it doesn't work
<OscarL> symlinks underlines on Desktop usually are skewed to the right, while the dropshadow can be +1, +2, +4 simingly at random :-D
<Skipp_OSX> but that Tracker shadow drawing code... man
<Skipp_OSX> I'm glad you say it's not working right bc I was trying to reimplement it and idk what it does exactly, it uses bare numbers and idk what they mean.
<OscarL> I should probably document the crazier cases, with screenshots, magnified, and circled in red ones, 'coz I suck at describing things :-)
<Skipp_OSX> I was trying to draw some unicode icons, wanted a shadow, found the Tracker code, rewrote it, made it look a lot better, but then I ditched the unicode icon idea.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah no I get it I've seen the code it does things
<Skipp_OSX> it goes out several pixels beyond your text and does things
<OscarL> Antialiazing settings makes it exponetially worse to get it right, I would assume.
<Skipp_OSX> well, it shouldn't really, but it kind does yeah
<Skipp_OSX> only just when you switch anti-aliasing we're no longer drawing things right
<Skipp_OSX> bc everything we've calculated changes, gotta recalculate which means close window open again
<Skipp_OSX> that's a bigger problem than the shadows but also a problem with the shadows
<Skipp_OSX> I could resurrect my updated version possibly.
<OscarL> The more you play with those settings... the weirder Desktop's text drop-shadows get, LOL. hahaha.
<Skipp_OSX> I know...
<Skipp_OSX> yes that is a problem also in regular windows..
<OscarL> longer texts seem to "phase" front to the right, background to the left. At least it is a funny bug! :-D
<Skipp_OSX> yeah sure hilarious
<OscarL> funnier than data loss due to BFS corruption, at least!
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 14272e5 - Activity Report, December 2023.
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* OscarL tries to make kallisti5's barrier-haiku, GCC13 complains of missing "#include <cstdio>".
<erysdren> oh dear
* OscarL is too lazy to create an account on gitlab to open an ultra-sofisticated PR to fix that oversight!
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<OscarL> Hell yeah! barrier-haiku works. Now I can use my mouse/kbd from Linux/Win desktop to control my netbook. NOICE!
* OscarL first tried to update synergy_haiku to version 0.4, that claims barrier support, but couldn't make it work.
<OscarL> Wonder why there's no "barrier_haiku" package yet. Lazy kallisti5!!! :-P
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HaikuUser is now known as erysdren
<erysdren> hello haiku peeps
<OscarL> wellcome back :)
<erysdren> howdy
<erysdren> heya, random question but do you know if it's possible to force Haiku to use a specific monitor?
<erysdren> i'm on a laptop, but i don't want it to use the built-in display
<erysdren> i want it to use the external display
<erysdren> i'm using the EFI FrameBuffer driver
<OscarL> IIRC, on my netbook I had to connect the external monitor BEFORE power the netbook on... that way I was able to use the external monitor (using intel_extreme driver on Haiku)
<erysdren> if there's no way inside haiku, maybe i can find a way in the BIOS to disable the built-in display or something :P
<erysdren> the monitor was already plugged in before i turned the laptop on :(
<OscarL> For some machines, you can play with the "Fn" keys, to switch between "mirror/dual/external-only/internal-only" options...
<erysdren> any documentation for that?
<OscarL> as long as you do that while being on a boot loader (grub, bootman, etc).
<OscarL> erysdren: not Haiku specific.
<erysdren> oh
<erysdren> lemme give it a shot
<OscarL> I mean... those keys are usually either a custom BIOS thing, or something in ACPI.
<OscarL> if the later... maybe you'll need to disable ACPI on Haiku, so it doesn't override things?
<erysdren> and btw im using EFI boot, manually setup as per the website tutorial
<augiedoggie> a lot of laptops use Fn+F10, F5 through F10 are common
<OscarL> mine is Fn+F6 to "change screens"
<erysdren> ive also seen some references to Fn+F1 for Dell laptops specifically?
<erysdren> just in some cursory googling i just did
<erysdren> brb, gonna experiment
<OscarL> erysdren: do you see some "monitor/laptop" looking icons on those Fx keys?
<OscarL> some times is just two monitors side by side.
<erysdren> yeah, F8
<erysdren> Fn+F8 doesnt do anything inside Haiku, but maybe it'll work during boot
<erysdren> anyways, brb.
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<erysdren> it worked!
<OscarL> noice!
<erysdren> Fn+F8 during boot gave me Haiku on the external monitor :3
<erysdren> now i have a working, networked full-resolution Haiku install for this laptop
<erysdren> i'm jazzed
<erysdren> since im using the EFI framebuffer driver, i can actually get the full 1600x1200 (this monitor's res) out of it
<erysdren> VESA never gives me that
<OscarL> these days I've seen 2 laptops where VESA seems to be neglected, consequence of everyone assuming everyone would use EFI, I guess.
<erysdren> indeed.
<erysdren> this laptop is from 2017 but it still suffers
<OscarL> Mmm... having Keymaps set as: "Spanish" on the server, and "Latin-American" on the netbook makes using "barrier-haiku" a bit annoying :-D
<OscarL> time to install a keymap-switcher.
<OscarL> and now for some reason... barrier_haiku makes me write in cyrilic :-D
* augiedoggie wonders what Haiku would look like in klingon
* OscarL keeps tripping over the lack of "proper" AltGr support :-(
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<erysdren> lol, i guess i can't use a few minute Haiku features because of my 1992 keyboard with no Win/OS key
<erysdren> i can't group up windows
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<augiedoggie> i thought there was an alternate combo
<augiedoggie> ctrl+alt or something
<erysdren> hm... rctrl+ralt
<erysdren> not left though?
<erysdren> weird
<augiedoggie> you can change the option key in the Keymap preferences
<erysdren> ty
<augiedoggie> File menu -> Set Modifier Keys
<erysdren> brb
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<OscarL> Would be cool if barrier-haiku supported "bonjour" to autodiscover the server IP.
<OscarL> Would be cool if I could do more than complain about things not fully working :-D
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<boody24[m]> Hi!
<boody24[m]> I would like to contribute to haiku this year
<boody24[m]> I got familiar with the haiku api as someone told me to
<boody24[m]> and installed haiku virtually
<boody24[m]> but I feel no progress
<boody24[m]> could somone guide me?!
<OscarL> Hi boody24[m]. Depends a lot on your interest/skills, I guess.
<OscarL> The usual wisdom is... use the system, find something that you feel is broken/missing/could-be-better...
<OscarL> see if there's already a ticket for it over ...
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<OscarL> or search there for tickets with "(easy)" on their summaries... and see if something picks your interest?
<boody24[m]> OscarL: I have no special interset actually
<OscarL> That's assuming you want to work on thing on the OS side. There's always the app sides of things too.
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<boody24[m]> So should I just keep using the system until I find something?
<boody24[m]> or just find some easy issue
<boody24[m]> and work on it?
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<OscarL> either helping with current apps, helping with making old BeOS apps work on Haiku... or write a new app on your own.
<boody24[m]> aha
<boody24[m]> got it thanks
<boody24[m]> btw I have no prior experience with operating systems
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<boody24[m]> So basically even If I had something in mind I wouldn't know where to start implementing it
<boody24[m]> Like I read some documentation but I don't know what can I do with it
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<OscarL> There are different styles of learning... some start from plain docs, start following examples, building more complex things with time.
<OscarL> Others, have something they want to do, and go learning just enough of each things to progress a bit further.
<OscarL> plenty more "styles" too that I'm too dumb to recognize (or explain).
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<erysdren> oh i forgot to ask, anyone figured out why Falkon won't launch? it asks for which is not available
<OscarL> erysdren: even after "pkgman full" ?
<erysdren> oh woops lol
<erysdren> let me try that
<OscarL> boody24[m]: Let me put a silly example... I didn't want to learn English, I just wanted to read Stephen King without having to suffer the TERRIBLE spanish translations...
<OscarL> boody24[m]: at first, I've started translating word-for-word with a dictionary. Terrible, but for me... better than those hideous translations :-P
<boody24[m]> I got it
<boody24[m]> Thanks for your help)
<OscarL> np.
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<OscarL> Mmm, hitting Ctrl+C (well, Alt+C) over barrier-haiku causes it to drop the connection and then reconnect :-D
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<zdykstra> good to be back on Haiku. Had to have that machine off for a while, and I missed it.
<zdykstra> booting up to that desktop is *chefs kiss*
<erysdren> agreed
<erysdren> i'm test driving haiku on bare metal for the first time in a while
<erysdren> it's a great feeling
<OscarL> wellcome back zdykstra :-)
* OscarL doing some HaikuPorts sheenanigans on an Atom N450 (with SMP disabled :-/)
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<OscarL> lol, even selecting Terminal's Edit->Copy menuitem makes barrier-haiku re-connect :-D
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<erysdren> hmm, is it possible to mount ext2/3/4 drives over usb?
<erysdren> i have this USB harddrive mount and idk if its getting noticed by Haiku or not
<OscarL> If nothing shows in Tracker's Mount menu... see if the drive actually gets detected by using DriveSetup and seeing if it appears there?
<erysdren> nothing in DriveSetup either
<erysdren> i guess i don't know if it's the dock or the drive causing issues
<erysdren> i also tried rebooting with the dock already plugged in, no change
<OscarL> does the dock even apperas in "listusb" ?
<OscarL> *appears
<OscarL> should at least appear as a HUB, no?
<erysdren> i believe so
<erysdren> there's a Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
<erysdren> i have no other hubs plugged in
<OscarL> Welp... I would just plug the USB drive directly, and see if it works that way... and file a bug report.
<erysdren> it's a usb harddrive dock with a drive docked in it
<erysdren> it shows up as a hub because it also has a few USB ports on it
<OscarL> ouch.
<erysdren> but yeah, no dice on actually mounting it
<OscarL> then... directly to Trac :-D
<OscarL> could be something simple as... "this is a hub, no poing in looking for devices in here" :-D
<OscarL> "simple", /me says, as if he could handle anything more complex than I2C.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> Morning Begasus!
<Begasus> mbrumbelow, any update on Paladin?
<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<Begasus> still up I see :)
<OscarL> yup! playing with Haiku on my old netboot, and trying to make a barrier-haiku recipe :-)
<Begasus> barrier?
<OscarL> The open-source fork of synergy... a server/client software that allows you to share keyboard/mouse over the net.
<Begasus> any idea on what's needed for the bash PR OscarL?
<Begasus> ah :)
<OscarL> Begasus: re bash... not sure about the correct way to fix it. Bash is one of those things that are really easy to mess up :-)
<Begasus> k, think it should be good for now then
<OscarL> Just wanted to note that that part of the recipe is not doing anything really.
<Begasus> maybe create a issue for that?
<OscarL> yup. and tag "the big boyz" and let them solve it :-P
<OscarL> while we're at it... there's some "gawk.csh" and" under /system/settings/profile.d/ that I think should really be under...
<OscarL> /system/settings/etc/profile.d/
<Begasus> install error?
<OscarL> seems so to me, yeah.
<OscarL> we *know* our bash reads files under /etc/profile.d/ at least.
<Begasus> nothing specific in the recipe, so it's picked up by configure there I suppose
<OscarL> missing $settingsDir -> $settingsDir/etc ?
<Begasus> maybe by sysconfigdir?
<OscarL> you're the master on recipe details :-)
<Begasus> not there :)
<OscarL> better than me, for sure :-D
<Begasus> but configure should pick up the right path
<Begasus> that's only because I got some templates that pretty work fine for me now :P
* OscarL doing things manually, and BegasusGPT right here with all his automations. Psst!
<Begasus> GPT! tsss
<Begasus> Even got this one here :)
<OscarL> Cool! I'm still just at the "Git_cheatsheet.txt" link on desktop stage :-D
<Begasus> k, only the 2 from gawk are in the path you mentioned, should be an easy fix by moving them, will do a check if I can alter this with configure first
<OscarL> +1
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57510] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a38355a48316 - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> up to 110 items in "Application" menu :)
* OscarL votes for integrating humdinger's QuickLaunch into Deskbar :-D
<Begasus> 11 links to apps on the Desktop by now :)
<Begasus> Now that Tokodon launches here without dbus-launch I have that on the Desktop too
<Begasus> --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
<Begasus> that should be ok
<Begasus> * NEWS: Mention installation of /etc/profile.d/gawk.{csh,sh}.
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<Begasus> $sysconfdir/profile.d/gawk.{csh,sh} containing shell functions to ...
<Begasus> ok, so I was a "bit" right here :)
<OscarL> what's a missing etc among friends?
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: Included file "settings/etc/profile.d/gawk.csh" not declared as global writable file
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> how fun! :-/
<Begasus> better :)
<OscarL> problem with those files are... you uninstall the package... and those files are left behind :-(
<Begasus> right, only thing is to remove them manualy I guess?
<OscarL> think so, but it feels a bit weird/ugly.
<Begasus> hmm ... should check if we can use something like replaces there?
<OscarL> My head starts to spin with those GLOBAL_WRITTABLES, and their keep-old/merge/etc policies :-(
* Begasus reads up on the wiki ...
<Begasus> let's try this auto-merge
<Begasus> still leaves the old behind ...
<OscarL> I *think* I've read PulkoMandy mention that only keep-old is implemented for files.
<Begasus> - "auto-merge": Indicates that the file format is simple text and a three-way merge shall be attempted (not applicable for directories).
<Begasus> it will probably only "merge" existing ones in the same directory
<OscarL> then maybe he said "for dirs", and I missread/missremember-
<Begasus> well, no change in using it so just keep using 'keep-old'
<OscarL> in any case... seems like sometimes you'll want to overwrite it (in case of format/syntax changes, etc)... no idea what to do there :-/
<Begasus> yeah, but none works like that
<Begasus> specificly because it's 2 different directories here
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<OscarL> seems like the problem is that we're mixing "these configs might be manually put there by the user, don't mess with his data"... and "let me place these files that will ALWAYS be handled by the software.
<Begasus> at least this looks correct: /boot/system/packages/administrative/writable-files/gawk-5.2.2-2/settings/etc/profile.d
<OscarL> what package adds "/etc/profile.d/" and ""? seems similar situation.
<OscarL> I moved `` there for the `bash_completion` package, and noticed the same issue.
<Begasus> show info doesn't mention anything on that one
<Begasus> those files are in there from 2022, maybe system ones?
<Begasus> Copyright 2012 Haiku, Inc.
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<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> Hi jmairboeck
<jmairboeck> Good morning Begasus
<Begasus> alias grep='grep --color=auto'
<OscarL> original bash_completion issue (placing files under /system/settings/profile.d/):
<Begasus> first let's fix this gawk first
<OscarL> morning jmairboeck!
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<Begasus> lol, same "fix" I used here with gawk OscarL :)
<OscarL> I remember reading korli comment somewhere something like `when bash_completion got "fixed"` (notice HIS quotes around "fix").
<OscarL> but I didn't read any better suggestions, so... :-D
<Begasus> went through the configure file, can't find any mention on where to change that
<Begasus> but in one of the NEWS files it's mentioned that Fedora also uses etc/profile.d
* OscarL wins... FATALITY!
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> thanks for spotting! :)
<Begasus> oh, I have a bit different
<Begasus> used sysconfDir instead of settingsDir with configure
<Begasus> works both ways
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<Begasus> PR created
<OscarL> From my old "[bash_completion] not installed properly":
<OscarL> "In any case, I think that the bash and bash-completion recipes should use a single location for bash completion scripts (maybe even dropping from the bash recipe the code noted in point 2, as I think it should be handled by installing the bash_completion package instead)."
<OscarL> Begasus: ^^^^ Seems relevant to my note on the bash PR :-D
<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrarrrarrrrr.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus.
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m] :)
<OscarL> still up andreasdr[m]?
<Begasus> famous lag there :P
<OscarL> he fell asleep again.
<OscarL> Pirate with too much rum :-P
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) <looks around the room for a familiar face>
* OscarL places a mirror in front of UnrealNeil
<Begasus> Now you scared him!
<OscarL> hey... they're not THAT ugly! says /me while looking at the back of the mirror.
<Begasus> heh
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) <thinks: face seems familiar, but name doesn't ring a bell>
<Begasus> lol!
* Begasus drops for a fresh cup of coffee
<Begasus> bias
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) <finds a crumpled package of cashew nuts in his jacket pocket>
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Nuts, anyone?
* OscarL is pretty nuts already.
<Begasus> I'm not touching anyone else's nuts ... thanks :P
<OscarL> re Paladin... I don't think it should affect older stuff, because, AFAIK, apps do not link to Paladin code, right? it is just an editor/project_manager that calls makefile/jamfile engine, no?
<Begasus> not familiar enough there to know, just don't want to see it getting broken :)
<OscarL> well, for one... upstream doesn't uses gcc2, so I don't see why HaikuPorts keeps a gcc2 patch :-D
<OscarL> "either that patch get upstreamed, or we should drop it" (that was my though when asking about the need for GCC2)
<Begasus> with Genio on it's way I think it can replace Paladin in the end?
<Begasus> Don't shoot me on this one :)
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) "Bang!""
<OscarL> Welp, that's up to mbrumbelow, I think. We all have our pet projects. And until "Programming with Haiku" gets a Genio edition... having Paladin around sounds good :-)
<OscarL> 'coz that's what DarkWyrm was using for his tutorials, right?
<Begasus> beats me :)
<Begasus> I used Code::Blocs for that :P
<OscarL> traitor!
<Begasus> Tried Geany but doesn't realy work on Haiku with the keyboard issue ...
<Begasus> anyway, that's up for the "real" developers :)
<OscarL> weird keybard issues all around... remember Koder not closing the find dialog on ESC ? :-D
<Begasus> ask Kapix when he's around :) issue already up there
<OscarL> he couldn't reproduce it :-D
<Begasus> Main editor is stil Pe here, so haven't checked there in a while
<OscarL> Pe sucks balls... I still use it for most things :-D
<OscarL> heck, still have hopes of fixing one of my extensions for it :-)
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<Begasus> focus! :)
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* OscarL attempts to use the "template" mode for USER_SETTINGS_FILES
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<OscarL> should probably use a example simpler than lighttpd's recipe :-P
<Begasus> you don't want to see my ~/config/settings directory :P
<OscarL> I bet it looks like my "I'll sort these later" desk-drawers :-D
<Begasus> correcto ::)
<OscarL> One Pe function I still use.... "split view" for the same file. So handy.
<Begasus> that's a local function I presume?
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<OscarL> In Pe, you open a large file... then you click on that little tiny bar above the "^" of the vertical scrollbar... drag down...
<OscarL> now you're in "split view" mode.
<OscarL> You can then read/compare things at/from two places on the same file.
<Begasus> ah!
<Begasus> lol, that probably is around like ... forever :D
<OscarL> indeed. Used it a lot since 2003 at least :-)
<OscarL> but sometimes... I forget it is there :D
<Begasus> seen it, never gave it any attention :)
<Begasus> lol, one should be carefull with posting screenshots in the forum :P
<OscarL> I was about to say that Akakor must either have eagle eyes, or used zoom/magnify...
<Begasus> porting efforts at kde forum has already got some nice views number :)
<OscarL> then noticed the lack of blured filenames in the later post :-D
<Begasus> yeah, didn't notice it before either ;)
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<Begasus> rofl!
<Begasus> it's getting worse :P
<OscarL> Sen't him a message, before he gets flagged.
<Begasus> +1
* OscarL thinks kallisti5[m] `s/synergy/barrier/` on barrier-haiku went a bit overboard :-)
<Begasus> hand him a live vest :)
<OscarL> replaced it on a copyright notice ("Barrier Si Ltd" :-P), and on a comment pointing to a synergy issue over github (now non-existant :-/ )
<Begasus> let's have another go at akonadi vs dbus ...
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<OscarL> 'packageEntries: warning: "devel" doesn't seems to be a valid package prefix' <<< that's a weird one.
<Begasus> hmm ... seen it the other day also here
<OscarL> I'm more used to see that for "tools" or "doc"
<Begasus> yeah, thought it was strange too
<Begasus> org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Session bus not found. Is DBus running?
* Begasus slaps akonodi ...
<coolcoder613> Hello
<Begasus> Hello coolcoder613
<OscarL> barrier-haiku's node-monitoring of its settings file seems to be a bit buggy (opening the file with StyledEdit seems to trigger restarts/recoonects like crazy) :-(
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<Begasus> eeps
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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
<coolcoder613> congrats on getting Haiku to work on harware
<erysdren> yee :3
* coolcoder613 just came across this:
<coolcoder613> Works on Haiku with pip install git+
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<erysdren> howdy BrunoSpr
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* OscarL thinks he'll should follow synergy-haiku, and disable the clipboard sharing on barrier-haiku.
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<Begasus> some progress (I think) on akonadi :)
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<OscarL> opened a draft PR for barrier_haiku. Jeez, almost 10 AM. Time to hit the bed! :-P
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<Begasus> cu later OscarL :)
<Begasus> out to the grandchildren in a bit here
<OscarL> enjoy them!
<OscarL> See you around folks!
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<BrunoSpr> nice
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<kallisti5[m]> <OscarL> "thinks kallisti5 `s/synergy/..." <- > * <> thinks kallisti5 `s/synergy/barrier/` on barrier-haiku went a bit overboard :-)
<kallisti5[m]> It looks like Barrier is now "input-leap" lol
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<erysdren> new Action Retro video on Haiku :3
<erysdren> i havent watched it yet, but im excited to
<kallisti5[m]> ooh! Nice 😎
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<Begasus> nice one erysdren!
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<erysdren> anyone know if there's plans to add an EFI boot option for the Haiku installer?
<erysdren> so i don't have to manually set up the EFIBOOT partition every time? :P
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<Begasus> k, kontact and kmail now launch akonadi :)
<Begasus> problem ... akonadi-control doesn't shut down on it's own .. :P
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<Begasus> kwallet pops up for the password .. check :)
<erysdren> Begasus: any idea why audio might sound kinda tinny on Haiku, no matter which output device i'm using?
<erysdren> both headphones and speakers sound kinda tinny on Haiku, while the same devices & machine sound normal on linux
<Begasus> no idea erysdren, works fine here :)
<augiedoggie> i'd fiddle with the sample rate in the audio preferences
<Begasus> whoops, broke kmail now :)
<augiedoggie> sometimes the various audio sliders are set to weird positions when i first install
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<scanty> Begasus, do you know if KMail supports OAUTH2?
<augiedoggie> s/audio preferences/Media preferences/
<Begasus> nothing there yet scanty (at least not here)
<scanty> all right. thanks. :-)
<Begasus> think I broke Tracker a bit, nothing shows up in "recent apps" anymore :)
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<cocobean> hello......
<Begasus> Hi cocobean
<cocobean> bash - good ?
<Begasus> so far haven't had any issues
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<cocobean> Thanks.
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<Begasus> akonadi closing down now, have to kill kmail/kontact for that though :)
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<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: we may need to disable autoscroll in listviews if not in layouts mode. that way we don't break BeOS compatibility
<waddlesplash> or ... did BeOS have autoscroll?
<waddlesplash> well anyway a new ticket was opened:
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<Ellenor> akonadi is suffering over on unix
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<Begasus> enough fidling with akonadi for one day :)
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<Begasus> all cought up, heading down
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<_0x4aV> hai <: , is there anything i can do if my trackpad and wifi isn't working on haiku besides writing new drivers for my dell 7490 laptop
<_0x4aV> also i tried both stable and nightly build
<_0x4aV> but i didn't install it, i only chose the "try" option
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<_0x4aV> also did anyone notice that haiku feels more responsive compared to linux? i'm not just if this was a placebo effect, fonts but something just felt right
<_0x4aV> i tried it haiku on 2 devices (the old thinkpad where everything worked, and this modern dell laptop) and it feels more responsive
<_0x4aV> the only visable problem would be screen tearing
<AlienSoldier> I whant screen tearing fixed fore than 3d acceleration
<AlienSoldier> *want
<Skipp_OSX> don't you see how the 2 are connected?
<Skipp_OSX> Of course BeOS had auto-scroll waddlesplash
<Skipp_OSX> arg problems
<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: I see a problem that if I press mouse button on empty space outside window, move mouse and release button on list view, list view item will be selected, but it shouldn't.
<x512[m]> Proper thing to do is to set some tracking flag when mouse button is pressed inside list view and perform autoscroll/change of selection ONLY IF tracking flag is set.
<Skipp_OSX> I thought I fixed that
<Skipp_OSX> I'm only auto-scrolling if clicked inside now, as determined by the button state in mouse down.
<Skipp_OSX> That bug should be fixed.
<Skipp_OSX> oh if you release you're saying
<x512[m]> Button state in mouse down is a wrong thing to do. Track frag must be used.
<Skipp_OSX> I see
<x512[m]> frag -> flag
<Skipp_OSX> no that's deliberate
<Skipp_OSX> not a bug
<Skipp_OSX> because we select on mouse up as well
<x512[m]> Select on mouse up if mouse was not pressed on list view is definitely a bug.
<Skipp_OSX> arg
<x512[m]> Every implementation behaves in such way.
<Skipp_OSX> Not BeOS
<Skipp_OSX> I don't think...
<x512[m]> It is one of core concepts of GUI design.
<Skipp_OSX> arg
<waddlesplash> I agree with x512[m]
<x512[m]> Proof about BeOS.
<Skipp_OSX> I'm not sure exactly, I know BeOS selects on mouse up, idk about if you click outside first if it does or not.
<Skipp_OSX> no you're right, it doesn't only if you click inside
<Skipp_OSX> arg
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<x512[m]> Checked BeOS R5 behavior. It indeed to not select on mouse up if mouse was pressed outside of list view.
<x512[m]> Mouse down event must set track flag and selection/auto-scroll should be performed only if track flag is set.
<x512[m]> Auto-scroll can be also performed if mouse message is drag message.
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<Skipp_OSX> yeah but it always happens on mouse up that's the difference
<Skipp_OSX> can't figure out if track flag set until mouse moved which is after mouse down before mouse up
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<Skipp_OSX> But for some reason we _really_ want it to be mouse down, not up.
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<x512[m]> Track flag should be set on mouse down and reset on mouse up when no buttons are down. Simple.
<x512[m]> If track flag is not set, all mouse events should be ignored.
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<x512[m]> It is very basic logic that is used for nearly every control (button, check box etc.).
<Skipp_OSX> I think we are setting the track flag on mouse down
<Skipp_OSX> so yeah I'm just not checking it on mouse up
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