ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
Vidrep_64 has joined #haiku
<Vidrep_64> Hi
<Vidrep_64> Question for anyone who knows.
<Vidrep_64> What package am I missing when getting this error when building a package?
<Vidrep_64> fatal error: compatability/bsd/features.h: no such file or directory
<augiedoggie> are you on a nightly build of Haiku?
<Vidrep_64> Yes
<augiedoggie> that was changed just a few hours ago
<Vidrep_64> I see it now. hrev57497
<augiedoggie> you should be able to remove the compatability/bsd part of the path
<Vidrep_64> I guess I'll wait until tomorrow
<Vidrep_64> No rush
<Vidrep_64> Thanks for answering
<augiedoggie> no problem, i haven't updated to that version so i haven't noticed any problems
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<PeetPeet> I fel bad fo not contributing. Perhaps I cn just give monetrily.
<PeetPeet> monetarily, even.
<PeetPeet> lousy keyboard
<PeetPeet> What makes the most impact? Donation to the project? Direct to developers? Certainly not buying from the shop...
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<erysdren> hmm, is it possible to do network sharing from a Linux machine to a Haiku machine?
<coolcoder613_32> erysdren: you can mount nfs on Haiku
<erysdren> i mean sharing a connection over an ethernet cable
<erysdren> so the Haiku machine (which has no wifi) can get internet access
<coolcoder613_32> I've done that from a mac...
<erysdren> how'd you do it?
<coolcoder613_32> What linux distro are you on?
<coolcoder613_32> erysdren: It was in the mac settings, internet sharing
<erysdren> MX Linux (Debian based)
<erysdren> i think i found it
<erysdren> lemme see if it works
<coolcoder613_32> What DE?
<erysdren> xfce
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<coolcoder613_32> can anyone try to port ?
<coolcoder613_32> I'm having a bit of a hard time with it.
<augiedoggie> it crashes my VM trying to configure it
<augiedoggie> i've been having that trouble with several configure scripts lately
<coolcoder613_32> Built a binary without using configure or make:
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<coolcoder613_32> My build script: (put together afterwards)
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<coolcoder613> /me finally got a CMOS battery for my BeOS laptop
* coolcoder613 tests /me
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
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<PeetPeet> I LOVE recipe programs!
<PeetPeet> It's so trad (and I sound like a valley girl haha)
<PeetPeet> erysdren: sharing ethernet with another macine is dead easy. Let me know when you gt a sec and I'll walk you through it
<erysdren> i had to give up
<erysdren> the machine i was gonna install haiku on is dead as a doornail anyway
<erysdren> no chance to share any internet :(
<PetePete> Well piss
<erysdren> it's a 2006 or 2007 HP business laptop that i thought would be good for a (relatively) low-end haiku machine
<erysdren> but it wouldn't boot from my Haiku install CD (or boot from anything)
<PetePete> Won't boot how?
<erysdren> i could go into the BIOS and i couldn't see anything immediately wrong with it
<erysdren> when it gets to the boot stage, it just sits at a black screen with a flashing text cursor in the corner
<erysdren> forever
<PetePete> Not a secure boot/UEFI thing?
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<erysdren> i didnt see any secure boot options in there, but maybe i missed it
<erysdren> and it doesn't use UEFI, too old
<PetePete> are you booting from cd or usb?
<erysdren> cd
<erysdren> i don't have a USB on hand to image
<PetePete> Did you burn at the loest 4x speed?
<PetePete> lowest*
<erysdren> honestly i don't remember
<erysdren> maybe the CD drive is bad, i could plug in my external USB one
<erysdren> and boot from that
<erysdren> it would be slow as piss to install, but maybe it would work
<PetePete> oYou'll need to make sure the BIOS sees the usb cdrom as a cdrom
<erysdren> yeah
<erysdren> i saw "USB CDROM" as a boot option
<erysdren> along with USB Floppy
<PetePete> try it!
<erysdren> yeah one sec
<PetePete> IF that doesn't work, burn your cds at 4x speed
<PetePete> That was always the solution for my cds not booting back in the day
<OscarL> I would just remove the HDD, connect it to a different PC, install Haiku there, and re-install HDD on old laptop :-P
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<OscarL> That was one of the killer features of BeOS for me in 2000. Install once, boot "everywhere".
<PetePete> OscarL: with his "logic" and "sense"
<PetePete> That's not a bad idea at all. I've done that on many a Linux machine
<OscarL> heck, you can do that booting Haiku on a VM, and giving the VM direct access to the HDD.
<OscarL> beats having to burn CDs in 2024 :-D
<PetePete> *vomits*
<PetePete> dangit OscarL
<erysdren> OscarL: i thought about doing that
<erysdren> installing haiku from another machine, i mean
<erysdren> and seeing if it works
<OscarL> Don't forget to use "Intel Partition Map / MBR" if you wipe the HDD.
<OscarL> Doubt that old lappy can handle GPT :-D
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: Perhaps you should revert the changes to "src/tests/kits/interface/Jamfile" in ? (considering that the "ShortcutTest" app seems to be missing)
<Skipp_OSX> I see
<Skipp_OSX> I wonder what happened to it?
<OscarL> x512[m] might have just forgot to add it originally?
<x512[m]> ShortcutTest.cpp is probably lost.
<x512[m]> Not a big deal anyway, it can be rewritten.
<x512[m]> Basically it is some test application with menu that have shortcuts without Cmd key and print something on shortcut trigger.
* OscarL waves goodbye for the night. See you folks!
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<erysdren> hmm
<erysdren> bios_ia32 stage1: failed to load OS. Press any key to reboot
<erysdren> maybe i installed haiku on the drive wrong, or maybe the laptop is screwed
<erysdren> not sure yet
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<erysdren> looks like i installed haiku wrong, one sec lol
<erysdren> eyy it worked :D haiku is booting
<erysdren> lets see how far it gets on this 15 year old laptop
<erysdren> oh my gosh something is WRONG with the display driver here
<erysdren> i took a video with my phone but it doesn't really come across on camera too well
<erysdren> not only is the mouse extremely sluggish, there's a horrible fade-in fade-out thing going on with it. also all of the application icons and text have little dancing pixels around the edges
<erysdren> the gpu in this laptop is an "Nvidia Geforce 6150 Go, C51 (NV44)" according to the screen settings
<augiedoggie> you could try booting with safe mode graphics but nvidia is known to have awful vesa support
<erysdren> safe mode graphics works fine, but it can't go higher than 1024x768
<erysdren> this is a recurring problem for me with Nvidia + Haiku + VESA
<erysdren> the laptop display is 1440x900 btw
<coolcoder613> In ~/config/settings/kernel/vesa
<erysdren> i already tried enabling bios patching :(
<coolcoder613> change it to the right video mode
<erysdren> yeah
<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: Gerrit patch name become broken.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah I fixed
<Skipp_OSX> sorry about that some commit gibberish got in there
<Skipp_OSX> x512: do you happen to have the ShortcutsTest.cpp ?
<Skipp_OSX> it's not in original either ...
<Skipp_OSX> err ShortcutTest.cpp
<x512[m]> No, this file was forgotten to add to commit and now it is lost.
<Skipp_OSX> ok well the Jamfile including it has now been reverted
<coolcoder613> erysdren: 1440x900, in 2008?
<erysdren> yup
<augiedoggie> hm, the "pgm_panel" option for the nvidia driver looks interesting
<erysdren> coolcoder613: it's an HP Pavilion dv9000
<erysdren> massive laptop and pretty powerful for its time
<PetePete> erysdren: did you get the right resolution using vesa?
* coolcoder613 is currently tinkering with a laptop from 1999
<PetePete> bruh. install puppy or antix, run haiku in VM.
<coolcoder613> I finally got a CMOS battery for it
<PetePete> coolcoder613: *highfive*
<PetePete> I love old hardware
<PetePete> can't let it die
<PetePete> it's like losing a grandparent or an elder... so much knowledge and history dies with it
<coolcoder613> I... Ok, look at this:
<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: Can you keep me as co-author in second shortcuts commit?
<Skipp_OSX> are you not the primary author?
<PetePete> lol, you beast
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah that was is mine because I changed it, the first bullet point is mine, the rest are yours in comment 2
<Skipp_OSX> because it's not B_NO_MODIFIERS anymore... and plus waddlesplash made me split it out.
<Skipp_OSX> in commitn2
<x512[m]> can be quickly merged I think because it do not add or change API methods.
<Skipp_OSX> I changed my mind you can have co-author credit
<Skipp_OSX> what are you talking about the API changes are great, int32 way better
<Skipp_OSX> the SHOW ALL screwed you but you're there
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<PetePete> I had me a turbowaffen once... *stares into the abyss*
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<coolcoder613> Hello Al2O3
<Al2O3> well hello
<Al2O3> how is your new year turning out?
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<PetePete> G'night
<Al2O3> night
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<x512[m]> Haiku riscv64 with 8 virtual cores -> don't work
<x512[m]> Haiku riscv64 with 64 virtual cores -> work (!?)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f61dc67 - zxing_cpp, revbump, change compat version (#9927)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8881325 - fpcupdeluxe, bump version (#9940)
<lebrancess[m]> Guuzuuyysssss
<lebrancess[m]> Good moooooorninnnnng
<erysdren> hello
<Begasus> Hello
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<lebrancess[m]> Begasus: When mesa finished ?
<Begasus> much sooner if you help out
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<Begasus> reboot ...
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<Begas_VM> k, first in the list, update CudaText :)
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<coolcoder613> Begasus, can you try to port ?
<coolcoder613> screenshot:
<coolcoder613> How i built:
<lebrancess[m]> <Begasus> "much sooner if you help out" <- I can not help
<coolcoder613> Well then don't ask other people to if they don't want to
<lebrancess[m]> coolcoder613: Demand it 🙃
<coolcoder613> Then they might ban you...
<lebrancess[m]> coolcoder613: For what ?
<lebrancess[m]> Without me they would forget every day that they have to complete mesa
<lebrancess[m]> 🤣
<coolcoder613> For annoying them
<lebrancess[m]> No sir it's just a friendly reminder
<lebrancess[m]> No ban
<erysdren> shut up
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<lebrancess[m]> Andreaaa
<lebrancess[m]> Hi
<andreaa72> hi ;)
<lebrancess[m]> How are you ma gurl
<lebrancess[m]> 👹🤣
<andreaa72> fine thanks lebrancess[m] ...
<andreaa72> thank you for talking to me :)
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<andreaa72> do you need little apps ?
<coolcoder613> lebrancess[m]: too many 'friendly reminders' can get annoying
<lebrancess[m]> andreaa72: As you can see I made already my first enemies in this group 😅
<lebrancess[m]> Me trying to push mesa by being a haiku mascot
<andreaa72> xD me always xD
<andreaa72> all the world hates me ... xD
<lebrancess[m]> Andreaaa I thought we are friends
<andreaa72> yes
<lebrancess[m]> How can all the world hate you then
<andreaa72> xD
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<PetePete> *boot*
<PetePete> *chime*
<PetePete> Good morning, all.
<PetePete> I'm putting the finishing touches on mesa this morning if anyone is available to test it before noon, I might be able to push the commit
<lebrancess[m]> PetePete: You mean 3d acceleration?
<PetePete> 3d acceleration is working quite well actually
<lebrancess[m]> On GPU?
<PetePete> What GPU do you have?
<lebrancess[m]> Rx 7600 amd
<PetePete> On everything except AMD Rx 7600
<lebrancess[m]> 🤣🤣
<lebrancess[m]> Fuck off 😂
<PetePete> WHOA
<PetePete> Is that enough for a ban?
<PetePete> Cause that's not very friendly
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<lebrancess[m]> With the Smileys you would know how kind sarcastic that was but I guess your not having graphics :P
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<lebrancess[m]> 😎 download element chat PetePete:
<PetePete> Nah, I'm good.
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] pulkomandy a219dc1 - Remove old sourcetree layout documentation
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5c8b189 - kontactinterface, new KDE library (#9942)
<lebrancess[m]> Is KDE available under haiku?
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 848714f - libgravatar, new KDE library (#9943)
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<lebrancess[m]> 🤣
<lebrancess[m]> Haiku desktop is only for pros
<lebrancess[m]> The screenshot tool doesn't work as good as it should
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2955cff - kmbox, new KDE library (#9944)
<PeetPeet> The screenshot tool is only for pros
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<zard> It's the Haiku way. Slowly but surely turn you into a pro. Once you are one, you can then help contribute!
<zard> Ok, that would be cool if it were possible to actually pull that off
<Begasus_32> rofl
<Begasus_32> been around for over 20years, still haven't figured everything out ;)
<PeetPeet> I'm running KDE on Hiku right now
<PeetPeet> Haiku*
<PeetPeet> Looks great
<PeetPeet> Even got Compiz working *spins the cube* weeeeeee
<lebrancess[m]> PeetPeet: How did u do it
<PeetPeet> lebrancess[m] with mesa drivers
<lebrancess[m]> They don't work on my GPU peetpeet
<PeetPeet> Correct.
<lebrancess[m]> Virus on haiku?
<lebrancess[m]> 😎
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 205758b - messagelib, new KDE library (#9945)
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<lebrancess[m]> <botifico-ecd96135> "[haikuports/haikuports] Begasus..." <- Soon mesa and steam and proton and counterstrike 2 comit and the OS is finished
<Begasus_32> nope
<Begasus_32> can't even code "Hello World!" :P
<lebrancess[m]> Printf("hello world")
<lebrancess[m]> Is ok
<lebrancess[m]> No problem
<Begasus_32> fine, then you write the code, I'll package it :P
<lebrancess[m]> No sir
<lebrancess[m]> 😂
<Begasus_32> I'm only seeing squeres, no emoticons
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57499] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fffd9d7dd4fa - AdapterIO: only for SEEK_SET is the position absolute
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<lebrancess[m]> Guys is my GPU already supported ?
<lebrancess[m]> AMD Rx 7600?
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<zdykstra> basically every GPU is supported for how Haiku uses it
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<andreaa72> i apologize 4 everything ...
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<lebrancess[m]> andreaa72: For what sir
<andreaa72> everything
<andreaa72> 4 all my works
<andreaa72> freedom
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3b90949 - akregator, new recipe (#9946)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 42d43b8 - cudatext, bump version (#9947)
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<BiPolar> what the heck!?! why is /boot/home/config/settings/system/registrar/RosterSettings almost 580 KB!
<BiPolar> 4300+ entries there... yeah... I somehow doubt that it's useful.
<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<BiPolar> Hola Begasus :-)
<BiPolar> Trying to workaround an issue I'm having with Genio... two different "haiku" entries in its "Open recent project...", but the folders are unrelated, and you can't know which is which.
<BiPolar> That led me to try to find where the heck those are saved...
<BiPolar> ends up being registrars's RosterSettings.
<BiPolar> Let's see if I can just remove the file (and it doesn't get recreated at shutdown.
* BiPolar reboots.
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<Begasus> got the same thing here I think, did a Haiku build here and now I have multiple items in "Open With ..."
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<BiPolar> And... of course it gets re-created at shutdown :-/
<BiPolar> Can I kill registrar, delete the file, and reboot? Let's find out...
<Begasus> cu tomorrow :P
<BiPolar> Mmm, I think I should have removed the file, and THEN kill registrar. Now I can't do anything.
<Begasus> whoops ;)
<BiPolar> Big brain moment... use my 32 bits install, to remove the file in the 64 bits one.
* BiPolar taps head.
* BiPolar also hits the reset button :-(. See you!
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<Begasus> One advantage on having 2 browsers open, can push 'save edit' on the other one if the first one isn't co-operating :)
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<BiPolar> Success!, lost all "Recent ..." entries, except for the newly added "Recent applications..." `dstcheck`, mmm. that shouldn't be there.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> done for today too, no more recipes ... :p
<Begasus> just have to push a new release for cudatext (packages) upstream
<BiPolar> cool!
* BiPolar wonders if `/system/server/registrar` should have a `--clear-recent=all,docs,apps` option.
<Begasus> Is this about the same thing BiPolar?
<BiPolar> Mmm, it accepts "B_REG_ADD_TO_RECENT_APPS" and similar messages.
<Begasus> it's pulling in the things compiled earlier in that Haiku build
<Begasus> oh well, not for today, out to dogschool
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<BiPolar> Begasus: not exactly, but similar issue (hard to tell folders/apps appart). In your image, at least the names are truncated differently. In Genio.. I get 2 "haiku" menu items,
<BiPolar> later Begasus!
<Begasus> cya!
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<BiPolar> Mmm, `> hey application/x-vnd.haiku-registrar 'what' B_REG_CLEAR_RECENT_APPS` gives me "B_NO_REPLY" :-/
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<BiPolar> I either suck at `hey`, or registrar ain't taking any messages :-/
<BiPolar> (from me at least :-P)
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<lebrancess[m]> <andreaa72> "freedom" <- You don't need to apologize you don't need to thank us you just need to watch private message
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<AlienSoldier> PulkoMandy there is now 2 friss in the depot, that was intended? One have a capital R.
<AlienSoldier> the newer one
<PulkoMandy> Not intended (obviously?)
<PulkoMandy> The proper name is fRiSS (because it contains "RSS"), but aren't all package names lowercase?
<AlienSoldier> ho changed already? :)
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<waddlesplash> mh that's probably not the right syntax
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: that looks like a registrar bug for the file to get so big
<OscarL> waddlesplash: indeed.
<augiedoggie> that hey syntax doesn't look right
<OscarL> yeah, I suck at hey :-D
<augiedoggie> hey application/x-vnd.haiku-registrar 'rxga'
<OscarL> hey "application/x-vnd.haiku-registrar" 'rgxa' <<< tha
<augiedoggie> yeah, rgxa
<augiedoggie> or the short version, hey registrar 'rgxa'
<OscarL> /me runs `hgrepall B_REG_CLEAR_RECENT_FOLDERS` -> 'rgxf'... let's try it.
<OscarL> B_NO_REPLY, but list was cleared. NOICE!
<augiedoggie> yeah, i don't even get the B_NO_REPLY for some reason
<OscarL> I still think /system/servers/registrar could use a "--clear-recent=all,docs,apps,dirs" cli argument/option :-D
<augiedoggie> eh, scripting support might be nice
<OscarL> ¿por qué no las dos?
<OscarL> :-D
<OscarL> I would stick to try to add the CLI options. I'm too dubm for Haiku's scripting :-D
<OscarL> How hard can it be parse the ALL the headers files, searching for 'what' constants, match those to relevant programs, and write a CLI app with line-editing/history/autocompletion ?! :-P
<OscarL> A "hey-o-matic" or something :-D
<AlienSoldier> PulkoMandy was able to make it run with the slashdot feed (get lot of troubles with other feed). Replican does not work, stay as a grey rectangle.
<augiedoggie> one problem is that some of those messages need to be delivered to specific views, not just the main BApplication
* augiedoggie heads to work for a while
<OscarL> guess one could start with the simpler cases, and then manually add new entries. /me tosses the idea on the ToDo pile.
<AlienSoldier> Looking at the Pulse replicant, something seem wrong, there is one hangle by core, was that not one replicant for all of them?
<AlienSoldier> *handle
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<PeetPeet> I found several bugs on my system.
<PeetPeet> Like 20 sugar ants or so, working hard at the bit of jam I spilled on my keyboard.
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<OscarL> crickets react to PeetPeet's bug humor: <cricket sounds>
<PeetPeet> lol
<PeetPeet> touche'
<OscarL> :-D
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<erysdren> im still pretty bugged that i don't have a single machine that can run Haiku consistently well :(
<erysdren> my 2006 IBM ThinkPad runs it pretty well, but it's hella slow and it sometimes randomly freezes without any chance of recovery
<erysdren> i don't have any spare desktop machines from the last 10 years at all
<erysdren> that'd be a great fit for haiku
<AlienSoldier> mines usually work very well, some don't properly shutdown (2 of my laptop)
<OscarL> AlienSoldier: try using APM instead of ACPI, perhaps? (helps sometimes with older machines).
<PetePete> I have spare machines that will run Haiku just fine. Some, better than others. Where are you?
<PetePete> I've been trying to find homes for all my spare stuff for a long time
<OscarL> so many old machines with so much potencial still. /me upgraded his CPU to a Phenom II X4.... in mid 2022 :-D
<PetePete> Well, If anyone wants to take me up on th offer, I can't think of a thing to do with all this stuff becauase the kids around here are spoiled. They get new laptops every year at school. I literally cannot even find a needy family because they laugh at what I have
<erysdren> PetePete: central USA
<erysdren> Nebraska
<PetePete> I'm sure it wouldn't cost me much to ship you an old laptop. What are you running now?
<erysdren> well, my current main computer is a 2017 Dell Inspiron something or other, with MX Linux on it
<erysdren> with 8G RAM
<OscarL> If I wasn't on the other side of the world... and if our customs/mail services weren't known to keep electronics for themselves... I'd gladly pay shipment for some old-by-USA standards PCs :-D (old hardware is expensive here).
<erysdren> i also have a 2013 eMachines PC intended for Windows 7, which i installed haiku on
<erysdren> but it also randomly froze at times, and has no network card at all
<OscarL> (not talking about vintage stuff, either, we use PCs till nothing is left :-D)
<PetePete> erysdren: have you tested the emachine for ram issues?
<PetePete> OscarL: Where can a person purchase used computer equipment online in your area?
<erysdren> i haven't yet PetePete
<erysdren> i'm kinda bereft of spare computer stuff at the moment, after my last move across the country
<erysdren> i used to have a bunch of spare monitors, now i don't have any
<erysdren> so it's a huge pain in the ass to setup any secondary machines that aren't laptops
<OscarL> PetePete: that's the thing... usefull second-hand / refurbished stuff is pretty expensive here, and usually not worth the price, IMO. Small market, too high prices for newer stuff... bad combo :-D.
<PetePete> It just doesn't seem right that I have stuff that is going to rot
* OscarL is still kicking himself for not bying an AMD 4700S (without the GPU) for U$D 100 3 years ago :-D
<OscarL> HOLY COW, they are asking almos U$D 600 for that AMD 4700S. LOL. /me hugs his PC... "I promise to re-cap you soon... just don't die on me!" :-P
<bitigchi[m]> Uuuh. Had a look at Gerrit and all the shortcuts shenanigans nearly gave me a headache
* OscarL hides his patch for Terminal SHIFT+arrows :-)
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<PetePete> Chingao.
<PetePete> That's a lot of money
<OscarL> PeetPeet: perhaps you can contact and see if they can use some of what you got?
<OscarL> PetePete: ^^^
<OscarL> (maybe there are similar associations, closer to you?)
<PetePete> Yeah... I only give to people I know for uh... reasons...
<erysdren> hmm
<OscarL> Federales, open up!
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<PetePete> Ha! Nah.. I'm just very picky
<OscarL> :-D
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<OscarL> BeOS keyboard/shortcuts handling... dealing paper-cuts and fueling flamewars since last millenium!
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<erysdren> OscarL: so true lol, i can never get used to it
<OscarL> I was basically a mouseless GUI user before I discovered BeOS :-D
<OscarL> Tracker "spatial" mode was really alien to me. /me still hopes for 3dEyes to revive NaviTracker one day :-P
<OscarL> Not being able to (consistenyl) use Tab/Shift-Tab to focus different controls makes me long for the days of Win9x, lol.
<OscarL> I used to spend extra time doing "tab-fucus ordering" of controls when designing GUIs with Delphi, making sure it it worked "naturaly/intuitively".
<OscarL> Trying to use, say... the Media preflet with the keyboard only... yeah... no good.
<OscarL> Also... what's up with sliders not having proper "reset" positions. really hard to set a slider control back to "zero".
<OscarL> </rant>
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<OscarL> Mmm, my ~/config/settings/system/registrar/RosterSettings is 374642 bytes on my beta4 32 bits install. Wonder how bit it got in Begasus work machine :-D
<OscarL> *how big
<OscarL> 1900 lines of "RecentDoc", 690 of "RecentFolder" and 98 of "RecentApp". Seems a bit excessive, heh. Let's see if registrar is supposed to stop at some point (before opening a ticket about it).
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<OscarL> Hello coolcoder613_32!
<OscarL> Seems to abide by "maxCount" when handling _HandleGetRecentEntries(), but seems to happily add without bounds on HandleAddToRecentDocuments() :-/
<coolcoder613_32> Anyone any goood with Icon-O-matic?
* coolcoder613_32 is no good at 3d-looking icons
* OscarL can't draw a circle even while using a compass :-(
<coolcoder613_32> Can you draw a circle with the circle tool in Paint? ;)
<OscarL> I bet I make it crash before long :-P
* OscarL has "a thing" breaking software.
<coolcoder613_32> Maybe it just doesn't like your hardware?
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<Oscar-L> See, broke my connection already :-P. coolcoder613_: nah... used to work doing Software Q&A, making use of my "talents" :-D
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<Oscar-L> Mmm, registrar/RecentApps.cpp says: "// don't add background apps", but I got dstcheck in there after cleared "RosterSettings". Something's fishy.
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<OscarL> mmm dstcheck doesn't has B_BACKGROUND_APP set? I thought I sent a patch for that already.
<OscarL> guess that didn't make it into beta4 yet?
<OscarL> Seems RecentApps::Add() just calls "std::list::push_front()", without an upper bound. (same for folders and docs).
<OscarL> Ticket time! (assuming Trac's scanblock doesn't kicks me again :-D)
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<OscarL> Wonder where that "lost minute" went between these sucessive syslog entries: "2024-01-04 20:14:53 KERN: auich: multi->control_count 46" "2024-01-04 20:16:00 KERN: VMware: SHOW_CURSOR (0) "
<coolcoder613_32> For a while, I had been trying to boot FiwixOS on my 1999 laptop
<coolcoder613_32> It would always freeze at the GRUB menu
<coolcoder613_32> yesterday, when i put in a new CMOS battery and set it ot the right time,
<coolcoder613_32> *to
<coolcoder613_32> GRUB worked fine
<OscarL> This is weird: "KERN: bfs: inode at 3674755 is already deleted!" (even after running `checkfs /boot` and rebooting).
<OscarL> coolcoder613_32: try setting the date WAY back, and see if that freezes GRUB?
<coolcoder613_32> The BIOS date was reset to 1999 at every reboot, that was the problem
* OscarL wonders how serious "bfs: GetNextMatching:615: Bad data" and "bfs: could not get inode 3674755 in index "BEOS:APP_SIG"!" KERN messages are :-D
<OscarL> some BIOS act weird without a CMOS battery, besides the date.
<coolcoder613_32> It might have started working if i waited ~20 years, but that would be a little hard to test ;D
<OscarL> in any case... good you have it working now :-)
<coolcoder613_32> Did you see what I did with anymeal yesterday?
<OscarL> read something about recipes, but didn't really paid much attention, sorry (other than noticing that PetePete might be a beta tester :-D)
* OscarL goes to take a look at the logs.
<OscarL> uic... moc... rcc. guess anymeal is a Qt app, right?
<OscarL> "-lQt5Gui" duh!, don't answer :-D
* OscarL remembers the day when he could compile entire apps (multiple "units/modules", compiling/adding resources, linking, etc), by just doing:
<OscarL> "dcc32.exe project_name.dpr"
<OscarL> no wonder the C and C++ worlds always looked too confusing for me :-D
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<coolcoder613_32> I'm using the croissant icon for it
<coolcoder613_32> Now i just need someone to make a haikuports recipe for it...