ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<coolcoder613> My grandfather was dding from an old USB 1 1TB HDD to a new 2TB one...
<coolcoder613> It takes days
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<erysdren> omg lol
<erysdren> where do you even get a USB1 1TB HDD lol
<erysdren> that seems like a nightmare to use
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<coolcoder613> Its *old*
<coolcoder613> It needs its own power source
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<Skipp_OSX> I have a lot of hard drives around here, pair of 8's pair of 5's pair of 6's pair of 3's a 2 and a smatter of 1 and 512m
<Skipp_OSX> 2.5's and 3.5's also got a mac mini with a pair of 4's
<scanty> mmm full house.
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<PeetPeet> lol @ scanty
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<AlienSoldier> hoho, build is furter than last time and got there faster also! :)
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<AlienSoldier> not sure it will finish that said, the ETA is climbing up :(
<Skipp_OSX> can somebody help me to build a package?
<Skipp_OSX> jumping the gun a bit but I have some apps of a sort I'd like to include ... once I get this working.
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<AlienSoldier> How long until this transfert to the nightly download ready?
<augiedoggie> 42 seconds
<AlienSoldier> seriously or a Douglas Adams response? :)
<augiedoggie> the latter
<AlienSoldier> 28 min ago it was done, i guess it require a manual operation at one point
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<The_Ringmaster> thank you to whomever fixed the server. I can update again.
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<AlienSoldier> all other build have whole number, i wonder if having 387.1 messed the propagation to the software updater.
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<AlienSoldier> humm, or perhaps it is the 64 bit build that trigger the updating of the nightly... i really don't know.
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<augiedoggie> you could always just start building your own Haiku and then you wouldn't have to worry about it :P
<Skipp_OSX> :/
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie f6cf729 - featherpad: qt5->6 cleanup, package layout tweaks, .recipe highlighting (#9963)
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<erysdren> my main incentive to get a working Haiku OS machine right now is cuz i wanna take Genio for a spin
<erysdren> it looks really good
* coolcoder613 is using Genio right now
<coolcoder613> It's good
<erysdren> im glad :3
<erysdren> i just don't have a suitable machine sadly
<AlienSoldier> augiedoggie usually i am happy with jsut waiting the builds, but i really can't wait to have that falkon problem solved, it really hurt my workflow.
<erysdren> and my main PC isn't good enough to run a vm
<coolcoder613> What is it?
<coolcoder613> Your main PC
<erysdren> Dell Inspiron laptop from 2017, i forget the exact model number
<coolcoder613> specs?
<erysdren> it's hooked up to a mouse, keyboard and monitor but it only has 8GB of RAM
<coolcoder613> 8GB is fine for VMs
<erysdren> not in my experience
<erysdren> i tried running a Haiku VM with 4G of RAM allocated, and it couldn't run some things
<erysdren> they would just freeze the VM
<coolcoder613> Even on windows it's okay
<coolcoder613> And 4GB of RAM is DEFINATELY not a problem for haiku
<erysdren> maybe the particular program that froze the VM had problems
<erysdren> Begasus reported that the ported game ran fine, but he's on an actual Haiku machine with more RAM
<coolcoder613> But VirtualBox does not work well with Haiku, don't use it
<erysdren> i use QEMU
<coolcoder613> Use QEMU/KVM
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<coolcoder613> My Haiku desktop has 3GB of RAM and it runs everything very well
<erysdren> oh huh
<erysdren> not sure why it wasn't working then lol
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<OscarL> erysdren: Hi. I used to run my VMs with only 2 GB. Good enough for building Python with optimizations enabled. Had to up to 3 GB to do some heavier builds (numpy/scipy, and some others that now escape me).
<coolcoder613> Try switching around the options, use a different virtual video card...
<OscarL> erysdren: and this is on an old Phenom II CPU.
<erysdren> regardless of the VM not working right, i still want a Haiku desktop machine just because it'd be fun
<erysdren> lol
<coolcoder613> +1
<erysdren> every time i've tried, i either couldn't get internet working, or video, or both
* coolcoder613 remembers...
<coolcoder613> Why not get a USB wifi thingy
<erysdren> costs money
<erysdren> that's why i haven't bought a craptop to put Haiku on
<erysdren> i don't have steady income
<coolcoder613> It's not expensive only $10-20
<OscarL> long ethernet cable? /me remembers wiring up a 15+ meters PARALLEL cable to make do for the lack of ethernet cards :-D
<OscarL> Still have that monster of ta cable stored here. Today... the copper on that thing surely cost more than the ethernet cards :-P
<erysdren> lol
<OscarL> erysdren: do you have friends with WiFi mini-pci-e cards? maybe you can swap yours for one that works on Haiku?
<erysdren> sadly no, i don't really have any local friends are computer nerds
<erysdren> a lot of them don't even have PCs, just phones
<OscarL> Bummer.
<erysdren> you're tellin me :P
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<OscarL> Perhaps some good soul with old hardware lying around (*cough* PeetPeet *cough*) can find a supported card and he can mail it to you? :-D
<coolcoder613> The only computer person I know is my grandfather ;)
<Al2O3> ebay?
<Al2O3> freecycle, or otherwise local aged computer clubs?
<OscarL> what? going outside and interacting with LIVE people?
* OscarL rather attempts to write a driver on his own! :-P
<Al2O3> inman and inman?
<coolcoder613> OscarL: But it's like.. ChatGPT but more intelligent
<coolcoder613> ;)
<OscarL> Just for reference... "RTL8188EE" <<< that's an old/cheap mini-pci-express card that works with Haiku (found in the "El Cheapo" HP craptops from 2014/16).
<Al2O3> nice
<Al2O3> RTL stuff
* coolcoder613 sometimes thinks with /me commands
<erysdren> what does "Interrupted System Call" mean?
<erysdren> it's a pkgman error
<OscarL> got that earlier today.
<erysdren> i've gotten it multiple times while trying to install Falkon
<erysdren> i'm presuming it's because this VM runs at max CPU almost all the time
<coolcoder613> Just try again and again and eventually it works
<erysdren> yeah thats what ive been doing
<erysdren> still annoying though cuz i gotta watch the install process
<coolcoder613> Hmmm... Loop until it exits with 0?
<erysdren> meh
<coolcoder613> and use -y
<OscarL> Servers acting up, and we end up with a "too generic" B_INTERRUPTED error it seems.
<erysdren> lol falkon finished installing and it can't even launch
<coolcoder613> Why not?
<erysdren> missing libraries:
<coolcoder613> Try rebooting VM?
<erysdren> yea sec
<Al2O3> rebootski
<Al2O3> those things you put on when your bootski is no longer fitting.
<coolcoder613> None of my computers have more than 8GB of RAM...
<coolcoder613> Or less than 64MB
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<erysdren> how do you update R4 to a specific hrev again?
<erysdren> i forgot
<coolcoder613> Instead of master or r1beta4 you use the hrev?
<OscarL> (has a "downgrading" section)
<erysdren> genio requires atleast hrev 57458 which my system isn't on
<coolcoder613> Change r1beta4 to master and update
<coolcoder613> for the 'Haiku' repository
<erysdren> where is that?
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<coolcoder613eb> Reposiories preflet
<erysdren> thanks
<OscarL> `pkgman full` on beta4 seems to work. So... only the latest nighly builds are borked for updating, it seems?
<OscarL> erysdren: are you sure Genio requires hrev57458? because Genio - 2.1.0-1 is in the repos, and the buildmasters run beta4 (a not so fresh one even)
<erysdren> it's in the repos?
<erysdren> i was just using the hpkg from the github page
<erysdren> :/
<erysdren> i was already partway through a full-sync lol
<erysdren> aaghh
<coolcoder613> why not install from the Depot?
<erysdren> i dunno!!
<erysdren> i didn't know it was on there!!
<coolcoder613> *Everything* is there
<erysdren> gah
<erysdren> now im upgrading to a possibly broken nightly
<erysdren> lol
<erysdren> ugh, maybe i just need to reinstall this vm
<coolcoder613> But updating to nightly is still a good idea
<OscarL> I guess that the ".hpkg" in Genio's repo was build on a nightly. And they overlook the version mismatch issue with beta4 :-D
<OscarL> That's why I do like Begasus does... and stay on beta4 (for all haikuports related work at least).
<erysdren> bleh
* coolcoder613eb always uses nightly
<OscarL> erysdren: for future reference.... you COULD try to "unpack, patch the .PackageInfo file, and repack problematic .hpkg files (assuming they do not ACTUALLY requires a newer version)
<OscarL> `/bin/package` can be your friend.
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* OscarL thinks he will propose a `gnuplot-no_qt` .recipe if the one currently on PR gets merged.
<OscarL> kinda nuts to pull in Qt5 just to plot some graphic to .png :-D
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<OscarL> Wish Genio's "Convert tab to spaces" settings was per-programming language, and not a global "Editor" setting. Pe has the same problem.
<coolcoder613eb> Or per-workspace?
<OscarL> Or... does it saves it for projects?
<OscarL> coolcoder613eb: in any case... I might have .py and .cpp in the same project/workspace, so...
<OscarL> Also... having a single "text/x-source-code" mime type ain't helping much :-)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 04413de - tg_owt: bump version
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes a39fe60 - Telegram: bump version
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<cocobean> OscarL: Depends if apps like that are being serious being used as per the user manual or as a "toy" app for test/demo/etc purposes.
<cocobean> Can always turn features off in the main usage/build of it.
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<OscarL> I understand the utility of having gnuplot with a functional GUI. I would rather that be via xlibe, or a native way, but... if we only get it via Qt... that's ok.
<OscarL> What is not ok is forcing big dependencies on tools that are regularly used on scripts, thus why I think we could have BOTH a version with Qt, and one without it.
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<cocobean> True. This one was just to prove it can build with Qt5/6, but we don't have to enable the feature by default if overkill -especially if xlibe does the job - per your own PR.
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<OscarL> There are some problems still with the xlibe version, thus why I kept it as draft. Sadly, I'm too dumb to help debugging/fixing the issue :-D
<cocobean> ;)
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<pinaraf> hi
<pinaraf> no stand for haiku at fosdem this year, again? :/
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<OscarL> weren't last two years just "virtual booth" due to COVID-19?
<pinaraf> last year it was a "physical" event, and haiku could not get a stand
<OscarL> I see... miss read both Haiku's conferences page AND the wikipedia page for FOSDEM... as my brain still think we're in 2023 :-D
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<Begasus> 'lo peeps
<OscarL> Morning Begasus :-)
<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<Begasus> g'morning there :)
<Begasus> up early :P
<OscarL> Late to bed :-D
<Begasus> or that :D
<Begasus> maybe take a look at Dooble today ...
<OscarL> before I fall asleep... I have a question for you...
<Begasus> those translations should end up in $dataDir/Qt5/translations
<Begasus> shoot
<OscarL> re: translations location... no idea :-D
<OscarL> can you do "ls -l ~/config/settings/system/registrar/RosterSettings" on your most used machine?
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<Begasus> ls: cannot access '/boot/home/config/settings/system/registrar/RosterSetting': No such file or directory
<OscarL> missing "s" at the end.
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<Begasus> -rw-r--r-- 1 user root 366944 jan. 7 21:07 /boot/home/config/settings/system/registrar/RosterSettings
<OscarL> 366944... meh... not THAT bad... was expecting far worse from your machine :-D
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<Begasus> lol
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<Begasus> ow well, this just booted, maybe later today it will be bigger?
<coolcoder613_> Hi Begasus
<OscarL> the more you work on recipes/ports... the bigger it will grow.
<OscarL> more to do with life-time usage than boot-time.
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* coolcoder613_ is trying to build falkon on macos
<Begasus> 3423 entries in there
<Begasus> 358.34KiB
<OscarL> I'm considering sending a patch to put a limit on that nonsense :-D
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613_
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<Begasus> I should be HUGE then here OscarL :D
<OscarL> yeah.. I tough... man... if I have 580 KB... Begasus must be at least 2/3 MBs :-D
<OscarL> s/tough/thought/
<Begasus> 293 recipes/patches from a private repo (with the new KDE stuff) alongside for other recipes not pushed :P
<Begasus> ow whoot!
<Begasus> hm also R1B4 64bit?
<Begasus> let me boot the 32bit one here
<OscarL> as far as I can tell by reading the code... there is no upper limit, so... it grows forever.
<Begasus> coolcoder613_, if you got all the frameworks/libraries it would be an easy job for Falkon
<Begasus> heh, on the 32bit on the file is only 47.75KiB
<OscarL> mine was 360 KB on 32 bits :-/
<Begasus> most say that the 32bit one is now a fall-back for checking things, so not as much used as this one
<OscarL> File size also depends on lenght of paths, so keeping thing "deep" inside "~/SourceCode" or the like... makes things worse :-D
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<Begasus> Does this count as one of them? ;)
<Begasus> RecentFolder /boot/home "application/x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive" 430 "application/x-vnd.falkon" 420 "application/x-vnd.tokodon" 419 "application/x-vnd.qt5-tokodon" 416 "application/x-vnd.qt5-vakzination" 383 "application/x-vnd.pogger" 371 "application/x-vnd.palapeli" 363 "application/x-vnd.qt5-palapeli" 361 "application/x-vnd.qt5-kbackup" 354 "application/x-vnd.qt5-kdevelop" 350 "application/x-vnd.qt5-kwrite" 348
<Begasus> "application/x-vnd.qtemu" 290 "application/x-vnd.qt6-qtcreator" 282 "application/x-vnd.qt5-qtemu" 281 "application/x-vnd.filelight" 270 "application/x-vnd.qt5-angelfish" 267 "application/x-vnd.qt6-gammaray" 202 "application/x-vnd.genio" 181 "application/x-vnd.haiku-vim-8" 173 "application/x-vnd.qt5-gmic_qt" 68 "application/x-vnd.nomacs" 67 "application/x-vnd.pjr-masterpiece" 65
<Begasus> "application/x-vnd.qt5-kate" 347 "application/x-vnd.qt5-kleopatra" 344 "application/x-vnd.qt5-coolreader" 321 "application/x-vnd.qt5-arianna" 320 "application/x-vnd.angelfish" 319 "application/x-vnd.kmymoney" 318 "application/" 309 "application/x-vnd.qt5-clksignal" 308 "application/x-vnd.otter-browser" 303 "application/x-vnd.kde-okular" 297 "application/x-vnd.nheko" 293 "application/x-vnd.qt6-nheko" 291
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<Begasus> RecentDoc /boot/home/Big-Clock-32bit.png "application/x-vnd.nomacs" 1509 "application/x-vnd.qt5-gmic_qt" 1504 "application/x-vnd.haiku-showimage" 696 "application/" 695 "application/x-vnd.haiku-webpositive" 233
<OscarL> That file has lists for Recent Documents, Recent Folders, and Recent apps. Considering that Deskbar's default is only asking 10 of each... letting store it 3000+ seems a bit too much :-D
<Begasus> BigClock hasn't been on the Desktop here for a while (still on the 32bit), so shouldn't that be cleaned? ;)
<Begasus> right
<OscarL> Found this trying to clear Genio's list of recent projects :-D
<Begasus> maybe something like is used for syslog can be used to clear these things up from time to time?
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<Begasus> or write a small script to clean all but the last 50 Entries?
<coolcoder613> Hello andreaa72
<andreaa72> hello coolcoder613
<Begasus> Hi matt1 :)
<OscarL> Easier to put a limit directly on the classes, I think. I'll do it crudely, send a patch for review... and surely korli will scream at me the correct solution! :-D
<andreaa72> xD hi Begasus , i have two names ...
<andreaa72> yes, but andrea is real
<Begasus> Then I have to wait 'till R1B5 for that OscarL :P
<Begasus> but yes, better fixed upstream
<Begasus> wanted to have a go a vagrant yesterday, korli mentioned as the person to contact for Haiku :)
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<Begasus> bah, dooble using qmake as build system ...
<OscarL> he's everywhere :-P
<Begasus> yeha! :)
<Begasus> OscarL, from dooble's .pro file "es/es_ANY \"
<Begasus> that explains no sublanguages for es
<OscarL> having a "top level" language code, and no specific ones, is ok. Unlike git, that has "pt_PT" but no "pt", for example.
<OscarL> the issue is that even if `locale -l` returns plain 'es', dooble still expects: `es_ES`, at least on Haiku.
<Begasus> it doesn't have nl_BE either :P
<OscarL> but beyond that... seems that most of the translations files are incomplete, and dooble refuses to use them anyway.
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<Begasus> little buggers :)
<OscarL> s/most/many/ (I haven't tested enough to claim that most are incomplete)
<OscarL> I think that the issue with QLocale::system::name() returning "es_ES" even when the Locale preflet is set to plain "es"...
<OscarL> will require the help of someone familiar with either Qt (3dEyes), LocaleKit (PulkoMandy), or both :-D
<Begasus> that's up for higher level peeps :)
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<OscarL> yeah... I can't even tie my shoes unnatended, so debugging Qt code is out of my league :-D
<OscarL> *unnatended, *shoe-laces (darn English!)
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<OscarL> anyways... enough silly me for one day. Read you later Begasus!
<OscarL> have a good one, folks.
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<PetePete> Good Sunday morning to all (according to Weather app)
<PetePete> Why does having a big pretty dog make a guy feel like such a king?
<phschafft> because a king needs subjects?
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<PetePete> phschafft That's it.
<Begasus> Only one? ;)
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<Begasus> hi Kokito :)
<Kokito> Hello Begasus!
<phschafft> but personally I'm more into big cats than bit canines.
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] lorglas 035ce50 - Bump Version: yab-localizer updated toyab 1.8.2 (#9965)
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<Begasus> Vision could use some color themes :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 329fc96 - libvpx: bumped to v1.13.1 (#9938)
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<PetePete> Begasus I had to go in and change mine for sure. It's so bright haha
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<Begasus> k, one of the things I stay on the beta, it's not broken :)
<Begasus> reminds me that I should update my 32bit nightly install for the BSD header
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<shaka444[m]> I'm getting a "Device/File/Resource busy" error when trying to unmount a USB drive that
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<shaka444[m]> * <span style='white-space:pre-wrap'>I'm getting a &quot;Device/File/Resource busy&quot; error when trying to unmount a USB drive that I know is not in use.. is there an issue with BFS or the mount server that anyone knows about?</span>
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays d335035 - gd: bump for rebuild (#9956)
<shaka444[m]> I'm getting a "Device/File/Resource busy" error when trying to unmount a USB drive that I know is not in use.. is there an issue with BFS or the mount server that anyone knows about that might be causing this?
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] lorglas 375a33d - Bump Version: yab-localizer updated toyab 1.8.2 (#9966)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 0a150c5 - gnuplot: bumped for rebuild (#9955)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus fb76181 - tox, revbump for libvpx (#9967)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1c39675 - eduke32, revbump for libvpx (#9968)
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<Begasus> about 15 minutes to build the cross-tools for riscv, not bad :)
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<Al2O3> scanty: howdie, just DL'ed the old favorite of mine, Lance Leventhal book on 6502
<Al2O3> used to have 100s of books on the 6502 :)
<Al2O3> literally ever book I ever saw back 20-30 years ago on sale on abe or otherwise about the apple line, or 6502 I bought.
<Al2O3> " back in the day "
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<PetePete> Haiku's been fun bu I think it's time to move on. Y'all have somethiing nice here. I'm grateful for it.
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<PetePete> I'll burn my install to a usb and boot it once in a while for fun
<PetePete> Does Haiku have a usb tool for isos or should I just use dd?
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<erysdren> i'd probably just use dd
<erysdren> what's made you decide to move on?
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<PetePete> Well, Haiku's a lot fun and very nostalgic but I can't really use it for anyhing practical. I do mostly work on my systems and that requires security. I also really need a modern browser (though I hate FF and Chrome)
<PetePete> It's not Haiku's fault that the modern web sucks.
<PetePete> And since I can't contribute (like, I can't fix things on my own such as the weather app) I don't wanna hang around and complain :)
<erysdren> ah yeah, fair :P
<PetePete> I think I'll stay in this channel though
<erysdren> that's why i don't daily drive it yet
<erysdren> because of the web
<PetePete> The web sucks. Falkon is a nice browser and so is Otter for that matter
<erysdren> yeah :/
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<PetePete> javascript is puke and all the other unnecessary crap that everyone builds the web with
<erysdren> unfortunately all my friends use Discord, so if i want to continue having a social life i gotta be there
<erysdren> nobody wanted to follow me to IRC
<PetePete> GAWD I hate discord
<PetePete> What a child's program
<erysdren> aye.
<PetePete> I used to hang out with the Vector Linux guys
<erysdren> what's that
<PetePete> that project was fun. Only Linux distro I ever paid money for
<erysdren> ahh
<PetePete> I bought the special edition to support the project (it was dirt cheap at like $25)
<PetePete> Came with all kinds of extras. VERY nice offer
<PetePete> It was a very lightweight, Slackware spin
<PetePete> It had its issues, but you couldn't break it if you tried. I miss that
<erysdren> you just can't get that with any linux these days
<erysdren> sadly
<PetePete> Agreed.
<erysdren> i can't do much to help haiku, but i port games as best as i can
<erysdren> FOSS games and open-source 90s shooters etc
<PetePete> I'm going back to antix for this low end laptop. MX/Antix was the very first Linux I ever used (Mepis at the time)
<erysdren> for me, the ability to play games will make or break an operating system
<erysdren> since Haiku isn't very good in that department, i'm trying to push it
<PetePete> Any chance you could have a look at World of Padman?
<erysdren> that's that
<erysdren> what's that?
<PetePete> Oneof the coolest games you'll ever come across!
<erysdren> definitely looks like a freeware shooter :P
<PetePete> Old first person shooter, where you are a tiny "thing"
<erysdren> do you know what engine it uses?
<PetePete> I want to say quake but I may be dead wrong
<erysdren> looks like Quake 3 to me
<PetePete> lemme check!
<erysdren> might be dead simple to port in that case
<PetePete> originally quake III Arena
<erysdren> it might not run well because of llvmpipe, but it will atleast run
<erysdren> probably :P
<PetePete> ioquake3 engine
<PetePete> I miss that game
<PetePete> I used to just explore the levels for fun
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli c47ca39 - dooble: set translations path on start up
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* Al2O3 played quake 3 arena and everything prior via their releases to the original doom on NS :)
<Al2O3> John was, maybe still is, a 'god'
<PetePete> antix incoming
<Al2O3> hope it works for you … "antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy-to-install Linux live CD distribution based on Debian's "Stable" branch for x86 compatible systems. antiX offers users the "antiX Magic" in an environment suitable for old computers."
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57503] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1322e37a0338 - docs/user: Fix typo.
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57504] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fa766875afc5 - kernel: Rename DescriptorPutter to FileDescriptorPutter.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1bde6f6c36f5 - kernel/fs: Standardize AutoDeleters for file_descriptor on FileDescriptorPutter.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 76f69a9e77eb - kernel/fs: More usage of FileDescriptorDeleter.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57505] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bb094580289e - kernel/vfs: Convert from custom VNodePutter to the generic VnodePutter.
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<jmairboeck> OscarL: I saw your ramblings about "tabs vs. spaces" in Genio earlier today, so I created a feature request issue:
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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<coolcoder613> Good morning
<Al2O3> good day sunshine
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<AlienSoldier> anyone know what is going on with the builds server?
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