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<coolcoder613> Hi PetePete
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] hfsfox 0c24a06 - mc: bump version (#10023)
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* coolcoder613 waves
<erysdren> hii
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hii
<coolcoder613> What's up?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> everything id good how about u?
<erysdren> im alright
<erysdren> its 20 minutes before midnight and i'm drinking coffee
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* coolcoder613 is working on
<erysdren> cool!!!
<erysdren> i saw this on my github feed
* coolcoder613 is using the Zed editor
<coolcoder613> open sourced ~4 days ago
<Ellenor> o_O
<Ellenor> happy 0th birthday!
<coolcoder613> it's very snappy, has good highlighting and LSP support
<coolcoder613> Ellenor: it's 0.1 was in june 2021, so not really
<Ellenor> 0th birthday of sourc which has been opened
<Ellenor> not of 0.1 release
<coolcoder613> I now use it as my main editor
<erysdren> looks pretty nice
<phschafft> :))
<erysdren> how's it going phschafft?
<phschafft> oh, fine, fine, just at work.
* coolcoder613_nok gets back to work
<phschafft> and what about you?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613_nok> Hi Begasus
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<erysdren> good morning Begasus!
<erysdren> i'm doing alright phschafft. just bored. i'm gonna be up all night
<Ellenor> good morning belgium (?!)
<phschafft> hm.
<erysdren> i've been reshuffling the licenses in my "scratch" code repository on github
<erysdren> it's where i put all the stuff that doesn't really deserve it's own repository
<erysdren> random C programs and whatnot
<erysdren> some of it is licensed differently because of what it's based on
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I think we might need to come to some agreement on the part I tool at some point (not tonight).
<erysdren> oh, what's wrong with it?
<erysdren> licensing or?
<erysdren> for the record the 8086 emulator thing wasn't based on any existing code from anyone else
<phschafft> I don't fully remember, but I think there was something which would have me skip that program in a possible distribution.
<phschafft> but that is a bit low prio because I don't specifically plan to do any release soon.
<erysdren> ah, well message me or ping me in here whenever you wanna work it out
<phschafft> (or maybe at all)
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> (even without a formal release I would be happy to share my version of that program with you as a form of feedback :)
<erysdren> sure!
<erysdren> i've been thinking about revisiting it as i've been looking at other people's RISC-V virtual CPUs
<erysdren> and it's given me some ideas
<erysdren> for the x86 one
<phschafft> I think that the host project really pushed me forward unlike many others recently.
<phschafft> the VM being some small part in it. interesting and also worth as it explores the space for potential other VMs.
<phschafft> but I think the next area of focus will be the shell.
<phschafft> on a side note: some of that code might end up as some generic library functions. for example the virtual memory support.
<erysdren> sounds good. i wish i had an FPGA or a RISC-V board i could develop toy OS stuff on
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hlw can anyone guide me to configure haiku build on my pc?
<coolcoder613> PriyanshuGupta[m]: I can try
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> coolcoder613: help me out then
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> i had the build tool and haiqu repo on my pc
<coolcoder613_nok> What problem are you having?
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<phschafft> erysdren: for me a key step will be to consider how I can rearrange the code so that it works in a computer and in a transputer configuration. my main goal is a transputer configuration, but I also have some projects that are so small that a single-chip solution is the only option.
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> i had installed necessary dependendies
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> and jam too
<coolcoder613> Are you on Windows?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> nope
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> ubuntu
<coolcoder613> Where did you get the source from?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> gerrit
<coolcoder613> was it github or
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> second one
<coolcoder613> Where are you up to in the build instructions?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> configuiring an x86_64 build
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> here i guess
<coolcoder613> have you cloned the buildtools?
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> yes
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> take a look
<coolcoder613> did you run
<coolcoder613> mkdir generated.x86_64; cd generated.x86_64
<coolcoder613> ../configure --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64
<coolcoder613> When you are in `haiku`
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> yes this is currently running
<coolcoder613> It might take a while, because it is building a cross gcc
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> thanks
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> then what should i do next
<coolcoder613> jam -q -j<number of cores> @nightly-anyboot
<coolcoder613> So, on my macbook, jam -q -j8 @nightly-anyboot
<coolcoder613> (If I was using asahi linux)
* coolcoder613 had a hard time getting Haiku to compile on macOS
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> coolcoder613: coolcoder613 okay okay
<Begasus> its crowded this morning :)
<coolcoder613_nok> Morning? For me it is late afternoon ;)
<Begasus> wrote down some stuff to update and build Haiku (on Haiku 64bit) myself here:
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> thank u Begasus
<Begasus> np PriyanshuGupta[m], hope it helps out, works for me, but it's not an official guide :)
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> yeah yeah
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<Begasus> afk, dogs ...
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<Begasus> re
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> finally did the build and run the os
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<Begasus> nice :)
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<PetePete> coolcoder613_nok that editor looks great
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<OscarL> Weee! found an old android tablet that works as /dev/net/usb_rndis on Haiku! A bit bulky to use as a WiFi adapter, but a lot better than having zero network access :-D
<nosycat> Indeed!
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<Habbie> OscarL, nice!
<Habbie> next up: "i just wanted to charge my phone and watch some youtube on haiku and now my data bundle for the month is gone"
<Habbie> this happened to a friend of mine (although, to be honest, not with haiku)
<Begasus> Hi OscarL Habbie
<Begasus> so no constrains anymore to download texlive packages OscarL?
<nosycat> o/
<Begasus> Hi nosycat :)
<Begasus> This doesn't really look like it should belong there .... /boot/system/share/aclocal
<Begasus> cmake files ....
<nosycat> Kind of a misleading folder name, isn't it.
<Begasus> --xdgdatadir=DIR install XDG specific files in PREFIX/DIR
<Begasus> [share]
<Begasus> right, shouldn't be there imho
<ilzu[m]> Hello. Is there any Haikuports people around? I had a need for ssh_askpass and wrote a Haiku-native implementation, complete with a Haikuports recipe. Translations welcome. See here:
<Begasus> some cosmetic changes needed for that recipe (quick look)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57537] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d579eb9efe82 - HaikuBook: minor fixes
<ilzu[m]> Begasus: What kind of changes would be needed? That is the first Haikuports recipe I've written, so it's a bit of a learning process. I'll fix them asap.
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<Begasus> let me check that with haikuporter, mostly some missing empty lines
<Begasus> This looks better (cmake)
<OscarL> darn pkgmam full seems to have left the system unusable. rebooting.
<OscarL> Hi Habbie, Begasus, et all :-)
<augiedoggie> the applications and icons directories can be removed
<OscarL> Tablet has no cell-modem, so I'm safe on that regard Habbie (no unexpected data-surcharges :-D).
<Habbie> wait, what are you using then? the tablet wifi?
<Begasus> OscarL, any thoughts on a profile.d directory in $dataDir?
<Begasus> atm I only have openjdk in there
<Begasus> ilzu[m], builds OK :)
<OscarL> Habbie: exactly. Tablet connects via WiFi to my Router (that I use in WDS mode to connect to my neighbour's)... then usb-tethering into Haiku :-D
<Habbie> lol
<Habbie> nice
<Begasus> ilzu[m], renamed it to ssh_askpass-0.1~git.recipe as this isn't a 0.1 release yet
<ilzu[m]> Begasus: Yup, I've tested it to build on both x86_64 and 32 bit gcc2
<OscarL> Begasus: Seems I can only boot Haiku with the tablet unplugged, and I'm having problems doing pkgman full, so... texlive is out of the question for now. (sorry for the delay in replies)
<Begasus> ilzu[m], local changes:
<Begasus> seems network speed isn't up to date too OscarL :)
* Begasus ducks
<Begasus> we also have: /boot/system/settings/etc/profile.d
<OscarL> more like my brain is running dial-up, and my network DSL :-D
<Begasus> no strong opinion there personaly, don't know what the proper place would be
<Begasus> didn't see your comment in between augiedoggie, but yes, could probably removed too
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<Begasus> eeps : # No way to tell this to configure... rm -rf $dataDir/{emacs,vim}
<augiedoggie> possibly the mime dir too, not sure what that one does
<Begasus> no wonder :P
<ilzu[m]> Begasus: I think it is a release 0.1 just as soon as I get the reciepe right. I am not at the Haiku-computer right now, but I'll try the fixed reciepe there when I get to that computer. I used that profile.d as it was used by other packages as well. jre packages for example
<Begasus> right ilzu[m], that's the one I have in there too
<Begasus> guess it doesn't harm?
<augiedoggie> not a big deal for emacs, it has its own cmake mode
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<Begasus> it was already in the recipe augiedoggie, but it couldn't work as it wasn't in that location, might as well add icons and applications to it
<OscarL> (I need to do "barrier_haiku" NOT spam syslog so much if it cant find the server.... sigh)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] lonemadmax pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57538] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 787179956bbd - tools/elfsymbolpatcher: fix format warnings
<OscarL> Begasus: re profile.d / $dataDir... I don't feel confortable enough with my little knowdlege to express any opinion on the matter :-/ (also.. still need at least one litre of coffee before doing anything else :-D)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> was thinking about you since the talk on the git files there
<ilzu[m]> Begasus: I can't check that now, as I am not on the Haiku computer, but I think they probably are symlinks to same dir or something like that
<Begasus> not familiar with Haiku's internal that much, so maybe someone with the proper knowlidge could answer that
<OscarL> Begasus: task for people with more experience in POSIX environments.
<Begasus> right OscarL
<Begasus> it's just easier if one knows what the proper place should be to have a uniform setting
<OscarL> (I've already uninstalled barrier_haiku... and it still spams my syslog :-/ darn!)
<Begasus> reworked the kde frameworks so they now install all the plugins in $dataDir/Qt5/
<Begasus> instead of $libDir/plugins
<OscarL> (nothing that killing input_server can't fix! assuming it doesn't hangs the system :-D)
<OscarL> mmm now I have /dev/net/usb_rndis/0 sending DHCP requests, even if I have no USB devices plugged in (and already killed net_server and co). Darn netbook is having a rough day :-D
<Begasus> guess that mime directory won't hurt for now augiedoggie:
<Begasus> can't win them all :)
<augiedoggie> heh
<OscarL> "<Begasus> OscarL, any thoughts on a profile.d directory in $dataDir?" <<< as in "/system/data/profile.d/" (read-only) ? and opposed to the dubious "/system/settings/profile.d/" (read-write) ?
<OscarL> the one under "etc/profile.d" seems more reasonable, at least it is used for by Haiku proper (inputrc/password/profile/etc).
<ilzu[m]> I think it is more of a setting than data, and I think it is better if user can edit it
<OscarL> having a read-only "profile.d" under $dataDir... with the assumption that the configs there can be supperceeded by user configs elseware... might be nice.
<OscarL> but that's just my layman opinion. We need korli/PulkoMandy/nephele/augiedoggie/etc comming up with some guidlines here :-D
<ilzu[m]> I'm not sure if it is possible to override them like that without patching bash or something. Not sure though.
<augiedoggie> they should be writable, it's on my todo list to move the one in the keychain package
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: undewrstood, but sadly, there are some weird interactions with files on those dirs when you upgrade packages (or uninstall them, and they leave old configs behind, that new packages then can't update)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57539] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 621200ebbd67 - BOutlineListView: fix ItemUnderAt and accept NULL as superitem
<ilzu[m]> The keychain package was one example that I used to write te recipe, so if it's profile.d is about to be changed, then my package should move it too.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57540] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3c51bab74ebd - runtime_loader: remove unnecessary loop
<OscarL> doesn't apt in debian allows for "uninstall and also remove config files" or something like that? Maybe we need something similar in pkgman?
<ilzu[m]> I have to go away from computer for a bit
<OscarL> BTW... thanks for working on native apps, ilzu[m] :-D
<Habbie> OscarL, apt-get purge is the 'also config' version of remove
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<OscarL> Habbie: thanks. seems our `pkgman uninstall` is just happy littering files it added via GLOBAL_WRITTABLE_FILES :-/
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<Begasus> hmm ... shouldn't the cmake-gui get an entry in the Deskbar menu?
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: I have many others on different states of completion, for example a native guitar tab app (like Guitar pro), but it is far from ready
<OscarL> sounds cool! Wish you lots of fun while working on those, even if progress is slow :-) We need to enjoy the ride :-)
<Begasus> +1 from here too!
<OscarL> "KERN: virtio_gpu: CALLED float virtio_gpu_supports_device(device_nod*)" <<< that seems kinda odd to see on the syslof after just plugin in an USB device :-/
<OscarL> s/syslof/syslog/
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<waddlesplash> probably should be removed at this point
<waddlesplash> the printf I mean
<phschafft> a sysloaf, with a breading thread.
<PulkoMandy> That's how beos style drivers work: just ask every driver if they support the device. So, yes, in the long term we need a better device manager that can do some prefiltering
<PulkoMandy> In the short term, probably that message isn't needed if TRACE isn't enabled for that driver
* OscarL would also like for the /var/log/es1370.log file to not appear, unless that hardware is present :-P
<OscarL> phschafft: now I'm hungry... :-D
<phschafft> I'm too my friend.
<OscarL> "pkgman full" keeps (eventually) freezing on me (via usb_rndis). Not sure if due to crappy internet, this old table, or what :-(
<OscarL> wish I know how to debug it to see where it is stuck.
<OscarL> s/know/knew/
<Begasus> CMake has most likely not been installed correctly
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<Begasus> OK, I presume the gui should require the base package? :P
<OscarL> _kern_read + 0xa <-- read + 0x16 <-- sock_read + 0x30 <-- bread_conv + 0x1b (see phschafft? again with the bread theme!)
<Begasus> bread?
<phschafft> ha!
<OscarL> I've made a typo earier... sysloaf for syslog, then phschafft mentioned breading thread... and now I got a "bread_conv" :-D
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> pkgman became unkillable. super-villan origin story?
<Begasus> alians attack! :P
<phschafft> or ghosts?
<Begasus> added icon and Deskbar entry for cmake-gui:
<Begasus> we realy should get some subsections in there :)
<OscarL> Now I have zombie bash. Good thing I don't have much brains for eating.
<scanty> Begasus, I love your Desktop!
<Begasus> thanks scanty, background is from facebook group album picture
<scanty> ah cool. it looks great
<Begasus> half of the time not visable though :D
<scanty> yeah, you have a lot going on there, i see
<Begasus> already closed down a few apps, preparing to close down (before I stumbled into this cmake thing)
<scanty> cool. what time zone are you in?
<Begasus> Brussels/Amsterdam
<Begasus> GMT+1 iirc :)
<scanty> ah, OK, so i am six hours behind you.
<Begasus> 20.34 atm
<scanty> 14:35 here
<Begasus> about the same time as OscarL then probably
<scanty> yeah
<OscarL> I'm -03:00
<Begasus> k, let's push these changes to hp ...
<OscarL> 16:35 right now :-)
<scanty> ok, so i am a little bit behind you.
<OscarL> how come a process becomes inmune to "kill -9"? :-/
<scanty> i can't wait for Konatct!
<Begasus> lol
<scanty> i see you make good use of replicants
<Begasus> only the most useful basic ones
<scanty> yeah, i never really got into replicants
<Begasus> screensize is large enough to put them on now :)
<scanty> yeah, what resoultion are you running?
<OscarL> lol, I unpluged the usb cable to the tablet... and listusb still lists it as connected :-/
<Begasus> 1920*1080
<scanty> nice.
<scanty> 1680x1050 here
<Begasus> yeah :)
<Begasus> nice too
<Begasus> on the other laptop it's 1600*900 (iirc)
<scanty> yeah, it fits perfectly on my desk with no room to spare.
<scanty> i've had this screen for years
<scanty> it certainly lasted longer than the computer i got it with
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> my "new" netboot is in glorious 1366x768 (11.6")... still beats this 1024x600 (10")
<Begasus> only the 2 laptops at work for Haiku, external HDMI monitor isn't recognized (yet)
* Begasus has hope for the future :D
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<Begasus> but it makes up when I want to check something quickly on Windows, just run Haiku on the external one :)
<Begasus> in VM*
<scanty> ah
<OscarL> is the a Haiku equivalent to BeOS "/bin/rescan" ? (want to see if I can get usb_rndis to "reload" it self out of this weird state)
<OscarL> (I'm using the usb_rndis from Haiku's package for now, next I'll try using it in /non-packaged/
<Begasus> time to close down
<OscarL> later Begasus!
<Begasus> alarm rings at 5AM tomorrow :)
<scanty> see you later, Begasus, nice chatting
<Begasus> same here scanty
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<OscarL> what software do we use to host an .hpkg repo? (I'll want to have a "local cache proxy" of sorts, to speed up updates for multiple Haiku installs.
<scanty> is it possible to uninstall your own hpkg?
<scanty> (i.e. not in the depot)
<OscarL> scanty: yes, I do that regularly when working on .recipes... you just pass the .hpkg file as argument to "pkgman install"
<OscarL> (you can even install it in "user mode" with "pkgman install -H <path_to.hkpg>"
<scanty> do you mean pkgman uninstall?
<scanty> i think the easiest thing to do would be to take apart the current hpkg and then just make a new one.
<OscarL> but what I want is to have a local repo I can just add to different Haiku installs, so when doing pkgman update or full.... my local "cache repo" will be used instad of hitting the servers in Europe.
<scanty> ah
<OscarL> scanty: for one of packages, yes... for "pkgman full"... is a pain in the ass.
<scanty> i see.
<OscarL> specially if you have different sets of packages installed in different installs.
<scanty> this is all new to me.
<scanty> i haven't really touched any code in about 8-10 years.
<scanty> there's a lot of assembly in my emulator, and i didn't comment it
<OscarL> I'm extremelly rusty as well, and I was never good to begin with so... :-D
<scanty> so i look at it, and it's like WTF is this
<OscarL> In any case... found this docs: /me goes to make some coffee.
<scanty> it would be neat if haiku could run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
<OscarL> yup.
<scanty> kind of like multilib on linux
<scanty> or multiarch
<OscarL> I need to do something about cpufreq-scalling on this Atom N450... it gets too hot on Haiku :-(
<scanty> netbook?
<OscarL> yup
<scanty> 32-bit?
<OscarL> 64 bits (⌐■_■)
<scanty> nice.
<scanty> nice emjoi, too :^)
<OscarL> 2 GB of RAM, even :-)
<scanty> wow, that's nice for a netbook
<OscarL> have another (without screen), N455 with only 1 GB... but I MIGHT get a 2 GB stick soon.
<scanty> what happened to the screen?
<OscarL> planning on converting it into sort of my "NAS/kinda-backup/git server/haiku slow build-master".
<OscarL> I got it without charger, without screen, without HDD, and missing keys and a touckpad button.
<scanty> oh wow.
<OscarL> even new they were so slow that people were selling them for cheap.
<scanty> i have an extra sun machine that i want to use as a buildmaster, but i read that haiku cannot be built on solaris
<OscarL> had mine since 2013, serves me well.
<scanty> nice.
<scanty> that's about when i got my macbook
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<scanty> but i only use it for music.
<scanty> and travel
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<OscarL> I used mine mostly for torrenting, watching 720p movies, reading, and writting some Python code :-)
<scanty> i never got into python... it looks... weird.
<OscarL> As long as you don't try to use a modern webbroser, or compile complex projects... they still have some value, IMO.
<OscarL> scanty: I still kick my self in the nuts for not starting with Python the first time I could... 1998...
<OscarL> it was just "too weird" for me back then too.
<scanty> yeah
<scanty> i'm too old for python, i think
<scanty> good old C/C++ and ASM for me.
<OscarL> in 2007 I got a job that needed a full rewrite of their code base (all in VBSript, lol)...
<scanty> VBScript.... wow
<scanty> haven't used that in proably 20 years
<OscarL> and the best language that fit the build was Python, so I had to learn that.
<scanty> ah, i see.
<OscarL> now I can't stand curly braces syntax :-D
<scanty> hehe
<scanty> spacing counts in python, right?
<OscarL> in the same sense that {} counts in C
<scanty> rihgt.
<scanty> right*
<OscarL> once it "clicks" on you... it is hard to get back to having to type closing "}" several lines down the road :-P
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<scanty> hehe, i like my curly braces :-)
<OscarL> Python is INCREDIBLE as a glue language. I know nothing about it, and soon I was talking to .dll, to serial ports via COM objects, then implemented that protocol directly in python, and used it via pyserial to talk to embedded "fiscal" controlles...
<scanty> neat
<OscarL> was doing reports in .rst and PDFs, parsing specs in .doc and generating code from that... all from one language.
<OscarL> hard to beat on that regard.
<scanty> interesting.
<scanty> i hate parsing.
<OscarL> again... that's from a guy that is a crappy programmer (but somehow I got to be the "tool expert" in testing automation at that job :-D)
<scanty> hehe
<scanty> i used to be a better coder, but like i said, i haven't really touched much code in 8-10 years
<scanty> life gets in the way soemtimes.
<scanty> sometimes*
<OscarL> wrote a testing framework that worked on Win AND on linux, talked to emulators and real hardware... and then... we all got laid off
<scanty> damn
<OscarL> so I also stopped programming for around the same time as you...
<OscarL> and seems I forgot most of what I once knew :-D
<scanty> i hate the 90/10 rule.
<scanty> but it's true.
<scanty> it's that last 10% of code that makes life difficult.
<scanty> do you listen to music when you write code?
<OscarL> funny thing is, in my old job... I was well regarded for my "high standards" regarding procedures, reviews, commit messages clarity, etc, etc. All of that I've just picked up by reading OpenBeOS/Haiku developers do their thing throw the years :-D
<scanty> well, i feel like anyone who can contribute to haiku is a decent coder
<OscarL> scanty: used to when I worked on the office. Mostly Carcass / Cradle of Filth. Helped to keep people from discracting me too much :-P
<scanty> gotcha. i ususally have music on all the time.
<scanty> helps with my illness, too
<OscarL> (Always using headphones, of course)
<OscarL> keeps the voices below hearing threshold?
<scanty> yes :^)
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<scanty> speaking of headphones, i definitely need a new pair.
<scanty> they don't last long.... i spent $200 on my last pair, and they only lasted maybe 5 years or so.
<OscarL> Somehow I had "suici**-radio" humming in the background for the last 3 decades, so... I feel your pain.
<scanty> hehe
<OscarL> I'm still rocking some good old Panasonic HT-21. Extremely cheap... have 2 pairs I bouth 15 yers ago (to replace my previous cheap HT-20)
<scanty> i have a pair of pioneer hdj2000s
<scanty> i use them for DJing also.
<scanty> but like i said, they don't last very long.
<scanty> if i spend that much money on something, it should be good quality.
<B2IA> (binky) hi
<OscarL> Hello binky
<scanty> hi binky
<OscarL> scanty: I'm more of a value-oriented guy (read... cheap AF :-P, but yeah... if I buy something... I make it last for LONG, even if I have to repair it several times myself)
<scanty> i'm kind of cheap, too. i prefer to fix something than buy a new one, but sometimes you have no choice.
<OscarL> yeah... cellphones, for example... I have no clue about those, so... I only use whatever I get as hand-me downs :-D
<scanty> i replace my phone every few years. once the battery goes, it's time to get a new one.
<scanty> i'm waiting for the next iPhone to come out
<OscarL> my brothers, on the other hand... spend LOTS on new phones that break WAY too easily :-D
<scanty> brb going for a smoke.
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<scanty> yuck, terrible habit.
<OscarL> Mmm, seems we can't format a partition in FAT32 bits from inside Haiku, right? (was trying to add an ESP part to a pendrive).
<scanty> i thought you could...
<OscarL> scanty: left it in 2018... thanks to the downward economy :-P ("I rather quit smoking before getting a job to pay for this vice!")
<scanty> (FAT32)
<scanty> i quit for about a month
<scanty> it's very difficult
<scanty> when you goto the store and you see all the cigarettes behind the counter, it makes you want one.
<scanty> not only that, packs are about $16.50
<scanty> i can blow through a pack in two days.
<OscarL> Not easy indeed. Failed in at least 3 previous attemps. Last time thou... was kind of a breeze somehow.
<scanty> well, what's motivating me now is how much money i have saved in the past month from not buying packs.
<OscarL> Could format the partition, but only by letting it auto-select the "FAT bits".
<scanty> ah
<OscarL> perhaps the partition was too small for (forced) FAT-32.
<OscarL> Error message could be better still.
<OscarL> (might try find it now, while I'm at it)
<scanty> go for it :)
<OscarL> "Error: General system error" we surely can do better :-D
<scanty> hehe, not very descriptive.
<OscarL> Also... after it failed... DriveSetup shows it as "not formatted", while it WAS formatted before :-/
<scanty> i've had some weird problems with DriveSetup in the past....
<ilzu[m]> Is there anyone else around with HaikuPorter knowledge as Begasus seems to have gone for the night? With the changes he suggested, I can't get my local HaikiPorter to build that package anymore. And the error message is not too helpful either.
<scanty> i wound up using fdisk on linux
<OscarL> I think it should, upon creation of a Be File System partition... immediatly suggest to format it in BFS, among other minor details.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57541] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0382176581b7 - IPv4: Overall MTU is 65535 (0xFFFF).
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c4f37b001722 - TCP: Initiate a send before waiting in SendData().
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5c2c391d2077 - TCP: Remove overridden default buffer size.
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: can you paste the error you ge on some pastebin?
<scanty> always good to see changes. i wish i could contribute to haiku, but i don't really know what i can offer.
<OscarL> I'm far from an expert, but... can't hurt having a look at it.
<OscarL> scanty: heck, even an idiot like me ended up doing a bunch of (admitelly small) stuffs here and there :-D
<scanty> i want to try doing some of the "easy taks"
<OscarL> "janitorial work" I like to call it, but that is also useful, so... I'm happy :-D
<scanty> listed on trac (i think)
<OscarL> scanty: I started complainig about some issues with the Python packages... ended up doing around 300+ PRs on HaikuPorts :-D
<scanty> wow nice.
<scanty> only thing i have done is report bugs.
<scanty> there's a bug i reported that i know i can fix, but i think i would need permission from one of the devs.
<scanty> i dont' really know.
<OscarL> I used to do that too. My forum/trac account is from 2006 at least.
<OscarL> scanty: feel free to see my "modern" history of contributions to Haiku...
<scanty> will do.
<OscarL> surely that will convince you that you can do even better :-)
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: I might have found the problem, it might have to do with line-endings of the pasted text.
<scanty> is the bug i know how to fix.
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<scanty> OscarL, quite a number of commits you've done... good job!
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: can be. Working with .recipes and haikuporter can be a bit tedious / hard at first... but it gets better with time.
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: I say that being still a noob in many regards, bit it DOES gets easier :-)
<scanty> i actually have two solutions, one is easier.
<OscarL> scanty: look the fists ones:,25 mosly 1 or 2 line fixes... still serve to get a hold of the process....
<OscarL> that for me was the more daunting part.
<scanty> i'm just not adept to work with patches/fixes and git pulls and pushes, etc.
<OscarL> I used to get really anxious when sending my first reviews :-D
<ilzu[m]> It was the line endings. Now it works again.
<scanty> the fix for my bug is really easy, but like i said, i probably have to run it by one of the devs.
<OscarL> neither I was... heck... I disliked git A LOT (mostly for not understanding it, also because I used to like mercurial better :-D)
<scanty> the bug happens with anything that lives in the Deskbar that raises a BAlert
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: cool! Keep up the good work! :-D
<OscarL> scanty: what I've done some times is this... file a ticket (or find one already open)... propose there my "fix".
<OscarL> sometimes I get: k, that might work for you but will fail for everyone else due to X and Y. Better to do Z.
<scanty> gotcha. i stil have to learn the whole process of writing and committing code, etc.
<scanty> and patches
<scanty> and so on.
<scanty> i used to work with cvs and rcs in the past.
<scanty> but not too much git.
<OscarL> and I either was able to get that Z and send a patch... or reply... "welp.... guess we'll wait for a real dev to do Z then!" :-D
<OscarL> in any case... win-win.
<scanty> hehe
<scanty> i'm a bit afraid to approach one of the devs.
<OscarL> you cam add the output of "git diff" to a ticket, for example. Most devs won't have much problems working with that.
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<scanty> hi coolcoder613_32
<OscarL> scanty: my knees were literally shaking more times that I'd like to admit after sending some of the patchet to gerrit.
<scanty> that's how i feel
<scanty> i feel like i'm not good enough
<OscarL> scanty: then I learned to take it more humorously...
<OscarL> and I joke that korli will just kill me one of these days :-D
<scanty> haha
<scanty> i've worked with Skipp_OSX a few years ago
<scanty> so he's proabably the one i'm going to consult with
<OscarL> (and then he reacted with a thumbs up, and ones with a heart to one of my comments... he's just a care-bear! :-D
<scanty> hehe nice ;-)
<OscarL> (and secretly a T-1000, but mostly a care-bare)
<scanty> haha
<OscarL> s/bare/bear/
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: This is what the guitar tab app for Haiku I have been working looks.
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<OscarL> damn! looking good ilzu[m]!
<scanty> looks nice.
<OscarL> bet my brother (that plays accoustic guitar) could use something like that!
<OscarL> I can't play even the triangle :-(
<scanty> my friend is a guitarist, really good, but he can't read music.
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<scanty> he can read tabs, i'm pretty sure.'
<ilzu[m]> I still need to finish the editing of the notes and tablatures, add support for saving and loading for GuitarPro file format, and midi import / export and playing the songs as midi and then it is ready for first release. Though I need to refactor the drawing code first, it has grown to a huge monster function.
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<scanty> hi AlienSoldier
<AlienSoldier> Hi Scanty
* coolcoder613_32 waves
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: would you make that moster function against a devilish 2500+ lines of VBScript I once had to deal with? :-P
<OscarL> s/function against/function fight against/
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* OscarL still have nightmares about that code-base.
<clee> x512[m]: I got Haiku to boot on the Milk-V Mars CM… kinda. I need to downgrade the spl & u-boot because it comes with a 2023/10 u-boot and it's turning off the display after displaying initial boot logos
<coolcoder613_32> +1
<clee> but the serial console says it's running and nothing kernel panics or crashes
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: heh. I think my monster function would lose, it only about 500 lines. But still worth a lot of refactoring.
<x512[m]> clee: What is a difference between VisionFive 2 and Milk-V Mars?
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: see? you're doing great! :-) keep it up!
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: Thanks :)
<clee> x512[m]: I'm specifically talking about the Mars Compute Module -
<clee> which I'm currently using with
<clee> it's the same JH7110 SoC but different packaging, allowing it to be used anywhere a Raspberry Pi CM4 works (in theory)
<kallisti5[m]> oh.. who wants to play "help kallisti5 design a console ux?"
<OscarL> Tracker creating a RECYCLED folder on FAT volumes drives me a bit nuts :-D
<kallisti5[m]> Each one of those could be a "Job" or a "Service", and can be enabled, disabled, running, stopped, or run-once which completed
<kallisti5[m]> trying to pack as much information into each line, but also not look horrid
<kallisti5[m]> I really like the idea of colored utf8 symbols for the "icon" on the left, but the utf8 symbols are all kinda thin and hard to see :-\
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: using "[ ]" and "[x]" might be a bit more visible than the colors?
<clee> also colorblind people exist
<kallisti5[m]> yeah, whatever we expose in color, we have to also expose as text because ^^
<kallisti5[m]> I am here. green == "running" red == "stopped" later in the line
<coolcoder613_32> Maybe [ ] and [#]?
<kallisti5[m]> I can color the running or stopped text... but they're kinda hard to get an overview like that
<OscarL> clee: not only colorblind people... but as humdinger and I recently discovered... some monitors/TVs are just CRAP at certain colors :-D
<kallisti5[m]> coolcoder613_32: the issue there is "what does # mean"
<kallisti5[m]> running, disabled?
* kallisti5[m] should just look at systemctl on Linux lol
<coolcoder613_32> like a checkbox, but more filled in
<OscarL> [x] is pretty universal in TUIs... see Midnight Commander.
<kallisti5[m]> systemctl on linux is so confusing they explain what columns mean at the end of the printout lol
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: so is [x] enabled, or running?
<coolcoder613_32> Or maybe the unicode tick and X symbols? with color?
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: [x] is "checkbok is selected".
<kallisti5[m]> selected for what?
<kallisti5[m]> :-)
* kallisti5[m] is being difficult on purpose. Keep in mind it has to be universally understood
<OscarL> for whatever the text to the right says :-D
<kallisti5[m]> oooh. You're saying enabled [x] running [x] etc
<kallisti5[m]> I don't know how easy that will be to parse in a long list
<kallisti5[m]> thinga enabled [x] running [ ]
<kallisti5[m]> MEGATHINGSARENEAT enabled [ ] running [x]
<kallisti5[m]> thingastro enabled [ ] running [x]
<OscarL> for people that love TUIs like me... that's a native.
<coolcoder613_32> Maybe these? ✓✔✕✖
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: really likes the aix running man
<OscarL> yikes.
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<kallisti5[m]> now y'all see my pain 😆
<OscarL> not a big fan of emojies in terminals TUIs, to be honest.
<OscarL> TurboVision for the WIN! :-P
<kallisti5[m]> I really like the utf8 symbol "comet" to represent a job (run once, like a meteor falling)
<OscarL> there's a lot you can do with line-drawing chars.
<kallisti5[m]> but... it's too thin
<kallisti5[m]> oh no.. square blocks dos
<scanty> well, i'm going down for a nap. see you guys later, nice chatting.
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<OscarL> woud be nice if the bootloader menu prefixed the name of the partitions with the device they sit on.
<OscarL> Say.. you have a pendrive with "Haiku", and also a "Haiku" partition in your HDD/SDD.
<OscarL> From the bootloader menu, you only see "Haiku" twice, hard to graps which is which.
* OscarL forgot to install KeyCursor on this darn netbook with non-working touckpad :-(
<OscarL> I'd like the Menu key should open "right-click" menu instead of Deskbar's :-(
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<preyalone> Hi, I'm collecting cross compilation toolchains! Would someone like to add Haiku support to snek?
<kallisti5[m]> preyalone: technically we already have one
<clee> "I told him we've already got one!"
<kallisti5[m]> that is what we use to build haiku images. It's updated every time our buildtools repo gets updated
<kallisti5[m]> Has pre-compiled toolchains for all the architectures we support
<preyalone> I see the link to a Docker image. Any documentation on how to invoke the compilers there?
<preyalone> I'd expect something like an x86_64-unknown-haiku-g++ binary, and maybe a sysroot directory
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<kallisti5[m]> preyalone: that's all in there. each toolchain is in /toolchains/cross-tools-((arch))/bin/${PRI_TRIPLET}-
<OscarL> Trying to use Haiku with keyboard only: Mission impossible :-(
<kallisti5[m]> well.. except for the sysroot. We don't offer one currently
<kallisti5[m]> I've floated automating generating one, but folks keeps saying we don't need to publish one 😥
<preyalone> As long as the toolchains have everything they need to port stdlib C++ apps, that's all I really need. I'm used to having to jump through all these hoops with BSD cross compilation :/
<zdykstra> clee: what's that quote from?
<clee> zdykstra: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, of course
<zdykstra> oh yes, I can place it now :)
<OscarL> Adding an "EFI System Data" partition to an MBR partitioned pendrive, too boot Haiku in UEFI mode somehow worked just fine for me. Cool! Saved me a re-install :-D
<OscarL> and I can still use the same drive to boot non-UEFI devices. Mmm, now I want to add bootman to it to see if it work. Might end up with my own "multi-Haiku boot" pendrive :-D
<x512[m]> In newer version, services are grouped into jobs.
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<clee> x512[m]: well, damn. downgraded the spl and u-boot firmware, but the older version doesn't seem to see my NVME drive, even after I manually `pci enum` and `nvme scan`
<clee> so I guess I can't use Haiku on this thing until we have native BXE-4-32 HDMI modesetting
<x512[m]> I plan to make native display engine driver, but don't know when.
<clee> I've never written one before, but I heard that there were actually docs for this GPU?
<x512[m]> GPU and display engine are completely separate things.
<x512[m]> GPU perform 3D acceleration (used to implement OpenGL/Vulkan API) and display engine output RAM contents to screen.
<clee> fair enough
<x512[m]> It is possible to use display engine without BXE-4-32 GPU.
<clee> are there public open docs on the JH7110 display engine?
<x512[m]> It is different from x86 where GPU is monolithic and do a lot of things.
<x512[m]> No complete docs, but some info is available.
<clee> I figured there must be _some_ info out there since Linux seems to be able to set modes and refresh rates just fine
<x512[m]> Also U-Boot and Linux kernel source code available.
<x512[m]> Linux drivers are written with access to proprietary documentation under NDA.
<x512[m]> Remember that Linux is not developed freely.
<x512[m]> Many Linux drivers are developed by corporation employees with access to proprietary documentation.
* coolcoder613 has made progress on his BASIC interpreter
<clee> heh. thought I had messed up bad because the older firmware wasn't reading my SD card *or* NVME… was able to restore it to the stock Mars CM firmware with tftp over the network though. u-boot is pretty neat.
<clee> x512[m]: does this look like about what you'd expect for the firmware kicking us out of the mode it set?
<clee> (also, thanks for those links, reading now)
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<clee> better the devil we know, right