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<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32
<scanty> coolcoder613, you must be on the other side of the globe -- what time is it by you?
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* zard just finished with dinner
<scanty> ditto.
<zard> So yes, coolcoder613 is on the other side of the globe as us ;)
<zard> As to what time exactly, though... idk
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<scanty> indeed. as they say, "welcome to australia, where local time is... tomorrow"
<zard> Lol. That's right, it must be tomorrow there
<zard> coolcoder613_x86: How's Friday?
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* zard works on Haiku-PyAPI
<scanty> i wish we could have pithos on haiku...
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<zard> Might be something to ask Begasus. Do you know if it uses GTK or QT?
<zard> If it uses GTK, it won't look so native compared ot if it uses QT
<scanty> it uses gtk
<scanty> i dont' really care what it looks like.
<scanty> it has a really simple UI
<zard> Anyway, the work in porting would be approximately proportional to how many packages in the list haven't been ported yet
<scanty> yeah, it looks like a lot of work.
<zard> As long as you're not unlucky, it's mostly figure out the build command to build it on Haiku, and then make a package script out of it and publish it to Haikuports
<zard> If you're interested, the guide is at
<augiedoggie> i'm pretty sure we have all of those
<zard> Cool! That makes it much easier :)
<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<augiedoggie> maybe not pylast
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<OscarL> packaging "pylast" doesn't sounds too crazy (good thing we already have the needed "hatchling" and "hatch-vcs" build requires).... but... pylast needs "hppx"... /me takes a look.
<OscarL> yeah... we missin' "sniffio", "anyio" and "httpcore" (and perhaps also "hatch-fancy-pypi-readme" as build dependency).
* OscarL wonders when he will need to package the equivalent to "left-pad".
* coolcoder613 built themis a few days ago, but running it causes a KDL
<OscarL> Why, oh why some devs are so: "meh... one more dependency won't hurt, and those dancing emojies on the about box surely are worth the trouble!"
<OscarL> coolcoder613: Themis as in... the web-browser for Haiku?
<coolcoder613> yes
<coolcoder613> it compiled with gcc2 on 32-bit
<OscarL> cool! I guess most of us "BeOS-heads" were sitting on the edge of our chairs reading about the early progress on that project!
<coolcoder613> but when i try to run it, haiku kdls
* OscarL thinks for himself.... "we were so young" :-P
<OscarL> scanty: in case you want to try building that "pithos" thing for your own... I guess you could attempt just using "pip3 install" for whatever missing required Python package we're missing.
<Al2O3> scanty howdie
<OscarL> Don't take me to court on this but... I *think* you should be able to just "pip3 install pylast", for example.
* OscarL doesn't wants to make .hpkg for all python packages. Only for those that need compiling AND patching :-D
<OscarL> coolcoder613: I guess that just running an app (even if buggy/incomplete) shouldn't send you to KDL, just because. Perhaps you should open a ticket for that?
<OscarL> (assuming you don't find an already open ticket with similar KDL info, I guess)
* coolcoder613_x86 tried to open it.. it works?
<coolcoder613_x86> But it coused a KDL less than an hour ago!
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<OscarL> coolcoder613_x86: nightly or beta4?
<coolcoder613> nightly, i think i updated
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* OscarL has, a couple of times, hit some weird edge-cases on nightlies :-)
<OscarL> that said... I'm hoping the latest work on FDs might inadvertently fix some weird "file system" related bugs I hit from time to time on beta4.
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<OscarL> nice... internet so slow that even the text on appears line by line, like a 90's .gif over dial-up!
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<OscarL> Enough of me for one day. Have fun, folks!
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<AlienSoldier> got a file with a application/x-unknown file type that trigger YACReader just like when i start soundplay. I am starting to think the reason why soundplay start instance of YACReader on booting and quiting is because those are moments it play with it's text type filetype (reading the playlist file and writing to it when quiting in case modif where made to it because it survive closing soundplay)
<AlienSoldier> I guess YACreader use some kind of very broad filetype use that can be triggered when other app (or tracker) access one of those file type.
<AlienSoldier> Here is a zip that can trigger TACReader when you try to unzip it :
<AlienSoldier> It is a correct zip if got with wget, the problem happen if webpositive download it
<AlienSoldier> of course YACReader need to be installed first for the bug to happen.
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<coolcoder613_> How can I make a home directory for a ssh user?
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<SaedBhati[m]> Any tips for how to understand code base ?
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<PulkoMandy> What do you mean by "understand the codebase"? haiku is big, I don't think anyone understands all of it individually
<PulkoMandy> So, try to select some bug you want to fix, and then we can tell you where that part of the code likely is
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<coolcoder613_> SaedBhati[m]: Which codebase? The Haiku C++ codebase?
<SaedBhati[m]> <PulkoMandy> "What do you mean by "understand..." <- How can i find good first issue
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<PulkoMandy> there is a list of easy tasks linked from the "Getting started" guide, for example
<PulkoMandy> or you can just try to use Haiku and find something that doesn't work
<coolcoder613_> Yes, start using Haiku, and find what is missing that you need or want
<coolcoder613_> You don't have to work on the kernel
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Al2O3> good day peekabooz
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613 Al2O3
<Al2O3> you-a-kooin?
<Al2O3> I'm a osx'in
<Begasus> kooin?
<Begasus> managed to login with Twitter (X) in Choqoc, can't post anything though (API mismatch)? :)
<jmairboeck> Begasus: did you read my message from yesterday evening?
<Begasus> here in the logs jmairboeck?
<Begasus> or the one at haikuports?
<jmairboeck> yes, I was telling you that Choqok wouldn't work with Twitter
<Begasus> ah, no then :)
<Begasus> well I could connect with it, so that was that :)
<jmairboeck> they essentially don't allow most 3rd-party clients any more since July 2023
<Begasus> with a browser it works
<jmairboeck> It doesn't load any tweets any more and doesn't allow composing new ones
<Begasus> k, good to know
<Begasus> last post there was from 2013, haven't used it since :P
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<bitigchi[m]> Begasus: don’t bother with choqok, it’s abandoned software
<bitigchi[m]> Kopete as well
<bitigchi[m]> Konversation would be nice though
<Begasus> thanks for the heads up bitigchi[m]
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<Begasus> bitigchi[m], konversation is already in the depot?
<bitigchi[m]> Is it? Ah never mind then
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> For my needs Vision is still fine :)
<bitigchi[m]> I use WeeChat, upgraded from Irssi 😅
<Begasus> coolcoder613[m], did you try CudaText, IIRC it supports LSP also
<bitigchi[m]> I wish IRC was more popular
<bitigchi[m]> Matrix is too quirky
<bitigchi[m]> But it has mobile support, so there’s that
<Begasus> still have to figure out how to connect a matrix client to another server/IRC ... :)
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<Begasus> January 31: 24.02 RC 2 (24.01.95) Tagging and Release (first RC out since yesterday) :)
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<bitigchi[m]> It’s coming
<Begasus> yeah, how far is 3dEyes on the qtwebengine for Qt6? IIRC there were still some issues
<Begasus> should check that out ... first something else :)
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<Begasus> another one done :) grabbing libkeduvocdocument-23.08.4-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/libkeduvocdocument-23.08.4-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Begasus> bugger ... this akondi thing keeps biting me :)
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<erysdren> good morning
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<_-Caleb-_> Hi all! :-)
<Begasus> Hi erysdren _-Caleb-_
<_-Caleb-_> Hi Begasus :)
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<qwebirc15801> Hello
<qwebirc15801> Can you add possibility to download iso image from website
<qwebirc15801> With HTTPS protocol
<Begasus> hi qwebirc15801, that's one for the webmasters :)
<qwebirc15801> Sorry, did not understood your answer
<Begasus> switching the url to https*
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<qwebirc15801> Hmm
<qwebirc15801> Yes
<qwebirc15801> Tried and now it`s downloading with HTTPS protocol
<qwebirc15801> Thank you for hint
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Butler catsup 10
<zard> o/
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<Atomozero> ciao :) hi!
<Begasus> Hi Atomozero zard
<zard> Nice short article :)
<Atomozero> zard Short is nice :D
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<mbrumbelow> Very good article. I have some R code that I wrote in Rstudio that I will test and see if it works in that application.
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<Atomozero> mbrumbelow It would be nice to have more screenshots of Cantor
<mbrumbelow> I will run and if works send you screenshots.
<Begasus> nice, thanks Atomozero!
<Begasus> mbrumbelow, there's also RKWard for R :)
<Begasus> haven't done much there, but should work (I hope) :D
<mbrumbelow> I will play with that too Begasus, thanks!
<Begasus> np, always glad to see some responds :)
<mbrumbelow> 👍
<bitigchi[m]> <Atomozero> "Begasus https://www.desktoponfir..." <- I love the website name. Subtle
<zdykstra> yeah, fantastic name
<Atomozero> eheheheh thx :D
<Atomozero> It's a tribute to the old site
<Begasus> Atomozero, I still use Akregator to keep me informed there :)
<Atomozero> Begasus LOL I forgot you used it
<Atomozero> :D
<Begasus> some of those play things actually work great :D
<Begasus> This one is harder then it looks (at least for me) :)
<Begasus> Atomozero, small correction, Cantor is available for both arch's, only Maxima is 64bit only
<Begasus> can't get sbcl to build on 32bit :/
<zard> I've heard of a lot of interesting programs, thanks to Begasus and coolcoder613 :)
<Begasus> most probably not for the die hards zard, but maybe it will attract some new people
<Begasus> and someone to fix akonadi :P
<Atomozero> ah! ok
<zard> Hmm, my experience with akonadi is that it's always broken, even on Linux
<zard> Though that may have been fixed, since I haven't seen any error message from it recently
<Begasus> lol, good to know zard :D
<Begasus> new one in the list, kcachegrind ...
<zard> bbl
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<Begasus> whoot! got Tokodon to launch without dbus :D
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e54e29c - kbruch, new recipe (#9981)
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<Begasus> fs****n waiting for ... :/
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> aloha andreasdr[m]
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus!!!
<Begasus> heh :)
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<Begasus> k, that worked for 64bit but not for 32bit (yet) tokodon ...
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<Begasus> whoops, spot the diffs ... :)
<bbjimmy> finally fixes the yab BuoldFactory
<bbjimmy> *BuildFactory
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] lorglas 4cfa7bd - updated to yab 1.8.2 (#9979)
<Begasus> thanks on the update bbjimmy, missed that one
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<erysdren> now i'm daydreaming about a totally open RISC-V machine running Haiku
<erysdren> hey x512[m], are you on?
<Al2O3> scanty, howdie, happy MLK weekend to all.
<Al2O3> Monday is apparently more time off for folks.
<erysdren> mhm
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<Samurai_Crow> Can somebody in here tell me the directory I put experimental HPKG files in to test them?