ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<coolcoder613eb> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613eb :)
<zard> On vacation?
<coolcoder613eb> yup
<zard> Clearly you figured out which computer to take :^)
<coolcoder613> computers
<coolcoder613> ;)
<zard> :D
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<Unity[m]> what was the default password for ssh?
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<augiedoggie> there isn't one
<coolcoder613_> But you need to enable root login in sshd config
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<Unity[m]> nvm, i found it thanks guys
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<Unity[m]> is there a system sound in haiku os?
<zard> Not sure, you mean a startup sound?
<Unity[m]> yeah and any other sounds
<coolcoder613eb> Yes, sounds preflet
<Unity[m]> coolcoder613eb: oh wow, thanks.
<coolcoder613eb> zard: This is what i've been woking on:
<coolcoder613eb> *working
<zard> Nice
<erysdren> i ordered a cheap KVM switch so i could boot up that 2013 eMachines PC i have with Haiku on it without also having to get a new keyboard/mouse/monitor
<zard> Interesting... alas, I have to go now, so, goodbye everyone
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<AlienSoldier> ho a new one started and failed and the last working one never was available
<mbrumbelow> AlienSoldier: What was the error?
<AlienSoldier> cannot fint a container
<AlienSoldier> "find or create container on worker hbav01:"
<AlienSoldier> the 387.1 should have made it to nightly?
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<augiedoggie> the 64 bit version did
<AlienSoldier> the 32
<AlienSoldier> i did not look the 64 but it seem it got the 502 rev and stayed there
<AlienSoldier> the 387.1 i guess is the 502 32bit one but it is lost in limbo
<augiedoggie> the link you're looking at is just the 64 bit builds
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<AlienSoldier> crasp i did not bookmark the good one
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<AlienSoldier> ok, now i see, only the riscV is compiling as nightly, both 32 and 64 bit are not.
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<AlienSoldier> augiedoggie what is the difference between countinuous and nightly?
<augiedoggie> continuous builds after each hrev but doesn't upload it
<augiedoggie> nightly runs at a certain time and may contain one or more changes/hrevs
<Skipp_OSX> pretty self explanatory
<AlienSoldier> not to me :)
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<OscarL> even the beta4 "path" on concourse is showing as orange, with that same "find or create container on worker hbav01:" error as in nightlies.
<OscarL> and that besides the weird thing it does for betas: build it every single day, even if beta4 gets no new commits :-D (
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<OscarL> jmairboeck: (if you read this)... `.editorconfig` is a nice suggestion for Genio, I think. Thanks for opening Genio#278 "on my behalf" :-D
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57506] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 96bad7685b66 - PowerStatus: add state "Not charging"
<OscarL> Nice. I got that charging/but not charging due to high temps (before my battery finally died :-D)
<OscarL> 40+ degrees Celcius of room temp, and charging batteries don't go along too well, it seems.
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<OscarL> off-topic question for native English speakers on the room: has there been a change in usage pattern (or popularity?) of "also" vs "too" in the last 2 decades? or it is just my poorly self-taught English that makes me find the increased use of "also" a bit off-putting?
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<bbjimmy> No change that I am aware of.
<augiedoggie> i see a lot of native speakers that don't get 'to' or 'too' right, maybe they just got sick of it and started using another word :P
<OscarL> bbjimmy: thanks! I've just heard: "And I know that you have also" [waited for something]... and I would (wrongly?) used "too" there instead.
<OscarL> augiedoggie: lol! Same as I notice mosly only native English speakers mixing up "then vs than" or "effect vs affect" :-D
<augiedoggie> lose / loose
<OscarL> s/mosly/mostly/ --- /me can't type properly, regardless of the language :-D
<bbjimmy> There aree a lot of those. Many native speakers cannot really use the language.
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<OscarL> augiedoggie: over that one I *do* trip over regularly :-( (English pronounciation rules are... "interesting").
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<bbjimmy> But one doesn't need to wory about the gender of a verb in english.
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<OscarL> bbjimmy: true... if you're a native. Being a Spanish/Castellano native speaker, gendered-nouns are (usually) not an issue for me, but then I trip on things like dog/b*tch :-D
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<OscarL> I have already shared this one a couple of times before in here, but... I just love it, so... here we go again:
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<OscarL> bbjimmy: "gender of a verb" LOL, I had a hard time parsing that... until... I considered (for example) "esperarlo vs esperarla" ("wait for him" vs "wait for her"). :-D
<OscarL> Have a good day, fellow BeOS/Haiku users!
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* coolcoder613 went to a place where they have kangaroos roaming around, and you can pet and feed them...
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<coolcoder613eb> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613eb
<Begasus> jikes! :P
<coolcoder613eb> Written in Python, compiled with Nuitka
<coolcoder613eb> comes out to a 720kb binary that still depends on python and pyqt
<coolcoder613eb> and pyqtwebengine
<coolcoder613eb> The code as base64:
<coolcoder613eb> aW1wb3J0IHN5cwpmcm9tIFB5UXQ1LlF0IGltcG9ydCAqCmZyb20gUHlRdDUuUXRXZWJFbmdpbmVX aWRnZXRzIGltcG9ydCAqCmZyb20gUHlRdDUuUXRXaWRnZXRzIGltcG9ydCBRQXBwbGljYXRpb24K CmFwcCA9IFFBcHBsaWNhdGlvbihzeXMuYXJndikKCndlYiA9IFFXZWJFbmdpbmVWaWV3KCkKCndl Yi5sb2FkKFFVcmwoImh0dHBzOi8vY2hhdC5vcGVuYWkuY29tL2NoYXQiKSkKCndlYi5zaG93KCkK CnN5cy5leGl0KGFwcC5leGVjXygpKQo=
<Begasus> Not sure what I would do with that last line ;)
<coolcoder613eb> aW1wb3J0IHN5cwpmcm9tIFB5UXQ1LlF0IGltcG9ydCAqCmZyb20gUHlRdDUuUXRXZWJFbmdpbmVX aWRnZXRzIGltcG9ydCAqCmZyb20gUHlRdDUuUXRXaWRnZXRzIGltcG9ydCBRQXBwbGljYXRpb24K CmFwcCA9IFFBcHBsaWNhdGlvbihzeXMuYXJndikKCndlYiA9IFFXZWJFbmdpbmVWaWV3KCkKCndl Yi5sb2FkKFFVcmwoImh0dHBzOi8vY2hhdC5vcGVuYWkuY29tL2NoYXQiKSkKCndlYi5zaG93KCkK CnN5cy5leGl0KGFwcC5leGVjXygpKQoK
<coolcoder613eb> just echo <what i sent> | base64 -d
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<erysdren> good morning Begasus!
<coolcoder613eb> hi erysdren
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<coolcoder613eb> What do you think of my little ChatGPT app?
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
* coolcoder613 went to a place today where they have kangaroos roaming around, and you can pet and feed them...
<erysdren> looks nice coolcoder, though i'm not the biggest fan of ChatGPT :P
<coolcoder613> They had shows where they fed crocodiles and tigers (not together)...
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<coolcoder613> Hi andreaa72
<andreaa72> hi coolcoder613
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* Begasus bumps head ...
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 254ec36 - tg_owt: bump for rebuild
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<Anarchos> hello
<erysdren> hello Anarchos
<erysdren> how's it going?
<phschafft> mau
<Anarchos> erysdren a feww snowflakes here so i am well and happy :)
<phschafft> snow is fun. :)
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<Anarchos> hello mmu_man
<erysdren> oh yeah we've been hit hard by snow here in central uSA
<erysdren> USA*
<phschafft> then get yourself some camels.
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<mchasard> hi
<mchasard> just would like to run haiku under vbox but it seems that the iso not ok even i'm in 64bits theres an error
<mchasard> which iso should i download
<mchasard> please ?
<andreaa72> mchasard : starrt from xp 64 bit
<mchasard> its a line command ?
<mchasard> is it better to get nightfly ?
<andreaa72> no, new machine under virtualbox -> like xp 64 -> haiku compatible
<mchasard> its about settings under vbox ?
<andreaa72> yes
<andreaa72> if you want i will make a vbox ffor you ?
<mchasard> your kindly andrea whynot but i have to get to vbox settings to see whats wrong
<andreaa72> ok
<andreaa72> mem > 1024 /
<andreaa72> mem > 1024 ?
<mchasard> ok i have to donwload again the nightfly to see if its ok now
<mchasard> many thanks
<andreaa72> wellcome
<mchasard> hrev 57502 is the last one ?
<Begasus> checked the site mchasard?
<mchasard> yes theres also the beta 4
<Begasus> R1B4 is the stable one, should be good to check in vbox
<Begasus> are you running on Windows? if so vmware would be a better choice
<mchasard> yes win 11
<mchasard> vmware is better validate for haiku ?
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<Begasus> my experience is that vmware runs Haiku better on Win11
<Begasus> vbox is slow here
<mchasard> ok thanks so i have to test vmware but i never use it
<Begasus> had to switch here after running vbox for years in linux too :)
<Begasus> but vbox should work too though
<Begasus> it probably will be slower ...
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<Skipp_OSX> it's nearly unusable in VBox 7 but works fine in VBox 6 so something got changed.
<Skipp_OSX> but yeah, vmware works
<mchasard> ok for vmware i have to install it so ...
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<mchasard> ok i just install haiku under vbox try to install later under vmware to compare
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<Begasus> finaly got some test running for agar :)
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, got an update on fltk ready, switched to static libraries (had some issues linking it with another project searching for the static library with cmake)
<Begasus> will do some test with it (firstly with scummvm-tools) to see if it still is ok :)
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<Begasus> err .. tuxpaint-config*
<waddlesplash> Begasus: please don't
<waddlesplash> if some other project errors looking for static libraries we should patch it or report the problem upstream.
<Begasus> that's an option too, (it was some agar project that failed in the end either way)
<waddlesplash> ok
<Begasus> nothing is written so far :)
<Begasus> no crash with tuxpaint-config, so that's fine
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e6ee02e - agar, revbump, disable libGL (crashes) (#9970)
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<Begasus> seems to be fine with htmldoc also waddlesplash :) (shared libraries)
<Begasus> dillo still fine
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<Begasus> bugger, now 64bit buildmaster is down :/
<Begasus> waddlesplash, would it be fine to add cairo support to it, I see no breakage
<Begasus> xcairo*
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<Begasus> nvm, breaks a build for htmldoc ...(for now)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6c4130d - fltk, bump version (#9972)
<AlienSoldier> Finally installed my falkon fix build ") at last. Work fine so far.
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<AlienSoldier> can still crash, but don't seem to hog my memory
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<Begasus> nice :)
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<zard> I wonder, would Falkon (with bugfixes) suffice for Haiku's browser, or would we rather have WebPositive working
<zard> I ask, since, I'm planning to do something related to that for GSoC
<Begasus> don't have a say in it, but I think work on Web+ is much appreceated :)
<waddlesplash> zard: either Web+, or maybe an actually-native Firefox port
<waddlesplash> I don't think I'd spend time on Chromium-based stuff for GSoC
<waddlesplash> Google won't ever accept our patches upstream (they don't even accept FreeBSD's most of the time), it's not worth it
<zard> Hmm... now that Firefox port better not get too large, or we'll have yet another partially complete GSoC project :/
<zard> But I did here that somebody already started working on porting Firefox
<zard> s/here/hear/
<zard> What do you mean by "actually-native"? Is that port not?
<AlienSoldier> Falkon still have bad behavior i still want webpositive around. For exemple it crash and it sometime don't load page completely
<AlienSoldier> Falkon have the best session recovery of all haiku browser so far, i give it that.
<zard> Yeah, I like the idea of our own native web browser as well
<AlienSoldier> zard Webpositive bookmark management is the best! same as what netpositive, show you that a timeless design it was.
<zard> Hmm, I guess I never really used it
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* zard makes a mental note to check into that (but will probably forget lol)
<AlienSoldier> Falkon bookmark management is the worst i remember i still can't wrap my head around it
<AlienSoldier> Web (epyphany) was weird but i eventually got it
* zard decides to check it out now
<zard> Well, that is clever
<zard> That's actually very nice
* zard installs Falkon
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<zard> Falkon's doesn't seem to support dragging and dropping, or something... It doesn't seem to be usable to actually organize
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<AlienSoldier> zard just taking a simple bookmark in falkon is a pain
<EnriqueMG[m]> I think web+ is mandatory to keep working on, no matter how many other browsers we get ported to haiku
<zard> The UI could be better, I guess. But once you've done it once, it doesn't seem too hard, in my limited experience from trying it just once
<olig> what browser are most using
<zard> Hmm, I wonder if we even have data on that...
<zard> But, then again, HaikuDepot did ask to collect data for something
<AlienSoldier> that is minimalist on another level :)
<olig> download count?
<zard> AlienSoldier: I saw a web version of that on Hacker News earlier. Makes me wonder which came first
<AlienSoldier> This is a c64 port
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<zard> OliG: It seems HaikuDepot only keeps track of views
<olig> thats odd. i would consider amount of downloads more important
<zard> Heh, I kinda would too
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<zard> o/
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<Begasus> zard, I mostly use pkgman here, so my downloads won't show up with HaikuDepot anyway?
<Begasus> won't/wouldn't*
<zard> Just make the server keep track of downloads, or make pkgman send that information to the server ;)
<zard> One way of thinking about which browser to work on: which direction do we want to take Haiku in?
<zard> Do we want a small operating system focused on doing things in its own special way?
<zard> Or would we rather prioritize working well for the user, even if it means becoming more like other OSes
<Begasus> wouldn't that be part of haikuports ?
<Begasus> not every one is interested in a bloated system like mine :P
<zard> Indeed, I can work on packages that are part of HaikuPorts, like Falkon
<zard> But, should I work on WebPositive, even if it would take longer to get the same effect
<Begasus> imho Falkon is pretty much usable atm, at least for my needs
<zard> Pretty much just the occasional crashes need fixing then?
<Begasus> yeah, I suppose, but that probably won't take a full summer? :)
<Begasus> and the mem leak has been fixed in nightlies
<zard> Indeed :). Afterwards, I could work on WebPositive or Firefox.
<Begasus> just waiting for a fix to be pushed to the beta there
<Begasus> reading the attempt mentioned at the forum I guess FF would take much longer then a summer
* zard heads on over to the topic
<Begasus> list there is pretty BIG :D
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<zard> Indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if Firefox is more work than WebPositive. That's something I'll need to investigate later
<zard> I was just gathering food for thought :)
<Begasus> spreading the sauce ...
<Begasus> ;)
<zard> :)
<Begasus> this could take a while :)
<zard> If you have the option, might go faster to do `git clone --depth 10`
<Begasus> could try that
<Begasus> better, thanks :)
<Begasus> normaly I don't use it, what is the purpose of --depth?
<zard> It limits the number of commits it downloads
<zard> In this case, it downloads only the last 10 commits instead of the entire history
<Begasus> thanks! another thing learned :)
<Begasus> given there are +61K commits :D
<Begasus> err + 858K
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<AlienSoldier> There is lot that can be doen simply on webpositive GUI
* zard agrees
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<zard> bye
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<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> hello
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<coolcoder613> Good morning
<scanty> hellow.
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<coolcoder613eb> When I open the Workspaces applet, it does not show on the screen
<scanty> i had that problem a few months ago, assumed it was fixed
<scanty> also pulse did not show on screen
<coolcoder613eb> pulse shows fine
<coolcoder613eb> but not workspaces
<scanty> strange.
<scanty> does it have an entry in tracker?
<coolcoder613eb> Where?
<scanty> in the haiku menu.
<scanty> in the running apps list.
<coolcoder613eb> yes
<scanty> latest hrev?
<coolcoder613eb> yes
<coolcoder613eb> hrev57502
<coolcoder613eb> so almost
<scanty> i guess maybe open a ticket>?
<scanty> or try the latest nightly.
* coolcoder613eb already updated, so he only needs to reboot
coolcoder613eb has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<PetePete> I think Falkon is great browser and deserves to be a full blown beast of a browser, to compete with FF or Chrome (so we don't have to have either. WebPositive just needs to be more compatible, stable, and able to handle most basic browsing habits.
<PetePete> But my opinion is of very little value
<scanty> nah we have like 25 browsers, each doing different things better than the others.
<PetePete> I personally hate FF and Chrome at this point. Both are just bloated crapware
<coolcoder613> True
<scanty> firefox locks up my system sometimes
<PetePete> Mozilla is evil, anyway.
xet7 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<scanty> well, i think we need thunderbird.
<PetePete> Okay, granted... Thunderbird is a pretty nice email client but there are lots of nice email clients
<scanty> that support gmail?
<PetePete> Have they removed the "trusted devices" option?
<scanty> all i know is that gmail requires OAUTH2
<scanty> and none of the haiku mail clients support it.
<PetePete> I mean, I use a 15 year old blackberry for my gmail account and it works just fine
<scanty> not having a mail client is a deal breaker here.
<scanty> otherwise i would probably be using haiku full time.
<PetePete> 0AUTH2 for imap?
<scanty> yes
<PetePete> why would it work on such an antiquated blackberry but not in Haiku email clients?
<PetePete> That doesn't seem right
<scanty> because none of them support oauth2
<scanty> there aren't that many e-mail clients for haiku
<PetePete> Shouldn't be difficult to port something like Claws mail
<scanty> claws mail has been ported.
<PetePete> Also, gmail has a web front end
<scanty> yeah, but there's a browser problem
<scanty> the browser problem*
<scanty> i just need an e-mail client
<scanty> hrm there's a new client out called Balsa
<scanty> i will try it now.
<AlienSoldier> It is not just better to use the native mail client because you always need to have all the tiem a browser open, the simple fact that email are files is very powerfull.
<AlienSoldier> I too would love to have OAUTH2 for my Gmail, perhaps the Inc could put pressure to have someone at Gmail make a commit to fix this, after all they are those that caused the problem in the first place. I guess their guys could do that in a day.
<PetePete> I'm very confused. Why not an app-specific password for whatever email client you want to use, instead of OAUTH2?
<AlienSoldier> because you protect the emial on the gmail server
<AlienSoldier> btw i hate OAUTH2, i don't think it bring anything better
<PetePete> AlienSoldier, I don't understand
<PetePete> What's wrong wth app-specific password?
<PetePete> Haiku is already wide open (no encryption, no password)
<AlienSoldier> i don't either :) when i did read about OAUTH2 it did not made any sense, but google made that decision
<AlienSoldier> They should let us decide what is good for us
<PetePete> My app specific passwords work just fine with no OAUTH2
<AlienSoldier> the thing is that gmail force it on us
<scanty> well, Balsa is a complete fail.
<PetePete> BlackBerryOS is older than my kids
<PetePete> it works just fine