ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<bjorkintosh> no.
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<bjorkintosh> they're all devils.
<coolcoder613> Hi zard
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<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<zard> Perhaps today I'll get 0.2 released
* coolcoder613 is working on
<coolcoder613> I've made progress
<zard> Looks like your learning stuff about how compilers work along with Rust :)
* coolcoder613 is writing it from scratch, without any tutorials/libraries
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* coolcoder613 has done this tutorial before:
<zard> Ah, no wonder you knew to parse the code into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
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<zard> Before releasing, I should test that the example programs work, and also that it works in 32 bit
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<zard> Programs work on 64 bit
<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy, I see on the Ffmpeg website that they're getting ready to release version 7.0 in February
<Vidrep_64> Will your efforts to update Haiku to version 6.0 make any difference?
<zard> (reminiscing) Ah, one year ago I had thought seriously of doing a project for ffmpeg for GSoC
<zard> But, I eventually decided to go with Haiku, and here I still am today :)
<zard> That's it for today. Tomorrow: create and test .hpkg's of Haiku-PyAPI
<zard> Goodbye everyone!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57542] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6eaaa52128e9 - usb_disk: Cancel queued transfers on the interrupt endpoint in removed().
* coolcoder613 pings SamuraiCrow[m]
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<AlienSoldier> There is an annoying bug with non native app, VLC, Falkon... where some menu are not fully rendered, it display a bit of the first item and the remaining part is kept greyed out.
<AlienSoldier> it does not always do that.
<coolcoder613> Hi andreasdr[m]
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57543] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d49d21bba01e - graphics/virtio: Disable tracing.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1f6757e31f88 - XHCI: Overhaul isochronous transfer handling.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 005ba2b47d13 - usb_audio: Do not use any timeout in _MultiBufferExchange.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 02f5db9104ee - usb_audio: Always USB_ISO_ASAP rather than scheduling transfers by frame.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8c458fc42b0d - USB: Initialize packet descriptors inside the stack.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57544] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57545] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d2f65e76eee0 - OHCI: Remove unused variable following previous commit.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<SamuraiCrow[m]> <coolcoder613> "pings SamuraiCrow" <- W2C2 uses pthreads to do its multithreading. Perhaps that drags in the atomic operations for Posix.
<SamuraiCrow[m]> SamuraiCrow[m]: BTW, I have notifications on my phone programmed to go silent after 10 pm local time.
<Begasus> good idea :)
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<HaikuUser> Hi :) My name is Calisto Mathias... I'm a student in college right now... Im really glad that I came across this OS... Im actually trying for GSoC and am really really interested in contributing to operating systems in general... I've learnt quite a bit of C++ and am reading the docs available on the Haiku Website. If anyone could guide me through what should be my next steps.. It would really really help :)
<HaikuUser> Also I'm really sorry if this is out of the blue.. It's my first time using an IRC chat client... so do forgive any errors or mistakes that I make :(
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<Calisto> I'm able to send messages through my phone using a username but through the OS it just shows me as <HaikuUser>
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<Calisto> Any advice?
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<Begasus> Calisto, when you don't set your nick in Vision it defaults to that one
<Calisto> Oh okay cool
<Calisto> Ill try setting it properly then
<Calisto> For now I'm using an IRC client on Android
<Begasus> Sever - Setup ...
<Begasus> ps, welcome :)
<Calisto> Oh okay cool
<Calisto> Thanks so much
<Calisto> Btw any idea on how to approach contributions to Haiku?
<Begasus> There is the developers mailing list
<Calisto> Oh so i subscribe on the website or something
<Calisto> ?
<Calisto> Oh ok thanks so much
<Calisto> Ill do that then first
<Calisto> For now I'm reading the docs
<Begasus> I'm not part of GSoC, but you could send an email there for introduction
<Calisto> On how to use C++ for creating things on Haiku
<Calisto> Oh okay
<Calisto> Ill send an email to them then
<Calisto> Thanks so much :)
<Begasus> nice, always glad to see new contributors
<Calisto> :)
<Calisto> Thanks so much for the guidance btw
<Begasus> np, good luck there :)
<Begasus> afk for a while
<Calisto> Same
<Calisto> I have to attend college now xD
<Calisto> Thnks anywyas
<Calisto> Will probably go afk for a while
<Calisto> This chat is pretty active btw right as compared to discord?
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<ilzu[m]> Begasus I've updated the recipe as you advised and fixed a forgotten translation after we spoke yesterday. Didn't change the profile.d though.
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<Begasus> Hi ilzu[m], I'll do a check in a bit :)
<Begasus> first one, switch lines for srcGitRev and REVISION
<Begasus> aside from that LGTM :)
<Begasus> whoot!!!
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<CalistoMathias> Btw Vision (or rather the IRC Protocol) doesn't store like previous chats or something?
<ilzu[m]> <Begasus> "first one, switch lines for..." <- done :)
<Begasus> if you enable it it should save to ~/config/settings/Vision/logs CalistoMathias
<Begasus> Finaly got Kdenlive launching :D
<Begasus> Looks good ilzu[m], did you try this on 32bit?
<Begasus> Build is OK on 64bit
<ilzu[m]> Begasus: Not the latest version yet, but it shouldn't have anything that won't compile on gcc2. I did yesterday though.
<ilzu[m]> I can test it now
<Begasus> nice, will have a go at it later also on 32bit, need to check a few others first there
<Begasus> that's nice too :)
<ilzu[m]> Works on 32bit too
<Begasus> +1!
<Begasus> maybe you could do a tagged release at your github repo?
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<ilzu[m]> Of course.
<Begasus> that way we could get rid of the srcGitRev tag :)
<Begasus> Or leave it like it is and first do a PR at haikuports?
<Begasus> nah, should be good I think :)
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<ilzu[m]> I made a release, for the same srcGitRev tag that is in the recipe. So the recipe has been updated after the tag but the sha256 sum does match.
<Begasus> no, that needs to be updated :)
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<Begasus> SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/refs/tags/v$portVersion.tar.gz"
<Begasus> CHECKSUM_SHA256="68966119a093dd5ec0446de23deee99b81b9a42bb27dee17ce687133beecfeb3"
<Begasus> SOURCE_DIR="haiku_ssh_askpass-$portVersion"
<Begasus> that should do it, you can also drop the srcGitRev line
<ilzu[m]> ok. I'll fix that
<Begasus> k, dbus disabled for kdenlive ... check
<Begasus> nice, Kdenlive Haiku style :D
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<Begasus> afk for a while
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<ilzu[m]> Begasus: Done now.
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<ilzu[m]> Not yet, but I can test as soon as I get back home
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<ilzu[m]> Begasus: Tested on 32bits, no problems.
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<Begasus> ilzu[m], looks good on my end
<Begasus> Hi OscarL zard
<zard> Hello Begasus :)
<OscarL> Hey there Begasus! (I'm testing usb_rndis devices now... :-D)
<Begasus> cool OscarL :) meanwhile :)
<OscarL> thanks to PulkoMandy and korli, got my phone to get recognized by the usb_rndis driver (for USB tethering)... too bad I managed to get a KDL while testing :-D
<OscarL> NOICEly done Begasus! :-)
<Begasus> joined efford, nice!
<zard> Begasus: Is that running on KF6?
<OscarL> pretty sure kdenlive will get featured on next video by that ActionRetro guy :-D
<Begasus> also nice when upstream likes the posts on mastodon :D
<Begasus> no zard, still KF5 (5.114.0)
<zard> Heh, ok. Still nice though :)
<Begasus> not that fast OscarL, current KF5 isn't up to it I think :)
* zard still is thinking about making a mastodon account...
<Begasus> and my kio and kirigami aren't what I would like to be (kdevelop is still crashing with the new kio) :/
<Begasus> no client in the depot yet zard (PR open for an older version that crashes here when checking)
<zard> So you still haven't published Tokodon?
<Begasus> nope
<zard> I believe Mastadon has RSS feeds, so that's one option for following feeds on Haiku
<OscarL> Cool! managed to run "pkgman update" using and old tablet for USB-tethering (was freezing my netbook yesterday). Rebooting to catch latests waddlesplash's usb fixes.
<Begasus> afk again :)
* zard wonders how fast two devices connected over USB tethering can communicate with each other. Maybe 1 or 2 gigabit over USB 3.0?
<OscarL> (on a netbook without a battery) "Extended baterry info" shows: "Capacity: 1332036128 mAh" and "Current rate: 1735289200 mA". ROFL!
<zard> lol!
<OscarL> zard: I only have one device with USB 3.0 (the rest of my machines are 2.0). And I've only have one confirmed working usb_rndis device, for now. I'll surely do some test if I get another phone working :-)
<OscarL> I think I'll be still limited by my router, thou (doubt we can do "WiFi direct" between two devices on Haiku)
<zard> I mean communication directly from the computer to the phone. Surely no router is necessary there?
<OscarL> still limited to WiFi speeds in any case, so...
<zard> Even though the phone and computer are connected through usb tethering?
<OscarL> usb tethering is equivalent to using the phone as a USB-WiFi adapter.
<OscarL> not usb<->usb.
<zard> Hmm, that's strange, but ok
* OscarL wishes USB-to-USB was possible.
<win8linux[m]> It is possible with USB-C.
<win8linux[m]> I just did it last week between two phones.
<OscarL> win8linux[m]: I assume it does ethernet over USB-C?
<win8linux[m]> No, MTP.
* OscarL wishes USB-to-USB as in the old days of Win9x's "direct-cable connection" via a serial or parallel cable :-D
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<cocobean> Hello.
<zard> o/
<OscarL> even ran IPX over it, so we could do some Doom deathmatches :-P
<OscarL> \o
<win8linux[m]> With USB-to-USB, the two devices must negotiate on who is the host device.
<win8linux[m]> On Android for example, this is done through USB settings.
<win8linux[m]> * USB settings which can be accessed through a notification.
<OscarL> makes sense, was about to point that host/device thing. (my hardware is all very old, so my practical knowledge of new tech is non-existent :-D)
<win8linux[m]> All this being said, if one device has a default role/device type assigned then that will take priority.
<OscarL> I DO remember wondering about doing DCC with USB-1.1... good thing I read enough before attempting to hack such a cable back in the days :-P
<win8linux[m]> For example, a PinePhone with postmarketOS by default will act as a wireless hotspot (RNDIS).
<win8linux[m]> Plugging it into another device with USB-C will automatically designate it as a network source.
<OscarL> same as I'm doing now with an old tablet and my old netbook (after selecting USB-tethering on the tablet) via USB-A 2.0.
<win8linux[m]> Oh another quirk with USB-to-USB is that depending on which cable end is plugged in, sometimes a device will be automatically designated as a host.
<win8linux[m]> This occasionally can cause issues with renegotiation.
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<OscarL> I thought zard was talking about the speeds you'll get by connecting two computers via RNDIS between them, or by connecting a USB cable between them (without intermediary devices, assuming you can do that).
<win8linux[m]> * This can occasionally cause issues with renegotiation.
<zard> Indeed, two computers connected directly through RNDIS
* zard starts imagining USB networks complete with USB routers
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<zard> Goodbye ethernet! We've all switched to abusing the USB protocol :D
<OscarL> zard: computers directly connected via RNDIS is.... just WiFi with the extra step of using either a phone or tablet as WiFi card/adapter.
<zard> No, I mean one computer with a usb cable connected directly to the other one.
<OscarL> Ok... then RNDIS has nothing to do there :-D
<zard> Over ethernet :)
<zard> Because... why not?
<OscarL> and yeah... would love to use USB<->USB as ethernet cable (specially now that my "new" netbook doesn't even comes with an ethernet port :-()
<zard> Ok, that sounds like a good idea. My laptop doesn't have an ethernet port either :(
<OscarL> and the intel wifi card it has.... even shows network under Haiku... but it refuses to connect to any of them :-(
<OscarL> thus... why I'm messing around with usb_rdis right now :-D
<zard> That explains everything :^)
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<Begasus> re
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<HaikuUser> hey so just had a question. I was trying to run the OS on bare metal without installing anything just to try out some features before going ahead and installing it on my external HDD. I'm unable to install paladin for some reason :sob
<HaikuUser> i can't click on any application
<HaikuUser> in the haiku depot
<HaikuUser> or is it just a thing that it takes time when its in the installer mode?
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<OscarL> HaikuUser: so... you booted, say with a usb-key... dismissed the installer, and are now in a Haiku Desktop?
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 65c4466 - tuxpaint and friends, bump version (#10027)
<OscarL> Started HaikuDepot by selecting it from the Deskbar Applications menu? (just trying to go along here to see where the issue might be)
<OscarL> I don't use HaikuDepot much, but it *should* work in that case.
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<OscarL> you can also try with `pkgman install paladin` from a Terminal window.
<OscarL> Darn... he left :-(
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<Begasus> let's try this thing with KF6 :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Arr andreasdr[m] :)
* Begasus is no good at this :)
<OscarL> heh, the "Repositories" preflet for a nightly install... has the "/master/x86_64/current" repos enabled for both Haiku and HaikuPorts... but also....
<OscarL> it has "r1beta3/x86_64/current" for both as disabled :-D
<OscarL> I'm assuming a settings file didn't get the memo about r1beta4 release :-P
<OscarL> or maybe it is a left over on this install? (can't recall how old it is... will test on a newer usb-key)
<Begasus> :P
<Begasus> k, coreaddons rebuild ...
<Begasus> kcoreaddons*
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus!
<andreasdr[m]> Arrrr :DDD
* OscarL hids his rum, before andreasdr[m] gets a hold of it.
<OscarL> s/hids/hides/
<OscarL> darn thirsty pirates, always drinking all my booze! :-P
<andreasdr[m]> Hi OscarL!!!! :DDD. Its all mine. And you know it :DDD
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<OscarL> Man... I have so many Haiku installs... it is hard to keep track of things (7 and counting)
<OscarL> I really want to have a central proxy-cache to handle updates locally :-)
<Begasus> bugger, crash with KF6 version for kdenlive
<Begasus> kf.coreaddons: This system misses support for posix_fallocate() -- ensure this partition has room for at least 2014760 bytes.
<Begasus> seen this passing by somewhere ... :)
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<Begasus> k, done for today
<OscarL> see you Begasus!
<zard> see you!
<Begasus> cu peeps! :)
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<OscarL> do we have some equivalent to linux's "lsblk" command?
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* OscarL does "alias tree='tree /dev/disk'" :-D
<OscarL> s/tree=/lsblk=/
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57546] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4fec81750d7b - TCP: Refactor sending logic.
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<OscarL> Mmm: "PANIC: last transaction (2) still open!" (second time I get this KDL today, hrev57545)
<waddlesplash> usually means the underlying disk device quit responding, and the block cache failed to commit its transactions
<waddlesplash> check syslog
<OscarL> was after simply closing a Tracker window on a mounted microSD card.
<waddlesplash> yeah, sounds about right
<OscarL> seems Tracker was trying to BNode:WriteAttr(). Wonder if Haiku doesn't likes this particular card reader, because I had no such issue with the same card on a different netbook.
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<OscarL> after a few "cont": get_writable_cached_block(): asked to get busy writable block (transaction 3)" :-D
<OscarL> few more "cont", and back to desktop, NOICE! :-D
<OscarL> had to restart Tracker thou, but certainly beats a BSOD :-D
<OscarL> previous to the KDL, the syslog shows a lot of: "usb_disk: operation 0x2a failed at the SCSI level", and "usb_disk: request_sense: key:0x07; asc: 0x27; ascq: 0x00; Write protected"
<OscarL> Trying to open Tracker's Mount menu... freezes Tracker. Guess I'll need a reboot eventually :-)
<waddlesplash> Begasus[m]: could you maybe take a look at bumping OpenSSH?
<OscarL> kinda wish the fs addons did "btrfs: not a valid btsfs superblok" instead of the more dramatic and a bit worrying: "btrfs: invalid superblok!"
<OscarL> "ext2: invalid superblock!" <<< sounds like an error, and not a simple... "meh, this partition doesn't has an ext2 FS" :-)
<zard> agreed :)
<OscarL> zard: cool, now get to it and send a patch to gerrit! STAT! :-P
* zard starts running `grep -R "ext2: invalid superblock`. Just kidding :P
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] kallisti5 5fed752 - get-haiku: re-add disabled tnonline
<OscarL> also... I maybe wouldn't use ERROR() macro for those, maybe INFO() instead?
<OscarL> (at least on Identify())
<OscarL> Seems options are ERROR() or TRACE() (not INFO() :D)
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<zard> Reminds me: soon enough your patch on Haiku-PyAPI's recipe file that you wrote several months ago will be on haikuports :D
<OscarL> noice! Happy to be of any help at all!
<OscarL> Seems somethings a bit odd with usb_disk? I've just conected a micro-sd, mounted a BFS partition, unmounted it, called eject, just in case... syslog looked fine until after the "Media removed from /dev/disk/usb/0/0raw"...
<OscarL> then I got "usb_disk: sending the command block wrapper failed: Device check-sum error"
<OscarL> some "usb error ehci 4: qtd" lines... then "usb hub 36: port 6 device removed"... and lastly:
<OscarL> "usb_disk: failed to queue data transfer: Unknown Device Error".
<waddlesplash> those ehci qtd errors do happen, they're indeed annoying
<waddlesplash> I never learned about anything other than XHCI really so I can't do much
<OscarL> I see. The last line was the one that got me more puzzled... as in... didn't the eject had made "things stop" already?
<OscarL> (as in... there were things still queued even after an eject? Sorry if I'm talking non-sense)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57547] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 230de61bd65f - registrar: Truncate the recent apps/entries lists to 100 items.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57548] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b2720cd3d986 - BScrollView: Don't adjust other dimension if it's negative.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57549] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a162e7af9979 - desklink: Size custom items based on Deskbar's current icon size.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57550] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6a47944773e8 - kernel/condition_variable: Add another check of the wait status after _RemoveFromVariable.
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<OscarL> When you open some older apps (Pe, and Keymap Switcher for example), their TitleBar appears partially offscreen at the top.
<OscarL> is that something that needs fixing in each app individually, or is it something that could be handled on by the InterfaceKit? (or app_serve, I guess?)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57551] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ef1427bb586c - PowerStatus: Add logic to automatically install in Deskbar.
<OscarL> TV link on Deskbar->Applications is broken... Get Info says: points to: "apps (broken)" (I've got haiku_extras installed, and /boot/system/apps/TV does exists).
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<OscarL> the webpositive package uses "AddSymlinkToPackage data deskbar menu Applications" to add that symlink...
<OscarL> errr.... webpositive does: : "AddSymlinkToPackage data deskbar menu Applications : ../../../../apps/WebPositive : WebPositive ;" actually.
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* OscarL will pester humdinger when he's around :-P
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* OscarL left a comment on instead :-D
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I did something similar on recently, but haven't got any answer yet ...
<OscarL> jmairboeck: let roast humdinger together next time he shows up, then! :-P
<jmairboeck> what do you think about adding provides entries to haiku_extras?
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<OscarL> sounds ultra reasonable, I only added haiku_extras because I *knew* it contained acpi_call (by keeping track of discussions elsewhere).
<jmairboeck> maybe I should just submit a patch ...
<OscarL> always nicer to do `pkgman install cmd:acpi_call` :-D
<OscarL> +1
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<OscarL> unpluging a tablet that is being used by usb_rndis is unwise... "PANIC: _mutex_lock(): uninitialized lock 0xffffffffb5e8fb0"
<OscarL> (wasn't actively using the connection, but...)
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* OscarL really wishes we had an equivalent to BeOS /bin/rescan to force reloading of drivers.
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<scanty> hi. I just downloaded the boost c++ library headers. where should they live?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57552] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ed574cce93ee - TTY: Return success on partial writes.
<OscarL> scanty: Not sure (as I don't have it installed) but... you can open the boost .hpkg with Expander and see its content.
<scanty> as far as i can tell, only the boost libraries are in the Depot, and not the headers
<OscarL> `Expander /system/package/boost [instert TAB]` on a Termianl should help :
<OscarL> scanty: `pkgman search boost` shows several boostxxx_devel packages as well.
<scanty> hmmm
<OscarL> you might one one of those if you intend to compile against them.
<OscarL> s/one one/want one/
<scanty> i'll take a a look
<OscarL> jmairboeck: LGMT, perhaps use commit message as: "haiku_extras: add provides for TV and acpi_call." (just nitpicking :-D)
<OscarL> s/LGMT/LGTM!/ (I can't properly type... as usual :-D)
<jmairboeck> good idea, thanks OscarL!
<scanty> ah, I needed the "devel" package
<scanty> thanks OscarL!
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: might as well fix the bug OscarL reported with a broken link at the same time
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<waddlesplash> see last comment on
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<OscarL> heh, poor jmairboeck, more work for him! No good deed goes unpunished :-P
<jmairboeck> ok, I can have a look
<scanty> yay my NES emulator is building *crosses fingers*
<OscarL> kinda odd that `pkgman search devel:boost` shows nothing.
<jmairboeck> shouldn't it be devel:libboost*?
<scanty> hmmm can't find libxml headers
<scanty> and i haive the devel package installed
* OscarL reading the .recipe... indeed jmairboeck!
<OscarL> scanty: libxml2_devel installed?
<scanty> yes
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<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: do you have a screenshot of the SMAP KDL on nfs?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57553] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cbe17a5f2377 - haiku_extras: add provides for TV and acpi_call
<OscarL> scanty: a whole lot of .recipes make use of libxml2, but I'm not experienced enough to help you find the issue. Perhaps as Begasus when you see him?
<scanty> yeah, i'm not sure what's going on.... the headers are installed
<scanty> looking into it now...
<OscarL> s/as Begasus/ask Begasus/
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<OscarL> scanty: /system/develop/headers/libxml2 ? (doesn't has a .pc file for pkg-config, but a libxml2-config.cmake...
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<OscarL> scanty: guess most of the recipes using it either use CMake, or autotools, and those do the heavy lifting of figuring out includedirs, and such.
<OscarL> morning coolcoder613_32 :-)
<scanty> OscarL, yeah i'm building from an old Makefile.
<scanty> could be the issue
<scanty> but i do have the headers in the right place.
<OscarL> perhaps you could "re-do" your make file using Haiku's makefile-enginge? (assuming your build process is not THAT complex).
<scanty> the headers are in /boot/system/develop/headers/libxml2/libxml
<OscarL> Tracker's New->Makefile should give you a nice template.
<scanty> /boot/system/develop/headers/libxml2/libxml/parser.h:13:10: fatal error: libxml/xmlversion.h: No such file or directory
<scanty> 13 | #include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
<scanty> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<OscarL> missing an "-I" flag?
<scanty> maybe.
<OscarL> The template I mention has easy to setup: "SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATHS = " and even "LOCAL_INCLUDE_PATHS =".
<scanty> oh i think i see the problem.
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<OscarL> I would give it a go :-D (been using makefile-engine since BeOS days).
<scanty> typo in the makefile\
<scanty> yay more headers not found.
<phschafft> haha
<OscarL> tyops? enever hapen to mi.
* OscarL notices waddlesplash already merged jmairboeck fixes. Nice. See? complaining about stuff sometimes DOES help :-P
<waddlesplash> :)
<scanty> hmm got to the BeOS code, some errors in there.
<scanty> haiku/ error: call of overloaded 'RemoveItem(long int)' is ambiguous
<scanty> 366 | fFileMenu->RemoveItem(0L);
<scanty> | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~
<scanty> In fil
<OscarL> L in 32 bits might be just int32 on 64?
<scanty> yeah probably
<scanty> I wish Pe had multiple tabs
* OscarL suspects there might be pointer and int32 version of RemoveItem(). Goes to take a look.
<scanty> had to remove the "L"
<scanty> in 0L
<OscarL> scanty you can use Stack&Tile to fake multiple tabs.
<OscarL> you should probably will need to cast it properly (if you intend to build it also on 32 bits, no?)
<OscarL> (man... that reads like Broken English... oh well...)
<scanty> yay linker errors
<OscarL> gettin' closer :-D
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<scanty> yeah
<scanty> doesn't like my inline assembly
<OscarL> scanty:, " fFileMenu->RemoveItem((int32)0);" should work for you on both 32/64, I think.
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<scanty> ah okay
<waddlesplash> ugh, I can't even get sshfs to work here
<waddlesplash> can't really debug these problems without it!
* OscarL offers waddlesplash either some tea to calm down, or some strong coffee to soldier on.
<OscarL> :-P
<OscarL> might need both?
<scanty> omg it linked
<OscarL> next up... KDL!
<OscarL> (that would be my case, surely :-P)
<scanty> wow it runs too
<OscarL> NOICE! well done! :-D
<scanty> have to find a rom to load
<scanty> it even has a proper icon
<OscarL> is NES what we called "Family Game" down here in South America?
<scanty> yes
<OscarL> a.k.a "famicom". cool!
<scanty> indeed
<scanty> i'm afraid to load a rom hehe
<OscarL> I'm a bit older than it... I had a local clone of the Atari 2600 a "Dynacom" made in Brazil, IIRC.
<scanty> have to replace some sse_copy routines with regular memcpy() otherwise no graphics.
<scanty> still have a lot of work to do
<scanty> have to port some x86 assembly to x64 and i'm not looking forward to it
<OscarL> still... less work than before! :-D
<scanty> well, it runs but the sound is fucke dup
<scanty> oh wow, big bug coming out of fullscreen mode
<scanty> could be a VM related thing.
<scanty> not sure yet
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<scanty> sound could be a vm thing too, i suppose
<scanty> i hope!
<scanty> all i know is that all this code worked on BeOS.
<scanty> so theoretically, it should work in Haiku.
<scanty> actually, the sound is not bad, once i turned it up a bit.
<scanty> so i'm guessing all the sound problems are VM related
<scanty> :^)
<OscarL> pretty cool!
<scanty> thanks :-)
<scanty> I'm just surprised that it actually built, and runs!
<scanty> no BDirectWindow, Full screen, or overlay yet.
<OscarL> we don't have overlay anyware :-(
<OscarL> so it will be BDirectWindow at best.
<scanty> ah, right, no accelerated graphics.
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<scanty> well, i'm still satisfied.
<scanty> man, i wish i had commented this ASM.
<OscarL> but I remember running BeMAME in an Athlon K7-900 MHz, so... we should have not much issue nowadays running Pretendo :-D
<scanty> true
<OscarL> still /me likes things using BDirectWindow :-D
<scanty> yeah, it's pretty neat once you learn how to use it
<scanty> definitely one of the harder pieces of code i have written for BeOS.
<OscarL> beats the hell out of anything I ever wrote :-)
<OscarL> I think my most complex thing was my /bin/poke replacement :-D
<scanty> :)
<OscarL> Welp.. experiments with this old phone and usb_rndis... unsuccessful (usb_rndis driver does picks it up, but errors out like crazy later on :-D)
<scanty> you don't have networking in haiku?
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<OscarL> trying to find what to use on a "new" netbook I got (no ethernet, and no functiona WiFi under Haiku).
<OscarL> my main PC (an old Phenom), and my old Atom N450, I use connected via ethernet to an old router :-)
<OscarL> time to report back my findings on Trac, and call it a day (at least the messing with devices part).
<scanty> gotcha.
<scanty> too bad :-(
<scanty> probably going to call it a day with coding too, but at the same time i'm very excited
<OscarL> happy for your progress too!
<scanty> i thought i would get all kinds of segfaults and KDLs etc.
<scanty> thanks :)
<scanty> its a testament to how good haiku actually is.
<scanty> PulkoMandy made me a nice icon
<scanty> years ago
<scanty> smoke, brb
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<OscarL> mmm, other crappy phone I've tested doesn't wants to enable USB-tethering unless it has a SIM in it. <insert expletives here>
<OscarL> but it is happy to share "internet" via bluetooth :-/ Makes no sense.
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<scanty> I have to learn how to use CMake
<scanty> any pointers, or websites i can go to, OscarL?
<OscarL> I speak a negative amount of any build systems, I'm afraid scanty :-D
<scanty> ah okay
<OscarL> I was spoiled by Delphi's simple dcc32.exe project.dpr, and that's all it took :-D
<scanty> I never got into pascal/delphi
<OscarL> other than that... I keep myself to makefile-engine based templates to make my life easier on Haiku, regarding C or C++ stuff.
<OscarL> seeing C++2x finally getting modules is kinda funny if you started with Pascal :-D
<OscarL> RIP Niklaus Wirth :-/
<scanty> i started programming with visual basic.
<scanty> many years ago
<scanty> then i moved to C/C++
<OscarL> I jumped all over the place, picking up just the tiniest bits of everything... and not being able to do much with the pieces :-D
<scanty> i learned C++ pretty much on BeOS
<OscarL> yeah, the little C and C++ I picked up, was reading source code for BeOS projects back in the day, and then the OpenBeOS stuff :-D
<OscarL> what an awesome experience it was running BeOS back in the days :-)
<scanty> yeah, it was a lot of fun
<scanty> i was using it full time
<scanty> i had a nice dual p3 700 machine with 512MB RAM
<scanty> best computer ever.
<OscarL> ran it *almost* full time too between 2002 and ends of 2005 (on the mentioned Athlon K7 @ 900 MHz, 256 MB SDR).
<scanty> i started using it in the late 90s when a friend sent me a CD of R4
<OscarL> nice! I found R5 PE on an inported edition of PC Magazine or something like that, in late 2000, but only tested it on a room-mate's AMD K5 with 16 MB of RAM :-D
<scanty> yikes, back then the AMD CPUs weren't that great, from what i remember
<OscarL> I had only a 486 DX2 back then :-(
<scanty> my first computer was a 486SX with 4MB RAM
<scanty> things on DOS ran fine... windows, different story.
<OscarL> the K5 PR133 punched a bit above its weight, thanksfully (still no match for pricier Pentiums MMXs and the PROs)
<scanty> my second computer was a P200MMX
<scanty> nice IBM machine
<OscarL> one I got the K7... we were in heaven :-D, heck... my 60 GB HDD was labeled "Bottomless" :-D
<scanty> it's funny, now I have more RAM than I did HD space back in the day
<OscarL> comming from my mate's 2 GB HDD, and my 640 MB Quantum Fireball... 60 GB was impossible to fill up :-D
<scanty> yeah, I think I had around 8 or 10 GB HD space... still hard to fill back then
<OscarL> even after ripping every CD we could get a hold of... we still had plenty of space :-D
<scanty> yeah, i remember when we first discovered mp3s
<scanty> downloading them on dial-up took forever
<OscarL> first mp3 we made.... an 11 mins Iron Maiden track... took about 3 hours to convert to mp3.
<scanty> wow
<OscarL> first encoders were SLOOOOOW :-D
<scanty> yeah... the computers were, too, we just didn't notice :^)
<OscarL> a couple of years later... we were blown away by "gogo-no-coda" for BeOS (a Japanese modification of Lame)
<OscarL> it was 10x faster than anything we had for DOS/Windows :-D
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<OscarL> not knowing better, we thought it was either magic, some trick, or this BeOS thing was REALLY good :-D
<OscarL> lots of dirty trick to speed up mp3 encoding, but gogo-no-coda wasn't playing dirty... it was just very well optimized...
<OscarL> unlike musicmatch's encoder, that did things as just using a 16 KHz filter to have less things to encode :-D
<scanty> i remember gogo!
<scanty> IIRC, it was written in ASM
<scanty> there was a frontend called GoGo Gadget
<OscarL> yup!
<scanty> ah.... good times :^)
<scanty> I use FLAC for everything now
<scanty> space is cheap.
<BrentNewhall> Good day! Anyone here familiar with Genio and know how to run the app you've built and display stdout at the bottom of the Genio window?
<scanty> man, if they can only port Kontact, I could use Haiku full time.
<OscarL> scanty: got most of my collections re-ripped with lame --r3mix back in the days.... was transparent when I was younger, and as I age doubt I'll ever notice :-D
<scanty> me too.... i've lost a bit of hearing from going to concerts and clubs and being in the front near the speakers
<OscarL> Hello BrentNewhall. Still not using Genio regularly here, so I'm not of much help, sorry.
<x512[m]> scanty: Is there any native BeOS/Haiku NES emulator (do not use Qt/SDL etc.)?
<OscarL> BrentNewhall: if you see AtomoZero here, ask him. Or you can also try asking over the forum?
<scanty> x512[m], there is mine.
<scanty> which i just got compiling today
<scanty> it needs a bit of work.
coolcoder613_ is now known as coolcoder613
<scanty> BeNES is 32-bit only AFAIK
<scanty> OscarL I remember when I was much younger, I was able to hear the 31KHz flyback transformer power up the TV
<scanty> I'd be surprised if I could hear above 15KHz now.
<OscarL> Hearing 31 KHz makes you superman. Surely you heard one of the lower harmonics (even if 20 KHz).
<scanty> yeah, I can't hear 20KHz anymore
<scanty> earm 20Hz rather
<scanty> well both
<scanty> :^)
<OscarL> we ran some audiometries back in university (I was studing bio-medical engineering)... most of our fellow students were pretty deaf :-D
<OscarL> too much "clubing" :-D
<scanty> yeah
<scanty> i studied electronics.... computers were always a side hobby for me
<scanty> i didn't choose to learn computers in college because it was very boring.
<OscarL> somehow people that liked metal music had better hearing thresholds, we found out :-D
<OscarL> was pretty funny. I guess big concerts weren't so frequent, as with people that went to dancing every weekend :-D
<phschafft> I have this condition that basically mutes the speech range for me.
<scanty> i believe telephone is 3.3KHz.... can you hear that?
<OscarL> phschafft: in general, or for some people in particular? I know a few cases of "selective deafness" :-/
<phschafft> but higher frequencies are fine, and I'm always happy if someone 'dares' to use a note > 1kHz ;)
<phschafft> OscarL: haha.
<phschafft> OscarL: more like -80dB at 500Hz .. 5kHz ;)
<OscarL> ouch :-(
<scanty> yikes
<OscarL> or a blessing, if you hate people :-D
<scanty> haha
<phschafft> but I could hear the the difference between the timings of two different operating systems for a CRT set to the same settings thru a solid stone wall.
<phschafft> (different systems still use a slightly different timing for those many, many parameters VGA actually has)
<phschafft> haha.
<scanty> it's in the works.
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* OscarL remembers messing with modelines and hearing his mistakes :-D
<phschafft> ;)
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<scanty> hmmm someone on my ISP
<scanty> let's see if they are near me....
* scanty does a reverse ip lookukp
<scanty> lookup*
<x512[m]> Wanted to run some NES emulator on Haiku riscv64 on VisionFive 2.
<OscarL> BrentNewhall: still here? I've just installed Genio, build the example "Console application", and was able to run it and see the output on Genio's Console I/O tab at the bottom.
<scanty> ah he was in NYC
<OscarL> BrentNewhall: what I did was going to "Project->Project settings...", and marked the "Run in Terminal" checkbox, and just in case, added "my_cli_app" in the "Release project target" field)
<OscarL> BrentNewhall: the I just hit the big green "Play" button at the toolbar, and presto... output was sent to Console I/O.
<scanty> x512[m] there's some ASM in my emulator, it would have to be backported to C in order to run on non-x86/x64 platforms